view defs/rbsuper.d @ 3180:1c75a05d3304

defs: Move boot track parameters into each port def file Makes it easier to tune these for new ports. Saves some special casing of Atari in krn.asm.
author Boisy Pitre <>
date Tue, 16 May 2017 23:24:00 +0200
parents 6bd6e348665d
line wrap: on
line source

            IFNE      RBSUPER.D-1
RBSUPER.D   SET       1

* rbsuper.d - rbsuper definitions
* $Id$
* (C) 2004 Boisy G. Pitre - Licensed to Cloud-9
* These definitions make up the static storage environment for the
* rbsuper driver.  Low level drivers share these variables with
* rbsuper, and also have an area reserved exclusively for their use.
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*          2004/04/10  Boisy G. Pitre
* Created.
*          2005/11/27  Boisy G. Pitre
* Moved SCSI base addresses and I/O offsets to here.
*          2005/12/13  Boisy G. Pitre
* Employed a "trick" whereby driver's U is pointed UOFFSET bytes
* into the static storage for faster, smaller code generation.
*          2005/12/13  Boisy G. Pitre
* Rearranged order of driver statics for smaller code size

* Interface Address
SDAddr         SET       $FF00
SDMPI          SET       $FF

* IT.DNS Definitions for all Low Level Drivers
DNS.HDB        EQU       %00001000

* IT.DNS Definitions for Low Level SCSI Driver
DNS.TURBO      EQU       %00010000

maxcache       SET       2048
DrvCount       EQU       8
llreserve      EQU       64

UOFFSET        EQU       DRVBEG+(DRVMEM*DrvCount)

               ORG       0
V.LLSema       RMB       1                   low-level semaphore variable
V.LastDrv      RMB       1                   last drive to access cache
V.PhysSect     RMB       3                   physical (HW) sector
V.LogSect      RMB       3                   logical (256 byte) sector
V.SectSize     RMB       1                   sector size
V.SectCnt      RMB       1                   number of hw sectors to read from interface
V.Log2Phys     RMB       1                   number of logical (256) byte sectors to 1 physical sector
V.CchAddr      RMB       2                   address of cache in system memory
V.CchSize      RMB       2                   size of cache in bytes
V.CchPSpot     RMB       2                   pointer to target physical sector in cache
V.CchLSpot     RMB       2                   pointer to target logical sector in cache
V.CchDirty     RMB       1                   cache dirty flag (0 = cache is stable, !0 = cache is dirty)
V.CchBase      RMB       3                   logical sector at start of cache
V.HDBDrive     RMB       1                   IT.STP (used as HDB-DOS drive number if HDB-DOS partition)
V.HDBPart      RMB       1                   HDB-DOS partition flag (0 = not HDB-DOS partition, !0 = is)
V.SSCache      RMB       DrvCount            sector size cache table for each drive
V.LLAddr       RMB       2                   low level module address
V.LLInit       RMB       2                   low level init entry point
V.LLRead       RMB       2                   low level read entry point
V.LLWrite      RMB       2                   low level write entry point
V.LLGtSt       RMB       2                   low level getstat entry point
V.LLStSt       RMB       2                   low level setstat entry point
V.LLTerm       RMB       2                   low level term entry point
* Low Level Driver Memory starts here
V.LLMem        EQU       .                   start of low level driver memory
               RMB       llreserve           reserved area... low level driver uses this as it wants
V.LLMemSz      EQU       .-V.LLMem
* Note: we trick rbsuper too so that it thinks its static storage starts at
* zero when it really starts beyond DRVBEG+(DRVMEM*DrvCount).
               RMB       UOFFSET
V.RBSuper      EQU       .                   end of RBSuper's (and ll driver's) memory requirements
