view level1/cmds/irqs.asm @ 2898:28ed72477814 lwtools-port

Dummy merge of default branch into lwtools hg -y merge --tool=internal:fail default hg revert --all --no-backup --rev . hg resolve -a -m This dummy merge discards any changes from the default branch so that the result is the same as what lwtools already had. When merging back to default branch later, the discarded changes will be discarded there also, so the result will be that the default branch will contain what the lwtools branch had before these merges. Only scripts/burst was "rescued" from default branch.
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 11 Jan 2014 18:40:44 +0100
parents 84ea83668304
line wrap: on
line source

* irqs - Show interrupt polling table
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      ????/??/??  Kevin Darling
* Created.
*   2      ????/??/??  Gene Heskett
* Modified.
*   3      2003/01/07  Boisy G. Pitre
* Streamlined and fixed problems.

         nam   irqs
         ttl   Show interrupt polling table

         use   defsfile

rev      set   $00
edition  set   3

MaxDEnts set   32	max device entries we will display
MaxPEnts set   32	max polling entries we will display

         mod   emod,name,prgrm+objct,reent+rev,start,endmem

         org   0
usaver   rmb   2
narrow   rmb   1
polcount rmb   1	number of polling entries in polling table
devcount rmb   1	number of device entries in device table
datptr   rmb   2	pointer to DAT image in system proc descriptor
notuse   rmb   2
outptr   rmb   2	points to next available char in buffer
counter  rmb   1
devptr   rmb   2
tblptr   rmb   2
dpvars   rmb   9
rptbuf   rmb   80
ddevtbl  rmb   2	copy of D.DevTbl in globals
dpoltbl  rmb   2	copy of D.PolTbl in globals
         IFGT  Level-1
poltable rmb   32*POLSIZ
devtable rmb   32*DEVSIZ
modulep  rmb   256
syspdesc rmb   P$Size
sstack   rmb   200
endmem   equ   .

name     fcs   "irqs"
         fcb   edition

PollHdr  fcc   "Polling Table at: "
PollHdrL equ   *-PollHdr
Device   fcc   " Device Table at: "
DeviceL  equ   *-Device
NTopline fcc   " Device    Drvr   IRQ   Flip"
         fcb   C$CR
NToplineL equ   *-NTopline
NLine2   fcc   "Port Mem   Name   Vect  Mask Pr"
         fcb   C$CR
NLine2L  equ   *-NLine2
NLine3   fcc   "---- ----  -----------  ---- --"
         fcb   C$CR
NLine3L  equ   *-NLine3
Topline  fcc   " Device    Driver  IRQ   Flip     "
         fcb   C$CR
ToplineL equ   *-Topline
Line2    fcc   "Port Mem   Name  Vector  &Mask Pty"
         fcb   C$CR
Line2L   equ   *-Line2
Line3    fcc   "---- ----  ------------  ----- ---"
crtn     fcb   C$CR
Line3L   equ   *-Line3
Init     fcs   /Init/

start    stu   <usaver    at 0000 in direct page
* First things first: get Polling Table and Device Table counts in the
* Init module
         lda   #MaxDEnts	get max dev ents
         sta   <devcount
         lda   #MaxPEnts	get max poll ents
         sta   <polcount
         clra			module type/lang byte
         leax  Init,pcr		point to name
         os9   F$Link		link to it
         bcs   errexit		branch if error
         ldd   PollCnt,u	get poll count in A, dev count in B
         os9   F$UnLink		unlink it
         ldu   <usaver
         cmpa  <polcount	is actual size greater or equal than our max?
         bge   chkdev           branch if so
         sta   <polcount
chkdev   cmpb  <devcount	is actual size greater or equal than our max?
         bge   cont		branch if so
         stb   <devcount
cont     clr   <narrow
         lda   #$01
         ldb   #SS.ScSiz
         os9   I$GetStt
         bcs   cont2
         cmpx  #Line3L+1
         bge   cont2
         sta   <narrow		we're narrow
cont2    leax  >crtn,pcr
         ldy   #$0001
         os9   I$WritLn		write a carriage return
         bcs   errexit
         leax  >PollHdr,pc
         ldy   #PollHdrL
         os9   I$Write		write polling table header
         bcs   errexit
         IFGT  Level-1
         lda   #$01		process ID #1 - system process
         leax  syspdesc,u	point to buffer
         os9   F$GPrDsc		get a copy of it
         bcs   errexit
         leax  P$DatImg,x	point to DAT image
         stx   <datptr		save off pointer for later
         bra   z00C5
okexit   clrb  
errexit  os9   F$Exit
z00C5    leay  rptbuf,u
         sty   <outptr
         IFGT  Level-1
         leau  ddevtbl,u
         ldd   <datptr		get ptr P$datimg
         ldx   #D.DevTbl
         ldy   #$0004		include D.Poltbl 4 bytes to copy
         os9   F$CpyMem		get the two globals
         bcs   errexit
         ldu   <usaver		restore u
         ldd   >D.DevTbl
         std   <ddevtbl  
         ldd   >D.PolTbl
         std   <dpoltbl  
         ldd   <dpoltbl
         lbsr  OutHex		cnvrt 4 dgts of poll tbl addr
         lbsr  z01B1		output poll tbl address in ASCII
* troubleshooting printout
         leax  >Device,pcr
         ldy   #DeviceL
         lda   #1
         os9   I$Write
         leax  rptbuf,u
         stx   <outptr
         ldd   <ddevtbl
         lbsr  OutHex
         lbsr  z01B1
* to here
         lda   #1
         leax  >crtn,pcr	stick another \n on it
         ldy   #$0001
         os9   I$WritLn
         bcs   errexit
         leax  >Topline,pcr
         ldy   #ToplineL
         tst   <narrow
         beq   branch1
         leax  >NTopline,pcr
         ldy   #NToplineL 
branch1  os9   I$WritLn
         bcs   errexit
         leax  >Line2,pcr
         ldy   #Line2L
         tst   <narrow
         beq   branch2
         leax  >NLine2,pcr
         ldy   #NLine2L
branch2  os9   I$WritLn
         bcs   errexit
         leax  >Line3,pcr
         ldy   #Line3L
         tst   <narrow
         beq   branch3
         leax  >NLine3,pcr
         ldy   #NLine3L
branch3  os9   I$WritLn
         lbcs  errexit
         IFGT  Level-1
* Copy polling table
         lda   <polcount
         ldb   #POLSIZ
         tfr   d,y
         ldx   <dpoltbl
         ldd   <datptr
         leau  poltable,u
         os9   F$CpyMem
         ldu   <usaver
         lbcs  errexit
* Copy device table
         lda   <devcount
         ldb   #DEVSIZ
         tfr   d,y
         ldx   <ddevtbl
         ldd   <datptr
         leau  devtable,u
         os9   F$CpyMem
         ldu   <usaver
         lbcs  errexit

* Go through IRQ polling table until we find a non-empty slot or the end
         ldb   <polcount	get polling count
         stb   <counter		save off in our counter variable
         IFGT  Level-1
         leax  poltable,u	point X to polling table we copied
         ldx   <dpoltbl
z0165    ldd   Q$STAT,x		get static pointer
         beq   z016B		branch if empty
         bsr   ShowIRQ		else process it
z016B    dec   <counter		decrement couunter
         lbeq  okexit		exit if end
         leax  POLSIZ,x		else advance X
         bra   z0165		and get some more

* Here we process the IRQ polling entry at X
ShowIRQ  leay  rptbuf,u
         sty   <outptr		reset output buffer pointer
         ldd   Q$POLL,x
         lbsr  OutHex		convert 2 bytes port addr->ascii
         ldd   Q$STAT,x
         lbsr  OutHex		convert 2 bytes memsiz->ascii
         lbsr  OutSpace		extra space in line
         bsr   z01CA		now do name
         ldd   Q$SERV,x		get irq vector
         lbsr  OutHex		convert it to ascii
         lbsr  OutSpace		extra space
         lda   Q$FLIP,x		get flip
         lbsr  z0247		convert 1 byte
         tst   <narrow
         bne   branch4
         lbsr  OutSpace		space
branch4  lda   Q$MASK,x		get mask
         lbsr  z0241		convert 1 byte + space
         tst   <narrow
         bne   branch5
         lbsr  OutSpace		extra space
branch5  lda   Q$PRTY,x		get priority byte
         lbsr  z0247		convert 1 byte
z01B1    pshs  x
         ldx   <outptr
         lda   #C$CR		terminate this line
         sta   ,x
         leax  rptbuf,u		ptr to outbuff
         ldy   #80		max 80 chars
         lda   #$01		stdout
         os9   I$WritLn
         lbcs  errexit
         puls  x,pc

z01CA    pshs  x
         IFGT  Level-1
         leax  poltable,u
         ldx   <dpoltbl
         ldb   <devcount
         pshs  b
* now we make an assumption that data
* areas for the same driver will be
* in the same page of memory, so compare
* only the high bytes of the address
         ldb   Q$STAT,x		get irq dat addr
         IFGT  Level-1
         leax  devtable,u	devtbl buffer
         ldx   <ddevtbl
z01D6    cmpb  V$STAT,x
         beq   Match		if match, found device
         leax  DEVSIZ,x		else inc to next tbl entry
         dec   ,s		and decrement coounter
         bne   z01D6		continue if more
         leas  $01,s		get rid of stack data
         ldy   <outptr
         leay  8,y        this leaves name visible
         sty   <outptr    until new one found
         puls  x,pc

z01E9    ldy   <outptr
         ldb   #08
         lda   #C$SPAC    a space 
z01EA    sta   ,y+
         bne   z01EA
         sty   <outptr

Match    puls  b		fix stack
         ldx   V$DRIV,x		get driver module pointer
         beq   z01E9		branch if none
         IFGT  Level-1
         pshs  u
         leau  modulep,u
         ldd   <datptr
* hopefully the driver name is in the 1st 256 bytes
         ldy   #256
         os9   F$CpyMem
         puls  u
         lbcs  errexit
         leax  modulep,u
         ldd   M$Name,x
         leax  d,x
         lda   #8
         tst   <narrow
         beq   storeit
         lda   #7
storeit  sta   <counter
         bra   z0220
z021D    bsr   z025B
z0220    incb  
         cmpb  <counter
         bcc   z0232
         lda   ,x+
         bpl   z021D
         anda  #$7F
         bsr   z025B
         cmpb  <counter
         bcc   z023A
z0232    bsr   OutSpace
         cmpb  <counter
         bcs   z0232
z023A    puls  x,pc

* HexCvt
* Entry:
*   D = number to convert to hex
*   X = pointer to buffer where hex string is stored
* Exit
OutHex   pshs  b          convert to ascii
         bsr   z0247      make 2 digits
         puls  a
z0241    bsr   z0247      make 2 more
OutSpace lda   #C$SPAC
         bra   z025B
z0247    tfr   a,b
         bsr   z0251
         tfr   b,a
z0251    anda  #$0F
         cmpa  #$0A
         bcs   z0259
         adda  #$07
z0259    adda  #$30
z025B    pshs  x
         ldx   <outptr    get outbuf ptr
         sta   ,x+
         stx   <outptr
         puls  pc,x

emod     equ   *