view docs/nitros9guide/keys.appendix @ 2772:0a3f4d8ea6d5

Found ENDC in wrong location in dwread.asm and dwwrite.asm. Corrected. Moved the native 6309 code in dwread.asm and dwwrite.asm into the H6309 labeled area and changed IFEQ H6309 to IFNE H6309. Also moved the 57600bps 6809 code to the default location. This change had been done in the old dwread.asm and dwwrite.asm files to make it easier to follow. Though these two files were overwritten from the HDBDOS project dwread.asm and dwwrite.asm files. So this conversion needed to be done again so it made the source easier to follow.
author drencor-xeen
date Wed, 23 Jan 2013 12:36:55 -0600
parents 4dae346c4969
line wrap: on
line source

<appendix id="key-definitions">
<title>Key Definitions With Hexadecimal Values</title>
<literallayout class="monospaced">
----  ----  ------    ----  ----  ------    ----  ----  ------
0 30  0 30      --    @ 40  ' 60  NUL 00    P 50  p 70  DLE 10
1 31  1 21  |   7C    A 41  a 61  SOH 01    Q 51  q 71  DC1 11
2 32  &quot; 22      00    B 42  b 62  STX 02    R 52  r 72  DC2 12
3 33  # 23  -   7E    C 43  c 63  ETX O3    S 53  s 73  DC3 13
4 34  $ 24      00    0 44  d 64  EOT 04    T 54  t 74  DC4 14
5 35  % 25      00    E 45  e 65  END O5    U 55  u 75  NAK 15
6 36  &amp; 26      00    F 46  f 66  ACK 06    V 56  V 76  SYN 16
7 37  ' 27      5E    G 47  g 67  BEL O7    W 57  w 77  ETB 17
8 38  ( 28  [   5B    H 48  h 68  BSP 08    X 58  x 78  CAN 18
9 39  ) 29  ]   5D    I 49  i 69  HT  O9    Y 59  y 79  EM  19
: 3A  * 2A      00    J 4A  j 6A  LF  CA    Z 5A  z 7A  SUM 1A
; 3B  + 2B      00    K 4B  k 6B  VT  OB
, 2C  &lt; 3C  {   7B    L 4C  l 6C  FF  0C
- 2D  = 3D  -   5F    M 4D  m 6D  CR  00
. 2E  &gt; 3E  }   7D    N 4E  n 6E  CO  CE
/ 2F  ? 3F  \   5C    O 4F  o 6F  CI  OF


        NORM  SHFT  CTRL
        ----  ----  ----
 BREAK   05    03    1B
 ENTER   0D    0D    0D
 SPACE   20    20    20
  &lt;-     08    18    10
  -&gt;     09    19    11
  v      0A    1A    12
  ^      0C    1C    13