view 3rdparty/subrtns/hires.asm @ 145:099333bc912e

More splitups.
author roug
date Sun, 07 Jul 2002 09:54:04 +0000
parents 6641a883d6b0
children 900ceed1880a
line wrap: on
line source

Level    equ   2

         use   os9defs

         mod   eom,name,Sbrtn+Objct,Reent+0,HiRes,size

size     equ   .

name     fcs   /HiRes/
         fcb   $01

* Hi-Res Read Routine
* Taken in part from "High Hopes for the Hi-Res"
* by William Barden, Jr., Rainbow Magazine, Feb 1990, pp. 42
* Entry:
*   X  = $0000 for Right, $0001 for Left
* Exit:
*   2,s = param count (should be 4)
*   4,s = addr of 1st param            (joystick number)
*   6,s = size of 1st param
*   8,s = addr of 2nd param            (joystick X)
*  10,s = size of 2nd param
*  12,s = addr of 3rd param            (joystick Y)
*  14,s = size of 3rd param
*  16,s = addr of 4th param            (joystick button)
*  18,s = size of 4th param

HiRes    ldd   2,s        get param count
         cmpd  #4         4 params?
         bne   error
         ldd   [4,s]      get joystick num.
* fix up joystick value
         lslb             shift left 3 times
         pshs  b
         lda   #$00       fetch X value
         bsr   HiResHW
         std   [9,s]      save in param addr
         lda   #$08       fetch Y value
         ldb   ,s+        get joystick selector
         bsr   HiResHW
         std   [12,s]
* get button value
         ldb   #$FF
         stb   $FF02
         ldb   $FF00
         clr   $FF02
         tst   [5,s]
         beq   BtnLft
         andb  #$05
         bra   BtnCnt
BtnLft   andb  #$0A
BtnCnt   lsrb  
         bcc   BtnCnt2
         orb   #$01
BtnCnt2  std   [16,s]     save button
         clrb             no error
error    coma  
         ldb   #E$IllArg

* Hi-Res Hardware read routine
* This code is a hybrid of William Barden's Hi-Res
* interface code in the February 1990 Rainbow, and
* the code in CC3IO.  It prevents infinite looping
* that can happen in Barden's code.  It also caps the
* value at 639.
* Entry:
*   A  = value to place in $FF01 (00 for X, 08 for Y)
*   B  = value to place in $FF03 (00 for Right, 08 for Left)
* Exit:
*   D  = value

* Delays for CoCo 3 OS-9 Level Two vs. CoCo 2 OS-9 Level One
         ifgt  Level-1
SETTLDLY equ   $5E
POLLDLY  equ   $0329
HIVAL    equ   640
SETTLDLY equ   $5E*2
POLLDLY  equ   $0194
HIVAL    equ   320

HiResHW  pshs  a
         lda   $FF01
         anda  #$F7
         ora   ,s+
         sta   $FF01      select X or Y

         pshs  b
         lda   $FF03
         anda  #$F7
         ora   ,s+
         sta   $FF03      select Right or Left

* turn off ramp
         lda   $FF20
         anda  #$03
         ora   #$FC
         sta   $FF20      turn off ramp

* delay for settling
         ldb   #SETTLDLY  delay loop
Settle   decb  
         bne   Settle

         ldd   #POLLDLY
         pshs  a
         lda   $FF20
         anda  #$23
         sta   $FF20      turn on ramp
RampCnt  lda   $FF00      get byte at $FF00
         bmi   CompVal    branch if voltage hit
         decb             B initially $29
         bne   RampCnt
         dec   ,s         ,S initially $03
         bpl   RampCnt
         puls  a
         ldd   #HIVAL-1   just assume highest
CompVal  puls  a
         pshs  b,a        push hi-res count
         ldd   #HIVAL
         subd  ,s++       subtract count from 640
         bcc   CompVal2
CompVal2 cmpd  #HIVAL-1
         bcs   HiHWRts
         ldd   #HIVAL-1
HiHWRts  rts   

eom      equ   *