view 3rdparty/utils/winfo/winfodefs @ 3215:195c09cade21

Updated MMC Driver makefile so it will have place holders for dsk, dskclean, and dskcopy so that make does not error out when chaining into the driver tree to build disk images where applicable.
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 16:07:36 -0600
parents 00b1c751fad7
line wrap: on
line source

*  WInfo subroutine return packet definitions
*  11/22/87 - First Edition (Ron Lammardo)

WInfoBuf equ  .
WI$Stat  rmb  1 status from WInfo call
WI$VDG   rmb  1 VDG screen flag (1=yes)
WI$Sty   rmb  1 screen type
WI$Block rmb  1 first block containing window
WI$BlCnt rmb  1 number of blocks in screen
WI$Offst rmb  2 screen start offset within block
WI$Cpx   rmb  1 x coordinate of window start on screen
WI$Cpy   rmb  1 y coordinate of window start on screen
WI$Szx   rmb  1 screen width (x coord)
WI$Szy   rmb  1 screen hight (y coord)
WI$CWCpx rmb  1 working area - x coordinate of window start on screen
WI$CWCpy rmb  1 working area - y coordinate of window start on screen
WI$CWSzx rmb  1 working area - screen width (x coord)
WI$CWSzy rmb  1 working area - screen hight (y coord)
WI$Curx  rmb  1 x coordinate of cursor
WI$Cury  rmb  1 y coordinate of cursor
WI$BPR   rmb  2 number of bytes/row
WI$CBsw  rmb  1 character binary switch bits
WI$FGPRN rmb  1 Foreground palette register number
WI$BGPRN rmb  1 Background palette register number
WI$BDPRN rmb  1 Border palette register number
WI$Lset  rmb  1 Logic set code
WI$FntGr rmb  1 Font group number
WI$FntBf rmb  1 Font buffer number
WI$PstGr rmb  1 Pattern set group number
WI$PstBf rmb  1 Pattern set buffer number
WI$GcrGr rmb  1 Gfx cursor group number
WI$GcrBf rmb  1 Gfx cursor buffer number
WI$DrCrx rmb  2 x coordinate of draw cursor
WI$DrCry rmb  2 y coordinate of draw cursor
WI$Edtn  rmb  1 Edition # of Winfo subroutine
WI$WEAdr rmb  2 logical address of window entry in sys map (debug only)
WI$Devm  rmb  2 logical address of window device static storage debug only)
         rmb  33 reserved for future expansion
WI$PRegs rmb  16 Palette registers
WI$ErMsg rmb  40 Error Message
WI$Size  equ  .-WInfobuf size of this buffer (should be $80 !!)

* WI$CBsw defined as follows
* TChr    equ  #%10000000
* Under   equ  #%01000000
* Bold    equ  #%00100000
* Prop    equ  #%00010000
* Scale   equ  #%00001000
* Invers  equ  #%00000100
* NoCurs  equ  #%00000010
* Protect equ  #%00000001