Mercurial > hg > Members > kono > nitros9-code
view level1/modules/covdg.asm @ 2961:061bb0ed9c16
alib/makefile: Remove unused dskclean target
author | Tormod Volden <> |
date | Sun, 09 Feb 2014 23:40:34 +0100 |
parents | b8c7b7fbf3c9 |
children | 64ad5cd0b912 8f5a6fe2d09e |
line wrap: on
line source
******************************************************************** * CoVDG - VDG Console Output Subroutine for VTIO * * $Id$ * * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by * Comment * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * 1 ????/??/?? * From Tandy OS-9 Level One VR 02.00.00 * * 2003/09/22 Rodney Hamilton * recoded dispatch table fcbs, fixed cursor color bug nam CoVDG ttl VDG Console Output Subroutine for VTIO * Disassembled 98/08/23 17:47:40 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML ifp1 use defsfile use cocovtio.d endc tylg set Systm+Objct atrv set ReEnt+rev rev set $00 edition set 1 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size u0000 rmb 0 size equ . fcb $07 name fcs /CoVDG/ fcb edition start equ * lbra Init lbra Write lbra GetStat lbra SetStat Term pshs y,x pshs u save U ldd #512 32x16 VDG memory size ldu <V.ScrnA,u get pointer to memory os9 F$SRtMem return to system puls u restore U ldb <V.COLoad,u andb #~ModCoVDG bra L0086 * Init Init pshs y,x save regs lda #$AF sta <V.CColr,u save default color cursor pshs u save static ptr ldd #768 allocate 768 bytes for now os9 F$SRqMem get it tfr u,d put ptr in D tfr u,x and X bita #$01 odd page? beq L0052 branch if not leax >256,x else move X up 256 bytes bra L0056 and return first 256 bytes L0052 leau >512,u else move X up 512 bytes L0056 ldd #256 and return last 256 bytes os9 F$SRtMem free it! puls u restore static ptr stx <V.ScrnA,u save VDG screen memory pshs y leay -$0E,y clra clrb jsr [<V.DspVct,u] display screen (routine in VTIO) puls y stx <V.CrsrA,u save start cursor position leax >512,x point to end of screen stx <V.ScrnE,u save it lda #$60 get default character sta <V.CChar,u put character under the cursor sta <V.Chr1,u only referenced here ?? lbsr ClrScrn clear the screen ldb <V.COLoad,u orb #ModCoVDG set to CoVDG found (?) L0086 stb <V.COLoad,u clrb puls pc,y,x * Write * Entry: A = char to write * Y = path desc ptr Write tsta bmi L00D0 cmpa #$1F byte $1F? bls Dispatch branch if lower or same ldb <V.CFlag,u beq L00B0 cmpa #$5E bne L00A0 lda #$00 bra L00D0 L00A0 cmpa #$5F bne L00A8 lda #$1F bra L00D0 L00A8 cmpa #$60 bne L00C0 lda #$67 bra L00D0 L00B0 cmpa #$7C bne L00B8 lda #$21 bra L00D0 L00B8 cmpa #$7E bne L00C0 lda #$2D bra L00D0 L00C0 cmpa #$60 bcs L00C8 suba #$60 bra L00D0 L00C8 cmpa #$40 bcs L00CE suba #$40 L00CE eora #$40 L00D0 ldx <V.CrsrA,u get cursor address in X sta ,x+ store character at address stx <V.CrsrA,u update cursor address cmpx <V.ScrnE,u end of screen? bcs L00DF branch if not bsr SScrl else if at end of screen, scroll it L00DF bsr ShowCrsr ends with a CLRB/RTS anyhow * no operation entry point NoOp clrb rts * Screen Scroll Routine SScrl ldx <V.ScrnA,u get address of screen leax <32,x move to 2nd line L00E9 ldd ,x++ copy from this line std <-34,x to prevous cmpx <V.ScrnE,u at end of screen yet? bcs L00E9 branch if not leax <-32,x else back up one line stx <V.CrsrA,u save address of cursor (first col of last row) lda #32 clear out row... ldb #$60 ...width spaces L00FD stb ,x+ do it... deca end of rope? bne L00FD branch if not L0102 rts Dispatch cmpa #$1B escape code? bcc bad@ branch if same or greater cmpa #$0E $0E? bhi L0102 branch if higher than leax <DCodeTbl,pcr deal with screen codes lsla adjust for table entry size ldd a,x get address in D jmp d,x and jump to routine bad@ comb ldb #E$Write rts * display functions dispatch table DCodeTbl fdb NoOp-DCodeTbl $00:no-op (null) fdb CurHome-DCodeTbl $01:HOME cursor fdb CurXY-DCodeTbl $02:CURSOR XY fdb DelLine-DCodeTbl $03:ERASE LINE fdb ErEOLine-DCodeTbl $04:CLEAR TO EOL fdb Do05-DCodeTbl $05:CURSOR ON/OFF fdb CurRght-DCodeTbl $005e $06:CURSOR RIGHT fdb NoOp-DCodeTbl $07:no-op (bel:handled in VTIO) fdb CurLeft-DCodeTbl $0050 $08:CURSOR LEFT fdb CurUp-DCodeTbl $0119 $09:CURSOR UP fdb CurDown-DCodeTbl $0038 $0A:CURSOR DOWN fdb ErEOScrn-DCodeTbl $006c $0B:ERASE TO EOS fdb ClrScrn-DCodeTbl $0070 $0C:CLEAR SCREEN fdb Retrn-DCodeTbl $001e $0D:RETURN fdb DoAlpha-DCodeTbl $012a $0E:DISPLAY ALPHA * $0D - move cursor to start of line (carriage return) Retrn bsr HideCrsr hide cursor tfr x,d put cursor address in D andb #$E0 place at start of line stb <V.CrsAL,u and save low cursor address ShowCrsr ldx <V.CrsrA,u get cursor address lda ,x get char at cursor position sta <V.CChar,u save it lda <V.CColr,u get cursor character beq L014D branch if none L014B sta ,x else turn on cursor L014D clrb rts * $0A - cursor down (line feed) CurDown bsr HideCrsr hide cursor leax <32,x move X down one line cmpx <V.ScrnE,u at end of screen? bcs L0162 branch if not leax <-32,x else go back up one line pshs x save X bsr SScrl and scroll the screen puls x restore pointer L0162 stx <V.CrsrA,u save cursor pointer bra ShowCrsr show cursor * $08 - cursor left CurLeft bsr HideCrsr hide cursor cmpx <V.ScrnA,u compare against start of screen bls L0173 ignore it if at the screen start leax -$01,x else back up one stx <V.CrsrA,u save updated pointer L0173 bra ShowCrsr and show cursor * $06 - cursor right CurRght bsr HideCrsr hide cursor leax $01,x move to the right cmpx <V.ScrnE,u compare against end of screen bcc L0181 if past end, ignore it stx <V.CrsrA,u else save updated pointer L0181 bra ShowCrsr and show cursor * $0B - erase to end of screen ErEOScrn bsr HideCrsr kill the cusror bra L0189 and clear rest of the screen * $0C - clear screen ClrScrn bsr CurHome home cursor L0189 lda #$60 get default char L018B sta ,x+ save at location cmpx <V.ScrnE,u end of screen? bcs L018B branch if not bra ShowCrsr now show cursor * $01 - home cursor CurHome bsr HideCrsr hide cursor ldx <V.ScrnA,u $1D get pointer to screen stx <V.CrsrA,u $21 save as new cursor position bra ShowCrsr and show it * Hides the cursor from the screen * Exit: X = address of cursor HideCrsr ldx <V.CrsrA,u $21 get address of cursor in X lda <V.CChar,u $23 get value of char under cursor sta ,x put char in place of cursor clrb must be here, in general, for [...] BRA HideCrsr rts * $05 XX - set cursor off/on/color per XX-32 Do05 ldb #$01 need additional byte leax <CrsrSw,pcr bra L01E5 CrsrSw lda <V.NChr2,u get next char suba #C$SPAC take out ASCII space bne L01BB branch if not zero sta <V.CColr,u else save cursor color zero (no cursor) bra HideCrsr and hide cursor L01BB cmpa #$0B greater than $0B? bge L014D yep, just ignore byte cmpa #$01 is it one? bgt L01C7 branch if greater lda #$AF else get default blue cursor color bra L01D7 and save cursor color L01C7 cmpa #$02 is it two? bgt L01CF branch if larger lda #$A0 else get black cursor color bra L01D7 and save it ** BUG ** BUG ** BUG ** BUG L01CF suba #$03 ** BUG FIXED! ** !!! Was SUBB lsla shift into upper nibble lsla lsla lsla ora #$8F L01D7 sta <V.CColr,u save new cursor ldx <V.CrsrA,u get cursor address lbra L014B branch to save cursor in X * $02 XX YY - move cursor to col XX-32, row YY-32 CurXY ldb #$02 we want to claim next two chars leax <DoCurXY,pcr point to processing routine L01E5 stx <V.RTAdd,u store routine to return to stb <V.NGChr,u get two more chars clrb rts DoCurXY bsr HideCrsr hide cursor ldb <V.NChr2,u get ASCII Y-pos subb #C$SPAC take out ASCII space lda #32 go down mul multiply it addb <V.NChar,u add in X-pos adca #$00 subd #C$SPAC take out another ASCII space addd <V.ScrnA,u add top of screen address cmpd <V.ScrnE,u at end of the screen? lbcc L014D exit if off the screen std <V.CrsrA,u otherwise save new cursor address lbra ShowCrsr and show cursor * $04 - erase to end of line ErEOLine bsr HideCrsr hide cursor tfr x,d move current cursor position in D andb #$1F number of characters put on this line pshs b ldb #32 subb ,s+ bra L0223 and clear one line * $03 - erase line DelLine lbsr Retrn do a CR ldb #32 line length L0223 lda #$60 get default character ldx <V.CrsrA,u get cursor address L0228 sta ,x+ fill screen line with 'space' decb decrement bne L0228 and branch if not end lbra ShowCrsr else show cursor * $09 - cursor up CurUp lbsr HideCrsr hide cursor leax <-32,x move X up one line cmpx <V.ScrnA,u compare against start of screen bcs L023E branch if we went beyond stx <V.CrsrA,u else store updated X L023E lbra ShowCrsr and show cursor * $0E - switch screen to alphanumeric mode DoAlpha clra clrb jmp [<V.DspVct,u] display screen (routine in VTIO) * GetStat GetStat ldx PD.RGS,y get caller's regs cmpa #SS.AlfaS AlfaS? beq Rt.AlfaS branch if so cmpa #SS.Cursr Cursr? beq Rt.Cursr branch if so * SetStat SetStat comb ldb #E$UnkSvc rts * SS.AlfaS getstat Rt.AlfaS ldd <V.ScrnA,u memory address of buffer std R$X,x save in caller's X ldd <V.CrsrA,u get cursor address std R$Y,x save in caller's Y lda <V.Caps,u save caps lock status in A and exit bra SaveA * SS.Cursr getstat Rt.Cursr ldd <V.CrsrA,u get address of cursor subd <V.ScrnA,u subtract screen address pshs b,a D now holds cursor position relative to screen clra andb #$1F addb #$20 compute column position std R$X,x save column position to caller's X puls b,a then divide by 32 lsra rolb rolb rolb rolb clra andb #$0F only 16 line to a screen addb #$20 std R$Y,x and save column to caller's Y ldb <V.CFlag,u lda <V.CChar,u get character under cursor bmi SaveA if hi bit set, go on cmpa #$60 VDG space? bcc L02A5 branch if greater than cmpa #$20 bcc L02A9 tstb beq L02A3 cmpa #$00 bne L029B lda #$5E bra SaveA save it and exit L029B cmpa #$1F bne L02A3 lda #$5F bra SaveA L02A3 ora #$20 turn it into ASCII from VDG codes L02A5 eora #$40 bra SaveA L02A9 tstb bne SaveA cmpa #$21 remap specific codes bne L02B4 lda #$7C bra SaveA L02B4 cmpa #$2D bne SaveA lda #$7E SaveA sta R$A,x clrb rts emod eom equ * end