view 3rdparty/utils/winfo/witesta.asm @ 3215:195c09cade21

Updated MMC Driver makefile so it will have place holders for dsk, dskclean, and dskcopy so that make does not error out when chaining into the driver tree to build disk images where applicable.
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 16:07:36 -0600
parents 00b1c751fad7
line wrap: on
line source

         nam   WItesta
         ttl   Asm test of WInfo subroutine
* Witesta - copyright November,1987 by Ron Lammardo
*  This program placed into the Public Domain as a demonstration
*  detailing use of the WInfo subroutine from an ASM
*  calling program
* Syntax : Witesta <device name>
         use   defsfile

typelang set   prgrm+objct
attrev   set   reent+revision
revision set   1

zeroadr  equ   *

         mod   Eom,Mname,Typelang,Attrev,Start,Datend

mname    fcs   /WItesta/
         fcb   1
         org   0
window   rmb   2
nameln   rmb   2
current  rmb   2
bytect   rmb   1
hexbuff  rmb   6
dispcnt  rmb   1
         rmb   252
         use   winfodefs
buffer   rmb   2000
         rmb   256
datend   equ   .

minedtn  set   1 lowest edition Winfo we can use

winfo    fcc   /winfo/ subroutine module name
         fcb   $0d

errmsg1  fcb   $0d,$0a
         fcc   /You must use WInfo edition #/
err1sz   equ   *-errmsg1
errmsg2  fcc   / or higher/
         fcb   $0d
err2sz   equ   *-errmsg2

msg1     fcc   /WI$Stat   :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$VDG    :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$Sty    :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$Block  :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$BlCnt  :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$Offst  :/
         fcb   2
         fcc   /WI$Cpx    :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$Cpy    :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$Szx    :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$Szy    :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$CWCpx  :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$CWCpy  :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$CWSzx  :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$CWSy   :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$Curx   :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$Cury   :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$BPR    :/
         fcb   2
         fcc   /WI$CBsw   :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$FGPRN  :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$BGPRN  :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$BDPRN  :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$Lset   :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$FntGr  :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$FntBf  :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$PstGr  :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$PstBf  :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$GcrGr  :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$GcrBf  :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$DrCrx  :/
         fcb   2
         fcc   /WI$DrCry  :/
         fcb   2
         fcc   /WI$Edtn   :/
         fcb   1
         fcc   /WI$WEAdr  :/
         fcb   2
         fcc   /WI$Devm   :/
         fcb   2
         fcc   /           /
         fcb   5
palreg   fcc   /WI$PRegs  :/
         fcb   16

spaces   fcc   /                / 
creturn  fcb   $0d

start    equ   *
         stx   <window address of command line parameter start
         subd  #1 back off 1 for <cr>
         std   <nameln save the length of the device name
         pshs  a,b,u,x save all registers

* attempt link to subroutine

         lda   #sbrtn+objct module type for link
         leax  winfo,pcr module name for link
         os9   F$Link link to the module
         bcc   pshparms go push params if link succesful
         cmpb  #E$MNF see if its module not found error
         lbne  exit if not..exit

* attempt load & link of subroutine
         lda   #sbrtn+objct module type for link
         leax  winfo,pcr module name for link
         os9   F$Load load/link to the module
         lbcs  exit ...exit on error

pshparms equ   *
         puls  a,b,u,x return registers
         ldx   #wi$size size of return buffer
         pshs  x put on stack
         leax  winfobuf,u param2 (return buffer)
         pshs  x put on stack
         ldx   <nameln  size of param 1
         pshs  x put on stack
         ldx   <window address of param 1 (window name)
         pshs  x put on stack
         ldx   #0002 paramcount
         pshs  x put on stack
         jsr   ,y jump to the subroutine

* return from subroutine
* normally we'd check for carry set and WI$Stat,
* but here we want to display status messages

         lda   #sbrtn+objct module type 
         leax  winfo,pcr module name 
         os9   F$UnLoad unlink/remove the module
         lbcs  exit ...exit on error

         lda   #minedtn lowest edition WInfo that this prgm can use
         cmpa  WI$Edtn,u check with edition # returned
         lbhi  lowedtn go display message if edition to low
         leay  winfobuf,u
         sty   <current
         leax  msg1,pcr
         clr   dispcnt
prtloop  equ   *
         ldy   #11
         lda   #1
         os9   i$write
         leax  11,x
         ldb   ,x+
         stb   <bytect
         cmpb  #2
         bne   checkhi
         ldy   <current
         ldd   ,y++
         sty   <current
         bra   printit
checkhi  cmpb  #1
         bne   prtpalet
         ldy   <current
         ldb   ,y+
         sty   <current
printit  equ   *
         leay  hexbuff,u
         lbsr  u$gethex
         pshs  x
         tfr   y,x
         ldy   #4
         ldb   <bytect
         cmpb  #2
         beq   print010
         ldd   #$2020
         std   ,x
print010 lda   #1
         os9   i$write
         lbcs  exit
         ldy   #8
         tst   <dispcnt
         beq   printsp
         clr   <dispcnt
         leax  creturn,pcr
         ldy   #1
         bra   prntfill
printsp  leax  spaces,pcr
         inc   <dispcnt
prntfill equ   *
         lda   #1
         os9   I$writln
         lbcs  exit
         puls  x
         bra   prtloop

prtpalet equ   *
         ldy   <current
         leay  wi$pregs,u skip filler bytes
         sty   <current
         pshs  x
         leax  creturn,pcr
         ldy   #8
         lda   #1
         os9   i$writln
         leax  palreg,pcr
         ldy   #11
         lda   #1
         os9   i$write
         lbcs  exit
         puls  x
nocr     equ   *
         ldb   #8
prt010   pshs  b
         ldy   <current
         ldd   ,y++
         sty   <current
         leay  hexbuff,u
         lbsr  u$gethex
         ldd   2,y
         std   3,y
         lda   #$20
         sta   2,y
         sta   5,y
         tfr   y,x
         ldy   #6
         lda   #1
         os9   i$write
         lbcs  exit
         puls  b
         beq   prtmsg
         cmpb  #4
         bne   prt010
         pshs  b
         leax  creturn,pcr
         ldy   #8
         lda   #1
         os9   i$writln
         leax  spaces,pcr
         ldy   #11
         lda   #1
         os9   i$write
         lbcs  exit
         puls  b
         bra   prt010

prtmsg   equ   *
         leax  hexbuff,u
         lda   #$0d
         sta   ,x
         ldy   #1
         lda   #1
         os9   i$writln
         ldx   <current
         ldy   #40
         lda   #1
         os9   i$write

clrexit  clrb
exit     os9   F$exit

lowedtn  equ   *
         leax  errmsg1,pcr
         ldy   #err1sz
         lda   #2
         os9   I$Write
         lbcs  exit
         ldb   #minedtn
         leay  hexbuff,u
         lbsr  U$Gethex
         leax  2,y
         ldy   #2
         lda   #2
         os9   I$Write
         lbcs  exit
         leax  errmsg2,pcr
         ldy   #err2sz
         lda   #2
         os9   I$Writln
         bcs   exit
         bra   clrexit
*                                                                     *
* U$gethex - converts binary integer to hexidecimal                   *
*                                                                     *
* Entry: y=address of 4 byte string for hexidecimal number            *
*        d=integer to convert                                         *
*                                                                     *
* Exit:  y=same as entry                                              *
*                                                                     *
U$GetHex equ   *
         pshs  y
         pshs  b
         bsr   u$gth010
         puls  a
         bsr   u$gth010
         puls  y,pc
u$gth010 pshs  a
         bsr   u$gth020
         puls  a
         anda  #$0f
         bsr   u$gth020
u$gth020 adda  #$30
         cmpa  #$3a
         blt   u$gth030
         adda  #$7
u$gth030 sta   ,y+

eom      equ   *