view level2/cmds/procs.asm @ 3194:2ecebda8716b

mfree.asm: Fix zero-day Block Map entry bug Previously, code assumed that the final entry in the block map would be used. This was true for CoCo but is not necessarily true (and is not true for mc09). Slight mod removes that implicit assumption; the code now works correctly on both platforms.
author Neal Crook <>
date Tue, 30 May 2017 23:59:46 +0100
parents bf6f854a4299
line wrap: on
line source

* Procs - Show process information
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*  14      ????/??/??  
* Original Tandy/Microware version.  
*  15      2003/01/14  Boisy Pitre
* Changed e to -e.

         nam   Procs
         ttl   program module       

* Disassembled 98/09/11 17:07:20 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $00
edition  set   15

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

showall  rmb   1
u0001    rmb   1
narrow   rmb   1
u0003    rmb   1
u0004    rmb   1
u0005    rmb   1
u0006    rmb   2
u0008    rmb   1
u0009    rmb   1
u000A    rmb   32
u002A    rmb   58
u0064    rmb   22
u007A    rmb   110
u00E8    rmb   1164
size     equ   .

name     fcs   /Procs/
         fcb   edition
header1  fcs   "         User                     Mem Stack"
header2  fcs   "Id  PId Number  Pty Age Sts Signl Siz  Ptr   Primary Module"
header3  fcs   "--- --- ------- --- --- --- ----- --- ----- ----------------"
sheader1 fcs   "Id  PId  User#  Pty  Age  Sts"
sheader2 fcs   " Sigl  Mem    StPtr   Primary"
sheader3 fcs   "============================="
ItsDead  fcs   "DEAD"

start    clr   <showall
         clr   <narrow		assume wide screen
         lda   #$01
         sta   <u0001
         ldd   ,x+
         andb  #$DF
         cmpd  #$2D45			-e?
         bne   L0122			branch if nnot
         inc   <showall
L0122    leax  <u002A,u
         stx   <u0006
         leax  <u007A,u
         os9   F$GBlkMp 
         tfr   a,b
         sta   <u0008
         lda   #$FE
L0134    inca  
         bne   L0134
         sta   <u0009
         os9   F$ID     
         sty   <u0003
         lbsr  L024F
         lda   #$01
         ldb   #SS.ScSiz
         os9   I$GetStt 		get window size
         bcc   L0154			branch if gotten
         cmpb  #E$UnkSvc		unknown service?
         lbne  L0241			if not, erroor
         bra   L017B			else assume wide screen
L0154    cmpx  #60			at least this wide?
         bge   L017B			branch if so
         inc   <narrow			else set narrow flag
         leay  >sheader1,pcr
         lbsr  L0244
         lbsr  L024F
         leay  >sheader2,pcr
         lbsr  L0244
         lbsr  L024F
         leay  >sheader3,pcr
         lbsr  L0244
         lbsr  L024F
         bra   L0199
L017B    leay  >header1,pcr
         lbsr  L0244
         lbsr  L024F
         leay  >header2,pcr
         lbsr  L0244
         lbsr  L024F
         leay  >header3,pcr
         lbsr  L0244
         lbsr  L024F
L0199    inc   <u0001
         lbeq  L0240
         lda   <u0001
         leax  <u007A,u
         os9   F$GPrDsc 
         bcs   L0199
         ldd   <u0003
         cmpd  $08,x
         beq   L01B4
         tst   <showall
         beq   L0199
L01B4    ldb   ,x
         lbsr  L026F
         lbsr  L0292
         ldb   $01,x
         lbsr  L026F
         lbsr  L0292
         ldd   $08,x
         lbsr  L02C3
         lbsr  L0292
         lbsr  L0292
         lbsr  L0292
         ldb   $0A,x
         lbsr  L026F
         lbsr  L0292
         tst   <narrow
         beq   L01E1
         lbsr  L0292
L01E1    ldb   $0B,x
         lbsr  L026F
         lbsr  L0292
         tst   <narrow
         beq   L01F0
         lbsr  L0292
L01F0    lda   #$24
         lbsr  L0296
         lda   $0C,x
         lbsr  L02A0
         tst   <narrow
         beq   L0202
         lbsr  L024F
L0202    ldb   <$19,x
         lbsr  L02C3
         lbsr  L0292
         lbsr  L0292
         ldb   $07,x
         bsr   L026F
         bsr   L0292
         tst   <narrow
         beq   L021E
         bsr   L0292
         bsr   L0292
         bsr   L0292
L021E    lda   #$24
         bsr   L0296
         lda   $04,x
         bsr   L02A0
         lda   $05,x
         bsr   L02A0
         bsr   L0292
         tst   <narrow
         beq   L0234
         bsr   L0292
         bsr   L0292
L0234    lbsr  L02FA
         bsr   L0244
         bsr   L0292
         bsr   L024F
         lbra  L0199
L0240    clrb  
L0241    os9   F$Exit   
L0244    lda   ,y
         anda  #$7F
         bsr   L0296
         lda   ,y+
         bpl   L0244
L024F    pshs  y,x,a
         lda   #C$CR
         bsr   L0296
         leax  <u002A,u
         stx   <u0006
         tst   <narrow
         beq   L0264
         ldy   #$0020
         bra   L0268
L0264    ldy   #80
L0268    lda   #$01
         os9   I$WritLn 
         puls  pc,y,x,a
L026F    clr   <u0005
         lda   #$FF
L0273    inca  
         subb  #$64
         bcc   L0273
         bsr   L0289
         lda   #$0A
L027C    deca  
         addb  #$0A
         bcc   L027C
         bsr   L0289
         tfr   b,a
         adda  #$30
         bra   L0296
L0289    tsta  
         beq   L028E
         sta   <u0005
L028E    tst   <u0005
         bne   L0294
L0292    lda   #$F0
L0294    adda  #$30
L0296    pshs  x
         ldx   <u0006
         sta   ,x+
         stx   <u0006
         puls  pc,x
L02A0    pshs  a
         anda  #$F0
         bsr   L02AE
         puls  a
         anda  #$0F
L02AE    adda  #$30
         cmpa  #$39
         bls   L0296
         adda  #$07
         bra   L0296
L02B8    fdb   $2710,$03e8,$0064,$000a
         fcb   $00,$01,$ff

L02C3    pshs  y,x,b,a
         leax  <L02B8,pcr
         ldy   #$2F20
L02CC    leay  >$0100,y
         subd  ,x
         bcc   L02CC
         addd  ,x++
         pshs  b,a
         tfr   y,d
         tst   ,x
         bmi   L02F4
         ldy   #$2F30
         cmpd  #$3020
         bne   L02EE
         ldy   #$2F20
         lda   #$20
L02EE    bsr   L0296
         puls  b,a
         bra   L02CC
L02F4    bsr   L0296
         leas  $02,s
         puls  pc,y,x,b,a
L02FA    pshs  u,x
         leay  >ItsDead,pcr
         lda   $0C,x
         bita  #$01
         bne   L0330
         leay  <$40,x
         tfr   y,d
         ldx   <$11,x
         ldy   #$0009
         leau  u000A,u
         os9   F$CpyMem 
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   u0004,u
         leax  d,x
         puls  b,a
         ldy   #$0020
         os9   F$CpyMem 
         leay  ,u
         lda   <$1F,y
         ora   #$80
         sta   <$1F,y
L0330    puls  pc,u,x

eom      equ   *