view level1/modules/dwread.asm @ 2897:260116065a2f lwtools-port

arcadepak: Add empty_smash.txt and empty_thexder.txt dummy files This was done in default branch in commit 9b29d654db13 but did not get into the lwtools branch. We'll probably do this differently later, but for now I'll just pick this solution. At this point everything I have spotted of useful changes in the default branch has been pushed to the lwtools branch. I have cherry-picked changes both ways in order to make a merge easier, but a real merge will probably not be useful. I did try it out and waded through merge conflicts and diff'ed the result with current lwtools branch, so I am pretty sure nothing useful will be lost.
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 11 Jan 2014 18:20:09 +0100
parents ce3dba57003b
children 28ed72477814
line wrap: on
line source

* DWRead
*    Receive a response from the DriveWire server.
*    Times out if serial port goes idle for more than 1.4 (0.7) seconds.
*    Serial data format:  1-8-N-1
*    4/12/2009 by Darren Atkinson
* Entry:
*    X  = starting address where data is to be stored
*    Y  = number of bytes expected
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on framing error, Z set if all bytes received
*    X  = starting address of data received
*    Y  = checksum
*    U is preserved.  All accumulators are clobbered

          IFNE ARDUINO
* Note: this is an optimistic routine. It presumes that the server will always be there, and
* has NO timeout fallback. It is also very short and quick.
DWRead    clra                       ; clear Carry (no framing error)
          pshs   u,x,cc              ; preserve registers
          leau   ,x
          ldx    #$0000
loop@     tst    $FF51               ; check for CA1 bit (1=Arduino has byte ready)
          bpl    loop@               ; loop if not set
          ldb    $FF50               ; clear CA1 bit in status register
          stb    ,u+                 ; save off acquired byte
          abx                        ; update checksum
          leay   ,-y
          bne    loop@
          leay   ,x                  ; return checksum in Y
          puls   cc,x,u,pc           ; restore registers and return


          IFNE JMCPBCK
* NOTE: There is no timeout currently on here...
DWRead    clra                          ; clear Carry (no framing error)
          deca                          ; clear Z flag, A = timeout msb ($ff)
          tfr       cc,b
          pshs      u,x,dp,b,a          ; preserve registers, push timeout msb
          leau   ,x
          ldx    #$0000
          orcc   #IntMasks
loop@     ldb    $FF4C
          bitb   #$02
          beq    loop@
          ldb    $FF44
          stb    ,u+
          leay   ,-y
          bne    loop@

          tfr    x,y
          ldb    #0
          lda    #3
          leas      1,s                 ; remove timeout msb from stack
          inca                          ; A = status to be returned in C and Z
          ora       ,s                  ; place status information into the..
          sta       ,s                  ; ..C and Z bits of the preserved CC
          leay      ,x                  ; return checksum in Y
          puls      cc,dp,x,u,pc        ; restore registers and return
          IFNE BECKER
* NOTE: There is no timeout currently on here...
DWRead    clra                          ; clear Carry (no framing error)
          deca                          ; clear Z flag, A = timeout msb ($ff)
          tfr       cc,b
          pshs      u,x,dp,b,a          ; preserve registers, push timeout msb
          leau   ,x
          ldx    #$0000
          orcc   #IntMasks
loop@     ldb    $FF41
          bitb   #$02
          beq    loop@
          ldb    $FF42
          stb    ,u+
          leay   ,-y
          bne    loop@

          tfr    x,y
          ldb    #0
          lda    #3
          leas      1,s                 ; remove timeout msb from stack
          inca                          ; A = status to be returned in C and Z
          ora       ,s                  ; place status information into the..
          sta       ,s                  ; ..C and Z bits of the preserved CC
          leay      ,x                  ; return checksum in Y
          puls      cc,dp,x,u,pc        ; restore registers and return

          IFNE BAUD38400
* 38400 bps using 6809 code and timimg

DWRead    clra                          ; clear Carry (no framing error)
          deca                          ; clear Z flag, A = timeout msb ($ff)
          tfr       cc,b
          pshs      u,x,dp,b,a          ; preserve registers, push timeout msb
          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
          tfr       a,dp                ; set direct page to $FFxx
          setdp     $ff
          leau      ,x                  ; U = storage ptr
          ldx       #0                  ; initialize checksum
          adda      #2                  ; A = $01 (serial in mask), set Carry

* Wait for a start bit or timeout
rx0010    bcc       rxExit              ; exit if timeout expired
          ldb       #$ff                ; init timeout lsb
rx0020    bita      <BBIN               ; check for start bit
          beq       rxByte              ; branch if start bit detected
          subb      #1                  ; decrement timeout lsb
          bita      <BBIN
          beq       rxByte
          bcc       rx0020              ; loop until timeout lsb rolls under
          bita      <BBIN
          beq       rxByte
          addb      ,s                  ; B = timeout msb - 1
          bita      <BBIN
          beq       rxByte
          stb       ,s                  ; store decremented timeout msb
          bita      <BBIN
          bne       rx0010              ; loop if still no start bit

* Read a byte
rxByte    leay      ,-y                 ; decrement request count
          ldd       #$ff80              ; A = timeout msb, B = shift counter
          sta       ,s                  ; reset timeout msb for next byte
rx0030    exg       a,a
          lda       <BBIN               ; read data bit
          lsra                          ; shift into carry
          rorb                          ; rotate into byte accumulator
          lda       #$01                ; prep stop bit mask
          bcc       rx0030              ; loop until all 8 bits read

          stb       ,u+                 ; store received byte to memory
          abx                           ; update checksum
          ldb       #$ff                ; set timeout lsb for next byte
          anda      <BBIN               ; read stop bit
          beq       rxExit              ; exit if framing error
          leay      ,y                  ; test request count
          bne       rx0020              ; loop if another byte wanted
          lda       #$03                ; setup to return SUCCESS

* Clean up, set status and return
rxExit    leas      1,s                 ; remove timeout msb from stack
          inca                          ; A = status to be returned in C and Z
          ora       ,s                  ; place status information into the..
          sta       ,s                  ; ..C and Z bits of the preserved CC
          leay      ,x                  ; return checksum in Y
          puls      cc,dp,x,u,pc        ; restore registers and return
          setdp     $00

          IFEQ H6309
* 57600 (115200) bps using 6809 code and timimg

DWRead    clra                          ; clear Carry (no framing error)
          deca                          ; clear Z flag, A = timeout msb ($ff)
          tfr       cc,b
          pshs      u,x,dp,b,a          ; preserve registers, push timeout msb
          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
          tfr       a,dp                ; set direct page to $FFxx
          setdp     $ff
          leau      ,x                  ; U = storage ptr
          ldx       #0                  ; initialize checksum
          lda       #$01                ; A = serial in mask
          bra       rx0030              ; go wait for start bit

* Read a byte
rxByte    leau      1,u                 ; bump storage ptr
          leay      ,-y                 ; decrement request count
          lda       <BBIN               ; read bit 0
          lsra                          ; move bit 0 into Carry
          ldd       #$ff20              ; A = timeout msb, B = shift counter
          sta       ,s                  ; reset timeout msb for next byte
          rorb                          ; rotate bit 0 into byte accumulator
rx0010    lda       <BBIN               ; read bit (d1, d3, d5)
          bita      1,s                 ; 5 cycle delay
          bcs       rx0020              ; exit loop after reading bit 5
          lda       <BBIN               ; read bit (d2, d4)
          leau      ,u
          bra       rx0010

rx0020    lda       <BBIN               ; read bit 6
          leay      ,y                  ; test request count
          beq       rx0050              ; branch if final byte of request
          lda       <BBIN               ; read bit 7
          rorb                          ; byte is now complete
          stb       -1,u                ; store received byte to memory
          abx                           ; update checksum
          lda       <BBIN               ; read stop bit
          anda      #$01                ; mask out other bits
          beq       rxExit              ; exit if framing error

* Wait for a start bit or timeout
rx0030    bita      <BBIN               ; check for start bit
          beq       rxByte              ; branch if start bit detected
          bita      <BBIN               ; again
          beq       rxByte
          ldb       #$ff                ; init timeout lsb
rx0040    bita      <BBIN
          beq       rxByte
          subb      #1                  ; decrement timeout lsb
          bita      <BBIN
          beq       rxByte
          bcc       rx0040              ; loop until timeout lsb rolls under
          bita      <BBIN
          beq       rxByte
          addb      ,s                  ; B = timeout msb - 1
          bita      <BBIN
          beq       rxByte
          stb       ,s                  ; store decremented timeout msb
          bita      <BBIN
          beq       rxByte
          bcs       rx0030              ; loop if timeout hasn't expired
          bra       rxExit              ; exit due to timeout

rx0050    lda       <BBIN               ; read bit 7 of final byte
          rorb                          ; byte is now complete
          stb       -1,u                ; store received byte to memory
          abx                           ; calculate final checksum
          lda       <BBIN               ; read stop bit
          anda      #$01                ; mask out other bits
          ora       #$02                ; return SUCCESS if no framing error

* Clean up, set status and return
rxExit    leas      1,s                 ; remove timeout msb from stack
          inca                          ; A = status to be returned in C and Z
          ora       ,s                  ; place status information into the..
          sta       ,s                  ; ..C and Z bits of the preserved CC
          leay      ,x                  ; return checksum in Y
          puls      cc,dp,x,u,pc        ; restore registers and return
          setdp     $00

* 57600 (115200) bps using 6309 native mode

DWRead    clrb                          ; clear Carry (no framing error)
          decb                          ; clear Z flag, B = $FF
          pshs      u,x,dp,cc           ; preserve registers
          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
*         ldmd      #1                  ; requires 6309 native mode
          tfr       b,dp                ; set direct page to $FFxx
          setdp     $ff
          leay      -1,y                ; adjust request count
          leau      ,x                  ; U = storage ptr
          tfr       0,x                 ; initialize checksum
          lda       #$01                ; A = serial in mask
          bra       rx0030              ; go wait for start bit

* Read a byte
rxByte    sexw                          ; 4 cycle delay
          ldw       #$006a              ; shift counter and timing flags
          clra                          ; clear carry so next will branch
rx0010    bcc       rx0020              ; branch if even bit number (15 cycles)
          nop                           ; extra (16th) cycle
rx0020    lda       <BBIN               ; read bit
          lsra                          ; move bit into carry
          rorb                          ; rotate bit into byte accumulator
          lda       #0                  ; prep A for 8th data bit
          lsrw                          ; bump shift count, timing bit to carry
          bne       rx0010              ; loop until 7th data bit has been read
          incw                          ; W = 1 for subtraction from Y
          inca                          ; A = 1 for reading bit 7
          anda      <BBIN               ; read bit 7
          lsra                          ; move bit 7 into carry, A = 0
          rorb                          ; byte is now complete
          stb       ,u+                 ; store received byte to memory
          abx                           ; update checksum
          subr      w,y                 ; decrement request count
          inca                          ; A = 1 for reading stop bit
          anda      <BBIN               ; read stop bit
          bls       rxExit              ; exit if completed or framing error

* Wait for a start bit or timeout
rx0030    clrw                          ; initialize timeout counter
rx0040    bita      <BBIN               ; check for start bit
          beq       rxByte              ; branch if start bit detected
          addw      #1                  ; bump timeout counter
          bita      <BBIN
          beq       rxByte
          bcc       rx0040              ; loop until timeout rolls over
          lda       #$03                ; setup to return TIMEOUT status

* Clean up, set status and return
rxExit    beq       rx0050              ; branch if framing error
          eora      #$02                ; toggle SUCCESS flag
rx0050    inca                          ; A = status to be returned in C and Z
          ora       ,s                  ; place status information into the..
          sta       ,s                  ; ..C and Z bits of the preserved CC
          leay      ,x                  ; return checksum in Y
          puls      cc,dp,x,u,pc        ; restore registers and return
          setdp     $00
