view level2/modules/kernel/fexit.asm @ 2639:283433fa565c

Added notes to atari.d
author Boisy Pitre <>
date Tue, 28 Feb 2012 09:26:09 -0600
parents ca83286ded5b
children 039ddb7c8ad7
line wrap: on
line source

* System Call: F$Exit
* Function: Causes a process to cease execution and exit
* Input:  B = Status code to be returned to parent process
* Output: None
* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
FExit    ldx   <D.Proc		get current process pointer
         bsr   L05A5		close all the paths
         ldb   R$B,u		get exit signal
         stb   <P$Signal,x	and save in proc desc
         leay  P$PID,x
         bra   L0563		go find kids...

L0551    clr   P$SID,y          clear child ID
         lbsr  L0B2E		find its proc desc
         clr   1,y		clear sibling ID
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #Dead,P$State,y
         lda   P$State,y	get child's state
         bita  #Dead		is it dead?
         beq   L0563
         lda   P$ID,y		else get its ID
         lbsr  L0386		and destroy its proc desc
L0563    lda   P$SID,y		get child ID
         bne   L0551		...yes, loop

         leay  ,x		kid's proc desc
         ldx   #D.WProcQ-P$Queue
         lds   <D.SysStk	use system stack
         pshs  cc		save CC
         orcc  #IntMasks	halt interrupts
         lda   P$PID,y		get our parent ID
         bne   L0584		and wake him up

         puls  cc		restore CC
         lda   P$ID,y		get our ID
         lbsr  L0386		give up our proc desc
         bra   L05A2		and start next active process

* Search for Waiting Parent
L0580    cmpa  P$ID,x		is proc desc our parent's?
         beq   L0592		...yes!

L0584    leau  ,x		U is base desc
         ldx   P$Queue,x	X is next waiter
         bne   L0580		see if parent
         puls  cc		restore CC
         lda   #(SysState!Dead)	set us to system state
         sta   P$State,y	and mark us as dead
         bra   L05A2		so F$Wait will find us; next proc

* Found Parent (X)
L0592    ldd   P$Queue,x	take parent out of wait queue
         std   P$Queue,u
         puls  cc		restore CC
         ldu   P$SP,x		get parent's stack register
         ldu   R$U,u
         lbsr  L036C		get child's death signal to parent
         os9   F$AProc  	move parent to active queue
L05A2    os9   F$NProc  	start next proc in active queue

* Close Proc I/O Paths & Unlink Mem
* Entry: U=Register stack pointer
L05A5    pshs  u            preserve register stack pointer
         ldb   #NumPaths    get maximum # of paths
         leay  P$Path,x     point to path table
L05AC    lda   ,y+          path open?
         beq   L05B9        no, skip ahead
         clr   -1,y         clear the path block #
         pshs  b            preserve count
         os9   I$Close      close the path
         puls  b            restore count
L05B9    decb               done?
         bne   L05AC        no, continue looking

* Clean up memory process had
         clra               get starting block
         ldb   P$PagCnt,x   get page count
         beq   L05CB        none there, skip ahead
         addb  #$1F         round it up
         lsrb               divide by 32 to get block count
         os9   F$DelImg     delete the ram & DAT image
* Unlink the module
L05CB    ldd   <D.Proc
         pshs  d
         stx   <D.Proc		set bad proc
         ldu   P$PModul,x	program pointer
         os9   F$UnLink 	unlink aborted program
         puls  u,b,a
         std   <D.Proc		reset parent proc
         os9   F$DelTsk 	release X's task #