view level1/modules/rominfo.asm @ 2897:260116065a2f lwtools-port

arcadepak: Add empty_smash.txt and empty_thexder.txt dummy files This was done in default branch in commit 9b29d654db13 but did not get into the lwtools branch. We'll probably do this differently later, but for now I'll just pick this solution. At this point everything I have spotted of useful changes in the default branch has been pushed to the lwtools branch. I have cherry-picked changes both ways in order to make a merge easier, but a real merge will probably not be useful. I did try it out and waded through merge conflicts and diff'ed the result with current lwtools branch, so I am pretty sure nothing useful will be lost.
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 11 Jan 2014 18:20:09 +0100
parents 9dd4f422aac7
children 8629f64b7dd3
line wrap: on
line source

* ROMInfo - NitrOS-9 ROM Relocation Code
* $Id: rominfo.asm,v 1.1 2004/04/05 03:34:39 boisy Exp $
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      1998/05/03  Boisy G. Pitre
* Created for the Coyota project and later productized.

         nam   ROMInfo
         ttl   NitrOS-9 ROM Relocation Code

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Systm+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $01
edition  set   1

* Untested!
         IFNE  ROMPak
         jmp   $C000+start

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

size     equ   .

name     fcs   /ROMInfo/
         fcb   edition

start    equ   *

         IFGT  Level-1

* NitrOS-9 Level 2 - CoCo 3
* Bring the CoCo 3 to sanity
         orcc  #IntMasks  disable FIRQ, IRQ
         clr   $FFD9      go into fast mode
         lda   #$0A       CC3 Mode, No MMU, 32K Int. ROM
         sta   $FF90
         clr   $FFDE      RAM/ROM mode (upper 16K ROM at $C000)

* Setup MMU
         ldx   #DAT.Regs
         leay  MMUTbl,pcr
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   #16
         tfm   y+,x+
         ldb   #16
MMULoop  lda   ,y+
         sta   ,x+
         bne   MMULoop

* Set up CoCo 3 Video Registers at $FF98-$FF9F
         ldd   #$0000
         std   $FF98
         std   $FF9A
         std   $FF9E
         ldd   #$0FE0
         std   $FF9C

* Initialize PIAs
         ldx   #PIA1Base  RG - Initialize the PIA 1
         ldd   #$FF34
         clr   1,x
         clr   3,x
         sta   ,x
         lda   #$F8
         sta   2,x
         stb   1,x
         stb   3,x
         clr   2,x
         lda   #$02
         sta   ,x

         lda   #$FF       RG - Initialize the PIA 0
         ldx   #PIA0Base
         clr   1,x
         clr   3,x
         clr   ,x
         sta   2,x
         stb   1,x
         stb   3,x

         tfr   b,dp
         clr   2,x

         lda   #$CA       RG - CC2 mode, MMU, constant DRAM, 32K internal ROM
         sta   $FF90

         bra   RelROM

         fcb   $38,$39,$3A,$3B,$3C,$3D,$3E,$3F
         fcb   $38,$39,$3A,$3B,$3C,$3D,$3E,$3F

* ROM relocation code -- copies the boot track into $2600 and JMPs to it
RelROM   ldx   #$EC00 src address (boot track in ROM)
         ldy   #$2600     dst address (RAM)
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   #$1200
         tfm   x+,y+
copyloop ldd   ,x++       get 2 bytes from src
         std   ,y++       put 2 bytes to dst
         cmpx  #$EC00+$1200 at end?
         blo   copyloop   nope, copy more...
         jmp   $2602      jump to OS rel code


* NitrOS-9 Level 1 - CoCo 1/2
         ldx   #PIA1Base                 PIA1
         clr   -3,x                    clear PIA0 Control Register A
         clr   -1,x                    clear PIA0 Control Register B
         clr   -4,x                    set PIA0 side A to input
         ldd   #$FF34
         sta   -2,x                    set PIA0 side B to output
         stb   -3,x                    enable PIA0 peripheral reg, disable PIA0
         stb   -1,x                    MPU interrupts, set CA2, CA1 to outputs
         clr   1,x                     $FF20 = DDR, motoroff
         clr   3,x                     $FF22 = DDR, sound disabled
         deca                          A = $FE after deca
         sta   ,x                      bits 1-7 are outputs, bit 0 is input on PIA1 side A
         lda   #$F8
         sta   2,x                     bits 0-2 are inputs, bits 3-7 are outputs on B side
         stb   1,x                     enable peripheral registers, disable PIA1 MPU
         stb   3,x                     interrupts and set CA2, CB2 as outputs
         clr   2,x                     set 6847 mode to alphanumeric
         ldb   #$02
         stb   ,x                      make RS-232 output marking
         tfr   b,dp                    B = 0
         ldb   #$04
         clr   -2,x
         bitb  2,x

         lda   #$37
         sta   PIA1Base+3

         lda   PIA0Base+3
         ora   #$01
         sta   PIA0Base+3

         lda   PIA1Base+2
         anda  #$07
         sta   PIA1Base+2

* VDG Mode
         sta   $FFC0
         sta   $FFC2
         sta   $FFC4

* 64K DRAM (M0=0, M1=1)
         sta   $FFDA                   RESET M0
         sta   $FFDD                   SET   M1

* ROM relocation code -- copies the boot track into $2600
RelROM   ldx   #$AE00                  src address (ROM)
         ldy   #$2600                  dst address (RAM)
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   #$1200
         tfm   x+,y+
copyloop ldd   ,x++                    get 2 bytes from src
         std   ,y++                    put 2 bytes to dst
         cmpx  #$AE00+$1200            at end?
         blo   copyloop                nope, copy more...
* BOOT relocation code -- copies the bootfile into $2600+$1200
RelBOOT  ldx   #$8000
         ldy   #$2600+$1200
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   #$2E00
         tfm   x+,y+
cpy2loop ldd   ,x++
         std   ,y++
         cmpx  #$8000+$2E00
         blo   cpy2loop
         jmp   $2602                   jump to OS rel code


eom      equ   *