view level1/cmds/cobbler.asm @ 2898:28ed72477814 lwtools-port

Dummy merge of default branch into lwtools hg -y merge --tool=internal:fail default hg revert --all --no-backup --rev . hg resolve -a -m This dummy merge discards any changes from the default branch so that the result is the same as what lwtools already had. When merging back to default branch later, the discarded changes will be discarded there also, so the result will be that the default branch will contain what the lwtools branch had before these merges. Only scripts/burst was "rescued" from default branch.
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 11 Jan 2014 18:40:44 +0100
parents d706cc0dfd58
children 8647c25ba101
line wrap: on
line source

* Cobbler - Write OS9Boot to a disk
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   7      ????/??/??
* From Tandy OS-9 Level Two VR 02.00.01.
*          2002/07/20  Boisy G. Pitre
* Modified source to allow for OS-9 Level One and Level Two assembly.
*	   2005/11/03  P.Harvey-Smith.
* Added the ability to assemble for either CoCo or Dragon.
*        2011/09/13 Robert Gault
* Added support for DD.BIT cluster size.
* Removed hard coded FAT buffer and calculated the size from DD.BIT.
* Added error message if not enough memory for buffer.
* Moved common code into subroutine for CheckAlloc & Allocate.
*        2011/09/16 Robert Gault
* Corrected a typo which occured when committing code. Exit of Initcalc had
* ABM3 in wrong place.
*        2011/09/18 Robert Gault
* Cleaned up code and removed multiple calculations of shift divisor by
* calculating it once and storing it in data.
* Corrected sector count calculation to include partial clusters.

         nam   Cobbler
         ttl   Write OS9Boot to a disk

* Disassembled 02/07/06 13:08:41 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML

*The next line needed for stand-alone compiling. It should not
* be present in the NitrOS-9 project.

*Level    equ	2

         use   defsfile

DOHELP   set   0

tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $00
edition  set   9

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

		org   0
lsn0buff 	rmb   26	Buffer to hold data from LSN0 of traget device
newbpath 	rmb   1
devpath  	rmb   3
EndDevName  rmb   2		pointer to last character of device name when moving to fullbnam
btshift     rmb   2         division factor
bitflag     rmb   1         indicates fractional division
fullbnam 	rmb   20	this buffer hodls the entire name (i.e. /D0/OS9Boot)
u0034    	rmb   16
BootBuf    	rmb   7		Area to read part of current boot area into, to check for boot stuff
u004B    	rmb   2
LSNBitmapByte	rmb   1		Saved byte from bitmap, of current LSN
u004E    	rmb   16
pathopts 	rmb   20
u0072    	rmb   2
u0074    	rmb   10
bffdbuf  	rmb   16
u008E    	rmb   1
u008F    	rmb   7
u0096    	rmb   232
		IFGT  Level-1
u057E    	rmb   76
u05CA    	rmb   8316

bitmbuf  	equ   .		New flexible buffer R.G.
size     	equ   .

name     fcs   /Cobbler/
         fcb   edition

L0015    fcb   $00 
         fcb   $00 

         IFNE  DOHELP
HelpMsg  fcb   C$LF
         fcc   "Use: COBBLER </devname>"
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   "     to create a new system disk"
         fcb   C$CR
WritErr  fcb   C$LF
         fcc   "Error writing kernel track"
         fcb   C$CR
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   "Error - cannot gen to hard disk"
         fcb   C$CR
SeekErr	 fcb	C$LF
	   fcc	"Error seeking sector"
	   fcb	C$CR	 
FileWarn fcb   C$LF
         fcc   "Warning - not a Dragon "
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   "disk."

FileWarn fcb   C$LF
         fcc   "Warning - file(s) present"
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   "on track 34 - this track"


         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   "not rewritten."
         fcb   C$CR
BootFrag fcb   C$LF
         fcc   "Error - OS9boot file fragmented"
         fcb   C$CR
         IFGT  Level-1
RelMsg   fcb   C$LF
         fcc   "Error - can't link to Rel module"
         fcb   C$CR
BootName fcc   "OS9Boot "
         fcb   $FF 
RelNam   fcc   "Rel"
         fcb   $FF 
* This might happen if there is not enough memory present.
MemSpace fcc	"There is not enough memory for buffer space"
	fcb	C$CR

DragonRootSec	equ	$12	Dragon root sector is always LSN 18

start    clrb  				Check first char is a /
         lda   #PDELIM
         cmpa  ,x
         lbne  ShowHelp
         os9   F$PrsNam 		Parse the name
         lbcs  ShowHelp			Error : show help
         lda   #PDELIM			Check that path has only one / e.g. '/d1'
         cmpa  ,y
         lbeq  ShowHelp			yes : show help
         leay  <fullbnam,u		Transfer name to our buffer
L013C    sta   ,y+
         lda   ,x+
         bpl   L013C
         sty   <EndDevName		Save pointer to end of dev name
         ldd   #PENTIR*256+C$SPAC	Store '@ ' at end of devname, for entire dev e.g. '/d1@ '
         std   ,y++
         leax  <fullbnam,u		Point to devname
         lda   #UPDAT.			Open for update
         os9   I$Open   		
         sta   <devpath			Save pathnumber
         lbcs  ShowHelp			Error opening dev, show help + exit
         ldx   <EndDevName		Get pointer to end of dev name
         leay  >BootName,pcr		Get pointer to boot file name
         lda   #PDELIM			Append path delimiter e.g. '/d1/'
L0162    sta   ,x+			Append boot name to dev name e.g. '/d1/OS9Boot'
         lda   ,y+
         bpl   L0162
         pshs  u
         tfr   d,x
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <devpath
         os9   I$Seek   		seek to 0
         lbcs  Bye
         puls  u
         leax  lsn0buff,u		Point to buffer
         ldy   #DD.DAT			$1A
         lda   <devpath
         os9   I$Read   		read LSN0
         lbcs  Bye			Error : exit
         lbsr  FShift                   get divisor from DD.BIT R.G.
         sty   btshift,u
* Request memory fot the FAT buffer + 256 bytes for stack space R.G.
         ldd	<DD.MAP
         addd	#size+256
         os9	F$Mem
         lbcs	NoMem
	   tfr	y,s

         ldd   <DD.BSZ			get size of bootfile currently
         beq   L019F			branch if none
         leax  <fullbnam,u
         os9   I$Delete 		delete existing bootfile
         sta   <DD.BT			Init some of the LSN0 vars
         std   <DD.BT+1
         std   <DD.BSZ
         lbsr  WriteLSN0		Write back to disk
L019F    lda   #WRITE.
         ldb   #READ.+WRITE.
         leax  <fullbnam,u
         os9   I$Create 		create new bootfile
         sta   <newbpath		Save pathnumber
         lbcs  Bye			branch if error

         IFGT  Level-1
* OS-9 Level Two: Copy first 90 bytes of system direct page into our space
* so we can figure out boot location and size, then copy to our space
         leax  >L0015,pcr
         tfr   x,d
         ldx   #$0000
         ldy   #$0090
         pshs  u
         leau  >u057E,u
         os9   F$CpyMem 
         lbcs  Bye
         puls  u
         leax  >L0015,pcr
         tfr   x,d
         ldx   >u05CA,u
         ldy   #$0010
         pshs  u
         leau  <u004E,u
         os9   F$CpyMem 
         puls  u
         lbcs  Bye
         leax  >u057E,u
         ldd   <D.BtPtr,x
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   <D.BtSz,x
         std   <DD.BSZ
         pshs  b,a
L01F7    ldy   #$2000
         cmpy  ,s
         bls   L0203
         ldy   ,s
L0203    pshs  y
         leax  <u004E,u
         tfr   x,d
         ldx   $04,s
         pshs  u
         leau  >u057E,u
         os9   F$CpyMem 
         lbcs  Bye
         puls  u
         ldy   ,s
         leax  >u057E,u
         lda   <newbpath
         os9   I$Write  
         lbcs  Bye
         puls  b,a
         ldy   $02,s
         leay  d,y
         sty   $02,s
         sbca  #$00
         ldy   ,s
         leay  d,y
         sty   ,s
         bne   L01F7
         leas  $04,s


* OS-9 Level One: Write out bootfile
         ldd   >D.BTHI          	get bootfile size
         subd  >D.BTLO
         tfr   d,y              	in D, tfr to Y
         std   <DD.BSZ          	save it
         ldx   >D.BTLO          	get pointer to boot in mem
         lda   <newbpath
         os9   I$Write          	write out boot to file
         lbcs  Bye


         leax  <pathopts,u		Point to option buffer
         clrb				Read option section of Path descriptor
*         ldb   #SS.Opt
         lda   <newbpath		Get pathnumber of new bootfile
         os9   I$GetStt 		Get options
         lbcs  Bye			Error: exit
         lda   <newbpath		Close bootfile
         os9   I$Close  
	 lbcs  ShowHelp
         pshs  u
         ldx   <pathopts+(PD.FD-PD.OPT),u
         lda   <pathopts+(PD.FD+2-PD.OPT),u
* Now X and A hold file descriptor sector LSN of newly created OS9Boot
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <devpath
         os9   I$Seek   		seek to os9boot file descriptor
         puls  u
         lbcs  Bye			Error: exit
         leax  bffdbuf,u		Point to buffer for filedes sector
         ldy   #256
         os9   I$Read   		read in filedes sector
         lbcs  Bye			Error: exit
         ldd   >bffdbuf+(FD.SEG+FDSL.S+FDSL.B),u	Test if fragmented
         lbne  IsFragd			branch if fragmented
* Get and save bootfile's LSN 
         ldb   >bffdbuf+(FD.SEG),u
         stb   <DD.BT
         ldd   >bffdbuf+(FD.SEG+1),u
         std   <DD.BT+1
         lbsr  WriteLSN0		Write bootfile loc to LSN0 on disk
         ldd   #$0001
         lbsr  Seek2LSN
         leax  >bitmbuf,u		Point to bitmap buffer
         ldy   <DD.MAP			Get block number of map
         lda   <devpath			Get dev pathnumber
         os9   I$Read   		read bitmap sector(s)
         lbcs  Bye			Error: exit
* On the dragon, we do not need to test to see if the boot track has files on
* as the boot area is on track 0 imediatly after the blockmap, and before 
* the root directory, and therefore can never have files on it.
* However, we do need to verify that this is a Dragon formatted disk,
* we do this by checking that the root directory starts at LSN 18 (or greater).
	 ifne	DRAGON
	 ldd	<DD.DIR+1		Get LSN of root dir
	 cmpd	#DragonRootSec		Is this a dragon disk ?
	 beq	RewriteBitmap		Yes : write boot
	 lbra	TrkAlloc		No : error and exit.
         ldd   #(Bt.Track*256)+Bt.Sec	Get offset of boot track
         ldy   #$0004			Check 4 csectors
         lbsr  CheckAlloc
         bcc   L0304			Not allocated, check rest
         ldd   #(Bt.Track*256)+Bt.Sec	Get offset of boot track
         lbsr  Seek2LSN
         leax  <BootBuf,u		Point to buffer
         ldy   #$0007			No of bytes to read
         lda   <devpath			Get device path
         os9   I$Read   		Do read
         lbcs  Bye			Error : exit
         leax  <BootBuf,u		Point to buffer
         ldd   ,x			Load first 2 bytes into D
         cmpa  #'O			Check for presense of 'OS'
         lbne  TrkAlloc			No: Try and allocate track (CoCo)
         cmpb  #'S
         lbne  TrkAlloc			No: Try and allocate track (CoCo)
         lda   $04,x			Check 5th byte is a NOP
         cmpa  #$12
         beq   L02F7			Yes: boot track already contains boot code
         ldd   #(Bt.Track*256)+Bt.Sec+$0F
         ldy   #$0003
         lbsr  CheckAlloc
         lbcs  TrkAlloc
L02F7    clra  				Allocate boot track (CoCo)
         ldb   <DD.TKS
         tfr   d,y
         ldd   #(Bt.Track*256)+Bt.Sec
         lbsr  Allocate
         bra   RewriteBitmap
L0304    ldd   #(Bt.Track*256)+Bt.Sec+$04	Check to see if sectors 5..18 of boot track free
         ldy   #$000E			Number of sectors
         lbsr  CheckAlloc		Check them
         lbcs  TrkAlloc			Carry set, sectors allocated, error & exit
         bra   L02F7


	   ldd   #$0001
         lbsr  Seek2LSN			Seek to bitmap sector on disk
         leax  >bitmbuf,u
         ldy   <DD.MAP
         lda   <devpath
         os9   I$Write  		write updated bitmap
         lbcs  Bye

         IFGT  Level-1
* OS-9 Level Two: Link to Rel, which brings in boot code
         pshs  u
         lda   #Systm+Objct
         leax  >RelNam,pcr
         os9   F$Link   
         lbcs  NoRel
         tfr   u,d			tfr module header to D
         puls  u			get statics ptr
         subd  #$0006
         std   <u004B,u			save pointer
         lda   #$E0
         anda  <u004B,u
         ora   #$1E
         ldb   #$FF
         subd  <u004B,u
         addd  #$0001
         tfr   d,y
         ldd   #(Bt.Track*256)+Bt.Sec
         lbsr  Seek2LSN
         lda   <devpath
         ldx   <u004B,u


* OS-9 Level One: Write out data at $EF00
         ldd   #(Bt.Track*256)+Bt.Sec	Seek to boot track
         lbsr  Seek2LSN 
         lda   <devpath			
         ldx   #Bt.Start		Get boot start and size
         ldy   #Bt.Size


         os9   I$Write  		Write boot track
         lbcs  WriteBad			Error 
         os9   I$Close  		Close devpath
         lbcs  Bye			Error : exit
         clrb  				Flag no error
         lbra  Bye			

* Get absolute LSN
* regA=track, regB=sector
* Returns in D
AbsLSN   pshs  b
         ldb   <DD.FMT		get format byte
         andb  #$01		check how many sides?
         beq   L037F		branch if 1
         ldb   #$02		else assume 2
         bra   L0381
L037F    ldb   #$01
L0381    mul   
         lda   <DD.TKS		sectors per track
         addb  ,s+
         adca  #$00

* Determine bit shift from DD.BIT
* Return shift in regY needed for division R.G.
FShift   pshs   d
	 ldd	lsn0buff+DD.BIT,u		get sectors per cluster
         ldy	#-1
* This finds number of bit shifts for DD.BIT
SF1      lsra
         leay	1,y
         cmpd	#0
         bne	SF1
         puls   d,pc

* Enter: regD=LSN to test,regX=bitmap buffer
* Exit: regX points to bitmap byte of our LSN
*       regA=bit mask, regB not preserved
* We need to divide by DD.BITx8 R.G.
	   pshs y,d
	   ldy	btshift,u
         cmpy	#0
         beq	GBB3
* Divide LSN by DD.BIT
GBB2     lsra
         leay	-1,y
         bne	GBB2
GBB3     stb	,s		save lsb
	   andb	#7		Make sure offset within table
	   stb	1,s		save table mask
         ldy	#3
* Now regY is the number of right shifts required for 8
         ldb	,s		recover the lsb
GBB4     lsra
         leay	-1,y
         bne	GBB4
* Now regD is the byte number in the FAT
         leax	d,x		point regX at the byte
	   puls	d
         leay	<BitTable,pcr	Point to bit table
         lda 	b,y		Get bit from table
         puls	pc,y		Restore regY and return
BitTable    fcb   $80,$40,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$01	Bitmap bit table

* Common code for CheckAlloc & Allocate moved to subroutine R.G.
* Enter: see CheckAlloc & Allocate
* Exit: regY=divisor, regD=LSN
Initcalc bsr   AbsLSN		go get absolute LSN in D
         leax  >bitmbuf,u	point X to our bitmap buffer
         bsr   GetBitmapBit	regA is bit from table
* New code to obtain a shift value R.G.
         pshs	d,y
	   ldy	btshift,u
	   cmpy	#0
	   bne	CA2
	   puls	d,y,pc
CA2      ldd    2,s             recover number of sectors
         clr    bitflag,u
* Divide sector count by DD.BIT
CAloop   lsra
	   bcc    CAlp2
	   inc    bitflag,u	indicate fractional result
CAlp2	   leay	-1,y
	   bne	CAloop
	   tst    bitflag,u
	   beq	CAnz
	   incb			include partial cluster
CAnz	   tfr	d,y		regY has been divided by DD.BIT
	   ldd	,s		recover content
	   leas	4,s		clean stack

* CheckAlloc, check to see if a block of sectors is allocated.
* Entry : A=track, B= sector, Y=number of sectors
* Exit : Carry Set, sectors are already allocated. Carry clear, sectors are free.
* I think regY needs to be divided by DD.BIT R.G.
	   pshs  y,x,b,a
	   bsr   Initcalc
* Back to older code
	   sta   ,-s		save off
         bmi   L03CB
         lda   ,x		Get bitmap byte of our LSN
         sta   <LSNBitmapByte	Save for later use
L03BB    anda  ,s		Is our LSN allocated ?
         bne   L03F7		Yes : flag error
	   leay  -$01,y		Decrement sector count		
         beq   L03F3		All done : yes, exit
	   lda   <LSNBitmapByte	Get saved bitmap byte
         lsr   ,s		Check next sector
         bcc   L03BB		If carry, we need to fetch next byte from bitmap
	   leax  $01,x		Increment bitmap pointer
L03CB    lda   #$FF		
         sta   ,s
         bra   L03DB
L03D1    lda   ,x
         anda  ,s
         bne   L03F7
	   leax  $01,x
         leay  -$08,y
L03DB    cmpy  #$0008		Done a whole byte's worth of blocks ?
         bhi   L03D1		Yes
         beq   L03ED
         lda   ,s		Fetch current bit 
L03E5    lsra  			Process next sector
         leay  -$01,y		decrement sector count
         bne   L03E5		Any more : yes continue
         sta   ,s
L03ED    lda   ,x
         anda  ,s
         bne   L03F7
L03F3    andcc #^Carry		
         bra   L03F9
L03F7    orcc  #Carry		Flag error ?
L03F9    leas  $01,s		Drop saved byte	
         puls  pc,y,x,b,a	Restore and return
* Allocate, allocate blocks in bitmap
* Entry : A=track, B=sector, Y=block count.
* I think regY should be divided by DD.BIT R.G.
	   pshs  y,x,b,a
	   lbsr   Initcalc
* Back to old code
         sta   ,-s		Save it
         bmi   L041C
         lda   ,x
L040E    ora   ,s
         leay  -$01,y
         beq   L043A
         lsr   ,s
         bcc   L040E
         sta   ,x
         leax  $01,x
L041C    lda   #$FF
         bra   L0426
L0420    sta   ,x
         leax  $01,x
         leay  -$08,y
L0426    cmpy  #$0008
         bhi   L0420
         beq   L043A
L042E    lsra  
         leay  -$01,y
         bne   L042E
         sta   ,s
         lda   ,x
         ora   ,s
L043A    sta   ,x
         leas  $01,s
         puls  pc,y,x,b,a

* Seek To LSN, A=track, B=sector

Seek2LSN pshs  u,y,x,b,a
         lbsr  AbsLSN
         pshs  a
         tfr   b,a
         tfr   d,u
         puls  b
         tfr   d,x
         lda   <devpath
         os9   I$Seek   
         bcs   SeekBad
         puls  pc,u,y,x,b,a

         pshs  u		added for OS-9 Level One +BGP+
         tfr   d,x
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <devpath
         os9   I$Seek   	Seek to LSN0
	   puls  u		added for OS-9 Level One +BGP+
         leax  lsn0buff,u	Point to our LSN buffer
         ldy   #DD.DAT
         lda   <devpath
         os9   I$Write  	Write to disk
         bcs   Bye		branch if error

ShowHelp equ   *
         IFNE  DOHELP
         leax  >HelpMsg,pcr
         bra   Bye
	   pshs  b
         lda   #$02
         ldy   #256
         os9   I$WritLn 
         puls  b
Bye      os9   F$Exit   

IsFragd  leax  >BootFrag,pcr
         bra   DisplayErrorAndExit

WriteBad leax  >WritErr,pcr
         bra   DisplayErrorAndExit
SeekBad  leax  SeekErr,pcr
	   bsr   DisplayErrorAndExit
TrkAlloc leax  >FileWarn,pcr
         bra   DisplayErrorAndExit

NoMem	  leax   >MemSpace,pcr
	  bra    DisplayErrorAndExit

         IFGT  Level-1
NoRel    leax  >RelMsg,pcr
         bra   DisplayErrorAndExit

eom      equ   *