view level2/modules/cowin.asm @ 2942:195b041299ec

d64/dalpha bootfiles: Do not copy the makefile into the bootfile Thanks to Christopher R. Hawks for spotting this.
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sun, 26 Jan 2014 21:04:07 +0100
parents b8c7b7fbf3c9
line wrap: on
line source

* CoGrf/CoWin - NitrOS-9 Text/Graphics Window Module
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*  19r0    2003/09/23  Robert Gault
* Many new patches for 6809 code use.
*  19r1    2003/11/14  Robert Gault
* Patches to scrollbar windows to recover arrows and markers.
* Includes new stdfonts with graphics added to the end.
*  1       2005/11/26  Boisy G. Pitre
* Renamed from WindInt/GrfInt, reset edition.
*          2006/01/09  Robert Gault
* Changed Select window routine so that it will work within a script and
* DWSet routine so that it will not require a [CLEAR] if the active window
* is killed with a display 1b 24 and restarted with a display 1b 20; ie
* DWSet. Changes are compatible with MultiVue and all test procedures
* tried. Short Sleep added to stabilize the screen change.
*  2       2007/08/22  Boisy G. Pitre
* Fixed crash bug in case where grfdrv wasn't loaded.  See comments at
* Term label.

         nam   CoGrf/CoWin
         ttl   NitrOS-9 Window Module

         use   defsfile
         use   cocovtio.d
tylg     set   Systm+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $00
edition  equ   2

* Color table for 3D look stuff & others - WILL NEED TO SWAP 1 & 2 FOR MENUS
* This should now match VIEW's color table
WColor0  equ   0          black
WColor1  equ   2          dark grey (was lite grey)
WColor2  equ   1          light grey (dark grey)
WColor3  equ   3          (white)

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,entry,size
size     equ   .

name     equ   *
         IFEQ  CoGrf-1
         fcs   /CoGrf/
         fcs   /CoWin/
         fcb   edition

* Escape code parameter vector table
* Format: Byte 1  : Length of parameters required (in bytes)
*         Byte 2  : Internal function code for GrfDrv
*         Byte 3-4: Vector offset of routine from Byte 1

L0027    fcb   7,$04      DWSet
         fdb   DWSet-*+2
         fcb   0,$10      Select
         fdb   Select-*+2
         fcb   7,$0A      OWSet
         fdb   OWSet-*+2
         fcb   0,$0C      OWEnd
         fdb   OWEnd-*+2
         fcb   0,$08      DWEnd
         fdb   DWEnd-*+2
         fcb   4,$0E      CWArea
         fdb   CWArea-*+2
         fcb   $ff,$00    Blank
         fdb   $0000
         fcb   $ff,$00    Blank
         fdb   $0000
         fcb   $ff,$00    Blank
         fdb   $0000
         fcb   4,$2C      DefGPB
         fdb   DefGPB-*+2
         fcb   2,$2E      KillBuf
         fdb   KillBuf-*+2
         fcb   9,$30      GPLoad
         fdb   GPLoad-*+2
         fcb   10,$34     GetBlk
         fdb   GetBlk-*+2
         fcb   6,$36      PutBlk
         fdb   PutBlk-*+2
         fcb   2,$12      PSet
         fdb   PSet-*+2
         fcb   1,$1E      LSet
         fdb   LSet-*+2
         fcb   0,$1C      DefPal
         fdb   DefPal-*+2
         fcb   2,$16      Palette
         fdb   Palette-*+2
         fcb   1,$20      FColor
         fdb   FColor-*+2
         fcb   1,$22      BColor
         fdb   BColor-*+2
         fcb   1,$14      Border
         fdb   Border-*+2
         fcb   1,$28      ScaleSw
         fdb   ScaleSw-*+2
         fcb   1,$06      DWProtSw
         fdb   DWProtSw-*+2
         fcb   $ff,$00    Blank
         fdb   $0000
         fcb   $ff,$00    Blank
         fdb   $0000
         fcb   2,$1A      GCSet
         fdb   L060C-*+2
         fcb   2,$18      Font
         fdb   Font-*+2
         fcb   $ff,$00    Blank
         fdb   $0000
         fcb   1,$24      TCharSw
         fdb   TCharSw-*+2
         fcb   1,$2A      Bold
         fdb   BoldSw-*+2
         fcb   $ff,$00    Blank
         fdb   $0000
         fcb   1,$26      PropSw
         fdb   PropSw-*+2
         fcb   4,$00      SetDP
         fdb   SetDPtr-*+2
         fcb   4,$00      RSetDPtr
         fdb   RSetDPtr-*+2
         fcb   4,$48      Point
         fdb   Point-*+2
         fcb   4,$48      RPoint
         fdb   RPoint-*+2
         fcb   4,$4A      Line
         fdb   Line-*+2
         fcb   4,$4A      RLine
         fdb   RLine-*+2
         fcb   4,$4A      LineM
         fdb   LineM-*+2
         fcb   4,$4A      RLineM
         fdb   RLineM-*+2
         fcb   4,$4C      Box
         fdb   Box-*+2
         fcb   4,$4C      RBox
         fdb   RBox-*+2
         fcb   4,$4E      Bar
         fdb   Bar-*+2
         fcb   4,$4E      RBar
         fdb   RBar-*+2
         fcb   $ff,$00    Blank
         fdb   $0000
         fcb   $ff,$00    Blank
         fdb   $0000
         fcb   4,$44      PutGC
         fdb   PutGC-*+2
         fcb   0,$56      FFill
         fdb   FFill-*+2
         fcb   2,$50      Circle
         fdb   Circle-*+2
         fcb   4,$52      Ellipse
         fdb   Ellipse-*+2
         fcb   12,$54     Arc
         fdb   Arc-*+2
         fcb   2,$50      Filled Circle (flag set to differentiate) $53
         fdb   Filled-*+2
         fcb   4,$52      Filled Ellipse (flag set to differentiate) $54
         fdb   Filled-*+2
         fcb   $ff,$00    Blank
         fdb   $0000

L0129    fcc   "../CMDS/"
L0131    fcs   "grfdrv"

* Initialization routine
Init     pshs  u,y        Preserve regs
         ldd   >WGlobal+G.GrfEnt     Grfdrv there?
         lbne  L01DB      Yes, go on
* Setup window allocation bit map table
         IFNE  H6309
         stq   >WGlobal+G.WUseTb     Set all 32 windows to be unused
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         std   >WGlobal+G.WUseTb
         std   >WGlobal+G.WUseTb+2
* Get grfdrv setup
         leax  <L0131,pc  Point to grfdrv module name
         lbsr  L01FB      Does it exist in memory?
         bcc   L0169      Yes, go on
         cmpb  #E$MNF     Module not found?
         bne   L0166      No, exit with error
L0159    leax  <L0129,pc  Point to full pathname
         lbsr  L021F      Load ok?
         bcs   L0167      No, exit with error
* Initialize grfdrv
         lbsr  L020C      Check grfdrv load address
         bcc   L0169      It's ok, go on
L0166    coma             Set carry
L0167    puls  y,u,pc     Return

* Default palette color settings
L02F3    fcb   $3f,$09,$00,$12 Colors 0-3 & 8-11
L02F7    fcb   $24,$36,$2d,$1b Colors 4-7 & 12-15

* Execute Grfdrv's init routine
* Grfdrv will move itself over to task 1 & setup it's own memory map
L0169    pshs  y,u        Preserve regs
         ldu   #GrfMem    Point to GRFDRV global mem
         clrb             Get code to initialize grfdrv
         stb   >WGlobal+g0038
         jsr   ,y         Execute it
* unlink grfdrv from user map
         lda   #Systm+Objct Get module type
         leax  <L0131,pc  Point to grfdrv name
         ldy   <D.SysPrc  Get system process dsc. ptr.
         leay  <P$DATImg,y Point to the DAT image
         os9   F$FModul   Get module directory pointer to grfdrv
         inc   MD$Link+1,u Increment it's link count
         ldu   2,s        Get pointer to Grfdrv module
         lbsr  L022F      Unlink it (it's already in system state)
         puls  d          Get pointer to Grfdrv entry
         anda  #$1F       Calculate new entry point
         ora   #$40
         std   >WGlobal+G.GrfEnt     Save it
         leas  2,s        Purge stack
         IFNE  H6309
         oim   #$80,>WGlobal+G.BCFFlg Indicate that Grfdrv has been found?
         lda   >WGlobal+G.BCFFlg
         ora   #$80
         sta   >WGlobal+G.BCFFlg
* Initialize GFX tables
         ldd   #$02FF     Get how many bytes we need
         os9   F$SRqMem   Reserve it (note: only $2cf is used so far)
         bcs   L0166      Can't get memory, exit
         stu   >WGlobal+G.GfxTbl  Save the pointer to GFX tables (NOT IN GLOBAL!)
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   d,w        Move mem size to W
         leay  <Nul0+2,pc Clear them all to NUL's
         tfm   y,u+
         stw   >WGlobal+G.PrWMPt     initialize previous window table pointer to 0
         ldu   #WGlobal+G.WrkWTb     Point to work window table
         ldw   #$0040
         tfm   y,u+
ClrLp1   clr   ,u+ 
         subd  #$0001
         bne   ClrLp1
         std   >WGlobal+G.PrWMPt     initialize previous window table pointer to 0
         ldu   #WGlobal+G.WrkWTb     Point to work window table
         ldb   #$0040
ClrLp2   clr   ,u+
         bne   ClrLp2 
* Set default palettes
         ldy   #$10c7     Point to default palette register buffer
         sty   >WGlobal+G.DefPal     Save it
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   <L02F3,pc  Get 4 of default palettes
         stq   ,y         Save 0-3
         stq   8,y        Save 8-11
         ldq   <L02F7,pc  Get other 4 default palettes
         stq   4,y        Save 4-7
         stq   12,y       Save 12-15
         ldd   L02F7+2,pc
         std   6,y
         std   14,y
         ldd   L02F3+2,pc
         std   2,y
         std   10,y
         ldd   L02F3,pc
         std   ,y
         std   8,y
         ldd   L02F7,pc
         std   4,y
         std   12,y
L01DB    ldu   2,s        Get device static mem
         ldy   ,s         Get path descriptor pointer
         leax  CC3Parm,u  Point to parameters
         stx   V.PrmStrt,u  Save it as param start pointer
         stx   V.NxtPrm,u   Save it as pointer to next param
         ldb   IT.WND,y   Get window # from device dsc
         stb   V.DWNum,u    Save it as window # in static mem
* If normal window # (0-31), mark as used in window bit table
* If high bit set (like /W's $FF), don't allocate, let SS.Open call use next
*  available one and let it mark which one it found
         bmi   L01F4      Skip ahead if /w type (Wildcard)
         clra             Clear MSB of window #
         bsr   L024A      Allocate window in 32 bit window used table
L01F4    lbsr  L07B0      Find empty window tbl entry & put in linked list
         clrb             No error & return
         puls  u,y,pc

* Link to module
L01FB    leas  -2,s       Make buffer for current process dsc.
         bsr   L0238      Swap to system process
         lda   #Systm+Objct Link module
         os9   F$Link
         bsr   L0244      Swap back to current process
         bcs   L022C      Return if error
         bsr   L020C      Check load address
         bra   L022C      Return

* Check grfdrv load/link address
L020C    tfr   u,d        Move module header ptr to D
         IFNE  H6309
         andd  #$1FFF     Make sure on even 8K boundary
         anda  #$1F
         bne   L0217
         andb  #$FF
         bne   L0217      It's not, exit with Bad Page Address error
         clrb             No error, exit

L0217    comb             Exit with Bad Page Address error
         ldb   #E$BPAddr

* Load a module
L021F    leas  -2,s       Make a buffer for current process ptr
         bsr   L0238      Switch to system process descriptor
         lda   #Systm+Objct Load module
         ldu   <D.Proc
         os9   F$Load
L022A    bsr   L0244      Swap back to current process
L022C    leas  2,s        Purge stack & return

* Unlink a module
L022F    leas  -2,s       Make buffer for current process ptr
         bsr   L0238      Switch to system process dsc.
         os9   F$UnLink   Unlink module
         bra   L022A      Return

* Switch to system process descriptor
L0238    pshs  d          Preserve D
         ldd   <D.Proc    Get current process dsc. ptr
         std   4,s        Preserve on stack
         ldd   <D.SysPrc  Get system process dsc. ptr
         std   <D.Proc    Make it the current process
         puls  d,pc       Restore D & return

* Switch back to current process
L0244    pshs  d          Preserve D
         ldd   4,s        Get current process ptr
         std   <D.Proc    Make it the current process
         puls  d,pc       Restore D & return

* Allocate a window
* Entry: D=Window # to allocate
L024A    pshs  d,u        Preserve U
         bsr   L0238      Swap to system process dsc
         bsr   L0279      Get pointer to window allocation table
         os9   F$AllBit   Allocate it
L0255    bsr   L0244      Swap back to current process
         leas  2,s        Purge stack
         puls  u,pc       Restore U & return

* Search for a free window
* Entry: D=Starting window #
L025B    pshs  d,u        Preserve U
         bsr   L0238      Swap to system process dsc
         bsr   L0279      Get ptr to window map
         leau  4,x        Point to end of map
         os9   F$SchBit   Find it
         bra   L0255      Return with it

* De-Allocate a window
* Entry: D=Window # to delete
L026A    bmi   L0282      Illegal window #
         pshs  d,u        Preserve U
         bsr   L0238      Swap to system process dsc
         bsr   L0279      Get ptr to window map
         os9   F$DelBit   Delete it & return
         bra   L0255

* Point to window allocation table
L0279    ldx   #WGlobal+G.WUseTb  Point to window bit table
         ldy   #1         Get # windows to allocate/de-allocate
L0282    rts              Return

* Terminate routine
* Entry: U=Static mem ptr
*        Y=Path dsc. ptr
* Next two lines added by Boisy on 08/22/2007
* This test is necessary to prevent a crash in the case that grfdrv cannot be
* loaded.  If grfdrv isn't properly initialized, then the high bit of BCFFlg will
* be clear.  Without this check, the test for Wt.STbl,y to be equal to $FF would fail,
* and a DWEnd would be attempted.  Since grfdrv's init routine sets Wt.STBl,y to $FFFF
* for each window table entry, this wasn't getting done, and the call to DWEnd would
* be vectored to grfdrv, which wasn't to be found!
         tst   WGlobal+G.BCFFlg was Grfdrv found? (hi bit set if so)
         bpl   TermEx           if not, no nothing got initialized, so leave quietly
         clra             Get start window # for de-allocate
         ldb   V.DWNum,u    Get device window # from static mem
         pshs  u,y        Preserve static mem & path dsc. ptrs
         bsr   L026A      De-allocate it from window map
         lbsr  L06AE      Get window table pointer
         lda   Wt.STbl,y  Get MSB of screen table ptr
         cmpa  #$FF       Set?
         bne   L0298      Yes, go on
         sta   Wt.STbl+1,y Get rid of table ptr
         bra   L02A5      Go on

* Send DWEnd to grfdrv
L0298    ldy   ,s         Get path dsc. ptr
         ldu   2,s        Get static mem ptr
         ldb   #$08       Get callcode for DWEnd
         stb   V.CallCde,u  Save it in static mem area
         lbsr  L0452      Go do it
* Clear out device static memory
L02A5    puls  u,y        Restore static mem & path dsc. ptrs
         leax  V.WinNum,u   Point to window entry #
         IFNE  H6309
         leay  <Nul1+2,pc Point to NUL byte
         ldw   #CC3DSiz-V.WinNum     Size of block to clear
         tfm   y,x+
         ldd   #CC3DSiz-V.WinNum
Lp4      sta   ,x+
         bne   Lp4
         clr   V.InfVld,u   Clear 'rest of info valid' flag
* Scan window tables for a valid window
         ldx   #WinBase   Point to base of window tables
         ldd   #MaxWind*256+Wt.Siz     # of window tables & Size of each table
L02B9    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   Wt.STbl,x  Get screen table ptr
         cmpe  #$FF       MSB indicate unused?
         bne   L02F1      No, exit without error
* Just a guess, but if 2nd byte is $FE with 1st being $FF, could be a flag
*  for that this is a "copy" of a window to do overlapped device windows
         cmpf  #$FF       LSB indicate unused?
         bne   L02F1      No, exit without error 
         pshs  d
         ldd   Wt.STbl,x
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         cmpa  #$FF
         bne   L02F1B
         cmpb  #$FF
         bne   L02F1B      No, exit without error
         puls  d 
         abx              Point to next window table
         deca             Decrement counter
         bne   L02B9      Do until all 32 entries are checked
* All windows are unallocated, terminate GRFDRV
         tfr   x,y        Move to proper register again
         ldb   #$02       get grfdrv terminate code
         lbsr  L0101      go do it
         ldd   >WGlobal+G.GrfEnt     get grfdrv address
         clrb             Make it even page
         tfr   d,u        Move to proper reg for Unlink
         os9   F$UnLink   Unlink GRFDRV
         bcs   L02F2      If error unlinking, exit
         IFNE  H6309
         std   >WGlobal+G.GrfEnt     GRFDRV address to non-existant
         ldu   >WGlobal+G.GfxTbl     Get ptr to gfx tables
         ldd   #$02FF     Size of graphics tables
         os9   F$SRtMem   Return graphics table memory to system
         bcs   L02F2      If error, exit with it
TermEx   clrb  

         IFEQ  H6309
L02F1B   puls  d
L02F1    clrb             No error & return
         tfr   x,y        Move to proper register
L02F2    rts   

* Main Entry point from VTIO
* Entry: U=Device memory pointer
*        Y=Path descriptor pointer

entry    lbra  Init       Initialization
         bra   Write      Write
         lbra  GetStt     Get status
         lbra  SetStt     Set status
         lbra  Term       Terminate
         lbra  L0C68      Window special processing

L0A96    comb             Set error flag
         ldb   #E$UnkSvc  Unknown service error

* Write routine: Optomized for normal text
* Entry: A=Char to write
*        U=Device memory pointer
*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
Write    ldb   #$3a       get grfdrv function for Alpha put as default
         cmpa  #C$SPAC    Space or higher?
         bhs   L03A1      Yes, do alpha put
         cmpa  #$1B       Escape code?
         bne   L0347      No, keep checking
         ldb   [V.PrmStrt,u] get first parameter from parameter area
         cmpb  #$55       Past maximum supported escape code?
         bhi   L0A96      Yes, exit with error
         subb  #$20       Adjust it down for table offset
         bmi   L0A96      Below minimum supported code, exit with error
         lslb             Adjust for 4 bytes/entry
         leax  >L0027,pc  Point to ESC code vector table
         abx              Point to 4 byte entry
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   ,x         A=# param bytes,B=GRFDRV code,W=vector offset
         ldd   2,x
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   ,x
         stb   V.CallCde,u  Save GRFDRV code in Static mem (need for L00F7)
         tsta             Any parameter bytes needed?
         beq   L0339      No, just go do function
         bmi   L0A96      $FF=Empty, exit with error
         sta   V.ParmCnt,u  Preserve for VTIO to get the rest
L032F    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  w,x        Point to vector
         pshs  b
         ldd   2,x
         leax  d,x
         puls  b
         stx   V.ParmVct,u  Save vector for VTIO to call
         clra             No error & return so VTIO can get rest of parms

* No param calls go here
L0339    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         jmp   w,x        Go execute function
         pshs  d
         ldd   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         leax  d,x
         puls  d
         jmp   ,x 

* Check special display codes
L0347    cmpa  #$1F       $1F codes?
         beq   L038D      Yes, go process them
L034D    cmpa  #$02       Cursor X,Y?
         bne   L0356      No, check next
         leax  <L036E,pc  Point to Cursor X,Y routine
         bra   L0362      Let VTIO get rest of parms

L0356    cmpa  #$05       Cursor On/Off?
         beq   L0396      Go to cursor on/off routine
L039F    ldb   #$3C       Otherwise, GrfDrv function: Control codes
L03A1    pshs  d          Preserve write char & GrfDrv function code
         lbsr  L06A0      Get window table ptr & verify it
         bcs   UnDef      Couldn't, exit with Window Undefined error
         puls  d          Get back write char & GrfDrv function code

* Execute GrfDrv
* Entry: @ L0101 : B=Callcode for GRFDRV
* All regs are thrown onto stack for 'fake' RTI done by [D.Flip1] (in vector
* page RAM at the top of OS9p1) after switching to System Task #1 (GRFDRV)
* Added protection for regE; RG 2003/10/15
L0101    ldx   >WGlobal+G.GrfEnt     Get GrfDrv entry address
         orcc  #Entire    Set up 'pull all regs' for RTI
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   cc,e
         ste   >WGlobal+g0005
         pshs  d
         ldd   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         tfr   cc,a
         sta   >WGlobal+g0005
         puls  d
         orcc  #IntMasks  Disable IRQ's
         sts   >WGlobal+G.GrfStk     Save stack ptr for GRFDRV
         lds   <D.CCStk   Get new stack ptr

* Dump all registers to stack for fake RTI
         pshs  dp,x,y,u,pc dump all registers to stack for fake RTI
         IFNE  H6309
         pshsw           no register to push for 6809
         lde   >WGlobal+g0005	get back regDP 
         pshs  cc,d
         stx   R$PC,s     Save grfdrv entry address as the PC on stack
         IFNE  H6309
         ste   R$CC,s     Save CC bitE into CC on stack
         ste   >WGlobal+G.GfBusy     Flag grfdrv busy
         lda   >WGlobal+g0005
         sta   R$CC,s
         sta   >WGlobal+G.GfBusy     Flag grfdrv busy 
         lda   R$A,s      may not be needed
         jmp   [>D.Flip1] Flip to GRFDRV and execute it

* GRFDRV will execute function, then call [D.Flip0] to switch back to here. It
* will use an RTS to return to the code here that called L00F7 or L0101 in the
* first place. Only SP,PC & CC are set up- ALL OTHER REGISTERS MAY BE MODIFIED

* Entry point for GRFDRV for most GFX commands
L00F7    ldx   >WGlobal+G.CurDvM     Get current device memory ptr
         ldb   V.CallCde,x  Get callcode from it
         bra   L0101      Go call GRFDRV

UnDef    leas  2,s        Eat stack
UnDef2   ldb   #E$WUndef  Undefined Window error

* Set counts up for CC3/TC9IO to get rest of needed parms
L0362    sta   V.ParmCnt,u  Store # bytes to get for params in static mem
         stx   V.ParmVct,u  Store vector to function in static mem
         clra             No error & return so VTIO can get rest of parms

* Process CurXY after parms are gotten
* Entry: U=Static mem ptr
L036E    pshs  u          Save static mem ptr (in case DWSet modifies U)
         lbsr  L06A0      Get window table ptr
         puls  u          Get back static mem ptr
         bcs   UnDef2     Couldn't, exit with Window undefined error
         ldd   [V.PrmStrt,u] get the coords requested
L0380    sta   >GrfMem+gr0047     Save X coord
         stb   >GrfMem+gr0049     Save Y coord
         ldb   #$42       GrfDrv function: Goto X/Y
L038A    bra   L0101      Execute Grfdrv

* Process $1f display codes
L038D    lda   [V.PrmStrt,u] get type of $1f function
         ldb   #$40       GrfDrv function: $1F codes
         bra   L03A1      Go get window tbl ptr & execute GRFDRV

* Cursor on/off
L0396    lda   [V.PrmStrt,u] get cursor on/off parameter byte
         ldb   #$3E       GrfDrv function: Cursor on/off
         bra   L03A1      Go get window tbl ptr & execute GRFDRV

* DWSet entry point
* Entry: U=Device static mem pointer
*        Y=Path descriptor
*        X=Param pointer
DWSet    pshs  y,u        preserve static mem & path descriptor pointers
         lbsr  L06AE      get window table pointer for current window
* Window already defined?
         lda   Wt.STbl,y  Get MSB of screen table ptr
         cmpa  #$FF       Already defined?
         beq   L03BF      No, skip ahead
         comb             Exit with Window Already Defined error
         ldb   #E$WADef   get window already defined error
         puls  u,y,pc     Restore regs & return

* Check screen type
L03BF    lda   ,x+        Get screen type from parameters
         lbsr  L07E0      Convert it to internal code
         bcc   L03CB      it's good, skip ahead
         puls  u,y        Exit with Illegal Window Definition error
         lbra  L0697      return illegal window definition error

* Legal window type, make sure coords & size are at least reasonable
L03CB    stb   >GrfMem+Gr.STYMk     Save screen type in Grfdrv Mem
         bsr   L0413      Move coord's, size & pals. to window table
         bcc   L03D7      Legal values, skip ahead
         ldb   #E$IWDef   Illegal Window Definition
         puls  pc,u,y     restore regs & return with error

* Coordinates & size are within 0-127, continue
L03D7    cmpb  #$FF       is it same screen?
         beq   L03F2      yes, don't bother getting border color
         leax  <L03E5,pc  point to processor for border color
         lda   #$01       get # bytes to get
         puls  u,y        purge stack
         bra   L0362      let VTIO get it for me

* If the window was not on the current screen grab the optional border color
L03E5    pshs  u,y        Preserve static mem & path dsc. ptrs
         lbsr  L06AE      get window table pointer into Y
         lda   ,x         get border color
         sta   >GrfMem+gr005A     save it in grfdrv mem
         bra   L03F9      continue processing

* Current displayed screen or current process screen goes here
L03F2    ldx   ,s         get path descriptor pointer
         lbsr  L075C      check validity of screen table
         bcs   L0408      error, return
* all parameters are moved, let grfdrv do the rest
L03F9    lbsr  L00F7      let grfdrv take over
         bcs   L040A      grfdrv error, return
         ldu   2,s        get static mem pointer
         inc   V.InfVld,u   Set flag to indicate rest of static mem valid
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   >WGlobal+G.CurDev     Get current window ptr
         ldy   >WGlobal+G.CurDev
         sty   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         beq   Nowin      None, skip ahead
         IFNE  H6309
         lda   >V.ULCase,w  Get special keyflags
         lda   >V.ULCase,y
         sta   >V.ULCase,u   Save in new window
Nowin    ldy   ,s         get path descriptor pointer
         bsr   L0436      setup lines per page
* The following new lines permit a sequence like
* display 1b 24    kill window
* display 1b 20 2 0 0 50 18 0 1 2  change window format
* without requiring the additional line
* display 1b 21    display window
* which seems redundant. The change is compatible with MultiVue. RG
         ldb   >GrfMem+Gr.STYMk     get screen type from Grfdrv Mem
         cmpb  #1           Is it an overlay?
         bls   L0408        don't flag screen if overlay
         inc   V.ScrChg,u   Flag that screen has changed for AltIRQ routine
* End of change to Nowin. RG
L0408    puls  pc,u,y     all done, return

* DWSet didn't work, flag window table entry as free again
L040A    ldu   #$FFFF     get table free value
         stu   Wt.STbl,y  put it in window table
         puls  y,u,pc     restore & return

* Move co-ordinates/size & fore/back colors into window table
L0413    pshs  d          Preserve D
         bsr   L0423      Move coordinates & size
         bcs   L041F      Error in size, return the error
         ldd   ,x++       Get foreground/background colors
         std   Wt.Fore,y  Put it in window table
L041D    puls  d,pc       Restore D & return

L041F    stb   1,s        Save error code into B on stack
         puls  d,pc       Restore D & return

* Move start coordinates & size into window table
* Entry: X=Pointer to co-rdinates
*        Y=Window table pointer
L0423    ldd   ,x++       Get start coordinates
         std   Wt.CPX,y   Save 'em
         lda   ,x+        Get X size
         ble   L042F      Too big or 0, exit with error
         ldb   ,x+        Get Y size
         bgt   L0432      Above 0, go on
L042F    lbra  L0697      Return error

L0432    std   Wt.SZX,y   Save size to window table
         clrb             Clear error & return

* Setup lines/page variables
* Entry: Y=Path descriptor pointer
*        U=Device static mem pointer for new window
L0436    pshs  y          L06AE resets y
         lbsr  L06AE      get window table pointer
         ldb   Wt.SZY,y   Get Y size
         puls  y          restore reg
         stb   V.LINE,u   save it in static mem for SCF
         stb   PD.PAG,y   Save it as the default in path descriptor
         clrb             clear errors
         rts              return

* DWEnd entry point
* Entry: U=Static memory pointer
*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
DWEnd    pshs  u
         bsr   L0452      process it
         puls  u
         bcs   L0451      error, return
         clr   V.InfVld,u   clear flag - static mem no longer valid
L0451    rts              return

* Check for legal screen table (PRESERVES U)
L0452    lbsr  L06AE      get pointer to window table into Y
         lda   Wt.STbl,y  screen table exist?
         bpl   L0461      screen table exists, skip ahead
         comb             set carry for error
         lbra  L069D      return undefined window error

* Window legal, Delete any overlays (PRESERVES U)
L0461    lda   Wt.BLnk,y  Any overlay windows?
         bmi   L0479      No, skip ahead
         pshs  a,u        save parent window # & static mem
         IFNE  H6309
         bsr   L04EA      Do a CWArea to full size
         lbsr  L04EA
         ldb   #$0C       Grfdrv function: Overlay window end
         lbsr  L0101
         puls  a,u        restore parent & static mem
         sta   V.WinNum,u   save parent as current
         lbsr  L06AE      get it's window table pointer
         bra   L0461      keep going

* Change to full window size & clear out the graphics table entry
*   clear out the current window & screen table ptrs
L0479    pshs  u          save static mem pointer
         bsr   L04EA      Do a CWArea to full size
* clear out gfx table entry
         puls  u          Restore static mem ptr
         lbsr  L06B9      Point to gfx table entry for this window
         IFNE  H6309
         leau  <Nul2+2,pc
Nul2     ldw   #$0012
         tfm   u,x+
         pshs  b
         ldd   #$0012
Nul2     sta   ,x+
         bne   Nul2
         puls  b
         lda   >WGlobal+G.WinType     is this a window?
         bmi   L0499      no, return
         IFNE  H6309
         stq   >GrfMem+gr002E     clear window & screen table entrys
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5 
         std   >GrfMem+gr002E     clear window & screen table entrys
         std   >GrfMem+gr002E+2
L0499    lbra  L00F7      let grfdrv do the rest

* OWSet entry point
* Entry: U=Device static mem pointer
*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
*        X=Parameter pointer
OWSet    pshs  y,u        preserve path descriptor & static mem pointers
         lbsr  L06A0      verify window table
         puls  u,y        restore pointers
         lbcs  L069D      not a legal window, return undefined window error
         pshs  u,y        preserve path descriptor & static mem pointers
         lbsr  L07B0      get a blank window table pointer
         bcc   L04B6      we found one, skip ahead
         puls  u,y,pc     purge stack & return

L04B2    puls  u,y
         bra   L04D5

* We have a new window table for overlay, so process parameters
L04B6    lda   ,x+        get save switch from parameters
         sta   >GrfMem+gr0059     save it in grfdrv mem
         lbsr  L0413      move rest of parameters to grfdrv mem
         bcs   L04B2      error, return
         pshs  y          preserve window table pointer
         lbsr  L00F7      let grfdrv create overlay
         puls  y          restore window table pointer
         bcs   L04D1      error from grfdrv, return
         puls  u,y        restore path descriptor & static mem pointers
         lbra  L0436      setup lines per page & return from there

L04D1    leas  2,s        Eat path dsc. ptr
         puls  u          Get static mem ptr back

* Could not find a window table for overlay, get rid of links & return
L04D5    lda   Wt.BLnk,y  Get back window # link
         sta   V.WinNum,u   Store it as current window #
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   #$FFFF     Set screen table ptr to unused
         stw   Wt.STbl,y
         pshs  x
         ldx   #$FFFF
         stx   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         stx   Wt.STbl,y
         puls  x
         coma             Set carry for error
L04E7    rts   

* Change window to full size reported in window table
L04EA    equ   *
* Relocated lines and removed regW; regE bug; RG
         ldd   Wt.DfSZX,y Get default size of window
         std   Wt.CPX+2,y	  Save current size
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         IFNE  H6309 
         clrd             set start coords to 0,0
         std   Wt.CPX,y   Store coords
         ldb   #$0E       GrfDrv function: CWArea
         pshs  y          preserve window table ptr
         lbsr  L0101      Send it to GrfDrv
         puls  y,pc       Restore reg & return

* OWEnd entry point
* Entry: U=Device static mem pointer
*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
OWEnd    pshs  u,y        preserve path descriptor & static mem pointers
         lbsr  L06A0      get pointer to window table & verify it
         bcc   L0508      went ok, skip ahead
         puls  u,y        Restore regs
         lbra  L069D      Exit with undefined window error

L0508    lda   Wt.BLnk,y  is this an overlay?
         bpl   L0511      yes, go remove it
         puls  u,y        purge stack
         lbra  L0697      return with illegal window definition error

* We are in overlay, remove it
L0511    ldu   2,s        get static mem pointer
         lbsr  L06B9      get pointer to graphics table for this window
         IFNE  H6309
         lde   ,x         get menuing system screen type
         lda   ,x
         sta   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         lda   Wt.BLnk,y  get parent window # of this overlay
* We know this is a overlay window, continue
         sta   V.WinNum,u   save new window #
         bsr   L04EA      change to the full size window 
         ldb   #$0C       get grfdrv function for OWEnd
         lbsr  L0101      let grfdrv do the rest
         bcc   L052E      grfdrv went ok, skip ahead
L052C    puls  y,u,pc     restore & return

* Overlay removed, check if we activate menu bar on parent window
L052E    puls  y,u        Restore static mem & path dsc. ptrs
         lbsr  L0436      set lines per page in path descriptor
         IFNE  CoGrf-1
         IFNE  H6309
         tste		is screen type a regular no box window?
         tst   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         beq   L04E7      yes, return
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpe  #WT.FSWin  do we have a menu bar on window?
         pshs  a
         lda   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         cmpa  #WT.FSWin
         puls  a
         bhi   L04E7      no, return
         lda   >WGlobal+G.CrDvFl     Are we the current active window?
         beq   L0591      no, no need to update menu bar
         lbra  L13F5      set menu bar to active state

* Select entry point
* Entry: U=Static memory pointer
*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
* Routine is patched to permit
* display 1b 21
* to work within a script file. Multivue was not affected nor
* any other program during testing. RG

Select   ldx   PD.RGS,y   get register stack pointer
         lda   R$A,x      get path # to new window
         ldx   <D.Proc    get current process pointer
* This does not seem to be of any use except to prevent script use. RG
*         cmpa  P$SelP,x   same as current selected path
*         beq   L0591      yes, nothing to do so return
         ldb   P$SelP,x   get the current selected path
         sta   P$SelP,x   save new path
         pshs  y          save path descriptor pointer
         bsr   L0592      Get the device table ptr for old window
         ldx   V$STAT,y   Get static mem ptr
* Again can't find a use for this or next branch. RG 
*         cmpx  >WGlobal+G.CurDev     Same as current device?
         puls  y          restore path descriptor pointer
*        bne   L0590      no match on old device, return
         pshs  b          save old window path block #
         leax  ,u         point to static mem
         lbsr  L06A0      verify window table of new window
         puls  b          restore old window path block #
         bcc   L0582      window exists, skip ahead
         ldx   <D.Proc    get current process pointer
         stb   P$SelP,x   save old window path number back
         lbra  L069D      return undefined window error

* New window exists, update screen to it
L0582    ldu   >WGlobal+G.CurDev     Get current device mem ptr
         stu   >WGlobal+G.PrWMPt     Save as previoius device mem ptr
         stx   >WGlobal+G.CurDev     Save new current device mem ptr
         inc   V.ScrChg,x   Flag screen has changed for AltIRQ routine
* Give system a chance to stabilize. RG
         ldx   #2
         os9   F$Sleep
L0590    clrb             clear errors
L0591    rts              return

* Get ptr to device table
* Entry: X=Pointer to process descriptor
*        B=Path block # to get 
* Exit : Y=Pointer to device table entry
L0592    leax  P$Path,x   get pointer to path #'s
* Added next line to protect regB from os9 F$Find64 error report. RG
         pshs  b
         lda   b,x        get path block
         ldx   <D.PthDBT  get pointer to descriptor block table
         os9   F$Find64   get pointer to path descriptor
         ldy   PD.DEV,y   get pointer to device table entry
         puls  b,pc       return

* CWArea entry point
* Entry: U=Static memory pointer
*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
*        X=Pointer to parameters
CWArea   pshs  y,u        Save device mem ptr & path dsc. ptr on stack
         lbsr  L06A0      verify window table
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   Wt.CPX,y   get original start & size
         pshsw             preserve them on the stack
         ldd   Wt.CPX+2,y
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         pshs  d
         ldd   Wt.CPX,y
         pshs  d
         lbsr  L0423      move coords to window table
         bcs   L0609      didn't pan out, restore originals & return error
* The rest of this is unique to CoWin.  What it does is calculate the
* maximum allowable window sizes based on the window type defined in the
* menuing system.
         ldu   6,s        get device static memory pointer
         lbsr  L06B9      get graphics table entry pointer for this window
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd             set starting X/Y coords to 0
         pshs  d
         ldd   Wt.DfSZX,y Get default X/Y sizes from window table
         pshs  d          Make them the ending X,Y coords

         IFNE  CoGrf-1
         lda   ,x         get graphics table window type
         beq   L05E3      If normal window, skip all adjustments
         deca             Is it a WT.FWin (framed window=1)?
         bne   L05CB      no, check for scroll bars
         dec   1,s        Yes, subtract 1 from Y size
         inc   3,s        Add 1 to Y start
         bra   L05E3

L05CB    deca             Is it a WT.FSWin (scroll barred window=2)?
         bne   L05D3      No, has to be Shadowed,double or plain, skip ahead
         dec   ,s         decrement X size by 1 for right scroll bar
         bra   L05DD      skip ahead

* Shadowed, double & plain go here - 1 char border on all 4 sides
L05D3    inc   2,s        add 1 to X start for left border
         dec   ,s         decrement X size by 2 for left & right borders
         dec   ,s
L05DD    inc   3,s        add 1 to Y start for menu bar
         dec   1,s        decrement Y size by 2 for menu & bottom borders
         dec   1,s

L05E3    ldd   Wt.SZX,y   get current X/Y sizes
         cmpa  ,s         will X size fit?
         bhi   L0606      no return error
         cmpb  1,s        will Y size fit?
         bhi   L0606      no, return error
         ldd   Wt.CPX,y   get current X/Y start
         cmpa  2,s        will X start fit?
         bcs   L0606      no, return error
         cmpb  3,s        will Y start fit?
         blo   L0606      no, return error
         lbsr  L00F7      let grfdrv do the rest
         bcs   L0606      error from grfdrv, return
         leas  8,s        eat local data
         puls  y,u        Get back path dsc. ptr & device mem ptr
         lbra  L0436      setup lines per page

L0606    leas  4,s        Eat stack buffer & return
L0609    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         puls  d          Restore originals
         stq   Wt.CPX,y
         ldd   2,s
         std   Wt.CPX+2,y
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   ,s
         std   Wt.CPX,y
         leas  4,s        eat the stack
         comb             Illegal coordinates error
         ldb   #E$ICoord
         puls  y,u,pc

* GCSet entry point
* Entry: U=Static mem pointer
*        Y=path descriptor pointer
*        X=Parameter pointer
L060C    pshs  u          save static mem pointer
         lbsr  L06A0      verify window exists, or create it if it isn't
         lbcs  L069B      couldn't create, exit with error
         ldd   ,x         get group/buffer from parameters
         std   >GrfMem+gr0057     Save in Grfdrv mem
         lbsr  L00F7      let grfdrv do the rest
         puls  u          restore static mem pointer
         lbsr  L06B9      get graphics table pointer
         lda   Wt.GBlk,y  Get graphics cursor memory block #
         sta   Gt.GBlk,x  save it in graphics table
         ldd   Wt.GOff,y  Get graphics cursor offset
         std   Gt.GOff,x  save it in graphics table
         rts              return

* LSet entry point
LSet     equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         bsr   L06A0      verify window table
         bcs   L069D      no good, return error 
         lbsr  L06A0
         lbcs   L069D      no good, return error 
         lda   ,x         Get LSET type from params
         sta   Wt.LSet,y  store it in window table
         lbra  L00F7      let grfdrv do the rest

* Border entry point
Border   pshs  u          preserve static mem
         bsr   L06A0      verify window table
         bcs   L069B      not good, return error
         lda   ,x         Get border color from parm area
         ldx   Wt.STbl,y  Get screen table ptr
         sta   St.Brdr,x  Save as border color in screen tbl
         bra   L0669      Flag for GIME update & exit

* FColor/BColor entry point
FColor   bsr   L06A0      verify window table
         bcs   L069D      not good, return error
         lda   ,x         Get palette # from param area
         sta   >GrfMem+gr005A     Put in GRFDRV's working palette #
L064B    lbra  L00F7      Go into GrfDrv

* DefPal entry point
DefPal   pshs  u          preserve static mem pointer
         bsr   L06A0      verify window
         bcs   L069B      not good, return error
         ldx   Wt.STbl,y  Get ptr to screen table
         leax  St.Pals,x  Point to palettes in screen table
         ldd   >WGlobal+G.DefPal     Get ptr to system default palettes
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   #16        # palette registers to copy
         tfm   d+,x+      Copy into screen table
         pshs  y
         tfr   d,y
         ldb   #16
L064Eb   lda   ,y+
         sta   ,x+
         bne   L064Eb
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         puls  y
         bra   L0669      Flag for GIME update & exit

* Palette entry point
Palette  pshs  u          preserve static mem pointer
         bsr   L06A0      verify window table
         bcs   L069B      not good, return error
         ldd   ,x         Get palette # & color
         ldx   Wt.STbl,y  Get screen table ptr
         anda  #$0f       Only allow palettes 0-15
         adda  #St.Pals   Palette tbl starts @ +$10
         stb   a,x        Save in scrn tbl's palette
L0669    clrb             No error
         puls  u          restore static mem pointer
         lda   >WGlobal+G.CrDvFl     Are we the current device?
         beq   L0673      No, we are done
         inc   V.ScrChg,u   Yes, flag AltIRQ for screen update
L0673    rts              return

* PSet/Font entry point
PSet     bsr   L06A0      verify window table
         bcs   L069D      not good, return error
         ldd   ,x         Get group & buffer #'s from parm area
         beq   L0682      If caller wants to disable pattern set, skip
         tstb             Is buffer=0?
         lbeq  L0812      Yes, illegal
L0682    std   >GrfMem+gr0057     Save group & buffer #'s
         lbra  L00F7      Go to GrfDrv

* KillBuf entry point
KillBuf  bsr   L06A0      verify window table
         bcs   L069D      not good, return error
         ldd   ,x         Get buffer & group #
         bra   L0682      Save them

* Return undefined window error
L069B    leas  2,s        Eat stack
L069D    ldb   #E$WUndef  Window undefined error

* Get window table pointer & verify it
* Entry: X=parm ptr
*        Y=Path dsc. ptr
*        U=Device mem ptr
* Exit: Y=Window tbl ptr
*       X=Parm ptr
L06A0    ldb   V.WinNum,u   Get window # from device mem
         lda   #Wt.Siz    Size of each entry
         mul              Calculate window table offset
         addd  #WinBase   Point to specific window table entry
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   d,w        Move to W (has indexing mode)
         lda   Wt.STbl,w  Get MSB of scrn tbl ptr
         pshs  y
         tfr   d,y
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         lda   Wt.STbl,y
         puls  y
         bgt   VerExit    If $01-$7f, should be ok
         cmpa  #$ff       Unused?
         bne   L0697      No, in range of $80-$FE or $00, illegal
         IFNE  H6309
         pshsw            Preserve window tbl ptr
         pshs  x          Preserve param ptr
         tfr   y,x        Move path dsc. ptr to X
         tfr   w,y        Move window tbl ptr to Y
         pshs  x,y
         ldx   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         stx   2,s        pshsw
         exg   y,x        tfr y,x; tfr w,y
         bsr   L06DD      Window doesn't exist, see if we can create
         puls  x,y,pc     Get parm ptr, window tbl ptr & return

* X still parm ptr, just move window tbl ptr & return
VerExit  clra             No error
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   w,y        Move window tbl ptr to Y
         ldy   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         rts              Return

* Return illegal window definition error
L0697    comb             set carry
         ldb   #E$IWDef   Illegal window definition error

* Get window table ptr for current window
* Entry: U=Static memory pointer
* Exit : Y=Window tbl ptr
L06AE    ldb   V.WinNum,u   Get window # from device mem
         lda   #Wt.Siz    Size of each entry
         mul              Calculate window table offset
         addd  #WinBase   Point to specific window tbl entry
         tfr   d,y        Put into Y & return

* Get graphics table pointer for current window
* Entry: U=Static memory pointer
L06B9    pshs  d          Preserve D
         lda   V.WinNum,u   Get window #
         ldb   #GTabSz    Size of each entry
         mul              Calculate offset
         ldx   >WGlobal+G.GfxTbl     Get ptr to GFX tables
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  d,x        Point to table entry
         leax  d,x        Point to table entry
         puls  d,pc       Restore D & return

* Verify window table
* Entry: Y=Window table ptr
* Unused window, check if device dsc. default is valid
L06DD    pshs  x          Preserve path dsc ptr
         ldx   PD.DEV,x   Get device table ptr
         pshs  x          Preserve it
         ldx   V$DESC,x   Get device dsc ptr
         ldb   IT.VAL,x   Window dsc contain a valid type?
         bne   L06EE      Yes, skip ahead
         coma             Otherwise, exit with error
L06EB    leas  4,s        Eat stack & return

* Unused window with valid device dsc type
* X=Ptr to window's device dsc.
L06EE    lda   IT.STY,x   Get descriptor's screen type
         lbsr  L07E0      Go get GrfDrv internal screen type
         bcc   L06FA      Good window type found, continue
         leas  4,s        Eat stack & exit with error
         bra   L0697

* Valid screen type
L06FA    stb   >GrfMem+Gr.STYMk     Preserve GrfDrv window type
         cmpb  #$FF       Current screen?
         beq   L070B      Yes, skip ahead
         lda   IT.BDC,x   Get default border color
         sta   >GrfMem+gr005A     Put into palette area in grfdrv mem
         bra   L070F

* If window is supposed to be on same screen, do this
L070B    pshs  x          preserve device descriptor pointer
         ldx   4,s        get path descriptor pointer
         bsr   L075C      Set up screen table ptr in window table
         puls  x          restore device descriptor pointer
         bcs   L06EB      If error, eat stack & leave

L070F    ldd   IT.CPX,x   Get start X coordinate from dsc
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   IT.COL,x
         stq   Wt.CPX,y   Put into window table
         std   Wt.CPX,y
         ldd   IT.COL,x
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         std   Wt.CPX+2,y
         ldd   IT.FGC,x   Get foreground & background default colors
         std   Wt.Fore,y  Save in window table
         ldb   #$04       GrfDrv function: DWSet
         lbsr  L0101      Go make the window
         puls  x          Get device dsc. ptr back
         bcc   L0730      no error, skip ahead
         ldd   #$FFFF     Error, Reset window table entry as 'unused'
         std   Wt.STbl,y
         leas  2,s        Eat stack & return
L075B    rts   

* Last part of DWSet
L0730    ldx   V$STAT,x   Get device's static mem ptr
         inc   V.InfVld,x   Set flag indicating rest of table is valid
         leau  ,x         Point U to static storage
         tfr   y,d        Move window table ptr to D
         puls  y          Get path dsc. ptr back into Y
         pshs  d          Save window table ptr on stack
         lbsr  L0436      Set up some default size values
         puls  y          Get window table ptr back
         tst   >WGlobal+G.CrDvFl     Are we current device?
         beq   L075B      No, skip ahead
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   >WGlobal+G.CurDev     Get current device's static mem ptr
         stw   >WGlobal+G.PrWMPt     Move to old device's static mem ptr
         lda   >V.ULCase,w  Get old device's special keyboard flags
         pshs  x
         ldx   >WGlobal+G.CurDev     Get current device's static mem ptr 
         stx   >WGlobal+G.PrWMPt     Move to old device's static mem ptr
         stx   >GrfMem+gr00B5 
         lda   >V.ULCase,x  Get old device's special keyboard flags
         puls  x
         sta   V.ULCase,x   Save in new device (kybrd mouse in Gshell)
         stx   >WGlobal+G.CurDev     Make it the current device's static mem ptr
         lbra  L0C86      Select the window & do setmouse in VTIO

* If current screen window, go here
* Entry: A=Screen type from caller
*        B=Internal screen type
*        X=Path descriptor ptr
*        Y=Window table ptr
* Exit: Screen table ptr in window dsc. table is set
L075C    cmpa  #$FF       Current displayed screen?
         bne   L076D      No, must be process' current screen
         ldd   >GrfMem+gr0030     Get current screen table ptr
         bne   L076A      There is one, continue
         comb             Otherwise, window undefined error
         lbra  L069D

L076A    std   Wt.STbl,y  Store screen table ptr in window table & return

* Verify that current process window is compatible with current window
* Entry: X=Path descriptor pointer
*        Y=Window table pointer of current window
L076D    pshs  x,y        Preserve window table ptr & path dsc. ptr
         ldx   <D.Proc    Get current process dsc. ptr
         ldb   P$SelP,x   Get selected path for current window
         lbsr  L0592      Get device table ptr for the path (into Y)
         ldx   ,s         Get back path dsc. ptr
         ldx   PD.DEV,x   Get device table entry address
         ldd   V$DRIV,x   drivers match?
         cmpd  V$DRIV,y
         bne   L07AB      No, they aren't compatible, exit with error
         ldy   V$STAT,y   Get device driver static storage ptr
         lda   V.TYPE,y   Get device type
         bpl   L07AB      not a window, exit with error
         lda   V.WinType,y  Get type of window flag
         bne   L07AB      If not a Grf/CoWin window, error
         lda   V.InfVld,y   Get 'device mem info is valid' flag
         beq   L07AB      If clear, error
         leau  ,y         Point U to static mem
         lbsr  L06AE      Get window table ptr for process window
         lda   Wt.STbl,y  screen table active?
         bmi   L07AB      no, exit with illegal window def. error
         leas  2,s        Eat window device dsc. ptr
         ldd   WT.STbl,y  Get screen table ptr of process window
         puls  y          Get window tbl ptr
         std   WT.STbl,y  Put into current window's screen tbl ptr
         clra             No error
         rts              return

L07AB    puls  y,x        Restore regs & illegal window definition error
         lbra  L0697

* Search for empty window table & setup window links
* Entry: U=Device static mem ptr
* Exit : Y=New window table pointer
L07B0    pshs  d,x        Save regs used
         leay  ,u         Point to device static storage
         ldx   #WinBase   swap it into X for ABX
         ldd   #Wt.Siz    A=Start entry #(0), B=Entry size
         IFNE  H6309
L07B8    ldw   Wt.STbl,x  get screen table pointer
L07B8    pshs  y
         ldy   Wt.STbl,x
         sty   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         puls  y
         bpl   L07CF      if high bit clear, table used, skip to next
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpf  #$FF       if LSB not a $ff, then check next one
         pshs  b
         ldb   >GrfMem+gr00B5+1
         cmpb  #$FF
         puls  b
         bne   L07CF
* Found empty entry, link it in & make current device (static mem) point to
* new table entry
         ldb   V.WinNum,y   Get current window table #
         stb   Wt.BLnk,x  Save it as back link #
         sta   V.WinNum,y   Save new window table entry #
         dec   Wt.STbl+1,x make LSB of screen table ptr $fe
         tfr   x,y        move window table pointer to Y
         clrb             Clear carry
         puls  d,x,pc     Restore & return

L07CF    inca             Move to next table #
         cmpa  #$20       Past max table #?
         bhi   L07D9      Yes, exit with error
         abx              Nope, point to next one
         bra   L07B8      Go try again

* BUG @ approx L1789, it calls this routine, but does NOT check for a window
* table full error... it just stores Y assuming it worked.
L07D9    tfr   x,y        move window table pointer to Y
         comb             Set carry
         ldb   #E$TblFul  Get table full error code
         stb   1,s        Save it in B on stack for restore
         puls  d,x,pc     Restore & return

* Convert STY mark to internal type
* Entry: A=Requested screen type from parameters
* Exit : B=Internal screen type marker
L07E0    pshs  a,y        Preserve sty & window entry
         inca             Bump up so $FF type is now 0
         cmpa  #9         Past maximum allowable?
         bhi   L07F5      Yes, exit with error
         leay  <L07F9,pc  Point to conversion table (base 0)
         ldb   a,y        Get internal code
         cmpb  #$FE       Invalid?
         beq   L07F5      Yes, exit
         clra             Clear carry
         puls  a,y,pc     Restore & return

L07F5    comb             Set carry
         puls  y,a,pc     Restore regs & return

* Screen type conversion table
L07F9    fcb   $ff        Current screen, sty=$ff
         fcb   $ff        Current screen, sty=$00
         fcb   $86        40 column, sty=$01
         fcb   $85        80 column, sty=$02
         fcb   $fe        Invalid, sty=$03
         fcb   $fe        Invalid, sty=$04
         fcb   $01        640 2 color, sty=$05
         fcb   $02        320 4 color, sty=$06
         fcb   $03        640 4 color, sty=$07
         fcb   $04        320 16 color, sty=$08

BadDef   comb  
         ldb   #E$IllArg

* DefGPB entry point
* Entry: U=Static memory pointer
*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
*        X=Parameter pointer
DefGPB   lbsr  L06A0      verify window table
         lbcs  L069D      not good, return error
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   ,x         D=Group/Buffer W=Length
         ldd   2,x
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   ,x
         tsta             group a zero?
         beq   L0812      yes, illegal return error
         cmpa  #$FF       is he trying to use overlay group?
         bne   L0816      no, go on
* Return bad buffer error
L0812    comb             set carry
         ldb   #E$BadBuf  get error code
         rts              return to caller

* check buffer #
L0816    tstb             buffer a zero?
         beq   L0812      yes, illegal return error
         IFNE  H6309
         tstw             length a zero?
         pshs  d
         ldd   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         puls  d
         beq   BadDef     yes, return error
         std   >GrfMem+gr0057     save group/buffer #'s in global mem
         IFNE  H6309
         stw   >GrfMem+gr0080     save length in global mem
         pshs  d
         ldd   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         std   >GrfMem+gr0080     save length in global mem
         puls  d
L0822    lbra  L00F7      let grfdrv do the rest

* GetBlk entry point
* Entry: U=Static memory pointer
*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
*        X=Parameter pointer
GetBlk   lbsr  L06A0      verify window table
         lbcs  L069D      couldn't get it, return error
         bsr   L0849      check group/buffer #'s & move upper left coords
         bcs   L0812      error, return bad buffer
         bsr   L085C      get X/Y sizes
         lbcc  L00F7      let grfdrv do the rest if no error
SmlBuf   ldb   #E$BufSiz  get error code
         rts              return

* PutBlk entry point
PutBlk   lbsr  L06A0      verify window table
         lbcs  L069D      exit if error
         bsr   L0849      get parameters
         bcs   L0812      exit if error
         lbra  L00F7      let grfdrv do rest

* Check passed Group & buffer parameters and move start co-ordinates
L0849    ldd   ,x++       get group/buffer #'s
         tsta             group a zero?
         beq   L086E      yes, return error
         cmpa  #$FF       trying to use overlay?
         beq   L086E      yes, return error
         tstb             buffer a zero?
         beq   L086E      yes, return error
         std   >GrfMem+gr0057     save group/buffer to global memory
         lbsr  L0A32      move start coords
         clra             clear errors
         rts              return

* Parse passed X/Y sizes & move if ok
* Entry: X=Parameter pointer
* Exit : X - Incremented by 4
         IFNE  H6309
L085C    ldq   ,x         D=X Size, W=Y size
         tstd             X size a zero?
L085C    ldd   2,x
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   ,x
         beq   L086E      yes, return error
         IFNE  H6309
         tstw             Y size a zero?
         ldd   2,x
         beq   L086E      yes, return error
         IFNE  H6309
         stq   >GrfMem+gr004F     save sizes into grfdrv mem
         std   >GrfMem+gr004F+2     save sizes into grfdrv mem
         ldd   ,x
         std   >GrfMem+gr004F     save sizes into grfdrv mem
         ldb   #4         adjust parameter pointer
L086C    clra             clear errors
         rts              return

L086E    coma             set carry for error
         rts              return

* GPLoad entry point
* Entry: U=Static memory pointer
*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
*        X=Parameter pointer
GPLoad   pshs  u,y        save regs
         lbsr  L06AE      get window table pointer for this window
         ldd   ,x++       get group & buffer
         tsta             group a zero?
         beq   L087D      yes, return error
         cmpa  #$FF       is he using overlay group?
         bne   L0881      no, so far so good
L087D    puls  u,y        purge stack
         IFNE  H6309
         bra   L0812      return error
         lbra  L0812

* parse buffer & screen type parameters
L0881    tstb             buffer a zero?
         beq   L087D      yes, return error
         std   >GrfMem+gr0057     save it in grfdrv mem.
         lda   ,x+        get screen type
         lbsr  L07E0      convert it to internal screen type
         tstb             is it a graphics screen?
         bpl   L0894      yes, skip ahead
         puls  u,y        restore regs
         lbra  L0697      return illegal window definition error

* parse X/Y size & buffer size parameters
L0894    stb   >GrfMem+Gr.STYMk     save screen type
         bsr   L085C      get X/Y sizes
         bcc   GdSiz      no error, skip ahead
         leas  4,s        eat stack
         bra   SmlBuf     return error

GdSiz    ldd   ,x++       get size of buffer
         std   Wt.BLen,y  save it in window table as a counter
         pshs  y          preserve global mem & window table pointer
         lbsr  L00F7      let grfdrv do some work
         puls  y          restore pointers
         bcs   L08CA      error from grfdrv, eat stack & return
* get buffer count grfdrv made & start the move process
L08A8    ldd   Wt.BLen,y  get buffer counter
         cmpd  #72        more than 72 bytes left?
         bhi   L08CD      yes, skip last move
* last gpload buffer move
         stb   >WGlobal+g0070     save LSB of count
         tfr   b,a        copy count to A
         leax  <L08BE,pc  get vector to buffer move processor
L08B9    puls  u,y        restore static mem & path descriptor pointers
         lbra  L0362      save into parameter area of static mem.

* last buffer move parameter processor
L08BE    pshs  u,y        preserve static mem & path descriptor pointers
         lbsr  L06AE      get window table pointer
         bsr   L08EA      Move data to shared buffer & then Grfdrv
*         bcs   L08CA      error, return
L08CA    leas  4,s        purge stack
         rts              return

* multi gpload buffer move
L08CD    subd  #72        subtract 72 from count
         std   Wt.BLen,y  save count
         lda   #72
         sta   >WGlobal+g0070
         leax  <L08DD,pc  get vector
         bra   L08B9      save into parameter area of static mem.

* Place VTIO comes to for next gpload sub-buffer
L08DD    pshs  u,y        Preserve static & path dsc. ptrs
         lbsr  L06AE      Get window tbl ptr
         bsr   L08EA      Move data to shared buffer & then Grfdrv
         bcc   L08A8      Continue moving until whole GPLoad done
         bra   L08CA      Error from Grfdrv, exit with it

* Move buffer to global area for GrfDrv
L08EA    ldu   #$1200     Point to global move area
         IFNE  H6309
         ldf   >WGlobal+g0070     get byte count
         tfm   x+,u+      move it
         pshs  a
         ldb   >WGlobal+g0070     get byte count
L08EAb   lda   ,x+
         sta   ,u+
         bne   L08EAb
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         puls  a 
* Send move buffer to GrfDrv
* Special problem. Seems to pass info via regF.
L08FC    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         ldf   >WGlobal+g0070     get count
         ldb   >WGlobal+g0070
*         stb   >GrfMem+$B6        grfdrv regF
         stb   >GrfMem+gr00B5+1   cowin regF
         ldb   #$32       get move buffer code
         lbra  L0101      send it to grfdrv & return from there

* PutGC entry point
PutGC    lbsr  L06A0      verify window
         lbcs  L069D
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   ,x         get position requested
         stq   >GrfMem+gr005B     save in grfdrv mem
         ldd   2,x
         std   >GrfMem+gr005B+2     save in grfdrv mem
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   ,x
         std   >GrfMem+gr005B     save in grfdrv mem
         lbra  L00F7      go do it

* SetDPtr entry point
SetDPtr  pshs  x,u        preserve static mem & param pointers
         lbsr  L06A0      Verify/Create window
         bcc   L092A      Got window, continue
L0925    puls  x,u        Restore regs & exit with error
         lbra  L069D

L092A    pshs  y          save window table pointer
         bsr   L098D      Get graphics table ptr into y
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   ,x         get co-ordinates from parameters
         stq   Gt.GXCur,y put co-ordinates into graphics table
         ldd   2,x
         std   Gt.GXCur+2,y put co-ordinates into graphics table
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   ,x
         std   Gt.GXCur,y put co-ordinates into graphics table
L0934    puls  y
         leas  4,s

* RSetDPtr
RSetDPtr pshs  u,x
         lbsr  L06A0      Verify/create window
         bcs   L0925
         pshs  y
         bsr   L098D      Get graphics table ptr into y
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   ,x         Get graphics cursor coords
         addd  Gt.GXCur,y Add to graphics cursor coords
         addw  Gt.GYCur,y
         stq   Gt.GXCur,y Save update cursor coords
         ldd   2,x
         addd  Gt.GYCur,y
         std   Gt.GXCur+2,y
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5 
         ldd   ,x
         addd  Gt.GXCur,y
         std   Gt.GXCur,y
         bra   L0934

* Point entry point
Point    pshs  u,x
         lbsr  L06A0
         bcs   L0925
         pshs  y
         bsr   L098D
         lbsr  L0A32
L0961    puls  y
         leas  4,s
         lbra  L00F7

* RPoint entry point
RPoint   pshs  u,x
         lbsr  L06A0
         bcs   L0925
         pshs  y
         bsr   L098D
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   ,x         Get coord offsets
         addd  Gt.GXCur,y Add to X
         addw  Gt.GYCur,y Add to Y
         stq   >GrfMem+gr0047     Save in GRFDRV mem
         ldd   2,x
         addd  Gt.GYCur,y
         std   >GrfMem+gr0047+2
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   ,x
         addd  Gt.GXCur,y
         std   >GrfMem+gr0047
         bra   L0961

* Line/Box/Bar entry point
Box      pshs  u,x
         lbsr  L06A0
         bcs   L0925
L0984    pshs  y
         bsr   L098D
         lbsr  L0A51
L098B    bra   L0961

* Get graphics table pointer into Y
L098D    ldu   6,s        get static mem pointer
         lbsr  L06B9      get graphics table pointer
         tfr   x,y        move it to Y
         ldx   4,s        get parameter pointer
         rts              return

* RLine/RBox/RBar entry point
* Entry: U=Static memory pointer
*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
*        X=Parameter pointer
RBar     pshs  u,x        save static & parameter pointers
         lbsr  L06A0      get window table pointer
         IFNE  H6309
         bcs   L0925
         lbcs  L0925
L09A3    pshs  y          preserve window table pointer
         bsr   L098D      get graphics table pointer
         lbsr  L0A5E
         bra   L0961

* LineM entry point
LineM    pshs  u,x
         lbsr  L06A0
         lbcs  L0925
         pshs  y
         bsr   L098D
         IFNE  H6309
         bsr   L0A51
         lbsr  L0A51

L09BC    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   >GrfMem+gr004B
         stq   Gt.GXCur,y
         ldd   >GrfMem+gr004B+2
         std   Gt.GXCur+2,y
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   >GrfMem+gr004B
         std   Gt.GXCur,y
         bra   L0961

* RLineM entry point
RLineM   pshs  u,x
         lbsr  L06A0
         lbcs  L0925
         pshs  y
         bsr   L098D
         IFNE  H6309
         bsr   L0A5E
         lbsr  L0A5E
         bra   L09BC

* Filled Circle/Ellipse entry point
Filled   lda   #1         Filled flag
         sta   >GrfMem+gr00B2     Save flag
         bra   FlagSet    skip ahead

* FFill/Circle/Ellipse/Arc entry point
FFill    clr   >GrfMem+gr00B2     Clear filled flag
FlagSet  pshs  u,x        Preserve regs
         lbsr  L06A0      verify window table
         lbcs  L0925      error, return
         pshs  y          preserve window table pointer
         ldu   4,s        get device static mem pointer
         ldb   V.CallCde,u  get grfdrv call #
         pshs  b          save it
         lbsr  L06B9      get graphics table pointer
         tfr   x,y        move it to Y
         ldx   3,s        get parameter pointer

         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   Gt.GXCur,y Get coords from graphics table
         stq   >GrfMem+gr0047     Save in GRFDRV mem
         ldd   Gt.GXCur+2,y
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         std   >GrfMem+gr0047+2
         ldd   Gt.GXCur,y
         std   >GrfMem+gr0047
         puls  b          restore callcode
         cmpb  #$56       is it flood fill?
         beq   L0A2D      yes, let grfdrv do it
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   ,x++       get X radius from parameters
         stw   >GrfMem+gr0053     save it in grfdrv mem
         pshs  y
         ldy   ,x++       get X radius from parameters
         sty   >GrfMem+gr0053     save it in grfdrv mem
         sty   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         puls  y
         cmpb  #$50       is it circle?
         beq   L0A2D      yes, let grfdrv do it
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   ,x++       get Y radius from parameters
         stw   >GrfMem+gr0055     save it in grfdrv mem
         pshs  y
         ldy   ,x++       get Y radius from parameters
         sty   >GrfMem+gr0055     save it in grfdrv mem
         sty   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         puls  y
         cmpb  #$52       is it ellipse?
         beq   L0A2D      yes, let grfdrv do it
         ldy   #GrfMem+gr0020     Move rest of parameters for ARC
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   #8
         tfm   x+,y+
         pshs  d
         ldb   #8
L0A2Db   lda   ,x+
         sta   ,y+
         bne   L0A2Db
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         puls  d
L0A2D    lbra  L0961      let grfdrv do the rest

* Move X/Y co-ordinates from parameters into GrfDrv memory

L0A32    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   ,x         Get X/Y coords
         stq   >GrfMem+gr0047     Save in GRFDRV mem
         ldd   2,x
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5 
         std   >GrfMem+gr0047+2     Save in GRFDRV mem 
         ldd   ,x
         std   >GrfMem+gr0047     Save in GRFDRV mem
         ldb   #4         Bump param ptr up

* Move current draw pointer co-ordinates from graphics table 
* and destination co-ordinates from parameters into GrfDrv memory
* Entry: X=Parameter pointer
*        Y=Graphics table pointer

         IFNE  H6309
L0A51    ldq   Gt.GXCur,y Get coords from graphics table
         stq   >GrfMem+gr0047     Save in GRFDRV mem
         ldq   ,x         Get X/Y coords from params
L0A59    stq   >GrfMem+gr004B
L0A51    ldd   Gt.GXCur,y Get coords from graphics table
         std   >GrfMem+gr0047     Save in GRFDRV mem 
         ldd   Gt.GXCur+2,y Get coords from graphics table
         std   >GrfMem+gr0047+2     Save in GRFDRV mem
         ldd   2,x
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   ,x
L0A59    pshs  d
         ldd   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         std   >GrfMem+gr004B+2
         puls  d
         std   >GrfMem+gr004B
         ldb   #4         Bump param ptr past bytes we got

* Move current draw pointer co-ordinates from graphics table & calculate
* Destination draw pointer from parameters & move into GrfDrv memory
* Entry: X=Parameter pointer
*        Y=Graphics table pointer

         IFNE  H6309
L0A5E    ldq   Gt.GXCur,y Get coords from graphics table
         stq   >GrfMem+gr0047     Save in GRFDRV mem
         ldq   ,x         Get X/Y coords from params
         addd  Gt.GXCur,y Make relative
         addw  Gt.GYCur,y
L0A5E    ldd   Gt.GXCur,y Get coords from graphics table 
         std   >GrfMem+gr0047     Save in GRFDRV mem
         ldd   Gt.GXCur+2,y Get coords from graphics table
         std   >GrfMem+gr0047+2     Save in GRFDRV mem
         ldd   2,x
         addd  Gt.GYCur,y
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   ,x         Get X/Y coords from params
         addd  Gt.GXCur,y Make relative
         bra   L0A59      Save & bump param ptr

* Get status entry point
* Entry: A=Function call #
GetStt   cmpa  #SS.ScSiz  get screen size?
         beq   L0A9A      yes, go process
         cmpa  #SS.Palet  get palettes?
         beq   L0AA7      yes, go process
         cmpa  #SS.ScTyp  get screen type?
         beq   L0AD5      yes, go process
         cmpa  #SS.FBRgs  get colors?
         lbeq  L0AF4      yes, go process
         cmpa  #SS.DfPal  get default colors?
         beq   L0AC3      yes, go process
         IFNE  CoGrf-1
         cmpa  #SS.MnSel  menu select?
         lbeq  L1515      yes, go process
         cmpa  #SS.ScInf  screen info?
         beq   SS.SInf    yes, go process
         lbra  L0A96      All others illegal

* SS.ScInf processor ($8F)
* New call to get info on current screen for use with direct mapped video
*  Programmer can even handle non-full sized window
*  Programmer will still have to get screen type to determine # bytes/line &
*  # of rows
* Returns: X=Offset into first block of screen start
*          A=# 8k blocks required for screen
*          B=Start block #
*          Y=High byte=X start of window
*            Low byte= X size of window
*          U=High byte=Y start of window
*            Low byte= Y size of window
* It should be noted that these are the current working area, not the original
*  window start/sizes

SS.SInf  bsr   L0ACB      get register & window table pointers
         ldd   Wt.LStrt,y get current screen logical start
         suba  #$80       make it a offset into 1st block
         std   R$X,x      save it to caller
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   Wt.CPX,y   Get X&Y coord starts & X/Y sizes
         exg   b,e        Swap so registers easier for programmer
         stq   R$Y,x      Save X values & Y values into callers Y & U
         ldd   Wt.CPX,y
         sta   R$Y,x
         stb   R$Y+2,x
         stb   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   Wt.CPX+2,y
         sta   R$Y+1,x
         stb   R$Y+3,x
         stb   >GrfMem+gr00B5+1
         ldd   [Wt.STbl,y] get screen type & start block #
         anda  #$0f       make it fit table
         leau  <NmBlks-1,pc point to # blocks needed for screen type
         lda   a,u        get # blocks
         std   R$D,x      save it to caller

NmBlks   fcb   2,2,4,4,1,1

* SS.ScSiz processing - Current size (with CWArea's in effect), not DWSet size
L0A9A    bsr   L0ACB      get register stack pointer & window table pointer
         ldb   Wt.SZX,y   get X size
         std   R$X,x      save it to caller
         ldb   Wt.SZY,y   get Y size
         std   R$Y,x      save it to caller

* SS.Palet processing
L0AA7    bsr   L0ACB      get register stack & window table pointers
         ldy   Wt.STbl,y  get screen table pointer
         leay  St.Pals,y  point to palettes
L0AAF    ldu   R$X,x      get callers buffer pointer
         ldx   <D.Proc    get task # of caller
         ldb   P$Task,x
         ldx   <D.SysPrc  get task # of system
         lda   P$Task,x
         tfr   y,x
L0ABB    ldy   #16        get # bytes to move
         os9   F$Move     move 'em
         rts              return

* SS.DfPal processing
L0AC3    ldx   PD.RGS,y   get register stack pointer
         ldy   >WGlobal+G.DefPal     get pointer to default palettes
         bra   L0AAF      go move 'em

* Get register stack pointer into X, window table pointer into Y & global mem
L0ACB    ldx   PD.RGS,y   Get ptr to caller's register stack
         lbsr  L06A0      Go find window table entry
         lbcs  L069B      Error, exit
         rts              Return

* SS.ScTyp processing
L0AD5    bsr   L0ACB      get register stack & window table pointers
         ldb   [Wt.STbl,y] get screen type
         bmi   L0AE2      text, skip ahead
         addb  #$04       add 4 to make it a user screen type
         bra   L0AEC      go save it

L0AE2    cmpb  #$86       40 column text?
         bne   L0AEA      no, skip ahead
         ldb   #$01       get screen type for 40 column text
         bra   L0AEC      save it

L0AEA    ldb   #$02       get screen type for 80 column text
L0AEC    stb   R$A,x      save it to caller

* Color mask for fore/back palette registers
L0AF0    fcb   $01        2 color screens
         fcb   $03        4 color screens
         fcb   $0f        16 color screens
         fcb   $0f        16 color screens

* SS.FBRgs processing
L0AF4    bsr   L0ACB      get register stack & window table pointers
         bsr   L0B01      Go get fore/back ground colors
         std   R$D,x      Save in caller's D
         ldb   St.Brdr,u  Get border register
         clra             D=border color
         std   R$X,x      Save in caller's X & return

L0B01    ldb   [Wt.STbl,y] Get screen type from screen table
         andb  #$07       Mask off text mode, etc.
         lsrb             Divide by 2 (for similiar screens)
         leau  <L0AF0,pc  Point to masking table
         ldb   b,u        Get table entry
         tfr   b,a        Dupe for background color too
         IFNE  H6309
         andd  Wt.Fore,y  Mask with fore/bckground colors from window tbl
         anda  Wt.Fore,y
         andb  Wt.Fore+1,y
         ldu   Wt.STbl,y  Get screen table ptr for border reg

* Set status entry point
* Entry: U=Static memory pointer
*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
SetStt   cmpa  #SS.Open   Open window call (for /W)
         beq   L0B4B
         cmpa  #SS.MpGPB  Map Get/Put buffer into callers program space
         lbeq  L0BD1
         cmpa  #SS.DfPal  Set default palettes
         beq   L0B38
         IFNE  CoGrf-1
         cmpa  #SS.WnSet
         lbeq  L0D23
         cmpa  #SS.SBar
         lbeq  L1AB9
         cmpa  #SS.UmBar  Update menu bar
         lbeq  L13F5
         lbra  L0A96

* SS.DfPal entry point
L0B38    ldx   PD.RGS,y   get register stack pointer
         ldx   R$X,x      get pointer to palettes
         ldu   <D.Proc    get task # of caller
         lda   P$Task,u
         ldu   <D.SysPrc  get task # of system
         ldb   P$Task,u
         ldu   >WGlobal+G.DefPal     get pointer to destination of palettes
         lbra  L0ABB      move 'em

* SS.Open processor
* Entry: X=Register stack pointer
*        U=Static memory pointer
*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
L0B4B    pshs  u,y        preserve registers
         ldx   PD.DEV,y   get pointer to device table entry
         ldx   V$DESC,x   get pointer to descriptor
         ldb   IT.WND,x   get window # from descriptor
         bpl   L0BCD      not a legal window descriptor, return
         pshs  x          save device descriptor pointer
L0B58    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd             start window #=0
         lbsr  L025B      find a free window in bit map
         bcc   L0B65      got one, skip ahead
         puls  u,y,x      purge stack
         comb             set carry
         ldb   #E$MNF     get module not found error
         rts              return

* Found a free window
L0B65    pshs  b          save window # of free entry
         lbsr  L024A      allocate the window we found
         ldy   #$1200     Point to a buffer area (GPLoad area)
         ldb   #'w        get window name prefix
         stb   ,y+        put it in buffer
         ldb   ,s         get window # that was free
* Convert window # in B to ASCII eqivalent with high bit set

         IFNE  H6309
         divd  #10        divide it by 10
         lda   #-1
L0B87b   inca
         subb  #10
         bcc   L0B87b
         addb  #10
         exg   a,b
         cmpb  #0
         beq   L0B87      if answer is 0 there is only 1 digit, skip ahead 
         orb   #$30       make first digit ASCII
         stb   ,y+        put it in buffer
L0B87    ora   #$B0       make remainder ASCII with high bit set
         sta   ,y+        put it in buffer
L0B92    leas  -2,s       make a buffer for process decriptor pointer
         lbsr  L0238      switch to system process descriptor
         ldx   #$1200     Point to calculated dsc. name
         lda   #Devic+Objct get module type
         os9   F$Link     try & link it
         lbsr  L0244      switch back to current process
         leas  2,s        purge stack
         bcc   L0BAB      it's linked, skip ahead
L0BA7    leas  1,s        purge window #
         bra   L0B58      go look for another one

* Got a device descriptor, put into device table & save window # into static
L0BAB    lda   IT.PAR,u   valid window?
         bpl   L0BA7      no, go look for another one
         ldy   3,s        get path descriptor pointer
         ldx   PD.DEV,y   get pointer to device table
         stu   V$DESC,x   save pointer to descriptor into it
         ldb   ,s         get window #
         ldu   5,s        get static mem pointer
         stb   V.DWNum,u    save window # as active window in static mem
         ldu   1,s        get pointer to descriptor
         os9   F$UnLink   unlink it from system map
         ldu   5,s        get static mem pointer
         leas  7,s        purge stack
         rts              Return with or without error

L0BCD    clrb             No error
         puls  u,y,pc     Restore regs & return

* SS.MpGPB (map get/put buffer)
* Parameters: X=Group/Buffer #'s
*             Y=Map/Un-Map flag, 0=Un-Map, 1+=Map
* Returns   : X=Start address of buffer in 64k user map
*             Y=Length of buffer
* Entry: U=Static memory pointer
*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
L0BD1    ldx   PD.RGS,y   get register stack pointer
         pshs  x          preserve it
         lbsr  L06A0      verify window table
         ldd   R$X,x      get group/buffer #'s
         std   >GrfMem+gr0057     save it to grfdrv mem
         ldb   #$38       get grfdrv function call to map
         lbsr  L0101      let grfdrv calculate block # & count
         ldb   >GrfMem+gr0097     get block #
         lda   >GrfMem+gr0099     get # blocks long
         puls  x          Get register stack ptr back
         tst   R$Y+1,x    mapping or un-mapping?
         beq   L0C1F      un-map, remove it from process space
* Map the get/put buffer into process space
         pshs  d,x,u      save block #/# of blocks, reg stack & global
         bsr   L0C31      Make sure all blocks needed are there
         bcc   L0C1B      Yes, exit
         ldb   1,s        get starting block #
         tfr   d,x
         ldb   ,s         get # blocks
         os9   F$MapBlk   map blocks into process space
         stb   1,s        save error code if any
         bcs   L0C19      return if there was a error
         tfr   u,d        copy start address to D
         ldx   2,s        get register stack pointer
         addd  >GrfMem+gr009D     add in offset to buffer
         std   R$X,x      save offset into block of buffer
         ldd   >GrfMem+gr009B     get length of buffer
         std   R$Y,x      save it into callers Y
L0C19    puls  d,x,u,pc   restore regs & return

L0C1B    leas  2,s        purge stack
         puls  pc,u,x

* Remove get/put buffer from process space
L0C1F    pshs  a,x,y      preserve # blocks, register stack & window table
         bsr   L0C31      Go verify all blocks are correct & contiguous
         bcs   L0C2E      Nope, exit with error
         IFNE  H6309
         lde   ,s         Get counter back
         lda   ,s
         sta   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   #DAT.Free  Empty DAT marker

L0C28    std   ,x++       Save them in DAT image
         IFNE  H6309
         dece             Keep marking unused blocks until done
         dec   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         bne   L0C28
L0C2E    puls  a,x,y,pc   Restore regs & return

* Verify blocks in process DAT image
* Entry: A=# blocks in GP buffer
*        B=Start block #
*        X=Caller's register stack ptr
* Exit:  A=block #*16 in DAT image

         IFNE  H6309
L0C31    tfr   a,e        copy start block
         ldf   #8         get # DAT slots
L0C31    pshs  b
         ldb   #8
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         puls  b
         ldx   <D.Proc    get current process pointer
         leax  P$DATImg+16,x point to end of DAT image
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  e,b        Add # blocks to start block #
         addb  >GrfMem+gr00B5
         clra             Clear high byte of D 
         decb             Adjust for zero based
L0C40    cmpd  ,--x       Same block as DAT image?
         beq   L0C4B      yes, skip ahead
         IFNE  H6309
         decf             No, dec block counter
         dec   >GrfMem+gr00B5+1
         bne   L0C40      Do until all 8 blocks are checked
L0C62    comb             Exit with boundary (bad page address) error
         ldb   #E$BPAddr

L0C4B    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         decf             Dec block # counter
         dece             Dec # blocks in buffer counter
         dec   >GrfMem+gr00B5+1
         dec   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         beq   L0C58      Do until GP blocks are checked
         decb             Dec block #
         cmpb  ,--x       Same as previous one in DAT image
         beq   L0C4B      Yes, keep going
         bra   L0C62      No, exit with bad page address error

         IFNE  H6309
L0C58    tfr   f,a        Move block # within DAT to proper reg
L0C58    lda   >GrfMem+gr00B5+1
         lsla             Multiply x 16
L0CF1    rts              return

* Special windowing processor (called from AltIRQ in VTIO)
* Entry: A=$00 - Screen has changed in some way
*          $01 - Update mouse packet window region (Pt.Stat)
*          $02 - Update text & graphics cursor
*          $03 - Update auto follow mouse
L0C68    tsta             Screen change?
         beq   L0C7F      Yes, go do
         deca             Update mouse packet?
* TODO: Does update mouse packet go in CoGrf?
         IFNE  CoGrf-1
         lbeq  L1CC8      Yes, go do
         deca             Update cursors?
         beq   L0CE7      Yes, go do
* TODO: Does auto-follow mouse go in CoGrf?
         IFNE  CoGrf-1
         deca             Update auto-follow mouse?
         lbeq  L1B4D      Yes, go do
         lbra  L0A96

* Active window has changed, update everything
L0C7F    lbsr  L06AE      Get window table pointer
         ldd   Wt.STbl,y  Screen table active?
         bmi   L0CF1      No, return
* Check for de-activation of previous window
L0C86    clr   ,-s        clear activate/deactivate flag
         ldx   >WGlobal+G.PrWMPt     get previous window static mem pointer
         cmpx  >WGlobal+G.CurDev     Same as current device?
         beq   L0CB3      Yes, activate current window
         inc   ,s         flag de-activation of last used window
         ldu   >WGlobal+G.PrWMPt     get previous device static mem pointer
         beq   L0CB3      nothing there, skip ahead
         pshs  y          preserve new window table pointer
         bsr   L0CF2      any overlay windows or frames?
         IFNE  CoGrf-1
         bcs   L0CA3      no, skip ahead
         lbsr  L1034      set menu bar to in-active state
L0CA3    lda   >WGlobal+g00BE     get new window table flag
         bmi   L0CB1      not used, skip ahead
         ldu   >WGlobal+G.PrWMPt     get previous device static mem pointer
         sta   V.WinNum,u   save window table # into it
L0CB1    puls  y          restore window table pointer
* Send select to grfdrv
L0CB3    ldb   #$10       Get select callcode
         lbsr  L0101      Send it to grfdrv
         ldu   >WGlobal+G.CurDev     Get current device static mem pointer
* Check for activation of current window
         tst   ,s         did we de-activate last used window?
         beq   L0CE1      no, skip activate
         pshs  y,u        Preserve regs
         bsr   L0CF2      any overlay or framed windows?
         IFNE  CoGrf-1
         bcs   L0CCA      no, skip ahead
         lbsr  L13E9      set menu bar to active state
L0CCA    ldy   >WGlobal+G.CurDev     get current device mem pointer
         sty   >WGlobal+G.PrWMPt     save it as previous
         puls  u,y        Get Y & static mem ptr back for possible overlay
         lda   >WGlobal+g00BE     get overlay window #
         bmi   L0CE1      Wasn't an overlay, skip ahead
         sta   V.WinNum,u   save it as current
L0CE1    leas  1,s        purge stack
         jmp   [>WGlobal+G.MsInit]   initialize mouse & return

* Update text & mouse cursors
L0CE7    lbsr  L06A0      verify window table
         bcs   L0CF1      not good, return error
L0CEC    ldb   #$46       get set window code
         lbra  L0101      send it to grfdrv

* Checks for any overlay windows & framed or scroll barred windows
* Entry: U=Static mem pointer
* Exit : Carry set=No overlay windows & No framed/scroll barred window
*                  $BE in global mem will be $FF
*        Carry clear=There is 2 possibilitys here 1: Framed or scroll barred
*                    window or 2: Overlay window is present, $BE in global
*                    will contain the current window table # & $35 in static
*                    memory of current device will be switched to the
*                    parent window of the overlay
L0CF2    lda   #$FF       initialize new window table flag
         sta   >WGlobal+g00BE
L0CFA    lbsr  L06AE      get window table pointer of this window
         IFNE  CoGrf-1
         lbsr  L0E34      framed or scroll barred window?
         bcs   L0D06      no, skip ahead

* No framed or scroll barred window, check for overlay window
L0D06    lda   Wt.BLnk,y  is this a overlay window?
         bmi   L0D20      no, return carry set
         ldb   V.WinNum,u   get current window table #
         tst   >WGlobal+g00BE     already have one?
         bpl   L0D1B      yes, skip ahead
         stb   >WGlobal+g00BE     save current window #
L0D1B    sta   V.WinNum,u   save back link as current window in static mem
         bra   L0CFA      go check it out

L0D20    coma             set carry & return

         IFNE  CoGrf-1
* SS.WnSet SetStt call processor
L0D23    lbsr  L1358      setup the graphics table entry
         ldx   PD.RGS,y   get register stack pointer
         ldb   R$Y+1,x    get requested window type
         cmpb  #WT.PBox   past maximum?
         lbhi  L0697      yes, return error
         lslb             adjust for 2 bytes/entry
         leax  <L0D3C,pc  point to vector table
         ldd   b,x        get offset
         jmp   d,x        continue from there

L0D3C    fdb   L0F9A-L0D3C No box
         fdb   L0D48-L0D3C Framed window
         fdb   L0DE8-L0D3C Framed scroll barred window
         fdb   L0E68-L0D3C shadowed window
         fdb   L0EFC-L0D3C double box
         fdb   L0FF2-L0D3C plain box

* Process framed window setstat
L0D48    lbsr  L0E04      is this an overlay window?
         bcc   L0D55      no, skip ahead
         tst   >WGlobal+G.CrDvFl     are we the active device?
         beq   L0D55      No, skip ahead
         lbsr  L0E13      de-activate parent window's menu bar
L0D55    lbsr  L115F      copy window table & check for graphics screen
         lda   #WT.FWin   get window type
         bsr   L0D80      get window descriptor & setup graphics table entry
         bcc   L0D6A      went ok, skip ahead
* Error, re-draw parent window & return
L0D5E    pshs  cc,b       Preserve error
         tst   >WGlobal+G.CrDvFl     Are we active device?
         beq   L0D68      No, exit with error
         lbsr  L0E4B      activate parent window's menu bar
L0D68    puls  cc,b,pc    Exit with error

* Window descriptor is good, print it according to active/in-active
L0D6A    tst   >WGlobal+G.CrDvFl     are we the active window?
         beq   L0D74      no, skip ahead
         lbsr  L13FA      print menu in active state
         bra   L0D77      skip ahead

L0D74    lbsr  L1037      print menu in in-active state
L0D77    bcs   L0D7F      error on printing, return
         lbra  L11F3      change window working size for frame & exit

* Setup graphics table entry with window type & check sizes
* Entry: A=Window type (Not related to grfdrv, cowin specific)
*        X=Graphics table entry pointer
*        Y=Path descriptor pointer

L0D80    leas  -WN.SIZ,s  make a buffer to preserve current window desc.
         sta   ,x         save window type
         ldu   PD.RGS,y   get pointer to register stack
         ldu   R$X,u      get pointer to window descriptor
         stu   Gt.DPtr,x  save it in graphics table
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   <D.Proc    get process ID of creator
         lda   P$ID,w
         sta   Gt.Proc,x  save it in graphics table
         ste   Gt.PBlk,x  Save process block # into graphics table
         pshs  y
         ldy   <D.Proc    get process ID of creator
         sty   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         lda   <D.Proc
         sta   Gt.PBlk,x  ste 
         lda   P$ID,y
         sta   Gt.Proc,x
         puls  y
         leau  ,s         point to buffer
         pshs  x          save graphics table pointer
         ldx   >WGlobal+G.GfxTbl     get graphics table pointer
         leax  >$0240,x   point to window descriptor buffer
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   #WN.SIZ    Preserve window descriptor in stack buffer
         tfm   x+,u+
         pshs  d
         ldb   #WN.SIZ
L0D80b   lda   ,x+
         sta   ,u+
         bne   L0D80b
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         puls  d
         ldx   ,s         restore graphics table entry pointer
         lbsr  L1371      get window descriptor from caller
         ldy   >WGlobal+g00BB     Get ptr to work window table
         leau  ,x         point to window descriptor
         puls  x          restore graphics table entry pointer
* Check if window will fit
         lda   Wt.SZX,y   get current X size from window table
         cmpa  WN.XMIN,u  will it fit?
         blo   L0DC0      no, clear entry & return
         lda   Wt.SZY,y   get current Y size from window table
         cmpa  WN.YMIN,u  will it fit?
         bhs   L0DD6      yes, return
* Window descriptor won't fit on window, restore old & return

L0DC0    clr   Gt.WTyp,x  clear graphics table entry
         ldu   >WGlobal+G.GfxTbl     get graphics table pointer
         leau  >$0240,u   point to working buffer
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   #WN.SIZ    Restore window descriptor from stack copy
         tfm   s+,u+
         pshs  a
         lda   #WN.SIZ
L0DC0b   ldb   ,s+
         stb   ,u+
         bne   L0DC0b
         sta   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         puls  a
         comb             set carry
         ldb   #E$ICoord  get illegal co-ordinates error
L0D7F    rts              return

* Window table is good, return
L0DD6    leas  WN.SIZ,s   purge stack
         lda   Gt.WTyp,x  get screen type
         cmpa  #WT.FSWin  scroll barred?
         lbeq  FSWin      yes, do 3D frame
         lbra  L0FFC      draw 3D frame & return

* Process a framed scroll barred window
L0DE8    bsr   L0E04      is this a overlay window?
         bcc   L0DF3      no, skip ahead
         tst   >WGlobal+G.CrDvFl     current device?
         beq   L0DF3      no, skip ahead
         bsr   L0E13      de-activate menu bar on parent window
L0DF3    lbsr  L115F      setup window table & check if graphics screen
         lda   #WT.FSWin  get code for scroll barred window
         IFNE  H6309
         bsr   L0D80      setup graphics table entry & check window desc.
         lbsr  L0D80
         lbcs  L0D5E      error, return
         lbsr  L108C      go draw window
         lbra  L0D6A      finish up by drawing menu bar & return

* Check if this is a overlay window
L0E04    pshs  y,u        preserve regs
         lbsr  L06AE      get window table pointer
         coma             set carry
         lda   Wt.BLnk,y  any overlays?
         bpl   L0E10      yes, return carry set
         clra             clear carry
L0E10    puls  y,u,pc     return

* Place parent window in a in-active state if it's a framed or scroll barred
* window.
L0E13    pshs  y,u        preserve registers
         lbsr  L06AE      get pointer to window table entry
         lda   Wt.BLnk,y  get overlay window back link
         ldu   2,s        get static mem pointer
         ldy   ,s         get path descriptor pointer
         ldb   V.WinNum,u   get current window #
         pshs  b          save it
         sta   V.WinNum,u   make overlay back link current
         bsr   L0E34      framed or scroll barred?
         bcs   L0E2E      no, skip ahead
         lbsr  L1034      set menu bar to inactive state
L0E2E    puls  b,y,u      restore
         stb   V.WinNum,u   restore active window
         rts              return

* Check whether current window has a framed or framed scrolled barred window
* Entry: U=Static mem pointer
* Exit:  CC: Carry set if window is scroll barred or framed
L0E34    pshs  a,x        preserve registers
         tst   V.TYPE,u   is this a window?
         bpl   L0E48      no, return with carry
         lbsr  L06B9      get graphics table pointer
         lda   Gt.WTyp,x  get cowin screen type
         beq   L0E48      if no box, return with carry set
         cmpa  #WT.FSWin  scroll barred or framed?
         bhi   L0E48      no, return carry set
         clra             clear carry
         puls  a,x,pc     return

L0E48    coma             set carry
         puls  a,x,pc     return

* Place parent window in a active state if it's a framed or scroll barred
* window.
L0E4B    ldu   >WGlobal+g00B7     get static mem pointer
L0E51    lda   Wt.BLnk,y  get overlay window link
         ldb   V.WinNum,u   get current window #
         pshs  b,u        save current window # & static mem
         sta   V.WinNum,u   save back link as current
         bsr   L0E34      framed or scroll barred?
         bcs   L0E62      no, skip ahead
         lbsr  L13F5      update menu bar
L0E62    puls  b,u        restore static mem & current window #
         stb   V.WinNum,u   restore static mem to current window
         rts              return

* Process a shadowed window
L0E68    lbsr  L0FBB      update parent window if any
         lbsr  L115F      check for graphic window
         lda   #WT.SBox   save window type in graphics table entry
         sta   Gt.WTyp,x
         ldy   >WGlobal+g00BB     Get ptr to work window table
         lbsr  L12BE      clear screen
         leax  <SBox1,pc  point to draw table for 640 wide screen
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #$01,>WGlobal+g00BD 640 wide screen?
         lda   >WGlobal+g00BD
         anda  #$01
         bne   L0E91      no, skip ahead
         leax  <SBox2,pc  point to draw table for 320 wide screen
L0E91    lda   #$03       get # entrys in draw table
         lbsr  DrawBar    draw window
         lbsr  L11F3      change window to working size
         clrb             clear errors
         rts              return

* Draw table for shadowed window on 640 wide screen
* Draw table for Light Grey Box
SBox1    fcb   WColor1    Color 1
         fdb   0          Start X=0
         fdb   0          Start Y=0
         fdb   -3         End X=Width of window-3
         fdb   -1         End Y=Height of window-1
         fcb   $4c        Box function in GRFDRV

* Draw table for Dark Grey shadow on right side
         fcb   WColor2    Color 2
         fdb   -2         Start X=Width of window-2
         fdb   2          Start Y=2
         fdb   $8000      End X=Width of window
         fdb   $8000      End Y=Height of window
         fcb   $4e        Bar function in GRFDRV

* Draw table for Dark Grey shadow on bottom
         fcb   WColor2    Color 2
         fdb   2          Start X=2
         fdb   $8000      Start Y=Height of window
         fdb   $8000      End X=Width of window
         fdb   $8000      End Y=Height of window
         fcb   $4a        Line function in GRFDRV

* Draw table for shadowed window on 320 wide screen
* Draw table for Light Grey Box
SBox2    fcb   WColor1    Color 1
         fdb   0          Start X=0
         fdb   0          Start Y=0
         fdb   -1         End X=Width of window-1
         fdb   -1         End Y=Height of window-1
         fcb   $4c        Box function in GRFDRV

* Draw table for Dark Grey shadow on right side
         fcb   WColor2    Color 2
         fdb   $8000      Start X=Width of window
         fdb   2          Start Y=2
         fdb   $8000      End X=Width of window
         fdb   $8000      End Y=Height of window
         fcb   $4a        Line function in GRFDRV

* Draw table for Dark Grey shadow on bottom
         fcb   WColor2    Color 2
         fdb   2          Start X=2
         fdb   $8000      Start Y=Height of window
         fdb   $8000      End X=Width of window
         fdb   $8000      End Y=Height of window
         fcb   $4a        Line function in GRFDRV

* Process a double box window
L0EFC    bsr   L0FBB      update parent window if we have to
         lbsr  L115F      if this comes back it's a graphic window
         lda   #WT.DBox   get window type
         sta   Gt.WTyp,x  save it into graphics table entry
         ldy   >WGlobal+g00BB     Get ptr to work window table
         lbsr  L12BE      clear screen
         bsr   L1257      set text co-ordinates to 0,0
         leax  <DBox,pc   point to draw table
         lda   #3         get # entrys
         lbsr  DrawBar    go draw it
         lbsr  L11F3      setup window working area & return

* Draw table for double box window
* Outside Box
DBox     fcb   WColor2    Color 2
         fdb   $0000      Start X=0
         fdb   $0000      Start Y=0
         fdb   $8000      End X=Width of window
         fdb   $8000      End Y=Height of window
         fcb   $4c        Box function in GRFDRV

* Doubled up inside box - next 2
         fcb   WColor2    Color 2
         fdb   $0002      Start X=2
         fdb   $0002      Start Y=2
         fdb   -2         End X=Width of window-2
         fdb   -2         End Y=Height of window-2
         fcb   $4c        Box function

         fcb   WColor2    Color 2
         fdb   $0003      Start X=3
         fdb   $0003      Start Y=3
         fdb   -3         End X=Width of window-3
         fdb   -3         End Y=Height of window-3
         fcb   $4c        Box function

* Process a no box window
L0F9A    bsr   L0FBB      update parent window if we have to
         lbsr  L116C      copy window table to working buffer
         clra             WT.NBox =0
         sta   Gt.WTyp,x
         ldy   >WGlobal+g00B9     get pointer to window table
         clrb             set start coord
         std   Wt.CPX,y
         ldd   Wt.DfSZX,y get default size
         pshs  u,y
         lbsr  L1204      set default size
         puls  u,y
         lbra  L12BE      clear screen & return from there

* Check if we have to update a parent window
L0FBB    pshs  y,u        preserve registers
         lbsr  L0E04      we an overlay window?
         bcc   L0FF0      no, return
         lbsr  L06B9      get graphics table pointer
         lda   Gt.WTyp,x  get cowin screen type
         beq   L0FF0      it's a plain window, return
         cmpa  #WT.FSWin  framed or scroll barred window?
         bhi   L0FF0      no, return
         tst   >WGlobal+G.CrDvFl     Are we the current active device
         beq   L0FF0      no, return
         ldu   2,s        get static memory pointer
         lbsr  L06AE      get window table pointer
         ldu   2,s        get static memory pointer
         lda   V.WinNum,u   get window #
         pshs  a          save it
         lda   Wt.BLnk,y  get back window link
         sta   V.WinNum,u   save it as current
         lbsr  L0E34      get framed or scroll barred window flag for this one
         puls  a          restore window #
         sta   V.WinNum,u   save it
         bcs   L0FF0      if not a framed or scroll barred window, return
         lbsr  L0E51      place parent window into a active state
L0FF0    puls  y,u,pc     restore & return

* Set current X/Y draw pointer to 0,0
L1257    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         stq   >GrfMem+gr0047     Save X&Y coords
         std   >GrfMem+gr0047     Save X&Y coords
         std   >GrfMem+gr0047+2
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5

* Process a plain box window
L0FF2    bsr   L0FBB
         lbsr  L115F
         lda   #WT.PBox
         sta   Gt.WTyp,x
* Draw a frame around full window
L0FFC    ldy   >WGlobal+g00BB     Get ptr to work window table
         lbsr  L12BE      clear screen
         bsr   L1257      set text co-ordinates to 0,0
         IFNE  H6309
         lde   Wt.Fore,y  get current color mask
         lda   Wt.Fore,y
         sta   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         lda   #1
         lbsr  GetColr    convert it to mask
         sta   Wt.Fore,y
         lbsr  L1013      calculate X size
         std   >GrfMem+gr004B
         lbsr  L100F      calculate Y size
         lbsr  L122B      draw the box
         IFNE  H6309
         ste   Wt.Fore,y
         pshs  a
         lda   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         sta   Wt.Fore,y
         puls  a,pc

         IFNE  CoGrf-1
* Draw a 3D frame around window for scroll barred window
FSWin    ldy   >WGlobal+g00BB     Get ptr to work window table
         lbsr  L12BE      clear screen
         bsr   L1257      set text co-ordinates to 0,0
         pshs  x          preserve graphics table pointer
         lda   #11        get # entrys
         leax  <FSWinTbl,pc point to draw table
         lbsr  DrawBar
         puls  x,pc

FSWinTbl fcb   WColor1    left bar (Color 1)
         fdb   0          From 0,8 to 7,bottom
         fdb   8
         fdb   7
         fdb   $8000
         fcb   $4e        Bar command for GRFDRV

         fcb   WColor1    bottom bar (Color 1)
         fdb   8          From 8,(bottom-7) to (Right-8),bottom
         fdb   -7
         fdb   -8
         fdb   $8000
         fcb   $4e

         fcb   WColor1    right bar
         fdb   -7
         fdb   8
         fdb   $8000
         fdb   $8000
         fcb   $4e

         fcb   WColor3    left bar 3D look
         fdb   0
         fdb   8
         fdb   7
         fdb   8
         fcb   $4a

         fcb   WColor3    White - 0,8 to 0,bottom-1
         fdb   0
         fdb   8
         fdb   0
         fdb   -1
         fcb   $4a

         fcb   WColor2    Light grey - 7,9 to 7,bottom-7
         fdb   7
         fdb   9
         fdb   7
         fdb   -7
         fcb   $4a

* Bottom bar 3D look
         fcb   WColor3    White
         fdb   9          From 9,(bottom-7) to (right-7),(bottom-7)
         fdb   -7
         fdb   -7
         fdb   -7
         fcb   $4a        Line

         fcb   WColor2    Light grey
         fdb   1          From 1,(bottom-1) to Right,(bottom-1)
         fdb   -1
         fdb   $8000
         fdb   -1
         fcb   $4a        Line

         fcb   WColor3    right bar 3D look
         fdb   -7         right-7,8 to right,8
         fdb   8
         fdb   $8000
         fdb   8
         fcb   $4a

         fcb   WColor3
         fdb   -7         left+7,9 to left+7,bottom-8
         fdb   9
         fdb   -7
         fdb   -8
         fcb   $4a

         fcb   WColor2
         fdb   $8000      left,9 to right,bottom-1
         fdb   9
         fdb   $8000
         fdb   -1
         fcb   $4a

* Set Menu bar to in-active state by printing the window title
L1034    lbsr  L116C      setup work window table
L1037    lbsr  L1240      draw 3D bar
* Swap foreground/background colors
         ldd   Wt.Fore,y  Get fore/background colors
         sta   Wt.Back,y  Swap them
         stb   Wt.Fore,y
         lbsr  L1013      calculate X size in pixels
         IFNE  H6309
         decd             take off 1 of X co-ordinate
         subd  #$0001
         lbsr  L1371      get window descriptor pointer
         bne   L107A      Not valid dsc., exit
         ldd   #$0100     Valid, get X/Y text start coord
         lbsr  L128E      place in grfdrv mem
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^TChr,Wt.BSW,y Turn on transparency
         oim   #Prop,Wt.BSW,y Turn on proportional spacing
         pshs  a
         lda   Wt.BSW,y
         anda  #^TChr
         ora   #Prop
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
         puls  a
         lbsr  L12A2      calculate string length of menu title
         subb  #$02       subtract 2 to give 1 space on either side
         cmpb  Wt.SZX,y   bigger than window?
         bls   L1075      no, skip ahead
         ldb   Wt.SZX,y   Use X size of window as length
         lbra  L12AE      Print menu bar title & return from there

L1075    addb  #2         get length back
         lbra  L12AE      print menu bar title & return from there

L107A    rts              return

* Draw a framed scroll barred window
L108C    ldy   >WGlobal+g00BB     Get ptr to work window table
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^TChr,Wt.BSW,y Turn on transparency
         lda   Wt.BSW,y
         anda  #^TChr
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
         pshs  x          Preserve old X
         leas  -10,s      Make enough room for BS stack for R$X/Y
         leax  ,s         Point X to stack
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd             get text co-ordinates
         std   R$X,x
         std   R$Y,x
         lbsr  DfltBar    Draw scroll bar markers
         bsr   DrawArr    draw the 4 arrows
         lda   #7         Draw 3D shading stuff
         leax  <ScBar,pc  point to draw table
         lbsr  DrawBar
         leas  10,s       Restore stack to normal
         puls  x,pc       restore X

* Draw scroll bar arrows
* Entry: Y=Window table pointer
*        U=Global mem pointer
* Exit : A=$00
*        All other regs. preserved
DrawArr  lda   #4         Get # arrows
         pshs  x,a        preserve X & arrow counter
         leax  <ScArr,pc  point to table
NxtArr   ldd   ,x++       get group/buffer
         std   >GrfMem+gr0057     save it to grfdrv mem
         lbsr  CalXCord   calculate X start co-ordinate
         std   >GrfMem+gr0047     save it in grfdrv mem.
         lbsr  CalYCord   calculate Y start co-ordinate
         std   >GrfMem+gr0049     save it in grfdrv mem
         ldb   #$36       get grfdrv function code for PutBlk
         pshs  x,y,u      preserve regs
         lbsr  L0101      let grfdrv do the rest
         puls  x,y,u      restore regs
         dec   ,s         done?
         bne   NxtArr     keep going till we're done
         puls  a,x,pc

* Draw table for scroll barred window arrows
* This seems a major error in group number. $CE does not exist. RG
ScArr    fdb   $ce01      group/buffer for up arrow
         fdb   -7
         fdb   8

         fdb   $ce02      group/buffer for down arrow
         fdb   -7
         fdb   -15

         fdb   $ce03      group/buffer for left arrow
         fdb   0
         fdb   -7

         fdb   $ce04      group/buffer for right arrow
         fdb   -15
         fdb   -7

* Draw table for for various lines on a scroll barred window
ScBar    fcb   WColor3    white line below up arrow
         fdb   -7
         fdb   16
         fdb   $8000
         fdb   16
         fcb   $4a

         fcb   WColor2    gray line above down arrow
         fdb   -7
         fdb   -16
         fdb   $8000
         fdb   -16
         fcb   $4a

         fcb   WColor3    white line to the right of left arrow
         fdb   8
         fdb   -7
         fdb   8
         fdb   -1
         fcb   $4a

         fcb   WColor2    gray line to the left of right arrow
         fdb   -16
         fdb   -7
         fdb   -16
         fdb   -1
         fcb   $4a

         fcb   WColor2    gray line above left arrow
         fdb   0
         fdb   -8
         fdb   7
         fdb   -8
         fcb   $4a

         fcb   WColor3    white line to the right of right arrow
         fdb   -7
         fdb   -7
         fdb   $8000
         fdb   -7
         fcb   $4a

         fcb   WColor3    white line below the down arrow
         fdb   -7
         fdb   -7
         fdb   -7
         fdb   -1
         fcb   $4a


* Check if window is a graphic window
L115F    bsr   L116C      copy window table to work table
         lda   >WGlobal+g00BD     Get current screen type
         bpl   L116B      graphics, skip ahead
         leas  2,s        purge return address
         comb             set carry
         ldb   #E$IWTyp   get illegal window type error code
L116B    rts              return

* Copy current window table into work table & set all default sizes in work
* table

L116C    pshs  y          save path descriptor pointer
         stu   >WGlobal+g00B7     save device static in global
         sty   >WGlobal+g00C0     save path descriptor in global
         lbsr  L06A0      verify window table
         sty   >WGlobal+g00B9     save window table pointer
         lda   [Wt.STbl,y] get screen type
         sta   >WGlobal+g00BD     save it in global
         ldu   >WGlobal+g00B7     get static mem back
         lbsr  L06B9      get graphics table pointer for this window
         ldy   #WGlobal+G.WrkWTb+$10     Point to work window table
         sty   >WGlobal+g00BB     save the pointer to work table
         ldu   >WGlobal+g00B9     get pointer to current window table
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   Wt.LStDf,u get default logical start & start X/Y co-ordinates
         stq   Wt.LStrt,y save it in window table
         ldd   Wt.LStDf+2,u
         std   Wt.LStrt+2,y
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   Wt.LStDf,u
         std   Wt.LStrt,y
         ldd   Wt.DfSZX,u get default X/Y sizes
         std   Wt.SZX,y   save as current working area
         ldd   Wt.STbl,u  get screen table pointer
         std   Wt.STbl,y  save it in new
         lda   Wt.BLnk,u  get overlay window link
         sta   Wt.BLnk,y  save it in new
         ldd   Wt.Cur,u   get cursor address
         std   Wt.Cur,y   save it
         ldd   Wt.CurX,u  get X/Y coord of cursor
         std   Wt.CurX,y  save it
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   Wt.XBCnt,u get X byte count & bytes/row
         stq   Wt.XBCnt,y save it in window table
         ldd   Wt.XBCnt+2,u
         std   Wt.XBCnt+2,y
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   Wt.XBCnt,u 
         std   Wt.XBCnt,y
         lda   Wt.FBlk,u  get block # for font
         sta   Wt.FBlk,y  save it
         ldd   Wt.FOff,u  get offset for font
         std   Wt.FOff,y
         clr   Wt.BSW,y   clear window switches
         lbsr  L1337      set pattern to normal plot
         lbsr  L1342      set logic type to nothing
         ldb   Wt.DfSZX,u get X size
         lbsr  L1015      multiply by 8
         std   Wt.MaxX,y  save max X coord
         ldb   Wt.DfSZY,u get Y size
         lbsr  L1015      multiply by 8
         std   Wt.MaxY,y  save max Y co-ordinate
         ldd   Gt.FClr,x  get fore/back colors
         std   Wt.Fore,y  save 'em
         puls  y,pc       restore path descriptor ptr & return

* Change window size to leave a 1 character space on all 4 sides
L11F3    ldy   >WGlobal+g00B9     get current window table pointer
         ldd   #$0101     set X/Y start co-ordinate
         std   Wt.CPX,y   save it
         ldd   Wt.DfSZX,y get default X/Y sizes
L1200    decb             take 2 off Y
         deca             take 2 off X
L1204    std   Wt.SZX,y   save X/Y size
         ldb   #$0E       get grfdrv function for CWArea
         lbsr  L0101
         bcs   L11F2
         ldu   >WGlobal+g00B7     get static mem pointer
         ldy   >WGlobal+g00C0     get path descriptor pointer
         lbra  L0436      go setup lines per page & return

* Draw a box
L122B    std   >GrfMem+gr004d
         pshs  u,y,x
         ldb   #$4C       get code for box
L1232    lbsr  L0101
         puls  pc,u,y,x

* Draw a line
L1237    std   >GrfMem+gr004d     save current Y coord
L123A    pshs  u,y,x      preserve regs
         ldb   #$4A       get grfdrv function for line
         bra   L1232      send it to grfdrv

* Draw a bar at current color
L124E    std   >GrfMem+gr004d
         pshs  u,y,x
         ldb   #$4E
         bra   L1232

* Draw a 3D bar starting at 0,0 to 639,7 in current colors
L1240    ldy   >WGlobal+g00BB     Get ptr to work window table
         pshs  x          preserve X
         leax  <TopBar,pc point to draw table for top bar
         lda   #4         get entry count
         bsr   DrawBar    draw the bar
         puls  x,pc       restore & return

* Draw a graphic sequence that requires start & end co-ordinates
* If the co-ordinate in draw table is negative, This will calculate the
* co-ordinate based on the size of the window in pixels.
* Entry: A=Number of draw table entrys
*        X=Pointer to draw table
*        Y=Pointer to window table
*        U=Global mem pointer
DrawBar  ldb   $06,y      get current color
         pshs  d          save it and entry count
DrawNxt  lda   ,x+        get foreground color
         bsr   GetColr    get color mask
         sta   WT.Fore,y  put it in window table
         bsr   CalXCord   calculate X start co-ordinate
         std   >GrfMem+gr0047     save it in grfdrv mem.
         bsr   CalYCord   calculate Y start co-ordinate
         std   >GrfMem+gr0049     save it in grfdrv mem
         bsr   CalXCord   calculate X end co-ordinate
         std   >GrfMem+gr004B     save it in grfdrv mem
         bsr   CalYCord   calculate Y end co-ordinate
         std   >GrfMem+gr004D     save it in grfdrv mem
         ldb   ,x+        get grfdrv function code
         pshs  x,y,u      preserve regs
         lbsr  L0101      let grfdrv do the rest
         puls  x,y,u      restore regs
         dec   ,s         done?
         bne   DrawNxt    keep going till we're done
         puls  d          restore current color & purge stack
         stb   Wt.Fore,y  put it back in window table
L11F2    rts   

* Calculate X coord based on the size of window
CalXCord bsr   L1013      get window X size in pixels
         bra   CalCord

* Calculate Y co-ordinate based on the size of window
CalYCord bsr   L100F      get window Y size in pixels
CalCord  pshs  d          preserve size
         ldd   ,x++       get coord
         bpl   PosCord    it's positive, return coord
         cmpd  #$8000     use actual size?
         bne   NegCord    no, skip ahead
         clra             clear MSB to zero D
NegCord  addd  ,s         add it to the size (signed add!!)
PosCord  leas  2,s        purge size from stack
         rts              return

* Get window Y size in pixels - NEED TO CHANGE TO ADJUST FOR 200 LINE ONLY
L100F    ldb   Wt.SZY,y   Get window Y size in chars
         bra   L1015

* Get window X size in pixels
L1013    ldb   Wt.SZX,y   Get window X size in chars
L1015    clra             Clear MSB
         tstb             0?
         beq   L101E      Yes, don't bother with multiply
         IFNE  H6309
         lsld             Multiply by 8
         decd             0 base
         subd  #$0001
L101E    rts              Return

* Get color mask
GetColr  pshs  b,x        save color & table pointer
         ldb   >WGlobal+g00BD     get screen type
         leax  <ColrMsk-1,pc point to color mask table
         ldb   b,x
         tfr   b,a
         puls  b,x,pc     restore & return

ColrMsk  fcb   $ff,$55,$55,$11

* Draw table for top menu bar
TopBar   fcb   WColor1    Color 1- Draw Bar from 1,1 to (Right-1,6)
         fdb   1          (Changed from original 0,0-Right,7)
         fdb   1
         fdb   -1
         fdb   6
         fcb   $4e

         fcb   WColor3    Color 3-Draw Box from 0,0 to Right,7)
         fdb   0
         fdb   0
         fdb   $8000
         fdb   7
         fcb   $4c

         fcb   WColor2    Foreground color
         fdb   $0000      Start X co-ordinate
         fdb   $0007      Start Y co-ordinate
         fdb   $8000      End X
         fdb   $0007      End Y
         fcb   $4a        grfdrv function code

         fcb   WColor2    Foreground color
         fdb   $8000      Start X co-ordinate
         fdb   $0000      Start Y co-ordinate
         fdb   $8000      End X
         fdb   $0007      End Y
         fcb   $4a        grfdrv function code

* Print close box
L127B    lda   #$C7
* Generic routine for calling graphics font (font $c803) & resetting to normal
L1271    bsr   L12C2      Go select graphics font
         bsr   L1285      Print char on screen
         bra   L12D7      Revert to normal font, return from there.

* Print tandy menu icon
L127F    lda   #$CB       Tandy icon character
         bra   L1271      Put on screen

* Print a space
L1283    lda   #$20

* Print a character
* Entry: A=character to print
L1285    pshs  d,x,y,u
         ldb   #$3A       Regular alpha put
L1289    lbsr  L0101
         puls  d,x,y,u,pc

* Set cursor co-ordinates
* Entry: A=X co-ordinate
*        B=Y co-ordinate
L128E    adda  #$20       Set up for GRFDRV CurXY call
         addb  #$20
         pshs  u,y,x
         lbsr  L0380
         puls  pc,u,y,x

L1299    bsr   L12A2      Calculate length of NUL terminated string @,X
         cmpb  #15        >15 chars?
         bls   L12A1      No, return
         ldb   #15        Force to 15 chars
L12A1    rts   

* Get length of a NULL terminated text string (not greater than 128)
* Entry: X=Pointer to string
* Exit : B=Length of string
L12A2    pshs  a          preserve a
         ldb   #$ff       Init count to 0
L12A5    incb             Bump char count up
         lda   b,x        Get char
         bne   L12A5      Not end of string yet, keep looking
L12AC    puls  a,pc       restore a & return

* Print a string of specific length
* Entry: B=Length of string
*        X=Pointer to string

L12AE    pshs  d,x,y,u    Save regs
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   b,f        W=String length
         ldu   #$0180     Point to buffered write buffer
         tfm   x+,u+      Copy to GRFDRV buffer
         pshs  b
         ldu   #$0180
L12AEb   lda   ,x+
         sta   ,u+
         bne   L12AEb
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         puls  b
         ldu   #$0180     Point to buffered write buffer for GRFDRV
         tfr   b,a        Move size of buffer to A for GRFDRV
         ldb   #$06       Buffered Write call code for GRFDRV
         lbsr  L0101      Call GRFDRV
         puls  d,x,y,u,pc Restore regs & return

* Erase to end of line
L12B6    lda   #$04
L12B8    pshs  u,y,x,d
         ldb   #$3C
         bra   L1289

* Clear screen
L12BE    lda   #$0C
         bra   L12B8

L12C2    pshs  u,y,x,d
         ldx   >WGlobal+G.GfxTbl     Get graphics table ptr
         leax  >$02B9,x   Offset into it???
         lda   Grf.Bck,x  DOUBT THIS IS RIGHT
         beq   L12E9
L12CF    sta   Wt.FBlk,y
         ldd   Grf.Off,x
         std   Wt.FOff,y
         puls  pc,u,y,x,d

* Switch to text font
L12D7    pshs  u,y,x,d
         ldx   >WGlobal+G.GfxTbl     Get graphics tables ptr
         leax  >$02B6,x   Offset to ???
         lda   Grf.Bck,x  Get ???
         bne   L12CF      If non-0, copy 3 bytes back to original state
         ldd   #$C801     Normal 8x8 text font
         bra   L12EC      Call grfdrv to set font

* Switch to graphic font
L12E9    ldd   #$C803     Graphics font/buffer #
L12EC    pshs  u,y,x
         std   >GrfMem+gr0057     Save in Grfdrv mem
         ldb   #$18       Set font command
         lbsr  L0101      Set font in grfdrv
         puls  u,y,x
         lda   Wt.FBlk,y  Copy stuff back
         sta   Grf.Bck,x
         ldd   Wt.FOff,y
         std   Grf.Off,x
         puls  pc,u,y,x,d Restore & return

* Turn inverse on
L1329    pshs  u,y,x
         ldd   #$2040     Inverse ON
L130D    lbsr  L0101      Go execute in grfdrv
         puls  pc,u,y,x

* Turn inverse off
L1331    pshs  u,y,x
         ldd   #$2140     Inverse off
         bra   L130D

* Set pattern
L1337    pshs  u,y,x
         IFNE  H6309
         std   >GrfMem+gr0057     Save in Grfdrv Mem
         ldb   #$12
         bra   L130D

* Set logic type to 0 (normal gfx)
L1342    pshs  u,y,x
         sta   Wt.LSet,y
         ldb   #$1E
         bra   L130D

* Setup graphics table entry
L1358    pshs  d,x,y,u
         lbsr  L06A0      verify window table
         ldu   6,s        get static memory pointer
         lbsr  L06B9      get graphics table pointer
         ldd   Wt.Fore,y  get current foreground/background colors
         std   Gt.FClr,x  save it in graphics table
         lbsr  L0B01      get mask value
         std   Gt.FMsk,x  save it into graphics table
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd             init pointer to window descriptor
         std   Gt.DPtr,x
         puls  d,x,y,u,pc

* Copy a window descriptor from caller's process area
* Entry: None
L1371    pshs  d,y,u      preserve regs
         bsr   L139E      is it the owner of the window?
         bcs   L1397      no, return
         ldx   Gt.DPtr,x  get pointer to window descriptor
         leau  >$0240,u   point to a work buffer
         ldy   #WN.SIZ    get size of descriptor
L1381    leas  -2,s       make a buffer for current process
         lbsr  L0238      switch to system process
         os9   F$CpyMem   copy the window descriptor from process space
         lbsr  L0244      switch back to current process
         leas  2,s        purge stack
         tfr   u,x        move destination to X
         ldd   WN.SYNC,x  get sync bytes
         cmpd  #WINSYNC   set flags for compare
L1397    puls  d,y,u,pc   restore & return

* Entry:
* Exit : B=Offset to DAT image
L139B    lbsr  L06B9      get pointer to graphics table entry
L139E    ldu   >WGlobal+G.GfxTbl     get pointer to start of graphics table
         ldy   <D.PrcDBT  get process descriptor block table pointer
         ldb   Gt.Proc,x  get process number of owner
         lda   b,y        get process # of user
         cmpa  Gt.PBlk,x  match?
         bne   L13B1      no, set carry & return
         ldb   #P$DATImg  get offset to DAT image into D
         andcc  #^Carry    clear carry
L13B0    rts              return

L13B1    orcc  #Carry     set carry
         rts              return

* Copy a menu descriptor from caller's process space
L13B5    pshs  u,y,d
         pshs  x
         bsr   L139B      Get DAT image offset to copy menu descriptor from
         puls  x
         bcs   L1397
         leau  >$0262,u
         ldy   #MN.SIZ
         bra   L1381      Copy the memory

* Set the root window menu bar to active state (Called from VTIO special calls)
L13E9    lbsr  L116C      setup working window table
         leas  -8,s       make a buffer
         clr   2,s        clear a flag?
         lbsr  L1240      draw 3D bar
         bra   L1404      go print it

* SS.UmBar enry point
L13F5    lbsr  L116C      setup working window table

* Called from SS.WnSet
L13FA    lbsr  L1240      draw a 3D bar
         leas  -8,s
         clr   2,s
         ldy   >WGlobal+g00BB     Get ptr to work window table

* Print menu bar in active state
L1404    lbsr  L1329      turn inverse on
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^TChr,Wt.BSW,y Turn on transparency
         pshs  a
         lda   Wt.BSW,y
         anda  #^TChr
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
         puls  a
         lbsr  L12D7      set to text font
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd             x,y both to 0
         sta   5,s
         lbsr  L128E      Set Text cursor to 0,0
         ldb   Wt.SZX,y   get current window X size
         subb  #2         take off 2 for space on either side of text
         stb   ,s         save it
         ldb   #2         get current text size (just the spaces so far)
         stb   1,s        save it in buffer
         lbsr  L1283      print leading space for menu
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^Bold,Wt.BSW,y Turn off Bold print
         pshs  a
         lda   Wt.BSW,y
         anda  #^Bold
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
         puls  a
         lbsr  L127B      print close box
         ldy   >WGlobal+G.GfxTbl     Get graphics table ptr
         leay  >$028E,y   point to handling table
         clr   MnuXNum,y  Menu entry number=0
         lbsr  L1371      get window descriptor pointer
         lbne  L14E3      valid?
         lda   WN.NMNS,x  yes, get number of menus in menu bar
         lbeq  L14E3      none to print, return
         cmpa  #10        more than 10?
         lbhi  L14E3      yes, return
         sta   4,s        save count
         ldx   WN.BAR,x   get pointer to menu descriptor
L144A    stx   6,s        save menu descriptor pointer
         pshs  u
         ldu   >WGlobal+g00B7     get pointer to static mem
         IFNE  H6309
         bsr   L13B5      get menu descriptor
         lbsr  L13B5
         puls  u
         ldy   >WGlobal+g00BB     Get ptr to work window table
         lda   MN.ENBL,x  is menu enabled?
         beq   L1466      no, skip ahead
         IFNE  H6309
         oim   #Bold,Wt.BSW,y Turn on Bold print
         lda   Wt.BSW,y
         ora   #Bold
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
         bra   L1469      skip ahead

L1466    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^Bold,Wt.BSW,y Turn off Bold print
         lda   Wt.BSW,y
         anda  #^Bold
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
L1469    lda   MN.ID,x    get ID number
         cmpa  #MId.Tdy   is it tandy menu?
         bne   L148D      no, skip ahead
* Print tandy menu
         ldy   >WGlobal+g00BB     Get ptr to work window table
         lbsr  L1283      print a space
         lbsr  L127F      print the tandy character
         lbsr  L1283      print a space
         ldb   #1         get this menu's length
         stb   3,s        save it
         pshs  b
         bsr   L14EE      add it into handling table
         leas  1,s
         ldb   ,s         get window size
         subb  #3         take off length for tandy menu
         stb   ,s         save it back
         bra   L14C6      go to next entry

* Print normal menu entry
L148D    leax  MN.TTL,x   point to text
         lbsr  L1299      get length of it up to maxium of 15
         stb   3,s        save it
         cmpb  ,s         will it fit in window?
         bls   L14A4      yes, skip ahead
         ldb   ,s         get window X size
         subb  #1
         bls   L14E3      no, return
         inc   2,s        flag only 1 space
* Print menu title text
L14A4    pshs  b          save length of text
         ldy   >WGlobal+g00BB     Get ptr to work window table
         lbsr  L1283      print a space
         lbsr  L12AE      print menu text
         tst   3,s        was there anything to print?
         bne   L14B6      yes, skip ahead
         lbsr  L1283      print a space
L14B6    bsr   L14EE      add menu to handling table
         puls  a          get length of menu text
         adda  #2         add 2 for space on each side
         ldb   ,s         get size
         IFNE  H6309
         subr  a,b        subtract width from size left
         pshs  a
         subb  ,s+
         stb   ,s         save size left

* Move to next menu descriptor
L14C6    ldx   6,s        get menu descriptor pointer
         leax  MN.SIZ,x   point to next menu descriptor
         inc   5,s        add 1 to menu total
         dec   4,s        done all descriptors?
         lbne  L144A      no, go print next one
L14E3    ldy   >WGlobal+g00BB     Get ptr to work window table
         lbsr  L1331      turn inverse off
         leas  8,s        purge stack
         rts              return

* Add menu entry to internal handling table.
* Entry: Stack buffer pre loaded
* This table is 4 bytes long for each entry and consists of:
*        $00 - Menu # (starts at 1)
*        $01 - X start co-ordinate
*        $02 - X End co-ordinate
*        $03 - Reserved as far as I can tell (possibly use for menu type
*              flag: 0=normal, 1="sticky", etc.)
L14EE    pshs  d,x
         ldx   >WGlobal+G.GfxTbl     get pointer to special windowing table
         leax  >$028E,x   point to menu handling table
         ldb   12,s       get menu number
         clra             multiply it by 4 (size of handling table entries)
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  d,x        add to handling table start
         leax  d,x
         ldb   12,s       get menu number
         incb             Bump up by 1
         stb   MnuXNum,x  save menu number
         ldb   8,s        get X start coord
         stb   MnuXStrt,x save it
         addb  10,s       add length
         incb             add 1 for space
         stb   MnuXEnd,x  save end X coord
         stb   8,s
         clr   MnuHSiz,x  make sure next entry is clear
         puls  d,x,pc

* SS.MnSel entry point
* Buffer breakdown:
* $00-$01,s : Static mem ptr
* $02-$17,s : ???
* $18-$19,s : Window table ptr
* $1A-$21,s : ???
* $22,s     : ??? (Flag of some sort)
* $23,s     : ???
L1515    leas  <-$23,s    make a buffer
         stu   ,s         save static mem pointer
         sty   $18,s      save window table pointer
         clr   $22,s      clear a flag
         tst   >WGlobal+G.CrDvFl     Are we the current active device?
         beq   L160A      No, return with nothing
         ldx   #WGlobal+G.Mouse Get ptr to mouse packet
         clr   >WGlobal+G.WIBusy     flag cowin free
L1530    tst   Pt.CBSA,x  button A still down?
         bne   L1530      yes, wait for release
         inc   >WGlobal+G.WIBusy     flag cowin busy
         lbsr  L06A0      verify window
         lbsr  L1D24      copy current mouse coords to work cords.
         leax  Pt.Siz,x   point to my work coords (hidden outside packet)
         lbsr  L1C19      mouse on full window?
         bcs   L160A      no, return with nothing
         lbsr  L161B      calculate window start & end coords in pixels
         ldd   7,s        get current mouse Y coord?
         cmpd  #7         is it in the menu bar?
         bhi   L158B      no, skip ahead
         ldb   <$13,s     get current mouse text X coord
         cmpb  #$01       past close box?
         bgt   L155E      yes, skip ahead
         lda   #MId.Cls   No, menu id=Close box
         bra   L160C      return menu info

* It wasn't close box scan menu handling table
L155E    ldx   >WGlobal+G.GfxTbl     get graphics table pointer
         leax  >$028E,x   point to menu handling table
L1565    lda   MnuXNum,x  last entry?
         beq   L160A      yes, return nothing
         cmpb  MnuXEnd,x  within max X range?
         bhi   L1587      no, point to next entry
         lbsr  L16E6      process menu pulldown
         pshs  a,u        save menu ID & global mem
         ldu   3,s        get static mem pointer
         lda   <$24,s     get mouse signal process #
         sta   V.MSigID,u save it in static mem
         clr   >WGlobal+G.MsSig     Clear mouse signal flag
         puls  a,u
         bra   L160C      Return menu id # & entry # to caller

L1587    leax  MnuHSiz,x  move to next entry in handling table
         bra   L1565      keep looking

* Return no menu information received
L160A    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd             Menu # & ID # =0
         bra   L160C

* Mouse wasn't on menu bar check scroll bars
*       BAR AREA
L158B    pshs  u,y,x
         ldu   6,s        get static mem pointer
         lbsr  L06B9      get graphics table entry pointer
         lda   ,x         get window type
         cmpa  #WT.FSWin  do we have scroll bars?
         puls  u,y,x
         bne   L160A      no, no need to check more return nothing
* Check for left scroll bar arrow
         ldd   5,s        get mouse X coord
         cmpd  #7         X in range for left scroll bar arrow?
         bhi   L15B0      no, check up arrow
         ldd   $0F,s
         subd  #7
         cmpd  7,s
         bhi   L15B0
         lda   #MId.SLt   get menu ID for left scroll bar arrow
* Return menu ID & item to caller
* Entry: A=Menu ID
*        B=Menu item #
*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
L160C    ldy   <$18,s     get path descriptor pointer
         ldx   PD.RGS,y   get register stack pointer
         std   R$D,x      save menu & item #
         leas  <$23,s     Eat stack buffer
         clrb             No error & return

* Check for up scroll bar arrow
L15B0    ldd   7,s        get mouse Y coord
         cmpd  #15        in range of up arrow?
         bhi   L15C6      no, check right arrow
         ldd   $D,s       get window X end coord pixel
         subd  #7         subtract 7
         cmpd  5,s        mouse X coord in range?
         bhi   L15C6      no, check right arrow
         lda   #MId.SUp   get menu ID for scroll up arrow
         bra   L160C      return with menu ID

* Check for right scroll bar arrow
L15C6    ldd   $0F,s      get window Y end co-ordinate pixel
         subd  #7         subtract 7
         cmpd  7,s        mouse in range for Y
         bhi   L15E8      no, check down arrow
         ldd   $0D,s      get window X end co-ordinate pixel
         subd  #8         subtract 8
         cmpd  5,s        mouse below maximum range?
         blo   L15E8      no, check down arrow
         ldd   $0D,s
         subd  #$000F
         cmpd  5,s
         bhi   L15E8
         lda   #MId.SRt   get menu ID for right scroll arrow
         bra   L160C

* Check for down scroll bar arrow
L15E8    ldd   $0D,s
         subd  #$0007
         cmpd  5,s
         bhi   L160A      no, not on scroll bars, so return nothing
         ldd   $0F,s
         subd  #$0008
         cmpd  7,s
         blo   L160A
         ldd   $0F,s
         subd  #$000F
         cmpd  7,s
         lbhi  L160A
         lda   #MId.SDn   get menu ID for down scroll arrow
         bra   L160C      save it to caller & return

* Calculate window start & end coords in pixels
L161B    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         std   $0D,s
         pshs  d
         bsr   L1667      calculate coords
         puls  d
         ldb   Wt.DfCPX,y get full window X start coord
         addb  $0D,s      add it to
         lbsr  L1015      calculate size in pixels
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   d,w        copy it to W
         ldd   ,x         get mouse X co-ordinate
         subr  w,d        calculate relative co-ordinate in window
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   ,x
         subd  >GrfMem+gr00B5
         std   7,s        save it on stack
         bsr   L1027      divide it by 8
         stb   <$15,s     save it as mouse text X co-ordinate
         ldb   Wt.DfCPY,y get window default Y start co-ordinate
         addb  $0E,s      add in size
         lbsr  L1015      calculate window height in pixels
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   $02,x      get mouse Y co-ordinate
         subr  d,w        calculate relative co-ordinate within window
         stw   9,s        save it
         pshs  d,dp
         sta   2,s
         ldd   2,x
         subd  ,s++
         std   10,s
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         puls  a
         ldb   Wt.DfCPX,y get window default X start co-ordinate
         addb  $0D,s
         addb  Wt.DfSZX,y
         lbsr  L1015      calculate size in pixels
         std   $0F,s
         ldb   Wt.DfCPY,y
         addb  $0E,s
         addb  Wt.DfSZY,y
         lbsr  L1015      calculate size in pixels
         std   <$11,s

* Seems to hunt down root device window given overlay window?
* Entry: X=some sort of window tbl ptr
*        Y=Some sort of window tbl ptr
L1667    pshs  y,x
         lda   Wt.BLnk,y  this a overlay window?
L166B    bmi   L1688      no, return
         lbsr  L1CBC      point X to the window table entry
         ldd   Wt.DfCPX,x get window default start co-ordinates
         addd  <$15,s
         ldy   Wt.LStDf,x get window logical start address
         cmpy  Wt.LStrt,x match current?
         beq   L1681      yes, skip ahead
         addd  Wt.CPX,x   add current start co-ordinates
L1681    std   <$15,s
         lda   Wt.Blnk,x  get back window link
         bra   L166B      go calculate 
L1688    puls  pc,y,x

* Signed Divide by 8
L1027    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309

* Calculate the current mouse Y text coord within a overlay window
* used for menu pull down updates
L168A    pshs  x,u        preserve pointer to mouse coords & global mem
         lda   Wt.BLnk,y  get parent window # of this overlay
         lbsr  L1CBC      point X to window table entry
         lda   Wt.BLnk,x  parent window a overlay?
         bpl   L169D      yes, skip ahead
         ldb   Wt.DfCPY,y get current overlay window Y default start
         addb  Wt.DfCPY,x add it to parent window default Y start
         bra   L16A6      skip ahead

L169D    ldb   Wt.DfCPY,y get default Y co-ordinate of current window
         bsr   L16BC
         tfr   a,b
L16A6    ldx   ,s         get mouse coordinate pointer
         lbsr  L1015      calculate it in pixels
         IFNE  H6309
         incd             Add 1
         tfr   d,w        copy it to W
         ldd   2,x        get mouse Y co-ordinate
         subr  w,d        calculate the relative co-ordinate in window
         addd  #$0001
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         pshs  d
         ldd   2,x
         subd  ,s++
         bsr   L1027      divide it by 8
         decb             subtract 1
         tfr   b,a        copy it to A
         puls  x,u,pc     restore & return

* Calculate the current mouse Y text co-ordinate
L16BC    pshs  x,y        preserve current & parent window table pointers
         pshs  b
         tfr   y,x
L16C3    lda   Wt.BLnk,x  get window # of parent window
         bmi   L16D3      we're at the bottom, skip ahead
         lbsr  L1CBC      go calculate
         ldb   Wt.DfCPY,x get parent window default Y start
         addb  ,s         add it to current
         stb   ,s         save it
         bra   L16C3      keep going

L16D3    ldy   Wt.LStDf,x
         cmpy  Wt.LStrt,x
         beq   L16E2
         ldb   Wt.CPY,x
         addb  ,s
         stb   ,s
L16E2    inc   ,s
         puls  a,x,y,pc

* Process a selected menu item on menu bar
* Entry: A=Menu # from menu handling table
*        X=Pointer to menu handling entry
L16E6    stx   $0B,s      save current menu handling entry pointer
         ldy   <$1A,s     get path descriptor pointer
         ldu   $02,s      get static mem pointer
         ldb   V.MSigID,u get process ID of mouse signal reciever
         stb   <$23,s     save it
         clr   V.MSigID,u clear it in device mem
         lbsr  L1A3C      copy window table
         stx   <$1E,s     save pointer to graphics table entry
         sty   <$13,s     save pointer to window table
         ldx   >WGlobal+G.GfxTbl     get graphics table pointer
         leax  >$0240,x   point to working window descriptor
         ldx   WN.BAR,x   get pointer to array of menu descriptors
         deca             adjust current menu # to start at 0
         ldb   #MN.SIZ    get size of menu descriptor
         mul              calculate offset
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  d,x        add it to menu array pointer
         leax  d,x
         ldu   2,s        get static mem pointer
         lbsr  L13B5      copy menu descriptor from user space
         stx   5,s        save menu entry pointer
         lda   MN.ENBL,x  menu enabled?
         bne   L1728      yes, process pulldown
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd             clear menu ID & item #
         lbra  L193A      restore window table & return

* Print selected menu text
L1728    ldu   $0B,s      get menu handling entry pointer
         ldy   <$13,s     get window table pointer
         lda   MnuXStrt,u get start X co-ordinate
         clrb             get start Y co-ordinate
         pshs  y,x        preserve regs
         lbsr  L12D7      switch to text font
         lbsr  L128E      set text coords
         IFNE  H6309
         oim   #Bold+TChr,Wt.BSW,y Turn Bold ON/Transparency OFF
         pshs  a
         lda   Wt.BSW,y
         ora   #Bold+TChr
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
         puls  a
         puls  y,x        restore regs
         lbsr  L1299      get length of text to a maximum of 15
         lbsr  L1A88      calculate if we can print a space after menu text
         lbsr  L1283      print a space
         lda   MN.ID,x    get menu ID
         cmpa  #MId.Tdy   is it tandy menu?
         bne   L1757      no, skip ahead
         lbsr  L127F      print tandy icon
         bra   L175A      skip ahead

L1757    lbsr  L12AE      print menu text
L175A    tst   <$19,s     can we print a space here?
         bne   L1762      no, skip ahead
         lbsr  L1283      print a space
L1762    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^Bold,Wt.BSW,y Turn BOLD OFF
         lda   Wt.BSW,y
         anda  #^Bold
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
         ldx   $05,s      get pointer to menu descriptor
         lda   MN.NITS,x  any items to print?
         bne   L1772      yes, skip ahead
         lda   MN.ID,x    get menu ID
         clrb             clear item
         lbra  L193A      return with menu info

* Calculate X start position and size of pull down
L1772    lda   MN.XSIZ,x  get horizontal size of pull down
         adda  #$02       add 2 for the borders
         pshs  a          save window width
         ldu   $0C,s      get pointer to handling entry
         adda  MnuXStrt,u add in the start coord to get end coord
         cmpa  Wt.SZX,y   will it fit in current window?
         bhs   L1785      no, skip ahead
         lda   MnuXStrt,u get start coord
         bra   L1789

L1785    lda   Wt.SZX,y   get current window size
         suba  ,s         subtract calculated width
L1789    puls  b          restore width of pull down
         ldu   2,s        get static mem pointer
         lbsr  L07B0      find a new window table & link it to current
         sty   <$1C,s     save the pointer to new window table
         pshs  y          preserve new window table pointer
         ldy   <$15,s     get old window table pointer
         tst   Wt.BLnk,y  Is it an overlay window?
         bmi   L17A5      No, skip ahead
L17A2    adda  Wt.DfCPX,y Yes, add to Default X coord start
L17A5    puls  y          Get new window table ptr back
         sta   Wt.CPX,y   Save new current X coord start
         stb   Wt.SZX,y   Save new current X size
         pshs  y          Save new window table ptr again
         ldy   <$15,s     get working window table pointer?
         tst   Wt.BLnk,y  this a overlay window?
         bpl   L17B9      yes, skip ahead
         puls  y
         bra   L17C1

L17B9    lda   Wt.DfCPY,y get full window Y start
         inca             add 1
         puls  y          restore
         bra   L17C3      skip ahead

* Calculate Y start & size of pull down
L17C1    lda   #$01       get Y co-ordinate start
L17C3    sta   Wt.CPY,y   save it as current window Y start
         sta   >GrfMem+gr0059     save it as save switch too
         lda   MN.NITS,x  get # items in this menu
         adda  #$02       add 2 to put a blank line on top & bottom
         pshs  x          save pointer to menu descriptor
         ldx   <$15,s
         cmpa  Wt.SZY,x
         blt   L17E5
         lda   Wt.SZY,x
         sta   Wt.SZY,y
         suba  #2
         puls  x          restore menu descriptor pointer
         sta   MN.NITS,x  save as # items in menu descriptor
         bra   L17E9

L17E5    puls  x          restore menu descriptor pointer
         sta   Wt.SZY,y   save overlay window size
* Place pull down on screen
L17E9    ldx   <$1E,s     get graphics table pointer
         ldd   Gt.FMsk,x  get the foreground/background masks
         std   Wt.Fore,y  set foreground/background masks in window table
         pshs  y          Preserve window tbl ptr
         ldb   #$0A       get code for OWSet
         lbsr  L0101      do a overlay window
         puls  y          Get window tbl ptr back
         bcc   L181D      no errors on OWSet, print menu items
         lda   Wt.BLnk,y  Error, get parent window #
         ldu   2,s        Get static mem ptr
         sta   V.WinNum,u   Save parent window
         ldd   #$FFFF     Mark window table as unused
         std   Wt.STbl,y
         lbsr  L19F1
         IFNE  H6309
         lbra  L193A

* Move a menu item descriptor from caller
* Exit: X=Ptr to destination
L13C9    pshs  b,y,u      preserve regs
         ldu   <D.Proc    get source task #
         lda   P$Task,u
         ldu   <D.SysPrc  get system task #
         ldb   P$Task,u
         ldu   >WGlobal+G.GfxTbl     get destination pointer
         leau  >$0279,u
         ldy   #MI.SIZ    get size of item descriptor
         os9   F$Move     move it
         tfr   u,x        make X point to destination
         puls  b,y,u,pc

* Setup for printing the item text in the pull down
L181D    ldu   $02,s      get static memory pointer
         lbsr  L1358      setup graphics table entry
         ldy   <$1A,s     get working window table pointer
         lbsr  L0E68      do a shadowed window on this overlay
         lbcs  L1935      error, return nothing
         ldy   <$1C,s     get window table pointer
         pshs  y
         ldd   #$203E     turn cursor off
         lbsr  L0101
         puls  y
         ldx   $05,s      get pointer to menu descriptor
         ldb   MN.NITS,x  get # items in menu
         stb   <$18,s     save it as a counter
         sta   <$17,s
         ldx   MN.ITEMS,x get pointer to item descriptor
         lbsr  L12D7      switch to text font
* Print all items in the pull down
L1852    stx   <$20,s     save pointer to item descriptor
         bsr   L13C9      get item descriptor from caller
         tst   MI.ENBL,x  item enabled?
         bne   L1861      yes, turn bold on
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^Bold,Wt.BSW,y Turn BOLD OFF
         pshs  a
         lda   Wt.BSW,y
         anda  #^Bold
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
         puls  a
         bra   L1864      skip to printing

L1861    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         oim   #Bold,Wt.BSW,y Turn BOLD ON
         lda   Wt.BSW,y
         ora   #Bold
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
L1864    clra             set X co-ordinate
         ldb   <$17,s     get Y co-ordinate
         pshs  x          preserve item pointer
         lbsr  L128E      set text co-ordinate
         puls  x          restore item pointer
         lbsr  L1299      get length of text to a maximum of 15
         lbsr  L12AE      print item text
         ldx   <$20,s     get pointer to item descriptor
         leax  MI.SIZ,x   move to next item
         inc   <$17,s     add another item
         dec   <$18,s     done all items?
         bne   L1852      no, keep going
* Setup some variables
         lda   #$FF       set current selected item state
         sta   $04,s
         sta   >WGlobal+g00BF
         lda   >WGlobal+G.MSmpRV     get current mouse scan rate
         sta   <$22,s     preserve it
         lda   #$02       set new mouse scan rate in global mem
         sta   >WGlobal+G.MSmpRV
         sta   >WGlobal+G.MSmpRt
* Main pointer processing loop for a pulldown
* waits for either a keypress or a mouse button click while updating
* item text in pull down
L18A5    clr   >WGlobal+G.WIBusy     flag cowin not busy
         ldx   #1         let VTIO scan keyboard & update mouse pointer
         os9   F$Sleep
         inc   >WGlobal+G.WIBusy     flag cowin busy
         lda   >WGlobal+g00BF     was a key pressed?
         bmi   L18CB      no, skip ahead
         beq   L1943      already processed, remove pull down & return
         clr   >WGlobal+g00BF     clear key press flag
         lda   #MId.Chr   get menu ID for key press
         bra   L1937      remove pull down & return

L18CB    ldx   #WGlobal+G.Mouse Point to mouse packet
         tst   Pt.CBSA,x  button A down?
         bne   L1911      yes, go check out where it is
* No mouse button, check if mouse is in window
         lbsr  L1D24      copy mouse co-ordinates to system co-ordinates
         leax  Pt.Siz,x   point to 'em
         lbsr  L1C25      mouse in current working area?
         bcc   L18FC      yes, check for item update
         bsr   L194A      print current item in non-inverse state
         ldx   #WGlobal+g005C Get ptr to work mouse coords
         lbsr  L1C19      mouse in current window?
         bcs   L18F5      no, skip ahead
         lda   #$01       set mouse in pulldown flag
         sta   <$24,s
         lda   #$FF       flag no current item selected
         sta   $04,s
         bra   L18A5      go back & wait

L18F5    tst   <$24,s     mouse still in pull down?
         bne   L1935      no, remove pulldown & return nothing
         bra   L18A5      go back & wait

* Check if we update current item text
L18FC    lda   #$01       set mouse in pull down flag
         sta   <$24,s
         lbsr  L168A      calculate text Y co-ordinate from mouse
         sta   <$16,s     save current Y co-ordinate
         cmpa  $04,s      match current item?
         beq   L18A5      yes, go back & wait
         bsr   L194A      print item text
         bsr   L1972      print next item in inverse state
         bra   L18A5      go back & wait

* Mouse button down but not released, check if it's a menu item
L1911    lbsr  L1A33      wait for button release
         lbsr  L1D24      get current mouse co-ordinates
         leax  Pt.Siz,x   point to 'em
         lbsr  L1C25      mouse still in current working area?
         bcs   L1935      no, return nothing
         lda   $04,s      get current item #
         leas  -2,s
* Was BSR
         lbsr  L19A8      get item descriptor from caller
         leas  2,s
         lda   MI.ENBL,x  item enabled?
         beq   L1935      no, return nothing
         ldx   $05,s      get menu descriptor pointer
         lda   MN.ID,x    get ID
         ldb   $04,s      get item #
         incb             add 1 to it (can't use zero)
         bra   L1937      return with ID & item #

L1935    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd             clear menu ID & item #
L1937    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         bsr   L19B9      remove pulldown & redraw menu bar
         lbsr  L19B9
L193A    pshs  d          preserve menu id & item #
         ldu   $04,s      get static mem pointer
         lbsr  L1A61      copy the window table
         puls  d,pc       restore & return

L1943    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         bsr   L19CA
         lbsr  L19CA
         bra   L193A

* Print non-inversed item text
L194A    lda   $06,s      get current item #
         bmi   L1971      no item, return
         pshs  a          preserve it
         lbsr  L1331      turn inverse off
         puls  a          restore item #
         bsr   L19A8      get item descriptor from caller
         tst   MI.ENBL,x  enabled?
         beq   L1971      no, return
         IFNE  H6309
         oim   #Bold,Wt.BSW,y Turn BOLD ON
         pshs  a
         lda   Wt.BSW,y
         ora   #Bold
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
         puls  a
         lbsr  L1299      get length of item text
         pshs  b          save length
         clra             get text X co-ordinate
         ldb   $07,s      get text Y co-ordinate of item
         lbsr  L128E      set them
         lbsr  L12B6      erase to end of line
         puls  b          restore item text length
         lbra  L12AE      print item text & return from there

* Print inversed item text
L1972    lbsr  L1329      turn inverse on
         lda   <$18,s     get item #
         bsr   L19A8      get item descriptor from caller
         tst   MI.ENBL,x  enabled?
         beq   L19A2      no, return
         IFNE  H6309
         oim   #Bold,Wt.BSW,y Turn BOLD ON
         pshs  a
         lda   Wt.BSW,y
         ora   #Bold
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
         puls  a
         lbsr  L1299      calculate length
         pshs  b          save it
         clra             get X coord of item
         ldb   <$19,s     get Y coord of item
         lbsr  L128E      set cursor
         ldb   ,s         get length
         lbsr  L12AE      print item text
         ldx   $08,s      get menu descriptor pointer
         ldb   MN.XSIZ,x  get width of pull down
         subb  ,s+        subtract from text length
         decb             take one off
L199A    decb             done printing?
         bmi   L19A2      yes, return
         lbsr  L1283      print a space
         bra   L199A      keep going till done

L19A2    lda   <$18,s     get new item #
         sta   6,s        save as current
L1971    rts              return

* Get a item descriptor from caller
* Entry: A=Item #
L19A8    ldx   $09,s      get menu descriptor pointer
         ldx   MN.ITEMS,x get pointer to item descriptor array
         ldb   #MI.SIZ    get size of item descriptor
         mul              calculate offset
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  d,x        add it to pointer
         leax  d,x
         lbsr  L13C9      get item descriptor from caller
         rts              return

* Remove pull down menu & redraw menu bar
L19B9    pshs  d          preserve menu ID and item number
         bsr   L19D0      remove pull down overlay
         lda   <$26,s     restore mouse sample rate
         sta   >WGlobal+G.MSmpRV     put it in global
         sta   >WGlobal+G.MSmpRt
         bra   L19F3      redo menu text

L19CA    pshs  d          preserve menu ID & item #
         bsr   L19D0      remove pull down
         puls  d,pc

* Remove menu bar pull down
L19D0    ldy   <$22,s     get window table pointer
         ldu   $08,s      get static mem pointer
         lda   Wt.BLnk,y  get window back link #
         sta   V.WinNum,u   save as current window
         ldd   Wt.LStDf,y get screen logical start of full window
         std   Wt.LStrt,y save it as current
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   Wt.DfCPX,y get start co-ordinates & sizes
         stq   Wt.CPX,y   save 'em as current
         ldd   Wt.DfCPX+2,y
         std   Wt.CPX+2,y
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   Wt.DfCPX,y
         std   Wt.CPX,y
         ldb   #$0C       get code for OWEnd
         lbra  L0101

* Print menu descriptor text
* ENTRY: X=ptr to NUL terminated menu text
L19F1    pshs  d          preserve menu ID & item #
L19F3    ldu   $F,s       get pointer to menu handling entry
         ldy   <$17,s     get window table pointer
         ldx   $9,s       get menu text pointer
         lda   MnuXStrt,u get start X coord
         clrb             Y coord=0
         lbsr  L128E      Do CurXY (preserves u,y,x)
* Shut scaling off so it works properly (may be able to use A or B instead)
         lda   Wt.BSW,y
         IFNE  H6309
         oim   #Bold,Wt.BSW,y BOLD ON
         aim   #^(TChr+Scale),Wt.BSW,y Transparency on / Scaling off
         pshs  a
         lda   Wt.BSW,y
         ora   #Bold
         anda  #^(TChr+Scale)
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
         puls  a
         sta   Wt.BSW
         lbsr  L1329      turn inverse on (preserves u,y,x)
         lbsr  L1299      get length of text (up to 15) into B
         IFNE  H6309
         bsr   L1A8F      Get size that we print into A/U=menu table ptr
         lbsr  L1A8F
         lbsr  FixMenu    Draw the graphics under current menu option
         lbsr  L1283      print a space
         lda   MN.ID,x    get menu ID
         cmpa  #MId.Tdy   tandy menu?
         bne   L1A23      no, print normal text
         lbsr  L127F      print tandy icon (no spaces)
         bra   L1A2E      return

L1A23    lbsr  L12AE      print menu text
L1A2E    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^Bold,Wt.BSW,y turn BOLD OFF
         lda   Wt.BSW,y
         anda  #^Bold
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
         puls  d,pc

* Wait for mouse button release
L1A33    tst   Pt.CBSA,x  button A down?
         bne   L1A33      yes, wait for release
         clr   Pt.CCtA,x  clear click count
         clr   Pt.TTSA,x  clear time this state
         rts              return

* Copy window table into a buffer for preservation while cowin is processing
* the menu bar selections. It does this for ease of restoration of window
* to do overlays & such
L1A3C    pshs  d          preserve registers
         lbsr  L06AE      get window table pointer
         ldx   >WGlobal+G.GfxTbl     point to a buffer for window table
         leax  >$02CF,x   Point to buffer to preserve original window tbl
         bsr   L1A6E      copy current window table into buffer
         lbsr  L04EA      change window to full size
         ldu   6,s
         lbsr  L06B9      get graphics table pointer
         ldd   Gt.FClr,x
         std   Wt.Fore,y  save it into window table
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^Prop,Wt.BSW,y Proportional OFF
         pshs  a
         lda   Wt.BSW,y
         anda  #^Prop
         sta   Wt.BSW,y
         puls  a
         lbsr  L1337      set draw pattern to nothing
         lbsr  L1342      set logic type to nothing
         puls  d,pc       restore & return

* Restore window table to original state
L1A61    lbsr  L06AE
         tfr   y,x
         ldy   >WGlobal+G.GfxTbl
         leay  >$02CF,y

* Copy a window table
* Entry: Y=Source pointer
*        X=Destination pointer

L1A6E    pshs  x,y
         leax  Wt.STbl,x
         leay  Wt.STbl,y
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   #Wt.Siz
         tfm   y+,x+
         pshs  d
         ldb   #Wt.Siz
L1A6Eb   lda   ,y+
         sta   ,x+
         bne   L1A6Eb
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         puls  d
         puls  x,y,pc

L1A88    leas  -2,s       adjust stack for L1a8f routine
         bsr   L1A8F      Calc End X coord for menu entry
         leas  2,s        restore stack & return

* Calculate what size of text we will write (preferably with 1 space in
*   front & back). Set flag @ <$1d on stack as to whether spaces fit or not.
* Entry: B=Size of text entry
* Exit: <$1d,s (after puls a,pc) = 0 if fits with lead & trailing spaces
*       <$1d,s = 1 if did not fit
*       A=End X coord on menu bar of TEXT ONLY, NOT INCLUDING SPACES
*       B=Maximum size of text to write (IF CAN'T FIT WITH 2 SPACES)
*       U=menu table ptr
*       E=End X coord including spaces
* NOTE: A does calculate real end in the routine, but only to set flag on
*       stack. It destroys the result before exiting.

L1A8F    ldu   <$11,s     get menu table pointer
         lda   MnuXStrt,u get X start co-ordinate
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  b,a        add size of text to it
         pshs  b
         adda  ,s+
         pshs  a          save result (end coord)
         inca             add 2 for space on either side
* Changed to use E

         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   a,e        Move to register we can preserve
         cmpe  Wt.SZX,y   still fit in window?
         bls   L1AB0      yes, skip ahead
         dece             Subtract one of the 2 spaces
         cmpe  Wt.SZX,y   fit in window now?
         sta   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         cmpa  Wt.SZX,y
         bls   L1AB0
         sta   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         cmpa  Wt.SZX,y
         bls   L1AAC      yes, skip ahead
         ldb   Wt.SZX,y   get window size
         subb  MnuXStrt,u take off start coord
         decb             take off another for space in front
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   b,e
         stb   >GrfMem+gr00B5
L1AAC    lda   #$01
         bra   L1AB1

L1AB0    clra  
L1AB1    sta   <$20,s
         puls  a,pc       restore new X coord & return

* SS.SBar entry point
L1AB9    lbsr  L116C      setup working window table
         ldx   PD.RGS,y   get register stack pointer
         ldy   >WGlobal+g00BB     Get ptr to work window table
* Theoretically, this is where setting up a FSWIN should draw the scroll bars
DfltBar  pshs  x          preserve register stack pointer
         lda   #2         point to draw table to erase old markers
         leax  <SBarErs,pc
         lbsr  DrawBar    erase old markers
         puls  x
* Draw horizontal scroll bar marker
         ldb   R$X+1,x    get requested coord
         addb  #$05       Add 5 to it (min. size of horiz. scroll bar)
         cmpb  Wt.SZX,y   Still within X size of window?
         ble   L1B1E      Yes, bump X pos. back by 4 & go draw it
         ldb   Wt.SZX,y   No, get X size of Window
         subb  #$03       Bump down by 3
         bra   L1B20      Go draw it

L1B1E    subb  #$04
L1B20    clra             Multiply x 8
         IFNE  H6309
         std   >GrfMem+gr0047     save X coord
         ldb   Wt.SZY,y   get window Y size
         decb             subtract 1 to start at 0
         clra             Multiply x 8
         IFNE  H6309
         incd             Bump down for new marker size
         addd   #$0001
         std   >GrfMem+gr0049
         ldd   #$ce06     get group/buffer
         bsr   DrawScrl   Go PutBlk on screen
* Draw vertical scroll bar marker
         ldb   Wt.SZX,y   get window X size
         decb             subtract 1 to start at 0
         clra             Multiply x 8
         IFNE  H6309
         incd            added RG
         addd  #1        added RG
         std   >GrfMem+gr0047
         ldb   R$Y+1,x    get requested Y position
         addb  #$06
         cmpb  Wt.SZY,y   will it fit in window?
         ble   L1B3D
         ldb   Wt.SZY,y
         subb  #$03
         bra   L1B3F

L1B3D    subb  #4
L1B3F    clra             Multiply x 8
         IFNE  H6309
         std   >GrfMem+gr0049
         ldd   #$ce05     get group/buffer
DrawScrl std   >GrfMem+gr0057
         ldb   #$36       get grfdrv funtion for putblk
         pshs  x,y
         lbsr  L0101
         puls  x,y,pc

* Draw table for erasing scroll bars
SBarErs  fcb   WColor1    Background of bar color
         fdb   9          9,(bottom+6) to (Right-17),(Bottom -1)
         fdb   -6
         fdb   -17
         fdb   -2
         fcb   $4e

         fcb   WColor1    Background of bar color
         fdb   -6         (Right-6),17 to (Right-1),(Bottom-17)
         fdb   17
         fdb   -1
         fdb   -17
         fcb   $4e

* Update auto follow mouse cursor - ADD CHECK FOR MOUSE BUTTON DOWN ON AREA
*    WINDOW!!!
* Theoretically, entry is:
*   U=static mem ptr for current active window
*   Y=Path descriptor (64 bytes) ptr for current active window
L1B4D    leas  -5,s       make a buffer for flag & current mouse coords
         clr   4,s        clear a flag (for different gfx cursor required)
         ldx   #WGlobal+G.Mouse+Pt.AcX Point to mouse current coords
         ldu   >WGlobal+G.CurDev     get current device static mem pointer
         lbsr  L06A0      Go point to & verify window dsc. (preserves X)
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   ,x         Get current X&Y Coords
         tim   #$01,[Wt.STbl,y] 320 or 640 pixel wide screen?
         ldd   2,x
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   ,x
         pshs  a
         lda   [Wt.STbl,y]
         bita  #$01
         puls  a
         bne   L1B72      640, skip ahead
         IFNE  H6309
         lsrd             Divide X coord by 2
L1B72    stq   ,s         Save current mouse coords
         lsra             Divide X coord by 2
L1B72    std   ,s         Save current mouse coords
         ldd   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         std   2,s
         ldd   ,s
         leax  ,s         point to coord info
         lbsr  L1C19      Check if mouse coord in current window at all
         bcs   L1B8D      No, check to see if we switch windows
* Mouse cursor within current physical window
         lbsr  L1C25      Check if mouse coord in CWArea of current window
         lbcs  AdjstCrs   No, must be in control region, adjust gfx cursor
         ldu   >WGlobal+G.CurDev     get current device static mem
         lbsr  L06B9      get gfx table pointer for this window
         ldd   Gt.GOff,x  get offset into block of graphics cursor
         cmpd  Wt.GOff,y  Same as ptr in window table itself?
         lbeq  L1BD8      Yes, skip ahead
         inc   4,s        No, set flag & then skip ahead
         lbra  L1BD8

* Mouse cursor not within current window's CWArea. Please note that if running
*   in a bordered window, this means it could be in the menu bar or scroll bar
*   areas (within DWSet range, but not CWArea)
* Gets here ok when cursor on different window
* May want to change to send MsSig here in CoWin instead - then we can leave
* Tc9/CC3 IO alone.

L1B8D    ldd   >Pt.CBSA+G.Mouse+WGlobal Get both buttons
         lbeq  AdjstCrs   Neither down, continue normally
* Search through window tables looking for ones on the same screen (NO overlay
         ldu   Wt.STbl,y  Get our screen table for comparison purposes
         ldx   #WinBase   Point to start of internal window tables
         ldd   #$2040     32 windows to check, $40 bytes/table entry
         IFNE  H6309
SrchLoop ldw   Wt.STbl,x  Get screen tbl ptr
         cmpw  #$FFFF     unused, skip
         beq   TryNext
         cmpr  x,y        Our own ptr?
         beq   TryNext
         cmpr  w,u        On same screen?
SrchLoop pshs  x
         ldx   Wt.STbl,x
         stx   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         cmpx  #-1
         puls  x
         beq   TryNext
         pshs  x
         cmpy  ,s++
         beq   TryNext
         cmpu   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         beq   CheckScn   Yes, check if mouse clicked on it.
* inc >BordReg
TryNext  abx              No, bump ptr up
         deca             Dec # windows left to check
         bne   SrchLoop
         bra   AdjstCrs

CheckScn equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         lde   Wt.BLnk,x  Is this an overlay window?
         pshs  a
         lda   Wt.Blnk,x
         sta   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         puls  a
         bpl   TryNext    Yes, don't bother with it (MAY BE WRONG?)
         pshs  u,y,x,d    Preserve regs
         leax  8,s        Point to mouse packet
*         ldx   #WGlobal+G.Mouse+Pt.AcX   Point to mouse current coords
         lbsr  L1C19      See if mouse on this window
         puls  u,y,x,d    Restore regs
         bcs   TryNext    Not on this window either, continue through table
* Found window mouse was clicked on. Now, we must find the ptr to _this_
*   windows' device mem ptr, load it into X, lbsr L0582 & bra L1C16
* See TC9IO source, but basically, get Device Table ptr, get # of devices max,
*   use that as range, Get our V$DRIV, check for match (going through Device
*   table), if match, get V$STAT for static storage. Go in there, make sure
*   $1d indicates GRFDRV/CoWin, $1e >0 (Valid window). If so, we found our
*   ptr. If not, skip to AdjstCrs. Do NOT have to go back in loop, as only
*   one window can be in same area (at this time... until movable/resizable
*   windows are implimented in 16K grfdrv)
* This routine should preserve Y (window table ptr)
* Entry: A=32-window entry #
         ldb   #$20       Invert window entry #
         IFNE  H6309
         subr  a,b
         pshs  a
         subb  ,s+
         pshs  b,y        Preserve window entry # & Window table ptr
         ldx   >WGlobal+G.CurDev     Get ptr to current device static mem
         ldx   V.PORT,x   Get ptr to our device table entry
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   V$DRIV,x   Get original window's driver ptr
         ldx   V$DRIV,x
         stx   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldb   #DEVSIZ    Size of each device table entry
         ldx   <D.Init    Get ptr to INIT module
         lda   DevCnt,x   Get # of entries allowed in device table
         ldx   <D.DevTbl  Get start of device table
         mul              Calculate offset to end of device table
         leay  d,x        Point Y to end of Device table
         ldb   #DEVSIZ    Get device table entry size again
DevLoop  ldu   V$DRIV,x   Get driver ptr for device we are checking
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpr  u,w        Same as original window?
         cmpu  >GrfMem+gr00B5
         bne   NextEnt    No, skip to next entry
         ldu   V$STAT,x   Get static mem ptr for CC3/TC9IO device
         lda   V.WinType,u  Is this a Windint/Grfint window?
         bne   NextEnt    No, VDGINT so skip
         lda   V.InfVld,u   Is this static mem properly initialized?
         beq   NextEnt    No, skip
         lda   V.WinNum,u   Get window table entry #
         cmpa  ,s         Same as one we are looking for?
         bne   NextEnt    No, wrong window
* In some cases, it DOES deactivate the original window
         ldd   >WGlobal+G.CurDev Copy old static mem ptr to previous
         std   >WGlobal+G.PrWMPt
         stu   >WGlobal+G.CurDev Found it, save as current device
         inc   V.ScrChg,u   Flag that screen update needed
         clr   >WGlobal+g000A Flag that we are not active device anymore
         clr   >WGlobal+g00BF Clear Windint's key pressed flag
         leas  8,s        Eat temp vars

NextEnt  abx              Point to next entry in device table
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpr  y,x        Past end of table?
         pshs  y
         cmpx  ,s++
         blo   DevLoop    No, keep trying
NoGo     puls  b,y        Yes, restore window table ptr
AdjstCrs ldx   >WGlobal+G.GfxTbl     get pointer to graphics table
         ldd   >$02BC,x   graphics cursor been initialized?
         bne   L1BB5      yes, skip ahead
         ldd   #$CA01     get default group/buffer for arrow
         std   >GrfMem+gr0057     Save in Grfdrv mem
         pshs  y,x
         ldb   #$1A       get function call for GCSet
         lbsr  L0101      let grfdrv do it
         puls  y,x
         lda   Wt.GBlk,y  get graphics cursor block #
         sta   >$02BC,x   save it in Gfx table mem
         ldd   Wt.GOff,y  get offset in block to graphics cursor
         std   >$02BD,x   save it
         bra   L1BD1

* Change mouse cursor if necessary
L1BB5    pshs  a          save gcursor block #
         ldd   Wt.GOff,y  get offset into block
         cmpd  >$02BD,x   match current?
         puls  a          restore block #
         beq   L1BD8      Yes, skip next bit
L1BC5    sta   Wt.GBlk,y  save it into window table
         ldd   >$02BD,x   get offset from global mem
         std   Wt.GOff,y  save it as offset in window table
L1BD1    pshs  y,x        Preserve regs
         lbsr  L0CEC      Update cursors in Grfdrv
         puls  y,x        Restore regs

L1BD8    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   ,s         get X&Y coords
         stq   >GrfMem+gr005B     save them in grfdrv mem
         ldd   2,s
         std   >GrfMem+gr005B+2
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   ,s
         std   >GrfMem+gr005B 
         ldb   #$44       get function call for PutGC
         pshs  y          Preserve regs
         lbsr  L0101      Put mouse cursor on screen
         puls  y          Restore regs
         tst   4,s        Was gfx cursor in window same as in gfx table?
         beq   L1C16      Yes, skip ahead
         ldu   >WGlobal+G.CurDev     No, get ptr to current device
         lbsr  L06B9      get pointer to graphics tables for this window
         lda   Gt.GBlk,x  Get gfx table block # for gfx cursor
         bne   L1C07      There is one, make the it the same in window table
         lda   Wt.GBlk,y  Isn't one, copy from window table to gfx table
         sta   Gt.GBlk,x
         ldd   Wt.GOff,y
         std   Gt.GOff,x
         bra   L1C11      Go update the cursors on screen

L1C07    sta   Wt.GBlk,y  set block # of graphics cursor in window table
         ldd   Gt.GOff,x  get offset into block
         std   Wt.GOff,y
L1C11    lbsr  L0CEC      Update cursors in GrfDrv
L1C16    leas  5,s        Eat stack & return

* Check if mouse is in current window (DWSet area)
* Entry: X=pointer to current mouse coordinates in mouse packet
*        Y=Pointer to window table
* Stack use: 0,s   current window table pointer
*            2,s   window start cords.
*            4,s   window size
L1C19    leas  -6,s       make a buffer
         sty   ,s         save window table pointer
         leay  Wt.DfCPX,y point to window default co-ordinates
         bsr   L1C84      calculate co-ordinates
         bra   L1C2E      go calculate it

* Check if mouse is in current working area (CWArea)
* Entry: X=pointer to current mouse coordinates in mouse packet
*        Y=Pointer to window table
* Stack use: 0,s   current window table pointer
*            2,s   window start cords.
*            4,s   window size
* Exit: Carry clear - on current window area
*       Carry set, off of current window area
* Preserves X
L1C25    leas  -6,s       make a buffer
         sty   ,s         save window table pointer
         leay  Wt.CPX,y   point to current window co-ordinates
         bsr   L1C64      (preserves X)
L1C2E    ldb   2,s        get window X co-ordinate max.
         clra             Multiply x 8
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpd  ,x         higher or lower than current mouse X co-ordinate
         bhi   L1C5D      higher not in window, return carry set
         ldb   $02,s      get window X co-ordinate
         addb  $04,s      add it to size
         clra             Multiply x 8
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpd  ,x         within range?
         bls   L1C5D
* Check if mouse is within range of maximum Y co-ordinate of window
         ldb   $03,s      get 
         clra             Multiply x 8
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpd  $02,x
         bhi   L1C5D
* Check if mouse is within Y lower range of window
         ldb   $03,s      get Y co-ordinate of window
         addb  $05,s      add in the size
         clra             Multiply x 8
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpd  $02,x      higher or lower than current mouse Y co-ordinate
         bls   L1C5D      lower, return mouse off window
         clra             flag mouse pointer is on this window
         bra   L1C5E      return

L1C5D    coma             flag pointer is off this window
L1C5E    ldy   ,s         restore window table pointer
         leas  6,s        purge stack
         rts              return

L1C64    pshs  x          preserve pointer to mouse working co-ordinates
         pshs  y          save pointer to window X/Y start co-ordinates
         ldy   6,s        get window table pointer
         ldd   Wt.CPX,y   get current X & Y start co-ordinates
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   Wt.LStDf,y get screen logical start of full window
         cmpw  Wt.LStrt,y match current working area?
         pshs  x
         ldx   Wt.LStDf,y get screen logical start of full window
         stx   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         cmpx  Wt.LStrt,y match current working area?
         puls  x
         beq   L1C80      yes, skip ahead
         addd  Wt.DfCPX,y add current X/Y start to actual X/Y start
         puls  y
         bra   L1C88

L1C80    puls  y          restore pointer to window X/Y start coords
         bra   L1C86      skip ahead

L1C84    pshs  x          preserve pointer to mouse working coords
L1C86    ldd   ,y         get active window start X/Y default coords
L1C88    std   6,s        save 'em
         ldd   2,y        get active window default sizes
         std   8,s        save 'em
         ldx   4,s        get current window table pointer
         lda   Wt.BLnk,x  this a overlay window?
         bmi   L1CBA      no we are the only window, return
L1C94    bsr   L1CBC      get window table pointer to the parent window
         lda   Wt.BLnk,x  we at the bottom of the pile?
         bpl   L1C94      no, keep going
         ldd   $06,s      get active window start coords
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   Wt.LStDf,x get window logical start
         cmpw  Wt.LStrt,x same as current working area?
         pshs  y
         ldy   Wt.LStDf,x get window logical start
         sty   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         cmpy  Wt.LStrt,x same as current working area?
         puls  y
         bne   L1CB1      no, skip ahead
         addd  Wt.DfCPX,x add the start coord defaults of parent window
         bra   L1CB8      save & return

L1CB1    addd  Wt.DfCPX,x
         addd  Wt.CPX,x   add current window start coords. of parent window
L1CB8    std   $06,s      save window start coords
L1CBA    puls  x,pc       retsore & return

* Get pointer to window table entry
* Entry: A=Window table entry #
* Exit : X=Pointer to window table entry
L1CBC    ldb   #Wt.Siz    get size of entrys
         mul              calculate offset
         ldx   #WinBase   Point X to window table start
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  d,x        add offset
         leax  d,x
         rts              return

* Update mouse packet pointer status based on where it is (called from VTIO)
* Entry: None
L1CC8    lbsr  L06A0      verify window (don't care about errors)
         bsr   L1D24      copy current mouse coords to work area
         pshs  x          save pointer to mouse packet
         leax  Pt.Siz,x   point to working coord copies
         lbsr  L1C25      mouse in menu bar area?
         bcs   L1CE2      yes, clear relative coords from mouse packet
         bsr   L1CFA      update window relative mouse coords
         clra             get code for content region
L1CDD    puls  x          restore mouse packet pointer
         sta   Pt.Stat,x  save pointer type
         clrb             clear errors

* Mouse is either in control region or off window, calculate which
L1CE2    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         stq   -4,x       clear out relative coords in mouse packet
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         std   -4,x
         std   -2,x
         lbsr  L1C19      mouse on window?
         lda   #WR.Cntrl  Default to Control Region (doesn't affect carry)
         bcc   L1CDD      Yes, leave flag alone
         inca             Not on window, change flag to 2
         bra   L1CDD

* Update window relative coords in mouse packet
* Entry: X=Ptr to mouse working coords
*        Y=Ptr to current window table
L1CFA    leas  -6,s       make a buffer
         sty   ,s         save window table pointer
         leay  Wt.CPX,y   point to current window start coords
         lbsr  L1C64      calculate window 
         ldb   2,s        get window X size
         clra             Multiply x 8
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   ,x         get current mouse X coord
         subr  d,w        subtract it from size
         stw   -4,x       save window relative X coord in mouse packet
         pshs  d
         ldd   ,x
         subd  ,s
         std   -4,x
         puls  d
         ldb   3,s        get window Y size
         clra             Multiply x 8
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   2,x        get current mouse Y coord
         subr  d,w        subtract it from size
         stw   -2,x       save window relative Y coord in mouse packet
         pshs  d
         ldd   2,x
         subd  ,s
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         std   -2,x
         puls  d
         ldy   ,s         get window table pointer
         leas  6,s        purge stack
         rts              return

* Copy current mouse coords to working area
L1D24    ldx   #WGlobal+G.Mouse Point to mouse packet in global mem
         IFNE  H6309
         ldq   Pt.AcX,x   get current mouse coords
         tim   #$01,[Wt.STbl,y] 640 pixel wide screen?
         ldd   Pt.AcX+2,x
         std   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         ldd   Pt.AcX,x
         pshs  a
         lda   [Wt.STbl,y]
         anda  #$01
         puls  a
         bne   L1D47      yes, skip ahead
         IFNE  H6309
         lsrd             Divide X coord by 2
L1D47    stq   Pt.Siz,x   Save X&Y coords in working area
L1D47    pshs  d
         ldd   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         std   Pt.Siz+2,x
         puls  d
         std   Pt.Siz,x
         rts              return


* Scale/DWProtSw/TCharSw/BoldSw
ScaleSw  lbsr  L06A0      verify window table
         bcs   NoWind     not good, return error
         lda   ,x         Get switch
         ldx   >WGlobal+G.CurDvM     Get current devices' static mem ptr
         ldb   V.CallCde,x  Get which switch we will be setting
         subb  #$22       Bump down to 0-8 range
         bpl   doswitch   If anything but DWProtSW, skip ahead
         clrb             0=DWProtSW
doswitch leax  <SwtchTbl,pc Point to switch table
         tsta             On or Off?
         bne   SwOn       On, go do
         leax  10,x       Off, adjust for 2nd table
SwOn     jmp   b,x        Go set/reset bit flag

NoWind   ldb   #E$WUndef  Window Undefined error

* Table for switches
SwtchTbl bra   DProtOn    Device window protect On
         bra   TChrOn     Transparent chars On
         bra   PropOn     Proportional On
         bra   ScaleOn    Scaling On
         bra   BoldOn     Bold On
         bra   DProtOff   Device window protect Off
         bra   TChrOff    Transparent chars Off
         bra   PropOff    Proportional Off
         bra   ScaleOff   Scaling Off
         bra   BoldOff    Bold Off

DProtOn  equ    *
         IFNE  H6309
         oim   #Protect,Wt.BSW,y Turn Device window protect on
         ldb   Wt.BSW,y
         orb   #Protect
         stb   Wt.BSW,y
         clrb             No error & return

DProtOff equ    *
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^Protect,Wt.BSW,y Turn Device window protect off
         ldb   Wt.BSW,y
         andb  #^Protect
         stb   Wt.BSW,y
         clrb             No error & return

TChrOff  equ    *
         IFNE  H6309
         oim   #TChr,Wt.BSW,y Turn Transparency off
         ldb   Wt.BSW,y
         orb   #TChr
         stb   Wt.BSW,y
         clrb             No error & return

TChrOn   equ    *
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^TChr,Wt.BSW,y Turn Transparency on
         ldb   Wt.BSW,y
         andb  #^TChr
         stb   Wt.BSW,y
         clrb             No error & return

PropOn   equ    *
         IFNE  H6309
         oim   #Prop,Wt.BSW,y Turn Proportional on
         ldb   Wt.BSW,y
         orb   #Prop
         stb   Wt.BSW,y
         clrb             No error & return

PropOff  equ    *
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^Prop,Wt.BSW,y Turn Proportional off
         ldb   Wt.BSW,y
         andb  #^Prop
         stb   Wt.BSW,y
         clrb             No error & return

ScaleOn  equ    *
         IFNE  H6309
         oim   #Scale,Wt.BSW,y Turn Scaling on
         ldb   Wt.BSW,y
         orb   #Scale
         stb   Wt.BSW,y
         clrb             No error & return

ScaleOff equ    *
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^Scale,Wt.BSW,y Turn Scaling off
         ldb   Wt.BSW,y
         andb  #^Scale
         stb   Wt.BSW,y
         clrb             No error & return

BoldOn   equ    *
         IFNE  H6309
         oim   #Bold,Wt.BSW,y Turn Bold on
         ldb   Wt.BSW,y
         orb   #Bold
         stb   Wt.BSW,y
         clrb             No error & return

BoldOff  equ    *
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^Bold,Wt.BSW,y Turn Bold off
         ldb   Wt.BSW,y
         andb  #^Bold
         stb   Wt.BSW,y
         clrb             No error & return

         IFNE  CoGrf-1
* FIXMENU - redos the graphics on the menu bar affected by menu pulldown
* Entry: X=Ptr to menu text (NUL terminated)
*        Y=Window table ptr
*        U=Ptr to menu handling table entry (4 byte packets)
*        B=Size of text to write (dont' need here)
*        A=End X coord of menu entry
* Exit: preserves x,y,u registers
* Stack offsets for temp stack:
fixcolor equ   0
fixstrtx equ   1
fixstrty equ   3
fixendx  equ   5
fixendy  equ   7
fixcode  equ   9

* 1st, redo background

FixMenu  pshs  d,x        Save # of chars & menu text ptr
         leas  -10,s      Make room on stack for graphics "chunk"
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   e,b        Move calculated End X coord to D
         ldb   >GrfMem+gr00B5
         lda   MN.ID,x    Get menu ID #
         cmpa  #MId.Tdy   Tandy menu (in which case E is fried)
         bne   normalmn
         ldb   MnuXEnd,u  Get real end coord
         incb             For space between it & next coord
* Draw 6 pixel high bar in middle
normalmn clra  
         IFNE  H6309
         lsld             D=D*8 (for graphics X coord)
         std   fixendx,s  Save End X Coord
         ldd   #WColor1   Color 1
         stb   fixcolor,s Save it
         ldd   #1         Y Pix start=1 (added since WColor now changeable)
         std   fixstrty,s
         ldb   #6         Save Y pixel end
         std   fixendy,s
         ldb   MnuXStrt,u Get start X coord
         IFNE  H6309
         lsld             D=X coord in pixels
         std   fixstrtx,s Save X pixel start
         ldd   #$014e     1 function & GRFDRV Bar function code
         stb   fixcode,s
         leax  ,s         Point to our "chunk"
         lbsr  DrawBar    Draw the top line again
* Now redo top line
         lda   #WColor3   Color 3
         sta   fixcolor,s
         IFNE  H6309
         clrd             Y coord=0
         std   fixstrty,s
         std   fixendy,s
         ldd   #$014a     1 function & Draw line GRFDRV function code
         stb   fixcode,s
         leax  ,s         Point to our "chunk"
         lbsr  DrawBar
* Now redo bottom line
         lda   #WColor2   Color 2
         sta   fixcolor,s
         ldd   #7         Y coord=7
         std   fixstrty,s
         std   fixendy,s
         ldd   #$014a     1 function & GRFDRV Draw Line function code
         stb   fixcode,s
         leax  ,s         Point to our "chunk"
         lbsr  DrawBar
         leas  10,s       Restore stack
         puls  d,x,pc     Restore regs & return

eom      equ   *