Mercurial > hg > Members > kono > nitros9-code
view lib/scfdefs.a @ 2772:0a3f4d8ea6d5
Found ENDC in wrong location in dwread.asm and dwwrite.asm. Corrected.
Moved the native 6309 code in dwread.asm and dwwrite.asm into the H6309 labeled area and changed IFEQ H6309 to IFNE H6309. Also moved the 57600bps 6809 code to the default location. This change had been done in the old dwread.asm and dwwrite.asm files to make it easier to follow. Though these two files were overwritten from the HDBDOS project dwread.asm and dwwrite.asm files. So this conversion needed to be done again so it made the source easier to follow.
author | drencor-xeen |
date | Wed, 23 Jan 2013 12:36:55 -0600 |
parents | a894bfdef5b3 |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
******************************************************************** * SCFDefs - Sequential Character File Manager Definitions * * $Id$ * * SCF stands for 'Sequential Character Filemanager' and is a package of subroutines * that define the logical structure of a serial device. * * The data structures in this file give SCF its 'personality' and are used * by SCF itself, as well as applications that will require disk I/O. * * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by * Comment * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * 1984/01/11 YO * Added V.KANJI, V.KBUF, V.MODADR for new kanji input process. * * 1985/04/20 Mark G. Hawkins * Added V.PDLHd Path Descriptor List Head. * * 1985/04/21 Mark G. Hawkins * Added PD.PLP and PD.PST for modem handling. * * 1987/06/23 Kevin K. Darling * Updated with Dev Desc info. * * 1998/10/03 Boisy G. Pitre * Consolidated L1/L2 scfdefs. * * 2003/01/21 Boisy G. Pitre * Added symbolics for enhanced SCF line editing. * * 2003/06/02 Boisy G. Pitre * Updated comments for clarity. * * 2004/05/17 Boisy G. Pitre * Added higher baud rates. NAM SCFDefs TTL Sequential File Manager Definitions PAG ******************************* * SCF Device Descriptor Offsets * * These definitions are for SCF device descriptors. csect RMB M$DTyp IT.DVC: RMB 1 Device type (DT.SCF) IT.UPC: RMB 1 Uppercase flag IT.BSO: RMB 1 Backspace behavior IT.DLO: RMB 1 Delete behavior IT.EKO: RMB 1 Echo flag IT.ALF: RMB 1 Auto linefeed flag IT.NUL: RMB 1 End-of-line null count IT.PAU: RMB 1 Page pause flag IT.PAG: RMB 1 Number of lines per page IT.BSP: RMB 1 Backspace character IT.DEL: RMB 1 Delete-line character IT.EOR: RMB 1 End-of-record character IT.EOF: RMB 1 End-of-file character IT.RPR: RMB 1 Reprint-line character IT.DUP: RMB 1 Duplicate-last-line character IT.PSC: RMB 1 Pause character IT.INT: RMB 1 Interrupt character IT.QUT: RMB 1 Quit character IT.BSE: RMB 1 Backspace echo character IT.OVF: RMB 1 Bell character IT.PAR: RMB 1 Parity IT.BAU: RMB 1 Baud rate IT.D2P: RMB 2 Attached device name string offset IT.XON: RMB 1 X-ON character IT.XOF: RMB 1 X-OFF character IT.COL: RMB 1 Number of columns for display IT.ROW: RMB 1 Number of rows for display IT.XTYP: RMB 1 Extended type (added by BRI) * IFGT Level-1 * Window Descriptor Additions * For CoCo window, where IT.PAR = $80 RMB IT.ROW+1 IT.WND: RMB 1 Window number (matches device name) ($2E) IT.VAL: RMB 1 Use defaults on Init (0=no, 1=yes) IT.STY: RMB 1 Screen type default IT.CPX: RMB 1 Column start default IT.CPY: RMB 1 Row start default IT.FGC: RMB 1 Foreground color default IT.BGC: RMB 1 Background color default IT.BDC: RMB 1 Border color default * ENDC endsect PAG ******************** * SCF Static Storage * * SCF devices must reserve this space for SCF * csect RMB V.USER V.TYPE: RMB 1 Device type or parity V.LINE: RMB 1 Lines left until end of page V.PAUS: RMB 1 Immediate Pause request V.DEV2: RMB 2 Attached device's static V.INTR: RMB 1 Interrupt char V.QUIT: RMB 1 Quit char V.PCHR: RMB 1 Pause char V.ERR: RMB 1 Accumulated errors V.XON: RMB 1 X-On char V.XOFF: RMB 1 X-Off char V.KANJI: RMB 1 Kanji mode flag V.KBUF: RMB 2 Kana - Kanji convert routine work address V.MODADR: RMB 2 Kana - Kanji convert module address V.PDLHd: RMB 2 Open path descriptor list head pointer V.RSV: RMB 5 Reserve bytes for future expansion V.SCF: EQU * Total SCF manager static overhead endsect PAG *********************** * Character Definitions * C$NULL: SET 0 Null char C$RPET: SET $01 (CTRL-A - SOH) Repeat last input line C$INTR: SET $03 (CTRL-C - ETX) Keyboard interrupt C$RPRT: SET $04 (CTRL-D - EOT) Reprint current input line C$QUIT: SET $05 (CTRL-E - ENQ) Keyboard Abort C$BELL: SET $07 (CTRL-G - BEL) Line overflow warning C$BSP: SET $08 (CTRL-H - BS ) Back space C$RARR: SET $09 Right Arrow C$EL: SET $05 Erase Line C$LF: SET $0A Line feed C$HOME: SET $0B Home position Code C$Clsgr: SET $15 Graphic screen clear (use FM-11) C$Clsall: SET $16 Graphic & character clear (use FM-11) C$CR: SET $0D Carriage return C$FORM: SET $0C (CTRL-L - FF ) Form Feed ... screen clear C$SI: SET $0F Shift IN Code C$SO: SET $0E Shift OUT Code C$DELETE: SET $10 Delete char (for SCF enhanced line editing) C$XON: SET $11 (CTRL-Q - DC1) Transmit Enable C$INSERT: SET C$XON Insert char (for SCF enhanced line editing) C$XOFF: SET $13 (CTRL-S - DC3) Transmit Disable C$PLINE: SET C$XOFF Print remaining line (for SCF enhanced line editing) C$PAUS: SET $17 (CTRL-W - ETB) Pause character C$DEL: SET $18 (CTRL-X - CAN) Delete line C$SHRARR: SET $19 Shift Right-Arrow C$EOF: SET $1B (CTRL-[ - ESC) END of file C$RGT: SET $1C Cursor right C$LFT: SET $1D Cursor left C$UP: SET $1E Cursor up C$DWN: SET $1F Cursor down C$SPAC: SET $20 Space C$PERD: SET '. C$COMA: SET ', PAG ********************************************* * Sequential Character Path Descriptor Format * * A path descriptor is created for every new path that is open * via the I$Open system call (processed by IOMan). Process * descriptors track state information of a path. * csect RMB PD.FST PD.DV2: RMB 2 Output device table pointer PD.RAW: RMB 1 Read/Write or ReadLn/WritLn mode PD.MAX: RMB 2 ReadLn high byte count PD.MIN: RMB 1 Devices are "mine" if clear PD.STS: RMB 2 Status routine module addr PD.STM: RMB 2 Reserved for status routine endsect csect RMB PD.OPT RMB 1 Device type PD.UPC: RMB 1 Case (0=both, 1=upper only) PD.BSO: RMB 1 Backspace (0=BSE, 1=BSE,SP,BSE) PD.DLO: RMB 1 Delete (0=BSE over line, 1=CRLF) PD.EKO: RMB 1 Echo (0=No Echo) PD.ALF: RMB 1 Auto linefeed (0=No auto LF) PD.NUL: RMB 1 End of Line null count PD.PAU: RMB 1 Page pause (0=No end of page pause) PD.PAG: RMB 1 Lines per page PD.BSP: RMB 1 Backspace character PD.DEL: RMB 1 Delete Line character PD.EOR: RMB 1 End of Record character (read only) PD.EOF: RMB 1 End of File character PD.RPR: RMB 1 Repront Line character PD.DUP: RMB 1 Dup Last Line character PD.PSC: RMB 1 Pause character PD.INT: RMB 1 Keyboard interrupt character (CTRL-C) PD.QUT: RMB 1 Keyboard quit character (CTRL-E) PD.BSE: RMB 1 Backspace echo character PD.OVF: RMB 1 Line overflow character (BELL) PD.PAR: RMB 1 Parity code PD.BAU: RMB 1 ACIA baud rate (Color Computer) PD.D2P: RMB 2 Offset of DEV2 name PD.XON: RMB 1 ACIA X-ON character PD.XOFF: RMB 1 ACIA X-OFF character OPTCNT EQU *-PD.OPT Total user settable options PD.ERR: RMB 1 Most recent I/O error status PD.TBL: RMB 2 Device table addr (copy) PD.PLP: RMB 2 Path Descriptor List Pointer PD.PST: RMB 1 Current path status endsect * PD.PST values Path Descriptor Status byte * PST.DCD: EQU %00000001 Set if DCD is lost on Serial port * PD.PAR definitions * * Parity PARNONE: EQU %00000000 PARODD: EQU %00100000 PAREVEN: EQU %01100000 PARMARK: EQU %10100000 PARSPACE: EQU %11100000 * PD.BAU definitions * * Baud rate B110: EQU %00000000 B300: EQU %00000001 B600: EQU %00000010 B1200: EQU %00000011 B2400: EQU %00000100 B4800: EQU %00000101 B9600: EQU %00000110 B19200: EQU %00000111 B38400: EQU %00001000 B57600: EQU %00001001 B115200: EQU %00001010 * Word size WORD8: EQU %00000000 WORD7: EQU %00100000 * Stop bits STOP1: EQU %00000000 STOP2: EQU %00010000