view defs/drivewire.d @ 2962:1e0ca35dcee0

Move mkdskindex into scripts folder
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sun, 09 Feb 2014 23:46:50 +0100
parents 9ffe2daeb011
line wrap: on
line source

          IFNE      DRIVEWIRE.D-1
* drivewire.d - DriveWire Definitions File
* $Id$
* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1    Started                                        BGP 03/04/03
*   2    Added DWGLOBS area                             BGP 09/12/27

         nam   drivewire.d
         ttl   DriveWire Definitions File

* Addresses
BBOUT       equ    $FF20
BBIN        equ    $FF22

* Opcodes
OP_NAMEOBJ_MOUNT   equ    $01 Named Object Mount
OP_NAMEOBJ_CREATE  equ    $02 Named Object Create
OP_NOP      equ    $00		No-Op
OP_RESET1   equ    $FE		Server Reset
OP_RESET2   equ    $FF		Server Reset
OP_RESET3   equ    $F8		Server Reset
OP_DWINIT	  equ    'Z		DriveWire dw3 init/OS9 boot
OP_TIME     equ    '#	 	Current time requested
OP_SETTIME  equ    '$	 	Current time requested
OP_INIT     equ    'I		Init routine called
OP_READ     equ    'R		Read one sector
OP_REREAD   equ    'r		Re-read one sector
OP_READEX   equ    'R+128	Read one sector
OP_REREADEX equ    'r+128	Re-read one sector
OP_WRITE    equ    'W		Write one sector
OP_REWRIT   equ    'w		Re-write one sector
OP_GETSTA   equ    'G		GetStat routine called
OP_SETSTA   equ    'S		SetStat routine called
OP_TERM     equ    'T		Term routine called
OP_SERINIT  equ    'E
OP_SERTERM  equ    'E+128

* Printer opcodes
OP_PRINT    equ    'P		Print byte to the print buffer
OP_PRINTFLUSH equ  'F		Flush the server print buffer

* Serial opcodes
OP_SERWRITE equ 'C+128

SS.Timer      equ   $81
SS.EE         equ   $82

* for dw vfm
OP_VFM equ 'V+128

* WireBug opcodes (Server-initiated)
* WireBug opcodes (Server-initiated)
OP_WIREBUG_READREGS   equ  'R	Read the CoCo's registers
OP_WIREBUG_WRITEREGS  equ  'r	Write the CoCo's registers
OP_WIREBUG_READMEM    equ  'M	Read the CoCo's memory
OP_WIREBUG_WRITEMEM   equ  'm	Write the CoCo's memory
OP_WIREBUG_GO         equ  'G	Tell CoCo to get out of WireBug mode and continue execution

* VPort opcodes (CoCo-initiated)
OP_VPORT_READ         equ  'V
OP_VPORT_WRITE        equ  'v

* Error definitions
E_CRC      equ   $F3            Same as NitrOS-9 E$CRC

* DW Globals Page Definitions (must be 256 bytes max)
DW.StatCnt equ   15+16
           org   $00
DW.StatTbl rmb   DW.StatCnt     page pointers for terminal device static storage
DW.VIRQPkt rmb   Vi.PkSz
DW.VIRQNOP rmb   1

* dw3 subroutine module entry points
DW$Init   equ  0
DW$Read   equ  3
DW$Write  equ  6
DW$Term   equ  9

* SCF Multi Terminal Driver Definitions
         	org   	        V.SCF      	;V.SCF: free memory for driver to use
SSigID          rmb             1              ;process ID for signal on data ready
SSigSg          rmb             1              ;signal on data ready code
RxDatLen	rmb		1              ;current length of data in Rx buffer
RxBufSiz	rmb		1              ;Rx buffer size
RxBufEnd	rmb		2              ;end of Rx buffer
RxBufGet	rmb		2              ;Rx buffer output pointer
RxBufPut	rmb		2              ;Rx buffer input pointer
RxGrab		rmb		1              ;bytes to grab in multiread
RxBufPtr	rmb		2              ;pointer to Rx buffer
RxBufDSz	equ		256-.          ;default Rx buffer gets remainder of page...
RxBuff		rmb		RxBufDSz       ;default Rx buffer
SCFDrvMemSz     equ             .
