view 3rdparty/packages/uemacs/README @ 2140:1712fac2daac

author boisy
date Wed, 26 Dec 2007 16:16:31 +0000
parents 48c646212b1c
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line source

From: jimomura@lsuc.UUCP (Jim Omura)
Newsgroups: net.micro.6809
Subject: MicroEMACS OS-9 Part 1 of 7
Message-ID: <1197@lsuc.UUCP>
Date: Sun, 4-May-86 12:51:35 EDT
Article-I.D.: lsuc.1197
Posted: Sun May  4 12:51:35 1986
Date-Received: Sun, 4-May-86 15:07:58 EDT
Reply-To: jimomura@lsuc.UUCP (Jim Omura)
Organization: Barrister & Solicitor, Toronto
Lines: 414

     These files are the best I could do to get 'microEMACS' for OS-9
'here'.  This is the now legendary Bob Santy/Bob Larson port which time
and luck have conspired to keep out of the hands of most OS-9'ers.
As it is, it's being brought to you from Usenet, to my Color Computer,
to BIX, to Bob Santy, to Bob Larson, to me, to BIX again, to my
Spectravideo CP/M machine, to 'lsuc', to the net.  That's only part
of the story and doesn't even go into the *days* I wasted just trying
to upload it from my Color Computer to 'lsuc' and other fiascos.

     Please, someone, use it.  That's make me feel much better about
the whole mess.

                                           Cheers! -- Jim Omura