view lib/kreiderclib/ @ 2992:1d9ec36546c0

rules.mak: Mark as development version again We are not bumping the version number before the next release is ready. So 3.3.0 dev means 3.3.0 + dev
author Tormod Volden <>
date Mon, 14 Apr 2014 00:30:18 +0200
parents 1647f1874cdf
line wrap: on
line source

* Disassembly by Os9disasm of pflinit.r

* class D external label equates

D003b equ $003b 

 section bss

* Uninitialized data (class B)
B0000 rmb 20 
* Initialized Data (class G)
G0000 fcb $3b 
 fcb $9a 
 fcb $ca 
 fcb $00 
 fcb $05 
 fcb $f5 
 fcb $e1 
 fcb $00 
 fcb $00 
 fcb $98 
 fcb $96 
 fcb $80 
 fcb $00 
 fcb $0f 
 fcb $42 
 fcb $40 
 fcb $00 
 fcb $01 
 fcb $86 
 fcb $a0 
 fcb $00 
 fcb $00 
 fcb $27 
 fcb $10 
 fcb $00 
 fcb $00 
 fcb $03 
 fcb $e8 
 fcb $00 
 fcb $00 
 fcb $00 
 fcb $64 
 fcb $00 
 fcb $00 
 fcb $00 
 fcb $0a 


 section code

pflinit: rts    
pflong: pshs  u 
 leau  B0000,y 
 pshs  u 
 ldb   7,s 
 cmpb  #$64 
 beq   L0074 
 cmpb  #$6f 
 beq   L0023 
 cmpb  #$78 
 beq   L0049 
 cmpb  #$58 
 beq   L0049 
 lda   #$6c 
 std   ,u++ 
L001f clr   ,u 
 puls  d,u,pc 
L0023 leax  8,s 
L0025 ldb   3,x 
 andb  #7 
 addb  #$30 
 stb   ,u+ 
 ldb   #3 
 bsr   L0035 
 bne   L0025 
 bra   L006b 
L0035 lsr   ,x 
 ror   1,x 
 ror   2,x 
 ror   3,x 
 bne   L0035 
 lda   ,x 
 ora   1,x 
 ora   2,x 
 ora   3,x 
L0049 andb  #$20 
 pshs  b 
 leax  9,s 
L004f ldb   3,x 
 andb  #$0f 
 pshs  b 
 lda   #$30 
 cmpb  #9 
 ble   L005f 
 lda   #$37 
 adda  1,s 
L005f adda  ,s+ 
 sta   ,u+ 
 ldb   #4 
 bsr   L0035 
 bne   L004f 
 leas  1,s 
L006b ldx   ,s 
 clr   ,u 
 lbsr  frevers 
 puls  d,u,pc 
L0074 ldb   8,s 
 bpl   L00a3 
 ldd   #0 
 subd  10,s 
 std   10,s 
 ldd   #0 
 sbcb  9,s 
 sbca  8,s 
 std   8,s 
 cmpd  #$8000 
 bne   L009f 
 ldd   2,x 
 bne   L009f 
 leax  >L00f1,pcr 
L0096 lda   ,x+ 
 sta   ,u+ 
 bne   L0096 
L009c lbra  L001f 
L009f ldb   #$2d 
 stb   ,u+ 
L00a3 leax  G0000,y 
 ldb   #$0a 
 pshs  a 
 pshs  d 
 bra   L00e3 
L00b0 inc   ,s 
L00b2 ldd   13,s 
 subd  2,x 
 std   13,s 
 ldd   11,s 
 sbcb  1,x 
 sbca  ,x 
 std   11,s 
 bcc   L00b0 
 ldd   13,s 
 addd  2,x 
 std   13,s 
 ldd   11,s 
 adcb  1,x 
 adca  ,x 
 std   11,s 
 ldb   ,s 
 tst   2,s 
 bne   L00db 
 beq   L00df 
 inc   2,s 
L00db addb  #$30 
 stb   ,u+ 
L00df leax  4,x 
 clr   ,s 
L00e3 dec   1,s 
 bne   L00b2 
 ldb   14,s 
 addb  #$30 
 stb   ,u+ 
 leas  3,s 
 bra   L009c 
L00f1 blt   L0125 
 leay  -12,y 
 pulu  b,x,y 
 fcb $38 
 leau  -10,y 
 pshs  dp,x,y 
 fcb $00 
