view scripts/mkdskindex @ 2992:1d9ec36546c0

rules.mak: Mark as development version again We are not bumping the version number before the next release is ready. So 3.3.0 dev means 3.3.0 + dev
author Tormod Volden <>
date Mon, 14 Apr 2014 00:30:18 +0200
parents 1e0ca35dcee0
children 96af4bcea625
line wrap: on
line source


# generate pretty index.html from directory of .dsks
# AAW 4/5/10


opendir(DSKD, $dirtoget) || die("Cannot open directory");



print "<TABLE class=tab1>";

print "<TR id='header'><TD class='h1'>File</td><TD class='h1'>Name</td><TD class='h1'>Size</td><TD class='h1'>Created</td><TD class='h1'>Sectors</td><TD class='h1'>Format</td></tr>";

foreach $dsk (sort @dsks)

 if ($dsk =~ m/.*\.dsk$/)
  @os9id = `os9 id $dirtoget/$dsk`;

  foreach $line (@os9id)
   if ($line =~ m/Disk\sname\s+:\s+(.*)/)
    $name = $1;
   elsif ($line =~ m/Disk\sformat\s+:.*\((.*)\)/)
    $format = $1;
   elsif ($line =~ m/Creation\sdate\s+:\s+(.*)/)
    $created = $1;
   elsif ($line =~ m/Total\ssectors\s+:\s+(.*)/)
    $sectors = $1;


  if ($dsk =~ m/_dw[\._]/)
    $format = "DriveWire 3/4";

  if ($dsk =~ m/_becker[\._]/)
    $format = "DriveWire 3/4";

  if ($dsk =~ m/_cocosdc[\._]/)
    $format = "CoCo SDC";

  $size = -s "$dirtoget/$dsk";

  $size = int($size / 1024) . "k";

  print "<TR class='r1'>";
  print "<td class='d1'><A HREF=$dsk>$dsk</A></td>";
  print "<TD class='d1'>$name</td>";
  print "<TD class='d1'>$size</td>";
  print "<td class='d1'>$created</td>";
  print "<td class='d1'>$sectors</td>";
  print "<TD class='d1'>$format</TD>";
  print "</tr>\r\n";

print "</TABLE>";



sub header
  print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Latest disk images</TITLE>";

  print '<style type="text/css">';

  print 'body { margin: 0px; padding 0px; }';
  print 'td.h1 { font-family: arial; padding: 5px; padding-right: 10px; font-size:12px; color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #444444; }';
  print 'td.d1 { font-family: arial; padding: 5px; padding-right: 10px; font-size:12px; }';
  print 'table.tab1 { margin: 10px; border-collapse:collapse;}';

  print 'h4 { font-family: arial; padding: 10px;}';

  print "</style>";

  print "</HEAD><BODY>";
  print "<H4>NitrOS-9: Latest disk images</h4>";


sub footer
 print "</BODY></HTML>";
