view 3rdparty/p2mods/datmod.asm @ 3215:195c09cade21

Updated MMC Driver makefile so it will have place holders for dsk, dskclean, and dskcopy so that make does not error out when chaining into the driver tree to build disk images where applicable.
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 16:07:36 -0600
parents 020929a44372
line wrap: on
line source

* F$DatMod
* Entry:
*     A = Type/Language
*     B = Attr/Rev
*     X = address of name
*     Y = size
* Exit:
*     X = address of last byte of name + 1
*     Y = module entry point address
*     U = module header address

Level    equ   1

         use   defsfile

Type     set   Prgrm+Objct
Revs     set   ReEnt+1
edition  set   $01

         mod   eom,name,Type,Revs,start,256

name     fcs   "DatMod"
         fcb   $01

* routine cold
start    clra
         leax  name,pcr
         os9   F$Link
         bcs   error
         leay  SvcTbl,pcr
         os9   F$SSvc
error    os9   F$Exit

F$DatMod equ   $25

SvcTbl   equ   *
         fcb   F$DatMod
         fdb   DatMod-*-2
         fcb   $80

s.namlen equ   0
s.nextnm equ   2
s.modptr equ   6
s.size   equ   8

         leas  -s.size,s

* First, parse the name
         ldx   R$X,u		get the name of the module
         os9   F$PrsNam		parse it: TODO /x/x crashes machine!
         lbcs  DatModEr
         sty   s.nextnm,s	save updated name pointer
         tfr   y,d		get ptr to last char + 1 into D
         subd  R$X,u		get length of name in D
         std   s.namlen,s	save name length for later
         addd  R$Y,u		add name length to caller's specified size
         addd  #M$IDSize+3	add module header size and CRC
         pshs  u
         os9   F$SRqMem		ask system for this memory
         stu   s.modptr+2,s	else save pointer to module
         puls  u
         lbcs  DatModEr		branch if error
         ldy   s.modptr,s	get module pointer into Y

* We have the memory for the Data Module, now populate it
         std   M$Size,y		save size in module
         ldd   #M$ID12		get module ID bytes
         std   M$ID,y		save in module
         ldd   R$D,u		get passed type/lang and attr/rev
         bita  #TypeMask	is type zero?
         bne   StoreIt		branch if not...
         anda  #Data		else force type to be data
StoreIt  std   M$Type,y		and save in module 
         ldd   M$Size,y		get module ptr's size
         subd  s.namlen,s	subtract name's length from size
         subd  #3		and CRC
         std   M$Name,y		and save pointer to it in module header

* Compute header parity
         pshs  d		save D (holds offset to name from within module)

         ldd   #M$IDSize-1
         pshs  b
EorLoop  eora  b,y
         cmpb  ,s
         bne   EorLoop
         puls  b
         sta   M$Parity,y	save parity byte

* Copy name from caller's X to data module
         ldx   R$X,u		point to caller's passed name
         puls  d		get name ptr in module into D
         addd  s.modptr,s	add absolute address of module
         tfr   d,y		and put in Y
         ldb   s.namlen+1,s	get length of name
CpyLoop  lda   ,x+		get char
         sta   ,y+		put char
         decb			decrement counter
         bne   CpyLoop
         ora   #$80		set high bit of last character we got
         sta   -1,y		and put it back in module

* Initialize CRC with constant $FFFFFF
         ldd   #$FFFF		get CRC initializer
         std   ,y		and store
         sta   2,y

* Compute CRC and validate Module
         pshs  u
         tfr   y,u		U now holds pointer to CRC
         ldx   s.modptr+2,s	get pointer to module
         ldy   M$Size,x		get module size
         leay  -3,y		subtract CRC length
         os9   F$CRC		update CRC
         ldd   ,u		get 1st two bytes of CRC
         coma			complement them
         std   ,u		save them back
         lda   2,u		get third byte of CRC
         coma			complement them
         sta   2,u		save it back
         os9   F$VModul		and validate module
         puls  u
         bcc   DatModOk		branch if all ok
         pshs  cc,b		preserve error info
         ldd   M$Size,s		get module size alloced from stack
         tfr   x,u		put module ptr from X to U
         os9   F$SRtMem		return memory
         puls  b,cc		get error info
         bra   DatModEr		and exit

* Put return info in caller's regs
DatModOk ldx   s.nextnm,s	get pointer to char after name
         stx   R$X,u		save it in caller's X
         ldx   s.modptr,s	get module pointer
         stx   R$U,u		save it in caller's U
         leax  M$IDSize,x	get entry point
         stx   R$Y,u		save it in caller's Y

DatModEr leas  s.size,s

eom      equ   *