view level2/cmds/grfdrv.asm @ 2774:1868fbf470e7 lwtools-port

Merged lwtools-port (2773:ce3dba57003b) and mainline (2772:0a3f4d8ea6d5) changeset: 2773:ce3dba57003b branch: lwtools-port tag: tip parent: 2770:bfe3de781ddf user: Boisy Pitre <> date: Wed Jan 23 14:54:29 2013 -0600 summary: boot_dw now uses dwinit.asm. changeset: 2772:0a3f4d8ea6d5
author Boisy Pitre <>
date Wed, 23 Jan 2013 21:02:34 -0600
parents f0312e88ccf2
children 602657b50bd6
line wrap: on
line source

* GrfDrv - NitrOS-9 Windowing Driver
* $Id$
* Copyright (c) 1982 Microware Corporation
* Modified for 6309 Native mode by Bill Nobel - Gale Force Enterprises
* Also contains Kevin Darlings FstGrf patches & 1 meg routines
* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
** 08/11/92 - Active in Native mode No apparent bugs
** Additional bugfixes/optomizations by Bill Nobel & L. Curtis Boyle
**   09/01/92 - present
** NitrOS9 V1.10
**   05/26/93 - 3 cycle speedup in hardware text alpha put @ L0F6B
** NitrOS9 V1.11
**   07/14/93 - Eliminated useless LDB 8,Y @ L01B5
**   07/14/93 - Eliminated BMI's from L01D2; replace BGT's with BHI's
**   07/15/93 - Save 1 cycle/byte in Composite conversion in Select routine
**            - Changed some pixel calcs in L06xx to use LSLD instead of
**              MUL's by 8 (longer, but ends up being 12 cycles faster)
**            - Moved L017C routine to be near Gfx cursor updates (1 cycle
**              faster their and for Points with Pset buffers as well)
**            - Moved SysRet routine near Alpha Put area to speed text output
**              by 4 cycles (whether error or not)
**            - Modified routine @ L0F04 to save up to 2 cycles per line
**              of PutBlk
**            - Modified L0E2F & L0F20 routines to speed up checks for
**              stopping non-TFM PutBlk's
**            - Changed LEAX B,X to ABX in FFill @ L1C5F
**              Also change LEAS -2,s / PSHS D to PSHS X,D @ L1DCB (FFill)
**   07/16/93 - Changed L012B routine to LDX first, then PSHS, eliminating
**              the need for the STX 2,S (saves 2 bytes/6 cycles)
**            - Got rid of LEAY/PSHS Y/PULS Y in L012B since 8 bit addressing
**              is same speed as 5
**   07/20/93 - Modified Alpha Put to have a shortcut if writing to the
**              same window as GRFDRV wrote to the last time it was run
**            - Moved L1F08 & L1F18 routines closer to LINE to allow BSR's
**            - Removed redundant BRA L0FF8 in 2 color gfx text put routine
**            - Replaced 2 BRA L102D's with PULS A,PC (same size but saves
**              3 cycles)
**            - Replaced BRA L0A38 in L0A1C routine with PULS PC,Y,A
**            - Replaced BRA L0AA6 in L0A75 routine with PULS PC,Y,X,B
**            - Replaced BRA L0BE1 in L0BA2 routine with CLRB / LBRA SysRet
**            - Replaced BRA L1ADD's in L1A9D routines with PULS PC,X,D's
**              (In Ellipse/Circle/Arc routines)
**   07/28/93 - Modified L11CA routine to eliminate 1 LBRA (saves 4 cycles)
**            - Modified pixel XOR routine to save 3 cycles (used by Gfx
**              Cursor)
**            - Changed CMPW to CMPF when checking gfx coords @ L1E86
**   08/06/93 - Changed BSR Lxxxx / RTS to BRA Lxxxx in following locations:
**              L13AD (2), Just before L0516, L0798, Just before L1A97, L1D3C
** NitrOS9 V1.16
**   08/30/93 - Took out DECD/DECB @ L0D27 (GPBuf wrap checks), changed BHI's
**              to BHS's
**   08/30/93 - L0E14 replaced LDA / ANDA with TIM
**   08/31/93 - L0B79 changed registers around for split or normal Move buffer
**              to shrink & speed up copy slightly
**   09/01/93 - L0C96 - change BLE in overwrap GP Buffer to BLO ($4000 is in
**              next block)
**   09/22/93 - Moved L1BE8 to eliminate BSR (only called once)
**            - Moved L1BDD to L18B7 (only called once)
**            - Optomized 1BC9 by 7 cycles (multiply 5 byte integer x2)
**   09/23/93 - Remarked out L1B4B (never called-for filled circle/ellipse?)
**            - Moved L1B5D to L1BB4 (only called once)
**   09/27/93 - Moved L1BF3 to L1BCB (only called once)
**   09/28/93 - Sped up/shrunk RGB color copy in Select routine with LDQ
**            - Sped up of 2 color text by 18 cycles/character (changed
**              branch compare order @ L1051
**            - Sped up of normal gfx text @ L10ED, and shortened code @
**              L10FE/L1109 by moving PULS B, and optomized L1109 branch
**              compare order (same as L1051)
**            - Changed <$A9,u vector to use ,W instead (<>2 color txt on gfx
**              (NOTE: Type 7 window (640x200x4) tests are over 8% faster)
**   10/04/93 - Shortened L0FD6 (changed BNE/BRA to a BEQ/fall through) so
**              Proportional & 2 color fonts are faster
**            - Moved L122F to before L121A (eliminate BRA for wrap to next
**              line)
**            - Did optomization @ L127E for non-full screen width screen
**              scrolls (also called by Insert line & Delete line)
**            - Took out redundant LDB <$60 @ L13E3 (clear to end of screen)
**            - Attempted opt of L10A4 to eliminate EXG X,Y
**            - Re-arranged L10FA (Gfx text, not 2 color/normal) so it is
**              optomized for actual text, not the cursor
**   10/08/93 - Changed L1E2C to use LEAX B,U (since B always <$80) since
**              same speed but shorter
**            - Changed BHI L1DEB @ L1DCB to LBHI L1C93 (1 byte longer but
**              2 cycles shorter)
**            - Changed L017C (map GP Buffer blocks, both in GRFDRV DAT &
**              immediate) to use DP instead of <xxxx,u vars.
**            - Changed L0E70 to not bother changing U because of L017C change
**            - Modified Gfx screen map-in routine @ MMUOnly to use
**              DP addressing instead of ,X (eliminates LEAX too), saving
**              mem & 11 cycles per map
**            - Also removed PSHSing X in above routine & calls to it since
**              not needed anymore
**            - Changed L01FB to use LDX #$1290 instead of LEAX >$190,u
**            - Changed all [...],u to use DP or immediate mode whenever
**              possible
**            - Changed EXG X,Y @ L03FF to TFR X,Y (since X immediately
**              destroyed) (part of DWEnd to check if last window on scrn)
**            - Eliminated useless BRA PutIt2 @ L0C96
**            - Removed PSHS/PULS of U in L0C8F (L0E70 no longer destroys U)
**   10/19/93 - Change L1F18 to use LDB #1/ABX instead of LEAX 1,X (2 cycles
**              faster)
**            - Removed LDU #$1100 @ L0EB2 since change to L0E70 (GP buffer)
**   10/20/93 - BUG FIX: Changed CMPF <$1E,Y @ L1E86 to CMPW <$1D,Y (otherwise
**              routines that use th 16 bit Y coord for calculations screwed
**              up on values >255) - MAY WANT TO TO CHANGE LATER TO HAVE HARD
**              OPTIONS)
**            - Moved L1E86 to L1DF8 (eliminates BRA from most X,Y coord pairs)
**            - Moved L1F1D/L1F2C/L1F42 (right direction FFill vectors) to
**              within FFill (only called once, eliminates LBSR/RTS)
**            - Moved L1CC2 to eliminate BRA (eats coords off of FFill stack?)
**            - L1D1E subroutine removed, embedded in places where called
**            - L1DAA: eliminated LDD <$47 & changed CMPD <$4B to CMPW <$4B
**            - L1DCB: changed to use both D & W to save code space & time
**   10/21/93 - L1D14 subroutine removed, embedded in 2 places where called
**            - Changed BHI L1D03 to LBHI L1C93 @ L1D55 & eliminated L1D03
**              label
**            - Changed BRA L1C93 at end of L1CF8 to LBRA L1CF8
**            - Moved L1186 (CurXY) to before L1129 (CTRL codes) to allow
**              3 LBEQ's to change to BEQ's (Cursor left,right & up) -
**              shrinks GRFDRV by 6 bytes
**            - Modified L158B (update cursor) to not PSHS/PULS Y unless on
**              Gfx screen (speeds text cursor updates by 9 cyc/1 byte)
**            - Changed LBSR to BSR (L15BF) in PutGC (L1531)
**            - Attempted to move L06A4-L1FB2 to just before Point (L1635)
**              & changed leax >L1FA3,pc to LEAX <L1FA3,pc in L15FE (saves
**              2 cycles & 2 bytes)
**   10/25/93 - Changed GRFDRV entry point to use LDX instead of LEAX
**              (2 cycles faster)
**            - Changed all LEA* xxxx,pc to use LDX #GrfStrt+xxxx (2 cyc fstr)
**            - Changed GRFDRV entry point to do LDX / JMP ,X (1 byte shorter &
**              2 cycles faster)
**   11/02/93 - Modified Init routine to be shorter & faster
**            - Took old 2 line L18B3 routine, put the label in front of
**              stx <$A1 just past L18BF
**   11/03/93 - Removed the last of [<$xx,u] labels, changed FFill to use
**              JSR ,U instead of JSR [$<64,U]
**            - Removed LDU 4,s from L0B2E, and remove PSHS/PULS U from
**              L0ACD, L0B35, L0B38
**            - In L0B79 (Move Buffer command), optomized to not PSHS/PULS
**              Y, use U instead for ptr (13 cyc faster/72 byte block, 5 bytes
**              shorter)
**            - Added LDU <$64 in L0E97, changed JSR [$>1164] in L0EE1 to
**              JSR ,U (PutBlk on different screen types)
**   11/04/93 - Change all LBRA xxxx to JMP GrfStrt+xxxx (1 cycle faster)
**   11/10/93 - Added window table references from cc3global.defs
**            - Added screen table references from cc3global.defs
**            - Added graphics table references from cc3global.defs
**            - Added graphics buffer references from cc3global.defs
**   11/12/93 - Removed code that has been moved to CoWin/CoGrf
**   12/15/93 - Changed TST Wt.BSW,y @ L0F8E to LDB Wt.BSW,y (cycle faster)
**   12/21/93 - Moved L1E9D to near next line routine to speed up some alpha
**              writes. Also used U instead of Y in L1E9D (smaller & a cycle
**              faster)
**   02/23/94 - Moved L0BE4 error routine earlier to allow short branch to it
**              from L0B3F (GPLoad), also optomized for no-error (5 cycles
**              faster, 2 bytes smaller)
**   02/24/94 - Changed lbcs L0BE7 @ L0B52 to BCS
**   04/14/94 - Changed CMPB >$FFAC to CMPB <$90 (saves 1 byte/cycle & poss-
**              ibly fixes bug for >512K machines) in L012B & L0173
**            - Got rid of CLR >$1003 @ L0177, changed BSR L012B to BSR L0129
**            - Changed CMPD #$4000 to CMPA #$40 @ L0B79 & L0C96 (also fixed
**              bug @ L0B79-changed BLS MoveIt to BLO MoveIt)
**   04/15/94 - Changed L0E14 & L0E24 to use 640/320 base to eliminate INCD,
**              also optomized by using LSRD instead of 2 separate LDD's
**            - Moved INCB from L0E2F to L0E03 to allow L0E24 to fall through
**              faster (by also changing LDB #MaxLine to LDB #MaxLine+1)
**   04/21/94 - Change all occurences of >$1003 (last window GRFDRV accessed)
**              to <$A9 (since now free) to speed up/shrink checks.
**            - Attempted mod for hware text screens: faster if >1 window
**              being written to at once
**   04/25/94 - Removed LDX #$FF90 from late in L08A4, changed STD 8,x to
**              STD >$FF98 (Select routine-saves 4 cycles/2 bytes
**            - Attempted mod @ L05C0: Changed 1st TST <$60 to LDE <$60, and
**              2nd to TSTE (also changed 3 LSLD's in Y coord to LSLB's)
**              (CWArea routine)
**   04/26/94 - Changed L11E1 (Home cursor) to move CLRD/CLRW/STQ Wt.CurX,y
**              to end (just before RTS) to allow removal of CLRD/CLRW @
**              L1377 (CLS)
**   04/27/94 - Changed GFX text routines (non-2 color) to use U as jump
**              vector instead of W (has changes @ L0FEC,L10D9,L10FE,L15A5)
**            - Changed pixel across counter from <$97 to E reg in Gfx text
**              routine (changes @ L10D1,L10FE)
**   05/04/94 - Attempted to remove PSHS X/PULS X from L0C0B (used by GetBlk
**              and Overlay window saves)
**              Also changed LBSR L0CBD to BSR @ L0BEA (part of OWSet save)
**   05/05/94 - Changed L0B79: Took out TFR A,B, changed CLRA to CLRE, changed
**              TFR D,W to TFR W,D (reflects change in CoWin)
**   05/08/94 - Eliminated LDB #$FF @ L108C, change BNE above it to go to
**              L108E instead (saves 2 cyc/bytes in proportional fonts)
**            - Change to L127E to move LDF to just before BRA (saves 3 cyc
**              on partial width screen scrolls)
**            - Changed TST <$60 @ L1260 to LDB <$60 (saves 1 cycle)
**   06/15/94 - Changed TST >$1038 @ L0080 to LDB >$1038 (saves 1 cycle)
**            - Changed TST St.Sty,x @ L0335 to LDB St.Sty,x (save 1 cyc)
**            - Eliminated LDA St.Sty,x @ L0343
**            - Changed TST <$59 to LDB <$59 @ L046A (OWSet)
**            - Changed TST Wt.FBlk,y @ L0662 to LDB Wt.FBlk,y (Font)
** NitrOS9 V1.21 Changes
**   10/16/94 - Changed L0FBE to BSR L100F instead of L1002, added L100F (PSHS
**              A), saves 5 cycles per alpha put onto graphics screen
**   10/22/94 - Eliminated useles LDB <$60 @ L029B
**            - Eliminated PSHS X/PULS X @ L0366 by changing PSET/LSET vector
**              settings to use Q since immediate mode instead of indexed now
**              (saves 6 bytes/>12 cycles in Window Inits)
**            - Changed L106D: changed LDX/STX to use D, eliminated LDX ,S
**              (Part of font on multi-colored windows;saves 2 bytes/4 cyc)
**   10/30/94 - Changed L126B (full width screen scroll) by taking out label,
**              (as well as L1260), and taking out PSHS/PULS X
**            - Changed TST <$60 to LDB <$60 @ L12C5, changed BRA L128E @
**              L12DC to BRA L1354 (Saves 3 cycles when using Delete Line on
**              bottom line of window)
**            - Moved CLRE in L142A to just before L142A (saves 2 cycles per
**              run through loop) (same thing with CLRE @ L1450)
**            - Deleted L146F, moved label for it to PULS pc,a @ ClsFGfx
** ATD:
**   12/23/95 - have SCF put text-only data at $0180, and have new call
**              to grfdrv to do a block PUT of the text data.
**              Added new L0F4B, and labels L0F4B.1 and L0F4B.2
**              cuts by 40% the time required for alpha screen writes!
**   12/26/95 - moved Line/Bar/Box common code to i.line routine
**              +6C:-40B, only called once per entry, so it's OK
**   12/28/95 - added LBSR L0177 just before font set up routine at L1002
**              changed lbsr L0177, lbsr L1002 to lbsr L0FFF: gets +0C:-3B
**              par call from L1478, L116E, L1186, L1129
**            - replaced 3 lines of code at L1641, i.line, L1C4F with
**              lbsr L1884: map in window and verify it's graphics
**              it's only called once per iteration, so we get 3 of +11C:-6B
**   02/08/96 - added fast fonts on byte boundaries to L102F
**            - added TFM for horizontal line if LSET=0 and no PSET
**            - removed most of graphics screen CLS code for non-byte
**              boundary windows.  They don't exist, the code is unnecessary.
**            - changed many ADDR D,r  to LEAr D,r where speed was unimportant
**   02/13/96 - fixed font.2 routine to properly handle changes in foreground
**              and background colors: ~13 bytes smaller. (other changes???)
**            - added special code to fast horizontal line routine at L16E0
**              to do the line byte by byte: saves a few cycles, but 2B larger
**   02/14/96 - added 'ldu <$64' U=pset vector to i.line, bar/box. -6 bytes,
**              and timed at -18 clock cycles/byte for XOR to full-screen
**              or 14/50 = 0.28 second faster per screen (iteration)
**  02/16/96  - shrunk code for $1F handler. Smaller and faster.
**  02/18/96  - Discovered that NitrOS-9 will allow GetBlk and PutBlk on
**              text screens!  Checked: GET on text and PUT on gfx crashes
**              the system, ditto for other way around.  Stock OS-9 does NOT
**              allow PutBlk or GetBlk on text! No error, but no work, either.
**            - Added code to PutBlk to output E$IWTyp if mixing txt and gfx
**              GetBlk/PutBlk, but we now allow Get and put on text screens.
**  02/20/96  - minor mods to update video hardware at L08A4: use U
**            - Added 'L1B63 LDD #1' to replace multiple LDD #1/lbsr L1B64
**            - moved code around to optimize for size in arc/ellipse/circle
**              without affecting speed at all.
**  02/24/96  - added special purpose code for LSET AND, OR, XOR and NO PSET
**              to put pixels 2 bytes at a time... full-screen BAR goes from
**              1.4 to .35 seconds, adds ~75 bytes.
**            - Added code to check for 24/25 line windows in video set code
**              from DWSET: Wt.DfSZY=24 uses old 192 line video defs
**  02/25/96  - removed 24/25-line check code, optimized video hardware update
**  02/26/96  - fixed fast TFM and XOR (double byte) horizontal line to
**              update <$47 properly
**            - rearranged BOX routine to cut out extra X,Y updates
**  02/29/96  - optimized BOX routine: smaller and marginally faster
**  03/05/96  - moved PSET setup routines to L1884 for Point, Line, Bar, Box
**              Arc, Circle, Ellipse, and FFill.
**            - modified FFILL to do left/right checking, and right painting
**              to do byte operations, if possible.  Speeds up FFILL by >20%
**  03/07/96  - modified FFILL to search (not paint) to the right, and to
**              call the fast horizontal line routine. 2-color screen FFILLs
**              take 1/10 the time of v1.22k: 16-color takes 1/2 of the time!
**  03/17/96  - added TFM and left/right pixel fixes so non-PSET/LSET odd
**              pixel boundary PutBlks can go full-speed.
**  03/18/96  - optimized the fast-font routine.  16-color screens ~5% faster
**  04/05/96  - addeed special-purpose hardware text screen alpha put routine
**              about 30% faster than before: 5 times over stock 'Xmas GrfDrv'
**            - merged cursor On/Off routines at L157A: smaller, ~10c slower
**            - saved 1 byte in invert attribute color routine
**            - moved FastHTxt routine (i.e. deleted it: smaller, 3C slower)
**            - L0516 and L0581: added 'xy.intoq' routine to set up X,Y size
**              for text/graphics screens
** V2.00a changs (LCB)
** 05/25/97-05/26/97 - added code to support 224 char fonts on graphics
**            screens
**          - Changed 3 LBSR's to BSR's (@ L01B5,L1BB4,L1D40)
** 12/02/97 - Attempted to fix GetBlk, PutBlk & GPLoad to handle full width
**            lines @ L0BAE (GetBlk), L0CBB (PutBlk),
** 07/10/98 - Fixed OWSet/CWArea bug: changed DECB to DECD @ L05C0
** 07/21/98 - Fixed screen wrap on CWAREA or Overlay window on hardware text
**            screens by adding check @ ftxt.ext
** 07/28/98 - Fixed FFill "infinite loop" bug (See SnakeByte game), I think.
** 07/30/98 - Filled Circle/Ellipse added ($1b53 & $1b54)
** 09/17/03 - Added trap for windows overlapping 512K bank; RG.
**            Required changing a bsr L0306 to lbsr L0306 near L02A7
** 09/25/03 - Many changes for 6809 only code. Use <$B5 to store regW
**            Probably could use some trimming. RG

         nam   GrfDrv
         ttl   NitrOS-9 Windowing Driver

         use   defsfile
         use   cocovtio.d

GrfStrt  equ   $4000          Position of GRFDRV in it's own task

tylg     set   Systm+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $01
edition  equ   14

* NOTE: Following set has meaning only if 25 text line mode is selected
TV       set   $00            Set to 1 for 25 line TV res. (200 vs. 225)

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,entry,size
size     equ   .

         fcb   $07 

name     fcs   /GrfDrv/
         fcb   edition

* Main entry point
*   Entry: B=Internal function code (from CoGRF or CoWin)
*          A=Character (for Write routine)
*          U=Pointer to GRFDRV memory area ($1100 in system)
*          Y=Current window Window Table Pointer
*    Stack area is from $1b80 to $1fff in block 0
*   When function call vector is executed via JMP ,X
*     DP has been set to $11 to allow direct page access to GRFDRV variables

entry    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         lde   #GrfMem/256         Direct page for GrfDrv
         tfr   e,dp
         pshs  a
         lda   #GrfMem/256
         tfr   a,dp
         puls  a
         tstb               initialization?
         bne   grfdrv.1     no, do other stuff
         bra   L0080        do relative jump to the init routine

grfdrv.1 ldx   #GrfStrt+L0028   Point to function vector table
         jmp   [b,x]        Execute function

* GrfDrv function code vector table
L0028    fdb   L0080+GrfStrt  Initialization ($00)
         fdb   L0104+GrfStrt  Terminate      ($02)
         fdb   L019D+GrfStrt  DWSet          ($04)
         fdb   fast.chr+GrfStrt  buffered writes... ($06)
         fdb   L03CB+GrfStrt  DWEnd          ($08)
         fdb   L046A+GrfStrt  OWSet          ($0A)
         fdb   L053A+GrfStrt  OWEnd          ($0C)
         fdb   L056E+GrfStrt  CWArea         ($0E)
         fdb   L07D7+GrfStrt  Select         ($10)
         fdb   L0611+GrfStrt  PSet           ($12)
         fdb   $0000          Border         ($14) NOW IN CoWin
         fdb   $0000          Palette        ($16) NOW IN CoWin
         fdb   L063C+GrfStrt  Font           ($18)
         fdb   L068B+GrfStrt  GCSet          ($1A)
         fdb   $0000          DefColor       ($1C) NOW IN CoWin
         fdb   L06A4+GrfStrt  LSet           ($1E)
         fdb   L0707+GrfStrt  FColor         ($20)
         fdb   L0726+GrfStrt  BColor         ($22)
         fdb   $0000          TChrSW         ($24) NOW IN CoWin
         fdb   $0000          PropSW         ($26) NOW IN CoWin
         fdb   $0000          Scale          ($28) NOW IN CoWin
         fdb   $0000          Bold           ($2A) NOW IN CoWin
         fdb   L08DC+GrfStrt  DefGB          ($2C)
         fdb   L0A3A+GrfStrt  KillBuf        ($2E)
         fdb   L0B3F+GrfStrt  GPLoad         ($30)
         fdb   L0B79+GrfStrt  Move buffer    ($32)
         fdb   L0BAE+GrfStrt  GetBlk         ($34)
         fdb   L0CBB+GrfStrt  PutBlk         ($36)
         fdb   L0F31+GrfStrt  Map GP buffer  ($38)
         fdb   L0F4B+GrfStrt  Alpha put      ($3A)
         fdb   L1129+GrfStrt  Control codes  ($3C)
         fdb   L116E+GrfStrt  Cursor on/off  ($3E)
         fdb   L1478+GrfStrt  $1f codes      ($40)
         fdb   L1186+GrfStrt  Goto X/Y       ($42)
         fdb   L151B+GrfStrt  PutGC          ($44)
         fdb   L1500+GrfStrt  Update Cursors ($46)
         fdb   L1635+GrfStrt  Point          ($48)
         fdb   L1654+GrfStrt  Line           ($4A)
         fdb   L1790+GrfStrt  Box            ($4C)
         fdb   L17FB+GrfStrt  Bar            ($4E)
         fdb   L1856+GrfStrt  Circle         ($50)
         fdb   L18BD+GrfStrt  Ellipse        ($52)
         fdb   L1860+GrfStrt  Arc            ($54)
         fdb   L1C4F+GrfStrt  FFill          ($56)

* Initialization entry point
* Entry: U=$1100
*       DP=$11
*        B=$00
L0080    ldb   >WGlobal+g0038       have we been initialized?
         bmi   L0102                yes, exit
         sta   >WGlobal+g0038       Put it back
* Initialize window entries
         ldx   #WinBase-$10 Point to start of window tbl entries
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   #$2040FFFF   Max # window/size of each entry/Table init code
L0097    stw   ,x           Initialize table pointer
         abx                Move to next entry
         deca               Done?
         bne   L0097        No keep going
         pshs  u
         ldd   #$2040
         ldu   #$FFFF
L0097    stu   ,x
         bne   L0097
         stu   <$B5
         puls  u
* Initialize screen tables
         ldx   #STblBse+1   Point to 2nd byte of scrn tbls - 1st block # used
         ldd   #$1020       smaller than the ldb/lde
* ATD: doing CLR is slightly slower than STA, but this code is executed only
* once, so we optimize for size, not speed
L00A9    clr   ,x           Set first block # used (A=0 from L0097 loop)
         abx                Move to next entry
         deca               Done?
         bne   L00A9        No, keep goin
* Initialize DAT image
         clrb               Set System bank as first one (a already 0)
         std   <$87
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   #$333E333E   Get blank image
         std   <$89           Save it in rest 
* Set entire table as this will be reset below as needed. RG.
         stq   <$8D
         stq   <$91
         std   <$95
         ldd   #$333E     Since 6809 version is >8K save some steps
         std   <$89
         std   <$8F
         std   <$91
         std   <$93
         std   <$95
*         std   <$B5
         tfr   pc,d           Get current location in memory
         lsra                 Calculate DAT image offset
         anda  #$0E           Mask off rest of bits
         ldy   >D.SysPrc      Get system process descriptor pointer
         leay  <P$DATImg,y    Point to DAT Image
         IFNE  H6309
         ldd   a,y            Get the DAT image of myself
         std   <$8B           Save it to new task
         leay   a,y
         ldd   ,y++
         std   <$8B
         ldd   ,y             get next two bytes
         std   <$8D
         ldy   >D.TskIPt      Get task image pointer
         ldx   #GrfMem+gr0087         Point to grfdrv DAT image tbl
         stx   2,y            Save it as second task
* ATD: changed from $1C98 for more lee-way on the stack
         ldd   #$1CB0         low address for stack: L1DC4, L1DEE
         std   <$3B           Save in GRFDRV mem
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd                 Get screen table initialization
         clrw                 (CLRQ)
         stq   <$2e           Init current screen table ptr & window entry
         stq   <$3d           Init X/Y coords Gfx cursor was last ON at
         std   <$2e
         std   <$30
         std   <$3d
         std   <$3f
*         std   <$B5
         stb   <$32           Clear out block #'s for G/P buffer (Current,
         stb   <$35            previous)
         std   <$39           Text cursor & gfx cursors off
L0102    clra
         tfr   a,dp           Set DP to 0 for Wind/CoGrf, which need it there
         rts                  Return

* Termination routine
L0104    clr   <$0038         Clear group #
         clr   <$007D         Clear buffer block #
         ldb   <$0032         Get last block used
         beq   L0115          If 0, return to system
         ldx   <$0033         Get offset into last block we used
         lbsr  L0A55          Deallocate that buffer
         bcc   L0104          Keep doing until all are deallocated
         jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet Return to system with error if can't
L0115    jmp   >GrfStrt+L0F78 Exit system

* Setup GrfDrv memory with data from current window table
* Entry: Y=Window table ptr
* Puts in following:
*   PSET/LSET vectors & offsets
*   Foreground/background palettes
*   Maximum X&Y coords for window
*   Screen type
*   Start block # of screen
*   # bytes / row of text
L0129    clr   <$A9         Special entry pt for DWSet,Select,UpdtWin,PutGC
L012B    ldx   Wt.STbl,y    Get screen table ptr
         pshs  d            Preserve register
         ldd   Wt.PVec,y    Get PSet vector for this window
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   Wt.POff,y    Get PSet offset for this window
         stq   <$64         Save Pset vector & PSet offset
         std   <$64
         ldd   Wt.POff,y
         std   <$66
         ldd   Wt.LVec,y    Get LSet vector
         std   <$68         Save it for this window
         ldd   Wt.Fore,y    Get Foreground/Background prn
         std   <$61         Save it for this window
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   Wt.MaxX,y    Get max. X & Y coords from table
         stq   <$6A         Save in Grfdrv mem
         ldd   Wt.MaxX,y
         std   <$6A
         ldd   Wt.MaxX+2,y
         std   <$6C
         std   <$B5
         lda   St.BRow,x    Get # bytes per row
         sta   <$63         Save it for this window
         ldd   St.Sty,x     Get screen type & first block #
         sta   <$60         Save screen type for this window
* Setup Task 1 MMU for Window: B=Start block # of window
*   As above, may check start block # to see if our 4 blocks are already
*   mapped in (just check block # in B with block # in 1st DAT entry).
*   Since 4 blocks are always mapped in, we know the rest is OK
* This routine always maps 4 blocks in even if it is only a text window
* which only has to map 1 block. Slight opt (2 cycles) done 03/01/93
* Attempted opt: cmpb/beq noneed 03/12/93
MMUOnly  cmpb  <$90         Is our screen block set already here?
         beq   noneed       Yes, don't bother doing it again
         clra               Get block type for DAT image
         std   <$8f         Save screen start in my image
         stb   >$FFAC       Save 1st screen block to MMU

         tst   <$60         Hardware text (only 1 block needed?)
         bmi   noneed       yes, no need to map in the rest of the blocks

         incb               Get 2nd block
         std   <$91         Save it in my image
         stb   >$FFAD       Save it to MMU
         incb               Get 3rd block
         std   <$93         Save it to my image
         stb   >$FFAE       Save it to MMU
         incb               Get 4th block
         std   <$95         Save it to my image
         stb   >$FFAF       Save it to MMU
noneed   puls  d,pc         Restore D & return

* Setup the MMU only: called twice from the screen setup routines
* This could be just before MMUOnly, with a 'fcb $8C' just before the PSHS
* to save one more byte, but L0129 is called a lot more often than this is
L0173    pshs  d            save our registers
         bra   MMUOnly      go set up the MMU registers, if necessary

* Entry point for Alpha Put
L0175    cmpy  <$A9         Same as previous window GRFDRV alpha putted to?
         lbeq  L150C        Yes, skip map/setup, update cursors
* Normal entry point
L0177    bsr   L0129        Mark Tbl Ptr bad, map in window,set up GRFDRV vars for it
L0179    jmp   >GrfStrt+L150C Update text & gfx cursors if needed

* DWSet routine
* ATD: Next 9 lines added to support multiple-height screens.
* We MUST have a screen table in order to do St.ScSiz checks (24, 25, 28).
* GrfDrv is a kernel task (not task switched), so we point X to the possible
* screen table
L019D    ldx   Wt.STbl,y    get screen table
         bpl   L01A0        $FFFF is a flag saying it's unallocated
         lbsr  FScrTbl      find a screen table
         bcs   L01C5        exit on error
         clr   St.ScSiz,x   clear screen size flag: not defined yet

L01A0    bsr   L01C8        Check coordinates and size
         bcs   L01C5        Error, exit
         lda   <$60         Get screen type requested
         cmpa  #$FF         Current screen?
         bne   L01B0        No, go create a new screen for the window
         bsr   L01FB        Make sure window can be fit on current screen
         bcs   L01C5        Nope, return with error
         lbsr  L150C        Update Text & Gfx cursors
         bra   L01B5        Do hardware setup for new window & return to system

* Make window on new screen : have to change so it sets up defaults & colors
* BEFORE it clears the screen
L01B0    lbsr  L0268        Go set up a new screen table (INCLUDES CLR SCRN)
         bcs   L01C5        If error, return to system with that error
* All window creates come here
L01B5    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         bsr   L0129        go setup data & MMU for new window
         lbsr  L0129
         lbsr  L0366        setup default values
         lda   #$FF         Change back window# link to indicate there is none
         sta   Wt.BLnk,y
* ATD: same next 3 lines as at L03F4
         lbsr  L1377        Call CLS (CHR$(12)) routine
         clrb               No errors
L01C5    jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet return to system

* Check screen coordinates
* Entry: X = screen table pointer
L01C8    lda   <$60         get current window STY marker
         cmpa  #$FF         current screen?
         bne   L01D2        no, go on
         lda   ,x           Get current screen type (from screen table ptr)
L01D2    ldu   #GrfStrt+L01F9  Point to width table
         anda  #$01         only keep resolution bit (0=40 column, 1=80)
         ldb   Wt.CPX,y     get current X start
*         cmpb  a,u          within range?
*         bhi   L01F5        no, exit with error
         addb  Wt.SZX,y     calculate size
         bcs   L01F5        added line: exit if 8-bit overflow
         cmpb  a,u          still within range?
         bhi   L01F5        no, error out

* ATD: These lines added for screen size support
         lda   St.ScSiz,x   get screen size
         bne   L01E0        skip ahead if already initialized
         lda   #25          get maximum screen size in A

L01E0    ldb   Wt.CPY,y     get current Y start
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpr  a,b          within maximum?
         pshs  a
         cmpb  ,s+
         bhi   L01F5        no, error out
         addb  Wt.SZY,y     calculate size: Now B = maximum size of the window
         bcs   L01F5        added line: exit if 8-bit overflow
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpr  a,b          still within maximum?
         pshs  a
         cmpb  ,s+
         bhi   L01F5        no, error out

         cmpa  St.ScSiz,x   do we have the current screen size?
         beq   L01F3        yes, skip ahead

         cmpb  #24          do we have a 24-line screen?
         bhi   L01F1        no, it's 25: skip ahead
         deca               25-1=24 line screen, if window <= 24 lines

L01F1    sta   St.ScSiz,x   save the size of the screen
L01F3    clrb               clear carry
         rts                return

L01F5    comb               Set carry
         ldb   #E$ICoord    Get error code for Illegal co-ordinate
         rts                Return
* Maximum widths of text & graphic windows table
L01F9    fcb   40,80

* Check if Current screen DWSET request can be honored (carry set & b=error
*   # if we can't)
* Entry: Y=Ptr to our (new window) window table
* NOTE: It has to check all active windows. If it it fits without overlap
*         on all of them, then it will obviously fit with several on the same
*         screen.
L01FB    ldx   #WinBase     Point to start of window tables
         IFNE  H6309
         lde   #MaxWind     Get maximum number of windows (32)
         pshs  a
         lda   #MaxWind
         sta   <$B5
         puls  a
L0206    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309 
         cmpr  y,x          Is this our own window table entry?
         pshs  y
         cmpx  ,s++
         beq   L021B        Yes, skip it (obviously)
         ldd   Wt.STbl,x    Get screen table pointer of search window
         bmi   L021B        High bit set means not active, skip to next
         cmpd  Wt.STbl,y    Same screen as ours?
         bne   L021B        No, skip to next
         lda   Wt.BLnk,x    Is this entry for an overlay window?
         bpl   L021B        Yes, useless to us
         bsr   L0224        Go make sure we will fit
         bcs   L0223        Nope, return with error
L021B    ldb   #Wt.Siz      Move to next entry (originally leax $40,x, but
         abx                believe it or not, this is faster in native)
         IFNE  H6309
         dece               Done?
         dec   <$B5
         bne   L0206        No, go back
         clrb               Clear errors
L0223    rts                Return

* Routine to make sure a 'current screen' DWSet window will fit with other
*   windows already on that screen
* Entry: X=Ptr to window table entry that is on same screen as us
*        Y=Ptr to our window table entry
* Exit: Carry clear if it will fit

L0224    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #Protect,Wt.BSW,x Is this window protected?
         pshs  b 
         ldb   Wt.BSW,x
         bitb  #Protect
         puls  b
         beq   L0262        No, window can overlap/write wherever it wants
         lda   Wt.CPX,y     get our new window's requested Left border
         cmpa  Wt.DfCPX,x   Does it start on or past existing windows left border?
         bge   L023A        Yes, could still work - check width
         adda  Wt.SZX,y     add in our requested width
         cmpa  Wt.DfCPX,x   Does our right border go past existing's left border?
         bgt   L0246        Yes, could still work if Y is somewhere empty(?)
         clrb               No X coord conflict at all...will be fine
* Comes here only if our window will start past left side of existing window
L023A    ldb   Wt.DfCPX,x   Get existing windows left border value
         addb  Wt.DfSZX,x   Calculate existing window's right border
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpr  b,a          Our X start greater than existing windows right border?
         pshs  b
         cmpa  ,s+
         bge   L0262        Yes, legal coordinate
* X is fine, start checking Y
L0246    lda   Wt.CPY,y     Get our new window's requested top border value
         cmpa  Wt.DfCPY,x   Compare with existing window's top border
L024B    bge   L0256        If we are lower on screen, jump ahead
         adda  Wt.SZY,y     Calculate our bottom border
         cmpa  Wt.DfCPY,x   Is it past the top border of existing window?
         bgt   L0264        Yes, illegal coordinate
         clrb               Yes, window will fit legally, return with no error

* Comes here only if our window will start below top of existing window
L0256    ldb   Wt.DfCPY,x   Get existing window's top border value
         addb  Wt.DfSZY,x   Calculate existing window's bottom border
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpr  b,a          Our Y start less than bottom of existing?
         pshs  b
         cmpa  ,s+
         blt   L0264        Yes, would overlap, return error
L0262    clrb               Yes, window will fit legally, return with no error
L0264    comb               Window won't fit with existing windows
         ldb   #E$IWDef
L0286    rts   

* Setup a new screen table
*L0268    bsr   FScrTbl      search for a screen table
*         bcs   L0286        not available, return
* X=Screen tbl ptr, Y=Window tbl ptr
L0268    stx   Wt.STbl,y    save the pointer in window table
         ldb   <$60         get screen type
         stb   St.Sty,x     save it to screen table
         bsr   L029B        go setup screen table (Block & addr #'s)
         bcs   L0286        couldn't do it, return
         ldb   <$5A         get border color
         stb   St.Brdr,x    save it in screen table
* This line added
         ldb   Wt.Back,y    Get background color from window table
         lbsr  L0791        get color mask for bckgrnd color
         lbsr  L0335        clear the screen (with bckgrnd color)
         leax  St.Pals,x    Point to palette regs in screen table
         ldd   >WGlobal+G.DefPal       Get system default palette pointer
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   #16          16 palettes to copy
         tfm   d+,x+        Copy into screen table
         pshs  b,y 
         tfr   d,y
         ldb   #8
         stb   ,s
L0287b   ldd   ,y++
         std   ,x++
         dec   ,s
         bne   L0287b
         puls  b,y
         clrb               No error & return
         rts                Get back scrn tbl ptr & return

* Search for a empty screen table
FScrTbl  ldx   #STblBse+1   Point to screen tables+1
         ldd   #$10*256+St.Siz get # table entrys & entry size
L028D    tst   ,x           already allocated a block?
         bne   Yes          Yes, go to next one
         leax  -1,x         Bump pointer back by $980 based
         clrb               No error & return

Yes      abx                move to next one
         deca               done?
         bne   L028D        no, keep looking
         comb               set carry for error
         ldb   #E$TblFul    get error code
         rts                return

* Setup screen table
* Entry: Y=Window table ptr
*        B=screen type (flags still set based on it too)
L029B    pshs  y            preserve window table pointer
         bpl   L02BB        Screen type not text, go on
         ldy   #STblBse     Point to screen tables
         lda   #$10         get # screen tables
* Search screen tables
L02A7    ldb   St.Sty,y     is it text?
         bpl   L02B3        no, go to next one
         ldb   St.SBlk,y    get memory block #
         beq   L02B3        don't exist, go to next one
         lbsr   L0306        search window block for a spot
         bcc   L02DE        found one, go initialize it
L02B3    leay  St.Siz,y     move to next screen table
         deca               done?
         bne   L02A7        no, keep going

* No screen available, get a new screen block
* NOTE: Should be able to change L02F1 loop to use W/CMPE to slightly
*       speed up/shrink
         ldb   <$60         get STY marker
L02BB    lda   #$FF         preset counter
         sta   <$B3         unused grfdrv space
         ldy   #GrfStrt+L02FA-1   Point to RAM block table 
         andb  #$F          make it fit table
         ldb   b,y          get # blocks needed
         stb   <$B4         save number of blocks, unused space
OVLAP    inc   <$B3         update counter, unused space
         ldb   <$B4         get number of blocks needed
         os9   F$AlHRAM     AlHRAM Allocate memory ***********
         bcs   L02EF        no memory, return error
         pshs  b            save starting block #
         andb  #$3F         modulo 512K
         pshs  b            save modulo starting block
         ldb   <$B4         regB now # blocks requested
         decb               set to base 0
         addb  ,s
         andb  #$3F         final block # modulo 512K
         cmpb  ,s+          compare with first block
         blo   OVLAP        overlapped 512K boundary so ask for more RAM
         bsr   DeMost 
         puls  b            get starting block #
         lda   <$B3
         leas  a,s          yank temps
         ldy   #$8000       get default screen start
         pshs  b,y          save that & start block #
         lbsr  L0173        setup MMU with screen
* Mark first byte of every possible screen in block with $FF
         ldb   #$FF
L02D6    stb   ,y           save marker
         bsr   L02F1        move to next one
         blo   L02D6        not done, keep going
         puls  b,y          restore block # & start address
* Initialize rest of screen table
L02DE    stb   St.SBlk,x    save block # to table
         sty   St.LStrt,x   save logical screen start
         lda   <$0060       get screen type
         anda  #$F          make it fit table
         ldy   #GrfStrt+L0300-1  Point to width table
         lda   a,y          get width
         sta   St.BRow,x    save it to screen table
         clrb               clear errors
L02EF    puls  y,pc         return

* Get rid of allocated blocks that overflowed 512K bank; RG.
DeMost   tst   <$B3         if none then return
         beq   DA020
         lda   <$B3
         pshs  a,x
         leay  6,s          a,x,rts,b; point to first bad group
DA010    clra
         ldb   ,y+          get starting block number
         tfr   d,x
         ldb   <$B4         number of blocks
         os9   F$DelRAM	    de-allocate the blocks *** IGNORING ERRORS ***
         dec   ,s           decrease count
         bne   DA010
         puls  a,x
DA020    rts

* Move to next text screen in memory block
L02F1    leay  >$0800,y     move Y to next text screen start
         cmpy  #$A000       set flags for completion check
L02F9    rts                return

* Memory block requirement table (# of 8K banks)
L02FA    fcb   2            640 2 color
         fcb   2            320 4 color
         fcb   4            640 4 color
         fcb   4            320 16 color
         fcb   1            80 column text
         fcb   1            40 column text

* Screen width in bytes table (# bytes/line)
L0300    fcb   80           640 2 color
         fcb   80           320 4 color
         fcb   160          640 4 color
         fcb   160          320 16 color
         fcb   160          80 column
         fcb   80           40 column text

* Look for a empty window in a text screen memory block
L0306    pshs  d,x,y        Preserve regs
         lbsr  L0173        go map in the screen
         ldy   #$8000       get screen start address
         ldb   #$FF         get used marker flag
L0311    cmpb  ,y           used?
         beq   L031C        no, go see if it will fit
L0315    bsr   L02F1        move to next screen
         bcs   L0311        keep looking if not outside of block
L0319    comb               set carry
         puls  d,x,y,pc     return

L031C    lda   <$0060       get screen type
         cmpa  #$86         80 column text?
         beq   L032F        yes, return
         leax  $0800,y      move to next screen to check if it will fit
         cmpx  #$A000       will it fit in block?
         bhs   L0319        no, return error
         cmpb  ,x           is it already used?
         bne   L0315        yes, return error
L032F    clrb               clear error status
         puls  d,x
         leas  2,s          dump screen table pointer to keep screen address
         rts                return

* Clear screen (not window, but whole screen)
* Entry: B=Background color mask byte (from $6,x in window table)
*        X=Ptr to screen table
* Currently comes in with foreground color though.
* ATD: only called once, from just above...
L0335    pshs  x,y          save regs
         lda   #C$SPAC      get a space code
         std   <$0097       init screen clear value to $00 (or attribute)
         ldb   St.Sty,x     is window text?
L0343    ldy   St.LStrt,x   get screen start
         andb  #$F          make it fit table
         lslb               adjust for 2 bytes entry
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L035A-2  Point to screen length table
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   b,x          get length
         pshs  x
         ldx   b,x
         stx   <$B5
         puls  x
         cmpb  #$8          Text mode? 
         bls   ClrGfx       No, do Graphics screen clear
* Clear text screen
         ldx   <$0097       get screen clear codes ($2000)
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   w,d          Move count to D
         tfr   y,w          Move ptr to faster indexing register
L0352    stx   ,w++         Store blank char on screen
         decd               Dec counter
         bne   L0352
         ldd   <$B5
L0352    stx   ,y++ 
         subd  #1
         bne   L0352        Do until done screen
         sty   <$B5
         puls  x,y,pc       Get back regs & return

* Screen length table
L035A    fdb   80*MaxLines*8    640 2 color   (gfx are 1 byte counts)
         fdb   80*MaxLines*8    320 4 color
         fdb   160*MaxLines*8   640 4 color
         fdb   160*MaxLines*8   320 16 color
         fdb   160*Maxlines/2   80 column text  (txt are 2 byte counts)
         fdb   80*MaxLines/2    40 column text

* Clear a graphics screen
ClrGfx   ldx   #$1098       Point to clear code char.
         IFNE  H6309
         tfm   x,y+         Clear screen
         pshs  a
         lda   ,x
         ldx   <$B5
ClrGfx2  sta   ,y+
         leax  -1,x
         bne   ClrGfx2
         stx   <$B5
         puls  a
         puls  x,y,pc       Restore regs & return

* Part of window init routine
* Entry: Y=Window table ptr
*        X=Screen table ptr
L0366    ldd   #(TChr!Scale!Protect)*256 Transparency off & protect/Scale on
         stb   Wt.GBlk,y    Graphics cursor memory block #0
         std   Wt.BSW,y     Character switch defaults & Lset type 0
         stb   Wt.PBlk,y    Pset block #0
         IFNE  H6309
* Assembler can't do $10000x#
*         ldq   #(GrfStrt+L1FA9)*65536+(GrfStrt+L1F9E) Normal LSET/PSET vector
         fcb   $cd
         fdb   GrfStrt+L1FA9,GrfStrt+L1F9E
         stq   Wt.LVec,y    Save vectors
         ldd   #GrfStrt+L1F9E
         std   Wt.LVec+2,y
         std   <$B5
         ldd   #GrfStrt+L1FA9
         std   Wt.LVec,y
         ldb   Wt.Fore,y    Get foreground palette #
         lbsr  L074C        Get bit mask for this color
         stb   Wt.Fore,y    Store new foreground bit mask
         stb   <$0061       Store new foreground bit mask in GRFDRV's global
         ldb   Wt.Back,y    Get background palette #
         lbsr  L074C        Get bit mask for this color
         stb   Wt.Back,y    Store new background bit mask
         stb   <$0062       Store bckground bit mask in GRFDRV's global mem
         lbsr  L079B        Set default attributes to new colors
         ldd   St.LStrt,x   Get screen logical start
         bsr   L03A9        Go copy scrn address/X&Y start to defaults area
         clr   Wt.FBlk,y    Font memory block to 0 (no font yet)
* get group & buffer for font
         ldd   #$C801       Default group/buffer number for font
         std   <$0057
         lbsr  L0643        Go set up for font
         clrb               No error and return
* Move screen start address, X & Y coordinate starts of screen to 'default'
*   areas.  The first set is for what the window is currently at (CWArea
*   changes, for example), and the second set is the maximums of the window
*   when it was initialized, and thusly the maximums that can be used until
*   it is DWEnd'ed and DWSet'ed again.
* Entry :x= Screen table ptr
*        y= Window table ptr
*        d= Screen logical start address
L03A9    lbsr  L0581             Go set up window/character sizes
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   Wt.LStrt,y        Get screen start addr. & X coord start
         stq   Wt.LStDf,y        Save as 'window init' values
         ldd   Wt.LStrt,y
         std   Wt.LStDf,y
         ldd   Wt.LStrt+2,y
         std   Wt.LStDf+2,y
         std   <$B5
         ldd   Wt.SZX,y          Get Y coord start
         std   Wt.DfSZX,y        Set default Y coord start

* DWEnd entry point : NOTE: the LDD #$FFFF was a LDD #$FFFE from Kevin
*   Darling's 'christmas' patch. It is supposed to have something to do
*   with INIZ'ed but not screen allocated windows.
L03CB    lbsr  L0177          Go map in window
         ldd   #$FFFF         Set screen table ptr to indicate not active
         std   Wt.STbl,y
* This routine checks to see if we are the last window on the current screen
* Carry set if there is there is another window on our screen
* (Originally a subroutine...moved to save 2 bytes & 5 cycles
* Entry: Y=window table ptr
*        X=Screen table ptr?
L03FF    pshs  y,x            Preserve window table & screen table ptrs
         tfr   x,y            Move for ABX
         ldx   #WinBase       Point to window table entries
         ldd   #MaxWind*256+Wt.Siz Get # entries & size
L0407    cmpy  Wt.STbl,x      Keep looking until we find entry on our screen
         beq   L0414          Found one, error
         abx                  Bump to next one
         deca                 Keep doing until all 32 window entries are done
         bne   L0407
         clrb                 We were only window on screen, no error
*ATD: FCB $21: BRN = skip 1 byte
*         bra   L0415
         fcb   $21          BRN foo = skip one byte, same speed 1 byte less
L0414    comb                 Set flag (there is another window on screen)
L0415    puls  y,x            Restore window table & screen table ptrs
         bcs   L03F4          Not only window, CLS our area before we exit
         bsr   L0417          Only one, deallocate mem for screen if possible
         cmpy  <$002E         Our window table ptr same as current ptr?
* Note: The following line was causing our screen to clear which wrote over
* the $FF value we wrote at the beginning to flag the screen memory as free.
* This caused a memory leak in certain situations, like:
* iniz w1 w4;echo>/w1;echo>/w4;deiniz w4 w1
*         bne   L03F4          No, Clear our screen & exit
         bne   L03F5          No, just exit
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd                 Yes, clear current window & screen table ptrs
         stq   <$2E
         std   <$2E
         std   <$30
         std   <$B5
* Clear palettes to black
         sta   >$ff9a         Border
         IFNE  H6309
         stq   >$ffb0         And all palette regs
         stq   >$ffb4
         stq   >$ffb8
         stq   >$ffbc
         pshs  b,x
         ldx   #$ffb0
         ldb   #16
L03FCb   sta   ,x+
         bne   L03FCb
         puls  b,x
L03FC    jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet Return to system

* CLS our old screen with background color & leave if we weren't only window
*   on the screen (for Multi-Vue, for example)
L03F4    ldb   St.Back,x      Get background palette reg from screen table
         stb   <$0062         Put into background RGB Data
         lbsr  L1377          CLS the area we were in
*         clrb                 No errors
L03F5     jmp   >GrfStrt+L0F78 Return to system

* Called by DWEnd if we were only window on physical screen
* Entry: Y=window table ptr
*        X=screen table ptr
L0417    pshs  y              Preserve window table pointer
         lda   St.Sty,x       Get screen type
         bpl   L043F          Graphics screen, can definately de-allocate
* Text window - could be others still active in 8K block
         ldy   St.LStrt,x     Get screen phys. addr from screen table
         ldb   #$FF           Mark this part of 8K block as unused
         stb   ,y
         cmpa  #$85           Is this an 80 column hardware text window?
         bne   L042E          No, 40 column so just mark the 1 half
         leay  >$0800,y       80 column so mark both halves as unused (since
         stb   ,y               routine below checks for 40 column markers)
L042E    ldy   #$8000         Point to first of 4 possible windows in block
* Check if entire 8K block is empty... if it is, deallocate it
L0432    cmpb  ,y             Is this one already marked as unused?
         bne   L0455          No, can't deallocate block so skip ahead
         lbsr  L02F1          Yes, move to next text screen start in block
         blo   L0432          Not last one, keep checking
         ldb   #$01           # of memory blocks in this screen
         bra   L0445          Deallocate the block from used memory pool
* If a graphics screen, get # blocks to deallocate
L043F    ldy   #GrfStrt+L02FA-1   Get # mem blocks for this screen
         ldb   a,y
* Deallocate memory block(s) from screen since they are now unused
L0445    pshs  x,b            Preserve screen table ptr & # blocks
         clra                 clear MSB of D
         ldb   St.SBlk,x      Get MMU start block # for screen
         tfr   d,x            Move to X
         puls  b              Get back # blocks to deallocate
         os9   F$DelRAM       Deallocate the memory
         puls  x              get screen table ptr back
         bcs   L0458          If error, return with error flags
L0455    clrb                 No error and set start block # to 0 (to indicate
         stb   St.SBlk,x       not used)
L0458    puls  pc,y           Restore window table ptr & return

* Part of OWSet
* Entry: Y=New overlay window table ptr
* Exit: Overlay window table ptr on stack, Y=Parent window table ptr
L045A    puls  d              Get RTS address
         pshs  y,d            Swap RTS address & Y on stack
         ldb   Wt.BLnk,y      Get parent window #
         lda   #Wt.Siz        Size of window table entries
         ldy   #WinBase       Point to start of window tables
         leay  d,y            Point to parent window entry

* OWSet Entry point
L046A    bsr   L045A          Get parent window table ptr
         lbsr  L0177          Map in parent window & setup grfdrv mem from it
         ldd   ,s           Y=parent, d=overlay
         exg   y,d          d=parent, y=overlay
         std   ,s             Stack=Parent window ptr, Y=Overlay window ptr
         bsr   L049D          Check legitamacy of overlay coords & size
         bcs   L049A          Illegal, exit with Illegal Coord error
         ldd   Wt.STbl,x      Get root window's screen table ptr
         std   Wt.STbl,y      Dupe into overlay window's screen table ptr
         bsr   L04CC          Set up overlay window table from root table
         ldb   <$0059         Save switch on?
         beq   L0490          No, don't save original area (or clear it)
         lbsr  L0516          Calculate sizes
         bcs   L049A          error, return to system
         ldb   Wt.Back,y      Get background color
         stb   <$62           Make current background color
         lbsr  L1377          CLS the overlay window area
L0490    puls  x              Get parent's window table ptr
         cmpx  <$002E         Is it the current window?
         bne   L0499          No, exit without error
         sty   <$002E         Make overlay window the current window
L0499    clrb                 No errors
L049A    jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet Return to system

* Make sure overlay window coords & size are legit
L049D    bsr   L04BA          Get pointer to 'root' device window into X
L049F    ldb   Wt.CPX,y       Get X coord start of overlay window
         bmi   L04B7          If >=128 then exit with error
         addb  Wt.SZX,y       Add current X size to X start
         bcs   L04B7          added line: exit if 8-bit overflow
         cmpb  Wt.DfSZX,x     Compare with maximum X size allowed
         bhi   L04B7          Too wide, exit with error
         ldb   Wt.CPY,y       Get current Y coord start
         bmi   L04B7          If >=128 then exit with error
         addb  Wt.SZY,y       Add current Y size to Y start
         bcs   L04B7          added line: exit if 8-bit overflow
         cmpb  Wt.DfSZY,x     Compare with maximum Y size allowed
         bhi   L04B7          Too high, exit with error
         clrb                 Will fit, exit without error
L04CB    rts   

L04B7    jmp   >GrfStrt+L01F5 Exit with illegal coordinate error

* Search for device window entry at the bottom of this set of overlay windows
* Entry: Y=Current window ptr
* Exit:  X=Pointer to 'root' device window (in case of multiple overlays)
L04BA    tfr   y,x            Move current window ptr to X
L04BC    ldb   Wt.BLnk,x      Get back window # link
         bmi   L04CB          If overlay window itself, skip ahead
         ldx   #WinBase       Point to start of window tables
         lda   #Wt.Siz        Size of each entry
         mul                  Calculate address of back window table entry
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  d,x
         leax  d,x
         bra   L04BC          Keep looking back until device window is found

* Set up new overlay window table based on root window information
* Entry: X=root window ptr, Y=overlay window ptr
L04CC    clr   Wt.OBlk,y      Overlay memory block #=0
         lbsr  L079B          Go make default attribute byte from FG/BG colors
         lda   Wt.Attr,x      Get the default attribute byte from root
         anda  #$C0           Mask out all but Blink & Underline
         ora   Wt.Attr,y      Merge with overlay window's colors
         sta   Wt.Attr,y      Save new attribute byte
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   Wt.BSW,x       Set up other defaults in overlay based on root
         stq   Wt.BSW,y
         ldq   Wt.LVec,x
         stq   Wt.LVec,y
         ldd   Wt.BSW,x
         std   Wt.BSW,y
         ldd   Wt.BSW+2,x
         std   Wt.BSW+2,y
         ldd   Wt.LVec,x
         std   Wt.LVec,y
         ldd   Wt.LVec+2,x
         std   Wt.LVec+2,y
         ldd   Wt.FOff+1,x
         std   Wt.FOff+1,y
         ldb   Wt.GBlk,x
         stb   Wt.GBlk,y
         ldd   Wt.GOff,x
         std   Wt.GOff,y
         ldb   Wt.Fore,y      Get foreground palette
         lbsr  L074C          Get bit mask if gfx window
         stb   Wt.Fore,y      Store color or mask
         ldb   Wt.Back,y      Get background palette
         lbsr  L074C          Get bit mask if gfx window
         stb   Wt.Back,y      Store color or mask
         ldd   Wt.LStrt,x     Get screen logical start address
         jmp   >GrfStrt+L03A9 Set up rest of window table & return

* Entry: X=root window table ptr
*        Y=Overlay window table ptr
* Exit:  <$4F=X screen size (chars if hware text, pixels if Gfx)
*        <$51=Y screen size (char lines if hware text, pixels if Gfx)
L0516    pshs  x              Preserve root window table ptr
         bsr   xy.intoq     get X,Y size for text/gfx into Q
         IFNE  H6309
         stq   <$4F           Save X and Y screen size (chars or pixels)
         pshs  d
         std   <$4F
         ldd   <$B5
         std   <$51
         puls  d
         std   <$0047         Set current X coordinate to 0
         lbsr  L0BEA          Calculate # bytes wide overlay is
         puls  pc,x           Restore root window table ptr & return

* OWEnd entry point
L053A    lbsr  L0177          Map in window & set up Grfdrv mem from it
         cmpy  <$2E           Is this the current interactive window?
         bne   L054A          No, skip ahead
         lbsr  L045A          Yes, get parent window tbl ptr into Y
         sty   <$002E         Make parent window the new interactive window
         puls  y              Get overlay window tbl ptr back
L054A    ldb   Wt.OBlk,y      Get MMU block # of overlay window
         beq   L0562          If none, save switch was off, so skip ahead
         lbsr  L017C          Map in get/put block
         stb   <$007D         Save block #
         ldd   Wt.OOff,y      Get ptr to buffer start in block
         std   <$007E         Save that too
         lbsr  L0CF8          Go put it back on the screen
         lbsr  L092B          Hunt down the overlay window GP Buffer
         lbsr  L0A55          Kill the buffer (free it up)
L0562    ldd   #$FFFF         Mark window table entry as unused
         std   Wt.STbl,y
         bra   L057D          Exit without error

L0569    comb  
         ldb   #E$IllCmd      Exit with Illegal Command error
         bra   L057E

* CWArea entry point
L056E    lbsr  L0177          Map in the window
         tfr   y,x            Move window tbl ptr to X
         lbsr  L049F          Make sure coords will fit in orig. window sizes
         bcs   L057E          No, exit with error
         ldd   Wt.LStDf,y     get screen logical start
         bsr   L0581          go do it
L057D    clrb                 No error
L057E    jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet return to system

* This routine is ONLY called from L0516 (CWArea) and L0581 (OWSet)
* As these routines are not called too often, we can add 10 clock cycles
xy.intoq clra               clear carry for ROLW, below
         ldb   Wt.SZY,y       Get current Y size of overlay window into W
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   d,w          move Y-size into W
         std   <$B5
         ldb   Wt.SZX,y       Get current X size of overlay window into D
         tst   <$60           Test screen type
         bmi   L0530          If hardware text, exit without doing more shifts
         IFNE  H6309
         rolw                 multiply by 8 for # pixels down
         rolw               E=$00 and CC.C=0 from above,so this is really ASLW
         lslb                 Multiply by 8 for # pixels across
         lsld               A=$00 from CLRA, above.  Max 80
         lsl   <$B6
         rol   <$B5
         lsl   <$B6
         rol   <$B5
         lsl   <$B6
         rol   <$B5
L0530    rts

* Entry :x= Screen table ptr
*        y= Window table ptr
*        d= Screen logical start address
L0581    pshs  d,x          Preserve Screen start & screen tbl ptr
         ldb   <$0060       get STY marker
         andb  #$0F         keep only first 4 bits
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L05E1-1  Point to # bytes/text char table
         ldb   b,x          get number bytes/char
         stb   Wt.CWTmp,y   Preserve # bytes/char
         lda   Wt.SZX,y     get current X size (of window)
         mul                Calculate # bytes wide window is
         stb   Wt.XBCnt,y   Preserve #bytes wide window is
         clra               #bytes per row MSB to 0
         ldb   <$0063       Get #bytes per row on screen
         tst   <$0060       Text or graphics screen?
         bmi   L05A1        If text, we already have # bytes per row
         IFNE  H6309
         lsld               If graphics, multiply x 8 since each text row
         lsld               is 8 sets of lines
L05A1    std   Wt.BRow,y    Preserve # bytes/text row (8 lines if gfx)
         ldb   Wt.CPY,y     Get Upper left Y coord of window
         IFNE  H6309
         muld  Wt.BRow,y    Calculate Y coordinate start
         stw   <$0097       save Y offset
         pshs  x,y,u
         ldx   Wt.BRow,y
         lbsr  MUL16
         stu   <$97
         stu   <$B5
         puls  x,y,u
         lda   Wt.CPX,y     get X coordinate start
         ldb   Wt.CWTmp,y   get # bytes per text character
         mul                calculate where X starts
         addd  ,s++         add it to screen start address
         addd  <$0097       add in Y offset
         std   Wt.LStrt,y   get screen logical start
         lbsr  L11E1        home cursor
         ldb   <$0060       get STY marker
         bmi   L05C0        text, don't need scale factor
         bsr   L05E7        calculate scaling factor
* Calculate window X size in either pixels or characters
* Q is D:W  D=X size, W=Y size
L05C0    bsr   xy.intoq     get X and Y for text/gfx into Q
         IFNE  H6309
         decw               adjust Y to start at 0
         decd               adjust X to start at 0
         stq   Wt.MaxX,y    save maximum X co-ordinate
         subd  #1
         std   Wt.MaxX,y
         pshs  d
         ldd   <$B5
         subd  #1
         std   <$B5
         std   Wt.MaxX+2,y
         puls  d
         puls  x,pc         restore & return

* # bytes for each text char
L05E1    fcb   $01          640 2 color
         fcb   $02          320 4 color
         fcb   $02          640 4 color
         fcb   $04          320 16 color
         fcb   $02          80 column text (includes attribute byte)
         fcb   $02          40 column text (includes attribute byte)

* Graphic window scaling constants (When multiplied by the maximum width/
* height of the screen in characters, they equal 256. The resulting figure
* is rounded up by 1 if the result has a fraction >=.8.
* The resulting rounded figure (1 byte long) is then used by multiplying
* it with the coordinate requested, and then dividing by 256 (dropping
* the least significiant byte). The resulting 2 byte number is the scaled
* coordinate to actually use.)
* The actual scaling factor is a 16x8 bit multiply (Scale factor by # of
* columns/rows) into a 3 byte #. If the LSB is >=$CD (.8), then round up
* the 2nd byte by 1 (MSB is unused). The 2nd byte is the scaling factor.
* X scaling constants for 640x screen
XSclMSB  fdb   $0333          X Scaling factor (~3.2)

* Y scaling constants (note: fractional part of 200 line has changed from
* $3f to $3e, since that is closer to get the 256 mod value)
YScl192  fdb   $0AAB          Y Scaling factor for 192 row scrn (~10.668)
YScl200  fdb   $0A3E          Y Scaling factor for 200 row scrn (~10.2422)

* Calculate scaling factors for a graphics window (# row/columns*scale factor)
* Must be as close to 256 as possible
L05E7    clra               D=# of columns
         ldb   Wt.SZX,y
         IFNE  H6309
         muld  <XSclMSB,pc  Multiply by X scaling factor
         cmpf  #$cd         Need to round it up if >=.8?
         pshs  x,y,u
         ldx   <XSclMSB,pc
         lbsr  MUL16
         stu   <$B5
         tfr   u,d
         cmpb  #$cd
         tfr   y,d
         puls  x,y,u
         blo   saveXscl     No, save result
         IFNE  H6309
         ince               Round it up
saveXscl ste   Wt.SXFct,y   Save X scaling multiplier
         inc   <$B5
saveXscl pshs  a
         lda   <$B5
         sta   Wt.SXFct,y
         puls  a
         ldb   Wt.SZY,y     D=# of rows (A=0 from MULD already)
         cmpb  #25          Is it the full 25 lines?
         blo   useold       No, use old scaling factor for compatibility
         IFNE  H6309
         muld  <YScl200,pc  Multiply by 200 line Y scaling factor
         pshs  x,y,u
         ldx   <YScl200,pc
         lbsr  MUL16
         stu   <$B5
         tfr   y,d
         puls  x,y,u
         bra   chkrnd
useold   equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         muld  <YScl192,pc  Multiply by 192 line Y scaling factor
         pshs  x,y,u
         ldx   <YScl192,pc
         lbsr  MUL16
         stu   <$B5
         tfr   y,d
         puls  x,y,u
chkrnd   equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpf  #$cd         Need to round it up if >=.8?
         pshs  b
         ldb   <$B6
         cmpb  #$cd
         puls  b
         blo   saveYscl     No, save result
         IFNE  H6309
         ince               Round it up
         inc   <$B5
saveYscl equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         ste   Wt.SYFct,y   Save Y scaling multiplier
         pshs  a
         lda   <$B5
         sta   Wt.SYFct,y
         puls  a

* PSet entry point - Change <$16,y vector to proper pattern drawing
L0611    ldb   <$0057       get group mem block #
         bne   L061D        If a pattern is wanted, go find it
         stb   Wt.PBlk,y    Set memory block # to 0 (PSET patterning off)
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L1F9E  Point to normal PSET vector
         bra   L0635        Go preserve vector & exit without error

L061D    lbsr  L0930        Go search buffers for the one we want
         bcs   L0639        If the buffer doesn't exist, exit with error
         stb   Wt.PBlk,y    Save PSET block #
         leax  Grf.Siz,x    Skip Gfx buffer header
         stx   Wt.POff,y    Save offset to actual graphics data
         ldb   [Wt.STbl,y]  Get screen type from screen table
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L1FB4-1  Point to table (-1 since scrn type 0 illegal)
         ldb   b,x          Get unsigned offset for vector calculation
         abx                Calculate address of vector
L0635    stx   Wt.PVec,y    Preserve PSET vector
L0638    jmp   >GrfStrt+L0F78 Return to system, without any errors

* Font entry point
L063C    lbsr  L0177        Map in window
         bsr   L0643        Go set font group #
L0639    jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet Return to system

L0643    ldb   <$0057       get block number for font buffer
         bne   L064A        If there is one, go set it up
         stb   Wt.FBlk,y    Set font memory block # to 0 (no fonts)

L064A    lbsr  L1002        Go set the font ('.' font default if none)
         lbsr  L0930        Search buffers for proper one
         bcs   L0684        Error, skip ahead
         pshs  x,b          Preserve graphics buffer table ptr & b
         ldd   Grf.XSz,x    Get X size of buffer
         cmpd  #6           6 pixel wide buffer?
         beq   L0662        Yes, go on
         cmpd  #8           8 pixel wide buffer?
         bne   L0685        Not a font, report buffer # error
* It is a buffer size that matches those acceptable to fonts
L0662    ldd   Grf.YSz,x    Get Y size of buffer
         cmpd  #8           8 pixel high buffer?
         bne   L0685        No, report buffer # error
         stb   Grf.XBSz,x   Preserve font height
         ldd   Grf.XSz,x    Get X size of buffer again
         cmpd  <$006E       Get X pixel count
         beq   L067D        Same, set up normally
         ldb   Wt.FBlk,y    Check font block #
         beq   L067D        If there is none, exit normally (pointing to '.')
         lbsr  L11CD        If not, do CR & set up width of line
L067D    puls  x,b          Get back regs
         stb   Wt.FBlk,y    Store block # where font is
         stx   Wt.FOff,y    Store offset to font within 8K block
         clrb               No error and return
L0684    rts   

* Can't do font
L0685    puls  x,b          Get block # and graphics table buffer ptr back
         ldb   #E$BadBuf    bad buffer # error
         coma               Set error flag

* GCSet entry point
L068B    lbsr  L0177        Map in window
         ldb   <$0057       Get group # for graphics cursor
         bne   L0697        There is one, go process
         stb   Wt.GBlk,y    Set to 0 to flag that graphics cursor is off
         bra   L0639        Return to system
L0697    lbsr  L0930        Go search graphics buffers for the one we want
         bcs   L0639        Can't find, return to system with error
         stb   Wt.GBlk,y    Store block # of graphics cursor
         stx   Wt.GOff,y    Store offset into block for graphics cursor
         bra   L0638        Return to system with no errors

* FColor entry point
L0707    ldb   [Wt.STbl,y]   Get screen type from screen table
         stb   <$0060        Save as current screen type
         ldb   <$005A        Get palette number from user
         bsr   L074C         Go get mask for it
         stb   Wt.Fore,y     Save foreground palette #
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #Invers,Wt.BSW,y Inverse on?
         ldb   Wt.BSW,y      regB does not need to be preserved
         bitb  #Invers
         bne   L0738         Yes, go process for that
L0719    ldb   <$005A        get palette register number
         lslb                Move into foreground of attribute byte
         andb  #$38          Clear out blink/underline & background
         lda   Wt.Attr,y     Get default attributes
         anda  #$C7          Mask out foreground
         bra   L0742         OR in new foreground

* BColor entry point
L0726    ldb   [Wt.STbl,y]   Get screen type from screen table
         stb   <$0060        save it in global
         ldb   <$005A        get palette register #
         bsr   L074C
         stb   Wt.Back,y     save background into window table
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #Invers,Wt.BSW,y Inverse on?
         ldb   Wt.BSW,y      regB does not need to be preserved
         bitb  #Invers
         bne   L0719        If set, do masking to switch fore/bck ground colors

L0738    ldb   <$005A       Get palette register #
         andb  #$07         Force to 0-7 only
         lda   Wt.Attr,y    Get default attributes
         anda  #$F8         Mask out background
L0742    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         orr   b,a          Merge the color into attribute byte
         pshs  b
         ora   ,s+
         sta   Wt.Attr,y    Store new default attribute
L0748    clr   <$A9         No error, clear flag & return to system
         jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet

* Convert color to allowable ones for screen type
* NOTE: see if we can swap a/b roles to allow ABX instead of LEAX A,X
L074C    pshs  x,a          Preserve screen table ptr & a
         lda   <$0060       get STY marker
         bmi   L075D        text or same screen, return
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L075F-1  Point to mask table
         lda   a,x          Get offset to proper mask set
         leax  a,x          Point to the mask table
         andb  ,x+          Mask out bits we can't use on this type screen
         ldb   b,x          Get bit mask for the foreground color
L075D    puls  pc,x,a       restore regs & return

L075F    fcb   L0763-(L075F-1)    $05   (640/2 color table offset)
         fcb   L0766-(L075F-1)    $08   (320/4 color table offset)
         fcb   L0766-(L075F-1)    $08   (640/4 color table offset)
         fcb   L076B-(L075F-1)    $0d   (320/16 color table offset)

* Color masks for 640 2 color
L0763    fcb   $01
         fcb   $00,$ff

* Color masks for 640 and 320 4 color
L0766    fcb   $03
         fcb   $00,$55,$aa,$ff

* Color masks for 320 16 color
L076B    fcb   $0f
         fcb   $00,$11,$22,$33,$44,$55,$66,$77
         fcb   $88,$99,$aa,$bb,$cc,$dd,$ee,$ff

* Get foreground color mask
L0791    tst   ,x             Check screen type?
         bpl   L074C          If graphics, mask out values scrn type can't use
         andb  #$07           Just least significiant 3 bits

* Make default attribute byte from current fore/background colors (blink &
*   underline forced off)
L079B    ldb   Wt.Fore,y      Get foreground palette #
         andb  #$07           Use only 0-7
         lslb                 Shift to foreground color position
         lda   Wt.Back,y      Get background palette #
         anda  #$07           Use only 0-7
         IFNE  H6309
         orr   a,b            Merge foreground & background
         pshs  a
         orb   ,s+
         stb   Wt.Attr,y      Set new default attributes

* Select entry point
* Entry: Y=Newly selected window pointer
* ATD: !! Save DP, too.
L07D7    pshs  y            save Window table ptr we will be going to
         ldy   <$002E       get window table ptr we are going from
         beq   L07E1        If none, skip ahead
         lbsr  L0177        set variables/MMU & update cursors on old window
L07E1    ldb   >WGlobal+G.CurTik       Reload counter for # ticks/cursor updates
         stb   >WGlobal+G.CntTik
         ldy   ,s           get 'to' window table pointer
         lbsr  L0129        Map in window & setup grfdrv mem for new window
         sty   <$002E       save it as current window entry
         stx   <$0030       set current screen table pointer
         tfr   x,y          Move to Y reg
L08DB    ldx   #$FF90       point to Gime registers
*ATD: Do a TFR 0,DP: larger but faster?
         ldu   #$0090       point to shadow RAM for GIME hardware
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #$7f,,u      remove Coco 1/2 compatibility bit: set from CoVDG
         ldb   ,u           get new value
         ldb   ,u 
         andb  #$7f
         stb   ,u
         stb   ,x           save it to GIME
* Calculate extended screen address for 1 or 2 Meg upgrade
* Entry: X=$FF90 (start of GIME regs)
*        Y=Screen table ptr
* Exits: With GIME (and shadow regs) pointing to proper GIME screen address &
*        proper 512k bank (via Disto's DAT) that screen is in (0-3 for up to
*        2 Meg of RAM)
         sta   $0F,x      Set horizontal scroll to 0
         sta   $0F,u      And set it's shadow
         ldb   St.SBlk,y  Get block # of screen
         IFNE  H6309
         lsld             Multiply by 4 (to shift which 512k bank into A)
         stb   <$0082     Remainder is the block #(0-3F) in this 512k bank
*                         No, remainder is V.OFF1 of this block. RG.
         clrb               vertical scroll=0
         std   $0B,x      Set which of up to 4 512K banks video is from
         std   $0B,u      And set it's shadow, along with vertical scroll
         ldd   St.LStrt,y Get screen logical start
         suba  #$80       Subtract $80 from MSB of that address
         IFNE  H6309
         lsrd             Divide result by 8
         adda  <$0082     Add to MSB of 24 bit extended screen address
         std   $0D,x      Store result into GIME's vertical offset register
         std   $0D,u      and it's shadow

         ldx   #GrfStrt+L086A.24-2   GIME setup table for 24-line screens
         ldb   St.ScSiz,y   get screen size into B
         cmpb  #24          24-line screens?
         beq   L0840        if so: skip ahead; else get 25-line pointer
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L086A.25-2   GIME setup table for 25-line screens

L0840    ldb   ,y           get screen type we need
         andb  #$0F         keep only first 4 bits
         lslb               multiply by 2 (2 bytes per entry)
         abx                find entry
         lda   $08,u        get current GIME video mode register
         anda  #$78         keep only non video bits
         ora   ,x           bring in new video mode
         ldb   1,x          get Video resolution
* ATD: for new 'garbage-less' CLRing, and new clock, save these values
* at $08,u, and set $06,u: The clock will clear the flag at $0096, and update
* the GIME video hardware at the _start_ of the IRQ process.
         std   $08,u        save new GIME shadow registers
         std   >$FF98       save it to GIME
* Set up colors on GIME for newly selected window
         ldb   St.Brdr,y    Get current border palette #
         leay  St.Pals,y    Point to palette register data in scrn tbl
         IFNE  H6309
         ldf   >WGlobal+G.MonTyp       Get monitor type in F for faster translates
         ldb   b,y          Get border color
         stb   $0A,u        Save new border color to GIME shadow
         IFNE  H6309
         tstf               Need to convert color?
         tst   >WGlobal+G.MonTyp 
         bne   DoBord       Nope
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L0884   Point to translation table
         ldb   b,x          Get composite version
DoBord   stb   >$ff9a       Save it on GIME
         ldu   #$FFB0       U=GIME palette reg. ptr
         IFNE  H6309
         tstf               Rest of colors need translation?
         tst   >WGlobal+G.MonTyp 
         bne   FstRGB       No, use TFM
* Composite translate here
         lda   #$10         A=# of colors
L0851    ldb   ,y+          Get RGB color
         ldb   b,x          Get composite version
         stb   ,u+          Save it to GIME
         deca               Done?
         bhi   L0851        No, keep going
         bra   DnePaltt     Done, go do Gfx cursor
FstRGB   equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   #$0010       Palette register ptr & # palette regs
         tfm   y+,u+        Move them onto GIME
         pshs  d
         ldb   #16
FstRGB2  lda   ,y+
         sta   ,u+
         bne   FstRGB2
         std   <$B5
         puls  d

* ATD: PULS DP, too
DnePaltt puls  y            Restore window entry
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   <$3D         Get last coords that Gfx cursor was ON at
         stq   <$5B         Save as current coords of Gfx cursor
         ldd   <$3F
         std   <$5D
         std   <$B5
         ldd   <$3D
         std   <$5B
         lbsr  L153B        Update 'last gfx cursor on' position to new one
         jmp   >GrfStrt+L0F78 return to system: no errors

* GIME graphics register values
*     1st byte goes to $ff98
*     2nd byte goes to $ff99
* NOTE: To change to 25 line TV res (200 not 225), change $0475 & $0465 to
* $033D & $032D respectively (approx $825 in V1.15+)
*       ifeq MaxLines-25
L086A.25 fdb   $8034        640x200 2 color
         fdb   $8035        320x200 4 color
         fdb   $803D        640x200 4 color
         fdb   $803E        320x200 16 color
       ifeq TV-1
         fdb   $033D        80x25, 200 line screen
         fdb   $032D        40x25, 200 line screen
         fdb   $0475        80x25, 225 line screen
         fdb   $0465        40x25, 225 line screen

*       else
L086A.24 fdb   $8014        640x192 2 color
         fdb   $8015        320x192 4 color
         fdb   $801D        640x192 4 color
         fdb   $801E        320x192 16 color
         fdb   $0315        80x24, 192 line screen
         fdb   $0305        40x24, 192 line screen
*       endc

* 64 color translation table for RGB to composite monitor
L0884    fcb   $00,$0c,$02,$0e,$07,$09,$05,$10
         fcb   $1c,$2c,$0d,$1d,$0b,$1b,$0a,$2b
         fcb   $22,$11,$12,$21,$03,$01,$13,$32
         fcb   $1e,$2d,$1f,$2e,$0f,$3c,$2f,$3d
         fcb   $17,$08,$15,$06,$27,$16,$26,$36
         fcb   $19,$2a,$1a,$3a,$18,$29,$28,$38
         fcb   $14,$04,$23,$33,$25,$35,$24,$34
         fcb   $20,$3b,$31,$3e,$37,$39,$3f,$30

* DefGPB entry point
L08DC    bsr   L08E1        go do it
         jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet return to system

* Entry point for internal DefGPB (Ex. Overlay window)
L08E1    ldd   <$80         get buffer length requested
         addd  #$001F       round it up to even multiples of 32 bytes
         andb  #$E0         (to allow for header)        
         std   <$80         Preserve new value
         ldb   <$57         get group
         cmpb  #$FF         overlay window save?
         beq   L08F8        yes, skip ahead
         tst   <$32         No, has there been any buffers?
         beq   L08F8        no, go make one
         bsr   L0930        Yes, see if we can fit one in
         bcc   L096A        Return Bad/Undefined buffer error
L08F8    ldd   <$80         get requested length including header
         cmpd  #$2000       over 8k?
         bhi   L090A        yes, skip ahead
         bsr   L0975        Find block & offset to put it (new or old)
         bcs   L090A        If couldn't find/allocate, skip ahead
         lda   #$01         1 8K block used for this buffer
         sta   Grf.NBlk,x
         bra   L090F        Skip ahead
* Couldn't find existing block that would fit it
L090A    lbsr  L09A8        Go allocate blocks & map 1st one in
         bcs   L0928        Error, exit with it
L090F    stb   <$007D       Save start block #
         stx   <$007E       Save offset into block
         lbsr  L09FC        Update get/put buffer header & last used in global
         ldd   <$0057       Get group & buffer #
         std   Grf.Grp,x    save group & buffer # into buffer header
         ldd   <$0080       Get buffer size (not including header)
         std   Grf.BSz,x    save buffer size in buffer header
         IFNE  H6309
         stq   Grf.XSz,x    Init X and Y sizes to 0
         std   Grf.XSz,x
         std   Grf.XSz+2,x
         std   <$B5
         std   Grf.LfPx,x   Init Pixel masks for 1st & last bytes in block
         stb   Grf.STY,x    set internal screen type marker
L0928    rts   

* Set vector for overlay window buffer search
L092B    ldx   #GrfStrt+L093F  Point to overlay window bffr search routine
         bra   L0933        set the vector & do search

* Set vector for graphics buffer search
L0930    ldx   #GrfStrt+L0949  Point to normal buffer search routine
L0933    stx   <$A1         save the search routine vector
         bsr   L096E        initialize previous table pointers
         ldb   <$32         get the last block # we used for buffers
         beq   L096A        Wasn't one, return error
         ldx   <$33         get last offset
         bra   L0961        go map it in & do search routine

* Overlay window buffer search
L093F    cmpb  Wt.OBlk,y    is this the right overlay?
         bne   L0957        no, move to next one and come back again
         cmpx  Wt.OOff,y    set conditions for offset match
         bra   L0955        go check it

* Graphics buffer search
L0949    lda   <$0057       get group we're looking for
         cmpa  Grf.Grp,x    find it?
         bne   L0957        nope, keep looking
         lda   <$0058       get buffer #
         beq   L0968        done, return
         cmpa  Grf.Buff,x   match?
L0955    beq   L0968        yes, return
L0957    stb   <$007D       save it as previous block #
         stx   <$007E       save previous offset
         ldb   Grf.Bck,x    get back block # link
         beq   L096A        there isn't one, return
         ldx   Grf.Off,x    get offset
L0961    lbsr  L017C        go map it in
         jmp   [>GrfMem+gr00A1]     Do search again
L0968    clra               No error & exit
L096A    comb               Bad buffer # error & exit
         ldb   #E$BadBuf

* Initialize previous buffer pointers
L096E    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         stb   <$7D         Buffer block #
         std   <$7E         Buffer offset #

* Called by DefGPB
* Find get/put buffer & block # with room (or make new one)
* Exit: B=Block #, X=Ptr to where next GP buffer could go
L0975    pshs  b,y          Preserve regs
         ldy   <$0080       get size of buffer requested
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L0AE0  Set vector to find empty space in a block big
         stx   <$00A1         enough to fit the size we want
         lbsr  L0ACD        Go find it
         bcs   L09A6        Couldn't find, exit with carry set
         stb   ,s           Change B on stack to block # we found
         ldd   Grf.BSz,x    Get buffer size from GP header
         subd  <$0080       Subtract the buffer size we need
         bne   L099B        If not exact fit, skip ahead
         pshs  x            Preserve GP buffer ptr a sec
         lbsr  L0A1C        Map in previous block or new block?
         puls  x            Restore GP buffer ptr
         ldb   ,s           Get block # we found
         lbsr  L017C        Go map it in
         bra   L09A5        exit without error
L099B    subd  #$0020       Don't include GP header in GP's buffer size
         std   Grf.BSz,x    Store size into GP header's size
         leax  Grf.Siz,x    Point to start of actual GP buffer data
         leax  d,x          Point to where next GP buffer will go
L09A5    clra               No error
L09A6    puls  pc,y,b       Restore regs and return

* If initial search couldn't find/fit block, or if size>8K, go here
* Some of stack pushing/Temp storing could be done in E/F instead
* Particularily <$99
* Map in buffer needed (or 1st block of it if >8K)
L09A8    ldd   <$80         Get original size we wanted
         addd  #$0020       Add block header size
         std   <$97         Preserve into temp area
         addd  #$1FFF       Round up to 8K 
         lsra               Divide by 32 for # blocks needed
         tfr   a,b          Dupe into B
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   a,f          And into F
         sta   <$B6
         os9   F$AllRAM     Allocate memory
         bcs   L09FB        Couldn't allocate, return with error
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   b,e          Preserve start block #
         cmpf  #$01
         stb   <$B5
         ldb   <$B6         regB does not need to be preserved
         cmpb  #1
         bhi   L09EE        If more than 1 block requested, skip ahead
         ldd   #$2000       8k
         subd  <$97         Calculate # bytes left in block after our buffer
         anda  #$1F         Round to within 8K
         std   <$9B         Store in another temp
         beq   L09EE        Exact size of 8K block, skip ahead
         ldd   #$2000       Size of block
         subd  <$9B         subtract rounded size left in block
         adda  #$20         Add 8K so it points to address in GRFDRV's get/
         tfr   d,x          put buffer block (which is where it will be)
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   e,b          B=Start block # of allocated RAM
         ldb   <$B5
         lbsr  L017C        map it in
         bsr   L0A0C        Set up new block hdr's back links & current
         ldd   <$9B         Get # bytes left in block
         subd  #$0020       Subtract header size
         std   Grf.BSz,x    Preserve buffer size in header

L09EE    ldx   #$2000       Start address of GRFDRV's get/put buffer block
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   e,b          Move start block # to proper register
         ldb   <$B5
         lbsr  L017C        Map it in
         IFNE  H6309
         stf   Grf.NBlk,x   Save # of blocks needed for whole buffer
         lda   <$B6
         sta   Grf.NBlk,x
         clra               No error & return
L09FB    rts   

* Update last get/put buffer used info & Get/Put buffer header
* Updates $32 & $33-$34
* Entry: D=Size left in second block
L09FC    pshs  d           Preserve D
         lda   <$32        Get last mapped in block for Get/Put buffers
         sta   Grf.Bck,x   Make that the block # for our header
         stb   <$32        Put our new last mapped block
         ldd   <$33        Get last mapped offset
         std   Grf.Off,x   Put that into our header
         stx   <$33        Put our new offset into the last mapped offset
         puls  pc,d        restore D & return

* Update current get/put buffer info & Get/Put Buffer header
* Updates $35 & $36-$37
*Entry: X=ptr to start of buffer header in GRFDRV's 2nd block (Get/put buffer)
L0A0C    pshs  d           Preserve D
         lda   <$35        Get current block/group #
         sta   Grf.Bck,x   Make new block's back ptrs. point to it
         stb   <$35        Make current ptr to start block we just allocated
         ldd   <$36        Get current offset
         std   Grf.Off,x   Put into new block's offset
         stx   <$36        Make current offset our new one
         puls  pc,d        Restore D and return

* Make current GP buffer block & offset same as previous block & offset
*  (or map in new one and set it's header up if there is no previous one)
L0A1C    pshs  y,a           Preserve regs
         lda   Grf.Bck,x     get back block link #
         ldy   Grf.Off,x     Get offset in back block to it's header
         ldx   <$7E          Get previous blocks offset to buffer
         ldb   <$7D          and it's block #
         bne   L0A30         None mapped in, go map it in
         sta   <$35          Make into current block & offset
         sty   <$36
         puls  pc,y,a        Restore regs & return
L0A30    lbsr  L017C         Bring in 8K buffer block we need
         sta   Grf.Bck,x     Set up GP block header
         sty   Grf.Off,x
L0A38    puls  pc,y,a

* KillBuf entry point
L0A3A    ldb   #$01          Set a temporary flag
         stb   <$0097
L0A3E    lbsr  L0930         Go search for buffer (returns X=Buffer ptr)
         bcs   L0A4D         Couldn't find it, exit
         clr   <$0097        Found it, clear flag
         bsr   L0A55
         bcs   L0A52
         ldb   <$0058
         beq   L0A3E
L0A4D    lda   <$0097        Get flag
         bne   L0A52         Didn't get killed, return to system with error
         clrb                No error
L0A52    jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet  Return to system

L0A55    pshs  y,x,b         Preserve regs (Window tbl ptr,gfx bffr ptr,block#)
         lda   Grf.NBlk,x    Get # blocks used
         sta   <$009F        Save it
         lda   Grf.Bck,x     Get back block #
         ldy   Grf.Off,x     Get back block header offset
         ldb   <$007D        Get current buffer block #
         bne   L0A6B         There is one, continue
         sta   <$0032        Save back block as last block used
         sty   <$0033        And it's offset
         bra   L0A75

L0A6B    lbsr  L017C         Go map in GP Block
         ldx   <$007E
         sta   Grf.Bck,x
         sty   Grf.Off,x
L0A75    ldb   ,s
         lda   <$009F
         cmpa  #$01
         bgt   L0A9E
         tfr   b,a
         bsr   L0AA8
         bcc   L0A94
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L0AF4
         stx   <$00A1
         ldx   1,s
         bsr   L0ACD
         lbsr  L017C
         lbsr  L0A0C
         puls  pc,y,x,b

L0A94    ldx   #GrfStrt+L0B1E
         stx   <$00A1
         ldx   1,s
         bsr   L0ACD
L0A9E    clra  
         tfr   d,x
         ldb   <$009F
         os9   F$DelRAM       Deallocate the memory
L0AA6    puls  pc,y,x,b

L0AA8    pshs  x,b
         ldb   <$0032
         beq   L0AC7
         cmpa  <$0032
         beq   L0ACA
         ldx   <$0033
         bra   L0AC2

L0AB6    cmpa  Grf.Bck,x
         beq   L0ACA
         tst   Grf.Bck,x
         beq   L0AC7
         ldb   Grf.Bck,x
         ldx   Grf.Off,x
L0AC2    lbsr  L017C
         bra   L0AB6
L0AC7    clrb  
         puls  pc,x,b
L0ACA    comb  
         puls  pc,x,b

* Subroutine called by L0975 (of DefGPB)
* Entry: Y=Size of buffer requested (including $20 byte header)
L0ACD    pshs  d,x          Preserve regs
L0ACF    lbsr  L096E        initialize previous buffer ptrs to 0 ($7D-$7F)
         ldb   <$35         get last buffer block #
         beq   L0B35        If 0, exit with carry set
         ldx   <$36         get offset of last one into 8K block
         bra   L0B2E        Go map in get/put memory block & continue

* <8K buffer define vector goes here
* Entry: X=Offset to current buffer being checked in current 8K block
*        Y=Size wanted
L0AE0    cmpy  Grf.BSz,x    Will requested size fit?
         bhi   L0B22        Too big, keep looking backwards
         bra   L0B38        Exit with carry clear & B=block #, X=offset

L0AE7    tfr   u,d
         addd  Grf.BSz,u
         addd  #Grf.Siz
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpr  x,d
         pshs  x
         cmpd  ,s++

* A vectored routine (usually pointed to by $A1)
L0AF4    cmpb  1,s
         bne   L0B22
         ldu   2,s
         ldb   Grf.Bck,x
         stb   Grf.Bck,u
         ldd   Grf.Off,x
         std   Grf.Off,u
         exg   x,u
         bsr   L0AE7
         beq   L0B0E
         exg   x,u
         bsr   L0AE7
         bne   L0B22
L0B0E    stu   2,s
         ldd   Grf.BSz,u
         addd  Grf.BSz,x
         addd  #Grf.Siz
         std   Grf.BSz,u
L0B19    lbsr  L0A1C
         bra   L0ACF
L0B1E    cmpb  ,s
         beq   L0B19
* Search backwards through existing 8K blocks allocated for Get/Put buffers
* until we hit beginning
L0B22    ldb   <$8A         Get GrfDrv MMU block # for get/put buffer block
         stb   <$7D         Move to block #
         stx   <$7E         Save offset into block as well
         ldb   Grf.Bck,x    Get back block link #
         beq   L0B35        None, exit with carry set
         ldx   Grf.Off,x    Get back block header offset
* Entry: X=offset into current 8K buffer/block # last used for buffer
L0B2E    lbsr  L017C        Map in Get/Put buffer memory block
         jmp   [>GrfMem+gr00A1]     Jump to vector (can be AE0 below)

L0B35    comb               Set carry, restore regs & return
         puls  pc,x,d

L0B38    stb   1,s          Buffer fits, put block & offset into B & X
         stx   2,s
         clrb               No error
         puls  pc,x,d       Restore new regs and return

* GPLoad entry point
L0B3F    lbsr  L0930        go look for group/buffer # requested
         bcs   L0B52        Didn't find, go create one
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   Wt.BLen,y    Get size requested
         cmpw  Grf.BSz,x    Will it fit in existing buffer?
         pshs  d
         ldd   Wt.BLen,y    Get size requested
         std   <$B5
         cmpd  Grf.BSz,x    Will it fit in existing buffer?
         puls  d
         bls   L0B60        Yes, go do it
         IFNE  H6309
         bra   L0BE4        No, exit with buffer size too small error
         lbra  L0BE4
L0B52    ldd   Wt.BLen,y    Get size requested
         std   <$0080       Save in grfdrv mem
         lbsr  L08E1        Go define a get/put buffer for ourselves
         lbcs   L0BE7        Couldn't find room, exit with error
         ldb   <$007D       Get buffer block #
L0B60    stb   Wt.NBlk,y    Save buffer block # to GPLoad into
         IFNE  H6309
         std   <$47         Working X coord to 0?
         ldb   <$60         Get screen type
* Possible bug: doesn't check if text screen first?
         lbsr  L0C2B        Directly into Graphics size calculation
         lbsr  L0C69        Go setup the GP buffer header
         leax  Grf.Siz,x    Point past GP header (to where data would go)
         stx   Wt.NOff,y    Save ptr to where next GPLoad will go
         jmp   >GrfStrt+L0F78 no errors, and exit

* Move buffer entry point (This ONLY gets called via the Move Buffer vector
*   from CoGRF or CoWin)
* It's used to do Get/Put buffer loads in small chunks since GRFDRV's memory
*   map can't fit a window's static mem
* Entry: F=Byte count (Maximum value=72 / $42)
*        Y=Window table ptr
L0B79    ldb   Wt.NBlk,y    get block # for next graphic buffer
         stb   <$0097       save it
         lbsr  L017C        go map it in
         ldx   Wt.NOff,y    get offset into block
         ldu   #$1200       Point to buffer of where GRFInt/CoWin put info
         IFNE  H6309
         clre               make 16 bit number in W
         tfr   w,d          dupe count into D
         addr  x,d          Point to current block offset+size of request
         sta   <$B5
         ldb   <$B6         loaded in CoWin
         pshs  x
         addd  ,s++         addr x,d
         cmpa  #$40         Past end of GP buffer's 8K block?
         blo   MoveIt       No, go move whole thing in one shot
* Move data between 2 blocks of memory
         ldd   #$4000       calculate how much will fit in first pass
         IFNE  H6309
         subr  x,d
         subr  d,w          move leftover to D
         exg   d,w          Move first chunk size to W
         tfm   u+,x+        move first chunk
         tfr   d,w          move leftover back to W
         pshs  x            save regX
         subd  ,s++         subr x,d
         pshs  d,y          save regD regY
         ldd   <$B5
         subd  ,s           subr d,w
         std   <$B5         this is the value of regW after tfm & tfr d,w
         ldy   ,s++         get counter regD after subr x,d & exg d,w
         beq   LMoveb
LMove    lda   ,u+
         sta   ,x+
         leay  -1,y
         bne   LMove
LMoveb   puls  y            restore regY
         lda   <$B5         may not be needed
         inc   <$0097       increment to next block #
         ldb   <$0097       get new block #
         lbsr  L017C        map it in
         ldx   #$2000       reset pointer to start of block
MoveIt   equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         tfm   u+,x+        Block copy buffer into GP buffer
         pshs  y
         ldy   <$B5 
         beq   LMove2b
LMove2   lda   ,u+
         sta   ,x+
         leay  -1,y
         bne   LMove2
         sty   <$B5
LMove2b  puls  y
L0BA2    ldb   <$0097       get the block #
         stb   Wt.NBlk,y    update it in table
         stx   Wt.NOff,y    save next offset in table
         jmp   >GrfStrt+L0F78 no errors, and exit grfdrv

L0BE4    comb                 Buffer size too small error
         ldb   #E$BufSiz
L0BE7    jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet

* GetBlk entry point
L0BAE    lbsr  L1DF6          Go scale X/Y coords @ <$47-$4A,check if in range
         bcs   L0BE7          No, exit with error
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   <$4f           Get X/Y sizes
         decd                 Bump down by 1 each since size, not coord
         stq   <$4f           Save
         ldd   <$51
         subd  #1
         std   <$51
         std   <$B5
         ldd   <$4f
         subd  #1
         std   <$4f
         lbsr  L1E01          Go scale X/Y Sizes @ <$4f-$52,check if in range 
         bcs   L0BE7          No, exit with error
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   <$4f           Get X/Y sizes
         incd                 Bump back up
         stq   <$4f           Save
         ldd   <$51
         addd  #1
         std   <$51
         std   <$B5
         ldd   <$4f
         addd  #1
         std   <$4f
         lbsr  L0177          Map in window & setup some GRFDRV vars.
         bsr   L0C0B          Calc width of buffer in bytes & next line offset
         lbsr  L0930          Go search for GP buffer
         bcc   L0BC9          Found it, skip ahead
         lbsr  L08E1          Couldn't, create one
         bcc   L0BD4          Got one, skip ahead
         bra   L0BE7          Otherwise, exit with error

* Found GP buffer already defined
L0BC9    stb   <$007D         Save block #
         stx   <$007E         Save offset into block
         ldd   <$0080         Get buffer length
         cmpd  Grf.BSz,x      Within range of buffer's current length?
         bhi   L0BE4          No, exit with Buffer Size Too Small error
* GP buffer will fit requested data size
L0BD4    lbsr  L0C69          Go set up the GP buffer's header
         lbsr  L1E9D          Go calculate addr. on screen to start GETting @
         stx   <$0072         Save it
         ldx   <$007E         Get offset into GP buffer block
         lbsr  L0C8D          Go copy from screen into buffer
L0BE1    jmp   >GrfStrt+L0F78 exit with no errors

* Save switch on- comes here to save screen contents under overlay window
* into a get/put buffer
* Entry: Y=Current (or current Overlay) window ptr
L0BEA    ldd   Wt.LStrt,y      Get screen logical start address
         std   <$72            Make it the overlay window save start
         bsr   L0C0B           Calculate sizes in bytes, etc.
         ldd   #$FFFF          Group & buffer # to $FF
         std   <$57
         lbsr  L08E1           Define get/put buffer for overlay window
         bcs   L0C0A           Error defining buffer;exit with it
         ldb   <$007D          Get MMU block # for overlay window copy
         stb   Wt.OBlk,y       Save in window table
         ldd   <$007E          Get offset into MMU block for overlay window copy
         std   Wt.OOff,y       Save it in window table
         bsr   L0C69           Set up get/put buffer header
         bsr   L0C8D           Preserve screen under overlay window
         clrb                  No error & return
L0C0A    rts   

* Setup # bytes wide overlay window is & offset to get to next line in overlay
*   window when saving/restoring
* Entry: Y=Current (or current Overlay) window ptr
L0C0B    ldb   <$60            Get screen type
         bpl   L0C18           If gfx window, skip ahead
         ldb   <$50            Get LSB of X size of overlay window
         lslb                  Multiply x2 (for attribute byte)
         stb   <$09            Save width of window (in bytes)
         bra   L0C1C           Skip ahead

L0C18    bsr   L0C2B           Calculate width info for Gfx windows
         ldb   <$09            Get # bytes for width of window
L0C1C    lda   <$52            Get height of window in bytes
         mul                   Calculate total # bytes needed
         std   <$80            Preserve # bytes needed to hold saved area
         ldb   <$63            Get # bytes per row on screen
         subb  <$09            Subtract # bytes wide saved area will be
         stb   <$0A            Store # bytes to next line after current width is done
         rts                   Return

* Calculate GP buffer width in bytes for graphics, & # pixels used in first &
*  last bytes of each GP buffer line
*   (Used by GetBlk, GPLoad, OWSet)
* Entry: B=Screen type
L0C2B    lda   #%00000111      2 color divide by 8 mask
         beq   L0C38           For 640x200x2 screens
         lda   #%00000001
         cmpb  #$03            If 320x200x16, divide by 2 mask
         beq   L0C38
         lda   #%00000011      If any 4 color gfx window, divide by 4 mask
L0C38    sta   <$97            Preserve mask for # pixels used in 1 byte
         ldb   <$48            Get working X coordinate LSB (0 from OWSet)
         comb                  Make 'hole' to calculate # pixels
         andb  <$97            Use mask to calculate # pixels used
         incb                  Make base 1
         stb   <$06            Preserve # pixels used in 1st byte of GP line
         clra                  D=# pixels used in last byte
         cmpd  <$4F            More than # bytes on screen?
         bge   L0C53           Yes, 
         ldb   <$50            Otherwise, get LSB of X size in bytes
         subb  <$06            Subtract # pixels used in first byte
         andb  <$97            Calculate # pixels in last byte
         bne   L0C53           If not 0, it is legit
         ldb   <$97            If it is 0, then use full byte's worth
L0C53    stb   <$07            Save # pixels used in last byte of GP line
         clra                  D=# of pixels wide GP buffer is
         ldb   <$48            Get LSB of 'working' X coordinate
         andb  <$97            AND it with # pixels/byte
         addd  <$4F            Add value to X size (in bytes)
         addb  <$97            Add # pixels/byte
         adca  #$00            Make into D register
* Divide loop: Divide by 4 for 16 color, by 8 for 4 color & by 16 for 2 color
L0C60    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         lsrd                  Divide by 2
         lsr   <$97            Shift right
         bne   L0C60           until we hit first 0 bit
         stb   <$09            # bytes for width of overlay window

* Setup buffer header
L0C69    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   <$004F       get X & Y sizes (in pixels)
         stq   Grf.XSz,x    save it in buffer header
         ldd   <$51
         std   Grf.XSz+2,x
         std   <$B5 
         ldd   <$4F
         std   Grf.XSz,x
         ldb   <$0060       get screen type
         stb   Grf.STY,x    save it in header
         ldd   <$0006       Get start & end pixel masks (for uneven bytes)
         std   Grf.LfPx,x   save them in header
         ldb   <$0009       Get width of buffer in bytes?
         stb   Grf.XBSz,x   save it in header
         clra               D=B
         std   <$004F       Save into working X coord

* Move get/put buffer to screen
* Entry: Y=Ptr to GP buffer?
L0C81    tfr   y,x          X=Ptr to GP buffer
         lda   <$0097       Get # bytes to start on next GP line on screen
         sta   <$000A       Save in another spot
         lda   #$01         flag we're going to screen
         fcb   $21          skip 1 byte

* Move get/put buffer to mem
L0C8D    clra               Flag we're going to memory
         sta   <$0099       save flag
* Move buffer to screen/mem
* Attempt reversing roles of D & W
         pshs  y            preserve y
         leay  Grf.Siz,x    get pointer to raw buffer data
         ldx   <$0072       get address of screen
L0C96    ldb   <$0050       Get width count of buffer
         bsr   PutOneL      put one line
         ldb   <$000A       get width # bytes to start of next GP line on scrn
         abx                move to next line
         dec   <$0052       done height?
         bne   L0C96        no, go do next line
         puls  pc,y         restore & return

* put one line from a GP buffer onto the screen
PutOneL  clra               make 16-bit number of width of GP buffer
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   d,w          copy it to W
         addr  y,d          check if we will need to get next GP 8k bank
         std   <$B5
         pshs  y
         addd  ,s++
         cmpa  #$40         do we?
         blo   L0C98        nope, go do it
         ldd   #$4000       calculate # bytes we can do from this 8k bank
         IFNE  H6309
         subr  y,d
         subr  d,w          calculate leftover into W
         exg   d,w          Swap for copy
         pshs  y
         subd  ,s++         subr y,d
         pshs  d,u          save regD & regU
         ldd   <$B5         get regW
         subd  ,s           subr d,w regD now = regW
         ldu   ,s++         get regD
         stu   <$B5         exg d,w
         puls  u
         bsr   L0C98        move first chunk
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   d,w          Move remainder to W
         std   <$B5
         lbsr  L0E70        go map in next block & reset buffer pointer

* Move a graphics line of data
* Entry: W=# contigous bytes to move
L0C98    tst   <$0099       going to screen or mem?
         bne   L0CA2        screen, go move it
         IFNE  H6309
         tfm   x+,y+        Copy from screen to mem
         pshs  a,x,u
         tfr   x,u
         ldx   <$B5
         beq   LMove3b
LMove3   lda   ,u+
         sta   ,y+
         leax  -1,x
         bne   LMove3
         stx   <$B5
         stu   1,s
LMove3b  puls  a,x,u,pc

L0CA2    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         tfm   y+,x+        Copy from mem to screen
         pshs  a,x,u
         tfr   x,u
         ldx   <$B5
         beq   LMove4b
LMove4   lda   ,y+
         sta   ,u+
         leax  -1,x
         bne   LMove4
         stx   <$B5
         stu   1,s
LMove4b  puls  a,x,u,pc

* PutBlk entry point
* Entry from GRF/WINDInt:
* <$57=Group #
* <$58=Buffer #
* <$47=Upper left X coord
* <$49=Upper left Y coord
L0CBB    lbsr  L0177        Go map in window & setup some GRFDRV vars
         lbsr  L0930        search & map in get put buffer
         bcs   L0CF5        Error; exit with it
         stb   <$007D       save block # of buffer
         stx   <$007E       save offset into block buffer starts at
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   Grf.XSz,x    Get X&Y Sizes of buffer
         decd               Adjust since width, not coord
         stq   <$4F         Save them
         ldd   Grf.XSz+2,x
         subd  #1
         std   <$51
         std   <$B5
         ldd   Grf.XSz,x
         subd  #1
         std   <$4f
         lbsr  L1DF6        Check validity/scale starting X/Y coords
         bcs   L0CF5        Error, exit with it
         lbsr  L1E01        Check validity/scale X&Y sizes
         bcs   L0CF5        Error; exit with it
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   <$4f         Adjust widths back
         stq   <$4f
         ldd   <$51
         addd  #1
         std   <$51
         std   <$B5
         ldd   <$4f
         addd  #1
         std   <$4f
         lbsr  L1E9D        calculate screen address & start pixel mask
         stx   <$0072       save screen address
         stb   <$0074       Save start pixel mask
         ldy   <$007E       get ptr to GP buffer
         lda   #$01         Flag to indicate we have to check size vs. window
         bsr   L0D14        Go set up start/end pixel masks & check scrn types
         bcs   L0CEE        If screen type different or has to be clipped, go
         lbsr  L0D9D        Screen types same & fits; do normal putting
         bra   L0CF4        return without error
* Get/put width buffer's original screen type being different from actual
*   screen type or will go ever edge of window go here
L0CEE    lbsr  L0E03        ??? Do set up for screen type conversions
         lbsr  L0E97        Do actual PUTting
L0CF4    clrb               No error & return to system
L0CF5    jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet

* Place Overlay window's original contents back on screen
L0CF8    pshs  y            Preserve window table ptr
         ldd   Wt.LStrt,y   get screen logical start address
         std   <$0072       Save it
         IFNE  H6309
         std   <$0047       'Working' X Coord to 0
         ldy   <$007E       Get offset to buffer
         bsr   L0D14        Go verify that overlay can fit back on screen
         bcs   L0D0F        Couldn't put, exit with error
         lbsr  L0C81        Move get/put buffer to screen (fast put)
         clrb               No error & return
         puls  pc,y
L0D0F    comb  
         ldb   #$BE         get internal integrity check error
         puls  pc,y

* Check for common screen type between window & buffer, and check if the
* PUT will need to be clipped. If screen types different or clipping
* required, exit with carry set
L0D14    pshs  x            Save screen address
         ldb   <$0060       get screen type
         cmpb  Grf.STY,y    Same as screen type of GP buffer's screen type?
         beq   GdTyp        Yes, no problem so far
* 03/03/93 mod: 4 color windows will count as same type
         tstb               (to properly check high bit)
         bmi   L0D63        If text, exit with carry set
         bitb  #$02         Check 4 color mode bit
         beq   L0D63        Not a 4 color mode, so set carry & exit
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #$02,Grf.STY,y Check 4 color mode bit in buffer's screen type
         pshs  a
         lda   Grf.STY,y 
         bita  #2
         puls  a
         beq   L0D63        It's no a 4 color mode, so set carry & exit
GdTyp    tstb               graphics window?
         bpl   L0D27        yep, go on
         ldb   #$FF         Group # forced to $FF (overlay window)
         stb   <$0000       Set right based pixel mask to all
         stb   <$0001       Ditto for left based
         bra   L0D58        Skip ahead
* Process graphics put (A=1 if straight from PutBlk,0 if from OWEnd)
* If A=1, need to see if window fits (L0D27 routine)
* If A=0, we already know it did, so we can skip size checks

* Should change CLIPPING checks so that it just changes some DP variables
*  for # bytes to print line, # bytes per line on screen & # bytes per line
*  in GP buffer. That way even byte/same color mode clipped GP buffers will go
*  full speed as well.
L0D27    bsr   L0D94        set up <$50 = X-count, <$52 = y-count
         tsta               Do we already know size is legit?
         beq   L0D3F        Yes, skip ahead
* don't bother for now to do clipping on X-boundaries, i.e. off rhs of the
* screen
         ldd   Grf.XSz,y    size in pixels of the GP buffer
         ldd   <$0047       Get upper left X coord of PUT
         addd  Grf.XSz,y    Add X size of GP buffer
         cmpd  <$006A       past max X coord.?  (i.e. 319)
         bls   L0D30        no, don't clip it
         IFNE  H6309
         decd               are we overflowing by one pixel  (i.e.320)
         subd  #1
         cmpd  <$006A       check against highest allowed X
         bne   L0D63        not the same, so we go clip it
L0D30    ldd   Grf.YSz,y    Get Y size: ATD: 16-bit, so we can check for >256!
         addd  <$0049       add it to upper left Y coord. ( max 199)
         cmpd  <$006C       past max Y coord.?
         blo   L0D3F        no, don't bother clipping it
* Y coord clipping added 03/10/96 by ATD
         ldd   <$006C       get max. Y coord
         subd  <$0049       take out starting Y coord
         IFNE  H6309
         incd               make it PUT at least one line...
         addd  #1
         stb   <$52         save y-count of pixels to do

* Divide by # pixels / byte to see if even byte boundary
L0D3F    ldb   <$0060       get screen type
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L0D70-1  Point to powers of 2 division table
         lda   <$0048       get LSB of X coord.
         coma               invert it
         anda  b,x          Get # ^2 divisions
         inca               Add 1
         cmpa  Grf.LfPx,y   Same as # pixels used in 1st byte of GP buffer?
         bne   L0D63        No, set carry indicating non-even byte boundary
         bsr   L0D66        Go get starting/ending pixel masks
         sta   <$0000       Save right-based mask
         ldd   Grf.RtPx,y   Get right based pixel mask & GP buffer type
         bsr   L0D66        Go get starting/ending pixel masks
         stb   <$0001       Save left-based pixel mask
         fcb   $8C          skip setting up
* Text put comes here with B=Group # ($FF) for overlay windows
* Entry: B=buffer block #
L0D58    bsr   L0D94        Move x-size to $50 y-size to $52
         ldb   <$0063       Get # bytes/row for screen
         subb  <$0050       subtract LSB of X size
         stb   <$0097       Save width of buffer
         clrb               No error, restore screen address & return
         puls  pc,x
L0D63    comb               Different screen types or clipping required, set
         puls  pc,x          carry, restore screen address & return

* Entry: B=Gfx screen type (1-4)
* A=# pixels to go in?
L0D66    ldx   #GrfStrt+L0D74-1  Point to table
         ldb   b,x            Get vector offset to proper table
         abx                  Calculate vector
         lsla                 2 bytes/entry
         ldd   a,x            Get both masks & return

* Some sort of bit mask table - appears to be used in a LSR loop after inverted
*   ,will continue loop until the carried bit changes to 0
L0D70    fcb   %00000111      640x200x2
         fcb   %00000011      320x200x4
         fcb   %00000011      640x200x4
         fcb   %00000001      320x200x16

* Vector table based on screen type (points to following 3 tables)
L0D74    fcb   L0D78-(L0D74+1)   640x200x2
         fcb   L0D88-(L0D74+1)   320x200x4
         fcb   L0D88-(L0D74+1)   640x200x4
         fcb   L0D90-(L0D74+1)   320x200x16

* 2 color masks (2 bytes/entry)
L0D78    fcb   %00000001,%10000000
         fcb   %00000011,%11000000
         fcb   %00000111,%11100000
         fcb   %00001111,%11110000
         fcb   %00011111,%11111000
         fcb   %00111111,%11111100
         fcb   %01111111,%11111110
         fcb   %11111111,%11111111
* 4 color masks
L0D88    fcb   %00000011,%11000000
         fcb   %00001111,%11110000
         fcb   %00111111,%11111100
         fcb   %11111111,%11111111

* 16 color masks
L0D90    fcb   %00001111,%11110000
         fcb   %11111111,%11111111

* Copy X Size & Y size from GP buffer header
* Entry: Y=GP buffer header ptr
L0D94    ldb   Grf.XBsz,y     Get X size of GP buffer in bytes
         stb   <$50           Save X size of GP buffer in bytes
         ldb   Grf.YSz+1,y    Get Y size of GP buffer in bytes
         stb   <$52           Save Y size of GP buffer in bytes (pixels)

* Put buffer with buffer's screen type matching actual screen type
L0D9D    ldb   <$60           Get screen type
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L16B1-1  Point to table
         lda   b,x            Get # pixels per byte for this screen type
         tfr   a,b            Dupe for D comparison
* no PSET?
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L1F9E  Point to 'normal' PSET vector
         cmpx  <$64           Is that the current one?
         bne   L0DBE          No, use slow PUT
* no LSET?
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L1FA9  Point to 'normal' LSET vector
         cmpx  <$68           Is that the current one?
         bne   L0DBE          Yes, can use TFM PUT
* no even byte boundary?
         cmpd  Grf.LfPx,y     Even byte boundary on both left & right sides?
         lbeq  L0C81        yes, go do fast TFM put
* odd pixel boundaries: do 1st pixel slow, use TFM for the rest
         sta   <$0099       flag we're copying to the screen
         ldd   <$00         masks for pixels to keep from GP buffer
         IFNE  H6309
         std   <$20         masks for pixels to keep from screen
         ldx   <$0072       get start address for PUT
         leay  $20,y        skip GP buffer header
* do first byte of the line: almost a complete TFM
Put.ATFM lda   ,x           grab first byte
         anda  <$20         get only pixels we want to keep
         ldb   ,y           grab pixels from GP buffer
         andb  <$00         get the ones we want to keep
         IFNE  H6309
         orr   b,a          OR the pixels together
         pshs  b
         ora   ,s+
         sta   ,y           save in the GP buffer
         ldd   <$4F         get width of GP buffer in bytes
         IFNE  H6309
         decd               account for 0th byte
         subd  #1
         lda   d,x          get right hand byte from the screen
         pshs  a            save end byte
         IFNE  H6309
         addd  #1
         lbsr  PutOneL      blast it over using TFM
* do the last byte of the line
* this kludge is necessary because doing it the proper way would add a LOT
* of code to check for GP buffer 8k block boundaries.  It won't be noticed
* except for really large PutBlks.  Oh well.
         lda   <$0001       get end pixel mask
         anda  -1,x         keep only the pixels we want
         ldb   <$0021       inverted mask
         andb  ,s+          AND in with original screen data
         IFNE  H6309
         orr   b,a          OR in the pixel we put on the screen
         pshs  b
         ora   ,s+
         sta   -1,x         save it
         ldb   <$0097       get width of the screen
         abx                go to the next line
         dec   <$52         count down one line
         bne   Put.ATFM

* Either not even byte, or PSET/LSET or not defaults:use slow PUT
L0DBE    sta   <$05           Save # pixels/byte
         pshs  y              Save Get/Put buffer ptr
         ldu   <$64           Get PSET vector
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   <$68           Get LSET vector (for PSET routine)
         ldx   <$68
         stx   <$B5
         leay  <$20,y         Skip buffer header
         ldx   <$72           Get address of where to start PUTting on scrn
         inc   <$97           Save # bytes to start of next line GP buffer
         dec   <$50           Adjust X byte count down for base 0
* Loop from here to end of L0DFA - Move Get/Put buffer onto screen using LSET
* logic.
* This outside part does the 1st byte's worth of pixels
* NOTE: X=ptr to current byte being done on screen
*       Y=ptr to current byte being done in GP buffer
L0DCB    ldb   <$00           Get pixel mask for 1st byte of 1st line in buffr
         lda   <$50           Get LSB of X size
         beq   L0DED          If 0, just 1 byte to do - use last byte routine
         sta   <$99           Save LSB of X size
* This part does all the full-byte pixels
L0DD5    ldb   #$FF           Mask byte- all bits
L0DD7    lda   ,y+            Get bits to set from GP buffer
         jsr   ,u             Put on screen
         ldb   #1             Screen ptr bump count
         abx                  Bump screen ptr
         cmpy  #$4000         Done current 8K block of Get/put buffer?
         blo   L0DE7          No, continue normally
         lbsr  L0E70          Yes, go map in next block
L0DE7    dec   <$99           Dec X byte count
         bne   L0DD5          Continue moving until done X size
* This part does the last byte's worth of pixels
         ldb   <$01           Get pixel mask for last byte of last line
L0DED    lda   ,y+            Get last byte for current line in GP buffer
         jsr   ,u             Put it on screen
         cmpy  #$4000         Done 8K block yet?
         blo   L0DFA          No, skip ahead
         lbsr  L0E70          Yes, go map in next block
L0DFA    ldb   <$0097         Get # bytes to beginning of next line
         abx                  Point to start of next line
         dec   <$0052         Dec # of lines counter
         bne   L0DCB          Continue putting until done
         puls  pc,y           Restore GP buffer ptr & return

* Put buffer with buffer's screen type different than original
L0E03    pshs  y              Save GP buffer ptr?
         ldd   <$006A         Get max. allowed X coordinate
         subd  <$0047         Subtract working X coordinate
         IFNE  H6309
         incd                 Base 1
         addd  #1
         std   <$009B         Save width of some sort
         ldb   <$006D         Get max. allowed Y coordinate
         subb  <$004A         Calc height of some sort
         incb                 Make base 1
         bra   L0E2F          Save it

i.iwtyp  comb
         ldb   #E$IWTyp
         jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet

* Called from Mouse cursor routine @ L15FE
L0E14    pshs  y              Preserve GP buffer ptr
         ldd   #320           Default res to 320 (Base 1)
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #$01,<$60      Get res bit from screen type
         pshs  a
         lda   <$60
         bita  #1
         puls  a
         beq   L0E24          It is 320 mode, skip ahead
         IFNE  H6309
         lsld                 Multiply by 2 to get 640

L0E24    subd  <$3D           Subtract last X coord Gfx cursor was ON at
         std   <$009B         Save # pixels to end of screen
         ldb   #MaxLine+1     Full height of screen
         subb  <$0040         Calculate # pixels remaining

L0E2F    stb   <$00A0         Save it
         lbsr  L1EF1          Setup pix mask & shift vector ($79 & $7A)
         lbsr  L0D94          Set up element X&Y sizes (in bytes)
* B=Height of GP buffer (also in <$52) in bytes
         cmpb  <$00A0         Compare with room left on window Y axis
         bls   FullSz
         ldb   <$00A0         Get remaining # lines on window
         stb   <$0052         Save as our single counter of lines left
FullSz   ldd   Grf.LfPx,y     Get # pixels used in 1st byte & last byte
         std   <$0006         Save them
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L075F-1  Point to color mask table index
         ldb   <$0060         Get screen type
* ATD: Added to get around problem of GetBlk on text screen, and PutBlk
* on gfx screen crashing the system!
* We now allow GETBlk and PutBlk on text screens, too!
         eorb  Grf.STY,y    EOR with buffer sty type
         bmi   i.iwtyp      exit IMMEDIATELY if mixing text and gfx puts
         ldb   <$0060       get screen type again
         ldb   b,x            Calc. offset to proper color mask table
         lda   ,x+            Get active bits mask (0001, 0011 or 1111)
         stx   <$0002         Save base of color mask table
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L0E7C-1  Point to index for pixel tables
         ldb   Grf.STY,y      Get GP buffers original screen type
         ldb   b,x            Calc ptr to proper pixel table
         ldb   ,x             Get offset for default shift?
         leay  b,x            Get vector for 4, 2 or 1 shift
         sty   <$00A3         Save it
         anda  1,x            And bit mask from scrn with bit mask from GP bfr
         sta   <$0008         Save it
         ldb   2,x            Get # pixels/byte for GP buffer type
         stb   <$0005         Save it
         ldb   <$0006         Get # pixels used in 1st byte of GP buffer line
         addb  #$02           Adjust up to skip bit mask & # pixels/byte
         ldb   b,x            Get offset
         leay  b,x            Save vectors for bit shifts
         sty   <$00A1
         sty   <$00A5
         puls  pc,y           Restore GP buffer ptr & return?

* Get next 8K block of get/put buffers
* Exit: Y=Ptr to start of block ($2000)
L0E70    inc   <$007D         Increment buffer block #
         ldb   <$007D         Get it
         lbsr  L017C          Go map in next block in get/put buffer
         ldy   #$2000         Y=Ptr to start of GP buffer block

* Index to proper tables for GP buffer's original screen types
L0E7C    fcb   L0E80-(L0E7C-1) Type 5 (2 color)
         fcb   L0E8B-(L0E7C-1) Type 6 (4 color)
         fcb   L0E8B-(L0E7C-1) Type 7 (4 color)
         fcb   L0E92-(L0E7C-1) Type 8 (16 color)
* All of following tables' references to pixel # are based on 1 being the
*  far left pixel in the byte
* Vector table for GP buffer's taken from 2 color screens
L0E80    fcb   L0EE0-L0E80    <$00A3 vector
         fcb   %00000001      Bit mask for 1 pixel
         fcb   8              # pixels /byte
         fcb   L0EE1-L0E80    Shift for 1st pixel
         fcb   L0EDA-L0E80    Shift for 2nd pixel
         fcb   L0EDB-L0E80    Shift for 3rd pixel
         fcb   L0EDC-L0E80    Shift for 4th pixel
         fcb   L0EDD-L0E80    Shift for 5th pixel
         fcb   L0EDE-L0E80    Shift for 6th pixel
         fcb   L0EDF-L0E80    Shift for 7th pixel
         fcb   L0EE0-L0E80    Shift for 8th pixel
* Vector table for GP buffer's taken from 4 color screens
L0E8B    fcb   L0EDF-L0E8B    <$00A3 vector
         fcb   %00000011      Bit mask for 1 pixel
         fcb   4              # pixels/byte
         fcb   L0EE1-L0E8B    Shift for 1st pixel
         fcb   L0EDB-L0E8B    Shift for 2nd pixel
         fcb   L0EDD-L0E8B    Shift for 3rd pixel
         fcb   L0EDF-L0E8B    Shift for 4th pixel
* Vector table for GP buffer's taken from 16 color screens
L0E92    fcb   L0EDD-L0E92    <$00A3 vector
         fcb   %00001111      Bit mask for 1 pixel
         fcb   2              # pixels/byte
         fcb   L0EE1-L0E92    Shift for 1st pixel
         fcb   L0EDD-L0E92    Shift for 2nd pixel

L0E97    leay  Grf.Siz,y      Skip GP buffer header
         pshs  y              Save ptr to raw GP buffer data
         ldx   <$0072         Get ptr to start of buffer placement on screen
         ldu   <$64           Get PSET vector for main loop @ L0EE1
         fcb   $8C          skip 2 bytes: same cycle time, 1 byte shorter

L0E9E    stx   <$0072         Save get/put screen start address
L0EA0    ldd   <$009B         ??? x-count to do
         std   <$009D         ???
         lda   <$0050         Get LSB of X size (in bytes)
         sta   <$0004         Save # bytes left in width (including partials)
         ldb   <$0006         Get # of pixels used in 1st byte of GP line
         stb   <$0097         Save as # pixels left to do in current byte
         ldd   <$00A5         Get A5 vector
         std   <$00A1         Save as A1 vector
         ldb   <$0074         Get pixel mask for 1st byte of GP buffer on scrn
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   <$68           Get LSET vector
         ldy   <$68
         sty   <$B5

L0EB2    ldy   ,s             Get buffer data ptr
         cmpy  #$4000         At end of 8K block yet?
         blo   L0EC1          No, continue
         stb   <$0099         Save B
         bsr   L0E70          Go map in next 8K block
         ldb   <$0099         Restore B
L0EC1    lda   ,y+            Get byte of data from GP buffer
         sty   ,s             Save updated buffer ptr
         ldy   #GrfStrt+L0EE1  Check if <$A1 vector points here
         cmpy  <$00A1         no shifting of bits?
         beq   L0ED6          It does, call vector
         lsla                 Doesn't, shift buffer data left 1 first
L0ED6    ldy   <$0002         Get ptr to table of bit masks for colors
         jmp   [>GrfMem+gr00A1]       Place byte from GP buffer on screen

* Bit shifter for adjusting pixel placements in non-aligned, possible differ-
*  ent screen type, Get/put buffers
* Entry: W=LSET vector (for use with <$64,u vector)
L0EDA    rola                 Adjust pixel to proper place in byte
L0EDB    rola
L0EDC    rola
L0EDD    rola
L0EDE    rola
L0EDF    rola
L0EE0    rola
L0EE1    pshs  cc,d           Save carry & pixel/color masks
         ldd   <$009D         ??? Get some sort of counter (X width?)
         beq   L0EFA          If 0, skip ahead
         IFNE  H6309
         decd                 Drop it down
         subd  #1
         std   <$009D         Save it
         ldd   1,s            Get pixel/color masks back
         anda  <$0008         Mask out all but common bits of screen/buffer types
         lda   a,y            Get proper color bit mask
         jsr   ,u             Put pixel on screen
         ldb   2,s            Restore original pixel bit mask
         lbsr  L1F0E          B=New pixel mask, X=new scrn addr. (if chng)
         stb   2,s            Save pixel mask for next pixel
L0EFA    dec   <$0097         Dec # pixels left in current byte
         beq   L0F04          Done byte, skip ahead
         puls  d,cc           Restore pixel/color masks & carry
         jmp   [>GrfMem+gr00A3]       Call vector

* Current byte's worth of pixels done: set up next byte
L0F04    leas  3,s            Eat stack
         lda   <$0004         Get # bytes wide GP buffer is
         deca                 Decrement it
         beq   L0F20          If totally done buffer width, go to next line
         sta   <$0004         Save new total
         deca                 If only 1, set up for partially used last byte
         beq   L0F14
         lda   <$0005         Get # pixels/byte in GP buffer for full byte
         fcb   $8C          skip 2 bytes: same cycle time, 1 byte shorter

L0F14    lda   <$0007         Get # pixels to do in last (partial) byte of bfr
L0F16    sta   <$0097         Save # pixels to do in next byte
         ldy   <$00A3         Move last byte partial vector to normal
         sty   <$00A1           so we can use same routines
         bra   L0EB2          Go finish off the last byte
* Done current line of GP buffer, set up for next line
L0F20    ldx   <$0072         Get screen addr of current line in GP buffer
         ldb   <$0063         Get # bytes/row on screen
         abx                  Point to start of next line on screen
         dec   <$0052         Dec # lines left on window / GP buffer
         lbne  L0E9E          If not bottom, continue PUTting
         puls  pc,y           As far as we can go, restore Y & return

* Map GP buffer entry point
L0F31    lbsr  L0930        find the buffer
         lbcs  SysRet       If error, exit back to system with it
         stb   <$0097       save starting block number
         ldb   Grf.NBlk,x   number of blocks in the buffer
         stb   <$0099       save count
         ldd   Grf.BSz,x    size of data inside the buffer
         std   <$009B       save size of the buffer
         leax  Grf.Siz,x    point to the start of the buffer data itself
         tfr   x,d          move into math register
         anda  #$1F         keep offset within the block
         std   <$009D       save offset
         lbra  L0F78        exit with no error

* ATD: this special-purpose text routine results in gfx screens being
* marginally slower, but it saves ~170 clock cycles per character put
* on a gfx screen.

fast.set dec   <$0083       account for the first character we printed out
* reset the various parameters after falling off the rhs of the screen
fast.txt puls  u            restore pointer to our fast text
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   Wt.CurX,y    move current X position into W
         ldx   Wt.CurX,y
         stx   <$B5
         ldx   Wt.Cur,y     get current cursor address on the screen 
         ldb   Wt.Attr,y    grab current attributes
ftxt.lp  lda   ,u+          get a character
         lbsr  txt.fixa     fix A so it's printable
         lbsr  L0F7C.0      do more text screen fixes, and STD ,X++
         IFNE  H6309
         incw               right one character BEFORE counting down
         pshs  x
         ldx   <$B5
         leax  1,x
         stx   <$B5
         puls  x
         dec   <$83         count down
         beq   ftxt.ex      exit if it's zero: we're done here
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpw  Wt.MaxX,y    are we at the rhs of the screen?
         pshs  x
         ldx   <$B5
         cmpx  Wt.MaxX,y
         puls  x
         bls   ftxt.lp      no, continue doing fast text put
         pshs  u            save text pointer
         lbsr  L1238        zero out X coord, do scroll, etc
         bra   fast.txt     and go reset out parameters

ftxt.ex  equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpw  Wt.MaxX,y    Are we at the right hand side of the screen?
         pshs  x
         ldx   <$B5
         cmpx  Wt.MaxX,y
         puls  x
         bls   NoScroll     No, exit normally
         lbsr  L1238        Do scroll stuff
         IFNE  H6309
         clrw               Zero out current X coord
         clr   <$B5
         clr   <$B6
NoScroll equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         stw   Wt.CurX,y    save current X coordinate
         pshs  x
         ldx   <$B5
         stx   Wt.CurX,y
         puls  x
         lbsr  L11D1        set up for the next call
         lbra  L0F78        exit without error

* entry: A = number of characters at $0180 to write
*        Y = window table pointer
fast.chr ldx   #$0180       where the data is located
* ATD: $83 is unused by anything as far as I can tell.
         sta   <$83         save count of characters to do for later
         lda   ,x+          get the first character
         pshs  x            save address of character
         lbsr  L0F4B.1      ensure window is set up properly during 1st chr.
* perhaps the DEC <$83 could be here... remove FAST.SET, and fix

         lda   <$60         is it a text screen?
         bmi   fast.set     yes, make it _really_ fast

         ldb   <$006F       get X size of font
         cmpb  #$08         Even byte wide size font?
         IFNE  H6309
         bne        no, go setup for multi-color/shiftable screen
         ldx   <$B0         get cached font pointer
         IFNE  H6309
         beq        didn't find a font: skip ahead
         tim   #Prop,<$E    Proportional?
         pshs  a
         lda   <$E 
         bita  #Prop
         puls  a
         bne        yes, use slow method

* OK.  Now we have GFX screens only here, at least one character printed
* to ensure that the buffers etc. are set up and mapped in.  We can now go to
* special-purpose routine for fixed-width 8x8 fonts: ~15% speedup!
         ldd   Grf.BSz,x
         leax  Grf.Siz,x    point X to the first character in the font
         leau  d,x          point U to the absolute end-address of the font
* Moved the DP saves from $B2 to $B9; RG
         stu   <$B9         save the pointer for later
         ldb   Wt.CWTmp,y   get bytes per font character
         std   <$BB
         ldd   Wt.MaxX,y    get maximum X position (e.g. 319, 639)
         IFNE  H6309
         incd               count up one
         addd  #1
         subd  #$0008       point D to the last X position possible for
         std   <$BD         a character, and save it

* Note: W *SHOULD* be set up properly from the previous call to print one
* character, but that character might have caused the text to wrap, and thus
* destroy W
         ldu  point to fast font put table
         ldb   <$0060       get screen type
         aslb               2 bytes per entry
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   b,u          grab pointer to routine to use
         pshs  x
         ldx   b,u
         stx   <$B5
         puls  x
         puls  u            restore character pointer
         bra        jump to the middle of the loop

* U = pointer to characters to print
* Y = window table pointer
* X = font GP buffer pointer  lda   ,u+          grab a character
         pshs  x,y,u        save all sorts of registers
         bsr   txt.fixa     fix the character in A so it's printable
         tfr   a,b          move character to B
         clra               make 16-bit offset
         IFNE  H6309
         lsld               ALL fonts are 8 pixels high
         addr  d,x          point to the font data
         leax  d,x
         cmpx  <$B9         are we within the font's memory buffer?
         blo   f2.fnt       yes, we're OK
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L0FFA  otherwise point to default font character '.'

f2.fnt   lbsr  L102F.1      go print the character on the screen
         ldy   2,s          get window pointer again
         ldd   Wt.Cur,y     get current cursor address
         addd  <$BB         add in bytes per character
         std   Wt.Cur,y
         ldd   Wt.CurX,y     Get X coordinate
         addd  #$0008        Add to X pixel count (1, 6 or 8?)
         std   Wt.CurX,y     Update value
         cmpd  <$BD          Compare with maximum X coordinate
         bls   f2.do1        If not past right hand side, leave
         IFNE  H6309
         pshsw              save pointer to which font-put routine to use
         pshs  x,y
         ldx   <$B5
         stx   2,s
         puls  x
         lbsr  L1238        fix X,Y coordinate, scroll screen, set up bitmasks
         IFNE  H6309
         ldx   ,s++
         stx   <$B5
f2.do1   puls  x,y,u        restore registers    dec   <$83         count down
         bne      continue
         bra   L0F78        and exit if we're all done  lda   ,x+
         pshs  x
         bsr   L0F4B.2      put one character on the screen    puls  x            restore count, pointer
         dec   <$83         count down
         bne      continue
         bra   L0F78        and exit if we're all done

* L0F4B.1 is now a subroutine to put one character on the screen...
* Alpha put entry point
* Entry: A = Character to write
*        Y = window table ptr
* 07/19/93: LBSR L0177 to L0175
L0F4B.1  lbsr  L0175        Switch to the window we are writing to
         lbsr  L1002        set up character x,y sizes and font pointers
         sty   <$A9         Save window tbl ptr from this Alpha put
         tsta               Is the character ASCII 127 or less?
L0F4B.2  bsr   txt.fixa     fix A: adds 10 cycles for slow puts and gfx puts

         ldb   <$0060       Get screen type
         bpl   L0F73        If gfx  screen, go do it
         bsr   L0F7C        go print it on-screen
         fcb   $8C          skip the next 2 bytes
L0F73    bsr   L0FAE        go print graphic font
L0F75    lbra  L121A        check for screen scroll and/or next line

* L.C.B - Add a flag that signifies that we are doing a GFX font, and that the
*         font buffer size is $700 bytes. If this flag is set at entry to this
*         routine (after bpl), return to print it.
txt.fixa bpl   L0F6B        Yes, go print it
         tst   <grBigFnt    Gfx mode with a 224 char font?
         beq   Norm         No, do normal remapping
         cmpa  #$e0         Last 31 chars?
         blo   BigOut       No, exit
         suba  #$e0         Point to 1st 31 chars in font
BigOut   rts

Norm     cmpa  #$BF
         bhi   L0F61        Anything >=$C0 gets wrapped back
         anda  #$EF         Mask out high bit
         suba  #$90
         cmpa  #$1A
         bhs   L0F6B        yes, go print it
L0F5D    lda   #'.          Change illegal character to a period

L0F61    anda  #$DF
         suba  #$C1
         bmi   L0F5D        yes, change it to a period
         cmpa  #$19
         bhi   L0F5D        yes, change it to a period
L0F6B    rts

* this adds 10 cycles to any normal alpha put, but it should
* save us lots of cycles later!
L0F4B    bsr   L0F4B.1      do internal alpha-put routine

* Return to the system without any errors
L0F78    clrb               No errors

* Return to system (Jumps to [D.Flip0] with X=system stack ptr & A=CC status)
SysRet   tfr   cc,a         save IRQ status for os9p1
         orcc  #IntMasks    Shut off interrupts
         ldx   >WGlobal+G.GrfStk       Get system stack ptr
         clr   >WGlobal+G.GfBusy       Flag that Grfdrv will no longer be task 1
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   0,dp         Restore system DP register for os9p1
         pshs  a
         tfr   a,dp
         puls  a
         jmp   [>D.Flip0]   Return to system

* Print text to hardware text - optimized for lowercase, then upper
* Can be switched around by swapping blo/bhi sections
L0F7C    ldb   Wt.Attr,y
         ldx   Wt.Cur,y
L0F7C.0  cmpa  #$60         Convert ASCII reverse apostrophe to apostrophe
         bhi   L0F8E        Above is safe, go straight to print
         bne   L0F88        No, try next
         lda   #$27         GIME apostrophe
         bra   L0F8E        Skip rest
L0F88    cmpa  #$5E         Convert ASCII carat to GIME carat
         blo   L0F8E        Below is safe, go straight to print
         bne   L0F82        No, has to be Underscore
         lda   #$60         GIME carat
         fcb   $8C          skip 2 bytes: same cycle time, 1 byte shorter

L0F82    lda   #$7F         Convert ASCII underscore to GIME underscore
* ATD: the back of the window OS-9 manual says that the transparent character
* switch is supported only on gfx screens, so we don't support it here!
*L0F8E    ldx   Wt.Cur,y     get cursor address on screen
*         ldb   Wt.Attr,y    get attributes from the window table
*         tst   Wt.BSW,y     transparent characters?
*         bmi   L0FA4        no, go on
*         IFNE  H6309
*         aim   #$07,1,x     mask off everything but background attributes
*         ELSE
*         pshs  a
*         lda   1,x
*         anda  #7
*         sta   1,x
*         puls  a
*         ENDC
*         andb  #$F8         get rid of background color
*         orb   1,x          merge in background color
L0F8E    std   ,x++         save character & attribute to screen
         rts                Check for screen scroll/new line

* Print text to graphics window
* Note: $61 & $62 contain the bit masks for the foreground & background colors
*   for the whole width of the byte (ex. a 2 color would be a $00 or $ff)
L0FAE    pshs  a,y          Preserve character to print & Window table ptr
         ldb   Wt.BSW,y     get current attributes
         stb   <$000E       save 'em for quicker access
         bitb  #Invers      inverse on?
         beq   L0FBE        no, go on
* 07/20/93 mod: Get colors from window table instead of GRFDRV mem for speedup
         ldd   Wt.Fore,y    Get fore/back colors
         exg   a,b          exchange 'em
         std   <$0061       save 'em back
L0FBE    ldx   <$00B0       get cached font pointer
         beq   L0FCC        if none, point to '.' font character
         ldb   Grf.XSz+1,x  get x-size of the font
         stb   <$006F       save here again: proportional fonts destroy it
         lda   ,s           grab again the character to print
* ATD: is this next line really necessary?  The code at L064A ENSURES that
* Grf.XBSz = Grf.YSz = $08, so this next line could be replaced by a LDB #8
         ldb   Grf.XBSz,x   get size of each buffer entry in bytes
         mul                Calculate offset into buffer for character
         cmpd  Grf.BSz,x    Still in our buffer? (Not illegal character?)
         blo   L0FD1        yes, go on
L0FCC    ldx   #GrfStrt+L0FFA  Point to default font char ('.')
         bra   L0FD6

L0FD1    addd  #Grf.Siz     Add 32 (past header in Gfx buffer table?)
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  d,x          Point to the character within buffer we need
         leax  d,x
L0FD6    ldb   <$006F       get X size of font
         cmpb  #$08         Even byte wide size font?
         bne   L0FEC        no, go setup for multi-color/shiftable screen
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #Prop,<$E    Proportional?
         pshs  a
         lda   <$E 
         bita  #Prop
         puls  a
         beq   L102F        no, use fast method
* Setup for multi-color/shiftable gfx text
L0FEC    ldu   #GrfStrt+L10DF  Normal gfx text vector
         ldy   1,s          get window table pointer back
         lbsr  L106D        go print it
L0FF8    puls  a,y,pc       return

* Default font character if no font buffer defined ('.')
L0FFA    fcb   %00000000
         fcb   %00000000
         fcb   %00000000
         fcb   %00000000
         fcb   %00000000
         fcb   %00000000
         fcb   %00010000
         fcb   %00000000

* Check if font buffers defined?
L0FFF    lbsr  L0177
L1002    pshs  a            save character
         ldb   <$0060       get STY marker
         bpl   L1011        graphics, go on
* Set text font H/W
         ldd   #$0001       get text font size
         std   <$006E
         std   <$0070
* Added LCB 97/05/26 for 224 char font support
         sta   <grBigFnt    Flag that this is not a 224 char font
         puls  a,pc         larger, but faster than LDQ/bra L1022

* Set undefined graphics font H/W
* L100F is ONLY called from alpha put routine, above.
L100F    pshs  a            Preserve A (so PULS PC,A works)
L1011    ldb   Wt.FBlk,y    any font defined?
         bne   L101F        yes, go map it in & get X/Y sizes
         comb               set carry
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   #$00080008    get default width & height
         tfr   0,x          make garbage font ptr
         ldd   #8
         std   <$B5
         ldx   #0
         bra   L1020

* Setup defined graphics font H/W
L101F    lbsr  L017C        map in font block
         ldx   Wt.FOff,y    get offset of font in mem block
         clrb               clear carry
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   Grf.XSz,x    Get width & height from window table
         ldd   Grf.XSz+2,x
         std   <$B5
         ldd   Grf.XSz,x
L1020    stx   <$B0         cache font pointer for later
L1022    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         stq   <$6e         Set working copies
         std   <$6e
         ldd   <$B5
         std   <$70
* LCB 05/25/97 - Added flag for 224 char fonts
         ldd   #$700        Size of font we are checking for
         cmpd  Grf.BSz,x    Is this a big font?
         bne   NotBig
         incb               Flag it is a big font
NotBig   stb   <grBigFnt    Set flag for 224 char font
         puls  a,pc         return

L102F    bsr   L102F.2
         bra   L0FF8

* fast draw a graphic font character to a graphics window
* If inverse was selected, they have already been swapped
* Note: <$61 contains the foreground color mask, <$62 contains the background
*   color mask.
* Entry: Y=window table pointer
*        X=Ptr to char in font we are printing
L102F.2  ldu  point to fast font put table
         ldb   <$0060       get screen type
         aslb               2 bytes per entry
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   b,u          grab pointer to routine to use
         pshs  x
         ldx   b,u
         stx   <$B5
         puls  x

L102F.1  ldy   Wt.Cur,y     get cursor address on screen
         exg   x,y          Swap Cursor address & font address

         ldu   #GrfStrt+fast.tbl  point to table of expanded pixels

         lda   <$71         get font height
         deca               adjust it for double branch compare
         sta   <$20         save in temp buffer for later

L1039    lda   ,y+          get a line of character (8 pixels)
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #Bold,<$0E   Bold attribute on?
         pshs  a
         lda   <$0E 
         bita  #Bold
         puls  a
         beq   L1044        no, skip bold mask
         lsra               shift pixel pattern
         ora   -1,y         merge it with original to double up pixels
L1044    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         jsr   ,w           do a full 8-pixel width of bytes
         jsr   [>GrfMem+$B5]
         ldb   <$0063       get bytes per line
         abx                move screen address to next line
         dec   <$20         done 7 or 8 lines?
         bgt   L1039        No, go do next line
         bmi   L1052        yes, return
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #Under,<$0E  Underline attribute on?
         lda   <$0E 
         bita  #Under
         beq   L1039        No, go do last byte of font
         lda   #$ff         Underline byte
         bra   L1044        Go put it in instead  fdb   GrfStrt+font.2    2 color font
         fdb   GrfStrt+Font.4    4 color
         fdb   GrfStrt+Font.4    4 color
         fdb   GrfStrt+Font.16   16 color

* smaller than old method.  Perhaps slower, but it should get the right
* foreground/background colors
font.2   tfr   a,b          move font character into mask
         comb               invert it
ChkTChr  tst   <$0E         Transparent attribute on?
         bpl   L1051        if transparent, do only foreground colors
         andb  <$0062         AND in background color: 0 or 1
         fcb   $8C          skip 2 bytes

L1051    andb  ,x           AND in background
         anda  <$0061       AND in foreground color
         IFNE  H6309
         orr   b,a          OR in the background that's already there
         pshs  b
         ora   ,s+
         sta   ,x           save font to screen
L1052    rts                and return

font.16  bsr   get.font     expand it once
         pshs  a,x          save low byte, and current X coordinate
         tfr   b,a          move right hand mask into A
         leax  2,x          do the right side of the font first
         bsr   font.4       expand it again, and do another 2 bytes
         puls  a,x          restore left hand byte and screen position

font.4   bsr   get.font     get the font data into 2 bytes
         pshs  d            save mask
         IFNE  H6309
         comd               invert it for background check
         tst   <$0E         check transparent flag
         bpl   fast.for     if transparent, only do foreground colors
         anda  <$62         AND in background color
         andb  <$62         into both A and B

fast.for equ   *
         ifne  H6309
         andd  ,x           AND in background of screen if transparent
         anda  ,x
         andb  1,x
         ENDC  std   ,x           save new background of the screen
         puls  d            restore the old pixel mask
         anda  <$61         AND in foreground color
         andb  <$61         B, too
         IFNE  H6309
         ord   ,x           OR in background that's already there
         ora   ,x
         orb   1,x
         std   ,x           save it on-screen

* convert a byte of font data into pixel data
* This table turns a 2-color nibble (4 pixels) into a 4-color byte (4 pixels)
* The llokup is done twice for 16-color screens
fast.tbl fcb   $00,$03,$0C,$0F
         fcb   $30,$33,$3C,$3F
         fcb   $C0,$C3,$CC,$CF
         fcb   $F0,$F3,$FC,$FF

* A = font byte data
* U = pointer to fast.tbl, above
* returns D = pixel mask for this byte for a 4-color screen
get.font pshs  a
         anda  #$0F
         ldb   a,u          get rightmost byte
         puls  a
         lsra               move high nibble into low nibble
         lda   a,u          get leftmost byte
* ATD: end of new font routines

* Draw a graphic font to multi color windows
* May want to change so E/F contains the byte from the font/screen mem to use
*   register to register AND/OR, etc.
L106D    pshs  x            save font address
         ldd   #GrfStrt+L10CF  Point to default graphic plot routine
         std   <$0010       Save vector
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #Prop,<$E    Proportional spacing?
         lda   <$E          no need to preserve regA
         bita  #Prop
         beq   L10A4        no, skip finding font size
* Calc positioning for proportional spacing
         ldb   <$0071       Get Y pixel count
         decb               dec by 1 (0-7?)
         clra               Clear out byte for mask checking
* This goes through all 8 bytes of a font character, ORing them into A
* The resultant byte on completion of the loop has all bits set that will be
L1080    ora   b,x          Mask in byte from font
         decb               Dec counter (& position in font)
         bpl   L1080        Still more to check, continue
         tsta               Check byte still clear?
         bne   L108E        No, skip ahead (B=$ff at this point)
         lsr   <$006F       Divide X pixel count by 2 if it is
         bra   L10A4        Start printing with normal vector

* Non-blank char
L108E    decb               dec B (# active pixels counter)
         lsla               Shift merged pixel mask byte left 1 bit
         bcc   L108E        Pixel is unused in font char, keep looking
* Found pixel that will be needed, set up vector to shift char to be flush
* left
* Should move this table so that ABX can be used instead (move table to before
*   shift routines
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L10CF+2 Point to shifting gfx text plot routine
         leax  b,x
         stx   <$0010       Save the vector
* Count # pixels that will be active
         ldb   #$01         Set up counter for #pixels to print (min.=2)
L109E    incb               Inc counter
         lsla               Shift out merged pixel mask byte  
         bcs   L109E        Until we either hit blank or run out
         stb   <$006F       Save # pixels to print in X pixel count

* Main printing starts here - sets up for outside loop (at L10BB)
L10A4    ldb   Wt.FMsk,y    Get start pixel mask (may be into byte for prop.)
         stb   <$000F       Save in GrfDrv mem
         ldx   Wt.Cur,y     get address of cursor in screen mem
         puls  y            Get font address
         lda   <$0071       Get # bytes high char is
         deca               bump down by 1 (base 0)
         sta   <$0099       Save in temp (as counter)
         stx   <$000C       Save cursor address
         lbsr  L1EF1        Set up mask & vector to bit shift routine
         ldx   <$000C       Get cursor address
* Outside loop for Gfx font - A is byte of 2 color font data we are currently
* doing
L10BB    lda   ,y+          Get line of font data
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #$20,<$E     Bold text?
         pshs  a
         lda   <$E 
         bita  #$20
         puls  a
         beq   L10C6        No, skip doubling up pixels
         lsra               shift it right 1
         ora   -1,y         merge with original to double up pixels
L10C6    jmp   [>GrfMem+gr0010]     Flush left the font data in byte

* Bit shift offsets for proportional fonts
* Outside loop: A=byte from font data in 2 color format
* Will take byte of font data in A and make it flush left
L10C9    lsla
L10CA    lsla
L10CB    lsla
L10CC    lsla
L10CD    lsla
L10CE    lsla
* Entry point for non-proportional fonts - byte already flush left (6 or 8)
L10CF    sta   <$000B       Save flush left font byte, 1 bit/pixel
         IFNE  H6309
         lde   <$006F       get X width of font char in pixels
         ldb   <$6F
         stb   <$B5
         ldb   <$000F       Get bit mask for start pixel on screen
         pshs  b            Save pixel mask on stack
         stx   <$000C       save screen address
         jmp   ,u           Put it on screen (calls 10DF or 10FA only)

* Print line of font char onto screen
* Inside loop: does 1 pixel at a time from font byte (stored in $000B)
L10DF    lsl   <$000B       Shift pixel into carry from font byte
         bcs   L10EB        Pixel is set, put it on screen in foregrnd color
         lda   <$000E       Pixel is not used, transparent characters?
         bpl   L10FE        No, skip this pixel entirely
         lda   <$0062       Transparent, get bckgrnd color full byte bit mast
         bra   L10ED        Go put it on screen

* Used by Update Window Cursor updates (Inverse for cursor)
L10FA    eorb  ,x           Invert data on screen with bit data
         stb   ,x           Save it on screen (Invert for cursor)
         bra   L10FE        Check if we have more to do

L10EB    lda   <$0061       get foreground color full byte bit mask
* Entry: B=Current pixel mask
*        A=Color mask (can be fore or background)
L10ED    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         andr  b,a          Keep only color data we can use
         pshs  b
         anda  ,s+
         comb               Make 'hole' with font data
         andb  ,x            & screen data
         IFNE  H6309
         orr   b,a          Merge font color onto existing screen byte
         pshs  b
         ora   ,s+
         sta   ,x           Save result onto screen

L10FE    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         dece               Dec # pixels left on current font line
         dec   <$B5
         puls  b            Get current pixel mask again
         beq   L1109        Done current line, skip ahead
         lbsr  L1F0E        Move to next pixel position
         pshs  b            Save new pixel mask on stack
         jmp   ,u           Put it on screen (calls 10DF or 10FA only)
* End of inside loop (each pixel within font byte)

L1109    ldx   <$000C       get start of char. screen address again
         ldb   <$0063       Get # bytes per row on screen
         abx                Point to next line on screen
         dec   <$0099       Are we done whole char (or on last line)?
         bgt   L10BB        No, continue drawing char
         bmi   L1120        Totally done, exit
* on last line ($99=0)
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #Under,<$0E  Underline requested?
         lda   <$0E 
         bita  #Under
         beq   L10BB        No, go draw last line
         lda   #$FF         Underline code
         bra   L10CF        Go draw it
* End of outside loop (for each line with font)

L1120    rts                Return

* 2 color mode pixel mask table
L1EE0    fcb   $07          Mask for pixel #'s we care about
         fcb   $80,$40,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$01

* 4 color mode pixel mask table
L1EE9    fcb   $03          Mask for pixel #'s we care about
         fcb   $c0,$30,$0c,$03

* 16 color mode pixel mask table
L1EEE    fcb   $01          Mask for pixel #'s we care about
         fcb   $f0,$0f

* Goto X/Y entry point
L1186    lbsr  L0FFF          Set up font sizes (and font if on gfx screen)
         ldb   <$0047         Get X coord
         subb  #$20           Kill off ASCII part of it
         lda   <$006F         Get # pixels wide each text char is
         mul                  Calculate # pixels into screen to start at
         std   <$0047         Preserve Start pixel # as 'working' X coord
         addd  <$006E         Add width in pixels again (calculate end X coord)
         IFNE  H6309
         decd                 Adjust
         subd  #1
         cmpd  Wt.MaxX,y      Would we be past end of window?
         bhi   L11CA          Yes, exit out of grfdrv
         ldb   <$0049         Get Y coord
         subb  #$20           Kill off ASCII part of it
         lda   <$0071         Get Y size of font in bytes
         mul                  Calculate # bytes from top of screen to start at
         std   <$0049         Save it
         addd  <$0070         Bump down by 1 more text char Y size
         IFNE  H6309
         decd                 Adjust
         subd  #1
         cmpd  Wt.MaxY,y      Would end of char go past bottom of window?
         bhi   L11CA          Yes, exit out of grfdrv
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   <$0047         Get x & y coords
         stq   Wt.CurX,y      Move into window table (-2 to +1)
         ldd   <$49
         std   Wt.CurX+2,y
         std   <$B5
         ldd   <$47
         std   Wt.CurX,y
         bsr   NewEnt         Originally bsr L11D1 (redundant)
L11CA    jmp   >GrfStrt+L0F78

* Control code processer
* ATD: 69 bytes old method, 47 new method
L1129    lbsr  L0FFF         Set up font sizes (and font if on gfx screen)
         deca               make 1-D = 0-C
         bmi   L1130        if 0 or smaller, exit
         cmpa  #$0D         too high? (now 0-C instead of 1-D)
         bhs   L1130        yes, exit

         ldx   #GrfStrt+T.1133  point to offset table to use
         asla               2 bytes per entry
         ldd   a,x          get pointer to routine
         jsr   d,x          call it
L1130    jmp   >GrfStrt+L0F78 return to CoWin: No errors

T.1133   fdb   L11E1-T.1133 1 home cursor
         fdb   L1130-T.1133 2   GOTO X,Y: handled elsewhere
         fdb   L1352-T.1133 3 erase current line
         fdb   L135F-T.1133 4 erase to end of line
         fdb   L1130-T.1133 5   cursor on/off: handled elsewhere
         fdb   L121A-T.1133 6 cursor right
         fdb   L1130-T.1133 7   BELL: handled elsewhere
         fdb   L11F9-T.1133 8 cursor left
         fdb   L122F-T.1133 9 cursor up
         fdb   L123A-T.1133 A cursor down (LF)
         fdb   L138D-T.1133 B erase to end of screen
         fdb   L1377-T.1133 C clear screen
         fdb   L11CD-T.1133 D cursor to LHS of the screen (CR)

* Calculate screen logical address based on X/Y text coordinates
* Exit: X=Screen logical address pointing to X,Y text coordinate location
*       If graphics screen, B=Mask for specific pixel
L1E9D    ldx   Wt.LStrt,y   get screen logical start
* Calculate offset for Y location
L1E9F    lda   <$004A       get Y coordinate (0-199)
         ldb   <$0063       get bytes/row
         mul                Calculate # bytes into screen to go
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  d,x          Add to screen start
         leax  d,x
         ldb   <$0060       get screen type
         bpl   L1EB5        graphics screen, go adjust X coordinate
* Calculate offset for X location (text only)
         ldb   <$0048       Get X coordinate
         lslb               account for attribute byte
         abx                point X to screen location & return

* Calculate offset for X location (gfx only)
* Fast horizontal and vertical lines call this after doing a LDW <$68 (LSET)
L1EB5    pshs  u            Preserve U
         cmpb  #$04
         bne   L1EC0
* 16 color screens (2 pixels/byte)
         ldd   <$0047       get requested X coordinate
         ldu   #GrfStrt+L1EEE  Point to 2 pixel/byte tables
         bra   L1ED4        Adjust screen address accordingly

L1EC0    cmpb  #$01         640 2 color screen?
         beq   L1ECB        Yes, go process it
* 4 color screens go here (4 pixels/byte)
         ldd   <$0047       Get requested X coordinate
         ldu   #GrfStrt+L1EE9  Point to 4 pixel/byte tables
         bra   L1ED2        Adjust Screen address accordingly
* 2 color screens go here (8 pixels/byte)
L1ECB    ldd   <$0047       Get requested X coordinate
         ldu   #GrfStrt+L1EE0  Point to 8 pixel/byte tables
         IFNE  H6309
         lsrd               Divide by 8 for byte address
L1ED2    lsrd               divide by 4
L1ED4    lsrd               divide coordinate by 2 (to get Byte offest)
         addr  d,x          Point X to byte offset for pixel
L1ED2    lsra
L1ED4    lsra
         leax  d,x
         ldb   <$0048       Get LSB of X coordinate requested
         andb  ,u+          Mask out all but pixels we need to address
         ldb   b,u          Get mask for specific pixel we need
         puls  pc,u         Restore Y & exit

* Cursor to left margin (CR)
L11CD    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd                 Set X coordinate to 0
         std   Wt.CurX,y
L11D1    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   Wt.CurX,y      Copy window table x,y coord to grfdrv x,y
         stq   <$0047
         ldd   Wt.CurX+2,y
         std   <$49
         ldd   Wt.CurX,y
         std   <$47
NewEnt   bsr   L1E9D          Go calculate screen logical address
         stx   Wt.Cur,y       Preserve screen location
         stb   Wt.FMsk,y      Preserve x coord (adjusted by x2 for text attr
         rts                    if needed)

* Home cursor
L11E1    ldd   Wt.LStrt,y  Make cursor address same as upper left of screen
         std   Wt.Cur,y
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L1F00-2  Point to bit mask/vector table
         ldb   <$0060      Get screen type
         bmi   L11F8       If text, exit
         lslb              Multiply x2 to get table entry
         ldb   b,x         Get bit mask
         stb   Wt.FMsk,y   Preserve it
L11F8    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd              Clear out x & y coord's in window table
         stq   Wt.CurX,y
         std   <$B5
         std   Wt.CurX,y
         std   Wt.CurX+2,y

* Cursor left
L11F9    ldd   Wt.CurX,y
         subd  <$006E      Subtract X pixel count
         std   Wt.CurX,y
         bpl   L11D1       Didn't wrap into negative, leave
         ldd   Wt.MaxX,y   Get Max X coordinate
         subd  <$006E      subtract X pixel count
         IFNE  H6309
         incd              Bump up by 1
         addd  #1
         std   Wt.CurX,y   Save new X coordinate
         ldd   ,y          Get Y coordinate
         subd  <$0070      Subtract Y pixel count
         std   Wt.CurY,y   Save updated Y coordinate
         bpl   L11D1       Didn't wrap into negative, leave
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd              Set coordinates to 0,0
         std   Wt.CurX,y   Save X coordinate
         std   Wt.CurY,y   Save Y coordinate

* Cursor Up
L122F    ldd   Wt.CurY,y     Get Y coordinate
         subd  <$0070        Subtract Y pixel size
         bpl   GoodUp        If not at top, save coordinate
         rts                 Otherwise, exit
GoodUp   std   Wt.CurY,y     Save new Y coordinate
         bra   L11D1         Leave

* Cursor right
L121A    ldd   Wt.CurX,y     Get X coordinate
         addd  <$006E        Add to X pixel count (1, 6 or 8?)
         std   Wt.CurX,y     Update value
         addd  <$006E        Add to X pixel count again
         IFNE  H6309
         decd                Dec by 1
         subd  #1
         cmpd  Wt.MaxX,y     Compare with maximum X coordinate
         bls   L11D1         If not past right hand side, leave
L1238    bsr   L11CD         Zero out X coordinate

* Cursor Down (LF)
* Called by font change. Entry= Y=window table ptr, X=Screen addr, B=X coord
* on current line on physical screen
L123A    ldd   Wt.CurY,y     Get current Y coord
         addd  <$0070        Add to Y pixel count
         tfr   d,x           Move result to X
         addd  <$0070        Add Y pixel count again
         IFNE  H6309
         decd                decrement by 1
         subd  #1
         cmpd  Wt.MaxY,y     compare with Maximum Y coordinate
         bhi   L124F         If higher (scroll needed), skip ahead
         stx   Wt.CurY,y     Store +1 Y coordinate
         bra   L11D1         Update grfdrv's X&Y ptrs & leave

* new Y coord+1 is >bottom of window goes here
L124F    pshs  y             Preserve window table ptr
         ldb   Wt.XBCnt,y    Get width of window in bytes
         stb   <$0097        Save since Y will disappear
         clra                Clear MSB of D
         ldb   <$0063        Get # bytes per row of screen
         std   <$0099        preserve value (16 bit for proper ADDR)
         ldd   Wt.CurY,y     Get current Y coord
         std   <$009D        Preserve
         lda   Wt.SZY,y      Get current Y size
         deca                0 base
         sta   <$009B        Preserve
         beq   L128A         If window only 1 line high, then no scroll needed
         ldx   Wt.LStrt,y    Get screen logical start addr. (top of screen)
         ldd   Wt.BRow,y     Get # bytes/text row (8 pixel lines if gfx)
         tfr   x,y           Move screen start addr. to Y
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  d,x           X=Screen addr+1 text line
         leax  d,x
         lda   <$009B        Get Y size (0 base)
         ldb   <$0060        Check screen type
         bmi   L1267         If text, skip ahead
         lsla                Multiply by 8 (# pixel lines/text line)
         sta   <$009B        Y size into # pixel lines, not text lines
* Special check for full width windows
L1267    ldb   <$97          Get width of window in bytes
         cmpb  <$63          Same as screen width?
         bne   L127B         No, do normal scroll
L1267a   mul                 Calculate size of entire window to move
* Scroll entire window in one shot since full width of screen
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   d,w           Move to TFM size reg.
         tfm   x+,y+         Move screen
* Note, the following code will work as long as D is an even number...
* Which it should be since all screen widths are even numbers (80, 40, etc)
         pshs  u
         tfr   x,u
L1267b   pulu  x
         stx   ,y++
         subd  #$0002
         bgt   L1267b
         puls  u
         bra   L128A         Exit scroll routine

* Scroll window that is not full width of screen
L127B    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         ldd   <$0099        Get # bytes/row for screen
         ldf   <$0097        Get # bytes wide window is
         subr  w,d           Calc # bytes to next line
L127E    tfm   x+,y+         Block move the line
         ldd   <$0099        Get # bytes/row for screen
         pshs  d
         ldb   <$97
         std   <$B5         regW loaded 
         puls  d 
         subd  <$B5         subr w,d
L127E    pshs  d,x,u
         ldb   <$B6         get regW
         tfr   x,u
         tfr   d,x
L127Eb   lda   ,u+
         sta   ,y+
         leax  -1,x
         bne   L127Eb
         stx   <$B5
         stu   2,s
         puls  d,x,u
         dec   <$009B        Dec # lines to still copy
         beq   L128A         If done, exit
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  d,x           Bump start ptr by 1 line
         addr  d,y           Bump end ptr by 1 line
         ldf   <$0097        Get width of window in bytes
         leax  d,x
         leay  d,y
         pshs  b
         ldb   <$97
         stb   <$B6
         puls  b
         bra   L127E         Do until we have moved all the lines

L128A    puls  y             Get back window table ptr
L128C    ldd   <$009D        Get back current Y coord
L128E    bra   L1354         Go clear new line & exit

* Insert line
L1291    pshs  y             Save window table ptr
         ldd   Wt.CurY,y     Get current Y coord
         std   <$009D        Preserve it
         ldb   Wt.XBCnt,y    Get width of window in bytes
         stb   <$0097        Save in fast mem
         clra                Get # bytes/row into D
         ldb   <$0063         (16 bit for ADDR)
         IFNE  H6309
         negd                Make negative (since scrolling down?)
         addd  #1
         std   <$0099        Preserve it
         ldb   Wt.SZY,y      Get current Y size
         decb                0 base
         lda   <$0071        Get Y pixel count
         mul                 Multiply by current Y size
         tfr   b,a           Dupe result
         deca                Don't include line we are on
         subb  Wt.CurY+1,y   Subtract Y coord of cursor
         cmpb  <$0071        Compare with Y pixel count
         blo   L128A         If on bottom line, don't bother
         stb   <$009B        Save # lines to leave alone
         ldb   <$0063        Get #bytes/row
         mul                 Calculate # bytes to skip scrolling
         addd  Wt.LStrt,y    Add to screen start address
         tfr   d,x           Move to top of scroll area reg. for TFM
         addd  Wt.BRow,y     Add # bytes/text row
         tfr   d,y           Move to bottom of scroll area reg. for TFM
         bra   L127B         Do insert scroll

* Delete line
L12C5    pshs  y             Save window table ptr
         ldb   Wt.XBCnt,y    Get width of window in bytes
         stb   <$0097        Save it
         clra                Get # bytes/row on screen into D
         ldb   <$0063
         std   <$0099        Save for ADDR loop
         lda   Wt.SZY,y      Get current Y size
         deca                0 base
         ldb   <$0060        Check screen type
         bmi   L12DC         If text, skip ahead
         lsla                Multiply x8 (height of font)
L12DC    suba  Wt.CurY+1,y   Subtract current Y location
         bhi   L12E6         Not on bottom of screen, continue
         puls  y             On bottom, get back window table ptr
         ldd   Wt.CurY,y     Get Y coord back
         bra   L1354         Just clear the line & exit

L12E6    sta   <$009B        Save # lines to scroll
         ldd   Wt.MaxY,y     Get Maximum Y coordinate
         subd  <$0070        Subtract Y pixel count
         IFNE  H6309
         incd                Base 1
         addd  #1
         std   <$009D        Save size of area to scroll for delete
         lda   <$0063        Get # bytes/row
         ldb   Wt.CurY+1,y   Get Y coord of cursor
         mul                 Calculate offset to top of area to scroll
         addd  Wt.LStrt,y    Add to Screen logical start address
         tfr   d,x           Move to top of window reg. for TFM
         ldd   Wt.BRow,y     Get # bytes/text row
         tfr   x,y           Swap top of window to bottom since reverse scroll
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  d,x           Calculate top of window reg. for backwards TFM
         leax  d,x
         jmp   >GrfStrt+L127B Go delete the line

* Erase current line
L1352    ldd   Wt.CurY,y     Get Y coordinate
L1354    std   <$0049        Preserve 'working' Y coordinate
         IFNE  H6309
         std   <$0047        'Working' X coordinate to 0
         ldd   Wt.MaxX,y     Get maximum X coordinate
         bra   L136C

* Erase to end of line
L135F    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   Wt.CurX,y     Get X & Y coordinates
         stq   <$0047        Save as 'working' copies
         ldd   Wt.CurX+2,y
         std   <$49
         ldd   Wt.CurX,y
         std   <$47
         ldd   Wt.MaxX,y     Get maximum X coordinate
         subd  Wt.CurX,y     Subtract X coordinate
L136C    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         incd                Add 1 to X size
         addd  #1
         std   <$004F        New X size (in bytes)
         ldd   <$0070        Get Y pixel count
         std   <$0051        New Y size (in bytes)
         bra   L13AD

* CLS (Chr$(12))
L1377    lbsr  L11E1         Home cursor (D&W are 0 on exit)
         IFNE  H6309
         stq   <$0047
*         pshs  d            not needed because D=W=0
*         ldd   <$B5
         std   <$49
*         puls  d
         std   <$47
         ldd   Wt.MaxX,y     Get maximum X coordinate
         IFNE  H6309
         incd                Bump up by 1
         addd  #1
         std   <$004F        New X size
         ldd   Wt.MaxY,y     Get maximum Y coordinate
         bra   L13A8

* Erase to end of screen
L138D    bsr   L135F         Erase to end of current line first
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd                'working' X coordinate to 0
         std   <$0047
         ldd   Wt.CurY,y
         addd  <$0070        Add Y pixel count
         std   <$0049        New Y coordinate
         ldd   Wt.MaxX,y     Get maximum X coordinate
         IFNE  H6309
         incd                bump up by 1
         addd  #1
         std   <$004F        New X size
         ldd   Wt.MaxY,y     Get maximum Y coordinate
         subd  <$0049        Subtract Y coordinate
         bmi   L13B7         If negative, skip
L13A8    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         incd                Bump up by 1
         addd  #1
         std   <$0051        Save Y size
* Erase to end of screen/line comes here too
L13AD    lbsr  L1E9D        get screen logical start address into X
* and also the starting pixel mask into B.
         lda   <$0060        Get screen type
         bpl   L13E3         Do CLS on gfx screen & return
* Do the CLS on text screen
         lda   #$20          Space character
         ldb   Wt.Attr,y     Get default attributes
         andb  #$38          Mask out Flash/Underline & bckgrnd color
         orb   <$0062        Mask in background color
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   x,w          move pointer to faster index register
         stx   <$B5
         tfr   d,x           Move into proper register for clear loop
         ldb   <$0063        Get #bytes/row
         subb  <$0050        Subtract width twice for char. & attribute
         subb  <$0050        B=# bytes to skip to go to next line
         beq   ClsFTxt       If full width screen, use optomized routine

L13CF    lda   <$0050        Get width of line in chars?
         IFEQ  H6309
         pshs  u
         ldu   <$B5
L13D4    equ   *             * Only called as loop
         IFNE  H6309
         stx   ,w++          Put attr/char on screen
         stx   ,u++
         deca                Dec counter of how many bytes this line
         bne   L13D4         Do until line is done
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  d,w          after all, A=0
         leau  d,u
         stu   <$B5
         puls  u 
         dec   <$0052        Dec line count
         bne   L13CF         Do until rest of screeen done
L13B7    rts                 Restore window table ptr & return

* Optomized routine for full width text screens
* Entry: W=attribute/char to fill with
ClsFTxt  ldb   <$0050        Get # chars per line
         lda   <$0052        Get # of rows (lines)
         mul                 # chars till end of screen
         IFEQ  H6309
         pshs  u
         ldu   <$B5
FstClrT  equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         stx   ,w++          Put attr/char on screen
         decd                Dec counter
         stx   ,u++
         subd  #1
         bne   FstClrT       Do until done
         IFNE  H6309
         rts                 Restore window table ptr & return 
         stu   <$B5
         puls  u,pc

* Part of CLS/Erase to end of screen/line - Gfx only
* all coords & sizes should be pixel based
*   the cmpx's at the bottom should be F or E (screen type)
* NOTE: <$48 contains a 0 when coming in here for CLS
*   If this is the only way to get here, may change lda/coma to lda #$ff
* <$4F=X size in pixels (1-640) to clear
* <$51=Y size in pixels (1-200) to clear
* This routine calculates the pixel mask if you are clearing from the middle
* of a byte to properly handle proportional chars or 6 pixel fonts
* ATD: OK, MOST clears are on 8x8 pixel boundaries, but for proportional, etc.
* fonts and clear to EOL, we may be in the middle of a byte.  In that case,
* do a BAR.  It's slower, but a lot smaller code.
* Entry: A=Screen type
*        B= starting pixel mask for this byte: important for pixel boundaries!
*        X=absolute address of the start of the screen
L13E3    ldu   #GrfStrt+L0D70-1  mask for pixels
         lda   a,u          grab mask (7,3,1)
         tstb               is the high bit of the pixel mask set?
         bmi   L13F0        yes, we're starting on a byte boundary
         pshs  a,x          save X-coord mask, and screen ptr for later
         tfr   b,a          get another copy of the pixel mask

L13E5    lsrb               move the mask one bit to the right
         IFNE  H6309
         orr   b,a          make A the right-most mask
         pshs  b
         ora   ,s+
         bcc   L13E5        the low bits of A will be the pixel mask
         tfr   a,b          copy A to B again
         andb  <$62         AND with full-byte background color mask
         std   <$97         save screen mask, background color
         IFNE  H6309
         lde   <$52         get the lines to clear
         ldb   <$52
         stb   <$B5
         ldb   <$63         get the size of the screen

L13E8    lda   ,x           grab a byte off of the screen
         anda  <$97         AND in only the screen pixels we want
         ora   <$98         OR in the background color
         sta   ,x           save the updated byte
         abx                go to the next screen line
         IFNE  H6309
         dece               count down
         dec   <$B5
         bne   L13E8        continue until done

         puls  a,x          restore X coord mask and screen ptr
         leax  1,x          we've done these bytes already

L13F0    inca               now B=number of pixels per byte (8,4,2);A not B; RG
         ldb   <$62              Get backgrnd full-byte pixel mask
         pshs  d            save pixels/byte, color mask
         ldd   <$004F            Get X size (in pixels)
         IFNE  H6309
         divd  ,s+          divide by pixels/byte: B=bytes wide the window is
* PANIC if A<>0!!!          leave mask on stack for later use
         clr   ,-s
L13F0b   inc   ,s
         subb  1,s
         sbca  #0
         bcc   L13F0b
*         addb  1,s
*         tfr   b,a         don't care about remainder
         puls  b
         leas  1,s
         cmpb  <$0063            Get # bytes/row on screen
         beq   ClsFGfx      full width of screen: do complete TFM

         stb   <$97         save width of window for later
         subb  <$0063       subtract width of window from width of screen
         negb               now B=offset from X-end,Y to X-start,Y+1

         lda   <$52              Get # lines to clear
         IFNE  H6309
         clre                    W for TFM size
L1450    ldf   <$97              Get width of window in bytes
         tfm   s,x+              Clear out line
L1450    pshs  d,y
         ldb   <$97
         tfr   d,y
         lda   4,s
L1450b   sta   ,x+
         leay  -1,y
         bne   L1450b
         sty   <$B5
         puls  d,y
         deca                    Dec line counter
         beq   L146F             done, exit
         abx                     Bump to start of next line
         bra   L1450             Keep clearing until done

* Clearing Gfx screen/even byte start/full width window
* Entry: B=width of screen/window in bytes
ClsFGfx  lda   <$52              Get # lines to clear
         mul                     Calculate # bytes for remainder of screen
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   d,w               Move to TFM size register
         tfm   s,x+              Clear out remainder of screen
         cmpd  #0
         beq   L146F
         pshs  d,y
         tfr   d,y         tfr d,w
         lda   4,s         get ,s
L146Fb   sta   ,x+
         leay  -1,y
         bne   L146Fb
         sty   <$B5
         puls  d,y
L146F    puls  pc,a              Eat a & return

* $1f code processor
*L1478    lbsr  L0177          Map in window/setup GRFDRV mem/update cursors
L1478    lbsr  L0FFF          Set up font info
         bsr   L1483          Perform $1F function
         jmp   >GrfStrt+L0F78 Return to Grf/Wind Int: no errors

L1483    suba  #$20           Inverse on? (A=$20)
         beq   L14A8        yes, go do it
         deca               A=$21 Inverse off?
         beq   L14C4
         deca               A=$22 Underline on?
         beq   L14D0
         deca               A=$23 Underline off?
         beq   L14D9
         deca               A=$24 Blink on?
         beq   L14E2
         deca               A=$25 blink off?
         beq   L14E9
         suba  #$30-$25     A=$30 Insert line?
         lbeq  L1291
         deca               A=$31 Delete line?
         lbeq  L12C5

* Inverse ON
L14A8    ldb   Wt.BSW,y       Get window bit flags
         bitb  #Invers        Inverse on?
         bne   L14C3          Already on, leave it alone
         orb   #Invers        Set inverse on flag
         stb   Wt.BSW,y       Save new bit flags

L14B2    lda   Wt.Attr,y      Get default attributes
         lbsr  L15B2          Go swap Fore/Background colors into A
         ldb   Wt.Attr,y      Get default attributes again
         andb  #$c0           Mask out all but Blink & underline
         IFNE  H6309
         orr   a,b            Mask in swapped colors
         pshs  a
         orb   ,s+
         stb   Wt.Attr,y      Save new default attribute byte & return
L14C3    rts   

* Inverse OFF
L14C4    ldb   Wt.BSW,y       Get window bit flags
         bitb  #Invers        Inverse off?
         beq   L14C3          Already off, leave
         andb  #^Invers       Shut inverse bit flag off
         stb   Wt.BSW,y       Save updated bit flags
         bra   L14B2          Go swap colors in attribute byte

L14D0    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         oim   #Under,Wt.Attr,y
         oim   #Under,Wt.BSW,y
         pshs  a
         lda   Wt.Attr,y 
         ora   #Under
         sta   Wt.Attr,y
         lda   Wt.BSW,y 
         ora   #Under
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
         puls  a

L14D9    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^Under,Wt.Attr,y
         aim   #^Under,Wt.BSW,y
         pshs  a
         lda   Wt.Attr,y 
         anda  #^Under
         sta   Wt.Attr,y
         lda   Wt.BSW,y 
         anda  #^Under
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
         puls  a

* Blink on
L14E2    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         oim   #TChr,Wt.Attr,y
         pshs  a
         lda   Wt.Attr,y 
         ora   #TChr
         sta   Wt.Attr,y
         puls  a

* Blink off
L14E9    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^TChr,Wt.Attr,y
         pshs  a
         lda   Wt.Attr,y 
         anda  #^TChr
         sta   Wt.Attr,y
         puls  a

* Cursor On/Off entry point
L116E    lbsr  L0FFF          Set up font sizes (and font if on gfx screen)
         bsr   L1179          Do appropriate action
         bra   L1508

L1179    suba  #$20           A=$20  Cursor Off?
         beq   L14F8          Yes, go do it
         deca                 A=$21  Cursor on?
         beq   L14F0          Yes, go do it
         rts                  Neither, return

* Update Window entrypoint - Put txt & Gfx cursors back on scrn
L1500    lbsr  L0129          Map the window in & setup Grfdrv mem
         bsr   L1563          Put text cursor back on window
L1505    lbsr  L15BF          Put gfx cursor back on window
L1508    jmp   >GrfStrt+L0F78 no error & exit

* This takes the gfx/txt cursors off the screen before returning to original
* Grfdrv call
L150C    pshs  y,x,d          Preserve regs
         bsr   L157A          Take text cursor off (restore original char)
         lbsr  L15E2          Take Gfx cursor off (restore original screen)
         ldb   >WGlobal+G.CurTik         Get restart counter for # clock interrupts per
         stb   >WGlobal+G.CntTik          cursor update & make it current counter
         puls  pc,y,x,d       Restore regs & return

* PutGC entry point (Took out mapping in window since the CMPY only lets us
* do anything if it IS mapped in currently
L151B    lbsr  L0129          Map in window & setup Grfdrv vars
         cmpy  <$002E         Are we the current active window (window tbl)?
         bne   L1508          No, don't bother with PutGC
         ldd   <$005B         Get Graphics cursor X coord
         cmpd  <$003D         Same as last used graphics cursor coord?
         bne   L1531          No, go draw new graphics cursor
         ldd   <$005D         Get Graphics cursor Y coord
         cmpd  <$003F         Same as last used graphics cursor coord?
         beq   L1508          Yes, don't bother updating
L1531    lbsr  L15E2          Put original data under cursor back to normal
         bsr   L153B          Update 'last gfx cursor' on position to new one
         bra   L1505        put gfx cursor back on screen, and exit: +3C:-3B

L153B    ldd   <$0047         Get current 'working' X & Y coords
         ldx   <$0049
         pshs  d,x            Save them on stack
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   <$005b         Get new graphics cursor X & Y coords
         stq   <$0047         Save as working copies for Put routines
         stq   <$003d         Also, make them the new 'last position' coords
         ldd   <$5d
         std   <$B5
         std   <$49
         std   <$3f
         ldd   <$5b
         std   <$47
         std   <$3d
         ldx   Wt.STbl,y      Get screen table ptr
         ldx   St.LStrt,x     Get screen start address
         lbsr  L1E9F          Screen address to put=X, start pixel mask=B
         stx   <$0041         Save screen ptr
         stb   <$0043         Save start pixel mask
         puls  d,x            Get back original 'working' coords
         std   <$0047
         stx   <$0049         Put them back for original GrfDrv function
L1579    rts

* Cursor on
L14F0    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^NoCurs,Wt.BSW,y         Set cursor flag to on
         lda   Wt.BSW,y 
         anda  #^NoCurs
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
* Update txt cursor (on gfx or txt screens) from UPDATE Window 'hidden' call
L1563    lda   #$01         put the cursor on the screen
         bra   L157B

* Cursor off
L14F8    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         oim   #NoCurs,Wt.BSW,y         Set cursor flag to off
         lda   Wt.BSW,y 
         ora   #NoCurs
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
* Update text cursor (on gfx or text screens) from within Grfdrv
L157A    clra               take the cursor off of the screen

L157B    cmpy  <$002E         We on current window?
         bne   L1579          No, exit
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #NoCurs,Wt.BSW,y Cursor enabled?
         pshs  a
         lda   Wt.BSW,y 
         bita  #NoCurs
         puls  a
         bne   L1579          No, exit
         cmpa  <$0039       get cursor on screen flag
         beq   L1579        same state as last time, exit
         sta   <$0039       cursor is ON the screen
         lbsr  L1002        Set up fonts, character sizes
         bra   L158B        go put the cursor on-screen

* Cursor on
*L14F0    aim   #^NoCurs,Wt.BSW,y         Set cursor flag to on
* Update txt cursor (on gfx or txt screens) from UPDATE Window 'hidden' call
*L1563    cmpy  <$002E         We on current window?
*         bne   L1579          No, exit
*         tim   #NoCurs,Wt.BSW,y Cursor on?
*         bne   L1579          No, exit
*         ldb   <$0039       get GP buffer block number
*         bne   L1579        none, exit
*         lbsr  L1002          Set up font counts
*         bsr   L158B
*         inc   <$0039       cursor is ON the screen
*L1579    rts   

* Cursor off
*L14F8    oim   #NoCurs,Wt.BSW,y         Set cursor flag to off
* Update text cursor (on gfx or text screens) from within Grfdrv
*L157A    cmpy  <$002E       We on current window?
*         bne   L158A        No, exit
*         ldb   <$0039
*         beq   L158A
*         lbsr  L1002        setup font counts
*         bsr   L158B
*         clr   <$0039       cursor is OFF of the screen
*L158A    rts   

* Handle char. under cursor on Hware Text screen
* Entry: Y=window table ptr
* Exit: Attribute byte on screen has fore/bckground colors reversed
L158B    ldx   Wt.Cur,y     get cursor physical address
         ldb   <$0060       get screen type
         bpl   L15A5        Skip ahead if gfx screen
         lda   1,x          Get attribute byte of char. under cursor
         bsr   L15B2        Get inversed fore/bck ground colors mask into A
         ldb   1,x          Get original attribute byte back
         andb  #%11000000   Mask out all but blink & underline
         IFNE  H6309
         orr   a,b          Merge in swapped colors mask
         pshs  a
         orb   ,s+
         stb   1,x          Set new attributes for this char

* Set attributes on Gfx screen
L15A5    pshs  y            Save window table ptr
         ldu   #GrfStrt+L10FA  Setup vector for cursor on Gfx screen
         clr   <$000E       Shut off all attributes
         lbsr  L106D        Go put inversed char (under cursor) on screen
         puls  pc,y         Restore window tbl ptr & return

* Flip fore/background color masks for hardware text attribute byte
* Entry:A=attribute byte for h/ware text screen
* Exit: A=Reversed color masks
L15B2    clrb                no attributes here yet
         anda  #%00111111     Mask out blinking, underline bits
         IFNE  H6309
         lsrd               one byte smaller than old method
         lsrd               move foreground in A to background in A,
         lsrd               background in A to 3 high bits of B
         lsrb               shift background in B 2 bits: blink & underline
         lsrb               now background in A is in foreground in B
         IFNE  H6309
         orr   b,a          Merge two masks together in A
         pshs  b
         ora   ,s+

* Update Gfx Cursor - UPDATE Window 'hidden' call version - Put it on scrn
L15BF    pshs  y,x            Preserve window & screen tbl ptrs
         ldx   Wt.STbl,y      Get scrn tbl ptr from window tbl
         cmpx  <$0030         Same as current screen?
         bne   L15E0          No, leave
         ldb   <$003A         Get Gfx cursor XOR'd on/off flag
         bne   L15E0          It's already on screen, exit
         ldb   Wt.GBlk,y      Get memory block # of gfx cursor
         stb   <$0044         Save in Grfdrv mem
         beq   L15E0          If there is no Gfx cursor defined, exit
         bsr   L017C          Map in Gfx cursor GP buffer block
         ldy   Wt.GOff,y      Get ptr to actual shape in block
         sty   <$0045         Save it in Grfdrv mem
         bsr   L15FE          XOR mouse cursor onto screen (put it on)
         inc   <$003A         Set Gfx cursor XOR flag to 'ON'
L15E0    puls  pc,y,x         Restore regs & return

* Update Gfx cursor - from within GRFDRV - Take old one off scrn
L15E2    pshs  y,x
         ldx   Wt.STbl,y
         cmpx  <$0030
         bne   L15FC
         ldb   <$003A       is the Gfx cursor on the screen?
         beq   L15FC        no, exit.
         ldb   <$0044       grab gfx cursor GP buffer number
         beq   L15E0        if none, exit
         bsr   L017C        map in get/put buffer
         ldy   <$0045       grab pointer to cursor in block
         bsr   L15FE        XOR mouse cursor onto screen (take off old one)
         clr   <$003A       Set Gfx cursor XOR flag to 'OFF'
L15FC    puls  pc,y,x

* XOR mouse cursor onto screen
L15FE    ldb   <$0060         Get screen type
         bmi   L1634          Text; exit
         ldd   <$004F         Get original X & Y sizes
         ldx   <$0051
         pshs  x,d            Save them
         ldd   <$0064         Get original Pset & Lset vectors
         ldx   <$0068
         pshs  x,d            Save them
         ldd   <$0041         Get screen address of Gfx cursor
         std   <$0072         Save as GP buffer start position
         ldb   <$0043         Get pixel mask for start of Gfx cursor
         stb   <$0074         Save as GP buffer pixel mask start
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L1F9E Force PSET to 'off'
         stx   <$0064
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L1FA3 For LSET to XOR
         stx   <$0068
         lbsr  L0E14          set up for different STY in buffer/screen
         lbsr  L0E97          go put the cursor on-screen
         puls  x,d            Restore original vectors
         std   <$0064
         stx   <$0068
         puls  x,d            Restore original X/Y sizes
         std   <$004F
         stx   <$0051
L1634    rts                  return

* Bring in Get/Put buffer memory bank - put into GRFDRV DAT Img @ <$87
* Entry: B=MMU block # to get
L017C    clr   <$89         Make sure System Global is first
         stb   <$8A         Save Block number of Get/Put buffer
         stb   >$FFA9       Save it to MMU as well
         rts                Return

* LSet entry point
L06A4    ldx   #GrfStrt+L06BC  Point to LSET vector table
         ldb   Wt.LSet,y    Get LSet type
         cmpb  #$03         If higher than 3, error
         bhi   L06B7
         ldb   b,x          Get vector offset
         abx                Calculate vector
         stx   Wt.LVec,y    Save LSet table vector
         jmp   >GrfStrt+L0F78 Return to system without error

L06B7    comb               Return to system with Illegal argument error
         ldb   #E$IllArg
         jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet

* Retain "magic" spacing
         IFEQ  H6309
L1FA3b   equ   *
         pshs  a
         orb   ,s+
         bra   L1FA3c

* LSet vector table
L06BC    fcb   L1FA9-L06BC    Normal vector
         fcb   L1FA7-L06BC    AND logical vector
         fcb   L1FAE-L06BC    OR logical vector
         fcb   L1FA3-L06BC    XOR logical vector
* LSET routines here: affecting how pixels go on screen
* The proper vector is stored in the window table @ <$14,y
* Entry: X=address of pixel to change
*        B=Bit mask of specific pixel to change (1, 2 or 4 bits)
*        A=Bits to actually set (color palette #)
*        A&B are also both preserved on the stack by the calling routine
L1FA3    eora  ,x             EOR new bits onto what is on screen
         sta   ,x             and save onto screen
         rts                5 bytes
L1FA7    anda  ,x             AND new color onto what is on screen
* Normal
L1FA9    comb                 Make 'hole' for transparent putting
         andb  ,x             Create mask of bits already on screen
         IFNE  H6309
         orr   a,b            Merge color & bit mask
         nop                  keep byte count the same
         bra   L1FA3b
L1FA3c   stb   ,x             Save new byte
* OR
L1FAE    ora   ,x             Merge new color onto screen
         sta   ,x             and store them
L1FB2    rts                  return

* do a word of pixels at one time
* Likewise, do NOT change any offsets at the normal pixel routines at
* L1FA3 and following!
Pix.XOR  equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         eord  ,x           offset 0
         bra  PEOR         keep byte count same
PXOR2    std   ,x++

Pix.AND  equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         andd  ,x           offset 6
         bra  PAND
PAND2    std   ,x++

         fcc   /ALAND/      space fillers 

Pix.OR   equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         ord   ,x           offset 17
         ora   ,x
         orb   1,x
         std   ,x++
* End of ATD's magic routine!
         IFEQ  H6309
PEOR     eora  ,x
         eorb  1,x
         bra   PXOR2
PAND     anda  ,x
         andb  1,x
         bra   PAND2

* Point entry point
L1635    bsr   I.point      map screen and PSET block in, scale coordinates
         bcs   L1688          Error scaling, exit with it
         lbsr  L1E9D          Get:X=ptr to byte on screen,B=bit mask for pixel
         lda   <$0061         Get foreground color
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   <$68           Get LSET vector
         pshs  x
         ldx   <$68
         stx   <$B5
         puls  x
         jsr   ,u             Put pixel on screen
         bra   L1687          Exit without error

* Line entry point
* ATD: Line/bar/box set up screen: saves ~40 bytes, adds 6 clock cycles
I.line   lbsr  L1DFD        scale 2nd set of coordinates
         bcs   L16B0        error: exit to a convenient RTS
I.point  lbsr  L1884          map in window, and verify it's graphics
         ldu   <$64           get PSET vector for line/bar/box routines
         lbra  L1DF6          Scale 1st set of coords

* Line entry point
L1654    bsr   I.line       internal line set up routine
         bcs   L1688          Error; exit
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   <$68           Get LSET vector
         ldd   <$68
         std   <$B5
         ldd   <$0049         Get 'working' Y coordinate
         cmpd  <$004D         Same as current Y coordinate?
         bne   L1679          No, check X
         bsr   L168B          Do 'fast' horizontal line
         bra   L1687          Return to system without error

L1679    ldd   <$0047         Get 'working' X coordinate
         cmpd  <$004B         Same as current X coordinate?
         bne   L1684          No, use 'normal' line routine
         lbsr  L16F4          Do 'fast' vertical line
         bra   L1687          Return to system without error

L1684    lbsr  L1724          Do 'normal' line routine
L1687    clrb                 No error
L1688    jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet Return to system

* Swap start & end X coords if backwards ($47=Start, $4B=End)
L16A3    ldd   <$004B         Get end X coord
         cmpd  <$0047         Compare with start X coord
         bge   L16B0          Proper order, leave
L16AA    ldx   <$0047         Swap the 2 X coord's around
         std   <$0047
         stx   <$004B
L16B0    rts   

* # of pixels/byte table
L16B1    fcb   $08            640x200x2 color
         fcb   $04            320x200x4 color
         fcb   $04            640x200x4 color
         fcb   $02            320x200x16 color

* Fast horizontal line routine
L168B    bsr   L16A3          Make sure X coords in right order
L168D    lbsr  L1EF1          <$79=Start of byte pixel mask, <$77=Shift vector
* Entry point from FFILL
L1690    ldd   <$004B         Get end X coord of line
         subd  <$0047         # pixels wide line is
         IFNE  H6309
         incd                 +1 (base 1)
         addd  #1
         std   <$0099         Save # of pixels left
         lbsr  L1E9D          X=Mem ptr to 1st pixel, B=Mask for start pixel
         lda   <$0061         Get foreground color mask (full byte)
         ldy   <$0099         Get # pixels to do

* "Fast" horizontal line draw
* Entry: Y = # pixels left
*        A = Color bit mask
*        X = Screen address
*        B = mask for first pixel
*        W = address of LSET routine
*        U = address of PSET routine
L16B5    pshs  u,y,x,d        Preserve X & D, and reserve 4 bytes on stack
         sta   6,s            Save Full byte color mask
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L16B1-1  Point to # pixels/byte table
         ldb   <$0060         Get screen type
         clra                 Clear high byte
         ldb   b,x            Get # pixels/byte for screen type
         std   4,s            Save overtop original Y on stack
         puls  x,d            Restore Screen ptr & Color/pixel masks
         tstb               is the pixel mask at the high bit of the byte?
         bmi   L16D5        yes, start off with a check for TFM
*         bra   L16C9          Start drawing
         fcb   $8C          skip 2 bytes: same cycle time, 1 byte shorter

* Stack now has: 0,s = # pixels per byte (2,4 or 8, 16 bit # for Y compare)
*                2,s = Color mask
*                3,s = Garbage? (LSB of U)
*                Y   = # pixels left in line
* Put single pixels on the screen
L16C7    ldb   <$0079         Get bit mask for 1st pixel in byte
L16C9    std   <$97           Save current color & bit masks
         jsr   ,u           put pixel on the screen
         leay  -1,y           Bump line pixel count down by 1
         lbeq  L16F2          Done line, exit
         ldd   <$97           Get color & bit masks back
* Set up bit pattern for next pixel, including changing byte position
         jsr   >GrfStrt+L1F08  Set up for next pixel (scrn address & bit mask)
         bpl   L16C9          (1st bit would be set if next byte, keep going)
* If on last byte, Y<#pixels per byte, so will use above loop
* If not on last byte, Y>#pixels per byte, so can 'cheat' & do 1 byte at a
* time below
L16D5    cmpy  ,s             Done pixel count for current byte (or last byte)
         blo   L16C7          No, keep going
* Draw remainder of line 1 full byte (2,4 or 8 pixels) at a time
* ATD: GrfStrt+L1FA9 is the normal PUT (no fancy stuff) routine
L16D7    tfr   y,d          get number of pixels left into D
         IFNE  H6309
         divd  1,s          divide it by the number of pixels in 1 byte
         clr   ,-s
L16D7b   inc   ,s
         subb  2,s
         sbca  #0
         bcc   L16d7b
         addb  2,s          
         tfr   b,a
         puls  b
         pshs  a            save remainder for later
         clr   ,-s          and make remainder on-stack 16-bit
         pshs  b            save number of bytes to do

* now we have: 
* B   = number of bytes to do a full byte at a time
* 0,S = number of bytes to do a full byte at a time
* 1,s = remainder of pixels in last byte to do
* 3,s = pixels per byte
* 5,s = color mask

         lda   #(GrfStrt+L1F9E)&$00FF  point to NO pset vector
         cmpa  <$64+1       is it just a normal color routine?
         bne   L16E2        no, it's a PSET, so go do it especially

         IFNE  H6309
         cmpw  #GrfStrt+L1FA9  is it the normal PUT routine?
         pshs  x
         ldx   <$B5
         cmpx  #GrfStrt+L1FA9
         puls  x
         bne   L16E0        no, go use old method

         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   d,w          into TFM counter register
         leay  5,s          point to full byte color mask
         IFNE  H6309
         tfm   y,x+         move everything else a byte at a time
* LDW MUST go before the call to L16F2!
         ldw   #GrfSTrt+L1FA9  and restore vector to normal PUT routine
         pshs  x,u
         tfr   x,u
         tfr   d,x
         lda   ,y
L16DEb   sta   ,u+
         leax  -1,x
         bne   L16DEb
         ldd   #GrfSTrt+L1FA9
         std   <$B5
         stu   ,s
         puls  x,u
L16DE    puls  b            restore number of full bytes to do
         lda   3,s          get number of pixels per byte
         mul                get number of pixels done
         addd  <$47         add to current X coordinate
         std   <$47         and save as current X coordinate
L16DF    ldy   ,s++         restore 16-bit remainder of pixels: GET CC.Z bit
         beq   L16F2        exit quickly if done all of the bytes
         lda   2,s          get pixel mask
         bra   L16C7        and do the last few pixels of the line

L16E0    lsrb               divide by 2
         beq   L16E2        only 1 pixel to do, go do it.

* here we have 2 or more pixels to do full-byte, so we go to a method
* using D: much magic here!
* W = pointer to LSET routine
* U = pointer to routine that does ANDR B,A  JMP ,W
         IFNE  H6309
         subw  #GrfStrt+L1FA3  point to start of LSET routines
         pshs  d
         ldd   <$B5
         subd  #GrfSTrt+L1FA3
         std   <$B5
         puls  d
         beq       skip fancy stuff for XOR
         IFNE  H6309
         incf               go up by one byte
         inc   <$B6
         ENDC   ldu   #GrfStrt+Pix.XOR  point to double-byte pixel routines
         IFNE  H6309
         leau  f,u          point U to the appropriate routine
         tfr   b,f          move counter to a register
         pshs  a
         lda   <$B6
         leau  a,u
         stb   <$B6
         puls  a
         ENDC lda   5,s          grab full-byte color mask
         tfr   a,b          make D=color mask
         jsr   ,u           call 2-byte routine
         IFNE  H6309
         dec   <$B6
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   <$68         get LSET vector
         ldu   <$68
         stu   <$B5
         ldu   <$64         and PSET vector again
         ldb   ,s           get number of bytes left to do: do NOT do PULS!
         andb  #1           check for odd-numbered bytes
         beq   L16DE        if done all the bytes, exit: does a PULS B
         stb   ,s           save the count of bytes to do: =1, and do one byte

* PSET+LSET full byte line draws come here
L16E2    ldb   #$FF           Full byte bit mask
         lda   5,s            Get color mask
         jsr   ,u           put the pixel on the screen
         leax  1,x            Bump screen ptr up by 1
         ldd   3,s          get number of pixels per byte
         addd  <$0047         Update 'working' X-cord to reflect pixels we did
         std   <$0047         Save result
         dec   ,s           decrement counter
         bne   L16E2        continue until done
         leas  1,s          kill the counter off of the stack
         bra   L16DF        restore 16-bit pixel remainder, and do last byte

L16F2    puls  pc,x,d         Restore regs & return when done

* Fast vertical line routine
L16F4    bsr   L1716          Make sure Y coords in right order
L16F6    ldd   <$004D         Calculate height of line in pixels
         subb  <$004A
         incb                 Base 1
         std   <$0099         Save height
         lbsr  L1E9D          Calculate screen address & pixel mask
         lda   <$0061         Get color mask
         std   <$0097         Save color & pixel masks
         ldy   <$0099         Get Y pixel counter
L1707    ldd   <$0097         Get color & pixel mask
         jsr   ,u             Put pixel on screen
         ldb   <$0063         Get # bytes to next line on screen
         abx                  Point to it
         inc   <$004A         Bump up working Y coord
         leay  -1,y           Dec. Y counter
         bne   L1707          Do until done

* Swap Y coords so lower is first
L1716    ldd   <$004D         Get current Y coord
         cmpd  <$0049         Compare with destination Y coord
         bge   L1723          If higher or same, done
L171D    ldx   <$0049
         std   <$0049
         stx   <$004D
L1723    rts   

* Next pixel calcs - See if <$47 could not be done outside the loop by a
*  simple ADDD (if needed at all)
* If it is needed in loop for some, simply have the ones that don't need to
*  come in at L1F0E instead
* Called from Fast Horizontal Line L16C9, Normal Line L177D, Flood Fill L1CD4
* Entry: <$0047 = Working X coord
*   B=Bit mask for current pixel
*   X=Screen address
* Exit:
*   B=Bit mask for new pixel (high bit set if starting new byte)
*   X=New screen address (may not have changed)
* ATD: Could replace calls to L1F08 with jsr [>GrfMem+gr0077], and move 'lsrb's
* from L1F14 here, to the TOP of the routine.  That would convert a
* JSR >foo, JMP[>GrfMem+gr0077] to a jsr [>], saving 4 cycles, adding 2 bytes per call
* Also, the 'inc' does NOT affect the carry.
L1F08    inc   <$0048         Inc LSB of working X coord
         bne   L1F0E          Didn't wrap, skip ahead
         inc   <$0047         Inc MSB of working X coord
L1F0E    lsrb                 Shift to next bit mask
         bcs   L1F18          Finished byte, reload for next
         jmp   [>GrfMem+gr0077]       Shift B more (if needed) depending on scrn type

L1F18    ldb   #1             Bump screen address by 1
         ldb   <$0079         Get start single pixel mask (1,2 or 4 bits set)

* Normal line routine
L1724    ldd   <$004B       current X
         cmpd  <$0047       HBX, LBX
         bge   L1734
         lbsr  L16AA        swap x-coordinates around
         ldd   <$004D       current Y
         bsr   L171D        swap Y coordinates around
         ldd   <$004B       get high X
L1734    subd  <$0047       subtract out low X
         std   <$0013       save x-count to do
         ldb   <$0063       BPL
         std   <$0017       save 16-bit bytes per line
         ldd   <$004D       high Y
         subd  <$0049       subtract out low Y
         std   <$0015       save y-count to do
         bpl   L1753        if positive
         IFNE  H6309
         addd  #1
         std   <$0015       invert y-count if negative (make it positive)
         ldd   <$0017       invert BPL, too.  Why?
         IFNE  H6309
         addd  #1
         std   <$0017
* ATD: If we get _really_ fancy, have this do a DIVD for X and Y, and
* figure out how many sub-lines to do, and call the main line to do each.
* that way any horizontal/vertical sections will use optimized routines
* above
* vertical sections can call L16F4 directly, I think...
L1753    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         std   <$0075       counter
         lbsr  L1EF1          Set up <$77 bit shift vector & <$79 pixel mask
         lbsr  L1E9D          Calculate screen addr into X & pixel mask into B
         stb   <$0074         Save pixel mask
L1760    ldb   <$0074         Get pixel mask
         lda   <$0061         Get color mask
         jsr   ,u
         ldd   <$0075       grab counter
         bpl   L177D        if positive
         addd  <$0013       add in number of X-pixels to do
         std   <$0075       save it
         ldd   <$0017       get BPL
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  d,x          go up/down
         leax  d,x
         bmi   L1779
         inc   <$004A       go down one y-line
         bra   L1788

L1779    dec   <$004A       decrement y-count
         bra   L1788

L177D    subd  <$0015       take out one BPL
         std   <$0075       save new count
         ldb   <$0074       grab pixel mask
         bsr   L1F08        go right one pixel
         stb   <$0074       save new pixel mask
L1788    ldd   <$0047       grab X-start
         cmpd  <$004B       at X-end yet?
         ble   L1760        no, continue

* Box entry point
* The optimizations here work because the special-purpose horizintal and
* vertical line routines only check start X,Y and end X OR Y, not BOTH of
* the end X,Y.  We can use this behaviour to leave in end X or Y coordinates
* that we want to use later.
* Possible problem: If the normal line routine is fixed to work properly,
* there won't be much need for the fast vertical line routine, and we'll have
* to fix up the X coordinates here.
L1790    lbsr  I.Line       internal line/bar/box setup
         bcs   L17F9         Error; exit
         lbsr  L16A3         Make sure X coords in right order
         lbsr  L1716         Make sure Y coords in right order
         leas  -4,s         Make 4 byte buffer on stack
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   <$47          Copy upper left coords: SX,SY
         stq   ,s           save on the stack
         ldd   <$49
         std   2,s
         ldd   <$47
         std   ,s
         pshs  y             Save window table ptr
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   <$68          Get LSET vector
         pshs  x
         ldx   <$68
         stx   <$B5
         puls  x
* enters with SX,SY ; EX,EY
         lbsr  L168D         Do fast horizontal line: 0,0 -> X,0
* leaves with $47-$4D = EX+1,SY ; EX,EY
         ldd   <$4B         grab EX+1 (incremented after line)
         std   <$47         save proper EX
         ldy   ,s           grab window table pointer again: for L1E9D call
         lbsr  L16F6        Do fast vertical line: X,0 -> X,Y
* leaves with $47-$4D = EX,EY+1 ; EX,EY
         ldd   4,s          get SY
         std   <$49         save SY again
         ldd   2,s          get SX
         std   <$47         save SX again
         ldy   ,s           get window table ptr
* enters with SX,SY ; EX,EY
         lbsr  L16F6         Do other fast vertical line 0,0 -> 0,Y
* leaves with $47-$4D = SX,EY ; EX,EY
         ldy   ,s           restore window table pointer
         ldd   <$4D         grab EY+1 (incremented after line)
         std   <$49         save EY
         lbsr  L168D         Do final fast horizontal line: 0,Y -> X,Y
         leas   6,s          Eat stack buffer
         clrb                No error & return
L17F9    jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet

* Bar entry point
L17FB    lbsr  I.Line       internal line/bar/box routine
         bcs   L1853
         lbsr  L16A3           Make sure X coords in right order
         lbsr  L1716           Make sure Y coords in right order
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   <$68            Get LSET vector
         ldd   <$68
         std   <$B5

* internal BAR routine called from CLS for non-byte boundary clear to EOL    ldd   <$0047       grab start X coordinate
         std   <$0099       save it for later
         subd  <$4B         take out end X coordinate
         IFNE  H6309
         negd               negate it
         incd               add one
         addd  #2
         std   <$9B         save for later
         lbsr  L1EF1           Set up <$79 bit mask & <$77 bit shft vector
         lbsr  L1E9D           Calculate scrn ptr & 1st bit mask
         lda   <$0061          Get color mask
         std   <$009D          Save color mask & pixel mask
         ldd   <$004D
         subb  <$004A
         tfr   d,y             Move # horizontal lines to draw to Y
L1839    pshs  y,x             Preserve # lines left & screen ptr
         ldy   <$009B
         ldd   <$009D          Get color & pixel masks
         lbsr  L16B5           Do fast horizontal line
         puls  y,x             Get # lines left & screen ptr
         ldb   <$0063          Bump ptr to start of next line in bar
         inc   <$004A          Bump up Y coord
         ldd   <$0099       get saved starting X coordinate
         std   <$0047       save as current X coordinate
         leay  -1,y            Bump line counter
         bne   L1839           Draw until done
         clrb                  No error & return
L1853    jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet

* Circle entry point
L1856    bsr   L1884          Make sure window is graphics
         ldd   <$53           Get radius (horizontal)
         IFNE  H6309
         lsrd                 Calculate vertical radius for 'perfect circle'
         std   <$55           Vertical radius=Horizontal radius/2
         bra   L18BF          Go to appropriate place in ellipse routine

* Arc entry point
L1860    bsr   L1884          Make sure window is graphics
         lbsr  L1E05          Go scale start 'clip' coords, check if legal
         bcs   L1853          Illegal coordinate, exit with error
         lbsr  L1E24          Go scale end 'clip' coords, check if legal
         bcs   L1853          Illegal coordinate, exit with error
         ldd   <$0020         Get start clip X coord
         cmpd  <$0024         Same as end clip X coord?
         bne   L188E          No, skip ahead
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L1A9D Point to vertical line clip vector
         ldd   <$0022         Get start clip Y coord
         cmpd  <$0026         Same as end clip Y coord?
         blt   L18B3          If lower, skip ahead
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L1AA4 End X clip is to right of Start vector
         bra   L18B3          Go save vector & continue

L1884    lbsr  L0177          Map in window
         ldb   <$60           Get screen type
         lbmi  L0569          If text, return with Error 192
         ldb   Wt.PBlk,y      Get Pattern memory block
         beq   L18BC          None, exit to a convenient RTS
         lbra  L017C          Map that block in

* Different X coord clip coords
L188E    ldx   <$0022         Get start Y coord
         cmpx  <$0026         Same as end Y coord?
         bne   L18A3          No, skip ahead
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L1AAB Point to horizontal line clip vector
         cmpd  <$0024         Is start X coord left of end X coord?
         blt   L18B3          Yes, use this vector
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L1AB1 Point to horizontal line/to right vector
         bra   L18B3          Go save the vector & continue

* Different X & Y clip coords
L18A3    ldx   #GrfStrt+L1AB7 Point to 'normal' Arc Clip line vector
         ldd   <$0020         Get start X coord
         subd  <$0024         Calculate X clip line width
         std   <$0097         Save it
         ldd   <$0022         Get start Y coord
         subd  <$0026         Calculate Y clip line height
         std   <$0099         Save it
         bra   L18B3          Go save vector & continue

L18B7    lbsr  L1B3B          Copy 5 byte integer from ,Y to ,X
* Shift 5 byte number pointed to by X to the left 1 bit
L1BDD    lsl   4,x            (four 7 cycles & one 6 cycle)
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   ,x             Get rest of 5 byte #
         rolw                 Shift it all left
         stq   ,x             Store result
         ldd   2,x
         std   2,x
         std   <$B5
         ldd   ,x
         std   ,x
L18BC    rts                  Exit

* Ellipse entry point
L18BD    bsr   L1884          Make sure we are on graphics screen
L18BF    ldx   #GrfStrt+L1ABB Point to 'no clipping' routine
L18B3    stx   <$A1           Preserve clipping vector
* Clipping vector setup, start processing ARC
L18C5    lbsr  L1DF6          Make sure coord's & scaling will work
         bcs   L18D4          Error, return to system with error #
         lbsr  L1E28          Go make sure X & Y Radius values are legit
L18D4    lbcs  L1A75          Nope, exit with error
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   <$47           Get Draw pointer's X & Y Coordinates
         stq   <$18           Make working copies
         clrd                 Set some variable to 0
         ldd   <$47
         std   <$18
         ldd   <$49
         std   <$1A
         std   <$1C           Store it
         ldd   <$55           Get Y radius value
         std   <$1E           Move to working area
         leas  <-$3E,s        Make a 62 byte working stack area
         sty   <$3C,s         Preserve Y in last 2 bytes of stack area
         leax  $05,s          Point X into stack working area
         ldd   <$0053         Get horizontal radius
         lbsr  L1BA1.0      ATD: lbsr L1B32 moved for size
         tfr   x,y
         leax  <$14,s
         ldd   <$0055
         lbsr  L1BB1
         leax  $0A,s
         bsr   L18B7
         tfr   x,y
         leax  $0F,s
         bsr   L18B7
         leax  <$19,s
         ldd   <$0055
         lbsr  L1BA1.0      ATD: lbsr L1B32 moved for size
         tfr   x,y
         leax  <$1E,s
         bsr   L18B7
         tfr   x,y
         leax  <$23,s
         bsr   L18B7
         leax  <$28,s
         lbsr  L1B32.0      ATD: CLRD moved for size
         leax  <$2D,s
         ldd   <$001E
         lbsr  L1B32
         IFNE  H6309
         decd                    Doesn't affect circle
         subd  #1
         lbsr  L1BA1
         leay  $0A,s
         lbsr  L1BB4
         leay  $05,s
         bsr   L19C3
         leax  ,s
         bsr   L19C6
         lbsr  L1B63        ATD: LDD moved for size
         leay  <$1E,s
         lbsr  L1BB4
         tfr   x,y
         bsr   L19C3.0      ATD: LEAX moved for size
         leax  <$32,s
         bsr   L19C6.0      ATD: LEAY moved for size
         bsr   L19C0.0      ATD: LDD moved for size
         leax  <$37,s
         leay  <$1E,s
         lbsr  L1B3B
L1970    leax  <$14,s
         leay  <$28,s
         lbsr  L1C2E
         ble   L19CC
         lbsr  L1A78
         tst   <$2D,s
         bmi   L19A0
         leax  <$32,s
         leay  $0F,s
         bsr   L19C3
         tfr   x,y
         bsr   L19C3.0      ATD: LEAX moved for size
         leax  <$14,s
         leay  $05,s

* [X] = [X] - [Y] : leave [Y] alone
* ONLY called once.  Moving it would save 1 byte (rts) (save LBSR, convert
* 3 BSRs to LBSRs), and save
* one LBSR/rts (11 cycles), and convert 3 BSR to LBSR (+3)
* can also get rid of superfluous exg x,y at the end of the routine
* used to be a stand-alone routine
L1B92    lbsr  L1C11.0      negate 5 byte [Y]: ATD: EXG X,Y moved for size
         exg   x,y
         lbsr  L1B7A        40 bit add: [X] = [X] + [Y]
         lbsr  L1C11.0      negate 5 byte int: ATD: EXG X,Y moved for size
         ldd   <$001E
         IFNE  H6309
         decd                   Doesn't affect circle
         subd  #1
         std   <$001E
L19A0    leax  <$37,s
         leay  <$23,s
         bsr   L19C3
         tfr   x,y
         bsr   L19C3.0      ATD: LEAX moved for size
         leax  <$28,s
         leay  <$19,s
         bsr   L19C3
         ldd   <$001C
         IFNE  H6309
         incd                   Doesn't affect circle
         addd  #1
         std   <$001C
         bra   L1970

L19C0.0  ldd   <$001E       ATD: moved here for size
L19C0    jmp   >GrfStrt+L1BA1

L19C3.0  leax  <$2D+2,s       ATD: moved here for size
L19C3    jmp   >GrfStrt+L1B7A   add 40 bit [X] = [X] + [Y]

L19C6.0  leay  <$0F+2,s        ATD: moved here for size
L19C6    lbsr  L1B3B
         jmp   >GrfStrt+L1C11  negate 5-byte integer

L19CC    leax  <$2D,s
         ldd   <$001C
         lbsr  L1B32
         IFNE  H6309
         incd                   Doesn't affect circle
         addd  #1
         bsr   L19C0
         leay  <$1E,s
         lbsr  L1BB4
         leax  ,s
         ldd   <$001E
         lbsr  L1B32
         subd  #$0002
         bsr   L19C0
         lbsr  L1B63        ATD: LDD moved for size
         leay  $0A,s
         lbsr  L1BB4
         tfr   x,y
         bsr   L19C3.0      ATD: LEAX moved for size
         leax  ,s
         leay  $0A,s
         bsr   L19C6
         lbsr  L1B63        ATD: LDD moved for size
         leay  <$19,s
         lbsr  L1BB4
         tfr   x,y
         bsr   L19C3.0      ATD: LEAX moved for size
         leax  <$32,s
         leay  <$23,s
         lbsr  L1B3B
         ldd   <$001C
         bsr   L19C0
         leax  <$37,s
         bsr   L19C6.0      ATD: LEAY moved for size
         bsr   L19C0.0      ATD: LDD moved for size
         leay  $0A,s
         bsr   L19C3
L1A32    ldd   <$001E
         cmpd  #$FFFF       change to INCD?
         beq   L1A71        won't be affected by INCD: exit routine
         bsr   L1A78        draw pixel: shouldn't be affected by INCD
         tst   <$2D,s
         bpl   L1A57
         leax  <$32,s
         leay  <$23,s
         bsr   L1A6E
         tfr   x,y
         bsr   L1A6E.0      ATD: LEAX moved for size
         ldd   <$001C
         IFNE  H6309
         incd                   Doesn't affect Circle
         addd  #1
         std   <$001C
L1A57    leax  <$37,s
         leay  $0F,s
         bsr   L1A6E
         tfr   x,y
         bsr   L1A6E.0      ATD: LEAX moved for size
         ldd   <$001E
         IFNE  H6309
         decd                   Doesn't affect circle
         subd  #1
         std   <$001E
         bra   L1A32

L1A6E.0  leax  <$2D+2,s       ATD: moved here for size
L1A6E    jmp   >GrfStrt+L1B7A

L1A71    leas  <$3E,s
L1A75    jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet

* Draw all 4 points that one calculation covers (opposite corners)
* (Ellipse & Circle)
L1A78    ldy   <$3E,s       Get window table ptr back (for [>GrfMem+gr00A1])
         ldd   <$001C       grab current X offset from center
         ldx   <$001E       grab current Y offset from center
* At this point, add check for filled flag. If set, put x,y pairs in
* for line command call (with bounds checking) & call line routine 2 times
* (once for top line, once for bottom line)
         tst   <$b2         We doing a Filled Ellipse/Circle?
         beq   NotFill      No, do normal
         bsr   SetX         Do any adjustments to start X needed
         std   <$47         Save as start X
         std   <$AD         Save copy
         ldd   <$1C         Get current X offset again
         IFNE  H6309
         negd               Negate for coord on other side of radius
         addd  #1
         bsr   SetX         Do any adjustments
         std   <$4b         Save end X coord
         std   <$AF         Save Copy
         tfr   x,d          Copy current Y offset into D
         pshs  x,y,u        Preserve regs for HLine call
         bsr   DoHLine      Do line (if necessary)
         ldy   2,s          Get window table ptr back for checks
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   <$AD         Get original X coords back
         std   <$47         Save Start X
         stw   <$4b         Save End X
         ldd   <$AF
         std   <$B5
         std   <$4b
         ldd   <$AD
         std   <$47
         ldd   ,s           Get Y coord back
         IFNE  H6309
         negd               Negate for coord on other side of radius
         addd  #1
         bsr   DoHLine      Do line (if necessary)
         puls  x,y,u,pc     Restore regs & return

DoHLine  bsr   SetY         Do Y adjustments
         cmpa  #$FF         Off window?
         beq   SaveStrX     Yes, return without drawing
         std   <$49         Save Y coord for fast horizontal line
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   <$68         Get LSET vector
         ldu   <$68
         stu   <$B5
         ldu   <$64         Get PSET vector
         jmp   >GrfStrt+L168B Call fast horizontal line & return from there

* Calc X coord & make sure in range
SetX     addd  <$18         Add X center point
         bmi   OffLeft      Off left hand side, use 0
         cmpd  Wt.MaxX,y    Past right hand side?
         bls   SaveStrX     No, save start X
         ldd   Wt.MaxX,y    Get right side of window
SaveStrX rts

OffLeft  equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd               0 X Coord start

* Calc Y coord & make sure in range
SetY     addd  <$1a         Add Y center point
         bmi   OffTop       Off top, not drawable
         cmpd  Wt.MaxY,y    Past bottom?
         bhi   OffTop       Yes, not drawable
SaveStrY rts

OffTop   lda   #$FF         Flag that it is off the window

* Not filled circle or ellipse
NotFill  bsr   L1A97        Draw X,Y
         IFNE  H6309
         negd               invert X
         addd  #1
         bsr   L1A97        Draw -X,Y
         exg   d,x          Invert Y
         IFNE  H6309
         negd               invert X
         addd  #1
         exg   d,x
         bsr   L1A97        Draw inverted X, inverted Y pixel
         ldd   <$001C       Last, draw X,-Y
L1A97    pshs  x,d          Preserve x,y coords
         jmp   [>GrfMem+gr00A1]     Draw point (L1ABB if circle/ellipse)

* D=X coord offset from center point
* X=Y coord offset from center point
* (ARC) Vertical clip line, start Y > end Y coord vector
L1A9D    cmpd  <$0020       >= start clip X coord?
         bge   L1ABB        Yes, go draw point
         puls  pc,x,d       No, return

* (ARC) Vertical clip line, start Y < end Y coord vector
L1AA4    cmpd  <$0020       <= start clip X coord?
         ble   L1ABB        Yes, go draw point
         puls  pc,x,d       No, return

* (ARC) Horizontal clip line, start X < end X coord vector
L1AAB    cmpx  <$0022       <= start clip Y coord?
         ble   L1ABB        Yes, go draw point
         puls  pc,x,d       No, return

* (ARC) Horizontal clip line, start X > end X coord vector
L1AB1    cmpx  <$0022       >= start clip Y coord?
         bge   L1ABB        Yes, go draw point
         puls  pc,x,d       No, return

* (ARC) Clip line is diagonal in some way
L1AB7    bsr   L1ADF          Check if within range of diagonal clip line
         bgt   L1ADD          If out of range, don't put pixel on screen
* Entry point for 'No clipping' routine pixel put
* Entry: D=X offset from center point
*        X=Y offset from center point
L1ABB    addd  <$0018         Add X offset to center point X
         bmi   L1ADD          Off of left side of window, don't bother
         cmpd  Wt.MaxX,y      Past right side of window?
         bhi   L1ADD          Yes, don't bother
         std   <$0047         Save X for Point routine
         tfr   x,d            Move Y offset to D
         addd  <$001A         Add Y offset to center point Y
         bmi   L1ADD          Off of top of window, don't bother
         cmpd  Wt.MaxY,y      Past bottom of window?
         bhi   L1ADD          Yes, don't bother
         std   <$0049         Save Y coord for Point routine
         lbsr  L1E9D          Calculate scrn addr:X, bit mask into B
         lda   <$0061         Get color mask
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   <$68           Get LSET vector
         pshs  x
         ldx   <$68
         stx   <$B5
         puls  x
         jsr   [>GrfMem+gr0064]       Put pixel on screen
L1ADD    puls  pc,x,d         Restore regs & return

* Uses signed 16x16 bit multiply
* Called by Arc (probably in clipping coordinates)
L1ADF    pshs  x,d
         leas  -4,s
         tfr   x,d
         subd  <$26
         IFNE  H6309
         muld  <$97           Calculate 1st result
         stq   ,s             Save 24 bit result
         pshs  x,y,u
         ldx   <$97
         bsr   MUL16
         sty   6,s
         stu   8,s
         stu   <$B5
         puls  x,y,u
         ldd   4,s
         subd  <$24
         IFNE  H6309
         muld  <$99           Calculate 2nd result
         pshs  x,y,u
         ldx   <$99
         bsr   MUL16
         stu   <$B5
         tfr   y,d
         puls  x,y,u
         cmpb  1,s            Compare high byte with original multiply
         bne   L1AF9          Not equal, exit with CC indicating that
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpw  2,s            Check rest of 24 bit #
         ldd   <$B5
         cmpd  2,s
L1AF9    leas  4,s            Eat our buffer
         puls  pc,x,d         Restore regs & return

         IFEQ  H6309
MUL16    pshs  d,x,y,u        XmulD returns Y&U
         clr   4,s
         lda   3,s
         std   6,s
         ldd   1,s
         addb  6,s
         adca  #0
         std   5,s
         ldb   ,s
         lda   3,s
         addd  5,s
         std   5,s
         bcc   MUL16b
         inc   4,s
MUL16b   lda   ,s
         ldb   2,s
         addd  4,s
         std   4,s
         puls  d,x,y,u,pc

L1B32.0  equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd               ATD: moved here for size
L1B32    clrw
         stw   ,x
         ste   2,x
L1B32    pshs  d
         std   <$B5
         std   ,x
         sta   2,x
         puls  d
         std   3,x

L1B3B    pshs  d
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   ,y
         stq   ,x
         ldd   2,y
         std   <$B5
         std   2,x
         ldd   ,y
         std   ,x
         ldb   4,y
         stb   4,x
         puls  pc,d

L1B52    exg   y,u
         exg   x,y
         bsr   L1B3B
         exg   x,y
         exg   y,u
* Called by ellipse
* Add 16 bit to 40 bit number @ X (but don't carry in 5th byte)
L1B63    ldd   #$0001       for circle, etc. above
L1B64    pshs  d
         addd  3,x
         std   3,x
         ldd   #$0000         For using carry
         IFNE  H6309
         adcd  1,x
         adcb  2,x
         adca  1,x
         std   1,x
         ldb   #$00           *CHANGE: WAS CLRB, BUT THAT WOULD SCREW CARRY UP
         adcb  ,x
         stb   ,x
         puls  pc,d

* Add 40 bit # @ X to 40 bit # @ Y; result into X
L1B7A    pshs  d
         ldd   3,x
         addd  3,y
         std   3,x
         ldd   1,x
         IFNE  H6309
         adcd  1,y
         adcb  2,y
         adca  1,y
         std   1,x
         ldb   ,x
         adcb  ,y
         stb   ,x
         puls  pc,d

L1BA1.0  bsr   L1B32
L1BA1    pshs  y,d
         IFNE  H6309
         pshs  d              Put 3 0's on stack
         pshs  b
         tfr   s,y
         bsr   L1BB4
         leas  3,s
         puls  pc,y,d

L1BB1    bsr   L1B32          Make 5 byte integer of D @ X
L1BB4    pshs  u,y,d          Preserve regs on stack
         leas  -10,s          Make buffer for two 5 byte integers
         tfr   s,u            Point U to first buffer
* Was subroutine 1B5D
         exg   x,u            Swap temp ptr with X ptr
         bsr   L1B3B          Copy 5 byte # from Y to X (into 1st temp buffer)
         exg   x,u            Swap ptrs back

         tfr   u,y            Move stack ptr to Y
         leau  5,u            Point U to 2nd 5 byte buffer
         bsr   L1B52
         IFNE  H6309
         bsr   L1B32.0      ATD: CLRD moved for size
         lbsr  L1B32.0
         bra   L1BCB

L1BC9    lsl   4,y            Multiply 5 byte integer by 2
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   ,y
         stq   ,y
         ldd   2,y
         std   2,y
         ldd   ,y
         std   ,y

* Loop-Divide U by 2 until U=0 or uneven divide
*  (each time, multiply Y by 2)
* When U=0 & no remainder, exits
* When U=0 & remainder, 5 byte # @ X = that # + 5 byte # @ Y
* NOTE: If it works, change below & L1C06 to use LDQ/RORD/RORW/STQ
L1BCB    lsr   ,u             Divide 5 byte integer by 2
         bne   L1C06          If any non-zero bytes, make sure to clear 0 flag
         ror   1,u
         bne   L1C08
         ror   2,u
         bne   L1C0A
         ror   3,u
         bne   L1C0C
         ror   4,u
* If it gets this far, the resulting 5 byte # is zero
         beq   L1BD5          If result=0, skip ahead
NewLbl   bcc   L1BC9          If no remainder, multiply Y by 2 again
         bsr   L1B7A          X=X+Y (5 byte #'s @ register names)
         bra   L1BC9          Continue (multiply Y by 2 & divide U by 2 again)

L1BD5    bcc   L1BD9          If result=0 & no remainder, done & return
         bsr   L1B7A          X=X+Y (5 byte #'s @ register names)
L1BD9    leas  10,s           Eat 2 5 byte integers off of stack
         puls  pc,u,y,d       Restore regs & return

L1C06    ror   1,u            Finishes divide by 2 with non-zero result
L1C08    ror   2,u
L1C0A    ror   3,u
L1C0C    ror   4,u
         bra   NewLbl         Continue

* Negate 5 byte integer
L1C11.0  exg   x,y          ATD: moved here for size
L1C11    com   ,x             Invert # @ X
         com   1,x
         com   2,x
         com   3,x
         com   4,x

         inc   4,x
         bne   L1C2D
         inc   3,x
         bne   L1C2D
         inc   2,x
         bne   L1C2D
         inc   1,x
         bne   L1C2D
         inc   ,x
L1C2D    rts

L1C2E    pshs  d
         ldd   ,x
         cmpd  ,y
         bne   L1C4D
         ldd   $02,x
         cmpd  $02,y
         bne   L1C44
         ldb   $04,x
         cmpb  $04,y
         beq   L1C4D
L1C44    bhi   L1C4A
         lda   #$08
         fcb   $21          skip one byte: same cycle time, 1 byte smaller
L1C4A    clra
L1C4B    tfr   a,cc
L1C4D    puls  pc,d

* FFill entry point
L1C4F    lbsr  L1884        ATD: +11C:-6B  exit if screen is text
         ldb   #$01           Set flag that no error has occurred
         stb   <$b1         LCB:Set flag that this is the 1st time through
         stb   <$002A
         lbsr  L1DF6          Check/calculate scaling
         lbcs  L1CBF          Illegal coordinate, exit
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   <$47         Get original X,Y start (now scaled)
         stq   <$AD         Save them
         ldd   <$49
         std   <$B5
         std   <$AF
         ldd   <$47
         std   <$AD
         lbsr  L1E9D          Calculate screen address to start filling @
         stx   <$0072         Save ptr to start pixel on physical screen
         stb   <$0074         Save bit mask for start pixel
* replaced the code above with this: slightly larger, but L1F4B is smaller,
* and this code is only executed once, while L1F4B is executed many times
* the additional benefit is that <$0028 is now the full-byte color mask
* instead of the single pixel mask, and we can do byte-by-byte checks!
         andb  ,x           get first pixel: somewhere in the byte...
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L075F-1   point to table of pixel masks
         lda   <$0060         Get screen type
         lda   a,x            Get subtable ptr
         leax  a,x            Point to proper screen table
         lda   2,x          skip mask, color 0, get color 1 full-byte mask
         mul                multiple color by $FF, $55, or $11 (1,4,16-color)
         IFNE  H6309
         orr   b,a          bits are all mixed up: OR them together
         pshs  b
         ora   ,s+
* now A = full-byte color mask for the color we want to FFILL on
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L16B1-1  point to pixels/byte table
         ldb   <$0060       get screen type again
         ldb   b,x          get B=pixels per byte
         std   <$0028       save full-byte color mask, pixels per byte
* end of inserted code: a bit larger, but MUCH faster in the end
         cmpa  Wt.Fore,y      background color as current foreground color?
         beq   L1CB7          Yes, exit if no stack overflow occurred
         clr   ,-s          save y-direction=0: done FFILLing
         lbsr  L1EF1          Setup start pixel mask & vector for right dir.
* Setup up bit mask & branch table for flood filling in the left direction
L1F1D    lda   <$0060         Get screen type
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L1F2C-2  Point to table
         lsla                 x2 for table offset
         ldd   a,x            Get mask and branch offset
         sta   <$007C         Preserve bit mask
         abx                  Store vector to bit shift routine
         stx   <$007A         save for later
         ldx   <$0072         Get phys screen address to pixel we are doing
         lbra  L1CC6          Skip ahead

* Bit shift table to shift to the left 3,1 or 0 times
* Used by FFill when filling to the left
L1F2C    fcb   $01,L1F45-(L1F2C-2)  $1b  640 2-color
         fcb   $03,L1F44-(L1F2C-2)  $1a  320 4-color
         fcb   $03,L1F44-(L1F2C-2)  $1a  640 4-color
         fcb   $0f,L1F42-(L1F2C-2)  $18  320 16-color
* Bit shifts based on screen type
L1F42    lslb
L1F44    lslb
L1F45    rts

X1F08    lda   <$0028       get full-byte background color mask
         cmpa  ,x           same as the byte we're on?
         beq   X1F16        yes, skip ahead
         leau  1,u          otherwise go to the right one pixel
X1F0E    lsrb                 Shift to next bit mask
         bcs   X1F18          Finished byte, reload for next
         jmp   [>GrfMem+gr0077]       Shift B more (if needed) depending on scrn type

* background is a byte value, but we don't know what the X coord is
X1F16    clra
         ldb   <$29         pixels per byte
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  d,u          go to the right one byte
         leau  d,u
         decb               make 2,4,8 into 1,3,7
         IFNE  H6309
         comd               get mask
         andr  d,u          force it to the left-most pixel of the byte
         pshs  d
         tfr   u,d
         anda  ,s
         andb  1,s
         tfr   d,u
         puls  d
X1F18    ldb   #1             Bump screen address by 1
         ldb   <$0079         Get start single pixel mask (1,2 or 4 bits set)

* Switch to next line for FFill
L1CC2    leas  4,s          Eat last set of X start ($47), end ($9B)
* $101B is a counter counted down continuously by VTIO.
* this is DEBUG code... check out 1D28: if no NEW PIXEL is put down for
* 255 ticks (~4 seconds), exit with error.
* May have to add it back in for SnakeByte Pattern paint bug?
L1C93    ldb   ,s+          grab y-direction to travel
         beq   L1CB7        if zero, check if we're done
         stb   <$002B       save direction to travel in
         addb  ,s+          add into saved Y-coordinate
         cmpb  <Wt.MaxY+1,y check against the maximum Y position
         bhi   L1CC2        too high, eat X start,end and go DOWN
         stb   <$004A       save current Y-position
         puls  d,x          restore X start, X end
         std   <$0047       save it for later
         stx   <$004B       save that, too
         lbsr  L1E9D        get X=logical screen coordinates, B=pixel mask
         stb   <$0074       save starting pixel mask
         jmp   >GrfStrt+L1D40  go do some painting

* Check if done filling or if error occurred
L1CB7    clrb                 Clear carry as default (no error)
         ldb   <$002A         Get done/error flag
         bne   L1CBF          Done flag, exit without error
L1CBC    ldb   #E$StkOvf      Stack overflow error
L1CBF    jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet

* Move 1 pixel to left (for FFill)
* <$0028 = full-byte color mask to paint on
* <$0029 = pixels per byte
L1F34    lda   ,x           get current byte
         cmpa  <$0028       full-byte background color?
         beq   L1F3C        yes, go do full-checks
         leau  -1,u           drop down by 1
         lslb                 Move pixel mask to left by 1
         bcs   L1F46          If finished byte, skip ahead
         jmp   [>GrfMem+gr007A]       Adjust for proper screen type (further LSLB's)

L1F3C    clra               make A=0
         ldb   <$0029       get 16-bit value of pixels per byte
         decb               get 7,3,1 pixel mask
         IFNE  H6309
         comd               get pixel mask, with low bits cleared out,
         andr  d,u          i.e. ensure we're to the LEFT as far as possible
         pshs  d
         tfr   u,d
         anda  ,s
         andb  1,s
         tfr   d,u
         puls  d
         leau  -1,u         go to the left one pixel

L1F46    ldb   <$007C         Get start pixel mask (on right side)
         leax  -1,x           Bump screen's pixel ptr left & return

* search until we find the left-most pixel which is NOT the paint on pixel,
* or the edge of the screen
* Exits with B=pixel mask
* W = current X position
* U = W
FFILL.1  ldb   <$0074         Get pixel mask for pixel we are doing
         ldu   <$0047
L1CC8 lbsr   L1F4B        check pixel
         bne   L1CD4        backup if not the background color pixel
         bsr   L1F34        exits with U = x-coord
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpr  0,u           has it filled to line position -1?
         cmpu  #0
         bpl   L1CC8        we're still on the same color, continue
* we've found the left boundary, go to the right
L1CD4    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         bra   X1F08        go to the right one pixel: account for extra DECW
         lbra  X1F08

L1CC6    bsr   FFILL.1
         stu   <$0047
         stu   <$009B       save for later
         bsr   FFILL.2      paint to the right, a pixel at a time
         lda   #$FF         get a flag: go UP one line
         bsr   L1D05        set up for another fill
         lda   #$01         get a flag: go DOWN one line
         bsr   L1D05        save more things on the stack
         bra   L1C93        go do another line

* paint to the right, a pixel at a time.
* Exits with B=pixel mask
* W = current X position
* U = W
FFILL.2  ldu   <$0047
         stu   <$20         save X-start for this fill routine
         clr   <$2C         clear flag: no pixels done yet
ffill.2a bsr   L1F4B          check if we hit color other than background
         bne   L1CEA          yes, skip ahead
         lbsr  X1F08        go to the right one pixel
         stb   <$2C
         cmpu  Wt.MaxX,y      Are we at right side of window?
         bls   FFILL.2a       no, continue
* we've gone too far to the right
L1CEA    bsr   L1F34        back up one pixel
* ATD: New routine added.  Do a horizontal line from left to right!
* This is not substantially faster, perhaps, but it does look better.
         pshs  d
         lda   <$2C         check flag
         beq   L1D03        skip ahead: no pixels to draw
* LCB: New routine added to check if we are redoing the 1st pixel we started
* painting at. If we are exit (Helps fill certain PSET variations that allow
* infinite recursions (loops) that hang Grfdrv)
         lda   <$B1         Get flag that we are on 1st line of FFill
         beq   DoChecks     Not 1st time, do checks
         clr   <$B1         Clear flag & do draw
         bra   Not1st

DoChecks ldd   <$AF         Get Y value from 1st FFill line
         cmpd  <$49         Same as current?
         bne   Not1st       No, go draw
         cmpu  <$AD         right side X lower or same as original X?
         bhi   Not1st       No, draw it
         ldd   <$20         Get left X coord
         cmpd  <$AD         left side X higher or same as original X?
         blo   Not1st       No, draw it
         leas  4,s          We already did this, eat stack & exit w/o error
         jmp   >GrfStrt+SysRet

Not1st   ldd   <$4B         get old coordinate: U=<$0047 already
         pshs  d,x,y,u
         stu   <$4B         save as X-end
         ldd   <$20         get LHS X coordinate
         std   <$47         save for the line routine
* ATD: warning: This routine trashes W!
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   <$68         get LSET vector
         ldu   <$68
         stu   <$B5
         ldu   <$64         and PSET vector
         jsr   >GrfStrt+L1690  do fast horizontal line
         puls  d,x,y,u      restore registers
         std   <$004B       save
L1D03    stu   <$0047       save
         puls  d,pc

L1D05    puls  u            restore PC of calling routine
         ldb   <$004A       get B=working Y coordinate
         pshs  y,x,d        save PC, and 4 junk bytes; ???RG
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   <$0047         Get 'working' X coord
         ldd   <$47
         std   <$B5
         std   4,s          see stq 2,s below
         ldd   <$009B       and left-most pixel we were at
         IFNE  H6309
         stq   2,s          save X start, end positions on the stack
         std   2,s          see std 4,s above
         jmp   ,u           return to calling routine

* ATD: mod: <$0028 is full-byte color mask
* Entry: X=ptr to current byte on screen
*        B=bit mask for current pixel
* Exit:  B=bit mask for current pixel
*        CC set to check if we hit border of FFill
L1F4B    pshs  b              Preserve pixel mask
         tfr   b,a            Duplicate it
         anda  ,x             Get common bits between screen/mask
         andb  <$0028       and common bits between full-byte color and mask
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpr  b,a          are the 2 colors the same?
         pshs  b
         cmpa  ,s+
         puls  pc,b           Restore pixel mask & return

* start painting at a new position.
* <$47=start X, <$49=current Y,  <$4B=end X
* Check to the left for bounds
L1D40    ldu   <$0047       get current X
         leau  -2,u         go to the left 2 pixels? : wrap around stop pixel
         stu   <$009B       save position
  lbsr   FFILL.1      search to the left
         bra   L1D58        skip ahead

L1D55    lbsr  X1F08        go to the right one pixel
L1D58    stu   <$0047       save X coordinate
         cmpu  <$004B       check against X-end from previous line
         lbhi  L1C93        too far to the right, skip this line
         bsr   L1F4B        check the pixel
         bne   L1D55        not the same, go to the right
         stb   <$0074       save starting pixel mask
         cmpu  <$009B       check current X against saved start (X-2)
         bgt   L1D87        higher, so we do a paint to the right
         bsr   L1DEE        check stack
         beq   L1D87        if 0: stack is too low
         ldu   <$009B       grab X
         ldd   <$0047       grab current X
* ATD: removed check for X coord <0, as the above call to X1F08 ensures it's
* at least 0.
         pshs  d,u          Save X start, X end coordinates
         ldb   <$004A       Get Y coord
         lda   <$002B       Get save current Y-direction
         nega               Change direction
         pshs  d            Save direction flag and Y coord
L1D87    ldd   <$0047       Get current X coord
         std   <$009B       Save duplicate (for direction change???)
         ldb   <$0074       Get current pixel mask

* Paint towards right side
L1D98    lbsr  FFILL.2
         stb   <$0074         Save new start pixel mask
         bsr   L1DEE        check stack
         beq   L1DAA        if 0: stack is too low
         lda   <$002B       grab direction flag
         bsr   L1D05        save current X start, end on-stack
         ldb   <$0074       grab starting pixel mask
         ldu   <$0047       restore current X-coord

* Small loop
L1DAA    lbsr  X1F08          Adjust for next pixel on the right
         stb   <$0074         Save new pixel mask
         stu   <$0047         and new X-coord
         cmpu  Wt.MaxX,y      Hit right side of window?
         bgt   L1DC4          Yes, skip ahead
         cmpu  <$004B         Is current X coord going past Draw ptr X coord?
         bgt   L1DC4          Yes, skip ahead
         bsr   L1F4B          Check if we are hitting a drawn border
         bne   L1DAA          No, keep FFilling
         bra   L1D87          paint to RHS of the screen

* could be subroutine call to L1DEE
* saves 6 bytes, adds 10 clock cycles
L1DC4    cmps  <$003B         Stack about to get too big?
         bhi   L1DCB          No, continue
         clr   <$002A         Yes, set flag to indicate stack overflow
L1DCB    leau  -1,u           go to the left one pixel
         stu   <$0047         Save X coord
         ldd   <$004B         Get draw ptr X coord
         addd  #2             Bump up by 2
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpr  u,d            Past current X coord in FFill?
         pshs  u
         cmpd  ,s++
         lbhi  L1C93          Yes, go change Y-direction
         pshs  d,u            Save draw ptrs X+2, current X coord
         ldb   <$004A         Get working Y coord
         lda   <$002B         get y-direction flag
         nega                 Change direction?
         pshs  d              Save direction flag and Y coord
L1DEB    jmp   >GrfStrt+L1C93  go do another direction

L1DEE    cmps  <$003B       check against lowest possible stack
         bhi   L1DF5        Question:  Why not just an in-line check?
         clr   <$002A       clear flag: stack is too low
L1DF5    rts   

L1DF6    ldb   #$47         get offset in grfdrv mem to working X coord
L1DF8    bsr   L1E2C
* Check requested X/Y co-ordinates to window table to see if they are in range
L1E86    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   ,x           Get requested X & Y coordinates
         ldd   2,x
         std   <$B5
         ldd   ,x
         cmpd  Wt.MaxX,y    X within max. range of window?
         bhi   L1E99        No, return error
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpw  Wt.MaxY,y    Y within max. range of window? (keep it 16-bit)
         pshs  x
         ldx   <$B5
         cmpx  Wt.MaxY,y
         puls  x
         bhi   L1E99        No, return error
         andcc #^Carry      They work, return without error

L1E99    comb               set carry
         ldb   #E$ICoord    get error code
         rts                return

L1DFD    ldb   #$4B         Get offset in grfdrv mem to current X coord
         bra   L1DF8
L1E01    ldb   #$4F         Get offset in Grfdrv mem to X size
         bra   L1DF8

L1E05    ldb   #$20         Point to Arc 'clip line' Start coordinate
* Check both X and Y coordinates and see if valid (negative #'s OK)
* Entry : B=Offset into GRFDRV mem to get X & Y (16 bit) coordinates
L1E07    bsr   L1E2C        Do offset of X into grfdrv space by B bytes
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   #639         Maximum value allowed
         pshs  x
         ldx   #639
         stx   <$B5
         puls  x
         bsr   L1E13        Check if requested coordinate is max. or less
         bcs   L1E23        Error, exit
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   #MaxLines*8-1 Maximum Y coord allowed; check it too
         pshs  x
         ldx   #MaxLines*8-1
         stx   <$B5
         puls  x
* Make sure 16 bit coordinate is in range
* Entry: W=Maximum value allowed
*        X=Pointer to current 16 bit number to check
* Exit:  B=Error code (carry set if error)

L1E13    ldd   ,x++         Get original value we are checking
         bpl   L1E1D        Positive, do the compare
         IFNE  H6309
         negd               Flip a negative # to a positive #
L1E1D    cmpr  w,d          If beyond maximum, return with Illegal coord error
         addd  #1
L1E1D    cmpd  <$B5
         bgt   L1E99
         clrb               In range, no error
L1E23    rts   

L1E24    ldb   #$24         Point to Arc 'clip line' end coordinate
         bra   L1E07

L1E28    ldb   #$53         Point to Horizontal Radius
         bra   L1E07

* Offset X into grfdrv mem by B bytes (to point to 2 byte coordinates)
L1E2C    ldx   #GrfMem      Point to GRFDRV mem
         abx                Point X to X,y coord pair we are working with
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #Scale,Wt.BSW,y  Scaling flag on?
         pshs  a
         lda   Wt.BSW,y
         bita  #Scale
         puls  a
         beq   L1E39        no, return
         ldd   Wt.SXFct,y   Get X & Y scaling values
         bne   L1E3A        If either <>0, scaling is required
L1E39    rts                If both 0 (256), scaling not required

* Scaling required - Scale both X & Y coords
* Change so ldb ,s/beq are both done before ldx ,y (will save time if that
* particular axis does not require scaling)
* Entry:X=Ptr to X,Y coordinate pair (2 bytes each)
*       Y=Window tble ptr
*       A=X scaling multiplier
*       B=Y scaling multiplier
L1E3A    pshs  a            Preserve X scaling value
         tstb               Y need scaling?
         beq   NoY          No, skip scaling it
* ATD: 10 bytes smaller, 20 cycles longer
* leax 2,x
* bsr L1E4A
* leax -2,s
         clra               D=Y scaling value
         IFNE  H6309
         muld  2,x          Multiply by Y coordinate
         tfr   b,a          Move 16 bit result we want to D
         tfr   e,b
         cmpf  #$cd         Round up if >=.8 leftover
         pshs  x,y,u
         ldx   2,x
         lbsr  MUL16
         tfr   y,d
         stu   <$B5
         puls  x,y,u 
         tfr   b,a
         ldb   <$B6
         cmpb  #$cd         cmpf #$cd
         pshs  cc           save result
         ldb   <$B5         tfr e,b
         puls  cc
         blo   L1E48        Fine, store value & do X coord
         IFNE  H6309
         incd               Round up coordinate
         addd  #1
L1E48    std   2,x          Save scaled Y coordinate
NoY      ldb   ,s+          Get X scaling value
         beq   L1E52        None needed, exit
L1E4A    clra               D=X scaling value
         IFNE  H6309
         muld  ,x           Multiply by X coordinate
         tfr   b,a          Move 16 bit result we want to D
         tfr   e,b
         cmpf  #$cd         Round up if >=.8 leftover
         pshs  x,y,u
         ldx   ,x
         lbsr  MUL16
         stu   <$B5
         tfr   y,d
         puls  x,y,u
         tfr   b,a
         ldb   <$B6
         cmpb  #$cd         cmpf #$cd
         pshs  cc           save result
         ldb   <$B5         tfr e,b
         puls  cc
         blo   L1E50        Fine, store value & return
         IFNE  H6309
         incd               Round up coordinate
         addd  #1
L1E50    std   ,x           Save new X coordinate
L1E52    rts                Return

L1EF1    lda   <$0060       get screen type
         ldx   #GrfStrt+L1F00-2  Point to mask & offset table
         lsla               account for 2 bytes entry
         ldd   a,x          get mask & offset
         sta   <$0079       Preserve mask
         abx                Point to bit shift routine
         stx   <$0077       Preserve vector to bit shift routine

* Bit shift table to shift to the right 3,2,1 or 0 times
L1F00    fcb   $80,L1F17-(L1F00-2)   $19    640 2 color
         fcb   $c0,L1F16-(L1F00-2)   $18    320 4 color
         fcb   $c0,L1F16-(L1F00-2)   $18    640 4 color
         fcb   $f0,L1F14-(L1F00-2)   $16    320 16 color

L1F14    lsrb
L1F16    lsrb  
L1F17    rts   

* PSET vector table - if PSET is on. Otherwise, it points to L1F9E, which
* does an AND to just keep the 1 pixel's worth of the color mask and calls
* the proper LSET routine
L1FB4    fcb   L1F60-(L1FB4-1)  640x200x2
         fcb   L1F6E-(L1FB4-1)  320x200x4
         fcb   L1F6E-(L1FB4-1)  640x200x4
         fcb   L1F7C-(L1FB4-1)  320x200x16

* PSET vector ($16,y) routine - 2 color screens
L1F60    pshs  x,b            Preserve scrn ptr & pixel mask
         bsr   L1F95          Calculate pixel offset into pattern buffer
         abx                  Since 1 bit/pixel, that is address we need
         ldb   <$0048         Get LSB of X coord
         lsrb                 Divide by 8 for byte offset into pattern buffer
         andb  #%00000011     MOD 4 since 2 color pattern buffer 4 bytes wide
         bra   L1F88          Go merge pattern buffer with pixel mask

* PSET vector ($16,y) routine - 4 color screens
L1F6E    pshs  x,b            Preserve scrn ptr & pixel mask
         bsr   L1F95          Calculate pixel offset into pattern buffer
         lslb                 Since 2 bits/pixel, multiply vert. offset by 2
         ldb   <$0048         Get LSB of X coord
         lsrb                 Divide by 4 for byte offset into pattern buffer
         andb  #%00000111     MOD 8 since 4 color pattern buffer 8 bytes wide
         bra   L1F88          Go merge pattern buffer with pixel mask

* PSET vector ($16,y) routine - 16 color screens
L1F7C    pshs  x,b            Preserve scrn ptr & pixel mask
         bsr   L1F95          Calculate pixel offset into pattern buffer
         lslb                 Since 4 bits/pixel, multiply vert. offset by 4
         ldb   <$0048         Get LSB of X coord
         lsrb                 Divide by 2 for byte offset into pattern buffer
         andb  #%00001111     MOD 16 since 16 color pattern buffer 16 bytes wide
L1F88    ldb   b,x            Get proper byte from pattern buffer
         andb  ,s+            Only keep bits that are in pixel mask
         puls  x              Restore screen ptr

* BY [$64,u], usually called from L1F5B
L1F9E    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         andr  b,a            Only keep proper color from patterned pixel mask
         jmp   ,w             Call current LSET vector
         pshs  b
         anda  ,s+
         jmp   [>GrfMem+$B5]
* Calculate pixel offset into pattern buffer (32x8 pixels only) from Y coord
* Exit: X=ptr to start of data in pattern buffer
*       B=Pixel offset within buffer to go to
L1F95    ldx   <$0066         Get current pattern's buffer ptr
         ldb   <$004A         Calculate MOD 8 the line number we want
         andb  #%00000111     to get data from the Pattern buffer
         lslb                 Multiply by 4 to calculate which line within
         lslb                 Pattern buffer we want (since 32 pixels/line)

eom      equ    *