view 3rdparty/booters/boot_mmc.asm @ 2246:1c54460565f3

Updated makefiles to build DW3_min disks
author boisy
date Thu, 24 Dec 2009 02:07:32 +0000
parents 34e7710d58a6
line wrap: on
line source

* Boot - MMC Boot Module
* $Id$
* This module allows booting from MMC devices using Jim Hathaway's
* MMC Interface for the Color Computer.
* This booter was created on May 17th, 2003 by Jim Hathaway and Boisy Pitre
* at the 12th Annual "Last" Chicago CoCoFEST! in Elgin, Illinois at the
* Cloud-9 booth.
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      2003/05/17  Jim M. Hathaway
* Created.
*   2      2003/08/01  Jim M. Hathaway
* Fixed bug that was also in MMCDRV when reading a byte from the
* status register.

         nam   Boot
         ttl   MMC Boot Module

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Systm+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   2
edition  set   2

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

blockloc rmb   2                       pointer to memory requested
blockimg rmb   2                       duplicate of the above
bootloc  rmb   3                       sector pointer; not byte pointer
bootsize rmb   2                       size in bytes
size     equ   .

name     fcs   /Boot/
         fcb   edition

start    clra
         ldb   #size
clean    pshs  a
         bne   clean
         tfr   s,u                     get pointer to data area
         pshs  u                       save pointer to data area

         lda   #$d0                    forced interrupt; kill floppy activity
         sta   $FF48                   command register

pause    decb
         bne   pause
         lda   $FF48                   clear controller
         clr   $FF40                   make sure motors are turned off

* Init hardware
         lbsr  INITCRD
         bcs   error

* Request memory for LSN0
         ldd   #1
         os9   F$SRqMem                request one page of RAM
         bcs   error
         bsr   getpntr

* Get LSN0 into memory
         clrb                          MSB sector
         ldx   #0                      LSW sector
         bsr   mread
         bcs   error
         ldd   bootsize,u
         bcs   error
         pshs  d

* Return memory
         ldd   #$100
         ldu   blockloc,u
         os9   F$SRtMem
         puls  d
         ifgt  Level-1
         os9   F$BtMem
         os9   F$SRqMem
         bcs   error
         bsr   getpntr
         std   blockimg,u

* Get os9boot into memory
         ldd   bootsize,u
         leas  -2,s                    same as a PSHS D
getboot  std   ,s
         ldb   bootloc,u               MSB sector location
         ldx   bootloc+1,u             LSW sector location
         bsr   mread
         ldd   bootloc+1,u             update sector location by one to 24bit word
         addd  #1
         std   bootloc+1,u
         ldb   bootloc,u
         adcb  #0
         stb   bootloc,u
         inc   blockloc,u              update memory pointer for upload
         ldd   ,s                      update size of file left to read
         subd  #$100                   file read one sector at a time
         bhi   getboot

         leas  4+size,s                reset the stack    same as PULS U,D
         ldd   bootsize,u
         ldx   blockimg,u              pointer to start of os9boot in memory
         andcc #^Carry                 clear carry
         rts                           back to os9p1

error    leas  2+size,s

getpntr  tfr   u,d                     save pointer to requested memory
         ldu   2,s                     recover pointer to data stack
         std   blockloc,u

mread    tstb
         bne   hwread
         cmpx  #0
         bne   hwread
         bsr   hwread
         bcc   readlsn0

readlsn0 pshs  a,x,y
         ldy   blockloc,u
         lda   DD.Bt,y                 os9boot pointer
         ldx   DD.Bt+1,y               LSW of 24 bit address
         sta   bootloc,u
         stx   bootloc+1,u
         ldx   DD.BSZ,y                os9boot size in bytes
         stx   bootsize,u
         puls  a,x,y,pc

* Generic read
hwread   pshs  x
         lbsr   READ
         puls  x,pc

CMDREAD  equ   $51           Command to read a single block
MMCCSB   equ   $80           MMC control register slow clock bit
MMCCRO   equ   1             MMC control register offset from data port
MMCDPR   equ   $FF7A         MMC Data port register

* Command bytes storage area
CMD0     fcb   $40,0,0,0
CMD1     fcb   $41,0,0,0
CMD171   fcb   $50,0,0,1

* Send a command string to the MMC (6 bytes) 4 user 2 hard code
* Entry: y= Pointer to command string to send
*        x= MMC data register
*        b= Not used
*        a= Used to copy data
SNDC     lda   ,y             Get cmd byte 1
         sta   ,x             Send command byte
         lbsr  DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
         lda   1,y            Get cmd byte 2
         sta   ,x             Send command byte
         lbsr  DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
         lda   2,y            Get cmd byte 3
         sta   ,x             Send command byte
         lbsr  DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
         lda   3,y            Get cmd byte 4
         sta   ,x             Send command byte
         lbsr  DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
         lda   #0             Get cmd byte 5
         sta   ,x             Send command byte
         lbsr  DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
         lda   #$95           Get cmd byte 6
         sta   ,x             Send command byte
         lbsr  DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
         rts                  Complete sending command return

* CHKR - Check card response
* Used to check response from a card
* Entry: a= Expected Response byte code
*        b= used for loop / set on exit to flag error/no error
CHKR     pshs  b              Save reg b
         clrb                 Use for loop counter
CHKRL1   bsr   DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
         cmpa  ,x             Check for response
         beq   CHKRG          Response is good, exit without error
         decb                 Keep looping?
         bne   CHKRL1         Done yet?
CHKRB    bsr   DLYSTRT        Need delay
         comb                 Set error state
         puls  b,pc           Return
CHKRG    bsr   DLYSTRT        Need delay
         clrb                 Set no error
         puls  b,pc           Return
* End CHKR routine

* DLYSTRT: Delay routine for use as a delay for sending commands
*          or clock pulses as the slower spi rate.
*          Delay is hard coded at $14
*          All registers perserved
DLYSTRT  pshs  b              Save b register for return
         ldb   #$14           Default delay needed
DLYLP1   decb                 Start of delay loop
         bne   DLYLP1         End of delay loop
         puls  b,pc           Get value of b register back
* End delay routine

* INITCRD: Init a single card, no register values needed,
*          all preserved
*   Entry: y = Used, and not preserved
*          x = Address to MMC data port
INITCRD  ldx   #MMCDPR        Address to MMC
         lda   #MMCCSB        Select no cards and slow speed
         sta   MMCCRO,x       Store to control register
         lda   #$0A           A= 10 clocks
CLKPL1   tst   ,x             Pulse the clock 80 times to init all cards
         bsr   DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
         deca                 Loop counter
         bne   CLKPL1         Keep looping till we send 80 clocks

         lda   #$81           Select crd 1 @ slow speed
         sta   MMCCRO,x       Write to MMC control register slow speed
         leay  CMD0,pcr       Load address into y for cmd0
         lbsr  SNDC           Go send the command (cmd0)

         lda   #$01           Expected response
         lbsr  CHKR           Go check for response bit
         lbcs  INITCE1

         ldb   #20            Number of times to send CMD1 before error

         leay  CMD1,pcr       Load address into y for cmd1
INCMD1L  lbsr  SNDC           Go send the command (cmd1)

         lda   #$00           Expected response
         lbsr  CHKR           Go check for response bit
         bcc   INC1C          We got our response, continue

         decb                 Loop counter
         bne   INCMD1L        Keep trying to get a response of 0
         lbcc  INC1C
         lda   #81
         lbra  INITCE1        This card is not ready exit

INC1C    lda   #$01           Get card number, always use card 0
         sta   MMCCRO,x       Write to MMC control register full speed
         leay  CMD171,pcr     Get command to change sector to 256 bytes
         lbsr  SNDC           Go send the command (cmd17-1)

         lda   #0             Expected response
         lbsr  CHKR           Go check for response byte
         bcs   INITCE1

         clrb                 No error
         puls pc              Clean exit

INITCE1  comb                 Error, we could not init card
         tfr  a,b
         puls pc
* End of INITCRD

* READ - Read a single 256 byte sector.  
*        y= Location to store data to 
*        b,x= LSN number
*        x not preserved 
READ     pshs  d,x          Save LSN
         ldy   blockloc,u
         lda   #$1            Get drive #1
         sta   MMCCRO+MMCDPR  Select card 1
         lda   MMCDPR         Burn a byte - bug fix
         lda   #CMDREAD       Read cmd byte 1
         sta   MMCDPR         Save read command
         nop                  Delay
         stb   MMCDPR         Save cmd byte 2
         tfr   x,d            Move the rest of the LSN
         sta   MMCDPR         Save cmd byte 3
         ldx   #MMCDPR        Get MMC address and delay
         stb   ,x             Save cmd byte 4
         lda   #$0            Cmd byte 5
         sta   ,x             Save cmd byte 5
         lda   #$95           Cmd byte 6 CRC
         sta   ,x             Save cmd byte 6

RDN2     lda   #$FE           Expected response
         lbsr  CHKR           Check for response
         bcs   RDEEX1         Card should have read sector, read error!

         clra                 Number of loops 256
RDLP1    ldb   ,x             Get byte from MMC
         stb   ,y+            Save byte
         deca                 Loop counter
         bne   RDLP1

         ldd   ,x             Get CRC Byte 1
         lda   ,x             Get CRC Byte 2

RDEX1    clr   MMCCRO,x       Deselect any cards in use
         clrb                 Set no errors
         puls  d,x,pc       Read complete with no errors
RDEEX1   clr   MMCCRO,x       Deselect any cards in use
         comb                 Error reading sector
         puls  d,x,pc       Return with error
* End of READ

         ifgt  Level-1
* Fillers to get to $1D0
Pad      fill  $39,$1D0-3-*

eom      equ   *