view level1/cmds/makdir.asm @ 2898:28ed72477814 lwtools-port

Dummy merge of default branch into lwtools hg -y merge --tool=internal:fail default hg revert --all --no-backup --rev . hg resolve -a -m This dummy merge discards any changes from the default branch so that the result is the same as what lwtools already had. When merging back to default branch later, the discarded changes will be discarded there also, so the result will be that the default branch will contain what the lwtools branch had before these merges. Only scripts/burst was "rescued" from default branch.
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 11 Jan 2014 18:40:44 +0100
parents 84ea83668304
line wrap: on
line source

* MakDir - Create directory file
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   4      ????/??/??
* From Tandy OS-9 Level One VR 02.00.00.
*   5      ????/??/??  Alan DeKok
* Makes multiple directories from a single pathlist.

         nam   Makdir
         ttl   Create directory file

* Disassembled 94/12/08 21:42:56 by Alan DeKok

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $00
edition  set   5

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

         org   0
param    rmb   2          parameter area
mflag    rmb   1          made a directory yet from this pathlist?
         rmb   200        stack space
size     equ   .

name     fcs   /MakDir/
         fcb   edition

Sk.1     leax  1,x        go on to the next character
Skip     lda   ,x         get a character
         cmpa  #C$SPAC    space?
         beq   Sk.1       if so, skip it

* Any pathnames at all?
* Exit with error if none
Start    bsr   Skip       skip the first bit, if applicable
         cmpa  #C$SPAC    is it a CR?
         bne   start2     no, go ahead and make directories
         comb             set carry
         ldb   #E$BPNam   a CR is a bad pathname...
         bra   Exit       and go exit

* skip leading spaces or '/' and setup pointers
start1   bsr   Skip       skip any non-zero characters, if applicable
start2   ldb   #$FF       a non-zero value
         stb   <mflag     we haven't made a directory from this pathname yet
         stx   <param     save in the parameter area
         cmpa  #PDELIM    leading slash?
         bne   S.020      if not, go get the name

* find the pseudo-end of the pathname, stopping at space, cr, '/'
S.010    leax  1,x
S.020    lda   ,x
         cmpa  #C$SPAC    space?
         beq   S.030
         cmpa  #C$CR      cr?
         beq   S.030
         cmpa  #PDELIM    slash?
         bne   S.010      if none of these, then skip this character

* force the pathname to be a subset of the full pathname
S.030    pshs  a,x        save byte found, where we found it
         lda   #C$CR      force it to be a CR
         sta   ,x

*try to open it for reading, i.e. does it already exists?
         ldx   <param     get the start address of this pathname
         lda   #DIR.+READ. open the directory for reading
         os9   I$Open     check if the directory already exists
         bcs   S.040      if there was an error opening it, go make it
         OS9   I$Close    close the path to the file
         bra   S.050      skip making this directory

* The partial pathname doesn't exist, so create it
S.040    ldx   <param     get the start address of this pathname
         ldb   #^SHARE.  everything but SHARE.
         os9   I$MakDir 
         bcs   Error
         clr   <mflag     clear the flag: we've successfully made a directory

* make pathname full again, and continue
S.050    puls  a,x        restore byte, address
         sta   ,x         restore it
         cmpa  #PDELIM    was it a slash?
         beq   S.010      yes, make pathname full again, and find next one

* searched this pathname, have we made a directory from it?
         tst   <mflag     have we made a directory?
         bne   CEF        if not, error out with fake E$CEF

* check for end/continue flag
         cmpa  #C$SPAC    was it a space?
         beq   start1     yup, go get another pathname to create

ClnExit  clrb             no error
Exit     OS9   F$Exit     and exit

CEF      comb             set carry
         ldb   #E$CEF     we've just tried to create an existing file
Error    pshs  b,cc       save error code

         lda   #2         to STDERR
         leax  EMsg,pc    to error found string
         ldy   #Elen
         OS9   I$Write

         ldx   <param     get pathname we're trying to open
         ldy   #200       a _very_ long pathname
         OS9   I$WritLn   we're sure that the name ends in a CR...
         puls  b,cc       restore error code, condition
         bra   Exit

EMsg     fcc   /makdir: error creating /
ELen     equ   *-EMsg

eom      equ   *