view level1/modules/vrn.asm @ 1998:31ec6767f46c

Fixed incorrect offset reference in _readregs
author boisy
date Sun, 19 Feb 2006 18:18:56 +0000
parents 2a89fb768fd8
line wrap: on
line source

* VRN - VIRQ/RAM/Nil device driver
* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 1989, 1990 Bruce Isted
* This program may be freely distributed as long as the copyright notice
* remains intact and the source, binary, and documentation files are
* distributed together.
* This program may not be sold for profit, individually or as part of a
* package without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   ?      2003/02/08  Bruce Isted
* Created.

         nam   VRN
         ttl   VIRQ/RAM/Nil device driver

         use   defsfile

VTCount  equ   4          number of VIRQ tables
* VIRQ Table Data Layout
         org   0
FS2.ID   rmb   1          Flight Simulator 2 (and FS2+) VIRQ process ID
FS2.Pth  rmb   1          path number
FS2.Sgl  rmb   1          signal code
FS2.Tmr  rmb   2          countdown timer (send signal on zero)
FS2.Rst  rmb   2          reset count (no reset if zero)
FS2.STot rmb   1          signal counter
FS2.VTot rmb   4          total VIRQ counter
KQ3.ID   rmb   1          King's Quest III VIRQ process ID
KQ3.Pth  rmb   1          path number
VTSize   equ   .          VIRQ table size
* RAM Table Data Layout
         org   0
RAM.ID   rmb   1          RAM process ID
RAM.Pth  rmb   1          path number
RAM.Bks  rmb   1          number of RAM blocks
RAM.StB  rmb   2          starting RAM block number
RTSize   equ   .          RAM table size
* Shared VIRQ/RAM Table Data Layout
         org   0
All.ID   rmb   1          all tables' process ID
All.Pth  rmb   1          all tables' path number
         org   V.SCF
VIRQPckt rmb   5          VIRQ packet Counter(2),Reset(2),Status(1) bytes
PathNmbr rmb   1          current path number
ProcNmbr rmb   1          current process ID
VIRQTbls rmb   VTCount*VTSize space for VIRQ tables
RTCount  equ   ($0100-.)/RTSize number of tables that fit in balance of page
RAMTbls  rmb   RTCount*RTSize space for RAM tables
VMem     equ   .

rev      set   $00
edition  set   1

         mod   VEnd,VName,Drivr+Objct,ReEnt+rev,VEntry,VMem

         fcb   UPDAT.     driver access mode(s)

VName    fcs   "VRN"
         fcb   edition    edition byte

VEntry   lbra  VInit
         lbra  VRead
         lbra  VWrit
         lbra  VGStt
         lbra  VSStt
         lbra  VTerm

         IFGT  Level-1
IRQPckt  fcb   $00,$01,$0A IRQ packet Flip(1),Mask(1),Priority(1) bytes

VInit    equ   *
         IFGT  Level-1
* Note that all device memory except V.PAGE and
* V.PORT has already been cleared (zeroed).
         leax  VIRQPckt+Vi.Stat,u fake VIRQ status register
         lda   #$80       VIRQ flag clear, repeated VIRQs
         sta   ,x         set it while we're here...
         tfr   x,d        copy fake VIRQ status register address
         leax  IRQPckt,pc IRQ polling packet
         leay  IRQSvc,pc  IRQ service entry
         os9   F$IRQ
         bcs   InitExit   go report error...
         ldd   #$0001     initial count
         std   VIRQPckt+Vi.Rst,u reset count
         ldx   #$0001     code to install new VIRQ
         leay  VIRQPckt,u VIRQ software registers
         os9   F$VIRQ
         bcc   InitExit   no error, go exit...
         pshs  cc,b       save error info
         bsr   DumpIRQ    go remove from IRQ polling
         puls  cc,b,pc    recover error info & exit...

VRead    equ   *
         ldb   #E$EOF
InitExit rts   

VTerm    equ   *
         IFGT  Level-1
         ldx   #$0000     code to delete VIRQ entry
         leay  VIRQPckt,u VIRQ software registers
         os9   F$VIRQ     remove from VIRQ polling
         bcs   Term.Err   go report error...
DumpIRQ  leax  VIRQPckt+Vi.Stat,u fake VIRQ status register
         tfr   x,d        copy address...
         ldx   #$0000     code to remove IRQ entry
         leay  IRQSvc,pc  IRQ service routine
         os9   F$IRQ
Term.Err rts   

VGStt    equ   *
         IFGT  Level-1
* [A] = call code
* call $01:  SS.Ready (device never has data ready)
* call $80:  return FS2/FS2+ total VIRQ counter
* call $81:  return FS2/FS2+ number of signals sent
* all others return E$UnkSvc error
         bsr   GetInfo    process+path and caller's stack info
         cmpa  #$01       SS.Ready?
         bne   Chk.GS80   no, go check next...
         ldb   #E$NotRdy
UnitErr  ldb   #E$Unit
* get process+path info, [Y] --> caller's register stack
* do not alter [A] or [U]
GetInfo  ldb   PD.PD,y    path number
         stb   PathNmbr,u save it...
         ldb   PD.CPR,y   current process ID (can't depend on V.BUSY)
         stb   ProcNmbr,u save it...
         ldy   PD.RGS,y   caller's register stack address
Chk.GS80 cmpa  #$80       return & clear total VIRQs?
         bne   Chk.GS81   no, go check next...
         bsr   FPTFS2     find process+path entry
         bcs   UnitErr    not in tables, go return error...
         ldd   FS2.VTot,x total VIRQ counter MSBs
         std   R$X,y      return them to caller
         ldd   FS2.VTot+2,x total VIRQ counter LSBs
         std   R$Y,y      return them to caller
ClrVTot  clra  
         clrb             no error...
         std   FS2.VTot,x *clear total
         std   FS2.VTot+2,x *VIRQ counter
Chk.GS81 cmpa  #$81       return & clear signals sent?
         lbne  USvcErr    not supported, go report error...
         bsr   FPTFS2     find process+path entry
         bcs   UnitErr    not in tables, go return error...
         lda   FS2.STot,x number of signals sent
         sta   R$A,y      return it to caller
         clr   FS2.STot,x clear signal counter

VSStt    equ   *
         IFGT  Level-1
* [A] = call code
* call $2A:  SS.Close (clear all process+path entries)
* call $81:  set process+path FS2 VIRQ, clear process+path FS2/FS2+ VIRQ
* call $C7:  set process+path FS2+ VIRQ
* call $C8:  set process+path KQ3 VIRQ
* call $C9:  clear process+path KQ3 VIRQ
* call $CA:  allocate process+path RAM blocks
* call $CB:  de-allocate process+path RAM blocks
* all others return E$UnkSvc error
         bsr   GetInfo    process+path and caller's stack info
         cmpa  #$2A       SS.Close?
         bne   Chk.SSC9   no, go check next...
         bsr   FPTFS2     check for existing FS2/FS2+ VIRQ entry...
         bcs   Chk.KV2A   none, go check for KQ3 VIRQ...
         clr   All.ID,x   de-allocate FS2/FS2+ entry
Chk.KV2A bsr   SS2A.KQ3   check/de-allocate KQ3 VIRQ...
         bra   SS2A.RAM   go return RAM blocks, return from there...
Chk.SSC9 cmpa  #$C9       clear KQ3 VIRQ?
         bne   Chk.SSCB   no, go check next...
SS2A.KQ3 bsr   FPTKQ3     existing KQ3 VIRQ is ours?
         bcs   SS.OK      no, go exit clean...
         clr   All.ID,x   de-allocate KQ3 VIRQ
Chk.SSCB cmpa  #$CB       return process+path RAM blocks?
         bne   Chk.SSC8   no, go check next...
SS2A.RAM bsr   FPTRAM     go find RAM table entry
         bcs   SS.OK      no entry, go exit clean...
         clr   All.ID,x   de-allocate table entry
         ldb   RAM.Bks,x  number of RAM blocks
         beq   SS.OK      no RAM to return, go exit clean...
         ldx   RAM.StB,x  first block number
         os9   F$DelRAM
* Find Current Process+Path Table Entry
FPTRAM   leax  RAMTbls,u  first RAM table
         ldd   #RTCount*256+RTSize [A]=loop count, [B]=table size
         bra   FPT01
FPTKQ3   leax  VIRQTbls+KQ3.ID,u first KQ3 VIRQ entry
         bra   FPT00
FPTFS2   leax  VIRQTbls+FS2.ID,u first FS2/FS2+ VIRQ entry
FPT00    ldd   #VTCount*256+VTSize [A]=loop count, [B]=table size
FPT01    pshs  a          save loop count
FPTLoop  lda   ProcNmbr,u current process ID
         cmpa  All.ID,x   same?
         bne   FPTNext    no, go check next...
         lda   PathNmbr,u current path number
         cmpa  All.Pth,x  same?
         bne   FPTNext    no, go check next...
         clrb             table found, clear Carry
         puls  a,pc       clean up stack, return
FPTNext  abx              next table
         dec   ,s         done yet?
         bne   FPTLoop    no, go check next...
         comb             table not found, set Carry
         puls  a,pc       clean up stack, return
Chk.SSC8 cmpa  #$C8       set KQ3 VIRQ?
         bne   Chk.SSCA   no, go check next...
         bsr   FPTKQ3     existing KQ3 VIRQ?
         bcc   SS.OK      yes, go exit clean...
         bsr   FETKQ3     KQ3 VIRQ available?
         bcs   BusyErr    no, go report error...
SS.OK    clrb             no error...
Chk.SSCA cmpa  #$CA       allocate process+path RAM blocks?
         bne   Chk.SS81   no, go check next...
         bsr   FPTRAM     go check for existing process+path RAM table entry
         bcc   BusyErr    found it, go report error...
         bsr   FETRAM     go find empty RAM table entry...
         bcs   BusyErr    tables full, go report error...
         ldb   R$X+1,y    RAM blocks to allocate
         stb   RAM.Bks,x  save it...
         os9   F$AllRAM
         bcs   SSCA.Err   go report error...
         std   RAM.StB,x  save first block number
         std   R$X,y      return it to caller, too
SS.Err   rts   
SSCA.Err pshs  cc,b       save error info
         clr   All.ID,x   de-allocate table entry
         puls  cc,b,pc    recover error info, return
GetFS2   bsr   FPTFS2     check for existing FS2/FS2+ entry...
         bcc   GotFS2     found it...
         bsr   FETFS2     check for empty FS2/FS2+ table...
         bcs   BusyErr    none left, go report error...
         lbsr  ClrVTot    go clear VIRQ total counter
GotFS2   ldd   R$X,y      FS2/FS2+ timer count
         std   FS2.Tmr,x  save it...
         std   FS2.Rst,x  FS2 reset count
         clr   FS2.STot,x no signals sent yet...
* Find Empty Table Entry
FETRAM   leax  RAMTbls,u  first RAM table
         ldd   #RTCount*256+RTSize [A]=loop count, [B]=table size
         bra   FET01
FETKQ3   leax  VIRQTbls+KQ3.ID,u first KQ3 VIRQ entry
         bra   FET00
FETFS2   leax  VIRQTbls+FS2.ID,u first FS2/FS2+ VIRQ entry
FET00    ldd   #VTCount*256+VTSize [A]=loop count, [B]=table size
FET01    pshs  a          save loop count
FETLoop  lda   All.ID,x   table allocated?
         bne   FETNext    yes, go check next...
         lda   ProcNmbr,u current process ID
         sta   All.ID,x   allocate table
         lda   PathNmbr,u current path number
         sta   All.Pth,x  set path number
         clrb             table found, clear Carry
         puls  a,pc       clean up stack, return
FETNext  abx              next table
         dec   ,s         done yet?
         bne   FETLoop    no, go check next...
         comb             table not found, set Carry
         puls  a,pc       clean up stack, return
BusyErr  comb  
         ldb   #E$DevBsy
Chk.SS81 cmpa  #$81       set FS2 VIRQ or clear FS2/FS2+ VIRQ?
         bne   Chk.SSC7   no, go check next...
         bsr   GetFS2     go get FS2/FS2+ VIRQ entry
         bcs   SS.Err     go report error...
         ldb   #$80       standard FS2 signal
         stb   FS2.Sgl,x  save it...
         ldb   R$Y+1,y    FS2 VIRQ enable/disable flag
         bne   SS.OK      set VIRQ flag, go exit clean...
ClrID    clr   All.ID,x   de-allocate entry
Chk.SSC7 cmpa  #$C7       set FS2+ VIRQ?
         bne   USvcErr    not supported, go report error...
         bsr   GetFS2     go get FS2/FS2+ VIRQ entry
         bcs   SS.Err     go report error...
         ldd   R$Y,y      FS2+ reset count (one shot VIRQ if zero)
         std   FS2.Rst,x  save it...
         ldb   R$U+1,y    LSB = caller's signal code
         stb   FS2.Sgl,x  save it...
USvcErr  comb  
         ldb   #E$UnkSvc
IRQSvc   equ   *
         lda   VIRQPckt+Vi.Stat,u VIRQ status register
         anda  #^Vi.IFlag clear flag in VIRQ status register
         sta   VIRQPckt+Vi.Stat,u save it...
         leau  VIRQTbls,u VIRQ tables
         ldy   #VTCount   loop count
IRQLoop  lda   KQ3.ID,u   KQ3 VIRQ process ID
         beq   NoKQ3Sgl   none, skip signal...
         ldb   #$80       signal code
         os9   F$Send     send signal, ignore error (if any)
NoKQ3Sgl lda   FS2.ID,u   process ID
         beq   NoFS2Sgl   unallocated entry, skip everything...
         inc   FS2.VTot+3,u *increment
         bne   DoneVTot   *total
         inc   FS2.VTot+2,u *VIRQ
         bne   DoneVTot   *counter
         inc   FS2.VTot+1,u *
         bne   DoneVTot   *
         inc   FS2.VTot,u *
DoneVTot ldx   FS2.Tmr,u  timer count
         leax  -1,x       less one...
         stx   FS2.Tmr,u  done yet?
         bne   NoFS2Sgl   no, skip signal...
         inc   FS2.STot,u one more signal...
         ldx   FS2.Rst,u  reset timer count (one shot VIRQ?)
         stx   FS2.Tmr,u  set counter
         bne   KeepID     not zero, go on...
         clr   FS2.ID,u   de-allocate entry
KeepID   ldb   FS2.Sgl,u  signal code
         os9   F$Send     send signal, ignore error (if any)
NoFS2Sgl leau  VTSize,u   next table
         leay  -1,y       done all tables?
         bne   IRQLoop    no, go check next...
VWrit    equ   *
         clrb             no error...

VEnd     equ   *