view 3rdparty/packages/subsim/mission.txt @ 2140:1712fac2daac

author boisy
date Wed, 26 Dec 2007 16:16:31 +0000
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Your first war patrol starts at
Bremerhaven (54 deg North, 6 deg East)
on 5 September 1939 with a brand new
Type VII.  The assigned patrol area is
at 0 deg East, 51 deg North.  You
should patrol there for three days.
You are then to proceed to 1 deg West,
57 deg North for 19 days.  You should
be home well before the 2 of October
1939.  Your mission is to sink all
British shipping sighted.
You are to leave Wilhelmshaven (54 deg
North, 4 deg East) in your Type II on
3 November 1939 for an important
patrol.  Your patrol starts 8 November
1939 at 4 deg West, 47 deg North.
Your primary mission is to sink all
enemy merchantmen sighted during your
ten days on station.  You should
return to Wilhelmshaven when patrol is
complete or torpedoes exhausted.
From your base at Bremerhaven (54 deg
North, 6 deg East) you are to leave on
New Year's day 1940, in a Type VII, in
order to sink enemy shipping around 49
deg West, 49 deg North.  You will stay
for 10 days and then should return
home before the first of February.
After leaving Wilhelmshaven(54 deg
North, 4 deg East) on the 29 February
1940 go to the enemy shipping lanes at
52 deg North, 1 deg East in your Type
II.  When you have arrived at this
area, you are to lay mines.  As you
will be operating in the Channel,
beware of enemy planes!  You will be
on patrol for twenty days after the
mines are laid.  You should return to
Wilhelmshaven by 26 March 1940.
With the conquest of France nearly
complete, we have more bases allowing
us to patrol more effectively than
before.  You will leave St.  Nazaire
(47 deg North, 3 deg West) in a type
VII on 28 April 1940 to hunt convoy
shipping around 74 deg West, 38 deg
North for 12 days.  Intelligence warns
of large, well-protected convoys in
that vicinity.	We expect to see you
again after being gone for about 65
days, sometime around the 3 July 1940.
You are to leave Lorient (47 deg
North, 4 deg West) in a Type II
submarine on the 26 June 1940 for your
striking position of 4 deg West, 50
deg North for 12 days.	The target
ships will probably be riding empty on
their way to America.  You should
return to base by 19 July 1940.
On 7 August 1940 your Type VII is to
leave St.  Nazaire (47 deg North, 3
deg West) in search of enemy cargo
shipping heading westbound.  You are
to stay for twenty days in the
vicinity of 8 deg West, 58 deg North.
You should return to base by 24
September 1940.
After a lengthy refit, your Type II is
bound for 30 deg West, 48 deg North
for a nine day patrol.	Leave Lorient
(47 deg North, 4 deg West) on 27
October 1940.  You are to sink
anything you can catch.  You should
arrive back in Lorient by 21 November
A long patrol in a Type VII is
required to meet your mission
objectives.  After leaving St.
Nazaire (47 deg North, 3 deg West) on
20 December 1940 you are to proceed to
45 deg West, 49 deg North to patrol
for naval vessels suspected to be in
the area.  After eight days you are to
leave for your second destination at
55 deg West, 48 deg North for a two
week patrol.  On 8 February 1941 you
should be back in France.
Mission Orders dictate you to leave
St.  Nazaire (47 deg North, 3 deg
West) in a Type VII on 20 January 
1941 to patrol your mission area at 45
deg West, 59 deg North for thirty
days.  You should arrive back at St.
Nazaire before 28 February 1941.
Since the weather in the North
Atlantic is clearing, you are to leave
Bremerhaven(54 deg North, 6 deg East)
in a Type VII on 17 April 1941 for a
patrol at 20 deg West, 48 deg North.
You should patrol for 12 days.	We
expect you to arrive back at
Bremerhaven about 18 May 1941.
On 15 June 1941 you will leave
Wilhelmshaven (54 deg North, 4 deg
East) in your Type II submarine to
apply more pressure to the supply
lines of the British Empire.  Your
patrol area is south of England, at 2
deg West, 51 deg North.  You are to
patrol for 12 days.  You should return
to base by 3 July 1941.
Leave Bremerhaven (54 deg North, 6 deg
East) in a Type VII on 13 August 1941
for 11 deg West, 57 deg North and stay
for two weeks.	Report back to
Bremerhaven by 3 September 1941.  You
are to seek and destroy enemy naval
Our base at Bordeaux (45 deg North, 3
deg West) is located in an effective
position to send you to attack the
southern supply routes to England.
Depart on 11 October 1941 and proceed
to 65 deg West, 40 deg North.  Proceed
to destroy all Allied shipping spotted
during your 12 days on patrol.	You
should be back by 19 November 1941.
9 December 1941:  Our glorious far
eastern allies have dealt the
Americans a crushing blow in the
Pacific!  American shipping is now
legitimate targets!  Leave St.
Nazaire (47 deg North, 3 deg West)
immediately with a Type VII, proceed
to 54 deg West, 47 deg North, patrol
the area looking for targets of
opportunity.  After seven days go to
69 deg West, 41 deg North and mine
this area.  Stay in this area for one
week destroying coastal shipping.  You
should return to base by 29 January@
You will depart in a Type VII from
Wilhelmshaven (54 deg North, 4 deg
East) on 6 February 1942.  Proceed to
52 deg West, 39 deg North and stay in
this vicinity for six days.  You
should then move to 79 deg West, 33
deg North and mine the area.  You must
leave the area after 7 days and should
return to base by 31 March 1942.
Leave Bremerhaven (54 deg North, 6
deg East) in a Type VII on 6 April
1942 and proceed cautiously to the
British Isles at 10 deg West, 43 deg
North.	Your mission is to destroy the
well-protected military convoys
re-supplying the Allied effort in the
Mediterranean and mine the area.
Beware of aircraft when around the
British Isles!	You must not stay
longer than nineteen days in this
area.  You should return to base by 1
May 1942.
Intelligence reports that two empty
merchants are leaving Bristol (51 deg
North, 5 deg West) for the United
States.  It is suspected that these
vessels are carrying important
research material for the Americans'
Anti-Submarine Warfare effort.	It is
imperative that these vessels be sunk.
Leave Bremerhaven (54 deg North, 6 deg
East) on 4 June 1942.  If you don't
find them after 12 days at 49 deg
West, 47 deg North, return to base.
Intelligence reports a pair of
American battleships are being
transferred to the British.  If you
leave La Rochelle (47 deg North, 2 deg
West) on 2 August 1942 you can ambush
them at 60 deg West, 47 deg North.  In
any case, wait no longer than two
weeks and then return to base by 1
September 1942.
An invasion convoy is leaving Cardiff
for the Mediterranean.	Our forces
down there need all the help they can
get.  Leave Bordeaux (45 deg North, 3
deg West) on 1 October 1942 in a Type
VII and intercept these ships at 7 deg
West, 53 deg North.  Stay no longer
than two weeks looking for this convoy
or other shipping.  You should return
to base by 28 October 1942.
You are to leave St.  Nazaire (47 deg
North, 3 deg West) by 28 November 1942
in a Type VII.	Your patrol station is
centered around 6 deg West, 61 deg
North.	You are to stay there for six
days, then should return to base by 15
December 1942.
On 26 January 1943 Leave Lorient (47
deg North, 4 deg West) in a Type VII
and proceed to 76 deg West, 37 deg
North.	Mine the shipping lane leaving
Charleston, South Carolina and destroy
any other shipping you may find.
Beware of American land-based planes.
After 8 days leave this area and go to
62 deg West, 42 deg North to make a
quick, two day sweep.  You should
return to base by 24 March 1943.
Depart from Bremerhaven (54 deg North,
6 deg East) in a refurbished Type VII
on 26 March 1943.  You are to wait in
the shipping lanes around 35 deg West,
69 deg North for 16 days.  Then
proceed to 13 deg West, 68 deg North
for a four day patrol.	You should
return to Bremerhaven by 20 May 1943.
A barrier mine field must be resown
in the North Sea area.	Leave St.
Nazaire (47 deg North, 3 deg West) on
24 May 1943 in a Type II to lay the
field at 0 deg East, 56 deg North.
Stay for 12 days, attacking all
shipping sighted, returning no later
than 5 July 1943.
Leave Wilhelmshaven (54 deg North, 4
deg East) in a Type VII on 22 July
1943.  Patrol the waters around 50 deg
West, 48 deg North for enemy vessels.
Stay no more than twelve days.	You
should return to base no later than 30
September 1943.
Leave Bremerhaven (54 deg North, 6 deg
East) on 19 September 1943 in a Type
VII, head for 75 deg West, 35 deg
North.	Stay for eight days.  Primary
target is enemy merchant shipping.
You should return to base by 30
November 1943.
On 17 November 1943 take a Type VII
and set sail from Bordeaux (45 deg
North, 3 deg West).  Your destination
is 0 deg East, 57 deg North, the
channel outside of London.  This area
is heavily mined and patrolled, but it
also has very heavy shipping traffic.
Patrol the channel for three weeks,
sinking all shipping sighted.  You
should return to base by 24 December
The Bay of Biscay appears to be safe
for hunting again.  In your Type II
leave St.  Nazaire (47 deg North, 3
deg West) on 15 January 1944 for 8 deg
West, 60 deg North for a one week
patrol.  You should return to base by
31 January 1944.
The Type II is finally being phased
out.  You have the honor of taking the
last war patrol in one.  Your voyage
starts in Bordeaux (45 deg North, 3
deg West) on 14 March 1944 and takes
you to 9 deg West, 37 deg North for an
eight day tour.  You should return to
base by 31 March 1944.
You have been selected to penetrate a
high risk area and inflict major
damage on the enemy!  Leave
Bremerhaven (54 deg North, 6 deg East)
in a Type VII on 12 May 1944.  Patrol
area 1 is at 27 deg West, 65 deg
North.	Patrol here for two weeks.
Patrol area 2 is at 39 deg West, 63
deg North.  Patrol this station for
one week returning to base by 6 July
You have been assigned a Type XXI
located at Wilhelmshaven (54 deg
North, 4 deg East).  On 10 July 1944
leave for 21 deg West, 50 deg North
and patrol this area for 16 days, then
switch to 40 deg West, 49 deg North
for a four day patrol.	You should
return to base by 31 August 1944.
Leave the port at Wilhelmshaven (54
deg North, 4 deg East) on 7 September
1944 for 53 deg West, 45 deg North.
After 10 days leave this patrol area,
switching to 55 deg West, 36 deg North
for five days, returning to base by 8
November 1944.
As there are only a limited number of
Type XXI available you will have to
use a Type VII when you leave
Bremerhaven (54 deg North, 6 deg East)
on 5 November 1944.  Proceed to 72 deg
West, 35 deg North and do what damage
you can to anything that floats.
Beware of carrier aircraft.  Stay on
station nine days, but be extremely
cautious.  You should return to base
by 16 January 1945.
Take a Type XXI and depart from
Wilhelmshaven (54 deg North, 4 deg
East) on 3 January 1945.  Your
assigned patrol area is 74 deg West,
35 deg North.  Stay for six days and
then return to Germany.  You should
return to base by 20 March 1945.
At Bremerhaven (54 deg North, 6 deg
East) you will find a Type XXI that is
available now.	Leave on 3 March 1945
for 8 deg West, 52 deg North for a 26
day patrol.  Be especially wary of
Allied aircraft!  You should return to
base by 11 April 1945.
You and the Seawolf have been ordered
to Corregidor (121 deg East, 14 deg
North) with food and ammunition.  You
will leave from Perth (115 deg East,
32 deg South) on 16 January 1942.
Proceed to Corregidor(121 deg East, 14
deg North) via the Sulu Sea(120 deg
East, 8 deg North) being careful of
Japanese Forces.  Unload your stores
at Corregidor and reload people and
submarine spares by sending a shore
party, and come home to our new base
at Surabaya (112 deg East, 6 deg
South) via the Celebes Sea.
On 17 January 1942, you will take the
S-40 from Surabaya (112 deg East, 6
deg South) and proceed to the Java
Sea, off of Balikpapan (117 deg East,
5 deg South).  You are to destroy the
invasion force coming to capture this
important refinery.  You should return
to Surabaya after patrolling the area
for 12 days.
Depart from Surabaya (112 deg East, 6
deg South) in the S-39 to try to
prevent the Japanese from invading
Java (107 deg East, 5 deg South).
Leave 20 February 1942 for a combat
patrol north of Java's western shore.
You are the last line of defense in
this area, make every shot count.  You
should return to base when ordered to
by radio.
25 February 42 - Proceed immediately
to Isle of Chebia (106 deg East, 2 deg
North) to pick up British Generals
fleeing Singapore.  Wait up to two
days for them to come out in a life
raft then return to patrol area.
4 March 42 - You should return to
Perth (115 deg East, 32 deg South) via
the Sundra Straight (106 deg East, 6
deg South).
The S-41 is to leave Surabaya (112 deg
East, 6 deg South), Java on 11
February 1942 and take up a barrier
patrol off of Tarakan (120 deg East, 4
deg North) in the Celebes Sea to sink
the approaching Japanese Invasion
forces.  Stay on station at least 10
S-44 is to leave Brisbane (153 deg
East, 27 deg South) and is to patrol
in the Solomon Island chain, around
Guadalcanal (160 deg East, 8 deg
South) on 1 April 1942.  Sink all
shipping sighted.  Stay on station no
longer than 20 days before returning
to Brisbane.
Take the Grayling and depart
immediately 29 May 1942 from Pearl
Harbor (158 deg West, 22 deg North)
and proceed to the area 400 nautical
miles southeast of Midway Island (180
deg West, 29 deg North).  Make all
possible haste, your presence is
immediately required.  Observing enemy
activity is critically important.
Attack only after radioing your
position.  You should return to base
after 24 days on station or when
torpedoes are exhausted.
The Tambor is to depart immediately 29
May 1942 from Pearl Harbor (158 deg
West, 22 deg North) and proceed to the
area 400 nautical miles southeast of
Midway Island.	Make all possible
haste, your presence is immediately
required.  Observing enemy activity is
critically important.  Take up
position at (179 deg East, 28 deg
North) to scout for enemy forces.
Attack only after radioing your
position.  You should return to base
after 24 days on station or when
torpedoes are exhausted.
The Whale is to go to Kii Suido (136
deg East, 34 deg North) and lay mines
about 20 miles offshore.  Leave 1
September 1942 from Pearl Harbor (158
deg West, 22 deg North) and destroy
enemy shipping when finished laying
the field.  Stay on station no more
than 14 days before returning to
Leave Perth (115 deg East, 32 deg
South), in the Trout, on 3 November
1942 to patrol Camranh Bay (109 deg
East, 12 deg North).  Travel through
the Banda(125 deg East, 5 deg South),
Celebes(125 deg East, 5 deg North),
and Sulu Seas(120 deg East, 7 deg
North) hugging their southern waters.
Patrol the bay for 2 weeks and should
return to Perth via the South China
(115 deg East, 12 deg North) and
Java(110 deg East, 7 deg South) Seas.
15 November 42 - Trout should shift
to Miri, Brunei (115 deg East, 12 deg
North) to attack a tanker spotted in
that area.  Patrol this area for two
days, then return to Camranh Bay(109
deg East, 12 deg North).
24 November 42 - Trout should shift
back to Miri, Brunei (115 deg East, 12
deg North) to attack second tanker
spotted there.
On 3 December1942 leave Pearl Harbor
(158 deg West, 22 deg North) and
proceed in Trigger to area North of
Tokyo Bay (141 deg East, 35 deg North)
and lay minefield.  Stay in the area
of the minefield.  Due to rich target
environment, try to maximize usage of
your deck gun and the presence of the
minefield.  Time on station should be
limited to 2 weeks.  You should return
to Pearl Harbor by 30 January 1943.
The Wahoo is to patrol the Northern
coast of New Guinea (140 deg East, 2
deg South) for enemy shipping for 20
days after leaving Brisbane (153 deg
East, 27 deg South) on 17 January
1943.  While patrolling check the port
of Wewak, New Guinea (144 deg East, 3
deg South) for signs of enemy
activity.  There is a known convoy
convergence point slightly "up" the
coast from Wewak, near a town called
Hollandia(144 deg East, 1 deg South).
After your patrol go to Pearl Harbor
(158 deg West, 22 deg North).@or a
major refit.
The Tunny is to leave Pearl Harbor
(158 deg West, 22 deg North) on 3
April 1943 for Wake Island (167 deg
East, 19 deg North).  You are to
intercept and attack an enemy
amphibious convoy near the island.
You should return to base when ordered
by radio.
6 April 43 - Carrier task force
heading for Wake Island (167 deg East,
19 deg North), intercept and destroy.
Composition is 3 carriers with only
two escorts.
11 April 43 - Return to Pearl Harbor
Leave Perth (115 deg East, 32 deg
South) in the Bowfin on 30 October
1943 for Saigon (108 deg East, 11 deg
North).  Destroy all shipping
encountered.  After 20 days or when
torpedoes are expended return to
The Skate is to proceed to Wake Island
(166 deg East, 11 deg North) for
airstrike lifeguard duty.  You are to
leave Pearl Harbor (158 deg West, 22
deg North) on October 2, 1943 for
Wake.  After 24 days return to Pearl
Harbor with any survivors.
The Permit is to leave Pearl Harbor
(158 deg West, 22 deg North) on 20
January 1944 for Kwajalein (166 deg
East, 10 deg North) to destroy enemy
naval shipping around the island.  You
may stay up to 20 days before
returning to Pearl Harbor.
Depart Darwin (131 deg East, 12 deg
South) on 30 January 1944 in the
Bowfin for Balikpapan (117 deg East, 2
deg South) to lay a minefield.	When
finished laying the minefield patrol
for one week then return to base.
9 February 1944 - Bowfin, change
course to intercept enemy seaplane
tender approaching Makassar (119 deg
East, 5 deg South).  Escorts are
alerted to U.S.  submarine activity.
Stay only 3 days looking for the
The Jack is to leave Pearl Harbor (158
deg West, 22 deg North) 9 February
1944, patrol the Sulu Sea area (120
deg East, 8 deg North) for ten days
and return to Perth (115 deg East, 32
deg South) by April 6th, 1944.
Tautog is to leave Pearl Harbor (158
deg West, 22 deg North) on 4 March
1944.  for the waters north of Honshu
(Japanese Home Islands).  Center
patrol off the port of Muroran (144
deg East, 42 deg North).  Stay two
weeks and return to Pearl Harbor.
Harder leaves Perth (115 deg East, 32
deg South) on 28 May 1944 for Palima,
Celebes (121 deg East, 5 South) to
intercept a single cargo ship.	Stay
up to 20 days in order to destroy this
important vessel.  You should return
to Darwin (131 deg East, 12 deg South)
when mission is complete.  Attempt to
reserve enough torpedoes or deck gun
rounds to destroy cargo ship when she
25 June 1944 - Intercept convoy at
Selayer Straits (121 deg East, 6 deg
North) wait up to 3 days then return
to base.
The Albacore leaves Pearl Harbor (158
deg West, 22 deg North) on 5 June 1944
for the Eastern entrance to Surigao
Straight (the Philippines, 126 deg
East, 14 deg North) where you will
perform an 18 day patrol, searching
for a major Japanese fleet reaction to
our landings in the Philippines.
Assume this to be a particularly
dangerous and important mission as the
entire Japanese military will probably
react to our liberation of our allies.
17 July 1944 - Lifeguard support for
airstrikes in the Caroline Islands.
Your assigned support station is Yap
at (136 deg East, 8 deg North).
20 July 1944 - Pick up fliers on
southwest side of island.
Archerfish is to leave Pearl Harbor
(158 deg West, 22 deg North) on 19
November 1944 for a patrol off of
Tokyo Bay (141 deg East, 35 deg
North).  Beware of friendly aircraft
conducting airstrikes against the
Japanese homeland.  Our pilots tend to
attack anything they see.  You should
return to base after 24 days on
The Tirante leaves Subic Bay(121 deg
East, 14 deg North) on 15 March 1945
for the waters off of Nagasaki (129
deg East, 33 deg North) to attack
possible fleet units approaching U.S.
forces landing on Okinawa to the
south.	You should return to base
after 20 days on station.
9 April 1945 - Proceed to Korean
coast, vicinity of Wando (126 deg
East, 34 deg North) to destroy coastal
12 April 1945 -Intercept important
freighter leaving Quelpart Island
(Chuju Do) (127 deg East, 34 deg
North) for Japan.
Take the Hardhead, leave 22 March 1945
from Perth (115 deg East, 32 deg
South), go through Lombok and Karimata
straits (Indochina).  Lay minefield
off of Ceram (131 deg East, 5 deg
South) in the shipping lanes, and then
conduct regular patrol for 4 more
days.  You should return to new base
in Subic Bay (121 deg East, 14 deg
North) when complete.
The Tigrone will leave Perth (115 deg
East, 32 deg South) on 12 May 1945 for
Osaka, Japan (136 deg East, 32 deg
North) to lifeguard for B-29's and to
destroy any shipping found.  Stay up
to 14 days on station.
5 June 45 - Pick up air crew at 136
deg East, 33 deg North.
9 June 45 - Pick up air crew at 136
deg East, 32 deg North.
Your mission is to practice tactics
against this simulated convoy.  Your
objective is to damage as many enemy
ships as possible without being
damaged by any escort ships.  Return
to Pearl Harbor (157 degrees West, 
22 Degrees North) when you are
finished for your mission rating.