view 3rdparty/packages/ed/tools.h @ 3215:195c09cade21

Updated MMC Driver makefile so it will have place holders for dsk, dskclean, and dskcopy so that make does not error out when chaining into the driver tree to build disk images where applicable.
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 16:07:36 -0600
parents 4098fe141a3d
line wrap: on
line source

/*      tools.h */
 *      #defines for non-printing ASCII characters

#define NUL     0x00            /* ^@ */
#define EOS     0x00            /* end of string */
#define SOH     0x01            /* ^A */
#define STX     0x02            /* ^B */
#define ETX     0x03            /* ^C */
#define EOT     0x04            /* ^D */
#define ENQ     0x05            /* ^E */
#define ACK     0x06            /* ^F */
#define BEL     0x07            /* ^G */
#define BS      0x08            /* ^H */
#define HT      0x09            /* ^I */
#define LF      0x0a            /* ^J */
#define NL      '\n'
#define VT      0x0b            /* ^K */
#define FF      0x0c            /* ^L */
#define CR      0x0d            /* ^M */
#define SO      0x0e            /* ^N */
#define SI      0x0f            /* ^O */
#define DLE     0x10            /* ^P */
#define DC1     0x11            /* ^Q */
#define DC2     0x12            /* ^R */
#define DC3     0x13            /* ^S */
#define DC4     0x14            /* ^T */
#define NAK     0x15            /* ^U */
#define SYN     0x16            /* ^V */
#define ETB     0x17            /* ^W */
#define CAN     0x18            /* ^X */
#define EM      0x19            /* ^Y */
#define SUB     0x1a            /* ^Z */
#define ESC     0x1b            /* ^[ */
#define FS      0x1c            /* ^\ */
#define GS      0x1d            /* ^] */
#define RS      0x1e            /* ^^ */
#define US      0x1f            /* ^_ */
#define SP      0x20            /* space */
#define DEL     0x7f            /* DEL */

#define TRUE    1
#define FALSE   0
#define ERR     -2

/*      Definitions of meta-characters used in pattern matching
 *      routines.  LITCHAR & NCCL are only used as token identifiers;
 *      all the others are also both token identifier and actual symbol
 *      used in the regular expression.

#define BOL     '^'
#undef EOL
#define EOL     '$'
#define ANY     '.'
#define LITCHAR 'L'
#define ESCAPE  '\\'
#define CCL     '['             /* Character class: [...] */
#define CCLEND  ']'
#define NEGATE  '~'
#define NCCL    '!'             /* Negative character class [^...] */
#define CLOSURE '*'
#define OR_SYM  '|'
#define DITTO   '&'
#define OPEN    '('
#define CLOSE   ')'

/* Largest permitted size for an expanded character class.  (i.e. the class
 * [a-z] will expand into 26 symbols; [a-z0-9] will expand into 36.)
#define CLS_SIZE        128

 *      Tokens are used to hold pattern templates. (see makepat())
typedef char BITMAP;

typedef struct token {
  char tok;
  char lchar;
  BITMAP *bitmap;
  struct token *next;

#define TOKSIZE sizeof (TOKEN)

 *      An absolute maximun for strings.

#define MAXSTR  132             /* Maximum numbers of characters in a line */

/* Macros */
#define max(a,b)        ((a>b)?a:b)
#define min(a,b)        ((a<b)?a:b)
#define toupper(c)      (c>='a'&&c<='z'?c-32:c)