view 3rdparty/packages/uemacs/uetermio.c @ 3215:195c09cade21

Updated MMC Driver makefile so it will have place holders for dsk, dskclean, and dskcopy so that make does not error out when chaining into the driver tree to build disk images where applicable.
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 16:07:36 -0600
parents 48c646212b1c
line wrap: on
line source

 * The functions in this file negotiate with the operating system for
 * characters, and write characters in a barely buffered fashion on the display.
 * All operating systems.
#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ueed.h"

#ifdef AMIGA
#define NEW 1006
#define LEN 1

static long terminal;

#ifdef VMS
#include        <stsdef.h>
#include        <ssdef.h>
#include        <descrip.h>
#include        <iodef.h>
#include        <ttdef.h>

#define NIBUF   128                     /* Input  buffer size           */
#define NOBUF   1024                    /* MM says bug buffers win!     */
#define EFN     0                       /* Event flag                   */

char    obuf[NOBUF];                    /* Output buffer                */
int     nobuf;                          /* # of bytes in above          */
char    ibuf[NIBUF];                    /* Input buffer                 */
int     nibuf;                          /* # of bytes in above          */
int     ibufi;                          /* Read index                   */
int     oldmode[2];                     /* Old TTY mode bits            */
int     newmode[2];                     /* New TTY mode bits            */
short   iochan;                         /* TTY I/O channel              */

#ifdef CPM
#include        <bdos.h>

#ifdef MSDOS
#undef  LATTICE
#include        <dos.h>

#ifdef RAINBOW
#include "rainbow.h"

#ifdef V7
#include        <sgtty.h>               /* for stty/gtty functions */

struct  sgttyb  ostate;                 /* saved tty state */
struct  sgttyb  nstate;                 /* values for editor mode */

#ifdef OS9
#include        <sgstat.h>               /* for stty/gtty functions */
struct  sgbuf  ostate;                 /* saved tty state */
struct  sgbuf  nstate;                 /* values for editor mode */

#ifdef OSK
#include        <sgstat.h>             /* same as os9/6809 */
struct  sgbuf  ostate;
struct  sgbuf  nstate;

 * This function is called once to set up the terminal device streams.
 * On VMS, it translates SYS$INPUT until it finds the terminal, then assigns
 * a channel to it and sets it raw. On CPM it is a no-op.
#ifdef AMIGA
        terminal = Open("RAW:1/1/639/199/MicroEmacs", NEW);
#ifdef VMS
        struct  dsc$descriptor  idsc;
        struct  dsc$descriptor  odsc;
        char    oname[40];
        int     iosb[2];
        int     status;

        odsc.dsc$a_pointer = "SYS$INPUT";
        odsc.dsc$w_length  = strlen(odsc.dsc$a_pointer);
        odsc.dsc$b_dtype   = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
        odsc.dsc$b_class   = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
        idsc.dsc$b_dtype   = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
        idsc.dsc$b_class   = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
        do {
                idsc.dsc$a_pointer = odsc.dsc$a_pointer;
                idsc.dsc$w_length  = odsc.dsc$w_length;
                odsc.dsc$a_pointer = &oname[0];
                odsc.dsc$w_length  = sizeof(oname);
                status = LIB$SYS_TRNLOG(&idsc, &odsc.dsc$w_length, &odsc);
                if (status!=SS$_NORMAL && status!=SS$_NOTRAN)
                if (oname[0] == 0x1B) {
                        odsc.dsc$a_pointer += 4;
                        odsc.dsc$w_length  -= 4;
        } while (status == SS$_NORMAL);
        status = SYS$ASSIGN(&odsc, &iochan, 0, 0);
        if (status != SS$_NORMAL)
        status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_SENSEMODE, iosb, 0, 0,
                          oldmode, sizeof(oldmode), 0, 0, 0, 0);
        if (status!=SS$_NORMAL || (iosb[0]&0xFFFF)!=SS$_NORMAL)
        newmode[0] = oldmode[0];
        newmode[1] = oldmode[1] | TT$M_PASSALL | TT$M_NOECHO;
        status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_SETMODE, iosb, 0, 0,
                          newmode, sizeof(newmode), 0, 0, 0, 0);
        if (status!=SS$_NORMAL || (iosb[0]&0xFFFF)!=SS$_NORMAL)
#ifdef CPM
#ifdef MSDOS
#ifdef V7
        gtty(1, &ostate);                       /* save old state */
        gtty(1, &nstate);                       /* get base of new state */
        nstate.sg_flags |= RAW;
        nstate.sg_flags &= ~(ECHO|CRMOD);       /* no echo for now... */
        stty(1, &nstate);                       /* set mode */
#ifdef OS9
        getstat(0, 0, &ostate);                       /* save old state */
        getstat(0, 0, &nstate);                       /* get base of new state *
        nstate.sg_echo = 0;       /* no echo for now... */
        nstate.sg_bellch = 0;
        nstate.sg_bsech = 0;
        nstate.sg_kbach = 0;
        nstate.sg_kbich = 0;
        nstate.sg_psch = 0;
        nstate.sg_dulnch = 0;
        nstate.sg_rlnch = 0;
        nstate.sg_eofch = 0;
        nstate.sg_eorch = 0;
        nstate.sg_dlnch = 0;
        nstate.sg_bspch = 0;
        nstate.sg_pause = 0;
        nstate.sg_alf = 0;
        nstate.sg_backsp = 0;
        setstat(0, 0, &nstate);                       /* set mode */
        stdin->_flag &= ~_SCF;
        stdin->_flag |= _RBF;
        stdout->_flag &= ~_SCF;
        stdout->_flag |= _RBF;
#ifdef OSK
        getstat(0, 0, &ostate);                       /* save old state */
        getstat(0, 0, &nstate);                       /* get base of new state *
        nstate.sg_echo = 0;       /* no echo for now... */
        nstate.sg_bellch = 0;
        nstate.sg_bsech = 0;
        nstate.sg_kbach = 0;

        nstate.sg_kbich = 0;
        nstate.sg_psch = 0;
        nstate.sg_dulnch = 0;
        nstate.sg_rlnch = 0;
        nstate.sg_eofch = 0;
        nstate.sg_eorch = 0;
        nstate.sg_dlnch = 0;
        nstate.sg_bspch = 0;
        nstate.sg_pause = 0;
        nstate.sg_alf = 0;
        nstate.sg_backsp = 0;
        nstate.sg_xoff =0;     /* new for OSK */
        nstate.sg_xon  =0;
        setstat(0, 0, &nstate);                       /* set mode */
        stdin->_flag &= ~_SCF;
        stdin->_flag |= _RBF;
        stdout->_flag &= ~_SCF;
        stdout->_flag |= _RBF;

 * This function gets called just before we go back home to the command
 * interpreter. On VMS it puts the terminal back in a reasonable state.
 * Another no-operation on CPM.
#ifdef AMIGA
#ifdef VMS
        int     status;
        int     iosb[1];

        status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_SETMODE, iosb, 0, 0,
                 oldmode, sizeof(oldmode), 0, 0, 0, 0);
        if (status!=SS$_NORMAL || (iosb[0]&0xFFFF)!=SS$_NORMAL)
        status = SYS$DASSGN(iochan);
        if (status != SS$_NORMAL)
#ifdef CPM
#ifdef MSDOS
#ifdef V7
        stty(1, &ostate);
#ifdef OS9
        setstat(0, 0, &ostate);
#ifdef OSK
        setstat(0, 0, &ostate);

 * Write a character to the display. On VMS, terminal output is buffered, and
 * we just put the characters in the big array, after checking for overflow.
 * On CPM terminal I/O unbuffered, so we just write the byte out. Ditto on
 * MS-DOS (use the very very raw console output routine).
char c;
#ifdef AMIGA
        Write(terminal, &c, LEN);
#ifdef VMS
        if (nobuf >= NOBUF)
        obuf[nobuf++] = c;

#ifdef CPM
        bios(BCONOUT, c, 0);

#ifdef MSDOS & CWC86
        dosb(CONDIO, c, 0);

#ifdef RAINBOW
        Put_Char(c);                    /* fast video */

#ifdef V7
        fputc(c, stdout);
#ifdef OS9
        putc(c, stdout);
#ifdef OSK
        putc(c, stdout);

 * Flush terminal buffer. Does real work where the terminal output is buffered
 * up. A no-operation on systems where byte at a time terminal I/O is done.
#ifdef AMIGA
#ifdef VMS
        int     status;
        int     iosb[2];

        status = SS$_NORMAL;
        if (nobuf != 0) {
                status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_WRITELBLK|IO$M_NOFORMAT,
                         iosb, 0, 0, obuf, nobuf, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                if (status == SS$_NORMAL)
                        status = iosb[0] & 0xFFFF;
                nobuf = 0;
        return (status);
#ifdef CPM
#ifdef MSDOS
#ifdef V7
#ifdef OS9
#ifdef OSK

 * Read a character from the terminal, performing no editing and doing no echo
 * at all. More complex in VMS that almost anyplace else, which figures. Very
 * simple on CPM, because the system can do exactly what you want.
#ifdef AMIGA
        char ch;

        Read(terminal, &ch, LEN);
        return (int) ch;
#ifdef VMS
        int     status;
        int     iosb[2];
        int     term[2];

        while (ibufi >= nibuf) {
                ibufi = 0;
                term[0] = 0;
                term[1] = 0;
                status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_READLBLK|IO$M_TIMED,
                         iosb, 0, 0, ibuf, NIBUF, 0, term, 0, 0);
                if (status != SS$_NORMAL)
                status = iosb[0] & 0xFFFF;
                if (status!=SS$_NORMAL && status!=SS$_TIMEOUT)
                nibuf = (iosb[0]>>16) + (iosb[1]>>16);
                if (nibuf == 0) {
                        status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_READLBLK,
                                 iosb, 0, 0, ibuf, 1, 0, term, 0, 0);
                        if (status != SS$_NORMAL
                        || (status = (iosb[0]&0xFFFF)) != SS$_NORMAL)
                        nibuf = (iosb[0]>>16) + (iosb[1]>>16);
        return (ibuf[ibufi++] & 0xFF);          /* Allow multinational  */

#ifdef CPM
        return (biosb(BCONIN, 0, 0));

#ifdef RAINBOW
        int Ch;

        while ((Ch = Read_Keyboard()) < 0);

        if ((Ch & Function_Key) == 0)
                if (!((Ch & 0xFF) == 015 || (Ch & 0xFF) == 0177))
                        Ch &= 0xFF;

        return Ch;

#ifdef MSDOS
#ifdef MWC86
        return (dosb(CONRAW, 0, 0));

#ifdef V7
#ifdef OS9
    char ch;

        read(0, &ch, 1);
#ifdef OSK
    char ch;

        read(0, &ch, 1);