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view 3rdparty/utils/gene/vfy.asm @ 3215:195c09cade21
Updated MMC Driver makefile so it will have place holders for
dsk, dskclean, and dskcopy so that make does not error out when
chaining into the driver tree to build disk images where applicable.
author | David Ladd <> |
date | Wed, 20 Dec 2017 16:07:36 -0600 |
parents | 2e740da2088e |
children |
line wrap: on
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* vfy.asm, module file verification tool * Copyright (C) 1993-2014 Gene Heskett * License: GPLv2 * See vfy.doc for more licensing information opt w 86 nam vfy Edition 17 ttl A new verify, finds, fixes modules in files ************************************************* * This verify will search thru any file to find a * valid module header in the $87CD format, get that * modules size, do a header parity/crc check on it, * and if the -f option is on, will update the header * parity and CRC bytes in the file too. It then * resumes the search of the named file for more * modules and loops till <eof>. If it finds <eof> * while doing the crc, the error is reported as such. * 2/18/93 version 7 * The housekeeping was pretty well complete, so it * wasn't very much trouble to add the file split * ability to this, now we can even split out the * kernal track modules, plus head and tail too! Ver 8 * 11.24.93 GH Ver 9Adding some stuffs from "fixmod" here * Now have total control over its vebosity 11/24/93 GH Ver 10 * 11/24/93 GH, -ua,-ur,-ut,-ul=$hexval installed * 11/26-27/93 GH fine tuning the above GH Ver 11 * 01/25/94 GH another minor mod so it doesn't complain * if the header parity is correct even if told to fix GH Ver 12 * 11/11/94 GH Ver 13. bug smashing, didn't update datasize * if header parity was ok. Wrong branch at hdr parity check, * if good it skipped the header update! Shame on me. :-( * 11/14/94 GH Now it beeps and updates the header even if * theres nothing wrong if the -f option is on. It doesn't * hurt anything except the speed, but looking to fix * it anyway. Now it does a header/datasize update * independantly of the crc fixes, fixing only the * header of the named file for one of the header * fix variables, and the crc of that named file. * If the -f option is on, it will fix the crc's * and headers all thru the file. A good way to * clean up after ded when working on hand patches * in the kernal track. * 05/04/95 GH, wasn't showing the correct info from the * INIT module. Several minor changes there. Now ed #15 * 05/10/95 GH, adding the ability to change one module * in a file via the name match, -n=modname * also put verbose control in (finally), now edition 16 * Seeing if its possible to make it split a $62CD library * after looking over the header format for an ROF file, * it might be better to do a whole new "libsplit" ifp1 use os9.d endc ver set 17 atrev set reent+1 * mod len,name,prgrm+objct,atrev,entry,dsiz crcacc rmb 1 for new crc's crcac2 rmb 1 crcac3 rmb 1 filecrc1 rmb 1 for the actual crc filecrc2 rmb 1 filecrc3 rmb 1 numptr rmb 2 ptr to src linptr rmb 2 ptr to linbuff linbuff rmb 8 max len for printables **** the modules header directly loaded **** modid1 rmb 1 the $87 modid2 rmb 1 the $CD modlen rmb 2 for the modules length modname rmb 2 offset ptr to module name typelang rmb 1 modatrev rmb 1 checksum rmb 1 execptr1 rmb 1 the exec offset in the header execptr2 rmb 1 more exec address pdatasz1 rmb 1 the permanent data size from the header pdatasz2 rmb 1 more data size or IRQ Poll count dvtblent rmb 1 the device table entries value for INIT ***** the above loaded directly from the file **** modhstrt rmb 2 set by sethead at start of modlstrt rmb 2 module being checked lmnscrc rmb 2 length minus crc for seeks flenms16 rmb 2 overall file size ms16 flenls16 rmb 2 ditto ls16 filesiz rmb 2 size of individual module modpos rmb 2 where in module now seekms16 rmb 2 for seeks seekls16 rmb 2 ditto moddone rmb 1 flag for last read seperat rmb 1 flag for seperations kernal rmb 1 flag to save it all kbptrms rmb 1 msb of int kbptr rmb 1 ptr to krnlbuf location exdir rmb 1 for defining the access attributes inpath rmb 1 for pathnum outpath rmb 1 flag and output paths kpath rmb 1 for kernal extras path fixit rmb 1 tally for fix it fixname rmb 1 fix only this name fixty rmb 1 tally for individual fix fixla rmb 1 ditto fixat rmb 1 ditto fixrv rmb 1 ditto sizyet rmb 1 size not displayed yet if set exectyp rmb 1 is executable lftnbbl rmb 1 controls left-right nibble processing verbose rmb 1 do we wanta see the results updtrv rmb 1 update revision nibble updtat rmb 1 update the attr nibble updtty rmb 1 update the modules type nibble updtla rmb 1 update the modules language nibble updtdtsz rmb 2 update modules memsize integer updthead rmb 1 controls the re-write of the header cmpname rmb 32 to hold wanted name datsiz equ . memory from 0 to here gets cleared mdlname rmb 32 room for name krnlbuf rmb 64 enough for what I've seen buffer rmb 256 save the disk buffer params rmb 200 stack rmb 200 dsiz equ . * name fcs /VFY/ fcb ver helpmsg fcb $0D,$0A fcc 'Syntax: vfy [-options] [-options] /path/filename' fcb $0D,$0A fcc / Options -> -f =fix (whole file) IF CRC is bad./ fcb $0D,$0A fcc / -> -v =work silently./ fcb $0D,$0A fcc / -> -n=name fix or adjust only "name" module./ fcb $0D,$0A fcc / -> -x =file is in EXEC dir./ fcb $0D,$0A fcc / -> -s =seperate MERGED file./ fcb $0D,$0A fcc / -> -sk =seperate KERNAL file./ fcb $0D,$0A fcc / -> -ua=$hexchar -ur=$hexchar -ut=$hexchar -ul=$hexchar/ fcb $0D,$0A fcc / a=att nibl, r=rev nibl, t=type nibl, l=lang nibl, "$" required/ fcb $0D,$0A fcc / -> -ud=$hexint to add (modulo $10000) data size./ fcb $0D,$0A fcc / if -u, -f is enabled for first file encountered./ fcb $0D,$0A fcc / if -n, -f is enabled for named file encountered./ fcb $0D,$0A cpyrit fcc / VFY (c) 1993, 1994, 1995 by Maurice E.(Gene) Heskett/ fcb $0D,$0A msgsiz equ * advise0 fcc /A header file called / kernal0 fcc /KernalHead/ fcb $0D put cr on name krnlhsz equ * advise1 fcc /A tail file called / kernal1 fcc /KernalTail/ fcb $0D put cr on name krnltsz equ * advlen fcc / with a length of $/ advend fcc / has been made./ hednamsg fcc /Header for : / hedckmsg fcc /Header parity : $/ ckbadsiz equ * fixxmsg fcc / Repaired to: $/ newln fcb $0d,$0a hdgdsiz equ * modlnmsg fcc /Module size : $/ crcmsg fcc /Module CRC is : $/ crcmsiz equ * gdmsg fcc / (good)/ fcb $0d,$0a gdsiz equ * shdabeen fcc ' S/B $' badmsg fcc / (bad)/ fcb $07,$07,$07,$07,$07 badsiz equ * mdoffset fcc /Module found at offset $/ mdoffend fcc / in this file/ mdoffnln fcb $0d,$0a ftopmem fcc /Top of free ram $/ ftopsiz equ *-ftopmem ptabent fcc /, IRQ poll table entries $/ ptabsiz equ *-ptabent dvtabent fcc /, Device table entries $/ dvtabsiz equ *-dvtabent flenmsg fcc /Length of file: $/ howmany fcc /Bytes read : $/ execoff fcc /Exec. off : $/ datasiz fcc /Data Size : $/ vertion fcc /Edition : $/ tplgatrv fcc 'Ty/La At/Rv : $' ******** The lookup table for TYPE typelook equ * typunksz fdb sstmod-unktyp zero is not defined typunkst fdb unktyp-* typprgsz fdb sbrutn-prgtyp 1 is program typprgst fdb prgtyp-* typsubsz fdb mltmod-sbrutn 2 is subroutine typsubst fdb sbrutn-* typmltsz fdb dtmtyp-mltmod 3 is multi-mod typmltst fdb mltmod-* whatever that is typdatsz fdb unktyp-dtmtyp typdatst fdb dtmtyp-* typ5siz fdb sstmod-unktyp typ5str fdb unktyp-* typ6siz fdb sstmod-unktyp typ6str fdb unktyp-* typ7siz fdb sstmod-unktyp typ7str fdb unktyp-* typ8siz fdb sstmod-unktyp typ8str fdb unktyp-* typ9siz fdb sstmod-unktyp typ9str fdb unktyp-* typAsiz fdb sstmod-unktyp typAstr fdb unktyp-* typBsiz fdb sstmod-unktyp typBstr fdb unktyp-* typCsiz fdb fmntyp-sstmod typCstr fdb sstmod-* typDsiz fdb ddrtyp-fmntyp typDstr fdb fmntyp-* typEsiz fdb ddstyp-ddrtyp typEstr fdb ddrtyp-* typFsiz fdb ddssiz-ddstyp typFstr fdb ddstyp-* *********** The type defines *********** typstrs equ * prgtyp fcc /Program module/ sbrutn fcc /Subroutine/ mltmod fcc /Multi-Mod/ dtmtyp fcc /Data module/ unktyp fcc /Unknown type/ from 5 to B sstmod fcc /System module/ fmntyp fcc /File manager/ ddrtyp fcc /Device driver/ ddstyp fcc /Device descriptor/ ddssiz equ * *********** The lookup table for LANG langlook equ * lan0siz fdb std809-sysdat 0 is data lan0str fdb sysdat-* lan1siz fdb b09typ-std809 1 is 6809 object lan1str fdb std809-* lan2siz fdb pastyp-b09typ 2 is Basic09 I-code lan2str fdb b09typ-* lan3siz fdb ftntyp-pastyp 3 is Pascal P-code lan3str fdb pastyp-* lan4siz fdb ccityp-ftntyp 4 is Fortran I-code lan4str fdb ftntyp-* lan5siz fdb cbltyp-ccityp 5 is C I-code, in .r mods maybe lan5str fdb ccityp-* lan6siz fdb obj309-cbltyp 6 is Cobol I-code lan6str fdb cbltyp-* lan7siz fdb unklan-obj309 7 is 6309 object (NATIVE mode) lan7str fdb obj309-* lan8siz fdb unklsz-unklan 8 undefined lan8str fdb unklan-* lan9siz fdb unklsz-unklan 9 undefined lan9str fdb unklan-* lanAsiz fdb unklsz-unklan 10 undefined lanAstr fdb unklan-* lanBsiz fdb unklsz-unklan 11 undefined lanBstr fdb unklan-* lanCsiz fdb unklsz-unklan 12 undefined lanCstr fdb unklan-* lanDsiz fdb unklsz-unklan 13 undefined lanDstr fdb unklan-* lanEsiz fdb unklsz-unklan 14 undefined lanEstr fdb unklan-* lanFsiz fdb unklsz-unklan 15 undefined lanFstr fdb unklan-* *********** The language defines ********* lanstrs equ * sysdat fcc /, Data/ std809 fcc /, 6809 object/ b09typ fcc /, Basic09 I-code/ pastyp fcc /, Pascal P-code/ ftntyp fcc /, Fortran I-code/ ccityp fcc /, C I-code/ cbltyp fcc /, Cobol I-code/ obj309 fcc /, 6309 object/ unklan fcc /, Unknown language/ unklsz equ * ********** The attr defines ************ rent1 fcc /, Re-enterable/ rdonly fcc ', R/O' rwattr fcc ', R/W' ntv309 fcc /, NATIVE MODE!/ ntvend equ * ******* Beginning of some subroutines ******* * SKEQDLR - skip the = and $ * or detect a cmndline error skeqdlr lda ,x+ decb cmpa #'= lbne help lda ,x+ decb cmpa #'$ lbne help lda ,x+ get next char as value to use decb rts and return to sender *********************************** * A switchable showit routine showit pshs a,cc tst <verbose beq showend lda #$02 stderr os9 I$Write showend puls a,cc rts ********************************** * A switchable newlnfd, exits thru showend newlnfd pshs a,cc tst <verbose beq showend lda #$02 os9 I$Writln bra showend ****** the display subroutine ****** * entry - offset into lookup table in B * entry - address of lookup table in X tylandis clra just in case abx 1st string location in x, add only! ldy ,x++ get size to print ldd ,x get offset to object itself pshs x save pointer addd ,s++ add offset & puls x tfr d,x back to x bsr showit rts thats all for now folks ********************************* * dfinemd - a subroutine to display * the modules header defined data * first, set the tallies as to what it is dfinemd leax exectyp,u clra ldb #verbose-exectyp dfinclr sta ,x+ decb bne dfinclr ldb <typelang andb #$F0 get type define lsrb b/2 lsrb b/4 so increment thru list=4 bytes leax typelook,pcr top of type string list bsr tylandis ldb <typelang andb #$0F beq dfn1 inc <exectyp dfn1 aslb b*2 aslb b*4 see reason above on b/4 leax langlook,pcr top of language string list bsr tylandis att0 ldb <modatrev bitb #$80 beq att1 leax rent1,pcr ldy #rdonly-rent1 bsr showit ldb <modatrev att1 bitb #$40 gimix module write protect bne att2 leax rdonly,pcr ldy #rwattr-rdonly bsr showit ldb <modatrev bra att3 att2 leax rwattr,pcr ldy #ntv309-rwattr lbsr showit ldb <modatrev att3 bitb #$20 beq dis0 leax ntv309,pcr ldy #ntvend-ntv309 lbsr showit dis0 leax newln,pcr ldy #2 lbsr newlnfd tst <exectyp beq dis2 not executable code! ldb <typelang testing for DESCR module cmpb #$F1 a device descriptor? beq dis3 no, skip the Exec,Data reports leax execoff,pcr to msg ldy #datasiz-execoff lbsr showit 'Exec offset :$' leax execptr1,u stx <numptr ldb #$02 lbsr printit show num leax newln,pcr ldy #2 lbsr newlnfd * numptr pointing at data size in module skdatup leax datasiz,pcr ldy #vertion-datasiz lbsr showit 'Data size :$' ldb #$02 lbsr printit perm data size leax newln,pcr lbsr newlnfd newline it bra dis3 dis2 ldb <typelang testing for INIT module cmpb #$C0 is it system+data=INIT? bne dis3 no, go leax execptr1,u get it started at the right place stx <numptr leax ftopmem,pcr ldy #ftopsiz lbsr showit ldb #$03 lbsr printit leax ptabent,pcr ldy #ptabsiz lbsr showit ldb #$01 lbsr printit leax dvtabent,pcr ldy #dvtabsiz lbsr showit ldb #$01 lbsr printit leax newln,pcr lbsr newlnfd dis3 clr <sizyet rts ******************************* * A routine to make ascii->hex * ENTRY: valid data in a * EXIT : hex in a ascihex cmpa #'0 lblo help wrong! cmpa #'9 bls ascinum ** no numbers get thru here ** cmpa #'Z blo asciup anda #$DF asciup cmpa #'F lbhi help suba #$07 ascinum suba #'0 ok sub the first $30 shiftit tst <lftnbbl beq asciret lsla lsla lsla lsla if lftnbbl shift it to left nibble asciret rts should be ok, but Murphy is watching! ******************************** * The REAL start of this program! * ENTRY: a command line full of data * pointed to by regs.x entry pshs d,x,y save possible params leax crcacc,u clear some memory ldb #datsiz out for us. clra clrloop sta ,x+ decb bne clrloop lda #READ. setup for data dir sta <exdir sta <verbose to enable it unless shut off puls d,x,y decb arguments? lbeq help no,go incb back to right count! * and fall thru to setup, my command line checker with * syntax relaxations, can take vfy -x -f filename, * or vfy -fx (-xf) filename, also -s, -sk, -k alone illegal * also -v now works to shut it up GH setup lda ,x+ get a char from cmnd line decb track cmndline chars left lbeq help setret cmpa #$20 a space? beq setup yup, go get next char cmpa #'- is "-"? beq setup1 yup, go do the options leax -1,x not space or -, rtn ptr incb to restore count lbra openit godoit, our other exit from here setup1 lda ,x+ decb cmpa #$41 is regs.a<#'A alpha char? bmi setret wasn't, go anda #$df else make uppercase ***** Edition 16 addition ***** cmpa #'V bne setfix clr <verbose shut it up bra setup1 setfix cmpa #'F bne setx nope, go sta <fixit to nz it lda #UPDAT.+SHARE. we don't wanna share setatts ora <exdir if we're fixing it sta <exdir bra setup1 setx cmpa #'X bne setsepU lda #EXEC. bra setatts ************ setsepU ************ * added to pick up args for "fixmod" * like operations setsepU cmpa #'U lbne setsepS lda ,x+ get next char to tell us what to do decb track data lbeq help can't be out here anda #$DF make uppercase cmpa #'A change attr nibble? bne setsepR setSepA lbsr skeqdlr checks errs, returns good char sta <lftnbbl to nz it so ascihex will shift sta <fixat to tally new data avail lbsr ascihex go make it a hexval sta <updtat clr <lftnbbl cancel the order inc <updthead bra setup setsepR cmpa #'R change rev nibble? bne setsepT nope, maybe its Type lbsr skeqdlr sta <fixrv to tally new data avail lbsr ascihex sta <updtrv inc <updthead bra setup setsepT cmpa #'T bne setsepL maybe its Language nibble? lbsr skeqdlr sta <lftnbbl to nz it sta <fixty to tally new data avail lbsr ascihex sta <updtty new Type value in left nibble clr <lftnbbl shut down the shifter inc <updthead lbra setup setsepL cmpa #'L is it change lang nibble? bne setsepD might be data size lbsr skeqdlr sta <fixla to tally new data avail lbsr ascihex sta <updtla inc <updthead lbra setup *************** setsepD *************** * if more than 4 valid hex digits are entered * on cmnd line, it will keep on looping, * keeping the last 4 in updtdtsz. You can add * as little as one byte with this retriever or * subtract since the addition is modulo $8000, * use -ud=$FFFE to subtract one byte! setsepD lbsr skeqdlr see if right syntax used setdtsz lbsr ascihex returns val in reg.a pshs b we want this order on the stack pshs a save the nibble on the stack ldd <updtdtsz lslb rola times 2 now lslb rola times 4 now lslb rola times 8 now lslb rola updtdtsz now *16 orb ,s+ least sig nibble dummy! std <updtdtsz puls b thats why we wanted this order lda ,x+ decb tryin to track cmdln data used lbeq help better be more data here! cmpa #$20 lbeq setup oops, out of data but ok lbmi help real probs, no filename! inc <updthead bra setdtsz ************** setsepS *************** * sets it up to seperate a merged file, * the kernal to be specific, but works * on os9boot files too. setsepS cmpa #'S bne SetName this was to help sta <seperat make nz to enable lda ,x+ decb obscure bug fixing anda #$DF cmpa #'K bne setsep1 lda #$30 a zero sta <kernal to nz it and furnish number lbra setup1 setsep1 leax -1,x incb bug fixing lbra setup1 ****** Edition 16 addition ****** SetName cmpa #'N lbne help lda ,x+ cmpa #'= lbne help pshs y we're gonna diddle it, save it leay cmpname,u NameSave lda ,x+ cmpa #32 bls EndNmSv must be done, back out cmpa #'9 bls noupcase anda #$DF name uppercase * ok, lets see what its doing noupcase sta ,y+ and save it bra NameSave EndNmSv clr ,y zero mark end of name inc <fixname puls y bra setsep1 **** end of setup, openit start **** openit decb filename there yet? lbeq help no, go squawk lda <fixat adda <fixrv adda <fixla adda <fixty adda <fixname adda <updthead beq openatok lda #UPDAT.+SHARE. ora <exdir sta <exdir * first, if named, get rid of updthead silliness openatok tst <fixname did we name a module? beq openit1 no, skip this clr <updthead one or the other bud! openit1 lda <exdir get attributes os9 I$Open lbcs help oh-oh, file not avail sta <inpath lbsr getsiz get overall size lbsr seekmod start at 0, old readit lbl readit lbsr readabyt opens head/tail files too lda ,x readit1 cmpa #$87 look for 1st byte bne readit sta <modid1 readit2 lbsr readabyt updates filepos via addseek lda ,x cmpa #$CD bne readit1 sta <modid2 we found a file! ldx #$0002 we've got 2 bytes of stx <modpos a module, record it dec <kbptr cancel 2 outa non-mod buf dec <kbptr beq readit3 no use if zero tst <kernal are we saving all beq readit3 lbsr openkern makes filepath lbsr clskrnl writes kbptr size buffer and closes up readit3 clr <kbptr so's it don't accumulate lda <inpath get rest of header leax modlen,u ldy #$000C get dev table entries too os9 I$read get those 12 bytes lbsr addsect those 12 bytes to total len ldd <modlen subd #$03 std <lmnscrc lbsr sethead ->GETNAM->SEEKMOD leax mdoffset,pcr ldy #mdoffend-mdoffset lbsr showit leax modhstrt,u stx <numptr ldb #$04 lbsr printit leax mdoffend,pcr ldy #ftopmem-mdoffend lbsr showit initcrc leax crcacc,u ldb #6 lda #$FF psetcrc sta ,x+ decb bne psetcrc lbsr chkhead go check/fix ty/la at/rv, parity, pdatasz ldy #$0E (was $D)Because parity fixed in mem, leax modid1,u crc displayed is right IF os9 F$CRC we do crc of 1st 14 bytes in mem * after chkhead! It should arrive here with modpos=14 tst <seperat beq docrc0 lbsr openout docrc0 inc <sizyet docrc leax buffer,u ldd <lmnscrc module length-crcbytes subd <modpos cmpd #$100 bhi getmore tfr d,y inc <moddone bra getlast getmore ldy #$100 get a sectors worth getlast lda <inpath os9 I$Read lbsr addsect doesn't chg x,y tst <sizyet beq getcont pshs d,x,y save count lbsr dfinemd puls d,x,y getcont leax buffer,u the data pshs x,y save the pointer and quantity os9 F$Crc U already points at crcacc! puls x,y restore lda <outpath beq doneyet we're not spliting it os9 I$Write lbcs help report error and quit doneyet tst <moddone beq docrc pshs y ldd <crcacc now copy crc to filecrc coma and make valid comb std <filecrc1 in case its bad ldb <crcac3 ditto comb stb <filecrc3 ditto bcc donyet2 comb clear any carry donyet2 tfr x,d addd ,s++ puls the Y tfr d,x x now=crc location in buffer pshs x save it lda <inpath ldy #$03 the 3 crc bytes os9 I$Read lbsr addsect add to filepos puls x retrieve crc addr, y still=3 os9 F$CRC whole modules crc now in crcacc lbsr chkcrc go check, correct it lda <outpath beq dunyet if zero, no path leax filecrc1,u put good one out ldy #3 os9 I$Write os9 I$Close clr <outpath dunyet clr <moddone lbra readit see if more file ************************************* * The EOF is found, close up, go home cleanup bcc cleanup1 comb we get here with the carry set cleanup1 pshs x,u save so's the tail is right lda <inpath ldu <flenls16 go back to real end of file ldx <flenms16 os9 I$Seek to end of file puls x,u recover tail pointers os9 I$Close and close up w/o len change tst <kernal are we saveing a kernal? beq cleanup2 if 0, nothing to write! lbsr openkern go open a path lbsr clskrnl write and close it bcc cleanup2 comb clear error flag cleanup2 leax howmany,pcr ldy #execoff-howmany lbsr showit print the string leax seekms16,u point at total length stx numptr of file ldb #$04 bytes to print lbsr printit convert to ascii and print leax newln,pcr hang a newline on it lbsr newlnfd alldun clrb os9 F$Exit all done folks! ************************************* * CHKHEAD - checks, fixes header checksum * entry: header in memory at modid1,u chkhead leax hednamsg,pcr ldy #hedckmsg-hednamsg lbsr showit 'Header for: ' leax mdlname,u ldy #$20 maxlength lbsr newlnfd show the filename with cr leax hedckmsg,pcr ldy #ckbadsiz-hedckmsg lbsr showit Header parity : $ ldb #$01 only one byte to convert leax checksum,u pass address of checksum stx <numptr lbsr printit the parity byte *********************************** * see if we got anything to fix * check attr,rev,typ,lang,dsize * and update the memory image lda <updthead will be 1 if right module adda <fixit beq psetpar nothin to fix tst <fixat else beq revchk atchk lda <modatrev anda #$0F clear the attrib nibble ora <updtat add in the attrib nibble sta <modatrev clr <fixat revchk tst <fixrv beq tychk lda <modatrev anda #$F0 leave at nibble alone ora <updtrv sta <modatrev clr <fixrv tychk tst <fixty beq langchk lda <typelang anda #$0F clear out the type ora <updtty sta <typelang clr <fixty langchk tst <fixla beq chkdtsz lda <typelang anda #$F0 leave upper nibble alone ora <updtla sta <typelang clr <fixla chkdtsz ldd <updtdtsz cmpd #$0000 anything there? beq psetpar ldd <pdatasz1 addd <updtdtsz we're not saveing the carry folks! std <pdatasz1 clra clrb std <updtdtsz to make it one time only! psetpar lda #$FF pset parity accumulator ldb #$08 leax modid1,u headchk eora ,x+ and check the checksum decb bne headchk cmpa ,x s/b equal beq fxittst go see if data needs updt pshs a,x else save a few things leax badmsg,pcr show its bad ldy #badsiz-badmsg lbsr showit ' (bad)' puls a,x a had correct parity sta ,x else fix in memory stx <numptr point at it leax shdabeen,pcr ldy #badmsg-shdabeen lbsr showit ' S/B $' ldb #$01 only one byte to convert lbsr printit numptr already has src fxittst lda <updthead either will trigger fix adda <fixit if neither one is on, go beq okmsg leave it alone ******************************************* * enableing the files fix, its now good in memory pshs u ldx <modhstrt ldu <modlstrt lda <inpath os9 I$Seek back up to $87CD bytes puls u leax modid1,u ldy #$0D bytes to write lda <inpath os9 I$Write insert ty/la at/rv,parity,exec,pdatasz in file lbcs help lbsr seekmod to restore the file pointer leax fixxmsg,pcr ldy #newln-fixxmsg lbsr showit ' Repaired to $' leax checksum,u stx <numptr ldb #$01 numptr already set lbsr printit okmsg leax gdmsg,pcr ldy #gdsiz-gdmsg lbsr newlnfd ' (Good)\n' lbsr seekmod to reset file ptr headout leax modlnmsg,pcr ldy #crcmsg-modlnmsg lbsr showit 'Module size : $' leax modlen,u point to size in header stx <numptr ldb #$02 lbsr printit leax newln,pcr lbsr newlnfd finish this up leax vertion,pcr ldy #tplgatrv-vertion lbsr showit 'Edition : $' leax mdlname,u fndend lda ,x+ cmpa #$0D bne fndend stx <numptr is -> at edition now ldb #$01 one hex byte only lbsr printit show it leax newln,pcr ldy #hdgdsiz-newln lbsr newlnfd leax tplgatrv,pcr ldy #typelook-tplgatrv lbsr showit leax typelang,u stx <numptr ldb #$01 lbsr printit ldx <linptr lda #$20 space it out for the sta ,x+ following atrev byte sta ,x+ sta ,x+ 3 spaces lda #'$ and a $ sign sta ,x ldx <linptr ldy #$04 lbsr showit show ' $' ldb #$01 the prev call inc'ed numptr lbsr printit to the atrv byte! leax newln,pcr ldy #$02 lbsr newlnfd rts ************************************* * CHKCRC of module * when called, it expects to see the $800FE3 * (seed polynomial) in the crc accumulator chkcrc pshs x save ptr to modules crc leax crcmsg,pcr ldy #crcmsiz-crcmsg lbsr showit Modules CRC is: $ puls x * Now, x still points at the modules crc bytes! * so we don't need a seperate number buffer pshs x we need it later stx <numptr ldb #$03 three bytes to display lbsr printit puls x ldd <crcacc now do the check cmpd #$800F first two bytes bne badcrc lda <crcac3 cmpa #$E3 third bne badcrc pshs x save it again crcdun leax gdmsg,pcr ldy #gdsiz-gdmsg lbsr showit leax newln,pcr extra linefeed ldy #$02 to seperate reports lbsr newlnfd clr <updthead stop this silliness puls x fergot it once, major crash! rts ************************************* * BADCRC - display results, check for * fixit orders and fixit if told badcrc pshs x save that pointer! leax badmsg,pcr ldy #badsiz-badmsg lbsr newlnfd leax shdabeen,pcr ldy #badmsg-shdabeen lbsr showit Write ' S/B $' leax filecrc1,u show actual crc stx <numptr ldb #$03 lbsr printit lda <fixit is valid whole file adda <updthead one module only beq crcdun wasn't told to fix it ********* enabling the fix ********** fixenbl leax seekls16,u we're gonna write ldd ,x to the file, seek to subd #$03 crc start again std ,x bcc msigok ldx <seekms16 if borrow, dec hi int leax -1,x of addrress stx <seekms16 msigok lbsr seekmod leax filecrc1,u stx <numptr for later printout ldy #$03 lda <inpath os9 I$Write and update the file! lbcs help leax fixxmsg,pcr ldy #newln-fixxmsg lbsr showit ldy #$03 leax seekms16,u bsr addseek to restore file ptr ldb #$03 digits to print lbsr printit numptr already set clr <updthead to stop it at one module lbra crcdun go clean up end of crc display ************************************** * ADDSECT - add reg.Y to length of module & file * ENTRY Y bytes to add to present file size * X location of 4 byte accumulator (seekms16,u) addsect pshs y first inc modpos ldd <modpos addd ,s++ std <modpos * and fall thru to ---- ADDSEEK * ENTRY Y bytes to add to position in file * EXIT updated seekms16-seekls16 accumulator addseek pshs x save present buffer addr pshs y updt passed file/seek pos leax seekms16,u ldd 2,x seekls16 addd ,s++ std 2,x bcc addout ldd ,x seekms16 works but cumbersome adcb #$00 methodology std ,x seekms16 bcc addout adca #$00 std ,x seekms16 addout puls x rts *************************************************** * SETHEAD - we've found an $87CD, reset modlstrt and * modhstrt to offset 0000 of module for name finding * also potential bugfixing. The previous usage of the * leau -9,u didn't set a borrow if it occurred. * This method does. Returning just to call getname * was extra code, so now it falls thru since all we * were doing is giving getname an anchor point. sethead ldd <seekls16 ldx <seekms16 subd <modpos std <modlstrt record starting pos bcc noborw leax -1,x noborw stx <modhstrt so we can recover * and fall thru to getname getname ldd <modlstrt our reference location pshs d this pshs and ,s++ ldd <modname cancel addd ,s++ each other std <seekls16 bcc nocari leax 1,x add carry to hi int nocari stx <seekms16 getit bsr seekmod leax mdlname,u gtbyt lda <inpath ldy #$01 os9 I$Read ldb ,x+ bpl gtbyt andb #$7F cancel set msb stb -1,x ldb #$0d add a cr stb ,x+ to stop writln lda <inpath and get edition byte! ldy #$01 os9 I$Read ***** Edition 16 addition ******************** * NAMECMP - controls middle of file * fixit by name function * Entry: nz in "fixname" * module name in "cmpname" * Exit: nz in updthead, zero in fixname if match * match is toupper of input name and saved name * till cr matches zero of saved name * by zeroing fixname, once done, don't waste * more time by continuing to look at following mods namecmp tst <fixname if a name, it won't be zero beq noname don't have a name to look for pshs y save it leay cmpname,u leax mdlname,u namecmp1 lda ,x+ get modules name cmpa #$0D till the cr we stashed beq chkmatch cmpa #'9 this might not be the right cmp! bls nocaseup anda #$DF make upcase nocaseup cmpa ,y+ against upcased saved name bne nomatch ifne, no match found here bra namecmp1 chkmatch tst ,y ifeq, was end of saved name! bne nomatch inc <updthead clr <fixname zero the snooper flag nomatch puls y * continue on with the previous code noname ldx <modhstrt now restore file ptr ldd <modlstrt to byte after parity pshs d in header ldd <modpos addd ,s++ std <seekls16 bcc ncri leax 1,x ncri stx <seekms16 * and fall through to SEEKMOD ************************************** * SEEKMOD - positions file r/w pointer * Entry = valid pathnum in inpath * presumes valid size in seekls16,seekms16 seekmod lda <inpath pshs u ldx <seekms16 ldu <seekls16 os9 I$Seek puls u bcs oops rts ************************************** * READABYT get one byte from the file readabyt lda <inpath ldy #1 leax buffer,u os9 I$Read bcs oops pshs x leax seekms16,u lbsr addseek add y to file position readout puls x but not to modpos just yet! tst <kernal saving it all? beq readrts no, go pshs b,x else save in 64 byte buffer leax krnlbuf,u ldb <kbptr leax b,x lda buffer,u sta ,x incb stb <kbptr cmpb #buffer-krnlbuf lbeq helpnbf puls b,x and restore readrts rts oops cmpb #E$EOF lbeq cleanup lbra help *************************************************** * GETSIZ - function to get overall size of the file * ENTRY valid pathum in 'inpath' getsiz pshs u lda <inpath ldb #SS.Size os9 I$Getstt bcs help stx <flenms16 stu <flenls16 leax flenmsg,pcr ldy #howmany-flenmsg lbsr showit skppr20 puls u it needs U restored leax flenms16,u so this works stx <numptr ldb #$04 bsr printit leax newln,pcr ldy #$02 lbsr newlnfd lbsr newlnfd rts ************************************ * PRINTIT - a front end for hextoasc * ENTRY: address of src data in numptr * regs.B=number of bytes to convert printit pshs d,x,y leax linbuff,u pshs x stx <linptr tfr b,a save # to print lsla dbl it pshs a clr ,-s so we can puls y later bsr hextoasc puls y get y back puls x and linebuff-> lbsr showit display the number puls d,x,y rts ********************************************* * HEXTOASC - routine to print hex numbers * ENTRY regs.b:#of chars to print, * variable location numptr set to src of data * variable location linptr someplace in linbuff hextoasc ldx <numptr defined in host routine lda ,x+ stx <numptr save new ptr to next byte pshs b save your counter bsr hxbtoasc ldx <linptr also defined in host routine std ,x++ stx <linptr save new pos in output buffer puls b decb bne hextoasc till hex num all converted! rts and go print it ************************************************************* * routine written up in the Rainbow (11/92) by Tim Kientzle. * It will convert the value passed in the A register to a * pair of ascii characters in A:B which are the directly * printable ASCII representations of the original contents * of A. Load A with byte of src num, call, store A nd B in * order in the print buffer on return. Neat routine Tim! * I shrank it by 4 lines & 6 bytes though (GH). hxbtoasc tfr a,b Make copy of a anda #$0F mask off lower digit bsr nbltoasc exg a,b stash in b, get a back lsra getting high nibble lsra into position to lsra convert it lsra nbltoasc adda #$90 repeat for high nibble daa generate carry if a>9 adca #$40 daa rts returns a:b=two hexidecimal characters wphlp comb ldb #$D6 no permission to write to it bra help helpnbf comb ldb #$BF E$BufferToDamnSmall! *********************************** * HELP an error exit with prompting * Entry error in B,carry set help pshs b,cc save stats for exit inc <verbose make sure the msg gets out leax helpmsg,pcr ldy #msgsiz-helpmsg lbsr showit puls b,cc recover error out os9 F$Exit and report the error ************************************* * OPENOUT - opens path for std module * openout lda #READ.+WRITE. ldb #READ.+WRITE. leax mdlname,u point at name os9 I$Create and attempt to make it bcc outhead made it ok, go cmpb #218 oops, what error bne help nope, not already exist, go lda #READ.+WRITE. leax mdlname,u os9 I$Open bcs help outhead sta <outpath save pathnum leax modid1,u ldy #14 write (repaired) module header w/exec & datsiz os9 I$Write bcs help rts thats all for now, folks ***************************************** * OPENKERN - to open extra bytes files * pretty much self-contained openkern pshs cc,a,x lda <kernal beq kerrts cmpa #$30 head or tail? bne opentail leax advise0,pcr ldy #krnlhsz-advise0-1 lbsr showit ldb <kbptr bls kerrts if zero or less, go leax kernal0,pcr kopen lda #UPDAT. ldb #UPDAT. os9 I$Create bcc kcont cmpb #218 if exists, its ok bne help else go yelp bcc kopen1 comb to clear that damned error kopen1 ldb #UPDAT. os9 I$Open bcs help kcont sta <kpath krts inc <kernal we been here, tally it kerrts puls cc,a,x rts opentail bcc opntail comb carry set? opntail cmpa #$31 skip boot, os9p1 bne krts leax advise1,pcr ldy #krnltsz-advise1-1 lbsr showit leax kernal1,pcr bra kopen *********************************** * CLSKRNL - write & close extras * valid size in kbptrms*256+kbptr clskrnl pshs d,x,y tst <kernal beq clsoops shouldn't 'av come here lda <kpath ldy <kbptrms size to write leax krnlbuf,u saved data os9 I$Write lbcs help lda <kpath ldb #$05 get file pos pshs x,u os9 I$GetStt lbcs help ldb #$02 set as new size os9 I$SetStt lbcs help stu <kbptrms puls x,u os9 I$Close lbcs help leax kbptrms,u point at filesize data stx <numptr save the filesize leax advlen,pcr now point at "with a size of $" ldy #advend-advlen get length to write lbsr showit ldb #$02 lbsr printit leax advend,pcr ldy #hednamsg-advend lbsr showit leax newln,pcr ldy #2 lbsr newlnfd clr <kpath kill pathnum clr <kbptr reset clr <kbptrms clsoops puls d,x,y rts emod len equ * end