view level2/cmds/reboot.asm @ 2774:1868fbf470e7 lwtools-port

Merged lwtools-port (2773:ce3dba57003b) and mainline (2772:0a3f4d8ea6d5) changeset: 2773:ce3dba57003b branch: lwtools-port tag: tip parent: 2770:bfe3de781ddf user: Boisy Pitre <> date: Wed Jan 23 14:54:29 2013 -0600 summary: boot_dw now uses dwinit.asm. changeset: 2772:0a3f4d8ea6d5
author Boisy Pitre <>
date Wed, 23 Jan 2013 21:02:34 -0600
parents 1e312b144f4d
line wrap: on
line source

* ReBoot - Reboot into OS-9 or DECB
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      ????/??/??  Alan DeKok
* Started.

         nam   ReBoot
         ttl   Reboot into OS-9 or DECB

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
atrv     set   ReEnt+Rev
rev      set   $00

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

* On boot-up, OS9p2 does (in order)
* an I$ChDir to the directory specified in the Init file
*     this opens an RBF buffer for the device, and at the minimum,
*     allocates:
* $0100 1 page by IOMan for the IRQ/VIRQ polling table
* $0100 1 page by IOMan for the disk driver static storage
* $0100 1 page by IOMan for the disk PD.BUF buffer
* (the path descriptor comes out of memory allocated already by OS9p1
*  from block 0)
* Next, OS9p2 does an I$Open to '/term' (or whatever, from the Init module)
* $0100 1 page allocated for '/term' device static storage
* $0100 1 page allocated for '/term' PD.BUF buffer
* VTIO does an F$Load to get GrfDrv into memory, and we then have
* $0200 2 pages allocated by IOMan via F$AllPrc, for the F$Load
*-------   total
* $0700   pages UP from $4000, so GrfDrv can load

* The system's memory map is set up as:
* $0000-$1FFF: block 0, global system memory
* $2000-$3FFF: this block MUST be free: grfdrv is loaded here on boot
*              once booted, process descriptors, etc. get allocated here
* $4000-$46FF: initial data storage for system prior to loading GrfDrv
* $4700-$ECFF: OS9Boot file: $A600 maximum size
* $ED00-$FEFF: kernel, and constant page at $FE00
* $FF00-$FFFF: hardware, and RAM under block $3F that's unused by everyone!

maxOS9Bt equ   $A600      max. size of the OS9Boot file

         org   0
OS9Boot  rmb   maxOS9Bt
Kernel   rmb   $1200        size of the kernel to use
PrcDsc   rmb   $0200        current process descriptor rmb   2            parameter pointer
os9btsz  rmb   2            size of the OS9Boot file
rbflag   rmb   2            -b -r flags
oflag    rmb   1            OS9Boot reload flag
kflag    rmb   1            kernel reload flag
gflag    rmb   1            GrfDrv reload flag
Param    rmb   $C000-.      shift everything up to $C000
Stack    equ   .
GrfDrv   rmb   $2000        so we now have all of the memory full
SIZE     equ   .

* We'll put all of the 'magic' code in GrfDrv's stack, which doesn't
* care about being uninitialize
* Actually, this program puts it at offset $0000 in block $3F,
* which is $E000 when the system is rebooted.  BOOT then copies
* all of the information down to $1C80 before loading in the new OS9Boot
* file, and copying the original BOOT module back to $ED00+$0130
         org   $1C80      where memory is ALWAYS mapped in
os9.siz  rmb   2          size of the os9boot file
grf.flg  rmb   1          flag: reload GrfDrv?
os9.dat  rmb   16         DAT image
boot     rmb   $01D0      original BOOT module

NAME     fcs   /ReBoot/
         fcb   $01

* Start of the program: Move the stack to lower memory, and
* copy the parameters there, too.
Start    lds   #stack       point the stack to somewhere safe
         tfr   d,y          now Y = size of the parameter area
         ldu   #param       U=$0000 always in the Coco, so this is OK

s.copy   lda   ,x+
         sta   ,u+
         leay  -1,y
         bne   s.copy

         sta   >oflag       no os9boot
         sta   >kflag       no kernel
         sta   >gflag       no GrfDrv
         sta   >rbflag      default to allowing '-r -b' options

         ldx   #Param       point to the start of the parameters again
         stx   >    save pointer

* Check for more parameters
Check    ldx   >    get the current parameter pointer
check.p  ldd   ,x
         cmpa  #C$SPAC      skip leading spaces
         bne   Contin
         leax  1,x
         bra   check.p

Contin   cmpa  #C$CR       simply reboot
         bne   Hy          check for hyphens
         tst   >rbflag      are the '-r' '-b' options valid?
         lbne  Finalize     no, finalize the boot, and reboot
         lbra  CrashIt      yes, go ahead and crash the system.

Hy       cmpa  #'-        hyphen?
         lbne  Help
         cmpb  #'?        help?
         lbeq  Help
         andb  #$DF       make uppercase
         tst   >rbflag      are the '-r' '-b' options valid?
         bne   o.flag       no, skip ahead to checking other flags
         cmpb  #'B
         lbeq  CrashIt

         cmpb  #'R        reboot?
         lbeq  LoadIt

* Only -L -K -G options are valid here
o.flag   cmpb  #'L          load the OS9Boot file?
         lbeq  load.os9     yes, go load it

         cmpb  #'K          load the kernel file?
         lbeq  load.krn     yes, go load it

         cmpb  #'G          load GrfDrv?
         lbne  Help         no, print out a help message

* load in GrfDrv
load.grf tst   >gflag
         lbne  Help
         stb   >gflag
         ldu   #grfdrv      where to put grfdrv
         ldy   #$2000       the maximum size it can be
         bsr   load.fil
         lbra  Check        check for more options

* Load in the kernel
load.krn tst   >kflag       already loaded the kernel?
         lbne  Help         yes, print error
         stb   >kflag       we're loading the kernel
         ldu   #kernel      where to put the kernel
         ldy   #$1200       the size of the kernel
         bsr   load.fil     load in the kernel file
         lbra  Check        check for more options

* load the specified file
* Entry: X = parameter pointer
*        Y = maximum size of the file to read
*        U = pointer to load address for the file
load.fil stb   >rbflag      don't allow -r -b any more
         leax  2,x          skip '-X' option
         lda   ,x+          grab the next character
         cmpa  #C$SPAC      space?
         lbne  Help         no, print help message

         pshs  x            save filename for later
         lda   #READ.       read-only permissions
         os9   I$Open       open the file
         lbcs  fil.err

         stx   >    save parameter pointer for later

         tfr   u,x          put load address into X
         os9   I$Read       read in the OS9Boot file
         lbcs  fil.err
         puls  x,pc         restore unused X, and exit

* load a new OS9Boot file
load.os9 tst   >oflag
         lbne  Help
         stb   >oflag       flag we have an OS9Boot file requested
         stb   >rbflag      and the '-r' or '-b' options are no longer valid

         ldu   #$0000       where to put the information
         ldy   #MaxOS9Bt
         lbsr  load.fil     go load the file into memory
         sty   >os9btsz     save the size of the OS9Boot file for later
* do some syntax checking on the OS9Boot file...
         lbra  Check        go check for more parameters

* finalize the crash of the system
Finalize lbsr  Seek         seek /DD to 0
         os9   F$ID         get my ID and process #
         ldx   #PrcDsc      point to where to put the process descriptor
         os9   F$GPrDsc     get it
         lbcs  Exit
         leax  P$DATImg,x   point to it's DAT image

         orcc  #IntMasks    shut off IRQ's
         lda   #$3F         block $3F
         sta   >$FFA8       map in block $3F

         lda   >oflag       do OS9Boot?
         bne   do.os9bt     yup, skip ahead
         lda   >gflag       OS9Boot OR GrfDrv?
         beq   do.kern      neither one, just do the kernel
         lbra  Help         no OS9Boot, but trying to reload GrfDrv: invalid

* copy our DAT image to block 0
do.os9bt ldu   #$0000       to the start of block $3F
         ldd   >os9btsz     get the size of the OS9Boot file
         std   ,u++         save it for later
         lda   >gflag       do we reload GrfDrv?
         sta   ,u+          save flag for later
         ldb   #16          copy the whole DAT image...
dat.lp   lda   ,x+
         sta   ,u+
         bne   dat.lp

         lda   >kflag       do we move the kernel over?
         beq   no.kern      if clear, we don't have a kernel in high memory

do.kern  pshs  u            save current pointer to $E000+x
         ldu   #$0D00       where to put the new kernel
         ldx   #kernel      where the new kernel currently is located
         ldy   #$1200       the size of the kernel
         bsr   bt.lp        copy the kernel over a byte at a time
         puls  u            restore low memory pointer

         lda   >oflag
         ora   >gflag       OS9Boot OR GrfDrv?
         lbeq  LoadIt.0     nope, just the kernel: reboot quickly

* copy the original BOOT module to block 0
no.kern  ldx   #$0D00+$0130  block 0, offset $0D00+REL
         bsr   bt.copy
         leax  eom,pc       point to the end of the module
         ldu   #$0D00+$0130 over top of the original BOOT module
         bsr   bt.copy
         lbra  LoadIt.0     and go re-load the OS9Boot file

bt.copy  ldy   #$01D0
bt.lp    lda   ,x+
         sta   ,u+
         leay  -1,y
         bne   bt.lp

* crash the system
CrashIt  lbsr  Seek       seek /DD to track 0
         orcc  #IntMasks  turn off IRQ's
         stb   >$FFA8     map in block 0
         stb   >$0071     cold reboot
         lda   #$38       bottom of DECB block mapping
         sta   >$FFA8     map in block zero
         stb   >$0071     and cold reboot here, too
         ldu   #$0000       force code to go at offset $0000
         leax  ReBoot,pc  reboot code
         ldy   #BtSize
cit.loop lda   ,x+
         sta   ,u+
         leay  -1,y
         bne   cit.loop
         clr   >$FEED     cold reboot
         clr   >$FFD8     go to low speed
         jmp   >$0000       jump to the reset code

* reboot the system
ReBoot   ldd   #$3808       block $38, 8 times
         ldx   #$FFA0       where to put it
Lp       sta   8,x        put into map 1
         sta   ,x+        and into map 0
         decb             count down
         bne   Lp

         lda   #$4C       standard DECB mapping
         sta   >$FF90
         clr   >$FF91     go to map type 0
         clr   >$FFDE     and to all-ROM mode
         ldd   #$FFFF
*         clrd               executes as CLRA on a 6809
         fdb   $104F
         tstb               is it a 6809?
         bne   Reset        yup, skip ahead
*         ldmd  #$00       go to 6809 mode!
         fcb   $11,$3D,$00
Reset    jmp   [$FFFE]    do a reset
BtSize   equ   *-Reboot

* reload the OS9Boot file
LoadIt   lbsr  Seek       seek /DD to track 0
         orcc  #IntMasks
LoadIt.0 clr   >$FFA8     map in block 0
         ldu   #$0520     somewhere unused
         leax  <ReLoad,pc   point to code to reboot the system
         ldy   #LoadSiz
lit.loop lda   ,x+
         sta   ,u+
         leay  -1,y
         bne   lit.loop
         jmp   >$0520     and jump to it

ReLoad   clr   >$FF91     go to map type 0
         ldx   #$ED00     where REL is located

RLp      leax  1,x        to to the next byte (OS...)
         ldd   ,x
         cmpd  #M$ID12
         bne   RLp        if not the start of a module
         ldd   M$Exec,x   get execution address of the module (REL)
         jmp   d,x        and go to it
LoadSiz  equ   *-ReLoad

* print out the help message
Help     leax  HMsg,pc
         ldy   #HLen
Print    lda   #1         to STDOUT
         os9   I$Write
ClnExit  clrb
Exit     os9   F$Exit

HMsg     fcc   /ReBoot: Reboots the system, or returns to DECB./
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcc   / use: reboot [-b] [-r] [-k filename] [-l filename]/
         fcc   / [-g filename]/
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcc   /   -b = return to DECB (default)/
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcc   /        ( equivalent to <CTRL><ALT><RESET> )/
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcc   /   -r = reload OS9Boot/
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcc   /        ( equivalent to pressing <RESET> )/
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcc   /**  The previous 2 options are mutually exclusive to the/
         fcc   / next 3.**/
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcc   /   -k [filename] = load in a new kernel track from [filename]/
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcc   /   -l [filename] = reload the OS9Boot file from [filename]/
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcc   /   -g [filename] = load in a new GrfDrv from [filename]/
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcc   /      If you reload GrfDrv, you MUST also reload the/
         fcc   / OS9Boot file./
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
HLen     equ   *-HMsg

DD       fcs   '/DD'

* Seek /DD to sector 0... why not?
Seek     leax  <DD,pc
         lda   #READ.
         os9   I$Open
         bcs   seek.ex
         ldx   #$0000
         ldu   #$0000
         os9   I$Seek     restore head on /DD to track 0
         os9   I$Close
seek.ex  rts

fil.err  puls  u            restore pointer to filename we had error with
         pshs  b,cc         save error code, condition
         leax  >fil.msg,pc
         ldy   #fil.len
         lda   #$02         to STDERR
         os9   I$Write

* A=$02 still...
         leax  ,u
fil.lp   ldb   ,u+
         cmpb  #C$SPAC
         bhi   fil.lp
         ldb   #C$CR         get a CR
         stb   -1,u         save for later

         ldy   #$0100       maximum amount of junk to write
         os9   I$WritLn     dump out the filename
         puls  b,cc         restore error code, condition
         os9   F$Exit       and exit

fil.msg  fcc   /ReBoot: Error reading file: /
fil.len  equ   *-fil.msg

         fcc   'MAGIC Boot Module is next!'

eom      equ   *