Mercurial > hg > Members > kono > nitros9-code
view level1/cmds/grfdrv.asm @ 2898:28ed72477814 lwtools-port
Dummy merge of default branch into lwtools
hg -y merge --tool=internal:fail default
hg revert --all --no-backup --rev .
hg resolve -a -m
This dummy merge discards any changes from the default branch
so that the result is the same as what lwtools already had.
When merging back to default branch later, the discarded
changes will be discarded there also, so the result
will be that the default branch will contain what
the lwtools branch had before these merges.
Only scripts/burst was "rescued" from default branch.
author | Tormod Volden <> |
date | Sat, 11 Jan 2014 18:40:44 +0100 |
parents | b8c7b7fbf3c9 |
children | b05e48458203 |
line wrap: on
line source
******************************************************************** * GrfDrv - Graphics module * * $Id$ * * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by * Comment * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * 1 ????/??/?? * From Tandy OS-9 Level One VR 02.00.00. nam GrfDrv ttl Graphics module * Disassembled 02/04/05 23:44:21 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML ifp1 use defsfile use cocovtio.d endc tylg set Systm+Objct atrv set ReEnt+rev rev set $00 edition set 1 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size org 0 size equ . fcb $07 name fcs /GrfDrv/ fcb edition * Dispatch table start lbra Init lbra Write lbra GetStat lbra SetStat lbra Term * 128x192 4 color pixel table Mode1Clr fdb $0055,$aaff GetStat SetStat comb ldb #E$UnkSvc rts Write suba #$15 leax <Table,pcr lsla ldd a,x jmp d,x Table fdb Do15-Table fdb Do16-Table fdb Do17-Table fdb Do18-Table fdb Do19-Table fdb Do1A-Table fdb NoOp-Table fdb Do1C-Table fdb Do1D-Table fdb NoOp-Table fdb NoOp-Table * Fix X/Y coords: * - if Y > 191 then cap it at 191 * - adjust X coord if in 128x192 mode FixXY ldd <V.NChar,u get next 2 charas cmpb #192 Y greater than max? bcs L0053 branch if lower than ldb #191 L0053 tst <V.Mode,u which mode? bmi L0059 branch if 256x192 lsra else divide X by 2 L0059 std <V.NChar,u and save rts * $15 - set graphics cursor Do15 leax <SetGC,pcr load X with return address GChar2 ldb #$02 need two parameters lbra GChar SetGC bsr FixXY fix coords std <V.GCrsX,u and save new gfx cursor pos NoOp Init Term clrb rts * $19 - erase point Do19 clr <V.Msk1,u * $18 - set point Do18 leax <DrawPnt,pcr bra GChar2 DrawPnt bsr FixXY fix coords std <V.GCrsX,u save as new gfx cursor pos bsr DrwPt2 lbra L014A DrwPt2 jsr [<V.CnvVct,u] L0081 tfr a,b comb andb ,x stb ,x anda <V.Msk1,u and with mask ora ,x sta ,x rts * $17 - erase line Do17 clr <V.Msk1,u clear mask value * $16 - draw line Do16 leax <DrawLine,pcr load X with return address bra GChar2 need two params DrawLine bsr FixXY fix up coords leas -$0E,s make room on stack std $0C,s save X/Y jsr [<V.CnvVct,u] get address given X/Y stx $02,s save on stack sta $01,s and pixel too ldd <V.GCrsX,u get current graphics cursor jsr [<V.CnvVct,u] get address given X/Y sta ,s clra clrb std $04,s lda #$BF suba <V.GCrsY,u sta <V.GCrsY,u lda #$BF suba <V.NChr2,u sta <V.NChr2,u lda #$FF sta $06,s clra ldb <V.GCrsX,u subb <V.NChar,u sbca #$00 bpl L00D6 nega negb sbca #$00 neg $06,s L00D6 std $08,s bne L00DF ldd #$FFFF std $04,s L00DF lda #$E0 sta $07,s clra ldb <V.GCrsY,u subb <V.NChr2,u sbca #$00 bpl L00F4 nega negb sbca #$00 neg $07,s L00F4 std $0A,s bra L0100 L00F8 sta ,s ldd $04,s subd $0A,s std $04,s L0100 lda ,s lbsr L0081 cmpx $02,s bne L010F lda ,s cmpa $01,s beq L0143 L010F ldd $04,s bpl L011D addd $08,s std $04,s lda $07,s leax a,x bra L0100 L011D lda ,s ldb $06,s bpl L0133 lsla ldb <V.Mode,u which mode? bmi L012A branch if 256x192 lsla L012A bcc L00F8 lda <V.4A,u leax -$01,x bra L00F8 L0133 lsra ldb <V.Mode,u which mode? bmi L013A branch if 256x196 lsra L013A bcc L00F8 lda <V.MCol,u leax $01,x bra L00F8 L0143 ldd $0C,s std <V.GCrsX,u leas $0E,s L014A lda <V.Msk2,u sta <V.Msk1,u clrb rts * $1C - erase circle Do1C clr <V.Msk1,u clear mask value * $1A - draw circle Do1A leax <Circle,pcr ldb #$01 require another param -- radius GChar stb <V.NGChr,u one more char stx <V.RTAdd,u return address clrb rts Circle leas -$04,s make room on stack ldb <V.NChr2,u get radius stb $01,s store on stack clra sta ,s addb $01,s adca #$00 nega negb sbca #$00 addd #$0003 std $02,s L0179 lda ,s cmpa $01,s bcc L01AB ldb $01,s bsr L01B9 clra ldb $02,s bpl L0193 ldb ,s lslb rola lslb rola addd #$0006 bra L01A3 L0193 dec $01,s clra ldb ,s subb $01,s sbca #$00 lslb rola lslb rola addd #$000A L01A3 addd $02,s std $02,s inc ,s bra L0179 L01AB lda ,s cmpa $01,s bne L01B5 ldb $01,s bsr L01B9 L01B5 leas $04,s bra L014A L01B9 leas -$08,s sta ,s clra std $02,s nega negb sbca #$00 std $06,s ldb ,s clra std ,s nega negb sbca #$00 std $04,s ldx $06,s bsr L0202 ldd $04,s ldx $02,s bsr L0202 ldd ,s ldx $02,s bsr L0202 ldd ,s ldx $06,s bsr L0202 ldd $02,s ldx ,s bsr L0202 ldd $02,s ldx $04,s bsr L0202 ldd $06,s ldx $04,s bsr L0202 ldd $06,s ldx ,s bsr L0202 leas $08,s rts L0202 pshs b,a ldb <V.GCrsY,u clra leax d,x cmpx #$0000 bmi L0214 cmpx #$00BF ble L0216 L0214 puls pc,b,a L0216 ldb <V.GCrsX,u clra tst <V.Mode,u bmi L0221 lslb rola L0221 addd ,s++ tsta beq L0227 rts L0227 pshs b tfr x,d puls a tst <V.Mode,u which mode? lbmi DrwPt2 branch if 256x192 lsra else divide A by 2 lbra DrwPt2 * $1D - flood fill Do1D clr <V.FFFlag,u leas -$07,s lbsr L03AB lbcs L0346 lda #$FF sta <V.4F,u ldd <V.GCrsX,u lbsr L0351 lda <V.4C,u sta <V.4D,u tst <V.Mode,u which mode? bpl L0261 branch if 128x192 tsta beq L0267 lda #$FF bra L0267 L0261 leax >Mode1Clr,pcr lda a,x L0267 sta <V.4E,u cmpa <V.Msk1,u lbeq L0346 ldd <V.GCrsX,u L0274 suba #$01 bcs L027F lbsr L0351 bcs L027F beq L0274 L027F inca std $01,s L0282 lbsr L0384 adda #$01 bcs L0290 lbsr L0351 bcs L0290 beq L0282 L0290 deca ldx $01,s lbsr L03D3 neg <V.4F,u lbsr L03D3 L029C lbsr L03F9 lbcs L0346 tst <V.4F,u bpl L02B3 subb #$01 bcs L029C std $03,s tfr x,d decb bra L02BD L02B3 incb cmpb #$BF bhi L029C std $03,s tfr x,d incb L02BD std $01,s lbsr L0351 bcs L029C L02C4 bne L02D2 suba #$01 bcc L02CD inca bra L02D6 L02CD lbsr L0351 bcc L02C4 L02D2 adda #$01 bcs L029C L02D6 cmpd $03,s bhi L029C bsr L0351 bcs L029C bne L02D2 std $05,s cmpd $01,s bcc L02FB ldd $01,s decb cmpd $05,s beq L02FB neg <V.4F,u ldx $05,s lbsr L03D3 neg <V.4F,u L02FB ldd $05,s L02FD std $01,s L02FF bsr L0351 bcs L030B bne L030B bsr L0384 adda #$01 bcc L02FF L030B deca ldx $01,s lbsr L03D3 std $05,s adda #$01 bcs L0326 L0317 cmpd $03,s bcc L0326 adda #$01 bsr L0351 bcs L0326 bne L0317 bra L02FD L0326 inc $03,s inc $03,s ldd $03,s cmpa #$02 lbcs L029C ldd $05,s cmpd $03,s lbcs L029C neg <V.4F,u ldx $03,s lbsr L03D3 lbra L029C L0346 leas $07,s clrb ldb <V.FFFlag,u beq L0350 L034E orcc #Carry L0350 rts L0351 pshs b,a cmpb #$BF bhi L0380 tst <V.Mode,u which mode? bmi L0360 branch if 256x192 cmpa #$7F bhi L0380 L0360 jsr [<V.CnvVct,u] tfr a,b andb ,x L0367 bita #$01 bne L0376 lsra lsrb tst <V.Mode,u which mode? bmi L0367 branch if 256x192 lsra lsrb bra L0367 L0376 stb <V.4C,u cmpb <V.4D,u andcc #^Carry puls pc,b,a L0380 orcc #Carry puls pc,b,a L0384 pshs b,a jsr [<V.CnvVct,u] bita #$80 beq L03A6 ldb <V.4E,u cmpb ,x bne L03A6 ldb <V.Msk1,u stb ,x puls b,a tst <V.Mode,u which mode? bmi L03A3 branch if 256x192 adda #$03 rts L03A3 adda #$07 rts L03A6 lbsr L0081 puls pc,b,a L03AB ldx <V.FFSTp,u get top of flood fill stack beq L03B5 if zero, we need to allocate stack stx <V.FFSPt,u else reset flood fill stack ptr L03B3 clrb rts * Allocate Flood Fill Stack L03B5 pshs u save U for now ldd #$0200 get 512 bytes os9 F$SRqMem from system bcc AllocOk branch if ok puls pc,u else pull out with error AllocOk tfr u,d move pointer to alloced mem to D puls u get stat pointer we saved earlier std <V.FFMem,u save pointer to alloc'ed mem addd #512 point D to end of alloc'ed mem std <V.FFSTp,u and save here as top of fill stack std <V.FFSPt,u and here bra L03B3 do a clean return L03D3 pshs b,a ldd <V.FFSPt,u subd #$0004 cmpd <V.FFMem,u bcs L03F2 std <V.FFSPt,u tfr d,y lda <V.4F,u sta ,y stx $01,y puls b,a sta $03,y rts L03F2 ldb #$F5 stb <V.FFFlag,u puls pc,b,a L03F9 ldd <V.FFSPt,u cmpd <V.FFSTp,u top of flood fill stack? lbcc L034E tfr d,y addd #$0004 std <V.FFSPt,u lda ,y sta <V.4F,u ldd $01,y tfr d,x lda $03,y andcc #^Carry rts emod eom equ * end