view 3rdparty/drivers/burke/xtos9.src @ 1951:2c97a4f68e9c

This file had /d0 changed to /dd but the CRC was not updated. It now is correct.
author robert
date Mon, 19 Dec 2005 13:42:18 +0000 (2005-12-19)
parents c10820aa211b
children 892188818514
line wrap: on
line source
***                                     ***
***     COPYRIGHT 1990 BURKE & BURKE    ***
***     ALL RIGHTS RESERVED             ***
***                                     ***
***     COPYRIGHT 1992 BURKE & BURKE    ***
***     ALL RIGHTS RESERVED             ***
***                                     ***

*  CoCo XT Hard Disk Driver  Version 2.0
*  For Western Digital WD1002-WX1 (or 27X) Controller.
*  The controller can only handle 512 bytes per sector,
*  so these routines must synthesize 2 logical 256 byte
*  sectors from each physical 512 byte sector.  This
*  increases the time it takes to read or write a sector.
*  To counteract this, the 2nd half of each "even" sector
*  is retained during a read.  If the next read accesses the
*  "odd" half, the sector contents is read from the "verify"
*  buffer instead of the hard disk.
*  This version can be optimized for a single ST-225 hard disk,
*  via conditional assembly.  Several other parameters can also
*  be controlled by conditional assembly.
*  Conditional assembly control:
*   Drives              ;Number of drives supported (1-2)
*   irqflg              ;non-zero to mask IRQ during disk access.
*   fmtflg              ;non-zero if hard formatting supported
*   fstflg              ;non-zero if fast transfers supported
*   cchflg              ;non-zero if read cache supported
*   vrfflg              ;non-zero if write verification supported
*   tboflg              ;non-zero if jump to 2 MHz for block moves
*   errflg              ;non-zero for good error messages
*   icdflg              ;non-zero to ignore C/D status bit
*   trsflg              ;non-zero if optimized for 32 SPT, 4 hd disks
*   sysram              ;non-zero to use system RAM for verf buffer
*   sizflg              ;non-zero if drives may be different sizes
*   XLEVEL              ;Special level 2 flag -- to use L1 assembler
*  Chris Burke  Schaumburg, IL  10/14/87
*   Modification History
*   --------------------
*   Date        Who     Description
*   --------    ---     -------------------------------------
*   11/20/87    CJB     Fixed bug in PARK.
*   12/23/87    CJB     Corrected table size and location
*                       equates for L2 compatibility.  
*                       Deleted support for Level 1, Version 
*                       1.X OS9.
*   12/27/87    CJB     Added code to grab parameters from
*                       device descriptor if not obtained
*                       by INIT.
*   01/28/88    CJB     Added support for any slot.
*   02/07/88    CJB     Changed FORMAT to reset drive parameters
*                       Added speedy read cache algorithm.
*                       Eliminated DIVA, DIVY, etc.
*   02/23/88    CJB     Recoded for TRSFLG
*   03/03/88    CJB     Changed module names to BBhdisk etc.
*   04/17/88    cjb     Modified INIT to call WaitIdl before
*                        shutting off controller interrupts & DMA
*                       Fixed bugs in INIT which confused path
*                        descriptor and device descriptor pointers
*   04/21/88    cjb     Added code to disable I/O retries after
*                        formatting hard drive.
*   06/12/88    cjb     Changed to call WaitId2 instead of WaitIdl
*   07/01/88    cjb     Changed revision from 2 to 3
*   10/10/88    cjb     Modified for format error recovery
*   05/18/90    cjb     Modified copyright
*                       Added support for up to 4 drives
*   07/07/91    cjb     Rev 2.5 (allow disabling of recalibration)
*   04/15/92    cjb     Rev 2.6 (speed-ups, bug fix for DBLRDD)

*  Equates

        use     defsfile
        use     wx2.equ

*  Index into device descriptor (using PD.XXX)

DD.HDSK equ $25              ;Start of extra hard disk stuff

*  Multi-PAK Addresses
MPAK equ $FF7F

*   Bogus equates for Level 2

D.DMARq2    equ     $008A       ;Bogus Level 2 D.DMAReq
D.PROC2     equ     $0050       ;Bogus Level 2 D.PROC
DRVMEM2     equ     $26         ;Level 2 drive table size
DRVBEG2     equ     $0F         ;Level 2 start of drive tables

*   Bogus equates for Level 1

D.DMARq1    equ     $006A       ;Bogus Level 1 D.DMAReq
D.PROC1     equ     $004B       ;Bogus Level 1 D.PROC
DRVMEM1     equ     $18         ;Level 1 drive table size
DRVBEG1     equ     $07         ;Level 1 start of drive tables

    ifne    XLEVEL-1
DMASEM  set     D.DMARq2        ;Level 2 DMA stuff (multi-pak)
DPROC   set     D.PROC2         ;Level 2 process control stuff
XDrvBeg set     DRVBEG2
XDrvMen set     DRVMEM2

DMASEM  set     D.DMARq1        ;Level 1 DMA stuff (multi-pak)
DPROC   set     D.PROC1         ;Level 1 process control stuff
XDrvBeg set     DRVBEG1
XDrvMen set     DRVMEM1

*   Module Header
verson  equ     2
        mod     cchend,cchnam,drivr+objct,reent+verson,JmpTbl,endmem

*  Dynamic module name generation

cchnam  equ     *

    ifeq  testing
        fcc     "BB"        ; (normal name)
        fcc     "BK"        ; (special name)

    ifeq    (XLEVEL-1)      ;If level 1,
        ifne    irqflg      ;If Level 1, Version 1 OS9
            fcc /X/
        else                ;If Level 1, Version 2 OS9
            fcc /1/

    ifne    fmtflg          ;If this driver can format hard disk,
        fcc     /F/

    ifne    tboflg          ;If 2MHz transfers supported,
        fcc     /T/

    ifne    trsflg          ;If "terse" version
        fcs     /hd/        ;NOTE -- set MSB of last byte
    else                    ;If "normal" version
        fcs     /hdisk/     ;NOTE -- set MSB of last byte

        fcb     $06         ;revision - 2.6

*   Copyright notice

        fcc     /COPR. 1992 BURKE & BURKE/

*  Static Storage

    use     hdvars.src

*  Jump table
JmpTbl  lbra    INIT
        lbra    READ
        lbra    WRITE
        lbra    GETSTA
        lbra    SETSTA
        lbra    TERM

    ifne    sizflg              ;If drives may be different sizes,
*   Post-initialization for drives.
*   If we ever call a driver routine (other than INIT)
*   with PARK LSN = 0, we know this drive has not been
*   initialized.
*   Enter w/ Reg-Y = path descriptor pointer,
*            Reg-U = static storage
*   Must save A and B:X as well as Y, U.
*   Returns carry set if error initializing drive
PostIni pshs    Y,X,D

        ldb     PD.DRV,Y
        lbsr    GOBPtr              ;Point Y to extra variables
        clrb                        ;Force no carry (success)
        ldb     (PRKLSN-OBSTART+0),Y
        orb     (PRKLSN-OBSTART+1),Y
         bne    PSTI0               ; (branch if OK)

*   Perform drive info and controller intialization

        ldy     4,S                 ;Get path pointer
        ldy     PD.DEV,Y            ; get device table pointer
        ldy     V$DESC,Y            ;  get device descriptor pointer
        lbsr    CtlInit             ;Call routine to init. controller

*   Done initiailizing this drive.

PSTI0   puls  D,X,Y,PC


*   Initialize driver routines
*   Reg-Y points to device descriptor
INIT    pshs    y

*   This section calls routines that expect a *PATH* descriptor
*   pointer in Reg-Y

        leay    DD.BASE,Y   ;Make Y look like path descriptor to get slot

        lbsr    Semfor      ;Wait, then select HD controller.
        sta     >HDRSET     ;Reset controller
        lbsr    WaitId2     ;Sleep -- wait for controller to reset
*** Extra call to give WD1004 time to reset
        lbsr    WaitId2     ;Sleep -- wait for controller to reset
*** ENDK
        ldy     ,S          ;Restore y -> device descriptor

*   Set up controller for non-interrupt, non-DMA operation

        clr     >HDMASK     ;Turn off controller interrupts and DMA

*   Set # of drives we can handle

        lda     #Drives
        sta     V.NDRV,U

*   Set up drive switching info

    ifne    (Drives-1)
        ldd     #$FFFF
        std     prvdrv,u    ; (set PRVDRV unknown, DRVSEM for new drive)
        std     actdrv,u    ;Pointer to active drive table
        lda     #$FF
        sta     DRVSEM,U

*   Enable hardware I/O retries.  These will be disabled by a FORMAT
*   setstat, and will be re-enabled by an INIT call or a reboot.
*   The main use of this is to disable retries during disk formatting.

        clr     RetryEn,U   ;Enable hardware retries

*   Program controller w/ drive parameters.  
*   Y points to device descriptor.

        bsr     CtlInit     ; (also clears BFRFLG,U and changes Y)
         bcs    INIT9       ; (abort if error)

*  Initialize the drive tables for all drives

        ldd     #(-1)               ;Current track is unknown
        stb     XDrvBeg+V.TRAK,U
        std     XDrvBeg+DD.TOT,U    ;Set total sectors non-zero to allow LSN0
    ifne    (Drives-1)
        stb     XDrvBeg+XDrvMen*1+V.TRAK,U    ; (do all drives)
        std     XDrvBeg+XDrvMen*1+DD.TOT,U
      ifge  (Drives-3)
        stb     XDrvBeg+XDrvMen*2+V.TRAK,U    ; (do all drives)
        std     XDrvBeg+XDrvMen*2+DD.TOT,U
      ifge  (Drives-4)
        stb     XDrvBeg+XDrvMen*3+V.TRAK,U    ; (do all drives)
        std     XDrvBeg+XDrvMen*3+DD.TOT,U

*   Reg-Y points to bogus path descriptor (courtesy of CtlInit).
*   Wait for drive to be ready.  
*   Note that WaiDrv returns Reg-B=0 and carry clear to OK, 
*   else reg-B = E$NotRdy and carry set.

        bsr     WaiDrv          ;Note:  WaiDrv requires *PATH* descriptor

*  Error hook
INIT9   puls    Y               ;restore saved Y register (DD pointer)
        bra     HDXIT

*  Generic error-free exit
OKXIT   clrb 

*  Generic exit.  Restore MULTI-PAK to
*  slot #4 so floppy disk works, and release semaphore
*   Preserves CC and B
*   RELEASE also clears the V.WAKE flag.
HDXIT   lbsr    Release

*   Wait for drive ready
*   Assumes reg-Y points to real or bogus path
*   descriptor (for drive # and step rate)
WaiDrv  pshs    y,x,a,b

        clr     ,-s                 ;Time out

WaiDr2  lda     #WX$TST     ;Test drive ready

    ifne    (Drives-1)              ;If more than 1 drive
        ldb     PD.DRV,Y            ;get drive #

        lbsr    DrvCmd
         bcc    WaiDr3              ; (branch if drive ready)

        dec     ,s                  ;Decrement timeout
         beq    WaiDr4              ; (branch if timeout)

        lbsr    Snooze              ;Give drive some time
        bra     WaiDr2              ; then retry.

*   Timeout

WaiDr4  comb
        ldb     #E$NotRdy           ;Drive not ready
        stb     1+1,S

*   Carry clear if ready, else carry set

WaiDr3  leas    1,S                 ;Discard counter
        puls    a,b,x,y,pc

*   Get extra bytes from this drive's descriptor.
*   Send them to the controller.  
*   Enter w/ 
*   Reg-Y = Dev Desc pointer, and 
*   Reg-U = static storage pointer.
*   Note that if there is a 2nd drive with different
*   parameters, they must be obtained in a different
*   manner.
*   Modifies Reg-Y to make it look like a bogus *PATH*
*   descriptor

CtlInit equ     *

    ifne    cchflg              ;If read cache,
        clr     BFRFLG,U            ;Buffer contents invalid

        bsr     GetXtra             ;Call subroutine DDPTR in Y.

*   Send drive parameters to controller.  Reg-Y points to device
*   descriptor, but we adjust it to look like a path descriptor.

        leay    DD.BASE,Y           ;Make Y look like path descriptor

        lda     #WX$INI             ;Command to send drive parameters

    ifne    (Drives-1)              ;If more than 1 drive
        ldb     PD.DRV,Y            ;get drive #

        lbsr    DrvCmd              ;Set up drive parameters

*   Copy precomp cylinder and park LSN from descriptor 
*   (also gives max. tracks!)

GetXtra ldd     DD.HDSK+(PCCYL-OBSTART),Y       ;get prec, MSB of park LSN
        ldx     DD.HDSK+(PRKLSN+1-OBSTART),Y    ;get rest of park LSN
     ifne   (Drives-1)          ; If 2 drives,
      ifne  sizflg              ;  of different sizes,
        pshs    Y,X,D
        ldb     DD.BASE+PD.DRV,Y    ;get drive #
        lbsr    GOBPtr              ;get dest. pointer to Y
        puls    D,X
        std     (PCCYL-OBSTART),Y
        stx     (PRKLSN+1-OBSTART),Y
        puls    Y,PC                ;Recover DD ptr and exit
      else                      ;  of same size,
        std     PCCYL,U
        stx     (PRKLSN+1),U        ;set up both tables at once
        std     (PCCYL+OBSIZE),U
        stx     (PRKLSN+1+OBSIZE),U
     else                       ; If 1 drive,
        std     PCCYL,U
        stx     (PRKLSN+1),U

*   Terminate hard disk processing
TERM    lbsr    Semfor      ;Wait on semaphore, select controller
        bra     OKXIT       ;Clear semaphore and successful exit

*  Dummy routine for GETSTA
GETSTA  comb                ;Set carry
        ldb     #E$UnkSVC

*   Read a sector from disk
*   LSN in B:X.  If it is 1+OLDLSN,
*   and the drive # is right, and the
*   read cache is full, don't even bother
*   doing address computations
*   There are always an even number of sectors
*   per track, so if the new LSN is the old LSN
*   with MSB set, we have a winner!  We always
*   store the old LSN with MSB set.

READ    equ     *

    ifne    cchflg      ;If read cache,

        pshs    X,B         ;Save LSN
        lbsr    SavSlt      ;Save old slot #, but don't change yet

        tst     BFRFLG,U    ;Is buffer valid?
         beq    READXX      ; (branch if no luck)
     ifne   (Drives-1)
        lda     PD.DRV,Y
        cmpa    PRVDRV,U
         bne    READXX      ; (branch if drive different)
        puls    B,X
        cmpx    OLDLSN+1,U
         bne    READXY
        cmpb    OLDLSN+0,U
         bne    READXY

*   Use verify buffer for sector data -- no read necessary!
*   The OLDLSN and PRVDRV variables are already set right.

        pshs    u,y,x

        ldb     #128
        ldx     PD.BUF,Y        ;Get destination pointer
        leay    vrfbuf,U        ;Get source pointer

DR0     ldu     ,y++
        stu     ,x++
         bne    DR0

        puls    x,y,u
        bra     OKXIT3          ;Successful exit

*   Not a cache read.  Restore LSN

READXX  puls    B,X

*   Save LSN in case we can do a cache read next time.
*   We always set the LSB of the saved LSN; the BFRFLG
*   will be set only if the actual LSB is 0!

READXY  clr     BFRFLG,U        ;Assume future cache read invalid
        stb     OLDLSN+0,U      ;Save LSN for next time

        pshs    B
        tfr     X,D
        bitb    #%00000001      ;If LSB is 0, cache read valid next time
         bne    READXZ

        com     BFRFLG,U        ; (cache read next time)

READXZ  orb     #%00000001      ; (always set LSB in possible match)
        std     OLDLSN+1,U
        puls    B


*   Perform normal read -- LSN in B:X

        lbsr    Semfor      ;Wait, select hard disk controller slot

    ifne    sizflg      ;If drives can be different sizes,
        lbsr    PostIni
         bcs    HDXIT3

*   Check for LSN0

        cmpx    #0          ;Check for LSN 0 -- SPECIAL
         bne    NotLS0
         bne    NotLS0

**   Wants to read LSN 0.
**   See if LSN 0 has already been read once.
**   We must use PD.DTB,Y instead of ACTDRV,U because
**   SELDRV has not been called yet.
**   Actually, we still read -- we just don't update
**   the drive table
*        pshs    X,B         ;Save LSN
*    ifne    (Drives-1)          ;If 2 drives,
*        ldx     PD.DTB,Y    ;Point to drive table
*    else
*        leax    DRVTBL,U    ;Point to drive table
*    endc
*        ldd     DD.TOT,x    ;Get total sectors
*        cmpd    #-1         ; -1 is a special value set by INIT routine
*        puls    B,X         ;Restore LSN (always $000000)
*         bne    NotLS0      ;If not -1, LSN 0 already read; no special stuff

*   Special treatment for LSN0 -- refresh drive table when done

        bsr     DoRead
         bcs    HDXIT3

        ldx     PD.BUF,y    ;Get buffer address
        pshs    Y,X         ;Save old buffer and device descriptor ptrs

*   Note that the SELDRV routine, called by DOREAD, sets up
*   the drive table pointer in actdrv,U if there are 2 drives.

    ifne    (Drives-1)          ;If 2 drives,
        ldy     actdrv,u
        leay    DRVTBL,U

        ldb     #DD.SIZ-1

*  Update drive table from buffer

RCPY1   lda     b,x
        sta     b,y
         bpl    RCPY1

        puls    y,x
        bra     OKXIT3

*  Read (not LSN0)

NotLS0  bsr     DoRead
HDXIT3   lbcs   HDXIT

OKXIT3  lbra    OKXIT

*  Utility to read a sector
DoRead  lbsr    SETUP
         bcs    DORXIT

*  Entry point for VERIFY
VrfRdd  ldx     PD.BUF,Y    ;Get buffer address

*  General read sector
GetSec  lda     #WX$RDD        ;Create "READ SINGLE SECTOR" command
        lbsr    CMEXEC
DORXIT  rts 

*  Write a sector to disk.
*  This routine must pre-read the sector in order to
*  pack 2 logical sectors into 1 physical sector.
*  This invalidates any data that might have been pre-read
*  into the verify buffer.
WRITE   lbsr    Semfor      ;Wait, then select HD controller

    ifne    sizflg      ;If drives can be different sizes,
        lbsr    PostIni
         bcs    HDXIT3

*  Pre-read the "other" half of the sector to the verify buffer

        pshs    X,B        ;Save LSN
        lbsr    SETUP      ;Set up head, track, sector #'s
        bsr     flphlf      ;flip LSB of SECNUM

    ifne    cchflg      ;If read cache supported
        clr     BFRFLG,u    ;2nd half of sector should not be saved

        leax    vrfbuf,U    ;Use verify buffer
        bsr     GetSec      ; (re-use code)

        puls    X,B
         bcs    HDXIT3      ; branch to abort if pre-read fails

        bsr     flphlf       ;fix up sector #

*  Perform the write.  The "other" half of the physical sector
*  has been pre-read into the verify buffer.

        pshs    x,b       ;save LSN
        bsr     DoWrit
        puls    x,b
         bcs    HDXIT3

    ifne    vrfflg              ;If verify enabled,

        tst     PD.VFY,Y   ;Verify writes?
         bne    OKXIT3

*  Verify the write
        bsr     VERIFY
         bcc    OKXIT3

*  Verify failed; carry set
        ldb     #E$Write
        bra     HDXIT3


        bra    OKXIT3


*  Flip LSB of SECNUM.  This is used to pre-read the half of the sector
*  that should not be changed by a write.
flphlf  lda     secnum,u
        EORA    #1
        sta     secnum,u

*  Utility to write a sector
DoWRIT  lbsr    SETUP
         bcs    DOWXIT

        ldx     PD.BUF,Y        ;Get buffer pointer
        lda     #WX$WRT         ;Create "WRITE SINGLE SECTOR" command
        lbsr    CMEXEC

DOWXIT  rts 

    ifne    vrfflg          ;If verify supported,

*  Verify last sector written
*  Don't copy unused part of sector to verify buffer
VERIFY  pshs    x,b,a

        ldx     PD.BUF,y    ;Save buffer pointer
        pshs    x

        leax    vrfbuf,U
        stx     PD.BUF,y    ;Force dummy buffer pointer
        ldx     4,s         ;Recover LSN

        lbsr    setup
         bcs    VF1

    ifne    cchflg          ;If read cache supported,
        clr     BFRFLG,u    ;Mark don't save 2nd half of sector

        lbsr    VrfRdd     ;Actual read done here

VF1     puls    x
        stx     PD.BUF,y    ;Restore buffer pointer
         bcs    VRFXIT

*  Look only at every 8th byte to speed up the verify
        lda     #(256/8)    ;Iteration count
        pshs    u,y,a

        leay    vrfbuf,U    ;Point at sector buffer
        tfr     x,u

*  Compare the data read back to the data written
VRF1    ldx     ,u
        cmpx    ,y
         bne    VRFERR

        leau    8,u         ;next byte
        leay    8,y
        dec     ,s
         bne    VRF1

        bra     VRFOK

*  Error exit
VRFERR  orcc    #$01

*  Deallocate temporaries
VRFOK   puls    u,y,a

*  Generic verify exit
VRFXIT  puls    a,b,x,PC


*   Set Status.
*   Reg-Y has path descriptor, and Reg-A has status code.
SETSTA  lbsr    Semfor      ;Wait, then select HD controller

    ifne    sizflg      ;If drives can be different sizes,
        lbsr    PostIni
         lbcs   HDXIT

        lbsr    SELDRV

        ldx     PD.RGS,y    ;Point at register stack
        ldb     R$B,x       ;Recover service code

        cmpb    #SS.Reset
         bne    SS1

        lbsr    SEEKT0
        bra     SSXIT

SS1     equ     *

    ifne    fmtflg              ;If hard formatting supported,
        cmpb    #SS.WTrk
         bne    SS2

        bsr     FmtTrk
        bra     SSXIT

SS2     cmpb    #SS.SQD
         bne    SS9

        bsr     PwrDwn
        bra     SSXIT

*  Error - unrecognized SETSTA code

SS9     comb 
        ldb     #E$UnkSvc

*  Generic exit.  Return error if carry set.

SSXIT   lbcs    HDXIT
        lbra    OKXIT

*  Power-down (park) disk
PwrDwn  equ     *

*   Get park LSN to B:X

    ifne    (Drives-1)      ;If 2 drives,
        lbsr    GtPkLSN         ;Call routine to get park LSN to B:X
        ldb     PRKLSN+0,U
        ldx     PRKLSN+1,U

*   Seek to this LSN

PwrDn2  lbsr    SETUP
        lbsr    SEEK            ;Park head at last track

    ifne    fmtflg          ;If hard format supported

*   Format a track.
*   Now we format one track at a time.
*   At entry Reg-X points to the register packet,
*   and Reg-Y points to the path descriptor
FmtTrk  lda     #$80            ;Disable hardware retries
        sta     RetryEn,U

        ldd     R$U,x           ;Get track number -- must be zero.
        cmpd    #0
         bne    FMTXIT

        ldd     R$Y,x           ;Check side/density -- MSB must be zero
        cmpa    #0
         beq    FMT1

*  Ignore repeated calls, returning success
FMTXIT  clrb 

*  Perform the format if not write protected
FMT1    pshs    u,y,x

*  Proceed, disk not write protected
FMT11   equ     *

*   Set up reduced drive characteristics (only legal tracks)

        lda     #WX$XIN     ;Bogus command to init. special parameters
        lbsr    CmExec
         bcs    FMTERR

*  Initialize sector buffer

        lda     #WX$WBF
        lbsr    CmExec
         bcs    FMTERR

*   Begin formatting at track 0

        ldd     #$C0FF          ;Set initial cylinder to (-1)
        std     ERRHCYL,u

*  Set up starting track for format

FMT2    ldd     ERRHCYL,u       ;Use last good cylinder
        anda    #%11000000
         bne    FMT3
        adda    #%01000000
FMT3    std     hicyl,U         ; (set track number, sector 0)

*        clr     lowcyl,u        ;Clear LOWCYL
*        clr     hicyl,u         ;Clear HICYL (and sector #)

    ifne    (Drives-1)          ;If multiple drives,
        lda     PD.DRV,Y        ;Set up drive #
        ldb     #32
        stb     sdhreg,u        ;Select correct drive, clear head number
        clr     sdhreg,u

        lda     PD.ILV,Y        ;Set interleave factor
        lsra                    ; / 2 since physical sectors are 2X
        sta     seccnt,u

        lda     #WX$FMT         ;Command to FORMAT ENTIRE DRIVE
*        lda     #WX$FTK         ;Command to FORMAT TRACK
        lbsr    CmExec
         bcs    FMT2            ;Try next track if error

*   Return error code in B, C set or no error, C clear

FMTERR  pshs    b,cc            ;Stack error status

*   Set up correct drive characteristics (park track allowed)

        lda     #WX$INI     ;Init. original parameters
        lbsr    CmExec

*   Get back error status

        puls    cc,b

*  End of format routine

FMTEND  puls    x,y,u,PC


*   End of main line of XTOS9.SRC.
*   "USE" files follow.

*   Include routines to issue command to controller
*   and return completion status.

        use     hdcmd.src

*   Include routines to translate LSN & drive #
*   to a controller task file.

        use     hdmath.src

*   Include utility routines.

        use     hdutil3.src

cchend equ *
