view 3rdparty/utils/boisy/font.asm @ 3215:195c09cade21

Updated MMC Driver makefile so it will have place holders for dsk, dskclean, and dskcopy so that make does not error out when chaining into the driver tree to build disk images where applicable.
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 16:07:36 -0600
parents 0e08f0830fd8
line wrap: on
line source

         nam     Font
         ttl     Sets Fonts

         use     defsfile

         mod     psize,pname,Prgrm+Objct,ReEnt+1,dsize,start

pname    fcs     /Font/

temp     rmb     2
mpf      rmb     2
fontset  rmb     3
fontinfo rmb     2
stack    rmb     200
params   rmb     200
BadBuff  fcc     /You've selected an undefined buffer./
         fcb     C$LF,C$LF,C$CR
dsize    equ     *

start    decb
         beq     error
         leay    fontset,u
         ldd     #$1b3a
         std     ,y++
         lda     #$c8
         sta     ,y+
         leay    fontinfo,u
         ldb     #1
loop1    bsr     numcvt
         sta     ,Y+
         bne     loop1
         leax    fontset,u
         ldy     #4
         lda     #1
         os9     I$Write
         bcc     Exit
         cmpb    #194
         bne     error
         leax    BadBuff,pcr
         lda     #2
         ldy     #50
         os9     I$WritLn
         bra     Exit
numcvt   pshs    b,y
nloop2   lda     ,x+
         cmpa    #$30
         blo     nout2
         cmpa    #$39
         bhi     nout2
         bra     nloop2
nout2    pshs    x
         leax    -1,x
         clr     temp,u
         lda     #1
         sta     mpf,u
nloop3   lda     ,-x
         cmpa    #$30
         blo     nout3
         cmpa    #$39
         bhi     nout3
         suba    #$30
         ldb     mpf,u
         addb    temp,u
         stb     temp,u
         lda     mpf,u
         ldb     #10
         stb     mpf,u
         bra     nloop3
nout3    lda     temp,u
         puls    x
         puls    b,y,pc
exit     clrb
error    os9     F$Exit

psize    equ     *