view 3rdparty/fmgrs/msf/msf.asm @ 1097:264588ae1cd4

Fixed cc-1.1 to cc
author boisy
date Wed, 09 Apr 2003 16:06:26 +0000
parents 938ec7bd301f
children c9a215fbb25d
line wrap: on
line source

* MSF (msf.v2.3.a)
* copyright 1988 by
*           Clearbrook Software Group Inc.
*           Box 8000-499
*           Abbotsford, B.C.
*           CANADA  V2S 6H1
*           (604)853-9118
* author: Paul Kehler
* MSF source and object code and any product derived from the
*  MSF source code is a copyrighted product of Clearbrook
*  Software Group Inc. It may be used by a licensed user on one 
*  computer system and may not be sold or given away except as
*  authorized by Clearbrook Software Group Inc.
* Oct 15, 1988 - added check for busy before FAT checked
* MSDOS file manager for OS9 Level 2 with SDisk3 disk driver

           use   defsfile

type       set   FlMgr+Objct
revs       set   Reent+1

edition    set   $23            version 2.3

           mod   modlen,modname,type,revs,modexec,modmem

modname    fcs   'MSF'
           fcb   edition

* information determined from the FAT ID byte

*** Revision 2.1 to support 640 and 720k disk

*** Revision 2.2 to support 1.2meg floppies
* and follow the MSDOS v2+ standard for the
* information sector and FAT ID byte.

* double sided, 8 sectors/track
           fcb   $00,$02        512 bytes/sector
           fcb   $02            sectors/cluster
           fcb   $01,$00        reserved sectors
           fcb   $02            number of FATs
           fcb   $70,$00        112 root directory entries
           fcb   $80,$02        640 sectors
           fcb   $FF            ID byte
           fcb   $01,$00        1 sector/FAT
           fcb   $08,$00        8 sectors/track
           fcb   $02,$00        2 heads
           fcb   $00,$00        no hidden sectors

* single sided, 8 sectors/track
           fcb   $00,$02        512 bytes/sector
           fcb   $01            sectors/cluster
           fcb   $01,$00        reserved sectors
           fcb   $02            number of FATs
           fcb   $40,$00        64 root directory entries
           fcb   $40,$01        320 sectors
           fcb   $FE            ID byte
           fcb   $01,$00        1 sector/FAT
           fcb   $08,$00        8 sectors/track
           fcb   $01,$00        1 head
           fcb   $00,$00        no hidden sectors

* double sided, 9 sectors/track
           fcb   $00,$02        512 bytes/sector
           fcb   $02            sectors/cluster
           fcb   $01,$00        reserved sectors
           fcb   $02            number of FATs
           fcb   $70,$00        112 root directory entries
           fcb   $D0,$02        720 sectors
           fcb   $FD            ID byte
           fcb   $02,$00        2 sector/FAT
           fcb   $09,$00        9 sectors/track
           fcb   $02,$00        2 heads
           fcb   $00,$00        no hidden sectors

* single sided, 9 sectors/track
           fcb   $00,$02        512 bytes/sector
           fcb   $01            sectors/cluster
           fcb   $01,$00        reserved sectors
           fcb   $02            number of FATs
           fcb   $40,$00        64 root directory entries
           fcb   $68,$01        360 sectors
           fcb   $FC            ID byte
           fcb   $02,$00        2 sector/FAT
           fcb   $09,$00        9 sectors/track
           fcb   $01,$00        1 head
           fcb   $00,$00        no hidden sectors

* Subroutine: expchn
* function - add a cluster to a file chain
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
*  D is number of last cluster in file
* On exit:
*  D is number of added cluster
*        or
*  Carry set and error code in B

expchn     ldx   msp.dtb,y
           ldx   V.FAT,x        point to FAT

* Subroutine: expchain
* function - add a cluster to a file chain
* On entry:
*  X points to FAT
*  D is number of last cluster in file ($FFF if none)
* On exit:
*  D is number of added cluster
*        or
*  Carry set and error code in B

expchain   pshs  d,u
           lbsr  findhole       find first available sector
           beq   expbad full
           tfr   d,u            save cluster number of hole
           ldd   ,s++           get current last cluster
           beq   expch5         ..this is first
           cmpd  #$FF8
           bhs   expch5
           bsr   updFAT         make it the second last one
expch5     tfr   u,d            get number of hole
           ldu   #$FFF
           bsr   updFAT         make it the last cluster in file
           puls  u,pc           return last cluster number in D

expbad     leas  4,s
           comb                 set carry
           ldb   #E$Full
           rts                  return carry set and media full

* Subroutine: delchain
* function - delete a file chain from the FAT
* On entry:
*  X points to FAT
*  D is first cluster in file
* On exit:
*  D==0 if error

delchain   pshs  d,x,u
           ldu   #0
           bra   delch2
delch1     bsr   findnext       find the next cluster in the chain
           std   2,s            save it
           ldd   ,s             get previous cluster number
           bsr   updFAT         mark it as unused
           ldd   2,s            get current cluster
           std   ,s             make it the previous
           beq   delerror       ..bad FAT
delch2     cmpd  #$FF8          end of file?
           blo   delch1, remove another cluster
delerror   ldd   ,s
           leas  4,s
           puls  u,pc

* Subroutine: updFAT
* function - update the FAT
* On entry:
*  X points to FAT
*  D cluster to update
*  U next cluster to cluster D
*     U==$FFF if D is last cluster in file
*     U==0 if D is an unused cluster
* On exit:
*  all registers unchanged

updFAT     pshs  d,x,u
           addd  ,s
           rorb                 offset in FAT=cluster# * 1.5
           leax  d,x            point to FAT entry
           ldd   ,x             get current value in FAT
           bcs   updodd         ..nomalize for odd cluster number
* 12bit value is put in fat in the following order
* nibble1, nibble0, neighbour, nibble2
           andb  #$F0           keep neighbour nibble
           pshs  b
           ldd   5,s            get new value
           anda  #$F            isolate most significant nibble
           ora   ,s+            combine with neighbouring nibble
           sta   1,x
           stb   ,x             put in second and third nibbles
           bra   updend

updodd     anda  #$F            keep neighbour nibble
           pshs  a
           ldd   5,s            get new value
           rora                 rearrange the word nibble0, neighbour, nibble2, nibble1
           ora   ,s+            combine with neighbour
           std   ,x             and put it in FAT
updend     lda   #1
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           sta   dir.stat,x     set dir.stat to update FAT
           puls  d,x,u,pc 

* Subroutine: findnext
* function - find the next cluster in a chain
* On entry:
*  X points to FAT
*  D current cluster number
* On exit:
*  D is next cluster number

findnext   pshs  d
           addd  ,s++
           rorb                 offset=cluster*1.5 /carry set if cluster is odd
           ldd   d,x            get mixed up cluster #
           exg   a,b
           bcs   oddcl          ..unjumble odd cluster
           anda  #$F            normalize next cluster # for an even cluster
oddcl      lsra

* Subroutine: findhole
* function - find an unused cluster
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  D - first unused cluster or 0 if media full
*  X - points to FAT

findhole   ldx   msp.dtb,y
           ldx   V.BPB,x        point to disk info
           ldd   ID.clus,x      get number of clusters
           ldx   msp.dtb,y
           ldx   V.FAT,x        point to file allocation table
findh02    pshs  d
           ldd   #2             first usable cluster
           pshs  d
findh1     bsr   findnext       get next cluster
           std   -2,s           is there one?
           beq   holefnd, its unused
           ldd   ,s
           addd  #1
           std   ,s
           cmpd  2,s            end of FAT?
           bne   findh1, check it out
           std   ,s
holefnd    ldd   ,s++           return cluster # in D
           leas  2,s

* Subroutine: rootdat
* function - return info about size and location
*  of root directory.
* On entry:
*   Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  A is cluster size
*  B is size of directory in sectors
*  U is location of directory (logical sector)

rootdat    pshs  x
           ldx   msp.dtb,y
           ldx   V.BPB,x        point to info
           lda   ID.spf,x       get sectors/fat
           ldb   ID.FATs,x      get number of FATs
           addb  ID.res,x       add reserved sectors
           tfr   d,u
           ldb   ID.BPS+1,x     get MSB of sector size
           pshs  b
           ldd   ID.RDE,x       get root directory entries
           exg   a,b
rootd5     lsra
           lsr   ,s
           bne   rootd5         calculate number of directory sectors
           puls  a
           lda   ID.SPA,x       get sectors/cluster
           puls  x,pc

* Subroutine: sepecl
* function - return sectors per cluster
* On entry:
*   Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*   A - number of sectors per cluster
sepecl     pshs  x
           ldx   msp.dtb,y
           ldx   V.BPB,x        point to disk info
           lda   ID.SPA,x       get Sectors Per Allocation unit
           puls  x,pc

* Subroutine: secsiz
* function - return sector size
* On entry:
*   Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*   D - sector size
secsiz     pshs  x
           ldx   msp.dtb,y
           ldx   V.BPB,x        point to disk info
           ldd   ID.BPS,x       get Sector size
           exg   a,b            convert to Motorola format
           puls  x,pc

* Subroutine: findfile
* function - find a file in the directory
* On entry:
*   Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  Carry set if error (error code in B)
*  X points to directory entry if file found

findf91    rts

* link path into list
findfile   ldx,y
           ldx   V$STAT,x       point to device static storage
           ldb   PD.DRV,y       get drive number
           lda   #DRVMEM
           leax  d,x
           leax  DRVBEG2,x
           stx   msp.dtb,y      save address of drive table
           inc   V.CNT,x        path count
open001    ldu   <D.MSF
           beq   open1
           sty   msp.prev,u
open1      sty   <D.MSF
           tfr   Y,U
           LDX   <D.PthDBT
           OS9   F$All64        get 64 bytes of storage
           bcs   findf91        ..return error
           exg   Y,U
           stu   msp.dir,y      place to store directory entry
           std,u mark file as root directory
           ldx   <D.Proc        point to user process
           ldb   P$Task,x       get DAT task number
           ldx   PD.RGS,y       point to stacked parameters
           ldx   R$X,x          point to file name
           pshs  b,x,y          save registers
           leas  -4,s           save temporary space
           clr   1,s            directory mode
           inc   1,s
           OS9   F$LDABX        get first character of path list
           sta   ,s
           cmpa  #'/            complete path list?
           beq   findf1         ..yes
           cmpa  #'@            entire disk?
           lbeq  findf201       ..yes
           bsr   getrdy         get ready to access disk
           lbcs  findf24
           lbsr  setdir         select current default directory
           lbcs  findf24        ..return error
           ldb   4,s            recover task number
           lda   ,s
           lbra  findf20

* Read the FAT if required
* return:
*   carry set and error in B
*   NE if buffer already set up
getFAT     pshs  x,u
*** rev 2.3
           ldu   PD.DEV,y
           ldu   V$STAT,u       point to static storage
getFAT0    tst   V.BUSY,u       is driver busy?
           beq   getFAT1
           ldx   #1
           OS9   F$SLEEP        sleep until ready
           bra   getFAT0
           ldu   msp.dtb,y
           clrb                 clear carry
           ldd   V.FAT,u        has FAT been read?
           bne   open012        ..yes
open01     lbsr  readFAT        read the file allocation table
           bcs   open013
open012    ldd   PD.BUF,y       is buffer already allocated?
           bne   open013        ..yes
           lbsr  secsiz         get sector size
           os9   F$SRQMEM       request memory
           bcs   open013        ..return error
           stu   PD.BUF,y
open013    puls  x,u,pc

* read the file allocation table if needed
*  and setup the root directory
getrdy     bsr   getFAT
           bcs   getrdy9
           lbsr  rootdat        get root information
           lbsr  setsec
           ldu   msp.dir,y
           pshs  x
           ldx   msp.dtb,y
           ldx   V.BPB,x        point to info
           ldd   ID.RDE,x       get root directory entries
           puls  x
           exg   a,b
           rola                 root directory entries * 16
           exg   a,b
           std,u set size of root directory (bytes)
           ldb   #attr.DR
           stb,u set directory attribute
           ldd   #1
           std   msp.pos+1,y
getrdy9    rts

findf1     pshs  y
           OS9   F$PrsNam       skip device name
           tfr   y,x
           puls  y
           anda  #$7f
           cmpa  #'/
           beq   findf19
           cmpa  #'@            is it entire disk?
           beq   findf201       ..yes
           bsr   getrdy         get ready for directory search
           lbcs  findf24 error
           bra   findf23        5 ..end of path list
findf19    bsr   getrdy         get ready for directory search
           lbcs  findf24 error
           ldb   4,s            recover task number
findf2     leax  1,x            point to next character
           OS9   F$LDABX        get next character
findf20    anda  #$7f           remove terminator bit
           cmpa  #'.            subdirectory?
           beq   findf21        ..yes
           cmpa  #'@            entire disk
           bne   findf26
findf201   lbsr  setdisk        open entire disk
           leax  1,x
           clr   1,s            ..not directory
           inc   msp.wrt,y      don't allow writing to this file
           bra   findf23
findf21    leax  1,x
           OS9   F$LDABX        get next char
           sta   ,s
           anda  #$7f
           cmpa  #'@            entire disk?
           beq   findf201       ..yes
           cmpa  #'.            parent directory?
           bne   findf22
           lbsr  setparnt
           bcs   findf24 error
           ldb   4,s            restore task number
           bra   findf21        check for more
findf22    tst   1,s            directory mode?
           beq   findf225
           cmpa  #'/            end of name?
           beq   findf2         ..yes check next name in list
findf225   tst   ,s             is name terminated?
           bmi   findf23        ..yes
           cmpa  #SP            space?
           bls   findf23        ..yes, or control
           cmpa  #',            comma?
           bne   findf25
findf23    pshs  y
           OS9   F$PrsNam       skip trailing spaces and comma
           tfr   y,x
           puls  y
findf235   ldu   PD.RGS,y       point to register stack
           stx   R$X,u          update pointer past path list
           clrb                 clear carry
           ldb   1,s            return NE if pathlist is directory
           beq   findf237       ..not directory
           ldb   PD.MOD,Y       get mode
           bpl   NoPerm permission to open directory
findf236   inc   msp.wrt,y      don't allow writing to file
           bra   Findf24

findf237   ldx   msp.dir,y
           lda,x get file attribute
           anda  #attr.RO       read only?
           beq   findf238
           lda   PD.MOD,Y
           anda  #WRITE.        are we opening for write?
           beq   findf238, we have permission
NoPerm     comb
           ldb   #E$FNA permission
           bra   findf24
findf238   lda   PD.MOD,y       directory?
           bmi   NoPerm         ..yes, wrong mode
findf24    leas  7,s            fix stack
           puls  y,pc

findf25    comb                 set carry
           ldb   #E$BPNam       bad path name
           bra   findf24

* search directory for file name at X
findf26    lbsr  findname       look for the name in current directory
           std   ,s
           bcs   findf24 error
           ldb   4,s            get task number
           bra   findf22        check next section of path list

* set current directory
setdir     pshs  x,u
           ldx   <D.Proc        point to user process
           ldu   P$DIO+3,x      get default directory location
           lda   PD.MOD,y       get access mode
           anda  #EXEC.         is it execution directory?
           beq   setdir2
           ldu   P$DIO+9,x      get default execution directory
setdir2    tfr   u,d
           lbsr  setcls         set current directory
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           stu   dir.prnt,x     save parent start cluster
           cmpu  #1             ROOT or entire disk?
           bls   setdir3        ..yes
           lbsr  readsec        read the sector
           bcs   setdir9
           std   msp.pos+1,y    point to "." directory entry
           ldx   PD.BUF,y       point to parent directory entry
           bra   copydir1       copy directory entry to buffer

setdir3    ldd   #1
           std   msp.pos+1,y    make position unique
           tfr   u,d
           exg   a,b
           ldu   msp.dir,y
           beq   setdir4        ..ROOT
           ldu   #0
           bra   setdir7
setdir4    lbsr  rootdat
setdir7    bsr   setsec
setdir9    puls  x,u,pc

setsec     cmpu  msp.sec,y      same sector?
           beq   setsec9
           stu   msp.sec,y
           clr   msp.sest,y     ..sector buffer is not sector U
setsec9    rts

setcls     tst   msp.clss,y
           beq   setcls0
           std   msp.cls,y
setcls00   clr   msp.clss,y
           bra   setcls2
setcls0    cmpd  msp.cls,y      has cluster changed?
           beq   setsec9
           std   msp.cls,y
setcls2    pshs  d
           ldb   msp.sest,y
           andb  #^SECGOOD
           orb   #SECBUF
           stb   msp.sest,y     msp.sec is OK but msp.cls is not
setcls9    puls  d,pc

clss0      tst   msp.clss,y
           bne   setcls00

* make entry for entire disk
setdisk    pshs  x,u
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           ldd   #2
           ldu   #1             .. if start cluster is 1 then entire disk is open
           bra   setdir2

* make parent the current directory
setparnt   pshs  x,u
           clrb                 clear carry
           ldu   msp.cls,y      is there a current directory?
           beq   setdir9, its root
           lbsr  readsec
           bcs   setdir9        ..error
           ldu   PD.BUF,y       point to current directory
           ldd   MSDSIZE+msd.strt,u get parent cluster
           exg   a,b
           tfr   d,u
           lbra  setdir2

copydir    pshs  x,u
copydir1   ldu   msp.dir,y      point to directory buffer
           ldb   #MSDSIZE
copydir5   lda   ,x+
           sta   ,u+
           bne   copydir5
           puls  x,u,pc

* find file with name at X in current directory
* on entry:
*        B=DAT task number of file name
* return A=last character of name
*        B=mode(NE=directory) or error if carry set
*        X points to last character
findname   pshs  d,x,y,u
           ldu   msp.dir,y
           stb   msp.pos,y
           std   msp.pos+1,y    start of directory
           std   dir.esec,u
           std   dir.eoff,u     ..entry not found
           ldd   msp.cls,y      get current cluster number (of subdirectory)
           std   dir.prnt,u     save it (for use by makdir)
           leau,u      point to place for file name
           pshs  u
           tfr   u,x
           lbsr  clrname        clear the directory entry
           ldx   4,s
           ldb   3,s            task number
           lbsr  movename
           lbeq  findnerr
           sta   2,s            this will be the character returned
           stx   4,s            return value of X
           pshs  d,x,y
           lbsr  readit         read the first sector in directory
           lbcs  findn70        ..error
findn52    lbsr  secsiz         get sector size
           rorb                 number of directory entries per sector
           stb   ,s
           ldx   PD.BUF,Y       point to directory buffer
findn55    ldu   6,s            point to file name
           stx   4,s
           ldb   #11            number of bytes to compare
* this section of code is used to save values
* for the CREATE process
           lda   ,x             get first char of directory entry
           beq   findn57
           cmpa  #$E5           unused entry?
           bne   findn6
findn57    pshs  a
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           ldd   dir.esec,x     unused entry already found?
           bne   findn58        ..yes, ignore it
           ldd   msp.sec,y      get current sector number
           std   dir.esec,x
           lbsr  secsiz         get sector size
           subd  #1
           anda  msp.pos+1,y    get position
           andb  msp.pos+2,y    get offset in sector
           std   dir.eoff,x
findn58    lda   ,s+
           bne   findn7
           bra   findnNF        ..file not found

findn6     lda   ,u+
           cmpa  ,x+
           bne   findn7 match
           bne   findn6 more
* match found
           lbsr  secsiz         get sector size
           subd  #1
           anda  msp.pos+1,y    get position
           andb  msp.pos+2,y
           std   msp.pos+1,y
           ldx   4,s            point to directory entry
           lbsr  copydir        copy directory entry
           lda   msd.attr,x     get attribute
           anda  #attr.DR       is it directory?
           sta   9,s
           beq   findn67
           ldd   msd.strt,x
           exg   a,b
           lbsr  setcls         set cluster number
findn67    leas  8,s            fix stack
           clrb                 clear carry
           puls  d,x,y,u,pc

findn7     ldd   msp.pos+1,y
           addd  #MSDSIZE
           std   msp.pos+1,y    update directory entry position
           ldx   4,s
           leax  MSDSIZE,x
           dec   ,s             end of sector?
           bne   findn55
findn72    lbsr  readnxt        read the next sector
           lbcc  findn52
           cmpb  #E$EOF         end of file?
           bne   findn70 report error
findnNF    ldb   #E$PNNF        path name not found
findn70    coma                 set carry
           lda   8,s            return last character read so CREATE can tell if name terminated OK.
           leas  10,s           fix stack
           puls  x,y,u,pc

findnerr   comb
           ldb   #E$BPNam       bad path name
           leas  4,s
           puls  x,y,u,pc

* B is DAT task #
* X points to file name
* U point to destination
* On exit:
*  A is last character of name or first non-name character
*  B is number of bytes in name

movename   pshs  d,u
           lda   #11
           sta   1,s
findn2     OS9   F$LDABX        get character
           leax  1,x
           sta   ,s
           bsr   validc         check for valid file character
           beq   findn5
           cmpa  #'.            start of extension?
           bne   findn4
           lda   1,s
           cmpa  #11            first character?
           beq   findn5         ..yes, illegal
           ldu   2,s
           leau  8,u            point to start of extension
           lda   #3
           sta   1,s
           lda   #SP
           sta   ,u
           sta   1,u
           sta   2,u
           bra   findn2         get next character
findn4     tst   1,s
           beq   findn45        ..past end of name
           sta   ,u+
           dec   1,s
findn45    lda   ,s
           bpl   findn2
findn5     leax  -1,x
           puls  d,u
           pshs  d,x
           leax  <resrvd,pcr    point to reserved names
findn.3    clrb
findn.5    lda   ,x+
           beq   findn.9
           anda  #$7F
           cmpa  b,u
           bne   findn.7
           lda   -1,x           end of name?
           bpl   findn.5, check remainder of name
           lda   b,u
           cmpa  #SP            end of file name?
           bne   findn.3 match
           puls  d,x,pc         signal error in file name
findn.9    puls  d,x
           cmpb  #11            no good characters in name?
findn.7    leax  -1,x
findn.8    lda   ,x+
           bpl   findn.8
           bra   findn.3

validc     anda  #$7f           mask hi bit
           cmpa  #'a
           blo   findn3
           cmpa  #'z
           bhi   findn3
           anda  #$5f
findn3     cmpa  #'!
           beq   findnyes
           cmpa  #'#
           blo   findnno
           cmpa  #')
           bls   findnyes
           cmpa  #''
           beq   findnyes
           cmpa  #'-
           beq   findnyes
           cmpa  #'.            start of extension?
           beq   findnyes
           cmpa  #'0
           blo   findnno
           cmpa  #'9
           bls   findnyes
           cmpa  #'@
           blo   findnno
           cmpa  #'Z
           bls   findnyes
           cmpa  #'^
           blo   findnno
           cmpa  #'`
           bls   findnyes
           cmpa  #'{
           beq   findnyes
           cmpa  #'}
           beq   findnyes
           cmpa  #'~
           beq   findnyes
findnno    clra
findnyes   tsta

           fcs   "AUX"
           fcs   "COM1"
           fcs   "COM2"
           fcs   "CON"
           fcs   "LPT1"
           fcs   "LPT2"
           fcs   "LPT3"
           fcs   "NUL"
           fcs   "PRN"
           fcb   0

* Subroutine: DirFull
* funtion - try to expand the directory
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error code in B if error
*  D offset to directory entry in sector buffer
*  X address of sector buffer
*  U sector number of sector at X

DirFull    ldd   msp.cls,y      is this root directory?
           bne   dirfull1
dirfull0   comb                 set carry
           ldb   #E$SLF         segment (directory) list full
dirfret    rts                  ..return error
dirfull1   lbsr  expchn         add cluster to file
           bcs   dirfret        ..error
* another entry point (MAKDIR)
DirFull9   lbsr  setcls         save number of new cluster
           lbsr  cluslog        convert to logical sector number
           tfr   d,u
           pshs  u
           ldx   PD.BUF,y       point to sector buffer
           lbsr  secsiz         get sector size
           subd  #MSDSIZE
dirfull2   clr   d,x            clear the first byte of each directory entry
           subd  #MSDSIZE
           bpl   dirfull2
           ldx   PD.BUF,y
           lbsr  sepecl         get sectors per cluster
           deca                 only one?
           beq   dirfull3       ..yes
dirf25     pshs  a
           leau  1,u
           lbsr  dwritel        write second sector of cluster
           puls  a
           bcs   dirfull4       ..error
           bne   dirf25
dirfull3   clra                 return offset to unused directory entry (first)
dirfull4   puls  u,pc

* Subroutine: create1
* funtion - make sure file can be created
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
*  U points to caller's register stack
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error code in B if error
*  D offset to directory entry in sector buffer
*  X address of sector buffer
*  U sector number of sector at X

create1    lbsr  findfile       find the file
           bcs   create2        ..can't OPEN file
create10   ldb   #E$CEF         ..file already exists
           bra   create25 error
create2    cmpb  #E$PNNF        file not found?
           beq   create3        ..yes, create it
           cmpb  #E$FNA
           beq   create10
create25   coma                 set carry
create3    tsta                 is file name hi bit terminated?
           bmi   create5        ..yes
           cmpa  #SP            space or control?
           bls   create4        ..yes
           ldb   #E$BPNam
           cmpa  #',            comma?
           bne   create25 bad path name error
create4    pshs  y
           OS9   F$PrsNam       skip trailing junk
           tfr   y,x
           puls  y
create5    ldu   PD.RGS,y       point to stacked registers
           stx   R$X,u          return X pointing past name
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           clra                 file can be read or written
           ldb   R$B,u          get file permissions
           bitb  #WRITE.+PWRIT. create for write?
           bne   create52       ..yes
           lda   #attr.RO       file is read only
create52   bitb  #DIR.          is is subdirectory
           beq   create53
           ora   #attr.DR
create53   sta,x file access mode
           std,x set file size to 0
*** I'm not sure if MSDOS does it this way
           ldd   #$FF0F         end of file mark
           std,x clusters in file yet
           lbsr  setdate        copy date and time to dir entry
           ldu   msp.dir,y
           ldx   PD.BUF,y
           ldd   dir.eoff,u     get offset to entry in sector
           std   msp.pos+1,y
           ldu   dir.esec,u     get sector number
           bne   create58       ..there is room in directory
           lbsr  DirFull        .. directory full, expand if possible
           bcs   create25       ..return error
           pshs  d,x,u          save pointer to directory entry, buffer and sector #
           tfr   u,d
           ldu   msp.dir,y
           std   dir.esec,u     update directory sector number
           bra   create59
create58   lbsr  dreadl         read directory sector
           bcs   create25       .. report error
           ldd   msp.pos+1,y    recover offset
           pshs  d,x,u
           leax  d,x            point to start of entry
           ldu   msp.dir,y
create59   leau,u      point to directory info
           ldb   #msd.res
clrres     clr   b,u            clear the reserved bytes in the directory
           cmpb  #msd.time
           blo   clrres
           ldb   #msd.size
clrsize    clr   b,u
           cmpb  #MSDSIZE
           blo   clrsize
create6    lda   ,u+
           sta   ,x+            copy entry into sector
           bne   create6
           puls  d,x,u,pc

* Subroutine: create
* funtion - create file (initialize path descriptor)
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
*  U points to caller's register stack
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error code in B if error

create     pshs  x,u
           lda   R$B,u
           anda  #^DIR.         can't create a directory
           sta   R$B,u
*** rev 2.3
* lda PD.CPR,y
* sta msp.ncpr,y
           lbsr  create1
           bcs   open10         ..return error
*** rev 2.3
* clr msp.ncpr,y driver will be freed after write
           lbsr  dwritel        update the directory
           lbsr  lockeof        get control of end of file lock
           bra   open10

* Subroutine: open
* funtion - open file (initialize path descriptor)
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
*  U points to caller's register stack
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error code in B if error

open       pshs  x,u
           lbsr  findfile       try to find the file
open10     bcs   openerr
* check if file is already open
           tfr   y,x
open11     ldx,x
           beq   open2          ..end of files reached with no match
           ldd   msp.dnxt,x     is it last path to file
           bne   open11, check next one
           ldu   msp.dir,x      point to directory info
           ldb   PD.DRV,y
           cmpb  dir.drv,x      is it on same drive?
           bne   open11
           ldd   msp.sec,y
           cmpd  dir.loc,u      same sector?
           bne   open11
           ldd   msp.pos+1,y
           cmpd  dir.pos,u      same entry?
           bne   open11
* path to same file has been found
           lda   PD.MOD,y       get access mode
           bita  #SHARE.        non-sharable?
           bne   FileBusy       ..yes, busy
           lda   [msp.dir,y]    get block number
           ldx   <D.PthDBT
           os9   F$Ret64        return the directory entry to the system
           stu   msp.dir,y      point to matching entry
           bra   open6
open2      ldu   msp.dir,y      point to directory info
           ldb   PD.DRV,y       get drive number
           stb   dir.drv,u
           ldd   msp.sec,y
           std   dir.loc,u      save sector number containing directory
           ldd   msp.pos+1,y    get current position
           std   dir.pos,u
open6      ldx   dir.last,u     point to previous path to same file
           beq   open7          ..only one path to this file
           sty   msp.dprv,x
           stx   msp.dnxt,y
open7      sty   dir.last,u     point to last path open to this file
           ldd,u get starting cluster #
           exg   a,b
           lbsr  setcls         set cluster number
           std   msp.pos,y      we are at beginning of file
           stb   msp.pos+2,y
           std   msp.lksz,y     no part of file is locked
           stb   msp.lksz+1,y
           clr   msp.sest,y     sector buffer is invalid (and clear carry)
           puls  x,u,pc 

FileBusy   comb
           ldb   #E$Share       non-sharable file is busy
openerr    puls  x,u
           lbra  closef         go return buffers etc.

* Subroutine: chkeof
* function - make sure read will not go past end of file
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
*  U points to stacked registers
* On exit:
*  D number of bytes to read
*  Carry set and error in B if error

chkeof     ldd   R$Y,u          get number of bytes wanted
           pshs  d,x,u
* if read length is greater than what is left in file
*  then make length the remaining size of file
           ldu   msp.dir,y      point to directory entry info
           ldd,u get least significant part of file size
           exg   a,b            convert to Motorola format
           subd  msp.pos+1,y
           pshs  d
           ldb,u get file attribute
           andb  #attr.DR       is it subdirectory?
           bne   read08         ..yes
           ldd,u get most significant word of file size
           sbca  #0
           bcs   readerr past end of file
           suba  msp.pos,y
           bcs   readerr past end of file
           bne   read08         ..more than 2^16 bytes left in file
           ldd   ,s
           beq   readerr        ..its end of file
           cmpd  2,s            will we read past end of file?
           bhs   read08
           std   2,s            ..yes, don't read past end of file
* lbsr readit make sure the buffer is good
* bcc reader2
* bra reader1
           bra   reader2
readerr    ldb   #E$EOF
reader1    stb   3,s
reader2    leas  2,s
           puls  d,x,u,pc

* Subroutine: read
* function - read data from the open file
* On entry:
*  Y point to path descriptor
*  U point to stacked registers X=address to read to
*                               Y=number of bytes
* On exit:
*  stacked register Y is number of bytes read
*  Carry set and error in B if error

read       clra
           bra   read0
read98     std   msp.lksz,y
           stb   msp.lksz+2,y
read99     puls  a,pc           return with error

* Subroutine: readln
* function - read a line from the open file
* On entry:
*  Y point to path descriptor
*  U points to stacked registers X=address to read to
*                                Y=number of bytes
* On exit:
*  stacked register Y = number of bytes read
*  Carry set and error in B if error

readln     lda   #EOL
read0      pshs  a
read01     ldd   R$Y,u
           beq   read98
           bsr   chkeof
           bcs   read99
* bsr chklck check for record lock
* bcs read99 report error
* beq read01 ..yes, try again
           ldx   R$X,u          get destination address
           pshs  d,x
           pshs  d,x
           ldx   <D.Proc
           ldb   P$Task,x       get task number
           pshs  b
           lbsr  getFAT         read the FAT and set up sector buffer if needed
           lbcs  read9          ..error
readln0    ldu   PD.BUF,y       point to buffer
           lbsr  secsiz         get sector size
           leax  d,u            point to end of buffer
           subd  #1
           anda  msp.pos+1,y    get position
           andb  msp.pos+2,y
           leau  d,u            point to start of data
           stx   3,s
           ldx   7,s
readln1    ldd   1,s
           cmpd  5,s
           beq   read2
           addd  #1             incriment byte count
           std   1,s
           ldb   msp.sest,y
           bitb  #SECGOOD       is current sector good?
           bne   readln12       ..yes
           lbsr  readit, read the correct one
           bcs   read9
readln12   ldb   ,s
           lda   ,u+            get a byte
           OS9   F$STABX
           leax  1,x
           cmpu  3,s            was last byte read the last in the sector?
           bne   read25
           ldu   PD.BUF,y
           ldb   #SECREAD
           orb   msp.sest,y
           andb  #^SECGOOD
           stb   msp.sest,y     ..yes, sector is now completely read
read25     tst   9,s            EOL char?
           beq   readln1
           cmpa  9,s            is it end of line?
           beq   read2          ..yes
           cmpa  #MSDEOF        end of text file?
           bne   readln1
read15     ldd   1,s
           subd  #1
           std   1,s
read2      ldb   PD.MOD,y       get file access mode
           bitb  #WRITE.+PWRIT. is file open for write?
           beq   read26, don't lock the record
           ldd   msp.pos,y
           std   msp.lolk,y
           ldb   msp.pos+2,y
           stb   msp.lolk+2,y   update start of file lock
           ldu   PD.RGS,y
           ldd   R$Y,u
           clr   msp.lksz,y
           std   msp.lksz+1,y   update the lock size
           lbsr  unlock         unlock waiting procs
read26     ldd   1,s
           addd  msp.pos+1,y
           std   msp.pos+1,y
           lda   #0
           adca  msp.pos,y
           sta   msp.pos,y      update file position
           clrb                 clear carry
           ldd   1,s            get byte read count
           ldu   PD.RGS,y
           std   R$Y,u
           bne   read9
           ldb   #E$EOF         return end of file error
read9      leas  10,s
           rts                  return with carry set and error in B

           ifeq  1

* Subroutine: chklck
* function - check if current position is locked
*  if it is, sleep until it is free
*  return error if deadlock or signal
* On entry:
*  D is current offset (plus 1) from msp.pos,y
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error in B if error

chklck     pshs  x,y,u
           ldu   msp.dir,y
chklck0    ldx   dir.last,u     point to last path to this file
chklck1    cmpx  2,s            is it current path?
           beq   chklck8        ..yes, ignore it
           ldd   msp.lksz,x
           bne   chklck2
           tst   msp.lksz+2,x
           beq   chklck8        ..path has no lock
* check if path is locked

* b?? chklck8
* check if deadlock
           lda   msp.LID,x      get lock process waiting ID
           cmpa  msp.ID,y       is it waiting for current process?
           bne   chklck5
           ldb   #E$DeadLk      ..yes, report deadlock
           bra   chklck7
* make sure driver is not reserved
chklck5    lbsr  reldrvr
* sleep
           lda   msp.ID,x       get ID of process we are waiting for
           sta   msp.LID,y
           lda   msp.ID,y
           sta   msp.WID,y      mark path as waiting
           ldx   #0
           OS9   F$SLEEP        sleep until signalled
           pshs  b,cc
* remove path from locked list
           clr   msp.WID,y      mark path as not waiting
           clr   msp.LID,y
           puls  b,cc
           bcs   chklck9        ..return error
           ldx   <D.Proc
           ldb   P$Signal,x     was process signalled?
           beq   chklck0, check for other locks
chklck7    coma                 return signal which was received
           puls  x,y,u,pc

chklck8    ldx   msp.dprv,x     point to previous file
           bne   chklck1
chklck9    puls  x,y,u,pc


* Subroutine: write
* function - write data to the current position of the file
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
*  X point to data to write
*  D is the number of bytes to write
* On exit:
*  D is number of bytes written
*  Carry set and error in B if error

write      clra        end of line character
           bra   write0

* Subroutine: writeln
* function - write data up to count or first EOL
*  to the current position of the file
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
*  U points to stacked register X=address of data
*                               Y=number of bytes
* On exit:
*  stacked register Y is number of bytes written
*  Carry set and error in B if error

writeln    lda   #EOL
write0     ldb   msp.wrt,y      can we write?
           beq   writln00       ..yes
FNA        comb
           ldb   #E$FNA         file is not accessible
writln00   pshs  a              save EOL character
           ldx   R$X,u          point to data
           ldd   R$Y,u          get size of data
           lbeq  read98
           pshs  d,x,u
           ldu   PD.BUF,y       point to buffer
           lbsr  secsiz         get sector size
           leax  d,u            point to end of buffer
           subd  #1
           anda  msp.pos+1,y    get position
           andb  msp.pos+2,y
           leau  d,u            point to start of data
           pshs  d,x
           ldx   <D.Proc
           ldb   P$Task,x       get task number
           pshs  b
* bsr chklck check if record is locked
* bcs write9
           ldx   7,s
writln1    ldd   1,s
           cmpd  5,s
           beq   write2
           addd  #1             incriment byte count
           std   1,s
           ldb   msp.sest,y
           bitb  #SECGOOD
           bne   write12        ..yes
           lbsr  seekwr         get ready to write
           lbcs  write9
write12    ldb   ,s             get task number
           OS9   F$LDABX        get byte
           leax  1,x
           sta   ,u+
           ldb   #SECUPD+SECGOOD sector is valid and needs update
           cmpu  3,s            is it end of sector?
           bne   writln15
           ldu   PD.BUF,y
           ldb   #SECUPD+SECREAD sector needs update and next one
writln15   stb   msp.sest,y     set sector status
           tst   11,s           EOL char?
           beq   writln1
           cmpa  11,s           end of line?
           bne   writln1
write2     clra
           stb   msp.lksz,y
           std   msp.lksz+1,y   no part of file is locked after write
           ldd   1,s
           addd  msp.pos+1,y
           std   msp.pos+1,y
           lda   #0
           adca  msp.pos,y
           sta   msp.pos,y      update file position
* update file size if position is greater than current size
write3     ldx   msp.dir,y
           lda   dir.chg,x
           ora   #attr.AR       set archive bit
           sta   dir.chg,x
           ldb,x get attribute
           bitb  #attr.DR       sub-directory?
           bne   write35        ..yes, don't update size
           ldd,x get most significant file size
           cmpa  msp.pos,y
           blo   write35        ..position is past end of file
           bhi   write36        ..position is not past end of file
           ldd,x get least sig file size
           exg   a,b
           cmpd  msp.pos+1,y
           bhs   write36        ..position is not past end of file
write35    ldd   msp.pos+1,y
           exg   a,b            to INTEL format
           std,x update least sig size
           lda   msp.pos,y
           sta,x update most sig size
           bsr   lockeof
write36    bsr   unlock         unlock path waiting for this one
           clrb                 clear carry
           ldd   1,s            get byte read count
           ldu   PD.RGS,y       point to registers
           std   R$Y,u          return number of bytes written
write9     leas  12,s
           rts                  return with carry set and error in B

lockeof    pshs  b,cc
           ldd   msp.pos,y
           std   msp.lolk,y
           lda   msp.pos+2,y
           sta   msp.lolk+2,y
           std   msp.lksz,y
           sta   msp.lksz+2,y
           puls  b,cc,pc

* unlock any waiting path(s)

           ifeq  1

           ldx   msp.dir,y      point to path which is waiting for this one
           ldx   dir.last,x
unlock2    lda   msp.WID,x      get waiting process ID
           beq   unlock3        ..none
           ldb   #S$Wake
           OS9   F$SEND         wake up the waiting process
unlock3    ldx   msp.dprv,x
           bne   unlock2



* Subroutine: seekwr
* function - get ready to write to the current position
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error in B if error

seekwr     pshs  d,x,u
           ldb   msp.sest,y     get buffer status
           bitb  #SECUPD        does sector need updating?
           beq   seekwr2
           lbsr  writsec        update the sector
           bcs   seekwr99
           ldb   msp.sest,y
seekwr2    bitb  #SECREAD       is next sector the one we want?
           bne   seekwr3        ..yes
           bsr   expand
           bra   seekwr4
seekwr3    bsr   expnxt         get number of next sector in the file
seekwr4    bcs   seekwr99
seekwr8    lbsr  readsec
           bcs   seekwr99
           ldb   #SECGOOD
           stb   msp.sest,y
seekwr9    clrb                 clear carry
           puls  d,x,u,pc
seekwr99   stb   1,s
           puls  d,x,u,pc

* Subroutine: expand
* function - seek to the current file position
*  and expand file if needed
* On entry:
*  Y point to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error in B if error

expand     ldd   msp.pos,y
* On entry:
*  D is position/256 to expand to
expand0    pshs  d,u
           ldu   msp.dir,y      point to directory entry
           ldd,u get number of first cluster
           exg   a,b            convert to Motorola format
           lbsr  setcls         set cluster number
           cmpd  #$0FF8
           blo   expand3        ..not first cluster
           bsr   expnxt0        add cluster if file is empty
           bcs   expand9
           exg   a,b
           std,u ..first cluster
expand3    lbsr  secsiz         get sector size
           exg   a,b
           pshs  d
           ldd   2,s            get 256 byte sector count
           subd  ,s++           subtract pages/sector
           blo   expand4        ..position found
           std   ,s
           bsr   expnxt         find next sector (add one if needed)
           bcs   expand9
           bra   expand3

expand4    clrb
expand9    leas  2,s
           puls  u,pc

expnxt0    pshs  x,u            expand from beginning of file
           bra   expnxt00

expnxt     pshs  x,u            seek or expand to next sector
           lbsr  seeknxt
expnxt00   cmpd  #$FF8
           blo   expnxt1
           ldd   msp.cls,y      last cluster in file
           lbsr  expchn         add next used cluster to chain
           bcs   expnxt2
           pshs  d
           ldb   msp.sest,y

           orb   #SECEXP        sector is expanded, don't read it
           stb   msp.sest,y
           puls  d
           lbsr  clss0          first sector in cluster
expnxt1    lbsr  setcls0        set cluster number
           andcc #$fe           clear carry
expnxt2    puls  x,u,pc

* Subroutine: seek
* function - seek to a new position in the file
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
*  U points to stacked registers
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error in B if error

seek       lbsr  secsiz         get sector size
           addd  #1
           tfr   a,b
           andb  R$U,u
           pshs  b
           anda  msp.pos+1,y
           cmpa  ,s+            is seek within current sector?
           bne   seek2, position is in different sector
           ldd   R$X,u          MSW
           cmpb  msp.pos,y
           bne   seek2          ..position is in different sector
seek1      stb   msp.pos,y
           ldd   R$U,u
           std   msp.pos+1,y    update position in current sector
           clrb        error
seek9      rts

seek2      ldb   msp.sest,y
           andb  #SECUPD        does sector need updating?
           beq   seek3
           lbsr  writsec        write the current sector
           bcs   seek9
           ldb   msp.sest,y
seek3      andb  #^(SECREAD!SECGOOD!SECUPD) sector is no longer valid
           stb   msp.sest,y
           ldd   R$X,u
           bra   seek1

* Clear directory entry at X

clrentry   bsr   clrname
makd4      clr   ,x+            clear the rest of the entry
           cmpb  #MSDSIZE
           blo   makd4

clrname    clrb
           lda   #SP
makd3      sta   ,x+            write spaces for file name
           cmpb  #11
           blo   makd3

* Subroutine: makdir
* function - make a new directory
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
*  U points to caller's register stack
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error in B if error

*** rev 2.3
* lda PD.CPR,y
* sta msp.ncpr,y disk driver won't be released
           lda   R$B,u          get access mode
           ora   #DIR.+WRITE.   set the directory bit
           anda  #^(EXEC.+PEXEC.)
           sta   R$B,u
           sta   PD.MOD,y
           lbsr  create1        create a new file
           lbcs  closef         close file and report error
           pshs  x,u            save offset, buffer address and sector #
           leax  d,x            point to directory entry
           pshs  x
           clrb                 no clusters in file yet
           lbsr  expchn         add next unused cluster to chain
           puls  x
           bcs   closem         close file and report error
           lbsr  setcls         save cluster number
           exg   a,b            convert to INTEL
           std   msd.strt,x     put starting cluster of new directory
           puls  x,u            get address and number of sector
           lbsr  dwritel        update the directory
           bcs   closef         ..error
           ldd   msp.cls,y      get cluster number of new directory
           lbsr  DirFull9       ..clear directory entries
           bcs   closef         ..error
           pshs  x,u
           bsr   clrentry
           bsr   clrentry
           ldx   PD.BUF,y
           ldu   msp.dir,y
           lda   #attr.DR       subdirectories
           sta   msd.attr,x
           sta   MSDSIZE+msd.attr,x
           ldd,u get time
           std   msd.time,x
           std   MSDSIZE+msd.time,x
           ldd,u get date
           ldd   msp.cls,y      get starting cluster number
           exg   a,b
           std   msd.strt,x
           ldd   dir.prnt,u     get parent directory start cluster
           exg   a,b
           std   MSDSIZE+msd.strt,x
           ldd   #"..
           puls  x,u
           lbsr  dwritel        write the new subdirectory
           bcs   closef
           lbsr  writFAT        update the file allocation table
           bra   closef
closem     puls  x,u
           bra   closef

* Subroutine: close
* function - close the current path
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error in B if error

close      clra                 clear carry
           tst   msp.cnt,y      any duped paths?
           lbne  close5         ..yes, don't deallocate
           ldb   PD.MOD,y       get access mode
           bitb  #WRITE.        open for write?
           beq   close10
           ldb   msp.sest,y     get sector status
           bitb  #SECUPD        does sector need update?
           beq   close1
           lbsr  writsec        write sector
           bcs   closef
close1     ldx   msp.dir,y      point to directory info
           ldb   dir.stat,x     update FAT?
           beq   close10
           clr   dir.stat,x
           lbsr  writFAT        update the FAT
           bcs   closef
close10    bsr   writdir        update the directory entry
closef     pshs  cc,b           save condition codes and B in case of error
           ldu   PD.BUF,y       point to sector buffer
           beq   close3 buffer
           lbsr  secsiz         get sector size
           os9   F$SRTMem       return system memory
close3     ldx   msp.prev,y     point to previous MSF path descriptor
           beq   close35
           stx   msp.prev,u
           bne   close38
           tfr   u,x
           bra   close37
close35    stx   -2,s
           bne   close38
close37    stx   <D.MSF
           bra   close4
close38    stu,x
close4     ldx   msp.dprv,y     point to previous desc for same file
           ldu   msp.dnxt,y     point to next desc for same file
           beq   close45
           stx   msp.dprv,u
close45    stx   -2,s
           bne   close48
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           stu   dir.last,x
           beq   close47        .. no one is using directory entry
           bra   close49
close48    stu   msp.dnxt,x
           bra   close49
close47    lda   ,x             get block number
           ldx   <D.PthDBT
           os9   F$Ret64        return the directory entry to the system
close49    ldx   msp.dtb,y      point to device table
           dec   V.CNT,x
*** mod so it works with VAR
           bne   close50
           ldu   V.FAT,x
           beq   close50        ..FAT hadn't been read
           std   V.FAT,x
           lda   V.FS,x         get FAT size (in pages)
           os9   F$SRTMem       return system memory
           lda   [V.BPB,x]      get page number
           ldx   <D.PthDBT
           OS9   F$Ret64
close50    bsr   close5         release the driver for other use
           puls  cc,b,pc        return with error or not

*** rev 2.3
* clr msp.ncpr,y
* lbra reldrvr release the driver for other use

writdir    ldx   msp.dir,y
           ldb   dir.chg,x      has directory entry changed?
           beq   writdir9
writdir0   lda   PD.CPR,y
           sta   msp.ncpr,y     so driver will remain locked
           clr   dir.chg,x
           andb  #attr.AR       has file been updated?
           beq   writdir1
           orb,x set ARchive bit
           lbsr  setdate
writdir1   ldd,x
           exg   a,b
           cmpd  #1
           bls   permiss
           ldu   dir.loc,x      get directory sector #
           ldx   PD.BUF,y       point to buffer
           lbsr  dreadl         read the sector
           bcs   writdir9       ..error
           pshs  x,u
           ldu   msp.dir,y
           ldd   dir.pos,u      get offset to entry
           leau,u      skip file name
           leax  d,x
           ldb   #MSDSIZE       number of bytes to copy
writdir2   lda   ,u+
           sta   ,x+
           bne   writdir2
           puls  x,u
           lbsr  dwritel        write the updated sector
writdir9   pshs  cc,b
           bra   close50

permiss    comb
           ldb   #E$BMode

* Subroutine: chgdir
* function - change the current execution or data directory
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error in B if error

chgdir     ldb   PD.MOD,y       get access mode
           orb   #DIR.          make sure we find a directory
           stb   PD.MOD,y
           dec   PD.CNT,y       so file will close properly
           lbsr  findfile       open the directory
           lbcs  closef         close the file
           ldx   <D.Proc        point to the user process descriptor
           ldu   msp.dir,y
           ldd,u get starting cluster number
           exg   a,b            convert to motorola
           tfr   d,u
           lda   PD.DRV,y       get drive number
           ldb   PD.MOD,y       get access mode
           bitb  #READ.+WRITE.  read or write?
           beq   chgdir2
           sta   P$DIO+2,x
           stu   P$DIO+3,x
chgdir2    bitb  #EXEC.         execution dir?
           beq   chgdir4
           sta   P$DIO+8,x
           stu   P$DIO+9,x
chgdir4    clrb
           lbra  closef         go close the file

* Subroutine: readit
* function read the current sector if it is valid
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error in B if error

readit     clrb                 clear carry
           pshs  x,u
           ldb   msp.sest,y     get sector status
           bitb  #SECGOOD       is current sector OK?
           bne   readit9        ..yes
           bitb  #SECUPD        does sector need updating?
           beq   readit1
           lbsr  writsec        write the current sector
           bcs   readit9
           ldb   msp.sest,y
readit1    bitb  #SECREAD       read next sector?
           bne   readnxt1       ..yes
           bsr   seekit         find cluster number of sector
           bcs   readit9
           bra   readnxt2

* read the next sector in a file
readnxt    pshs  x,u            read the next sector in the file
readnxt1   lbsr  seeknxt        seek to the next sector
           cmpd  #$FF8          last cluster?
           bhs   readit99
           lbsr  setcls0        set current cluster number
readnxt2   lbsr  readsec        read the current sector
           bcs   readit9
           ldb   #SECGOOD
           stb   msp.sest,y
readit9    puls  x,u,pc

readit99   coma                 set carry
           ldb   #E$EOF
           puls  x,u,pc

* Subroutine: seekit
* function - seek to the current file position
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error in B if error

seekit     pshs  x,u
           ldd   msp.cls,y
           beq   seekit01       ..root directory
           cmpd  #1
           bne   seekit03       ..not entire disk
           lbsr  disksize
seekit00   ldu   #0
           bra   seekit02
seekit01   lbsr  rootdat
           ldx   msp.dtb,y
           ldx   V.BPB,x
           lda   ID.BPS+1,x     get MSB of sector size
skit012    lsra
           beq   skit015
           bra   skit012
skit015    clra
           ldx   msp.dir,y
seekit02   lbsr  setsec         currect sector is start of root or disk
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           lbsr  secsiz         get sector size
           pshs  a
           ldd,x get file size
           exg   a,b
skit02     lsr   ,s
           beq   skit025        ..done
           rorb                 divide number of 256 byte sector to get actual sectors
           bra   skit02
skit025    leas  1,s
           leau  d,u            first sector past last one
           stu   msp.end,y
seekit03   lbsr  clss0          first sector in cluster
           ldu   msp.dir,y      point to directory entry
           ldd,u get number of first cluster
           exg   a,b            convert to Motorola format
           ldx   msp.pos,y      get position to seek to
seekit1    cmpd  #$FF8          end of chain?
           bhs   readit99       ..yes
           lbsr  setcls0        set current cluster number
           lbsr  secsiz         get sector size
           exg   a,b
           pshs  d
           tfr   x,d
           subd  ,s++           subtract pages/sector
           bcs   seekit4
           pshs  d
           bsr   seeknxt        seek to the next sector
           puls  x
           bra   seekit1
seekit4    clrb
seekit5    puls  x,u,pc         .. position has been found

seekroot   pshs  u
           ldu   msp.sec,y      get current sector number
           leau  1,u
           cmpu  msp.end,y      end of directory or disk?
           bhs   seekrt9        ..yes
           lbsr  setsec
           ldd   msp.cls,y
           puls  u,pc
seekrt9    lda   #$FF           return EOF indicator
           puls  u,pc

seeknxt    ldd   msp.cls,y      root directory?
           cmpd  #1             or entire disk?
           bls   seekroot       ..yes
           ldx   msp.dtb,y      point to drive info table
           lbsr  sepecl         get sectors per cluster
           cmpa  msp.clss,y     last sector in cluster?
           bne   seeknxt8
seeknxt7   ldd   msp.cls,y      get current cluster number
           ldx   V.FAT,x        point to FAT
           lbsr  findnext       find next cluster in chain
           lbsr  clss0's the first sector in the cluster
seeknxt9   rts

seeknxt8   inc   msp.clss,y     point to next sector in cluster
           ldb   msp.sest,y
           andb  #^SECGOOD
           orb   #SECBUF
           stb   msp.sest,y
           ldd   msp.cls,y

* Subroutine: readsec
* function - read the current sector
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error in B if error

readsec    pshs  x,u
           ldu   msp.sec,y      root directory?
           ldd   msp.cls,y      get cluster number
           cmpd  #1             ROOT or entire disk?
           bls   readsec2       ..yes
           bsr   cluslog        convert cluster number to logical sector #
           addb  msp.clss,y     add cluster sector #
           adca  #0
           tfr   d,u
readsec2   lbsr  dreadl
           puls  x,u,pc

* Subroutine: writsec
* function - write the current sector
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error in B if error

writsec    pshs  x,u
           ldu   msp.sec,y
           ldd   msp.cls,y      get cluster number
           cmpd  #1             ROOT or entire disk
           bls   writsec2       ..yes
           bsr   cluslog        convert cluster number to logical sector #
           addb  msp.clss,y     add cluster sector #
           adca  #0
           tfr   d,u
writsec2   ldx   PD.BUF,y       point to sector buffer
           lbsr  dwritel
           bcs   writsec9
           ldb   msp.sest,y     get sector status
           andb  #^SECUPD
           stb   msp.sest,y
           ldx   msp.dir,y      point to directory info
           ldb   dir.chg,x      get directory change flag
           orb   #attr.AR       set the archive bit
           stb   dir.chg,x
writsec9   puls  x,u,pc

* Subroutine: cluslog
* function - convert cluster # to logical sector #
* On entry:
*  D is cluster #
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  D is logical sector #

cluslog    subd  #2
           pshs  d,x,u
           lbsr  rootdat        get root info
cluslog1   lsra                 cluster done?
           beq   cluslog5
           lsl   1,s
           rol   ,s             multiply by 2
           bra   cluslog1
cluslog5   pshs  u              starting sector of directory
           addd  ,s++           directory size + starting sector
           addd  ,s++           + data offset
           puls  x,u,pc

* Subroutine: readFAT
* function - read the File Allocation Table
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  X points to FAT
*  Carry set if error (error code in B)

readFAT    ldb   PD.DNS,y       get density
           andb  #%00001010     get hi and double density bits
           orb   #%01000000     1024 byte sector size
           ldx   msp.dtb,y
           stb   V.dns,x        save density info
           pshs  x,u
           ldd   #1024          allow for up to 1k sector size
           sta   V.FS,x         current FAT size (it may change yet)
           OS9   F$SRQMEM
           lbcs  readFAT9
           stu   V.FAT,x        save pointer to FAT
           tfr   u,x
           ldu   #1             boot sector
           clrb                 side 0
           lbsr  dread          read the boot sector
           lbcs  readFAT8
           ldb   ,x             get version byte
           tfr   x,u
           ldx   msp.dtb,y
           lda   V.dns,x
           leax  ID.skip,u      point to disk information
           cmpb  #$E9           version 2?
           beq   maketabl       ..yes
           cmpb  #$EB           version 3?
           beq   maketabl       ..yes
           bita  #%00001000     is it hi density?
           bne   maketabl       ..yes, sector 0 must be good (FM R60)
           ldx   msp.dtb,y
           ldb   #%00100010
           stb   V.dns,x        set up for double density 512 byte sectors
           tfr   u,x
           ldu   #$0002         track 0 sector 2 first sector of FAT
           clrb                 side 0
           lbsr  dread          read the first sector of FAT
           lbcs  readFAT8
           ldb   ,x             get format type
           cmpb  #$FC           is it valid byte?
           lblo  readFAT5
           leax  doubles8,pcr
nxttbl     incb
           beq   maketabl       ..yes, table found
           leax  IDsize,x       point to next table
           bra   nxttbl
maketabl   tfr   x,u
           pshs  y
           ldx   <D.PthDBT
           os9   F$ALL64        allocate 64 bytes
           tfr   y,x            point x to buffer
           puls  y
           lbcs  readFAT5 memory
           pshs  u
           ldu   msp.dtb,y
           stx   V.BPB,u        save pointer to disk info
           puls  u
           pshs  x
           leax  1,x
           lda   #IDsize        get size of info table
maketlp    ldb   ,u+
           stb   ,x+
           bne   maketlp        copy the disk info to safe place
           puls  x              point to info
*** calculate usable clusters
           ldb   ID.SPA,x       cluster size
           pshs  b
           ldd   ID.res,x
           exg   a,b
           pshs  d
           lda   ID.spf,x
           ldb   ID.FATs,x
           pshs  d
           ldd   ID.RDE,x
           exg   a,b
           rorb                 divide directory entries by 16 to get sectors
           pshs  d
           ldd   ID.secs,x      get total sectors
           exg   a,b
           subd  ,s++
           subd  ,s++
           subd  ,s++           usable sectors
divsec     lsr   ,s             end of cluster?
           beq   divdone
           bra   divsec
divdone    addd  #2
           std   ID.clus,x      save usable cluster count
           puls  b
*** calculate track density
           ldb   #40
           pshs  b
           lda   ID.spt,x       get sectors/track
           ldb   ID.hds,x       get heads
           pshs  d              sectors/cylinder
           ldd   ID.secs,x      total sectors
           exg   a,b
calctrks   subd  ,s
           ble   calctrk1
           dec   2,s
           bne   calctrks
           ldb   #4
           bra   calctrk2
calctrk1   clrb
calctrk2   leas  3,s
           lda   ID.BPS+1,x
           lbeq  readFAT5       ..sector size not supported
           pshs  a
           lda   ID.spf,x       get sectors per FAT
           ldx   1,s
           orb   V.dns,x
           andb  #$f            mask out density info
           orb   ,s+
           stb   V.dns,x        update density
           ldu   V.FAT,x        get FAT address
           pshs  a              save FAT sector count
           ldd   #1024          buffer size
           OS9   F$SRTMem       return the memory
           std   V.FAT,x
           lbsr  secsiz         get sector size
           tfr   a,b
           lda   ,s             get FAT sector count
calct2     lsrb
           beq   calct3
           lsla                 convert sectors to pages
           bra   calct2
calct3     sta   V.FS,x         save FAT size (in pages)
           OS9   F$SRQMem
           puls  a              recover sector count
           bcs   readFAT9 error
           stu   V.FAT,x
onesec     tfr   u,x
           ldu   #$0002         first sector of FAT
RFloop     pshs  a
           clrb                 side 0
           lbsr  dread
           puls  a
           bcs   readFAT8 error
           pshs  a
           lbsr  secsiz         get sector size
           leax  d,x
           puls  a
           leau  1,u            track 0 sector 3
           bne   RFloop         ..more
           puls  x
           ldx   V.FAT,x
           clrb                 clear carry
           puls  u,pc

readFAT5   comb
           ldb   #E$BTyp        wrong media
readFAT8   ldx   ,s
           pshs  b,cc
           ldu   V.FAT,x        get FAT address
           lda   V.FS,x         get FAT size
           OS9   F$SRTMem       return the memory
           puls  b,cc
readFAT9   ldx   ,s
           pshs  b,cc
           lda   [V.BPB,x]      get info buffer page number
           ldx   <D.PthDBT
           OS9   F$Ret64
           puls  cc,b,x,u,pc

* set the disk size
disksize   pshs  x
           ldx   msp.dtb,y
           ldx   V.BPB,x        point to disk info
           ldb   ID.BPS+1,x     get pages/sector
           pshs  b
           ldd   ID.secs,x      get total number of sectors on disk
disksiz3   lsr   ,s
           beq   disksiz5       ..done
           bra   disksiz3
disksiz5   ldx   msp.dir,y
           std,x save disk size
           puls  a,x,pc

* Subroutine: dreadl
* function read logical sector
* On entry:
*  U is logical sector number
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  D is garbage
*  data read to PD.BUF
*  Carry set and error in B if error

dreadl     pshs  u,x
* lbsr getFAT read the FAT and set up sector buffer if needed
* bcs dreadl9 ..error
* bne dreadl2 buffer was already set
* bsr disksize this must be the first read of entire disk (@)
dreadl2    ldb   msp.sest,y     is sector valid?
           beq   dreadl5
           bitb  #SECEXP
           bne   dreadl8        ..yes, don't read sector
           cmpu  msp.sec,y      is it current sector?
           beq   dreadl9        ..yes, return
           ldx   <D.MSF         follow file chain to see if other path has this sector
           ldb   PD.DRV,y
dreadl3    tst   msp.sest,x     is sector valid?
           beq   dreadl4
           cmpb  PD.DRV,x
           bne   dreadl4
           cmpu  msp.sec,x      same sector?
           bne   dreadl4
           stu   msp.sec,y
           lbsr  secsiz         get sector size
           ldu   PD.BUF,x
           leau  d,u
           ldx   PD.BUF,y
           leax  d,x
dreadl35   ldd   ,--u
           std   ,--x
           cmpx  PD.BUF,y
           bne   dreadl35
           bra   dreadl9
dreadl4    ldx,x     point to next path
           bne   dreadl3
dreadl5    stu   msp.sec,y
           clr   msp.sest,y
           ldx   PD.BUF,y
           bsr   logphys        convert logical sector number to track/sector/side
           bsr   dread          read the sector
           bcs   dreadl9
dread7     ldb   #SECBUF        mark sector as valid
           stb   msp.sest,y     indicate the buffer contains sector msp.sec
dreadl9    puls  x,u,pc
dreadl8    stu   msp.sec,y
           bra   dread7

* Subroutine: dread
* Function - Read an MSDOS sector
* On entry:
*  X points to buffer
*  U MSB track #, LSB sector #
*  B - bit 0 set = side 1
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  Carry Set and error in B if error

dread      pshs  x
           pshs  y
           ldy   msp.dtb,y
           orb   V.dns,y        mask in track density (bit2 set=96tpi)
           ldy   ,s             recover y
           ldy   PD.RGS,y
           pshs  y
           tfr   d,y
           ldb   #SS.SREAD
       ifeq   H6309-1
           pshs  dp,x,y,u,pc
           pshs  cc,d
           pshs  pc,u,y,x,dp,d,cc push all parameters
           ldy   16,s           point to path descriptor
           sts   PD.RGS,y       save pointer to register params
           lbsr  getstat0
           leas  R$Size,s
           puls  x,y
           stx   PD.RGS,y
           puls  x,pc

* Subroutine: logphys
* function - convert logical sector number to
*  track/sector/side
* On entry:
*  U is logical sector number
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  B is side (0 or 1)
*  U is track and sector number

logphys    pshs  x,y
           ldy   msp.dtb,y
           ldy   V.BPB,y        point to disk info
           ldd   ID.spt,y       get sectors/track
           exg   a,b
logph0     pshs  d              save sectors/track
           ldx   #0             start on track 0
           tfr   u,d
logph1     subd  ,s
           bcs   logph5         ..track found
           leax  1,x
           bra   logph1
logph5     addd  ,s++
           incb                 sector number to read
           pshs  b
           tfr   x,d
           tfr   b,a
           ldb   ID.hds,y       get number of heads/sides
           decb                 double sided?
           beq   logph6
           lsra                 divide tracks by 2
           ldb   #0
logph6     pshs  a              track number
           puls  u              MSB=track, LSB=sector
           puls  x,y,pc

* Subroutine: writFAT
* function - write the File Allocation Table
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  X points to FAT
*  Carry set if error (error code in B)

writFAT    ldx   msp.dtb,y
           lda   V.FS,x         get FAT size (in pages)
           lsra                 convert to sectors
           ldx   V.FAT,x        point to FAT
           pshs  a,x,u
           ldu   #$0002         track 0 sector 2
WFloop     clrb                 side 0
           bsr   dwrite
           bcs   writFAT9
           lbsr  secsiz         get sector size
           leax  d,x
           leau  1,u            next sector
           dec   ,s
           bne   WFloop
writFAT9   puls  a,x,u,pc

* Subroutine: dwritel
* function - write logical sector
* On entry:
*  X points to buffer (512 bytes)
*  U is logical sector number
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  D is garbage
*  data written from X
*  Carry set and error in B if error

dwritel    pshs  u
           stu   msp.sec,y
           bsr   logphys        convert logical sector number to track/sector/side
           ldx   PD.BUF,y
           lda   msp.sest,y
           pshs  a
           clr   msp.sest,y
           bsr   dwrite         write the sector
           puls  a
           bcs   dwritel9
           anda  #^(SECUPD+SECEXP) ..sector doesn't need update anymore
dwritel9   sta   msp.sest,y
           puls  u,pc

* Subroutine: dwrite
* Function - Write an MSDOS sector
* On entry:
*  X points to buffer
*  U MSB track #, LSB sector #
*  B - bit 0 set - side 1
*  Y points to path descriptor
* On exit:
*  Carry Set and error in B if error

dwrite     pshs  x
           pshs  y
           ldy   msp.dtb,y
           orb   V.dns,y        set bit 2 if 96tpi
           ldy   ,s             recover y
           ldy   PD.RGS,y
           pshs  y
           tfr   d,y
           ldb   #SS.SREAD
       ifeq   H6309-1
           pshs  dp,x,y,u,pc
           pshs  cc,d
           pshs  pc,u,y,x,dp,d,cc push all parameters
           ldy   16,s           point to path descriptor
           sts   PD.RGS,y       save pointer to register params
           lbsr  putstat0       call the driver
           leas  R$Size,s
           puls  x,y
           stx   PD.RGS,y
           puls  x,pc

* Subroutine: newdate
* function - place the date in the FD in
*  the files directory entry
* On entry:
*  X points to directory entry
*  U points to stacked registers (X point to FD)
* On exit:
*  date and time placed in entry

newdate    pshs  d,x
           leas  -6,s
           ldx   <D.Proc
           ldb   P$Task,x
           ldx   R$X,u
           leax  FD.DAT,x       point to new date
           lda   #5             size of date info
           pshs  a,u
           leau  3,s
newdate1   OS9   F$LDABX
           leax  1,x
           sta   ,u+
           dec   ,s
           bne   newdate1
           clr   ,u    seconds info available
           puls  a,u
           bra   setdate0

* Subroutine: setdate
* function - place the current date and time in
*  the files directory entry
* On entry:
*  X points to directory entry
* On exit:
*  date and time placed in entry

setdate    pshs  d,x
           leas  -6,s           reserve space for time
           tfr   s,x
           ldd   <D.Proc        user process
           pshs  d
           ldd   <D.SysPrc      system process
           std   <D.Proc
           os9   F$TIME
           puls  x
           stx   <D.Proc        fix user process
           bcs   setdate9       ..time not set
setdate0   ldx   8,s            point to time in directory
           ldd   4,s            get minutes and seconds
           andb  #%00011111
           pshs  b
           ora   ,s+            combine with part of minutes
           ldd   3,s            get hours and minutes
           andb  #%00000111
           pshs  b
           ora   ,s+
           ldd   1,s            get month and day
           andb  #$1f
           pshs  b
           ora   ,s+
           ldd   ,s             get year and month
           andb  #1
           suba  #80            MSDOS is base 1980 not 1900
           bcs   setdate9       ..number too low
           pshs  b
           ora   ,s+
setdate9   leas  6,s            fix stack
           puls  d,x,pc

* Subroutine: delete
* function - delete a file
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
*  U points to stacked registers
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error in B if error

*** rev 2.3
* lda PD.CPR,y
* sta msp.ncpr,y to lock out other processes
           lda   PD.MOD,y       get access mode
           ora   #SHARE.+WRITE.
           sta   PD.MOD,y       make sure no one else is using file
           dec   PD.CNT,y file will close completely
           lbsr  open           open file
           bcs   derror
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           ldb   #$E5           deleted entry mark
           lda   #^attr.AR      set all but the archive bit so entry (not date) will be updated
           sta   dir.chg,x
           ldd,x get starting cluster #
           exg   a,b            to MOTOROLA
           cmpd  #1             is it ROOT or entire disk?
           bls   CantDel permission
           ldx   msp.dtb,y
           ldx   V.FAT,x        point to file allocation table
           lbsr  delchain       delete the cluster chain for this file
           lbne  close          close the file
damaged    ldb   #E$NES         ..return non-existent segment (structure damaged)
           bra   delerr
derror     rts

CantDel    ldb   #E$FNA         file not accessible
delerr     coma                 set carry
           lbra  closef

* return carry set if position is at end of file
iseof      ldx   msp.dir,y
           ldb,x get file attribute
           bitb  #attr.DR       is it subdirectory?
           bne   isnteof        ..yes
           ldd,x get MSW of file size
           cmpa  msp.pos,y
           blo   itiseof        ..its past end of file
           bhi   isnteof        ..its not end of file
           ldd,x get LSW of file size
           exg   a,b            convert to MOTOROLA
           cmpd  msp.pos+1,y
           bls   itiseof        ..its at or past end of file
isnteof    clrb
itiseof    comb
           rts                  .. return carry set if end of file

* getstat - get file options
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
*  U points to stacked registers
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error in B if error
*  Some stacked registers changed depending on status code

getstat    ldb   R$B,u          get status code
           cmpb  #SS.Opt
           beq   greturn        ..return nothing
           cmpb  #SS.Ready
           bne   getst2
noteof     clr   R$B,u          ..return ready
greturn    rts

getst2     cmpb  #SS.EOF
           bne   getst3
           bsr   iseof          is it end of file?
           bcc   noteof
           ldb   #E$EOF         return end of file error

getst3     cmpb  #SS.Size       get file size
           bne   getst4
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           ldd,x get LSW
           exg   a,b
           std   R$U,u          LSW returned in U
           exg   a,b
           std   R$X,u          MSW returned in X

getst4     cmpb  #SS.Pos        get file position
           bne   getst5
           ldd   msp.pos+1,y    get LSW
           std   R$U,u
           ldb   msp.pos,y      get MSW
           std   R$X,u

getst5     cmpb  #SS.FD         get FD sector?
           lbne  getst6
           leas  -16,s          leave room for first part of FD sector
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           ldb,x get file attribute
           lda   #READ.+WRITE.
           bitb  #attr.RO       read only?
           beq   getst51
           lda   #READ.
getst51    bitb  #attr.DR       directory?
           beq   getst52
           ora   #DIR.
getst52    sta   ,s             place attribute in FD buffer
           std   1,s            owner is user 0
           sta   8,s            link count is 0
           ldd,x get LS file size
           exg   a,b
           std   11,s
           ldd,x get MS file size
           exg   a,b
           std   9,s
           ldd,x get time
           andb  #%00111111
           stb   7,s
           ldb,x get hour
           stb   6,s
           ldd,x get date
           anda  #%00011111
           sta   5,s            day
           sta   15,s
           sta   4,s
           sta   14,s           month
           lda,x get year
           adda  #80
           sta   3,s
           sta   13,s           year
           ldx   <D.Proc
           ldb   P$Task,x       get DAT task number
           ldy   R$Y,u          get byte count
           beq   getst58
           ldx   R$X,u          point to FD
           leau  16,s
           pshs  u
           leau  2,s
getst55    lda   ,u+
getst56    OS9   F$STABX
           leax  1,x
           leay  -1,y
           beq   getst57
           cmpu  ,s             into segment list?
           blo   getst55
           bra   getst56
getst57    leas  2,s            fix stack
getst58    leas  16,s

getst6     cmpb  #SS.ATTR       get file attribute?
           bne   getst7
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           ldb,x get file attribute
           stb   R$X+1,u        return attribute in LS byte of X

getstat0   lda   #D$GSTA

* CallDrvr - call a device driver subroutine
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
*  A is offset in subroutine dispatch table
* On exit:
*  carry set and error in B if error

CallDrvr   pshs  d,x,y,u
           ldu   PD.DEV,y       point to device table
           ldu   V$STAT,u       point to static storage
           bra   CallDr1
CallDr0    OS9   F$IOQu
CallDr1    lda   V.Busy,u       is device busy?
*** rev 2.3
* beq CallDr2
* cmpa PD.CPR,y
           bne   CallDr0        ..yes, wait
CallDr2    lda   PD.CPR,y
           sta   V.Busy,u       current process is using device
           ldd   ,s
           ldx   2,s
           bsr   CallDr3        call driver subroutine
           ldy   4,s
           bsr   reldrvr        release driver for other's use
           bcc   CallDr9
           stb   1,s
CallDr9    puls  d,x,y,u,pc

CallDr3    pshs  d,x,pc
           ldx   PD.DEV,y
           ldd   V$DRIV,x       point to driver module
           ldx   V$DRIV,x
           addd  M$Exec,x       get execution offset
           addb  ,s             add execution offset
           adca  #0
           std   4,s
           puls  d,x,pc         go do driver subroutine

* release the driver software for use by another process
* Condition Codes not affected
reldrvr    pshs  a,cc,u
           ldu   PD.DEV,y       point to device table
           ldu   V$STAT,u       point to static storage
*** rev 2.3
* lda PD.CPR,y
* cmpa V.Busy,u
* bne reldrvr9 ..this process doesn't control driver
* lda msp.ncpr,y
* sta V.Busy,u device is no longer busy (maybe)
           clr   V.Busy,u
reldrvr9   puls  a,cc,u,pc

* putstat - set file options
* On entry:
*  Y points to path descriptor
*  U points to stacked registers
* On exit:
*  Carry set and error in B if error
*  Some stacked registers changed depending on status code

putstat    ldb   R$B,u          get status code
           cmpb  #SS.Opt
           bne   putst2

putst2     cmpb  #SS.Size       set file size?
           bne   putst3
           ldd   R$X,u          get MSW of new size
           bne   putst22
           ldd   R$U,u          get LSW of new size
           bne   putst22
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           ldd,x get starting cluster
           exg   a,b
           cmpd  #$FF8          last cluster in file?
           beq   putst21        ..yes, file is right size
           ldx   msp.dtb,y
           ldx   V.FAT,x        point to FAT
           lbsr  delchain       delete the file cluster chain
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           ldd   #$FF0F
           std,x set starting cluster number
putst21    rts
putst22    ldd   R$U,u          get LSW of new size
           subd  #1             convert to base 0
           tfr   a,b
           lda   R$X+1,u        get third byte of new size
           sbca  #0
           lbsr  expand0        and expand file
           bcs   putst21
           ldd   msp.cls,y      get last cluster number
           ldx   msp.dtb,y
           ldx   V.FAT,x        point to FAT
           lbsr  findnext
           cmpd  #$0FF8         last cluster?
           bhs   putst24        ..yes
           lbsr  delchain       delete remainder of chain
           ldd   msp.cls,y
           ldu   #$FFF
           lbsr  updFAT         mark last cluster in file
putst24    ldu   msp.rgs,y      point to stacked params
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           ldd   R$U,u          get LSW
           exg   a,b
           ldd   R$X,u          get MSW
           stb,x set new file size

putst3     cmpb  #SS.FD         update file descriptor?
           bne   putst4
           ldx   msp.dir,y      point to directory entry
           lbsr  newdate        get the new date
           bra   putst65        update the directory entry

putst4     cmpb  #SS.Lock       lock/release record?
           bne   putst5

putst5     cmpb  #SS.Ticks      set lockout duration?
           bne   putst6
putst55    rts

putst6     cmpb  #SS.ATTR       set file attribute?
           bne   putst7
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           ldb   R$X+1,u        return attribute in LS byte of X
           tfr   b,a
           andb  #attr.DR       has directory changed
           beq   putst64
           bitb  #attr.DR       are we removing directory attribute?
           beq   putst63
* make sure this is only path to file
           ldd   msp.dnxt,y
           cmpd  msp.dprv,y
           beq   putst600       ..this is the only path to the directory
           ldb   #E$Share       report error, can't change to regular file
           rts                  because another process has directory open
* make sure directory is empty
* read the first sector
putst600   ldx   msp.pos,y
           std   msp.pos,y
           lbsr  readit
           stx   msp.pos,y
           bra   putst620
putst60    lbsr  secsize        get sector size
           rorb                 sector size / 32 = directory entries/sector
           ldx   PD.BUF,y       point to data buffer
putst61    lda   ,x
           beq   putst630
           cmpa  #'.            . or .. entry?
           beq   putst610       ..yes, skip it
           cmpa  #$E5           deleted?
           lbne  permiss permission, directory not empty
putst610   leax  MSDSIZE,x      point to next entry
           bne   putst61 sector
putst62    lbsr  readnxt
putst620   lda   #0
           sta   msp.sest,y
           bcc   putst60
           cmpb  #E$EOF
           beq   putst630       ..yes, directory is empty
           coma                 set carry
putst630   lda   R$X+1,u
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           bra   putst64
putst63    anda  #^attr.DR      make sure directory bit is clear
putst64    anda  #attr.DR+attr.AR+attr.VL+attr.SY+attr.HD+attr.RO
           sta,x set file attribute
putst65    ldb   dir.chg,x
           orb   #^attr.AR      directory entry is changed
           lbsr  writdir0       update the directory
putst69    rts

putst7     cmpb  #SS.RENAM      rename file?
           bne   putst8
           ldb   #11
putst71    lda   #SP
           pshs  a
           bne   putst71
           ldx   <D.Proc
           ldb   P$Task,x       DAT task number
           ldx   R$X,u          point to new name
           tfr   s,u            point to place for converted name
           lbsr  movename
           beq   putst79        ..bad name
           bmi   putst72
           cmpa  #SP            space terminated?
           bls   putst72        ..yes
           cmpa  #',            comma terminated?
           beq   putst72
putst79    leas  11,s
           ldb   #E$BPNam       ..bad name

putst72    pshs  y
           os9   F$PrsNam       skip trailing spaces
           tfr   y,x
           puls  y
           ldu   PD.RGS,y
           stx   R$X,u
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           ldb   msd.attr,x     get file attribute
           bitb  #attr.DR       subdirectory?
           beq   putst73
           ldb   8,s            is there a file extension?
           cmpb  #SP
           bne   putst79        ..yes, error
putst73    ldb   #11
putst74    puls  a
           sta   ,x+
           bne   putst74        copy new directory name
           ldx   msp.dir,y
           bra   putst65        and update directory entry

putst8     cmpb  #SS.ALLOW      allow writes to directories and entire disk?
           bne   putst9
           clr   msp.wrt,y      allow writes


putstat0   lda   #D$PSTA
           lbra  CallDrvr       call driver putstat routine

* Subroutine dispatch table

           lbra  create
           lbra  open
           lbra  makdir
           lbra  chgdir
           lbra  delete
           lbra  seek
           lbra  read
           lbra  write
           lbra  readln
           lbra  writeln
           lbra  getstat
           lbra  putstat
           lbra  close

modlen     equ   *