view 3rdparty/p2mods/noice/noice.asm @ 3215:195c09cade21

Updated MMC Driver makefile so it will have place holders for dsk, dskclean, and dskcopy so that make does not error out when chaining into the driver tree to build disk images where applicable.
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 16:07:36 -0600
parents 51a12746307c
line wrap: on
line source

* KrnP3 - NoICE Serial Debugger for 6809/6309
* $Id$
* This module is called by the kernel at boot time and initializes itself
* by creating a new system call: os9 F$Debug
* The process that called the F$Debug system call is the one that will
* be debugged.
* Using the NoICE serial protocol, the debugger can talk to a host, and can be
* driven by simple commands to read/write registers and memory, and continue
* execution.
* Notes:
*  o The NoICE protocol specifies a 'page' byte in addition to the
*    16-bit memory address when reading/writing memory.  We currently
*    ignore this page, and I cannot think of a need for this.
*  o The 6309 is now a supported processor under the Windows version
*    of NoICE.  Its processor ID is 17.
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      2005/04/03  Boisy G. Pitre
* Started
*   2      2006/02/02  Boisy G. Pitre
* Added USERSTATE flag to allow module to debug current process or
* system.
*   3      2006/03/02  Boisy G. Pitre
* NoICE now displays user or system information in Level 2 with the
* addition of a system state system call and the ssflag variable.
*   4      2006/03/04  Boisy G. Pitre
* Memory now allocated upon first encounter of system call.
*   5      2006/03/05  Boisy G. Pitre
* User and system call entry points for F$Debug now part of both
* NitrOS-9 Level 1 and Level 2.

               NAM       KrnP3     
               TTL       NoICE Serial Debugger for 6809/6309

               USE       defsfile

               IFGT      Level-1
tylg           SET       Systm+Objct
tylg           SET       Prgrm+Objct
atrv           SET       ReEnt+rev
rev            SET       $00
edition        SET       5

* If an MPI is being used, set DEVICESLOT to slot value - 1 and set MPI to 1
DEVICESLOT     EQU       1            slot 2

*MPI            EQU       1

FN_ERROR       EQU       $F0
FN_SET_BYTES   EQU       $F9
FN_READ_MEM    EQU       $FE

cbsize         EQU       200

* this location is in lo-System RAM.  We clear the low bit upon
* initialization from the kernel, then on subsequent breakpoints,
* we set the low bit

* offsets into our on stack storage
               ORG       0
callregs       RMB       2
firsttime      RMB       1
syssp          RMB       2
ssflag         RMB       1
               IFNE      MPI
slot           RMB       1
combuff        RMB       cbsize
size           EQU       .

L0000          MOD       eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

name           EQU       *
               IFGT      Level-1
               FCS       /KrnP3/
               FCS       /noice/
               FCB       edition

               IFGT      Level-1
nextname       FCC       /KrnP4/             next module name to link to
               FCB       C$CR

svctabl        FCB       F$Debug
               FDB       dbgent-*-2
               FCB       F$Debug+$80
               FDB       dbgentss-*-2
               FCB       $80

               IFEQ      Level-1
               leax      name,pcr
               os9       F$Link              link module into memory (Level 1)
               leay      svctabl,pcr
               os9       F$SSvc              install F$Debug service
               bcs       ex@
               std       >D.DbgMem           set pointer to $0000 so it will be allocated later
               IFEQ      Level-1
ex@            os9       F$Exit
               lda       #tylg               get next module type (same as this one!)
               leax      nextname,pcr       get address of next module name
               os9       F$Link              attempt to link to it
               bcs       ex@                 no good...skip this
               jsr       ,y                  else go execute it
ex@            rts                           return

* Called to get debugger memory
getmem         tfr       u,x                 put regs ptr in X
               ldu       <D.DbgMem           get pointer to our statics in X
               bne       retok
               ldd       #$0100
               os9       F$SRqMem            allocate memory
               bcs       ret
               stu       <D.DbgMem           save our allocated memory
* Set the firsttime flag so that the first time we get
* called at dbgent, we DON'T subtract the SWI from the PC.
               sta       firsttime,u        A > $00
retok          stx       callregs,u         save pointer to caller's regs
ret            rts

* User State Debugger Entry Point
* We enter here when a process or the system makes an os9 F$Debug call from
* user state.
dbgent         bsr       getmem
               bcs       ret
               bra       usernext

* System State Debugger Entry Point
* We enter here when a process or the system makes an os9 F$Debug call from
* system state.
dbgentss       bsr       getmem
               bcs       ret
               lda       #$01
* Interesting trick here... I cannot see where the kernel stores the stack
* register when processing a system call in system state.  I observed that
* the actual value of S was some constant from where S is when entering the
* system call.  We'll see how this holds up during system state debugging,
* and whether changes to the kernel will affect this offset.
               IFEQ      Level-1
stackoff       equ       $12
stackoff       equ       $15
               leas      stackoff,s
               sts       syssp,u
               leas      -stackoff,s
usernext       sta       ssflag,u
* If this is a breakpoint (state = 1) then back up PC to point at SWI2
               tst       firsttime,u
               bne       notbp
               ldd       R$PC,x
               subd      #$03
               std       R$PC,x
* set bit so next time we do the sub on the $PC
notbp          clr       firsttime,u
               lbsr      ioinit              initialize I/O
               lda       #FN_RUN_TARGET
               sta       combuff,u
               lbra      _readregs

* mainloop - processes requests from the server

* ADDITION: We insist on having a "Pre-Opcode" OP_XBUG if we are using
* this client in conjunction with DriveWire on the same serial line.
* This is because DriveWire's Opcodes conflict with NoICE's.
*               lbsr      ioread              get command byte
*               cmpa      #OP_XBUG            X-Bug Op-Code?
*               bne       mainloop            if not, continue waiting
               clrb                          clear B (for checksum)
               leax      combuff,u           point to comm buffer
               lbsr      ioread              get command byte
               sta       ,x+                 save in comm buffer and inc X
               addb      -1,x                compute checksum
               lbsr      ioread              get byte count of incoming message
               sta       ,x+                 save in comm buffer and inc X
               addb      -1,x                compute checksum
               pshs      a                   save count on stack
               tsta                          count zero?
               beq       csum@               branch if so
n@             lbsr      ioread              read data byte (count on stack)
               sta       ,x+                 save in our local buffer
               addb      -1,x                compute checksum
               dec       ,s                  decrement count
               bne       n@                  if not zero, get next byte
csum@          lbsr      ioread              read checksum byte from host
               sta       ,s                  save on stack (where count was)
               negb                          make 2's complement
               cmpa      ,s+                 same as host's?
               bne       mainloop            if not, ignore message

* Here we have a message with a valid checksum.
* Now we evaluate the command byte.
               lda       combuff,u           get command byte
               bpl       _sendstatus         command byte hi bit not set
               cmpa      #FN_READ_MEM        Read Memory?
               lbeq      _readmem            branch if so
               cmpa      #FN_READ_REGS       Read Registers?
               lbeq      _readregs           branch if so
               cmpa      #FN_WRITE_MEM       Write Memory?
               lbeq      _writemem           branch if so
               cmpa      #FN_WRITE_REGS      Write Registers?
               lbeq      _writeregs          branch if so
               cmpa      #FN_GET_STATUS      Get Status?
               lbeq      _getstatus          branch if so
               cmpa      #FN_SET_BYTES       Set Bytes?
               beq       _setbytes           branch if so
               cmpa      #FN_RUN_TARGET      Run Target?
               lbeq      _runtarget

* Here we send an error status
               lda       #FN_ERROR
               sta       combuff,u
               lda       #1
               sta       combuff+2,u
               lda       #1
               sta       combuff+1,u
               lbsr      _sendtohost
               bra       mainloop


* This routine is given a list of bytes to change.  It must read the current
* byte at that location and return it in a packet to the host so that
* the host can restore the contents at a later time.
               ldb       combuff+1,u         get count byte
               clr       combuff+1,u         set return count as zero
               lsrb                          divide number of bytes by 4
               beq       sb9
               pshs      u                   save our statics pointer
               leau      combuff+2,u         point U to write outgoing data
               tfr       u,y                 point Y to first 4 bytes
sb1            pshs      b                   save loop counter
               ldd       1,y                 get address to write to
               exg       a,b                 swap!
               tfr       d,x                 memory address is now in X
* Here, X = memory address to read
*       Y = 4 byte component in input packet
*       U = next place in com buffer to write "previous" byte
* Read current data at byte location in process' space
               pshs      u,a                 save byte spot for later and "next" ptr
               IFGT      Level-1
               ldu       4,s                 get original U
               tst       ssflag,u
               bne       ss@
               ldu       <D.Proc
               ldb       P$Task,u
               os9       F$LDABX
               sta       ,s                  save original ,X value on stack for now
               lda       3,y                 get byte to store
               os9       F$STABX
* Re-read current data at byte location in process' space
               os9       F$LDABX
               bra       p@
ss@            lda       ,x
               sta       ,s                  save original ,X value on stack for now
* A now holds the data byte -- insert new data at byte location
               lda       3,y                 get byte to store
               sta       ,x
               lda       ,x
p@             cmpa      3,y                 compare what we read from what we wrote
               puls      a,u                 get "original" value and next ptr
               puls      b                   restore loop count
               bne       sb8@                carry affected by last cmpa
* Save target byte in return buffer
               sta       ,u+
               ldx       ,s                  get original statics ptr in X for now
               inc       combuff+1,x         count one return byte
* Loop for next byte
               leay      4,y                 step to next byte in specifier
               cmpb      combuff+1,x         done?
               bne       sb1
* Return buffer with data from byte locations
sb8@           puls      u                   restore our original statics ptr
sb9            lbsr      _sendtohost
               lbra      mainloop
sbe@           puls      u                   restore what's on the stack
               bra       _senderror

* This routine reads memory from the calling process' address space
* using F$Move.
               ldd       combuff+3,u         get source pointer
               exg       a,b                 byte swap!
               tfr       d,x                 and put in X
               clra                          clear A
               ldb       combuff+5,u         get count
               stb       combuff+1,u         and store count back in our header
               tfr       d,y                 put count in Y
               pshs      u,x                 save source pointer
               leau      combuff+2,u         point U to destination
               IFGT      Level-1
               tst       ssflag-combuff-2,u
               bne       ss@
* User state
               ldx       <D.Proc             get current process pointer
               lda       P$Task,x            get source task #
               ldb       <D.SysTsk           get destination task #
               puls      x                   restore source pointer
               os9       F$Move              move 'em out!
               bra       p@
* System state
ss@            puls      x
l@             lda       ,x+                 get byte at source and inc
               sta       ,u+                 save byte at dest and inc
               leay      -1,y                done?
               bne       l@                  branch if not
p@             puls      u                   restore statics pointer
               bsr       _sendtohost
               lbra      mainloop

* This routine writes memory from the host to the calling process'
* address space using F$Move.
               leax      combuff+5,u         point X to source
               ldb       combuff+1,u         get count of packet
               subb      #3                  subtract 3 -- now we have our write count
               tfr       d,y                 put count in Y
               ldd       combuff+3,u         get destination pointer
               exg       a,b                 byte swap!
               pshs      u,x                 save on stack
               IFGT      Level-1
               tst       ssflag,u
               bne       ss@
* User state
               tfr       d,u                 and put source in U
               ldx       <D.Proc             get current process pointer
               lda       <D.SysTsk           get source task #
               ldb       P$Task,x            get destination task #
               puls      x                   restore source pointer
               os9       F$Move              move 'em out!
               bra       p@
* System state
               tfr       d,u                 and put source in U
               puls      x
l@             lda       ,x+                 get byte at source and inc
               sta       ,u+                 save byte at dest and inc
               leay      -1,y                done?
               bne       l@                  branch if not
p@             puls      u                   restore our static pointer
               ldd       #$0100              assume successful write
               std       combuff+1,u
               bsr       _sendtohost
               lbra      mainloop

* This data is provided to the NoICE server upon receipt of FN_GET_STATUS.
               FCB       33					number of bytes to send
               IFNE      H6309
               FCB       17					processor type: 6309
               FCB       5					processor type: 6809
               FCB       cbsize				size of communications buffer
               FCB       %00000000			options flags
               FDB       $0000				target mapped memory low bound
               FDB       $FFFF				target mapped memory high bound
               FCB       3					length of breakpoint instruction
               FCB       $10,$3F,F$Debug	breakpoint instruction
* target description
               FCC       "NitrOS-9/6"
               IFNE      H6309
               FCC       "3"
               FCC       "8"
               FCC       "09 Level "
               IFEQ      Level-1
               FCC       "1"
               FCC       "2"
               FCB       0

* copy status to our buffer
               leax      statdata,pcr
               leay      combuff+1,u
               ldb       statdata,pcr
l@             lda       ,x+
               sta       ,y+
               bpl       l@
               bsr       _sendtohost
               lbra      mainloop

* This routine sends the contents of combuff,u to the communications
* hardware.  Note that the count that is stored at combuff+1,u is
* set by the caller, and reflects the number of data bytes to be sent.
* Also, we compute the checksum as we send the bytes out so that
* we don't have to call a separate routine.
               leax      combuff,u           point X to communications buffer
               ldb       1,x                 get count from header into B
               addb      #2                  add header bytes to count var B
               pshs      b                   save on stack (this is our counter)
               clrb                          B is now used for checksum
n@             addb      ,x                  compute checksum
               lda       ,x+                 get byte from buffer and inc X
               lbsr      iowrite             write it out
               dec       ,s                  decrement count on stack
               bne       n@                  if not zero, branch
               negb                          make 2's complement
*	comb			make 2's complement
*	incb			
               tfr       b,a                 put in A
               lbsr      iowrite             write it
               puls      b,pc                return

               ldy       callregs,u          get pointer to caller's regs
               leax      combuff+1,u
               IFNE      H6309
               ldb       #21                 get number of bytes to send
               ldb       #16                 get number of bytes to send
               stb       ,x+                 save number of bytes
               lda       firsttime,u         get first time called flag
               sta       ,x+                 write it
               clr       ,x+                 clear page reg
               leax      2,x                 skip PC for now
               ldd       R$U,y
               exg       a,b
               std       ,x++
               ldd       R$Y,y
               exg       a,b
               std       ,x++
               ldd       R$X,y
               exg       a,b
               std       ,x++
               IFNE      H6309
               ldd       R$E,y
               exg       a,b
               std       ,x++
               ldd       R$A,y
               exg       a,b
               std       ,x++
               ldb       R$DP,y
               stb       ,x+                 DP
               ldb       R$CC,y
               stb       ,x+                 CC

               IFNE      H6309
* All this code is necessary to get the value of MD
* Note: bits 2-5 are unused
               ldb        <D.MDREG           get shadow register from sysglobs
*               bitmd     #%00000001
*               beq       md1
*               incb                         set bit 0
*md1            bitmd     #%00000010
*               beq       md6
*               orb       #%00000010         set bit 1
md6            bitmd     #%01000000
               beq       md7
               orb       #%01000000
md7            bitmd     #%10000000
               beq       tfrmd
               orb       #%10000000
tfrmd          stb       ,x+                 MD

* V register
               tfr       v,d
               exg       a,b
               std       ,x++                V

               ldd       R$PC,y
               exg       a,b
               std       ,x                  PC
               tst       ssflag,u           system state?
               beq       us@
               ldd       syssp,u
               bra       cmn@
us@            ldy       <D.Proc             get SP from proc desc
               ldd       P$SP,y
cmn@           exg       a,b
               std       combuff+4,u
               lbsr      _sendtohost
               lbra      mainloop

               ldy       callregs,u          get caller's reg ptr
               leax      combuff+6,u
*	lda	D.Debug
*	anda	#D_BRKPT
*	sta	<D.Debug
               ldd       ,x++
               exg       a,b
               std       R$U,y
               ldd       ,x++
               exg       a,b
               std       R$Y,y
               ldd       ,x++
               exg       a,b
               std       R$X,y
               IFNE      H6309
               ldd       ,x++
               exg       a,b
               std       R$E,y
               ldd       ,x++
               exg       a,b
               std       R$A,y
               ldb       ,x+
               stb       R$DP,y
               ldb       ,x+
               stb       R$CC,y

               IFNE      H6309
* Note: because the only way to write to the MD register is via immediate mode,
* we must build a "ldmd #XX; rts" instruction on the stack then execute it in order
* to avoid "self modifying" code.
*               ldd       #$113D           "ldmd" instruction
*               std       -6,s
               lda       ,x+              MD register
*               ldb       #$39             "rts" instruction
*               std       -4,s
*               jsr       -6,s             call code on stack to modify MD

               ldd       ,x++
               exg       a,b
               tfr       d,v              V register

               ldd       ,x++
               exg       a,b
               std       R$PC,y
               ldd       combuff+4,u
               exg       a,b
               tst       ssflag,u
               beq       us@
               std       syssp,u
               bra       cmn@
us@            ldy       <D.Proc
               std       P$SP,y
cmn@           ldd       #$0100
               std       combuff+1,u
               lbsr      _sendtohost
               lbra      mainloop

********** I/O ROUTINES ********** 

* 6551 Parameters
ADDR           EQU       $FF68

A_RXD          EQU       ADDR+$00
A_TXD          EQU       ADDR+$00
A_STATUS       EQU       ADDR+$01
A_RESET        EQU       ADDR+$01
A_CMD          EQU       ADDR+$02
A_CTRL         EQU       ADDR+$03

* Baud rates
_B2400         EQU       $1A                 2400 bps, 8-N-1
_B4800         EQU       $1C                 4800 bps, 8-N-1
_B9600         EQU       $1E                 9600 bps, 8-N-1
_B19200        EQU       $1F                 19200 bps, 8-N-1

BAUD           EQU       _B9600

* ioinit - Initialize the low-level I/O
* Exit: Carry = 0: Init success; Carry = 1; Init failed
               IFNE      MPI
               pshs      a
               lda       MPI.Slct
               sta       slot,u
               lda       #DEVICESLOT
               sta       MPI.Slct
               puls      a
               sta       A_RESET             soft reset (value not important)
* Set specific modes and functions:
* - no parity, no echo, no Tx interrupt
* - no Rx interrupt, enable Tx/Rx
               lda       #$0B
               sta       A_CMD               save to command register
               lda       #BAUD
               sta       A_CTRL              select proper baud rate
* Read any junk rx byte that may be in the register
               lda       A_RXD
               IFNE      MPI
               pshs      a
               lda       slot,u
               sta       MPI.Slct
               puls      a

* ioread - Read one character from 6551
* Entry: None
* Exit:  A = character that was read
* Note, this routine currently doesn't timeout
               IFNE      MPI
               lda       MPI.Slct
               sta       slot,u
               lda       #DEVICESLOT
               sta       $FF7F
r@             lda       A_STATUS            get status byte
               anda      #$08                mask rx buffer status flag
               beq       r@                  loop if rx buffer empty
               lda       A_RXD               get byte from ACIA data port
               IFNE      MPI
               pshs      b
               ldb       slot,u
               stb       MPI.Slct
               puls      b,pc

* iowrite - Write one character to 6551
* Entry: A = character to write
* Exit:  None
               IFNE      MPI
               pshs      d
               ldb       MPI.Slct
               stb       slot,u
               ldb       #DEVICESLOT
               stb       MPI.Slct
               pshs      a                   save byte to write
w@             lda       A_STATUS            get status byte
               anda      #$10                mask tx buffer status flag
               beq       w@                  loop if tx buffer full
               IFNE      MPI
               puls      d                   get byte
               sta       A_TXD               save to ACIA data port
               lda       slot,u
               sta       MPI.Slct
               puls      a                   get byte
               sta       A_TXD               save to ACIA data port

* ioterm - Terminate
*	rts	

               IFNE      0
* iowout - Write an entire string
* iowerr - Write an entire string
               pshs      a
l@             lda       ,x+
               cmpa      #C$CR
               beq       e@
               leay      -1,y
               beq       f@
               bsr       Write
               bra       l@
e@             bsr       Write
               lda       #C$LF
               bsr       Write
f@             ldx       <buffptr
               puls      a,pc

* ReadLine - Read an entire string, up to CR
* Entry: X = address to place string being read (CR terminated)
*        Y = maximum number of bytes to read (including nul byte)
               ldx       <buffptr
               pshs      y,x,a
               ldy       #80
l@             bsr       Read                read 1 character
               cmpa      #C$CR               carriage return?
               beq       e@                  branch if so...
               cmpa      #$08                backspace?
               beq       bs@
               cmpy      #$0000              anymore room?
               beq       l@
               leay      -1,y                back up one char
               sta       ,x+                 and save in input buffer
m@             bsr       Write               echo back out
               bra       l@
e@             sta       ,x
               bsr       Write
               lda       #C$LF
               bsr       Write
               puls      a,x,y,pc
bs@            cmpx      1,s                 are we at start
               beq       l@                  if so, do nothing
               clr       ,-x                 else erase last byte
               lbsr      Write               write backspace
               lda       #C$SPAC             a space...
               lbsr      Write               write it
               leay      1,y                 count back up free char
               lda       #$08                another backspace
               bra       m@

eom            EQU       *