view 3rdparty/utils/sleuth3/cssauxil3.asm @ 3215:195c09cade21

Updated MMC Driver makefile so it will have place holders for dsk, dskclean, and dskcopy so that make does not error out when chaining into the driver tree to build disk images where applicable.
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 16:07:36 -0600
parents afd0f7d9b514
line wrap: on
line source

auxino lbsr xcrlf get aux file info
 leax altnm,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 leax disim,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 leax axfile,u
 lbsr inbufr get file name to line buffer
 cmpa #$0d
 bne strtin process input aux file
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax altnm,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 leax disom,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 leax otfile,u
 lbsr inbufr get file name to line buffer
 cmpa #$0d
 lbne statoa process output aux file
strtin bsr stopin start aux input file
 lda #READ. open input axfile
 leax axfile,u
 os9 I$Open
 bcs strtie
 exg a,b
 std axblok+iobfd,u file desc
 ldd #bufaux buffer length
 std axblok+iobbl,u
 ldd #$0000
 std axblok+iobcc,u
 leax axbuff,u
 stx axblok+iobba,u
 stx axblok+iobca,u
 lda #READ. mode
 sta axblok+iobfc,u
 inc getfl,u set aux flag
 bra strtix
strtie lda #$02 error
 leax errarz,pcr
 ldy #errarl
 os9 I$WritLn
 clr axfile,u
 ldd #$0000
 std axblok+iobfd,u file desc
strtix rts
stopin pshs x stop aux input
 tst getfl,u
 beq stopix
 clr getfl,u reset aux flag
 clr axfile,u close file
 lda axblok+iobfd+1,u file desc
 os9 I$Close
 bcc stopie
 lda #$02 error
 leax errarz,pcr
 ldy #errarl
 os9 I$WritLn
stopie ldd #$0000
 std axblok+iobfd,u
stopix puls x,pc
statoa leax otfile,u open output otfile
 ldd #(WRITE.*256)+(READ.+WRITE.+PREAD.) access and attributes
 os9 I$Create
 bcc statof
 cmpb #218 files exists?
 bne stater
 ldd #(WRITE.*256)+(UPDAT.+PREAD.) about the same attr's
 os9 I$Open
 bcc statof
* lda #$02 error
* leax errarz,pcr
* ldy #errarl
* os9 I$WritLn
stater os9 F$PErr
 clr otfile,u
statof clrb file desc
 exg a,b
 std otblok+iobfd,u
 ldd #buflen buffer length
 std otblok+iobbl,u
 std otblok+iobcc,u
 ldd otblok+iobba,u buffer addr
 std otblok+iobca,u
 clr confl,u don't output to console
 inc dskfl,u output to disk
statra lda #$73 #'s=partial reset
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xouts
 lbsr xcrlf
 lda #$6f #'o offset
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xouts
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq stata1
 lda #$30 #'0
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xoute
 bra stata2
stata1 leax oaddr,u
 lbsr xot4h
stata2 tst disif,u chk for input file
 beq statrb
 lbsr xcrlf
 lda #$73 an s
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xouts
 leax infile,u
 lbsr dmptav
statrb ldx typem,u
statrc cmpx typee,u
 bhs statre
statrd stx caddr,u output a line
 lbsr xcrlf
 ldx caddr,u
 lda ,x
 cmpa #'Z was #$5a chk 'Z
 beq statr2
 ora #$20
 lbsr xoute type
 lbsr xouts space
 leax $01,x
 lbsr xot4s start
 lbsr xot4s end
 leax $01,x
statr1 leax $02,x
 bra statrc
statr2 ldd $01,x chk start/end
 cmpd $03,x
 bne statr4
 lda #$6d make 'm
 lbsr xoute type
 lbsr xouts space
 leax $03,x
statr3 lbsr xot4s end
 lbsr xot2s value
 bra statr1
statr4 lda #$74 make 't
 lbsr xoute type
 lbsr xouts space
 leax $01,x
 lbsr xot4s start
 bra statr3
statre lbsr xcrlf print parms
 ldx faddr,u
 leax $01,x
 beq statrf
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq state1
 tst infile,u chk for file
 bne statrf
state1 lda #$6e make 'n
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xouts
 tst os9flx,u
 beq state2
 leax oaddr,u OS/9
 lbsr xot4s
 ldd taddr,u
 addd oaddr,u
 pshs d
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4s
 puls d
 bra state9
state2 leax faddr,u flex
 lbsr xot4s
 lbsr xot4s
 leax xaddr,u
 lbsr xot4h
state9 lbsr xcrlf
statrf tst equfl,u
 beq statrh
 lda #$65 #'e
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xcrlf
statrh tst posfl,u
 beq statri
 lda #$70 #'p
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xcrlf
statri lda #$7a #'z
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xouts
 lda pmode,u
 bpl statrj
 lda #$09
statrj adda #$30 #'0
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xcrlf
statrk tst crofl,u
 bne statcl
 lda #$62 b
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xcrlf
statcl inc confl,u output to console
 clr dskfl,u don't output to disk
 leax otblok,u force output
 lbsr fob
 bcc static
 lda #$02 error
 leax errarz,pcr
 ldy #errarl
 os9 I$WritLn
static lda otblok+iobfd+1,u file desc
 os9 I$Close
 bcc statie
 lda #$02 error
 leax errarz,pcr
 ldy #errarl
 os9 I$WritLn
statie ldd #$0000
 std otblok+iobfd,u
statrx rts