view 3rdparty/drivers/burke/hdmath.src @ 1130:1e136c413e58

Removed CHMODs from Makefiles
author boisy
date Mon, 14 Apr 2003 13:36:13 +0000
parents c10820aa211b
line wrap: on
line source

*   Version 2.0
*   Date        Who     Description
*   --------    ---     --------------------------
*   01-08-88    CJB     Coded from version 1.0
*                       Added GOBPtr routine and support for 2
*                        drives with different characteristics.
*                       Changed ST-225 support to work with any
*                        drive having 32 SPT and 4 heads (e.g.
*                        ST-238 w/ RLL & W9 in).
*   01/28/88    CJB     Changed LSN bounds check in XSETUP --
*                        compare to park LSN!
*   02/06/88    CJB     Fixed bug that caused loss of LSN MSbyte
*                        when supporting 2 drives.
*                       Eliminated need for DIVA and DIVY parameters
*   05/18/88            Added CNV99 to check for seek errors
*   12/12/88    cjb     Fixed bug in 1-drive XSETUP for park track
*   05/18/90    cjb     Added support for drives in multiple slots

*  Get ready to read or write a sector
SETUP   lbsr    SELDRV
         bcs    SETXIT

        bsr     XSETUP

SETXIT  rts 

    ifeq    trsflg              ;If not optimized for 4 heads, 32 SPT

*  General setup for read or write.
*  Drive is already selected.
XSETUP  pshs    y,x,b

    ifne    (Drives-1)
        ldb     PD.DRV,Y
        lbsr    GOBPTR          ;Point Y to park LSN area

        ldb     ,S              ;Recover MSByte of LSN
        cmpb    (PRKLSN-OBSTART+0),Y
         lbhi   BADSEC
         bcs    XSET2           ;Branch if OK

        cmpx    (PRKLSN-OBSTART+1),Y
         lbhi   BADSEC

*  LSN is OK.  Still in B:X

XSET2   ldy     3,S     ;Recover PD pointer

        cmpb    PRKLSN+0,U
         lbhi   BADSEC
         bcs    XSET2

        cmpx    PRKLSN+1,U
         lbhi   BADSEC

*  LSN is OK.  Still in B:X

XSET2   equ     *


*   Convert LSN to cylinder, sector, head #'s
*   Save head.sector in TEMP
CNVLSN  equ     *

        bsr LSNDIV          ;track -> X, Head -> A, sector ->B
        std temp,u          ;save head & sector for later

        clrb                ; (clear carry for ROR)
        tfr x,d             ;Cylinder number
        RORA                ;get cylinder MSB's to top of byte
        std hicyl,u

        ldb     temp+1,U    ;Process sector #
        andb    #%00111111  ; (0-31 normal, 0-47 RLL)
        stb     secnum,u    ;Save logical sector number
        lsrb                ; / 2 to get physical sector #
        orb     hicyl,U     ; OR in the physical sector number
        stb     hicyl,U

        lda     sdhreg,U    ;save drive #; OR in head
        anda    #%00100000
        ora     temp+0,U
        sta     sdhreg,U

        lda     #1          ;read only 1 sector
        sta     seccnt,U

        tst    drvsem,u    ;is drive ready?
         beq   CNVOK

*   Drive is not ready.
CNV7    clr     drvsem,U

    ifne    (Drives-1)      ;If multiple drives,
*        ldy     actdrv,u
*        lda     V.TRAK,y
        ldy     3,s         ;Restore PD pointer
*        cmpa    #$FF
*         bne    CNVOK       ;Implicit seek if current track known
        lbsr    Seek        ;Explicit seek
        lda     DRVTBL+V.TRAK,U
        cmpa    #$FF
         bne    CNVOK       ;Implicit seek if current track known
        lbsr    SEEKT0      ;Else seek to track 0
         bcs    CNV99       ; report error if any encountered

*  Generic exit w/o error from conversion

CNVOK   clrb

CNV9    bcc     CNVXIT

CNV99   stb     ,s          ;Set error code

CNVXIT  puls    b,x,y,PC

*  Return bad sector error

BADSEC  puls    b
        ldb     #E$Sect
        puls    x,y,PC

*   Convert LSN in B:X to track # in X
*   and head.sector (remainder) in D.  Enter with
*   Reg-U -> static storage and Reg-Y -> path descriptor.
*   Routine assumes that MSB of LSN is 0, and that
*   MSB of H*S is 0.
*   Start by dividing LSN by SPT*heads.  The quotient
*   is the track number.  Then divide the remainder by
*   SPT; the quotient is the head, and the remainder
*   is the sector.
LSNDIV  pshs    Y,X,B               ;Save Y, stack LSN for division

*   Calculate SPT * heads

        lda     PD.SID,Y            ;Get sides
        ldb     (PD.SCT+1),Y        ;Get reg-B = SPT

        pshs    D
        clr     ,-S                 ;Now stack = heads*spt

*   Calculate track # to X

        bsr     div24               ;divide, X=quotient, D=remainder
        leas    6,S                 ; discard temps

        pshs    X                   ;Save track to return

*   Now divide heads*SPT by SPT -- quickly

        clr     ,-s
        com     ,s

LDV000  inc     ,s
        subb    (PD.SCT+1),Y
        sbca    #0
         bhs    LDV000

        addb    (PD.SCT+1),Y        ;Get sector # to B

        puls    A,X,Y,PC            ;Get head to A, sector to B, track X

*   Divide 24 bit 'M' by 24 bit 'N'.  Return 16 bit quotient
*   in Reg-X, 16 bit remainder in Reg-D.  Destroys M, N; leaves
*   carcasses on stack.  Preserves U, Y.
*   Entry:
*       M.l
*       M.m
*       M.h
*       N.l
*       N.m
*       N.h
*       P.l
*   SP->P.h

div24   pshs    Y

*   Push special division guys

        ldd     #1
        pshs    D
        pshs    A                   ;24 bit "1" flag

        pshs    D
        pshs    A                   ;24 bits of 0's (result)

*   Lotsa good stuff on stack.  Find biggest multiple of heads*spt
*   smaller than or = LSN

LDV001  ldd     (8+2+3+0),S
        cmpd    (8+2+0+0),S
         bne    LDV002              ;carry set w/ which is more

        lda     (8+2+3+2),S
        cmpa    (8+2+0+2),S

*   Now CC set for LSN-HS
LDV002  bcs     LDV005              ;branch if HS > LSN

*   Get to multiply HS etc by 2

        asl     (3+2),S             ;bit flag * 2
        rol     (3+1),S
        rol     (3+0),S

        asl     (8+2+0+2),S         ;HS * 2
        rol     (8+2+0+1),S
        rol     (8+2+0+0),S

        bra     LDV001

*   Now HS is bigger than LSN.  Start dividing.

LDV005  lsr     (8+2+0+0),S         ;HS / 2
        ror     (8+2+0+1),S
        ror     (8+2+0+2),S

        lsr     (3+0),S             ;bit flag / 2
        ror     (3+1),S
        ror     (3+2),S
         bcs    LDV008              ; (branch if ready for remainder)

        ldd     (8+2+3+1),S         ;LSN - HS.scaled
        subd    (8+2+0+1),S
        std     (8+2+3+1),S
        lda     (8+2+3+0),S
        sbca    (8+2+0+0),S
        sta     (8+2+3+0),S

         bcc    LDV007

*   No good.  Restore LSN

        leay    (8+2+3),S
        leax    (8+2+0),S
        bsr     addxtoy             ;LSN + HS.scaled
         bra    LDV005

*   Good.  Add bit to result

LDV007  leay    0,S                 ;Quotient + bit
        leax    3,S
        bsr     addxtoy
         bra    LDV005

*   Now we've checked for all multiples of HS.
*   Quotient is at 0-2,S; remainder is where dividend was.
*   Quotient and remainder are known to be < 65536

LDV008  ldx     (0+1),S             ;get 16 bit quotient
        leas    6,S                 ;Deallocate quotient & temps
        ldd     (4+3+1),S           ;get 16 bit remainder

        puls    Y,PC

*   Add 24 bits @X to 24 bits @Y
addxtoy ldd     1,Y
        addd    1,X
        std     1,Y
        lda     0,Y
        adca    0,X
        sta     0,Y


*   General setup for read or write.
*   Drive is already selected.
*   Optimized for drives such as ST-225, with
*   32 double-sectors / track.  This version
*   works only with 4 heads.
*  Reg-Y points to path descriptor.
*  Drive # already set up in SDHREG,U
XSETUP  pshs    y,x,b

    ifne    (Drives-1)
        ldy     actdrv,u    ;Verify legal LSN (fetch drive table pointer)

        cmpb    DD.TOT,y
         lbhi   BADSEC
         bcs    XSET2      ;Branch if OK

        cmpx    DD.TOT+1,y
         lbcc   BADSEC

*  LSN is OK.  Still in B:X

XSET2   ldy     3,S     ;Recover PD pointer

        cmpb    DRVTBL+DD.TOT,U
         lbhi   BADSEC
         bcs    XSET2

        cmpx    DRVTBL+DD.TOT+1,U
         lbcc   BADSEC

*  LSN is OK.  Still in B:X

XSET2   equ     *


*   These drives have 4 heads, 32 sectors / track.
*   The LSN is known to be in range.

        pshs    x,b     ;Calculate track = LSN / (32*4); format for controller
        ldd     ,s
        addd    ,s          ;double MS word of LSN; /128 is like *2 / 256.
        tst     2,s         ; (there's never a carry from ADDD)
         bpl    XSET3

        incb                ;add in MSB of LS byte if needed -- never a carry

*  NOTE -- carry must be clear here.

XSET3   rora            ;Controller likes 2 MS bits of cylinder in MS bits of A
        std     hicyl,U     ; (don't need to format Reg-B)

        ldb     2,s         ;Calculate logical sector and physical sector
        andb    #%00011111  ; (0-31 ALWAYS -- W9 in for RLL)
        stb     secnum,u
        lsrb                ; (physical sector is 1/2 logical -- 0-15)
        orb     hicyl,u
        stb     hicyl,u     ;format correctly

        ldb     2,s         ;Calculate head number = LSN / 32
        lda     #8
        mul                 ; now head number is in Reg-A
        anda    #%00000011
        pshs    a
        lda     sdhreg,u
        anda    #%00100000  ; (save only the drive # from SELDRV)
        ora     ,s+
        sta     sdhreg,u    ; format for controller and save

        lda     #1          ;Set up sector count
        sta     seccnt,u

        leas    3,s         ;Discard stack stuff

*  Done with task file.
        tst     drvsem,u    ;Is drive ready?
         beq    CNVOK

*  Drive not ready; perform seek
CNV7    clr     drvsem,u

    ifne    (Drives-1)      ;If multiple drives,
*        ldy     actdrv,u
*        lda     V.TRAK,y
        ldy     3,s         ;Restore PD pointer
*        cmpa    #$FF
*         bne    CNVOK       ;Implicit seek if current track known
        lbsr    Seek        ;Explicit seek
        lda     DRVTBL+V.TRAK,U
        cmpa    #$FF
         bne    CNVOK       ;Implicit seek if current track known
        lbsr    SEEKT0      ;Else seek to track 0
         bcs    CNV99

*  Generic conversion exit with no error
CNVOK   clrb 

CNV9    bcc     CNVXIT

CNV99   stb     ,s

CNVXIT  puls    b,x,y,PC

*  Return bad sector error
BADSEC  puls    b
        ldb     #E$Sect
        puls    x,y,PC


*   Perform drive selection calculations
SELDRV  equ     *

    ifne    (Drives-1)          ;If multiple drives supported,

        lda     PD.DRV,Y
        cmpa    #Drives         ;Is drive # OK?
         bcs    SD0

*  Illegal drive error
        ldb     #E$Unit

SD.XIT  rts

*   Drive # in A is OK.  Set semaphore based on 
*   current and prev. drive;

SD0     clr     drvsem,U        ;Assume same drive.
        cmpa    prvdrv,U        ;Same as previous?
         beq    SD1             ; (if so, we're already set up)

*  Set flag to indicate new drive, and wait for drive ready

        sta     prvdrv,U
        dec     drvsem,U
        lbsr    WaiDrv          ;Wait -- preserve D,X,Y,U
         bcs    SD.XIT          ; (abort if drive not ready)
    ifne    cchflg          ;If cache supported,
        clr     BfrFlg,U        ;Mark cache data invalid

*  Convert drive # to controller's format

SD1     anda    #$01            ;2 drives / controller, but allow slots
        pshs    a
        lda     sdhreg,U        ;get old value
        anda    #%00001111      ; (save head #)
        ora     ,s+
        sta     sdhreg,U

        pshs    x
        ldx     PD.DTB,Y        ;get pointer to drive table
        stx     ACTDRV,U
        puls    x


        lda     sdhreg,U        ;get old value
        anda    #%00001111      ; save head #, force drive # to 0
        sta     sdhreg,U


*  Carry clear unless error
SDXIT   rts

    ifne    (Drives-1)          ;For 2 drive systems,

*   Calculate pointer to drive PCCYL, DIVA, DIVY, and PRKTRK
*   parameters, based on drive # in Reg-B.  Return ptr in Y.
*   Assumes U->static storage
GOBPtr  pshs    D
        lda     #OBSIZE         ;(size of option packet for each drive)
        leay    OBSTART,U
        leay    D,Y             ;Point to options for correct drive
        puls    D,PC


*   end of hdmath.src