Mercurial > hg > Members > kono > nitros9-code
view 3rdparty/utils/supercomm/supercomm.asm @ 1424:32f1dae476b7
Fixed references in source from OS-9 to NitrOS-9 where appropriate
author | boisy |
date | Tue, 02 Dec 2003 01:21:14 +0000 |
parents | 998bba700c40 |
children | f95ffaf7d745 |
line wrap: on
line source
******************************************************************** * SuperComm - OS-9 Level Two Communications Program * * $Id$ * * Ed. Comments Who YY/MM/DD * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Acquired source 02/11/20 nam SuperComm ttl OS-9 Level Two Communications Program ifp1 use defsfile endc rev set $01 mod eom,name,Prgrm+Objct,ReEnt+rev,start,DSize name fcs /SuperComm/ Edition fcb $01 ************************************************* * * Supercomm Data Area Layout * * Separated from Main source for easier editing * org 0 Temp rmb 2 Temp var for whatever u0000 rmb 2 pointer to parameters from shell u0002 rmb 2 Ptr to max. address of receive buffer (constant) u0004 rmb 2 Ptr to start address of receive buffer (constant) u0006 rmb 2 Ptr to current end of receive buffer u0C82 rmb 1 Search/Reply string # being processed u0C88 rmb 1 MSB of size of converted output text buffer u0C89 rmb 1 LSB of size of converted output text buffer u0008 rmb 1 u0009 rmb 2 u000B rmb 1 u000C rmb 1 u000D rmb 2 u000F rmb 2 u0011 rmb 1 Copy of IT.DLO (Delete line 0=BSE, 1=CRLF) u0012 rmb 1 Copy of IT.EKO (0=echo off, 1=echo on) u0013 rmb 2 Ptr to device descriptor u0015 rmb 2 Ptr to start of SuperComm u0017 rmb 2 Size of SuperComm u0019 rmb 1 special version flag (adds 'a' to version #) u001A rmb 1 u001B rmb 1 u001C rmb 1 u001D rmb 1 u001E rmb 2 u0020 rmb 1 u0021 rmb 1 u0022 rmb 1 u0023 rmb 1 sending ASCII file xfer flag (1=Send ASCII) u0024 rmb 1 u0025 rmb 1 Flag that ASCII receive file exists u0026 rmb 1 ASCII receive buffer open u0027 rmb 2 u0029 rmb 1 u002A rmb 1 path # to recieve buffer file u002B rmb 1 path # to serial port u002C rmb 1 path # to file for ASCII send u002D rmb 10 Terminal port to open (up to 10 chars) u0037 rmb 2 u0039 rmb 3 u003C rmb 1 u003D rmb 1 Path # for disk file u003E rmb 1 path to status line window u003F rmb 1 path to conference window (if enabled) u0040 rmb 1 conference mode activated flag (1=Conference mode) u0041 rmb 1 key sense data u0042 rmb 1 path to download file u0043 rmb 1 u0044 rmb 1 1 byte bffr for block responses (ACK/NAK,XON/XOFF) u0045 rmb 1 u0046 rmb 1 flag for YModem batch u0047 rmb 1 possible remove (not referenced anywhere) u0048 rmb 1 \ (u0048 is also running checksum byte) u0049 rmb 1 / running CRC for file Xfers u004A rmb 1 last selected xfer protocol (Upload/Send) u004B rmb 1 last selected xfer protocol (Download/Receive) u004C rmb 1 u004D rmb 2 used as a byte counter in download u004F rmb 1 Internal Error # on xfer u0050 rmb 2 Ptr to end of X/Ymodem buffer in modem recv bffr u0052 rmb 1 Current attempt # on CheckSum receive (max=10) u0053 rmb 2 Current block # (only LSB is used in blck hdrs) u0055 rmb 2 True block size (includes blk/comp # & crc/chksm) u0057 rmb 2 # data bytes needed for block (128 or 1024) u0059 rmb 1 Current attempt # on CRC receive (max=4) u005A rmb 1 CRC or Checksum (0=Checksum) u005B rmb 4 4 byte longint (for file sizes) u005F rmb 1 u0060 rmb 2 Part of timer routine for download timeouts??? u0062 rmb 2 u0064 rmb 1 u0065 rmb 1 u0066 rmb 2 Ptr to next key in Conf mode keyboard buffer u0068 rmb 1 Counter of # keys in Conf mode keyboard buffer u0069 rmb 1 u006A rmb 1 u006B rmb 1 ZModem flag (hi bit clear=none in progress) u006C rmb 2 pointer to ZModem start header u006E rmb 1 duplicate of input path for ZModem (for restore) u006F rmb 1 possible remove u0070 rmb 1 u0071 rmb 1 u0072 rmb 1 path to VRN (0=No VRN present) u0073 rmb 1 Current seconds counter (either VRN or Clock) u0074 rmb 1 # seconds on last update done (either VRN or Clock u0075 rmb 1 Timer on/off flag (0=Off) u0076 rmb 1 child process # (shell, sz & rz etc...) u0077 rmb 11 time On-Line ASCII text (with CurXY) '00:00:00' u0082 rmb 1 Width of original screen u0083 rmb 1 Height of original screen u0084 rmb 1 Type of original screen (ex. 1=40x24 Hware txt) u0085 rmb 1 background color for overlay windows u0086 rmb 1 u0087 rmb 1 FColor of main window u0088 rmb 1 BColor of main window u0089 rmb 1 FColor of conference mode window u008A rmb 1 u008B rmb 1 u008C rmb 1 u008D rmb 1 Foreground color of original screen u008E rmb 1 Background color of original screen u008F rmb 1 Border color of original screen u0090 rmb 1 X size of main window u0091 rmb 1 Y size of main window u0092 rmb 1 u0093 rmb 2 Ptr to next filename (from dir read) u0095 rmb 2 u0097 rmb 2 u0099 rmb 1 u009A rmb 1 u009B rmb 1 filename present for Upload/Download flag u009C rmb 3 FColor codes u009F rmb 32 old filename for downloads u00BF rmb 2 u00C1 rmb 26 u00DB rmb 2 u00DD rmb 2 u00DF rmb 1 input buffer from modem (192 bytes) u00E0 rmb 1 u00E1 rmb 1 u00E2 rmb 4 u00E6 rmb 13 u00F3 rmb 10 u00FD rmb 1010 u04EF rmb 1 u04F0 rmb 31 u050F rmb 255 Conference mode keyboard buffer u060E rmb 255 Generic Entry from keyboard buffer u070D rmb 1024 output buffer to screen (with conversion) u0B0D rmb 255 u0C0C rmb 32 Current SS.Opt settings for local keyboard u0C2C rmb 2 u0C2E rmb 34 u0C50 rmb 16 Palette settings of original screen u0C60 rmb 1 Start of buffer for converted ANSI sequences u0C61 rmb 1 u0C62 rmb 30 u0C80 rmb 2 Ptr to converted ANSI buffer (C60) u0C83 rmb 1 u0C84 rmb 1 Currently selected menu item # in ==> menu u0C85 rmb 3 u0C8A rmb 1 Flag: 0=Not processing ANSI <ESC> sequence u0C8B rmb 1 ??? (Inited to 0 if starting ANSI <ESC> sequence) u0C8C rmb 1 u0C8D rmb 2 Ptr to ANSI sequence (raw ANSI:u0B0D) u0C8F rmb 2 current overlay window start co-ordinates u0C91 rmb 2 current overlay window size u0C93 rmb 1 possible remove u0C94 rmb 1 current cursor X position u0C95 rmb 1 current cursor Y position u0C96 rmb 2 current X/Y co-ordinates? u0C98 rmb 1 u0C99 rmb 6 Place to hold F$Time packet u0C9F rmb 1 u0CA0 rmb 1 seems to be flag for upload/download (0=Upload) u0CA1 rmb 2 u0CA3 rmb 1 u0CA4 rmb 1 u0CA5 rmb 1 bit 8=Stop bits, bit 6=Word Len, bits 1-3=Baud u0CA6 rmb 1 current terminal type (0=TTY, 1=OS9, 2=ANSI) u0CA7 rmb 1 Current Echo type (0=Off, 1=On) u0CA8 rmb 1 u0CA9 rmb 1 u0CAA rmb 1 u0CAB rmb 1 Current hangup method (0=DTR drop, else +++ATH) u0CAC rmb 1 Current Parity setting u0CAD rmb 1 u0CAE rmb 1 Auto Zmodem flag (0=Yes) u0CAF rmb 1 Pause off char. code (for ASCII receive) u0CB0 rmb 1 Pause on char. code (for ASCII receive) u0CB1 rmb 33 u0CD2 rmb 32 Current data directory path list u0CF2 rmb 39 u0D19 rmb 1 u0D1A rmb 2 u0D1C rmb 128 <ALT>-<1> programmable key buffer u0D9C rmb 128 <ALT>-<2> programmable key buffer u0E1C rmb 128 <ALT>-<3> programmable key buffer u0E9C rmb 128 <ALT>-<4> programmable key buffer u0F1C rmb 128 <ALT>-<5> programmable key buffer u0F9C rmb 128 <ALT>-<6> programmable key buffer u101C rmb 128 <ALT>-<7> programmable key buffer u109C rmb 128 <ALT>-<8> programmable key buffer u111C rmb 256 SSn strings (4 of 64 bytes each) u121C rmb 256 RSn strings (4 of 64 bytes each) u131C rmb 128 u139C rmb 2 Pointer to RSn string we are working on u139E rmb 1 # download protocols supported u139F rmb 4 u13A3 rmb 1 u13A4 rmb 1 u13A5 rmb 1 u13A6 rmb 3 * ??? rest big buffer, most used for text, input & output ??? u13A9 rmb 1 Temp buffer for small text, etc. u13AA rmb 6 u13B0 rmb 137 u1439 rmb 16 u1449 rmb 112 u14B9 rmb 512 u16B9 rmb $2000-200-. ASCII recieve buffer (expanded by #xxK modifier) u1F38 rmb 200 stack DSize equ . fcc 'Program by Dave Philipsen Copyright (c) 1988, 1989,1992' fcc / ('92 updates by Randy K. Wilson)/ L006F fdb 85 # bytes this message (?) ($55) fcb C$FORM Clear screen fcb $02,$23,$21 CurXY @ 3,1 fcc 'SuperComm v2.2' fcb $02,$24,$23 CurXY @ 4,3 fcc 'Copyright (c)' fcb $02,$23,$24 CurXY @ 3,4 fcc '1988, 1989, 1992' fcb $02,$26,$26 CurXY @ 6,6 fcc 'written by' fcb $02,$24,$27 CurXY @ 4,7 fcc 'Dave Philipsen' L00C6 fdb 35 # bytes this message ($23) fcb C$FORM Clear screen fcb $02,$22,$21 CurXY @ 2,1 fcc 'with updates by' fcb $02,$22,$22 CurXY @ 2,2 fcc ' Randy Wilson' L00EB fdb 28 # bytes this message ($1C) fcb $02,$40,$20 CurXY @ 32,0 fcb $1B,$32,4 Foreground color= Yellow fcc 'SuperComm v2.2 ' fcb $1B,$32,3 Foreground color= White fcb $02,$58,$20 CurXY @ 55,0 fcc '=' (for port '=' baudrate) L0109 fdb 454 # bytes this message ($C6) fcc ' Use <ALT> key with the following keys:' fcb C$CR,C$LF,C$LF fcc ' A - Auto Dialer Q - Quit' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc ' B - Baud Rates R - Reset Palettes' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc ' C - Clear Screen S - OS9 Shell Access' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc ' D - Change Directory T - Terminal Type' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc ' H - Hang Up U - Update SuperComm' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc ' I - Timer on/off Z - Conference Mode' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc ' M - Open/Close Buffer <Up>- Upload file' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc ' O - Change Options <Dn>- Download File' fcb C$LF,C$CR,C$LF fcc ' Select function or <Space> to continue' L02DC fcc 'ATH' Hangup string (does not need '0' on end) fcb C$CR L02E0 fcc 'Shell' L02E5 fcb C$CR L02E6 fcc 'rz' fcb C$CR L02E9 fcc '-vv ' fcb C$CR L02F0 fdb 40 # bytes this message ($28) fcb $02,$34,$20 CurXY @ 20,0 fcc 'External ZModem File Receive' fcb C$CR,C$LF,C$LF fcb $1B,$25,0,3,$40,7 CWArea to 0,3 - 64,10 L031A fcc '*' ZModem Xfer signature fcb $18 fcc 'B0' fcb $00 Byte to signify end of Zmodem Xfer signature * Window for ZModem Send L0322 fdb 37 # bytes this message fcb $02,$36,$20 CurXY @ 23,1 fcc 'External ZModem File Send' fcb C$CR,C$LF,C$LF fcb $1B,$25,0,3,$40,7 CWArea to 0,3 - 64,10 * Hangup message L0349 fdb 15 # bytes this message fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc ' Hanging Up!!' * Device to use VRN L0360 fcc '/nil' fcb C$CR fcb $00 * Default time on-line string L0366 fcb $02,$2b,$20 CurXY @ 11,0 fcc '00:00:00' * Palette set #1 L0371 fcb $00,$20,$00,$3F,$10,$20,$3F,$3F fcb $00,$20,$00,$3F,$10,$20,$3F,$3F * Palette set for ANSI mode L0381 fcb $00,$24,$12,$37,$09,$28,$1F,$3F fcb $00,$24,$12,$37,$09,$28,$1F,$3F * Palette set for OS-9 mode L0391 fcb $3F,$09,$00,$12,$24,$37,$28,$1F fcb $3F,$09,$00,$12,$24,$37,$28,$1F * Default FColor,BColor,Border settings for ANSI L03A1 fcb $07,$00,$00 * Default FColor,BColor,Border settings for OS-9 L03A4 fcb $00,$02,$02 * Inverse/Underline/Blink OFF & clear screen L03A7 fdb 7 # bytes this message fcb $1F,$21,$1f,$23,$1f,$25,C$FORM * Shadowed overlay window (save switch on) L03B0 fdb 18 # bytes this message L03B2 fcb $1B,$22,1,0,0,80,23,1,1 fcb $1B,$22,1,2,1,76,21,6,0 * Shadowed overlay windows remove (restore original screen) L03C4 fdb 4 # bytes this message L03C6 fcb $1B,$23,$1b,$23 OWEnd, OWEnd * Default settings? L03D6 fdb 14 # bytes this message fcb $1F,$21 Inverse off fcb $1F,$23 Underline off fcb $1F,$25 Blink off fcb $1B,$32,7 Foreground color 7 fcb $1B,$33,0 Background color 0 fcb $05,$21 Cursor ON L03E6 fcb 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 fdb 2 # bytes this entry fcb $1F,$22 Underline on fcb 0,0 fcb 2 # bytes this entry fcb $1F,$24 Blink on fcb 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 fcb 2 # bytes this entry fcb $1F,$20 Inverse on fcb $00 * Foreground color settings L040E fdb 3 # bytes this entry fcb $1B,$32,0 Foreground color 0 fdb 3 # bytes this entry fcb $1B,$32,1 Foreground color 1 fdb 3 # bytes this entry fcb $1B,$32,2 Foreground color 2 fdb 3 # bytes this entry fcb $1B,$32,3 Foreground color 3 fdb 3 # bytes this entry fcb $1B,$32,4 Foreground color 4 fdb 3 # bytes this entry fcb $1B,$32,5 Foreground color 5 fdb 3 # bytes this entry fcb $1B,$32,6 Foreground color 6 fdb 3 # bytes this entry fcb $1B,$32,7 Foreground color 7 * Background color settings L0436 fdb 3 # bytes this entry fcb $1B,$33,0 Background color 0 fdb 3 # bytes this entry fcb $1B,$33,1 Background color 1 fdb 3 # bytes this entry fcb $1B,$33,2 Background color 2 fdb 3 # bytes this entry fcb $1B,$33,3 Background color 3 fdb 3 # bytes this entry fcb $1B,$33,4 Background color 4 fdb 3 # bytes this entry fcb $1B,$33,5 Background color 5 fdb 3 # bytes this entry fcb $1B,$33,6 Background color 6 fdb 3 # bytes this entry fcb $1B,$33,7 Background color 7 * Clear screen code L045E fdb 1 # bytes this entry fcb C$FORM * Erase to end of line L0461 fdb 1 # bytes this entry fcb $04 * Erase to end of screen L0464 fdb 1 # bytes this entry fcb $0B * Generic window descriptor L0467 fcs '/W' * DWSet for main window: 80x23 text from 0,1 L0469 fcb $1B,$24 DWEnd fcb $1B,$20,2,0,1,80,23,7,2,2,$1b,$21 DWSet:80x23 text, 1 from top * DWSet for status line @ top window: 80x1 with blue background * Done on Process' current screen (which is set by L0469 above) L0475 fcb $1B,$24 DWEnd L0477 fcb $1B,$20,0,0,0,80,1,3,4 DWSet: 80x1, same scrn, blue bckgrnd fcb C$FORM Clear the line L0481 fcb $1B,$32,0 Foreground color=0 fcb $1B,$33,0 Background color=0 fcb C$FORM Clear screen fdb 1 fcc / / L048B fdb 2 fcb $05,$21 L048F fdb 2 fcb $05,$20 L0493 fcb $1F,$20 Inverse on fcb $20 Space fcb $1F,$21 Inverse off fcb C$BSP Backspace L0499 fdb 22 # bytes this message fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc ' Are you sure? (y/N)' L04B1 fdb 40 # bytes this message fcb $02,$2e,$23 CurXY @ 14,3 fcc 'Count ' fcb $02,$2e,$25 CurXY @ 14,5 fcc 'Seconds ' fcb $02,$2d,$27 CurXY @ 13,7 fcc '<Space> aborts' fcb $05,$20 Turn off cursor L04DB fdb 8 # bytes this message fcc 'Dialing ' L04E5 fdb 3 # bytes this message fcb $02,$37,$23 CurXY @ 23,3 L04EA fdb 3 # bytes this message fcb $02,$37,$25 CurXY @ 23,5 L04EF fdb 32 # bytes this message fcc ' Xmodem file transfer system' L0511 fdb 9 # bytes this message fcb $02,$20,$20 CurXY @ 0,0 fcc ' Y' L051C fdb 17 # bytes this message fcb $02,$2b,$26 CurXY @ 11,6 fcc '<Break> aborts' L052F fdb 17 # bytes this message fcb $02,$2A,$28 CurXY @ 10,8 fcc '<Break> aborts' fdb 27 # bytes this message fcb $02,$25,$22 CurXY @ 5,2 fcc 'ASCII Processing? (Y/N) ' L055F fdb 10 # bytes this message fcb $02,$21,$24 CurXY @ 1,4 fcc 'File: ' fcb $04 Clear to end of line L056B fdb 10 # bytes this message fcb $02,$21,$22 CurXY @ 1,2 fcc 'Recv: ' fcb $04 Clear to end of line L0577 fdb 10 # bytes this message fcb $02,$21,$23 CurXY @ 1,2 fcc 'Size: ' fcb $04 Clear to end of line L0583 fdb 14 # bytes this message fcb $02,$21,$24 CurXY @ 1,4 fcb $04 Clear to end of line fcb $02,$21,$22 CurXY @ 1,2 fcc 'Send: ' fcb $04 Clear to end of line L0593 fdb 34 # bytes this message fcb $02,$21,$25 CurXY @ 1,5 fcc 'Block # Error #' L05B7 fdb 14 # bytes this message fcb $02,$21,$27 CurXY @ 1,7 fcc 'Last Error:' L05C7 fcc ' ' fcc 'Transfer Aborted ' fcc 'Wrong Block Number ' fcc 'Block Check Failed ' fcc 'Time Out ' L062B fdb 7 # bytes this message fcb $02,$28,$25 CurXY @ 8,5 fcc '0000' L0634 fdb 7 # bytes this message fcb $02,$40,$25 CurXY @ 32,5 fcc '0000' * ???? No label was pointing to it, was after baud rate table (L0652) * NOTE: MAY BE POSSIBLE TO DELETE FOLLOWING 8 BYTES fdb 6 # bytes this message fcb $1B,$25,1,2,4,9 CWArea from 1,2 to 5,11 L0682 fcb C$BSP,C$BSP,C$BSP fcc ' ' L0688 fcb C$FORM Clear screen fcb C$LF,C$LF,C$LF,C$LF,C$LF,C$LF,C$LF,C$LF,C$LF,C$LF L0693 fcc '==>' L0696 fdb 24 # bytes this message fcb C$LF,C$CR fcc ' Terminal Type : ' L06B0 fcc 'OS9 ' fcc 'ASCII' fcc 'ANSI ' L06BF fcb $02,$30,$21 CurXY @ 16,1 fcc 'ASCII' L06C7 fdb 8 # bytes this message fcb $02,$30,$21 CurXY @ 16,1 fcc ' ' * Keywords in ADF (Autodial) files L06D1 fcs 'ADS' fcs 'BPS' fcs 'ECH' fcs 'HEK' fcs 'TRM' fcs 'LNF' fcs 'XON' fcs 'XOF' fcs 'RTR' fcs 'RPS' fcs 'PAR' fcs 'CLK' fcs 'WRD' fcs 'STP' fcs 'KM1' fcs 'KM2' fcs 'KM3' fcs 'KM4' fcs 'KM5' fcs 'KM6' fcs 'KM7' fcs 'KM8' fcs 'CNS' fcs 'SS1' fcs 'SS2' fcs 'SS3' fcs 'SS4' fcs 'RS1' fcs 'RS2' fcs 'RS3' fcs 'RS4' fcs 'RLF' fcs 'TLF' * Receive protocol menu L0734 fdb 111 # bytes this message fcc ' SuperComm File Receive' fcb C$CR,C$LF,C$LF fcc ' ASCII Receive' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc ' XModem (and X-1k)' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc ' YModem Batch' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc ' ZModem (external)' * File send menu L07A5 fdb 123 # bytes this message fcc ' SuperComm File Send' fcb C$CR,C$LF,C$LF fcc ' ASCII Send' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc ' XModem (and CRC)' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc ' Xmodem 1K' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc ' YModem Batch' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc ' ZModem (external)' * Options menu L0821 fdb 147 # bytes this message fcc ' SuperComm Options' fcb $1B,$25,5,2,14,12 CWArea from 5,2 to 19,14 fcc 'Echo' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc 'L-Feeds Rx' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc 'L-Feeds Tx' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc 'Click' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc 'Word Length' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc 'Parity' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc 'Stop Bits' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc 'Echo (host)' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc 'Hang Up' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc 'Auto Zmodem' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc 'Auto Ascii' fcb C$CR,C$LF fcb $1B,$25,0,0,22,14 CWArea from 0,0 to 22,14 * Re-saving Supercomm message L08B6 fdb 23 # bytes this message fcb C$CR,C$LF fcc ' Saving SuperComm...' L08CF fdb 23 # bytes this message fcb C$FORM Clear screen fcb $02,$29,$20 CurXY @ 9,0 fcc 'File Capture System' L08E8 fdb 38 # bytes this message fcc '"' fcb $02,$21,$24 CurXY @ 1,4 fcc 'is already open. Close it? (Y/n) ' L0910 fdb 19 # bytes this message fcb $02,$2b,$22 CurXY @ 11,2 fcb $03 Erase current line fcc 'Send ASCII file' L0925 fdb 4 # bytes this message fcb $02,$21,$22 CurXY @ 1,2 fcc '"' L092B fdb 51 # bytes this message fcb $02,$29,$20 CurXY @ 9,0 fcc 'File already exists!' fcb $02,$26,$22 CurXY @ 6,2 fcc '<A>ppend or <O>verwrite? ' * Buffer open indicator L0960 fdb 11 # bytes this message fcb $02,$6e,$20 CurXY @ 78,0 fcb $1F,$24 Blinking on fcb $1B,$32,3 Foreground color=3 fcc 'B' fcb $1F,$25 Blinking off * Buffer closed indicator L096D fdb 10 # bytes this message fcb $02,$6e,$20 CurXY @ 78,0 fcb $1B,$32,0 Foreground color=0 fcc 'B' fcb $1B,$32,3 Foreground color=3 L0979 fdb 4 # bytes this message fcc 'DTR' fcb $04 Clear to end of line L0985 fdb 4 # bytes this message fcc 'Off' fcb $04 Clear to end of line L098B fdb 3 # bytes this message fcc 'On' fcb $04 Clear to end of line L0990 fcc ' ' L0991 fcc 'Mark' L0995 fcc 'Space' L099A fcc ' ' L099B fcc 'Even' L099F fcc ' ' L09A0 fcc 'Odd ' L09A4 fcc ' ' L09A5 fcc 'None' L09A9 fdb 54 # bytes this message fcb $02,$28,$20 CurXY @ 8,0 fcc 'Change Data Directory' fcb $02,$29,$25 CurXY @ 9,5 fcc '(use full pathname)' fcb $02,$21,$24 CurXY @ 1,4 fcc 'Path:' L09E1 fcb $02,$20,$20 fcc / / L09E8 fcb $02,$20,$20 CurXY @ 0,0 fcc 'Conf' L09EF fcb $1B,$25,0,1,80,2 CWArea to 0,1 to 80,3 * Table for converting long Integers (used for file size printing) * Will handle sizes up to 9,999,999 bytes L09F5 fdb $000F,$4240 1,000,000 fdb $0001,$86A0 100,000 fdb $0000,$2710 10,000 fdb $0000,$03E8 1,000 fdb $0000,$0064 100 fdb $0000,$000A 10 fdb $0000,$0001 1 fdb $0000,$0001 0 L0A15 fcb $0E * Acceptable entries on help screen L0A16 fcc 'ABCDHIMOQRSTUZ' * Default option switches L0A24 fcb $04 default word length, stop bits & baud rate fcb $02 fcb $00 echo fcb $00 linefeeds Rx fcb $00 linefeeds Tx fcb $00 key click fcb $00 hangup method fcb $00 parity fcb $00 auto ASCII (0=Off) fcb $00 auto ZModem (0=On) fcb $11 default XON value fcb $13 default XOFF value fcb $00 echo (host) L0A31 fcs '/dd/sys/dial' fcc ' ' L0A51 fcc '/dd' fcb C$CR fcc ' ' **************************** * Main Entry point * Note: Eventually change to use Ext. addressing start stx <u0000 Save Param area ptr leax -$40,x End of rec. bffr is 64 bytes from end of data mem stx <u0002 Save end of receive buffer ptr leas -1,s Reserve 1 byte on stack ldx #u16B9 Point to start of receive buffer stx <u0004 Save start of receive buffer ptr (constant) stx <u0006 Save current end of receive buffer ptr leax -1,x Move ptr 1 back stx <u000B Save it ldx #u14B9 Point to ??? stx <u000D Save that ptr twice stx <u000F ldd #$0000 Clear out something to 0 std <u0009 ldx #u0019 Point X to $19 in data area * Clear out all memory from $19 to end of Data mem-64 L0A96 sta ,x+ Clear byte out cmpx <u0002 Done all data mem yet? blo L0A96 No, keep going until done ldx <u0000 Get param area ptr back lda #C$SPAC Get char for space sta -1,x Save as char before param area * Parse parameters for device name L0AA2 lda ,x+ Get param char cmpa #C$CR End of params? beq L0AB6 Yes, skip ahead cmpa #'/ Start of device name? bne L0AA2 No, eat char & continue lda -2,x Get char before the '/' cmpa #C$SPAC Was it a space? bne L0AA2 No, eat '/' and continue parsing leax -1,x It was, bump ptr back to '/' bra L0ABA Skip ahead * Default modem port L035A fcc '/t2' fcb C$CR fcb $00,$00 * L0AB6 leax <L035A,pc Point to '/t2' L0ABA ldy #u002D Point to spot in data mem ldb #10 Max # bytes to copy L0ABF lda ,x+ Get char from device to use as modem port cmpa #C$CR Hit end yet? beq L0ACA Yes, skip ahead sta ,y+ Save char decb Past max count yet? bne L0ABF No, keep copying L0ACA sta ,y+ Save CR too lbsr L12F5 Go save original screen attributes lbcs L0F15 If not window-capable, exit with error lbsr L1A8A set main window to full size possible lbcs L0F15 If error, exit with it lda #$01 sta <u0065 ldx #$0003 sleep to allow window to init. os9 F$Sleep ldd #1*256+SS.Montr Get monitor type os9 I$GetStt bcs L0B1D Error, exit tfr x,d Move to splittable register stb >u0C84 save monitor type ora >u0C84 ??? OR with 0? sta <u0065 save monitor type leax L0A24,pc point to default option table & directorys ldy #u0CA5 ldb #$4D get size of data lbsr L2D1E move it lda #READ. leax L0A51,pc point to default directory name os9 I$ChgDir leax L0366,pc point to default time on-line ldy #u0077 ldb #$0B get size of data lbsr L2D1E move it L0B1D lbsr L1BDF set palettes based on monitor type lbsr L1C57 lbsr L1BC7 initialize batch file xfer names? leax L0F18,pc point to intercept trap os9 F$Icpt * Get special version flag from system direct page (offset $7C) * all this byte does in this source is add a 'a' to the version # on the * status line ldx #u00DF point to a DAT buffer ldd #$0000 get DAT image std ,x store it std 2,x std 4,x stb 6,x tfr x,d ldx #$7C get offset into System DP (no idea what it is) ldy #1 get # bytes ldu #u0019 point to location to copy os9 F$CpyMem get the byte * Setup VRN leax L0360,pc point to VRN pathname lda #UPDAT. os9 I$Open bcs L0B92 If VRN not around, skip ahead sta <u0072 save path # to VRN ldb #$81 get code to setup VIRQ timer ldy #1 get enable flag ldx #60 get timer count os9 I$SetStt start timer bcs L0B89 lda <u0072 get VRN path again ldb #$80 get code to clear & report VIRQ calls os9 I$GetStt get VIRQ counts & reset bcs L0B89 cmpx #$0800 bhs L0B89 cmpy #$0800 blo L0B92 L0B89 lda <u0072 get path to VRN again os9 I$Close close it clr <u0072 clear path # to VRN * No VRN available comes here L0B92 ldx #u050F Point to ??? stx <u0066 Save ptr ldd #$0100 ??? Init some values std >u0D19 ldd #$1B32 Foreground color prefix std <u009C Save it * Print title screens leax L045E,pc point to CLS lbsr L1B03 do it leax L048F,pc point to CuOff lbsr L1B03 do it ldd #$1A04 get overlay start coords std >u0C8F ldd #$1609 get overlay size std >u0C91 lbsr L1C81 place overlay window on screen leax L006F,pc point to title #1 lbsr L1B03 print it lbsr L1AE8 init small window on top line ldx #$001C get sleep time lbsr L0F56 sleep for title pause ldd #$3210 get overlay start co-ordinates std >u0C8F ldd #$1304 get overlay size std >u0C91 lbsr L1C81 place overlay on screen leax L00C6,pc point to title #2 lbsr L1B03 print it lbsr L3BBC copy current seconds L0BF7 ldd #SS.Ready Get code to check data ready on Std In os9 I$GetStt any data from keyboard? bcc L0C08 yes, skip ahead lbsr L3BDA check timeout cmpa #$0A did it timeout? blo L0BF7 no, try again bra L0C0B L0C08 lbsr L2AC5 purge the data from keyboard L0C0B lbsr L1CDE remove overlay windows lbsr L1CDE leax L048B,pc point to CurOn lbsr L1B03 do it lda #UPDAT. get mode for modem path ldx #u002D point to modem path os9 I$Open open it lbcs L0F15 If error, exit with it sta <u002B save path to modem leax L045E,pc point to CLS lbsr L1B03 do it lbsr L117F get path options from modem lbsr L2B86 print status line lbsr L4403 scan parameters for '-f=' (capture buffer) ldd #$0103 init cursor position std >u0C94 * NOTE: may want to have Supercomm make this an option (self-modify code * to change LBSR opcode to LBRN or vice versa) lbsr L2AF5 toggle DTR to hangup modem lbsr L134D get local keyboard path options lbsr L12B5 set them to what I need clra Std In path leax L031A,pc point to ZModem xfer header stx <u006C save pointer to it ldx #u060E Point to buffer for key presses ldy #$0001 os9 I$Read lbra L157B enter main loop (without read from keyboard) * Check if data waiting for keyboard L13C2 ldd #SS.Ready Check if data ready on keyboard (Std In) os9 I$GetStt rts * Main processing loop L0C5E lda <u002B Get path to modem ldb #SS.Ready Check for data ready os9 I$GetStt Any data ready? bcc L0FB8 yes, go process tst <u0023 sending ASCII file? lbne L44B6 yes, read & write next line ldx #3 get # ticks to wait lbsr L0F56 go wait L0C72 bsr L13C2 any data from keyboard? bcs L0C5E no, try modem again * Keyboard data ready tst <u0040 conference mode? lbne L273D yes, go read data from keyboard lbra L156E go read & process keyboard data * Process modem data - only comes here if at least 1 char available * Entry: B=Number of characters available on serial port * Modified 94/03/27 for 256 byte buffer L0FB8 clra clear MSB of length tfr d,y move length to Y lda <u002B get path to modem ldx #u00DF point to buffer os9 I$Read get the data bcs L1023 error, skip ahead sty <u0C88 save # bytes read L0FD2 beq L1017 If no data, skip ahead lda >u0CAE Is Auto-Zmodem enabled? bne L0FE1 no, check continue lbsr L1062 Check for an Auto-ZModem header L0FE1 lda <u0C82 Get which search/reply string we are doing beq L0FF4 None, skip checking search/reply strings cmpa #$05 Have we finished the 4 max. allowed? bne L0FF1 No, go check for this one clra Done all of them, clear it out to skip thru faster sta <u0C82 bra L0FF4 Skip checking auto-logon sequences L0FF1 lbsr L254A Go check for auto-logon sequences L0FF4 bsr L1040 convert & move data to output buffer lda #1 get path to window ldx #u070D point to parsed data ldy <u0C88 get amount of data beq L1017 none, skip ahead os9 I$Write print data on screen tst <u0025 Is there an ASCII receive buffer file going? beq L1017 No, skip ahead tst <u0026 Is the buffer OPEN? beq L1017 No, skip ahead lbsr L4394 Go handle receive buffer L1017 lbsr L453B Go handle screen buffer tst >u0C83 beq L1023 lbsr L25B1 L1023 tst <u006B Zmodem flag? bpl L1036 No zmodem, skip ahead clr <u006B Clear it out tst >u0CA0 Sending or receiving? lbeq L1859 Sending; do ZModem file send lbra L1793 Do Zmodem file receive L1036 tst <u0023 Are we sending an ASCII file? beq L0C72 No, go check the keyboard lbra L0C5E go back to main loop * Convert modem text to TTY/ANSI/OS9 codes L1040 ldx #u00DF Point to modem buffer ldy #u070D Point to screen output buffer ldb <u0C89 Get # bytes waiting in modem buffer lda >u0CA6 get terminal type lbeq L2D1E TTY, copy buffer with no editing & exit deca OS9? beq L0C8D Yes, go do deca ANSI? beq L0CF6 Yes, go (illegal values fall thru to OS9:was TTY) * Loop to Convert OS9 codes to output buffer * NOTE: ORIGINALLY STRIPPED HI-BIT OFF OF CHARS (anda #$7f) & also had code * after the strip to cmpa #$7f/BHI L0CA2, which would eat the char. Taken * out to allow foreign & extra chars through. May want to add parser later * to eat '.' illegal chars, but leave foreign symbols alone. L0C8D lda ,x+ get a byte cmpa #C$SPAC control chars? blo L0CA2 yes, skip ahead lbsr L13CF update internal cursor position L0C9C sta ,y+ save to output buffer L0C9E decb done all data? bne L0C8D no, keep going rts return * Parse control codes L0CA2 cmpa #C$BSP backspace? bne L0CAB no, check CR lbsr L13EC bra L0C9C go save char in output buffer & continue L0CAB cmpa #C$CR carriage return? bne L0CC5 no, check CLS lbsr L1405 u0C94=1 tst >u0CA8 Auto line feed on? beq L0C9C No, go save char in output buffer * NOTE: CHANGE 140E TO ONLY PSHS A, ONLY LDA u0C95,u ETC. lbsr L140E Go bump Y coord down by 1 for auto-lf on CR inc <u0C89 Increase size of converted buffer by 1 sta ,y+ Save CR in output buffer lda #C$LF Get Line feed bra L0C9C Go add that to buffer too L0CC5 cmpa #C$FORM CLS? bne L0CCE no, check bell lbsr L1422 u0C94 = $0101 bra L0C9C Go save CLS code in output buffer L0CCE cmpa #C$BELL bell? beq L0C9C Yes, go save in output buffer cmpa #C$LF linefeed? bne L0CDB No, check Up one line lbsr L140E Go bump Y coord down by 1 bra L0C9C Save LF in output buffer L0CDB cmpa #$09 Up one line code? bne L0CE4 No, check next * NOTE: USELESS LBSR...PERHAPS LEFT IN FOR AN OPTION TO HAVE CHR$(9) BE EITHER * UP 1 LINE (FOR OS9) OR TAB CHAR??? IF REMOVING, SHOULD ALSO REMOVE RTS @ * 1BDE * lbsr L1BDE Spot reserved for TAB handler bra L0C9E Eat the char & continue * All other <CTRL> chars& chars >128, don't save in buffer? L0CE4 dec <u0C89 Shrink size of converted buffer by 1 bra L0C9E Eat char & continue L0CF6 lda >u0C8A Are we processing an <ESC> sequence? lbne L0D9F yes, go to ANSI processor lda ,x+ get data cmpa #C$SPAC printable? blo L0D13 no, check control codes cmpa #$80 Hi bit char? blo L0D0A No, save it in out buffer lda #'* Yes, replace with '*' L0D0A lbsr L13CF update internal cursor position L0D0D sta ,y+ Save char in buffer L0D0F decb bne L0CF6 rts L0D13 cmpa #C$BSP is it backspace? beq L0D31 yes, go process cmpa #C$CR is it carriage return? beq L0D42 yes, go process cmpa #C$LF is it line feed? beq L0D58 yes, go process cmpa #C$FORM Clear screen? beq L0D5D Yes, go process cmpa #C$BELL <CTRL>-<G> Bell? beq L0D0A Yes, go process cmpa #C$EOF <ESC>? beq L0D62 Yes, ANSI code coming...go set up L0D2B dec <u0C89 decrement # chars in converted output buffer bra L0D0F Eat the char & continue processing * Process backspace - ANSI (OS9, if it backspaces off left side, will go up * 1 line & set the cursor to the right side. ANSI will stop at the left side L0D31 pshs a Save char lda >u0C94 get cursor X position cmpa #$01 Already at far left side? puls a Restore char beq L0D2B Already @ left side, eat char & continue dec >u0C94 Bump X cursor coord left by 1 bra L0D0D continue processing * Process carriage return L0D42 lbsr L1405 Reset X coord to 1 tst >u0CA8 Auto LF on? beq L0D0D No, go save CR lbsr L140E Yes, bump up Y coord by 1 inc <u0C89 Bump up size of converted output buffer by 1 sta ,y+ Save CR char in output buffer lda #C$LF Also add an LF bra L0D0D * Process line feed L0D58 lbsr L140E Bump Y coord up by 1 bra L0D0D Go save LF in converted output buffer * Process CLS L0D5D lbsr L1422 Set X&Y coords to 1,1 bra L0D0D Save char in converted output buffer * Process <ESC> L0D62 inc >u0C8A flag <ESC> received clr >u0C8B lda #$FF ??? Init ANSI convert buffer to empty pshs x Save converted output buffer ptr ldx #u0C60 ??? Point to ANSI convert buffer? stx >u0C80 Save ptr clr ,x Clear our 2 of ANSI convert bytes clr 1,x sta 2,x Flag end of ANSI convert buffer ldx #u0B0D Point to start of ANSI seq. bffr (no ESC) stx >u0C8D Save ptr to it dec <u0C89 Dec # chars in converted output buffer puls x Restore converted output ptr bra L0D0F Eat the ESC for now & continue * Parse ANSI escape sequence * Entry: X=Modem buffer ptr, Y=Converted output buffer ptr, B=# bytes to do L0D9F ldu >u0C8D get ANSI sequence buffer ptr lda ,x+ get character sta ,u+ save it into ANSI sequence buffer stu >u0C8D save updated ANSI sequence buffer ptr cmpa #'[ the start char? beq L0DB9 yes, continue cmpa #'@ printable char? bhi L0DC0 yes, check for finish L0DB9 dec <u0C89 decrement converted output buffer count lbra L0D0F continue * Start ANSI sequence found (<ESC>-[) L0DC0 clr >u0C8A Clear out ANSI sequence found flag??? sta >u0C8C Save char dec <u0C89 Dec converted output buffer count pshs y,b Preserve converted output bffr ptr&# chars left ldy >u0C80 Get ptr to converted ANSI buffer lda #$FF Flag as unused for now sta ,y ldy #u0C60 Point to converted ANSI buffer sty >u0C80 ldy #u0B0D+1 Point to Start of ANSI sequence buffer (no ESC)+1 sty >u0C8D Save ptr L0DEE lda ,y+ Get char cmpa #$40 '@' bhi L0E3B Letter or higher, go do cmpa #$3A ':' blo L0DFC Possible ASCII numeric, skip ahead ldb #$FE bra L0E19 L0DFC suba #$30 Drop possible numeric down to binary equivalent sta >u0C84 Save it lda ,y+ Get next char cmpa #'9 above numeric? bhi L0E33 Yes, skip ahead suba #$30 Bump down to binary version sta >u0C85 Save it lda >u0C84 Get 1st one again (10's digit) ldb #10 Multiply by 10 mul addb -1,y Add in one's digit subb #$30 L0E19 pshs x ldx >u0C80 stb ,x+ ldb #$FF stb ,x stb 1,x stb 2,x stx >u0C80 puls x bra L0DEE L0E33 leay -1,y ldb >u0C84 bra L0E19 L0E3B puls y,b lda >u0C8C cmpa #$6D m beq L0E84 cmpa #$4A J lbeq L10E2 cmpa #$66 f lbeq L1467 cmpa #$48 H lbeq L1467 cmpa #$43 C lbeq L14B0 cmpa #$44 D lbeq L14F4 cmpa #$41 A lbeq L151D cmpa #$42 B lbeq L1546 cmpa #$73 s lbeq L1433 cmpa #$75 u lbeq L1442 cmpa #$4B K lbeq L1102 lbra L0D0F L0E84 pshs x,d ldx #u0C60 L0E8A lda ,x+ cmpa #$FF beq L0EA6 tsta beq L0EDD cmpa #$01 beq L0E8A cmpa #$08 blo L0EAB cmpa #$26 blo L0EB3 cmpa #$30 blo L0EC8 bra L0E8A L0EA6 puls x,d lbra L0D0F L0EAB pshs x leax >L03E6,pc bra L0EE3 L0EB3 ldb <u0065 cmpb #$02 beq L0E8A cmpa #$1E blo L0E8A suba #$1E pshs x leax >L040E,pc bra L0EE3 L0EC8 ldb <u0065 cmpb #$02 beq L0E8A cmpa #$28 blo L0E8A suba #$28 pshs x leax >L0436,pc bra L0EE3 L0EDD pshs x leax >L03D6,pc L0EE3 ldb #5 mul leax b,x lbsr L10D2 puls x bra L0E8A L0EEF lda <u003E Get path # to status window os9 I$Close Close it lbsr L134D lbsr L135C lbsr L13BA lda <u0072 Get path # to VRN beq L0F06 None, skip ahead os9 I$Close Close it L0F06 tst <u0025 beq L0F14 lbsr L43CA lda <u002A os9 I$Close L0F14 clrb L0F15 os9 F$Exit L0F18 cmpb #$80 bne L0F1F inc <u0073 L0F1F rti * Update on-screen timer L0F20 pshs y,x,a ldx #u009C Point to FColor buffer lda <u0088 Get bckgrnd color of main window sta $02,x Save as color to use lda <u003E Get path # to status line window ldy #$0003 os9 I$Write Set foreground color ldx #u0077 Send out current Timer string ldy #$000B os9 I$Write ldx #u009C Point to Fcolor buffer lda <u0087 Get foreground color sta $02,x Save it lda <u003E Get path to status window ldy #$0003 Change color on status window back to normal os9 I$Write puls pc,y,x,a * Entry: X=# ticks to sleep L0F56 tst <u0075 Is the timer function on? beq L0F6F No, go to sleep pshs a Preserve # seconds lda <u0074 Yes, get current # seconds L0F60 cmpa <u0073 Different than last recorded # seconds? beq L0F6D No, go to sleep bsr L0F78 Yes, go update timer on status bar inca Bump # seconds up sta <u0074 Save # seconds bra L0F60 Check if it is different than last recorded? L0F6D puls a Restore # seconds L0F6F os9 F$Sleep Sleep for requested # ticks cmpx #$0000 Sleep for full requested period? bne L0F56 No, go update timer functions & sleep some more rts Yes, return L0F78 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldx #u0077 Point to ASCII on-screen timer packet ldb #10 Point to end of packet (1's of seconds field) L0F7F bsr L0F8C Do 1 char at a time tsta Do we need the next field updated too? bpl L0FAC No, go update it on screen & return decb Bump timer packet ptr down to previous field decb cmpb #$04 Hit beginning (finished hours)? bhs L0F7F No, go update next field L0FAC lda <u003E Get path to status window ldy #$000B Get size of time string os9 I$Write Write it out puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return * Update 1's field L0F8C lda b,x Get byte from timer cmpa #'9 9? beq L0F96 Yes, skip ahead L0F90 inca No, increment it to next one sta b,x Save result & return rts * Update 10's field L0F96 lda #'0 Wrap it back to a 0 sta b,x Save 0 decb Bump ptr to 10's field in ASCII time packet lda b,x Get char cmpa #'5 5? bne L0F90 No, safe to increment & exit L0FA5 lda #'0 Wrap it back to 0 sta b,x Save it lda #$FF Flag to say we need next field (minutes/hours) rts updated & return L1062 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldb <u0C89 Get LSB of size of converted text buffer ldy <u006C Get ptr to Zmodem start header ldx #u00DF Get ptr to modem buffer L1070 tstb beq L10A8 tst <u006B beq L1084 lda ,x cmpa #$30 beq L10C1 cmpa #$31 beq L10C7 bra L1090 L1084 lda ,x+ anda #$7F decb clr <u0071 L108C cmpa ,y beq L10AA L1090 leay >L031A,pc sty <u006C tst <u0071 bne L10A2 inc <u0071 bra L108C L10A2 clr <u0071 tstb bne L1084 L10A8 puls pc,y,x,d L10AA leay 1,y sty <u006C tst ,y bne L10A2 inc <u006B leay >L031A,pc sty <u006C bra L1070 L10C1 inc >u0CA0 bra L10CB L10C7 clr >u0CA0 L10CB lda #$FF sta <u006B bra L10A8 L10D2 ldb 1,x leax 2,x L10D6 lda ,x+ sta ,y+ inc <u0C89 decb bne L10D6 rts L10E2 pshs x,d ldx #u0C60 lda ,x cmpa #$02 beq L10F7 leax >L0464,pc bsr L10D2 L10F4 lbra L0EA6 L10F7 leax >L045E,pc bsr L10D2 lbsr L1422 bra L10F4 L1102 pshs x,d leax >L0461,pc bsr L10D2 lbra L0EA6 * Print help screen * Entry: None L110D ldd #$1A01 get overlay start co-ordinates std >u0C8F ldd #$340D get overlay size std >u0C91 lbsr L1C81 place overlay leax L0109,pc point to help screen text lbsr L1B03 print it leax L048F,pc turn off cursor lbsr L1B03 L112C lbsr L2AC5 wait for a keypress cmpa #$20 was it space? beq L116B yes, clean up & return cmpa #$05 beq L116B yes, clean up & return cmpa #$0C bne L113F L113B adda #$80 bra L1156 L113F cmpa #$0A beq L113B ldb L0A15,pc get # commands possible leax L0A16,pc point to command table L114B cmpa ,x+ find it? beq L1154 yes, go parse it decb done? bne L114B no, keep looking bra L112C not legal, go wait for new keypress L1154 adda #$A0 L1156 pshs a leax L03C4,pc get rid of overlay lbsr L1B03 leax L048B,pc turn cursor on lbsr L1B03 puls a restore command lbra L1597 go parse command L116B leax L03C4,pc get rid of overlays lbsr L1B03 lbsr L1BAD purge all remaining keyboard data leax L048B,pc turn cursor on lbsr L1B03 lbra L0C5E return to main loop * Get modem path options L117F pshs x,d Preserve regs used lda <u002B Get path # to modem clrb SS.Opt call ldx #u0C2E Point to buffer to hold Option section os9 I$GetStt Get modem path options puls pc,x,d Restore regs & return * Update status line (baud, word length, etc...) * Entry: None L118F pshs d,x,y ldx #u0C2E point to ldb >u0CA5 get baud stb PD.BAU-PD.OPT,x ldb PD.PAR-PD.OPT,x andb #$0F orb >u0CAC stb PD.PAR-PD.OPT,x ldb >u0CAF stb PD.XON-PD.OPT,x ldb >u0CB0 stb PD.XOFF-PD.OPT,x ldb >u0CB1 stb PD.EKO-PD.OPT,x ldb >u0CA9 stb PD.ALF-PD.OPT,x clr PD.PAU-PD.OPT,x leax PD.BSP-PD.OPT,x ldd #$000a Clear 10 bytes from BSP to BSE L11C8 sta ,x+ decb bne L11C8 lda <u002B get path to modem cmpa #$03 is it legal? lbls L12B3 no, return ldx #u0C2E point to option buffer ldb #SS.Opt set 'em os9 I$SetStt ldx #u0095 point to ldd #$025A get CurXY codes std ,x save 'em ldb #$20 get Y co-ordinate stb 2,x save it ldy #3 get length lda <u003E get path to status window os9 I$Write position cursor for baud rate text lda >u0CA5 get baud rate anda #$07 keep only baud bits ldb #5 get length of baud text entrys mul calculate offset leax L0652,pc point to baud rate text table leax b,x point to baud rate ldy #5 get length lda <u003E get path to status line os9 I$Write print current baud ldb #$61 move X cursor position for word length ldx #u0095 stb 1,x lda <u003E ldy #$0003 os9 I$Write ldb >u0CA5 bitb #$20 bne L122D ldb #'8 bra L122F L122D ldb #'7 L122F ldx #u0044 stb ,x ldy #1 os9 I$Write ldb #$63 ldx #u0095 stb 1,x ldy #3 lda <u003E os9 I$Write lda >u0CAC anda #$E0 cmpa #$A0 bne L125D leax L0991,pc point to 'Mark' bra L127F go print it L125D cmpa #$E0 bne L1267 leax L0995,pc point to 'Space' bra L127F go print it L1267 cmpa #$60 bne L1271 leax L099B,pc point to 'Even' bra L127F go print it L1271 cmpa #$20 bne L127B leax L09A0,pc point to 'Odd' bra L127F go print it L127B leax L09A5,pc point to 'None' L127F lda <u003E get path to status line ldy #1 os9 I$Write ldb #$65 ldx #u0095 stb 1,x lda <u003E ldy #3 os9 I$Write ldb >u0CA5 bpl L12A5 ldb #'2 bra L12A7 L12A5 ldb #'1 L12A7 ldx #u0044 stb ,x ldy #1 os9 I$Write L12B3 puls d,x,y,pc * Setup path options for local keyboard to communicate with modems * Entry: None L12B5 pshs d,x,y ldx #u13A9 point to a buffer ldy #u0C0C point to original path options ldb #$20 get size lbsr L2D26 move it ldx #u13A9 point to the buffer clr PD.EKO-PD.OPT,x turn off echo lda >u0CA8 sta PD.ALF-PD.OPT,x save linefeed stat clr PD.PAU-PD.OPT,x turn off pause lda >u13A3 sta PD.EOF-PD.OPT,x save EOF char lda >u13A6 sta PD.PSC-PD.OPT,x save pause char lda >u13A4 sta PD.INT-PD.OPT,x save interupt char lda >u13A5 sta PD.QUT-PD.OPT,x save quit char ldd #1*256+SS.Opt Set the options os9 I$SetStt puls d,x,y,pc * Get current window settings * * Entry: None L12F5 pshs d,x Preserve regs ldd #SS.Opt Get option section path dsc. for Std In ldx #u0C0C Buffer to hold option packet os9 I$GetStt Get current option settings lda PD.PAR-PD.OPT,x Get current parity (window type) bpl L1348 If not a window, exit with error ldd #1*256+SS.FBRgs Get fore/background/border regs from Std Out os9 I$GetStt std <u008D Save fore/background colors tfr x,d Move border to splittable register stb <u008F Save border color ldx #u0C50 ldd #1*256+SS.Palet Get current palette settings from Std Out os9 I$GetStt Get current palette settings ldd #1*256+SS.ScSiz Get screen size from Std Out os9 I$GetStt Get current screen size tfr x,d Move width to splittable register stb <u0082 Save screen width tfr y,d Move height to splittable register stb <u0083 Save screen height ldd #1*256+SS.ScTyp Get screen type from Std Out os9 I$GetStt sta <u0084 Save it clrb No error & exit L1346 puls pc,x,d L1348 comb Exit with Illegal Window Type error ldb #$B7 bra L1346 * Set local path options * * Entry: None L134D pshs d,x Preserve regs ldd #SS.Opt Set option section from Std In path ldx #u0C0C Point to buffer holding new settings os9 I$SetStt Set them puls d,x,pc Restore regs & return L135C pshs y,x,d leay >L0469,pc Point to main window DWEnd/DWSet ldb #16 Copy 16 bytes (?) ldx #u13A9 lbsr L2D26 ldx #u13A9 lda <u0084 sta 4,x clra sta 6,x ldd <u0082 std 7,x ldd <u008D std 9,x lda <u008F sta 11,x ldy #12 # bytes to write lda #$01 Write it out os9 I$Write ldx #u0C50 ldd #1*256+SS.Palet Set palettes back to normal os9 I$SetStt ldd #$1B21 std ,x lda #$01 ldy #$0002 os9 I$Write puls pc,y,x,d L13BA leax >L03A7,pc Inverse,Underline,Blink OFF/CLS lbra L1B03 Will RTS from there * Add 1 to current cursor position (next line if needed) L13CF pshs d ldd >u0C94 get current position inca add 1 to X cmpa <u0090 past max? bls L13E6 no, save & return lda #1 reset it incb add 1 to Y cmpb <u0091 past max? bls L13E6 no, save & return decb bump it back L13E6 std >u0C94 save new position puls d,pc restore & return * Subtract 1 from current cursor position L13EC pshs d ldd >u0C94 get current cursor position deca subtract 1 from X bne L13FF minimum? lda <u0090 yes, reset to end (will be on previous line) decb take 1 off Y bne L13FF minimum? ldd #$0101 yes, reset L13FF std >u0C94 save new position puls d,pc restore & return L1405 clr >u0C94 reset X position inc >u0C94 add 1 rts * Bump Y coord to next line down L140E pshs a Preserve reg we use lda >u0C95 Get current Y coord inca Bump up cmpa <u0091 We past biggest Y coord allowable? bls L141C No, save new one deca Yes, bump it back a line L141C sta >u0C95 Save new Y coord puls pc,a Restore & return L1422 pshs d Preserve regs ldd #$0101 Upper left corner of screen std >u0C94 Save coords puls pc,d Restore D & return L1433 pshs d ldd >u0C94 std >u0C96 puls d lbra L0D0F L1442 pshs d lda #$02 sta ,y+ ldd >u0C96 std >u0C94 adda #$1F Bump X&Y coords to base $20 addb #$1F std ,y++ ldb <u0C89 addb #$03 stb <u0C89 puls d lbra L0D0F L1467 pshs x,d ldx #u0C60 lda #$02 sta ,y+ lda 1,x beq L1483 cmpa #$FE bne L147D lda 2,x beq L1483 L147D cmpa <u0090 bls L1485 L1483 lda #$01 L1485 sta >u0C94 adda #$1F sta ,y+ lda ,x beq L1497 cmpa <u0091 bls L1499 L1497 lda #$01 L1499 sta >u0C95 adda #$1F sta ,y+ ldb <u0C89 addb #$03 stb <u0C89 puls x,d lbra L0D0F L14B0 pshs x,d ldx #u0C60 lda ,x cmpa <u0090 bhs L14C1 tsta bne L14C3 L14C1 lda #$01 L14C3 adda >u0C94 cmpa <u0090 bls L14D1 lda <u0090 L14D1 sta >u0C94 L14D5 ldb #$02 stb ,y+ ldd >u0C94 adda #$1F Bump up since base=$20 (both coords) addb #$1F std ,y++ Save new coords ldb <u0C89 addb #$03 stb <u0C89 puls x,d lbra L0D0F L14F4 pshs x,d ldx #u0C60 lda ,x cmpa <u0090 bhs L1505 tsta bne L1507 L1505 lda #$01 L1507 sta >u0C84 lda >u0C94 suba >u0C84 bgt L1517 lda #$01 L1517 sta >u0C94 bra L14D5 L151D pshs x,d ldx #u0C60 lda ,x cmpa <u0091 Fit within Y size of main window? bhs L152E tsta bne L1530 L152E lda #$01 L1530 sta >u0C84 lda >u0C95 suba >u0C84 bgt L1540 lda #$01 L1540 sta >u0C95 bra L14D5 L1546 pshs x,d ldx #u0C60 lda ,x cmpa <u0091 Y coord past size of window? bhs L1557 Yes, force it to 1 tsta Is it 0? bne L1559 No, legit, skip ahead L1557 lda #$01 Force size to 1 L1559 adda >u0C95 cmpa <u0091 bls L1567 lda <u0091 L1567 sta >u0C95 bra L14D5 L156E clra Std In ldy #$0001 ldx #u060E os9 I$Read * NOTE: SHOULD BE ABLE TO CHANGE SOME OF THE LDB <U0041/ANDB TO KEEP B * AND USE BITB INSTEAD L157B ldd #SS.KySns Get key sense data from Std In os9 I$GetStt sta <u0041 save key sense data lda >u060E clr >u060E ldb >u0CA6 cmpb #2 lbeq L21F0 * Check special command keys L1597 cmpa #$1A download a file? (PgDn) bne L15A5 no, check upload ldb <u0041 get key sense info andb #DOWNBIT is it down arrow? beq L15A5 no, skip ahead lbra L3580 process download L15A5 cmpa #$1C upload a file? (PgUp) bne L15B3 no, check quit ldb <u0041 get key sense info andb #UPBIT is it up arrow? beq L15B3 no, skip ahead lbra L35DF process upload L15B3 cmpa #$F1 quit supercomm? (ALT-Q) lbeq L1B0C yes, cmpa #$E8 hangup modem? (ALT-H) lbeq L1983 yes, cmpa #$AF help? (ALT-?) lbeq L110D cmpa #$E1 autodial? (ALT-A) lbeq L2EBF cmpa #$E2 baud rate change? (ALT-B) bne L15D2 lbsr L1D2F L15D2 cmpa #$E9 online timer toggle? (ALT-I) bne L15D9 lbra L175C L15D9 cmpa #$F4 change terminal type? (ALT-T) bne L15E0 lbsr L1E50 L15E0 cmpa #$F5 update supercomm? (ALT-U) bne L15E7 lbsr L2E83 L15E7 cmpa #$E3 clear screen? (ALT-C) bne L15EE lbsr L1EDC L15EE cmpa #$85 transmit break? bne L15F5 lbsr L1D14 L15F5 cmpa #$18 cntrl-X bne L15FD no, lda #$7F convert it to underscore (DELETE line on IBM's) bra L1659 L15FD cmpa #$F2 reset palettes? lbeq L16CB cmpa #$F3 shell access? lbeq L16DC cmpa #$8A download #2? (ALT-DWN) lbeq L3580 cmpa #$8C upload #2? (ALT-UP) lbeq L35DF cmpa #$EF change options? (ALT-O) bne L161C lbsr L1F1D L161C cmpa #$ED open/close buffer? (ALT-M) bne L1623 lbsr L2364 L1623 cmpa #$E4 change directory? (ALT-D) bne L162A lbsr L22B1 L162A cmpa #$FA conference mode? (ALT-Z) bne L1631 lbsr L2610 L1631 ldb <u0041 get key sense data andb #ALTERBIT is the ALT key down? beq L1646 no, skip ahead cmpa #$B1 blo L1659 cmpa #$B8 bhi L1659 lbsr L1A21 lbra L0C5E L1646 cmpa #$B1 is it F1? lbeq L110D yes, print help screen cmpa #$18 bne L1659 ldb <u0041 andb #LEFTBIT beq L1659 lda #$7F convert it to underscore (DELETE line on IBM's) L1659 cmpa #$AF bhi L16C8 sta >u04EF tst >u0CAA key click on? beq L1675 no, skip ahead ldd #1*256+SS.Tone Tone to Std Out ldx #$2801 ldy #$0900 os9 I$SetStt L1675 ldy #$0001 ldx #u04EF lda ,x cmpa #C$CR bne L168F tst >u0CA9 beq L168F lda #$0A sta 1,x leay 1,y L168F lda <u002B Get path to modem os9 I$Write tst >u04EF bmi L16C8 lda >u0CA7 beq L16C8 tst >u0CA8 beq L16BB lda >u04EF cmpa #C$CR bne L16BB lda #$0A sta >u04F0 ldy #$0002 bra L16BF L16BB ldy #$0001 L16BF ldx #u04EF lda #$01 os9 I$Write L16C8 lbra L0C5E * Reset palettes (ALT-R) * Entry: None L16CB pshs a,x,y preserve regs leax L03D6,pc reset window codes lbsr L1B03 lbsr L1C57 set palettes per terminal type puls a,x,y restore regs lbra L0C5E go back to main loop * Shell Access (ALT-S) L16DC pshs u preserve data area pointer lbsr L134D reset path options ldb #$13 leay L03B2,pc point to overlay for shell ldx #u13A9 point to buffer lbsr L2D26 move 'em ldx #u13A9 point to buffer lda <u0090 get window X size sta 5,x save it lda <u0091 get Y size tst <u0040 conference mode on? beq L1703 no, skip ahead suba #$03 take off size of conference window L1703 sta 6,x save Y size lda <u0089 get FColor ldb <u0088 get BColor std 7,x save 'em lda #1 place overlay ldy #9 os9 I$Write leau L02E5,pc point to parameters leax L02E0,pc point to 'shell' ldd #$1100 Type/Language & default data size os9 F$Fork execute a shell puls u restore data mem pointer bcs L173D error, skip ahead sta <u0076 save process # L172D ldx #1 get # ticks lbsr L0F56 sleep os9 F$Wait wait for shell to die bcs L173D error, skip ahead cmpa <u0076 was it my shell? bne L172D no, go back & wait L173D lda #1 get path leax L03C6,pc point to overlay end codes ldy #2 get length os9 I$Write get rid of overlay lbsr L12B5 set path options back to me lbra L0C5E go back to main loop L1750 lda ,x+ Keep copying until <SPACE> or size B is reached sta ,y+ cmpa #C$SPAC beq L175B decb bne L1750 L175B rts * Toggle On-Line timer (ALT-I) L175C tst <u0072 VRN present? beq L176C no, return to main loop lda <u0075 currently active? beq L176F no, turn it on clr <u0075 turn it off lbsr L0F20 print time L176C lbra L0C5E return to main loop L176F inc <u0075 flag timer on leax L0366,pc point to ASCII string '00:00:00' ldy #u0077 point to buffer ldb #$0B get length lbsr L2D1E move it ldx #u0077 point to buffer ldy #$000B get length lda <u003E get path to stat window os9 I$Write print the time lda <u0073 get current second from VRN sta <u0074 save it into timer flag lbra L0C5E return to main loop * External Zmodem file receive L1793 ldd #$0802 get overlay start co-ordinates std >u0C8F ldd #$400A get overlay size std >u0C91 lbsr L1C81 place overlay leax >L02F0,pc point to 'Zmodem file receive...' lbsr L1B03 print it leax >L048F,pc turn off cursor lbsr L1B03 ldx #u13A9 point to a buffer ldd #1*256+SS.Opt Get path options for Std Out os9 I$GetStt ldx #u13A9 ldd #$0100 SS.Opt for Std Out & settings below sta $05,x stb $07,x os9 I$SetStt Set them clra Duplicate window path os9 I$Dup sta <u006E clra Close Std In path os9 I$Close lda <u002B get path to modem os9 I$Dup leau >L02E9,pc point to parameters for RZ leax >L02E6,pc point to RZ ldy #$000A get size of parameters ldd #$1100 Type/Lang & default mem size os9 F$Fork Call RZ ldu #$0000 pshs cc sta <u0076 save process # clra Restore Std In window path os9 I$Close lda <u006E os9 I$Dup lda <u006E get duplicate path os9 I$Close close it puls cc bcs L1846 L180E ldx #$0001 lbsr L0F56 ldd #$0001 SS.Ready from Std In os9 I$GetStt bcs L1836 No data ready, skip ahead clra tstb 0 bytes ready? beq L1836 Yes, skip ahead tfr d,y Transfer # bytes waiting to Y ldx #u13A9 Point to buffer os9 I$Read Get that many bytes lda >u13A9 cmpa #$05 bne L1836 lbsr L197B L1836 os9 F$Wait bcs L1846 cmpa <u0076 bne L180E tstb beq L1846 lbsr L2AC5 L1846 lbsr L1CDE leax >L048B,pc lbsr L1B03 lbsr L12B5 lbsr L1BAD lbra L0C5E * Send file via ZModem L1859 ldd #$0802 get overlay start co-ordinates std >u0C8F save 'em ldd #$400A get overlay size std >u0C91 save 'em lbsr L1C81 place overlay leax L0322,pc point to 'External ZModem file send' lbsr L1B03 print it ldy #u070D point to parameter buffer sty <u0048 save pointer to it ldd #'-*256+'v Place -v in param buffer std ,y++ ldd #'v*256+C$SPAC Place 'v ' in param buffer std ,y++ L1887 leax L055F,pc point to 'File:' pshs y lbsr L1B03 print it puls y ldb #C$SPAC lbsr L1B61 tst <u0021 lbne L1968 ldx #u060E ldb <u001D cmpb #$01 beq L18B6 L18A9 lda ,x+ sta ,y+ decb bne L18A9 lda #C$SPAC sta -1,y bra L1887 * Filename to call ZModem send L031F fcc 'sz' fcb C$CR L18B6 lda #C$CR Append CR sta ,y+ tfr y,d subd <u0048 std <u0048 cmpd #$0007 lbcs L1968 lbsr L1EDC leax L048F,pc point to CurOff codes lbsr L1B03 ldx #u13A9 Point to buffer to hold Options ldd #$0100 Get Options from Std Out path os9 I$GetStt ldd #$0100 SS.Opt from Std Out ldx #u13A9 Point to buffer again sta $05,x Auto line feed ON stb $07,x Pause OFF os9 I$SetStt Set new options clra Dupe Std In path os9 I$Dup sta <u006E clra Close Std In path os9 I$Close lda <u002B os9 I$Dup ldy <u0048 ldu #u070D leax <L031F,pc point to 'sz' ldd #$1100 Type/Lang & default mem size os9 F$Fork Fork SZ pshs cc sta <u0076 clra Close Std In os9 I$Close lda <u006E os9 I$Dup lda <u006E os9 I$Close puls cc bcs L1968 L1930 ldx #$0001 lbsr L0F56 ldd #SS.Ready Data ready on Std In? os9 I$GetStt bcs L1958 clra tstb 0 bytes? beq L1958 tfr d,y Move # bytes ready to Y ldx #u13A9 Point to buffer to hold them os9 I$Read Read them in lda >u13A9 cmpa #$05 bne L1958 bsr L197B L1958 os9 F$Wait bcs L1968 cmpa <u0076 bne L1930 tstb beq L1968 lbsr L2AC5 L1968 lbsr L1CDE lbsr L12B5 leax L048B,pc lbsr L1B03 lbsr L1BAD lbra L0C5E * Kill SZ process L197B lda <u0076 get it's process # clrb get kill signal os9 F$Send send it rts return * Hangup modem (ALT-H) L1983 tst <u0072 VRN present? beq L198E no, skip ahead clr <u0075 Flag that timer will be off lbsr L0F20 L198E ldd #$2105 std >u0C8F ldd #$0E03 std >u0C91 lbsr L1C81 leax >L048F,pc lbsr L1B03 leax >L0349,pc lbsr L1B03 tst >u0CAB bne L19E2 tst <u001A beq L19C8 lda <u002B ldb #SS.HngUp os9 I$SetStt Hang up the phone ldx #$003C lbsr L0F56 bra L1A0C * Hangup modem by '+++' 'ATH' L19C8 ldx <u0011 ldb 2,x andb #$FE stb 2,x ldx #$003C lbsr L0F56 ldx <u0011 ldb 2,x orb #$01 stb 2,x bra L1A0C L19E2 lda <u002B ldb #$03 L19E7 leax >L0981,pc point to '+++' ldy #$0001 os9 I$Write ldx #$000C lbsr L0F56 decb bne L19E7 ldx #$0080 lbsr L0F56 leax >L02DC,pc point to 'ATH' ldy #$0004 os9 I$Write L1A0C lbsr L1CDE leax >L048B,pc lbsr L1B03 lbra L0C5E L1A19 pshs y,x,d ldx #u131C bra L1A2E L1A21 pshs y,x,d suba #$B1 ldb #$80 mul ldx #u0D1C leax d,x L1A2E pshs x clrb L1A31 lda ,x+ incb cmpb #$80 Hi bit set char? bhi L1A3C Yes, skip ahead cmpa #C$CR Carriage return? bne L1A31 L1A3C decb clra puls x tstb beq L1A4F L1A43 lda ,x+ decb cmpa #'\ beq L1A5D bsr L1A76 L1A4C tstb bne L1A43 L1A4F puls pc,y,x,d L1A51 pshs x ldx #$001E lbsr L0F56 puls x bra L1A4C L1A5D lda ,x+ decb cmpa #'^ beq L1A72 cmpa #'* beq L1A51 cmpa #'\ beq L1A6E suba #$40 L1A6E bsr L1A76 bra L1A4C L1A72 lda #$1B <ESC>? bra L1A6E * Write char in A to modem L1A76 pshs y,x,a Preserve regs leax ,s Point X to char to write ldy #$0001 Write char out to modem lda <u002B os9 I$Write puls pc,y,x,a Restore & return * Setup device windows * Entry: None L1A8A pshs a,x,y preserve leay L0469,pc point to DWEnd,DWSet/Select for main window ldx #u13A9 point to a buffer ldb #14 get length of data lbsr L2D26 move it ldx #u13A9 Point to buffer again lda #28 Maximum height we will try (for 28 line GRFDRV) sta >u0C84 Save copy sta 8,x Save in DWSet command sta <u0091 Save as Y size of window (in case it works) ldy #14 Size of all 3 commands lda #1 Std Out os9 I$Write Try it bcs Nope No, try 27 down to 10 lda 7,x Get width that worked bra Worked Save it & return Nope ldx #u13A9+2 point to data again (skipping DWEnd) lda #27 Get screen height we will start trying on L1AB5 sta >u0C84 Save copy sta 6,x save it into DWSet sta <u0091 Save as Y size of window ldy #10 Size of DWSet command lda #1 os9 I$Write try to setup window bcs L1AD8 didn't work, skip ahead lda 5,x get width Worked sta <u0090 Save it as main window width L1AD6 puls a,x,y,pc restore & return L1AD8 lda >u0C84 get current height deca subtract 1 cmpa #10 do we have any room? bhi L1AB5 yes, try again comb set carry ldb #E$IWDef Illegal Window Definition error bra L1AD6 return with error L1AE8 leax L0467,pc Point to '/w' lda #WRITE. os9 I$Open Open path to new window sta <u003E Save it leax >L0477,pc Point to DWSet for status line window ldy #$000A os9 I$Write rts * Generic WRITE routine L1B03 lda #$01 Std out path L1B05 ldy ,x++ Get length to write os9 I$Write Write it out rts * NOTE: SHOULD MOVE THESE ROUTINES? L1B0C bsr L1B1D cmpa #'y lbeq L0EEF cmpa #'Y lbeq L0EEF lbra L0C5E L1B1D pshs y ldd #$1D04 std >u0C8F ldd #$1603 std >u0C91 lbsr L1C81 leax >L0499,pc bsr L1B03 leax >L048F,pc bsr L1B03 lbsr L2ABC pshs a leax >L048B,pc bsr L1B03 lbsr L1CDE puls pc,y,a L1B4E pshs x,b ldx #u0C99 os9 F$Time lda $05,x Get seconds ldx #$0002 Sleep for 2 tics os9 F$Sleep puls pc,x,b * Get input string locally * Entry: B=Count? L1B61 pshs d,x,y clr <u001C clr <u001D clear input data count clr <u0021 break flag? ldx #u060E L1B70 lbsr L2ABC cmpa #'- is it printable? bls L1B85 no, check control chars. tstb beq L1B70 sta ,x+ save data to buffer decb decrement count inc <u001D add 1 to data length lbsr L1F0B go print it bra L1B70 go try again L1B85 cmpa #C$BSP was it backspace? bne L1B99 no, tst <u001D any data? beq L1B70 no, try again incb dec <u001D decrement count leax -1,x backup lbsr L1F0B print it bra L1B70 go try again L1B99 cmpa #C$QUIT break? bne L1BA2 no, check CR inc <u0021 flag break puls d,x,y,pc Restore & return L1BA2 cmpa #C$CR carriage return? bne L1B70 no, try again sta ,x save it inc <u001D add 1 to count puls d,x,y,pc restore & return L1BAD ldd #SS.Ready Std In - Check for data ready os9 I$GetStt bcc L1BB7 May have some, skip ahead rts Otherwise, return L1BB7 tstb 0 bytes? beq L1BC6 Yes, skip ahead clra Clear high byte of size & Std In tfr d,y Move to Y for Read call ldx #u13A9 Place to hold waiting data os9 I$Read L1BC6 rts * <ALT>-<1-8> function key init routine L1BC7 pshs x,d ldb #$08 # function keys to init ldx #u0D1C Point to start of <ALT>-<1> key buffer lda #C$CR L1BD1 sta ,x Save 2 CR's as default for each key sta 1,x leax >$0080,x Move to next key decb Do until all function keys initialized bne L1BD1 puls pc,x,d * TAB HANDLER GOES HERE (CHR$(9)) * L1BDE rts L1BDF lda <u0065 Get monitor type (0=Comp, 1=RGB, 2=Mono) cmpa #2 bne L1BEC If comp or RGB, skip ahead leay >L0371,pc Point to a set of palettes for monochrome bra L1C16 * Monitor type is color (comp or RGB) L1BEC tst >u0CA6 Check current terminal type bne L1C12 If Not TTY, skip ahead * TTY: Color leay >L0391,pc Point to OS9 terminal type palette defaults ldd #$0601 Reset some stored colors std <u0085 ldd #$0002 std <u0087 ldd #$0704 std <u0089 ldd #$0305 std <u008B bra L1C30 * OS9 or ANSI L1C12 leay >L0381,pc Point to ANSI terminal type palette defaults L1C16 ldd #$0504 std <u0085 ldd #$0700 std <u0087 ldd #$0601 std <u0089 ldd #$0203 std <u008B L1C30 ldx #u13A9 Point to temp buffer ldd #$1B31 Set palette command std ,x clra Start with palette 0 L1C3A ldb a,y pshs y,a std $02,x ldy #$0004 lda #$01 os9 I$Write puls y,a inca cmpa #$10 blo L1C3A lbsr L2C18 lbra L2B86 L1C57 pshs x,a lda <u0065 cmpa #$02 beq L1C6C tst >u0CA6 bne L1C6C leax >L03A4,pc bra L1C70 L1C6C leax >L03A1,pc L1C70 lda ,x lbsr L2347 lda $01,x lbsr L233B lda $02,x lbsr L2341 puls pc,x,a * Generic shadowed overlay window set routine * Uses 9 byte buffer from u13A9 to hold OWSet command * u0C8F : Start X,Y coords * u0C91 : X,Y width L1C81 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldx #u13A9 Point to buffer ldd #$1B22 OWSet prefix (Draw shadow part of overlay) std ,x lda #$01 Save switch on sta 2,x ldd >u0C8F Get start coords adda #$01 Bump up by 1 addb #$01 std 3,x Save in string ldd >u0C91 Get width & height std 5,x Save in string ldb >u0085 Get bckground color clra Foreground color=0 std 7,x Save in string lda #$01 Pop overlay window onto screen ldy #$0009 os9 I$Write ldd #$1B22 Now, draw main overlay window std ,x lda #$01 sta $02,x ldd >u0C8F std 3,x ldd >u0C91 std 5,x lda <u0087 ldb <u0086 std 7,x lda #$0C sta $09,x lda #$01 ldy #$000A os9 I$Write puls pc,y,x,d * Generic shadowed overlay window remove routine L1CDE pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldx #u13A9 Point to buffer ldd #$1B23 OWEnd command std ,x lda #1 Take off both main & shadow overlays ldy #$0002 os9 I$Write os9 I$Write puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return L1CF7 pshs y,x,d ldx #$1003 ldy #$0EA0 L1D00 ldd #1*256+SS.Tone Tone to Std Out os9 I$SetStt puls pc,y,x,d L1D09 pshs y,x,d ldx #$3F03 ldy #$0FD1 bra L1D00 L1D14 pshs x,d ldb #SS.Break Send a BREAK signal lda <u002B Get modem path os9 I$SetStt Send BREAK to modem bcc L1D2D Did it, return without error ldx <u0011 If modem Driver doesn't support SS.Break call, lda 2,x force it on hardware (assumes 6551 card) ora #%00001100 sta 2,x anda <u00F3 sta 2,x L1D2D puls pc,x,d L063D fdb 19 # bytes this message fcb C$LF,C$CR fcc ' Baud Rate: ' * 12 backspaces L03CA fcb C$BSP,C$BSP,C$BSP,C$BSP,C$BSP,C$BSP fcb C$BSP,C$BSP,C$BSP,C$BSP,C$BSP,C$BSP L0652 fcc '110 ' fcc '300 ' fcc '600 ' fcc '1200 ' fcc '2400 ' fcc '4800 ' fcc '9600 ' fcc '19200' * <ALT>-<B> Baud rate L1D2F pshs y,x,d leax >L048F,pc Cursor OFF lbsr L1B03 ldd #$1E03 Set start coords & size of overlay window std >u0C8F ldd #$1203 std >u0C91 lbsr L1C81 Put shadowed overlay on screen leax <L063D,pc Print 'Baud Rate:' lbsr L1B03 ldb >u0CA5 Get word len/stop bits/baud rate andb #%00000111 Just want baud rate L1D56 stb >u0C84 Save baud rate leax <L03CA,pc Point to 10 C$BSP's ldy #$0005 Send out 5 backspaces??? lda #1 os9 I$Write leax <L0652,pc Point to baud rate table lda #$05 Point to current baud rate string ldb >u0C84 mul leax d,x lda #$01 Write it out ldy #$0005 os9 I$Write L1D7D lbsr L2ABC ??? cmpa #C$CR Carriage return? beq L1D9B Yes, skip ahead cmpa #$05 <CTRL>-<E> (BREAK)? beq L1D9B Yes, skip ahead cmpa #C$SPAC <SPACE> (next baud)? bne L1D7D No, go get another key since current is illegal ldb >u0C84 Get baud rate incb Bump up to next one cmpb #8 Wrap past 19200? bne L1D56 No, go update baud rate on screen clrb Reset baud to 110 bra L1D56 Go update baud rate on screen L1D9B ldb >u0CA5 Get stop bits/word len/baud rate andb #%11111000 Mask out the baud rate orb >u0C84 Merge new baud rate stb >u0CA5 Save as new setting lbsr L1CDE Remove overlay windows lbsr L118F Update port settings & status line leax >L048B,pc Turn cursor ON lbsr L1B03 puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return * ==> Menu handler * Entry: B=current menu # (0 base) selected * u0C84 : current menu # selected * u139E : Max. # items on menu L1DB8 pshs y,x,a Preserve regs clr >u0099 stb >u0C84 Save current menu item # selected ldx #u13A9 Point to temp buffer ldd #$1B25 CWArea prefix std ,x Save it ldd #$0102 Start X,Y = 1,2 std 2,x lda #$04 Width=4 ldb >u139E Height=# entries in menu (0 base) incb +1 std 4,x Save it lda #$01 Change working area of window ldy #$0006 os9 I$Write ldb >u0C84 Get B back L1DE6 clra D=B+1 incb tfr d,y Move to Y leax >L0688,pc Clear working area & print Y # line feeds inca A=1 (Std Out) os9 I$Write leax >L0693,pc Point to '==>' cursor ldy #$0003 Write that out os9 I$Write L1DFE lbsr L2AC5 Go get key anda #$7F Mask out high bit cmpa #C$LF Down arrow? beq L1E19 Yes, skip ahead cmpa #C$FORM Up arrow? beq L1E2B Yes, skip ahead cmpa #C$SPAC Space bar? beq L1E39 Yes, get menu item selected & exit cmpa #$05 <CTRL>-<E> or <BREAK>? beq L1E3F cmpa #C$CR Carriage return? bne L1DFE No, other keys illegal: go get another key L1E4A inc <u0099 Flag that a change was made? L1E39 ldb >u0C84 Get menu item # selected puls pc,y,x,a Restore regs & return * Down arrow in ==> menu L1E19 ldb >u0C84 Get current menu # incb Bump up cmpb >u139E Past maximum blo L1E25 No, skip ahead clrb Reset to menu item #0 L1E25 stb >u0C84 Save new menu item selected bra L1DE6 Update menu arrow & get next key * Up arrow in ==> menu L1E2B ldb >u0C84 Get current menu # decb Bump down bpl L1E25 If still legit, save it & update menu arrow ldb >u139E Get # items in menu decb Make base 0 bra L1E25 Save & update menu arrow * <CTRL>-<E> / <BREAK> L1E3F ldb >u139E Get # items in menu incb +1 (to flag cancel?) stb >u0C84 Save as current menu item selected puls pc,y,x,a Restore & return * Select terminal type (<ALT>-<T>) L1E50 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs leax >L048F,pc Cursor OFF lbsr L1B03 ldd #$1C03 Set up shadowed overlay window 23x3 std >u0C8F ldd #$1703 std >u0C91 lbsr L1C81 leax >L0696,pc 'Terminal type' lbsr L1B03 ldb >u0CA6 Get current terminal type L1E75 stb >u0C84 Save as # entries in menu leax >L03CA,pc Point to Backspaces lda #$01 Blank out 5 chars ldy #$0005 os9 I$Write leax >L06B0,pc Point to terminal type table lda #$05 Calculate offset to currently selected type ldb >u0C84 mul leax d,x ldy #$0005 Print it out lda #$01 os9 I$Write L1E9C lbsr L2ABC Go get keypress cmpa #C$CR Carriage return (keep new setting)? beq L1EBA Yes, go process cmpa #$05 <CTRL>-<E> or <BREAK>? beq L1EBA Yes, go process cmpa #C$SPAC <SPACE> (change setting)? bne L1E9C No, illegal key, try again ldb >u0C84 Get terminal type incb Bump up to next one cmpb #3 Past maximum? bne L1E75 No, go print new selection & back to menu handler clrb Reset to 1st & back to menu handler bra L1E75 L1EBA ldb >u0C84 Get selected terminal type stb >u0CA6 Save as new terminal type lbsr L1BDF Go reset palettes for new terminal type lbsr L1CDE Remove overlay windows lbsr L1C57 Go set fore/back/border colors bsr L1EDC Go clear the screen tst <u0040 Is conference mode active? beq L1ED3 No, skip ahead bsr L1EE5 Yes, reset up conference mode window L1ED3 leax >L048B,pc Cursor ON lbsr L1B03 puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return * Clear screen L1EDC pshs a Preserve A lda #C$FORM Clear screen code bsr L1F0B Write it out puls pc,a Restore & return * Setup conference mode again L1EE5 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldx #u13A9 Point to buffer ldd #$1B25 CWArea prefix std ,x ldd #$0000 Start @ 0,0 std 2,x ldd #$5003 80x3 size std 4,x lda #1 Home Cursor sta 6,x ldy #$0007 Send CWArea/Home cursor to conference window lda <u003F os9 I$Write lbra L268D Go print '---'... line etc. for conference mode * Print char in A to Std Out L1F0B pshs y,x,d Preserve regs & char to print leax ,s Point to char ldy #$0001 Write it out lda #$01 os9 I$Write puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return * <ALT>-<O> Options menu L1F1D pshs y,x,d Preserve regs leax L048F,pc Cursor OFF lbsr L1B03 ldd #$1F03 Do shadowed overlay of 31x3 std >u0C8F ldd #$160E std >u0C91 lbsr L1C81 leax L0821,pc Print out Options menu lbsr L1B03 lbsr L20DB Print Echo status lbsr L2108 Print Rx LF status lbsr L2118 Print Tx LF status lbsr L20F8 Print Key click status lbsr L21D5 Print Word Length setting lbsr L2174 Print Parity setting lbsr L21B9 Print Stop bits setting lbsr L2128 Print Host Echo setting lbsr L2138 Print Hangup type setting lbsr L2148 Print Auto-Zmodem setting lbsr L2158 Print Auto-ASCII setting lda #$0B Get # items on menu sta >u139E Save for ==> menu handler clrb Default to menu item #0 L1F66 lbsr L1DB8 Go get menu selection ldx #u13A9 ldd #$1B25 CWArea std ,x ldd #$0000 from 0,0 std 2,x ldd #$160E to 22,14 (on overlay window) std 4,x ldy #$0006 lda #$01 os9 I$Write tst <u0099 Any entry change? lbne L20CF No, remove Options menu & return ldb >u0C84 Get menu item # that was changed cmpb #$0A Was it <CTRL>-<E>/BREAK (1 higher than max)? lbhi L20CF Yes, remove Options menu & return tstb Was it Echo status? bne L1FAB No, try next lda >u0CA7 Get echo type bne L1FA7 If 1, change to 0 inc >u0CA7 If 0, change to 1 bra L1FAB L1FA7 clr >u0CA7 L1FAB lbsr L20DB Print setting (0=Off, 1=On) cmpb #$03 bne L1FC2 lda >u0CAA bne L1FBE inc >u0CAA bra L1FC2 L1FBE clr >u0CAA L1FC2 lbsr L20F8 cmpb #$07 bne L1FD9 lda >u0CB1 bne L1FD5 inc >u0CB1 bra L1FD9 L1FD5 clr >u0CB1 L1FD9 lbsr L2128 lbsr L118F cmpb #$05 bne L200C lda >u0CAC anda #$E0 tsta beq L2011 cmpa #$E0 beq L2015 adda #$40 L1FF3 pshs b ldb >u0CAC andb #$1F stb >u0CAC puls b ora >u0CAC sta >u0CAC lbsr L118F L200C lbsr L2174 bra L2018 L2011 adda #$20 bra L1FF3 L2015 clra bra L1FF3 L2018 cmpb #$06 bne L2032 lda >u0CA5 bpl L2026 anda #$7F bra L2028 L2026 ora #$80 L2028 sta >u0CA5 lbsr L118F lbsr L21B9 L2032 cmpb #$04 bne L204E lda >u0CA5 bita #$20 beq L2042 anda #$DF bra L2044 L2042 ora #$20 L2044 sta >u0CA5 lbsr L118F lbsr L21D5 L204E cmpb #$01 bne L2062 lda >u0CA8 bne L205E inc >u0CA8 bra L2062 L205E clr >u0CA8 L2062 lbsr L2108 cmpb #$02 bne L207C lda >u0CA9 bne L2075 inc >u0CA9 bra L207C L2075 clr >u0CA9 lbsr L118F L207C lbsr L2118 cmpb #$08 bne L2093 tst >u0CAB bne L208F inc >u0CAB bra L2093 L208F clr >u0CAB L2093 lbsr L2158 cmpb #$09 bne L20AA tst >u0CAE bne L20A6 inc >u0CAE bra L20AA L20A6 clr >u0CAE L20AA lbsr L2148 cmpb #$0A bne L20C1 tst >u0CAD bne L20BD inc >u0CAD bra L20C1 L20BD clr >u0CAD L20C1 bsr L2138 cmpb #$0A bhi L20CF ldb >u0C84 lbra L1F66 L20CF lbsr L1CDE Turn off overlay windows leax >L048B,pc Point to Cursor On lbsr L1B03 Print it puls pc,y,x,d Restore regs & return L20DB pshs x,d ldd #$1102 lbsr L2294 lda >u0CA7 L20E7 bne L20F2 L20E9 leax >L0985,pc Point to word 'Off' L20ED lbsr L1B03 Print it puls pc,x,d L20F2 leax >L098B,pc Point to word 'On' bra L20ED L20F8 pshs x,d ldd #$1105 lbsr L2294 lda >u0CAA bra L20E7 Go print 'on' or 'off' L2108 pshs x,d ldd #$1103 lbsr L2294 lda >u0CA8 bra L20E7 Go print 'on' or 'off' L2118 pshs x,d ldd #$1104 lbsr L2294 lda >u0CA9 bra L20E7 Go print 'on' or 'off' L2128 pshs x,d ldd #$1109 lbsr L2294 lda >u0CB1 bra L20E7 Go print 'on' or 'off' L2138 pshs x,d ldd #$110C lbsr L2294 lda >u0CAD bra L20E7 Go print 'on' or 'off' L2148 pshs x,d Preserve regs ldd #$110B CurXY to 17,11 in options window lbsr L2294 lda >u0CAE Get Auto-ZModem flag (0=yes) deca Adjust flag so routine works bra L20E7 Go print 'on' or 'off' L2158 pshs x,d ldd #$110A lbsr L2294 lda >u0CAB Get current hangup method bne L216D <>0 is +++ leax >L0979,pc Point to 'dtr' bra L20ED L097F fdb 4 # bytes this message L0981 fcc '+++' fcb 4 (Clear to EOL) L216D leax <L097F,pc Point to '+++' bra L20ED L2174 pshs y,x,d ldd #$1007 lbsr L2294 lda >u0CAC anda #$E0 cmpa #$A0 bne L218C leax >L0990,pc Point to 'Mark' bra L21AE L218C cmpa #$E0 bne L2196 leax >L0995,pc Point to 'Space' bra L21AE L2196 cmpa #$60 bne L21A0 leax >L099A,pc Point to 'Even' bra L21AE L21A0 cmpa #$20 bne L21AA leax >L099F,pc Point to 'Odd' bra L21AE L21AA leax >L09A4,pc Point to 'None' L21AE lda #$01 Std Out ldy #$0005 Size of parity string os9 I$Write Print it out puls pc,y,x,d * Print current Stop bits setting L21B9 pshs x,d ldd #$1208 Go position cursor @ 18,8 lbsr L2294 lda >u0CA5 Get # stop bits (hi bit) bpl L21CE lda #'2 bra L21D0 L21CE lda #'1 L21D0 lbsr L1F0B puls pc,x,d * Print current Word Length setting L21D5 pshs x,d ldd #$1206 Position cursor @ 18,6 lbsr L2294 lda >u0CA5 Get word length bita #$20 bne L21E9 lda #'8 bra L21EB L21E9 lda #'7 L21EB lbsr L1F0B puls pc,x,d L21F0 cmpa #$8C <ALT>-<up arrow>? bne L21F8 ldd #'A*256+9 ANSI/OS9 cursor up codes bra L2239 L21F8 cmpa #$8A <ALT>-<down arrow>? bne L2200 ldd #'B*256+$A ANSI/OS9 cursor down codes bra L2239 L2200 cmpa #$88 <ALT>-<left arrow>? bne L2208 ldd #'D*256+8 ANSI/OS9 cursor left code bra L2239 L2208 cmpa #$89 <ALT>-<right arrow>? bne L2210 ldd #'C*256+6 ANSI/OS9 cursor right code bra L2239 L2210 ldb <u0041 Get last key sense byte bitb #%01111000 Any of the arrows? lbeq L1597 No, go check special SuperComm keys cmpa #$13 <CTRL>-<up>? bne L2221 No, skip ahead ldd #'H*256+1 ANSI/OS9 Home cursor codes bra L2239 L2221 cmpa #$12 <CTRL>-<down>? bne L2229 ldd #'K*256 ANSI end (screen or line?) / No OS9 bra L2239 L2229 cmpa #$10 <CTRL>-<left>? bne L2231 ldd #'P*256 ANSI delete char / No OS9 bra L2239 L2231 cmpa #$11 <CTRL>-<right>? lbne L1597 No, go check for SuperComm special keys ldd #'@*256 ANSI insert char / No OS9 L2239 ldx #u04EF Point to buffer for 3 byte ANSI sequence sta 2,x Save as ANSI post byte pshs b Save OS9 code until ANSI sequence sent ldd #$1B5B ANSI prefix: <ESC>[ std ,x lda <u002B Get path to modem ldy #$0003 os9 I$Write Send out the ANSI sequence tst >u0CA7 ??? Check if we have to do local cursor change lbeq L0C5E No, go back to main processing loop ldb ,s+ Get OS9 code back lbeq L0C5E None, return to main processing loop stb ,x Save it in buffer lda #1 Std Out (screen) ldy #$0001 os9 I$Write Write out OS9 code lbra L0C5E Return to main processing loop * Position cursor at A,B L2294 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldx #u0095 Point to buffer area adda #$20 Bump cursor pos. to OS9 equivalent (+$20) addb #$20 std $01,x Save OS9 coords lda #$02 CurXY prefix sta ,x Save that too deca A=1 (Std Out) ldy #$0003 Size of CurXY command os9 I$Write Position cursor puls pc,y,x,d Restore regs & return * Change Data Directory command L22B1 pshs y,x,d ldd #$1504 Place overlay window from 21,4 to 58,11 std >u0C8F ldd #$2507 std >u0C91 lbsr L1C81 leax >L051C,pc Point to 'break aborts' lbsr L1B03 ldd #$0102 Position cursor @ 1,2 bsr L2294 lda #$01 ldx #u0CD2 Point to current data dir ldy #$0020 os9 I$WritLn ldb #$1F leax >L09A9,pc Point to 'change data dir' message lbsr L1B03 lbsr L1B61 tst <u0021 bne L230E lda >u060E Get first char that user typed in cmpa #C$CR If just CR, skip ahead beq L230E lda #READ. ChgDir in read mode ldx #u060E Point to user-typed directory path os9 I$ChgDir Change to it bcs L2313 Error, skip ahead ldx #u060E Did it, copy user path list to default path list ldy #u0CD2 ldb #$20 lbsr L2D1E Copy data L230E lbsr L1CDE Overlay Window end puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return * Print error message to user L2313 lda #C$BELL Beep at user lbsr L1F0B pshs b ldd #$0D02 CurXY @ 13,2 lbsr L2294 leax >L048F,pc Cursor OFF lbsr L1B03 puls b os9 F$PErr Print error message ldx #60 lbsr L0F56 ??? (something with Timer) leax >L048B,pc Cursor ON lbsr L1B03 bra L230E Overlay window end & return * Change background color to A L233B pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldb #$33 Background color code bra L234B * Change border color to A L2341 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldb #$34 Border color code bra L234B * Change foreground color to A L2347 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldb #$32 Foreground color code L234B ldx #u13A9 Point to temp buffer sta 2,x Save palette # lda #$1B OS9 window code prefix std ,x Save it lda #1 Std Out ldy #$0003 Change appropriate color, restore regs & return os9 I$Write puls pc,y,x,d L2364 tst <u0026 ASCII receive buffer open? beq L2372 No, go check if a receive file exists clr <u0026 Yes, set receive buffer to CLOSED state bra L237E Will return from there L2372 tst <u0025 ASCII receive file exist? bne L2376 Yes, go flag buffer as open rts L2376 inc <u0026 Set ASCII receive buffer to OPEN state * Change buffer indicator on status line to OFF L237E pshs y,x,d Preserve regs tst <u0026 Get ASCII buffer open/closed flag bne L23AA Open, skip ahead leay >L096D,pc Point to buffer close string (for status line) ldx #u13A9 ldb #12 Copy it lbsr L2D26 ldx #u13A9 Get ptr back lda <u0088 Get bckground color of main window sta $07,x Save new color in string lda <u0087 Get foreground color of main window sta $0B,x Save new color in string lda <u003E Get path to status line window lbsr L1B05 L23A8 puls pc,y,x,d * Change buffer indicator on status line to ON L23AA leay >L0960,pc Point to buffer on string (for status line) ldx #u13A9 ldb #13 lbsr L2D26 ldx #u13A9 lda <u0087 sta $09,x lda <u003E lbsr L1B05 lda <u0002 suba <u0006 lbsr L44FF puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return * Position cursor @ X coord on line 1 to center text @ [u0093] within 40 chars L23D0 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldx <u0093 Get ptr to ??? clrb Clear counter * Count # chars (max 30) until high bit set or '.' found L23D7 lda ,x+ Get char incb Inc counter cmpb #30 Up to 30 char max? bhi L23E5 Yes, skip ahead tsta Does the char have the high bit set? bmi L23E5 Yes, skip ahead cmpa #'. Is it a period? bne L23D7 No, get next char L23E5 addb #8 Add 8 to total # chars (8 spaces assumed) ldx #u13A9 Point to temp buffer pshs b Preserve count lda #40 Centering within 40 chars suba ,s+ A=40-B (size) lsra Divide by 2 (calculate # chars in to center?) adda #$21 Add to base for Cursor coords+1 sta 1,x Save coord ldd #$0221 CurXY prefix & Y coord=1 stb 2,x Save Y coord sta ,x Save CurXY prefix ldy #$0003 Move cursor to X lda #1 Std Out os9 I$Write Position cursor & return puls pc,y,x,d L2408 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldd <u0053 Get ptr beq L246F None, skip ahead L2411 ldx #u00E2 Point to buffer ldy <u0057 Get # bytes to read lda <u0042 Get path to download file os9 I$Read Go read from file bcc L242A No error on read, continue ldd #$0000 inc <u005F bra L2432 L242A cmpy <u0057 beq L2449 L2430 tfr y,d Copy # bytes read to D L2432 ldx #u00E2 Point to 3 bytes into modem buffer leax d,x Offset into it pshs d Preserve offset ldd <u0057 Get # bytes read subd ,s++ Subtract ??? tfr d,y Move result to Y lda #$1A <CTRL>-<Z> for X/Ymodem padding to even block L2443 sta ,x+ leay -1,y bne L2443 L2449 ldx #u00DF Point to modem buffer ldd <u0053 stb 1,x comb stb 2,x ldd <u0053 beq L2463 ldd <u0057 cmpd #$0080 bne L2469 L2463 lda #$01 sta ,x bra L246D L2469 lda #$02 sta ,x L246D puls pc,y,x,d L246F tst <u0069 beq L2481 ldx #u00E2 ldd #$0080 L247A sta ,x+ decb bne L247A bra L2449 L2481 ldx #u00E2 ldy #u009F ldb #32 32 chars max L248B lda ,y+ beq L2498 If NUL, skip ahead cmpa #C$CR If CR, skip ahead beq L2498 sta ,x+ decb bne L248B L2498 clr ,x+ lbsr L2C72 bra L2449 L249F pshs y,x,d clr <u0048 clr <u0049 ldx #u00E2 ldd <u0057 leay d,x sty <u0050 tst <u005A bne L24C5 lbsr L3E3D leax d,x lda <u0048 sta ,x L24C3 puls pc,y,x,d L24C5 lbsr L3E0F leax d,x ldd <u0048 std ,x bra L24C3 * Clear out 512 bytes @ u111C - Clears out Search (SSn) and Reply (RSn) * strings L24D1 pshs y,x,a Preserve regs ldy #u111C Point to 512 byte buffer to clear ldx #$0000 double clear word clra Double count=256 L24DB stx ,y++ Clear 2 bytes deca Done all 256 double bytes? bne L24DB No, continue clearing puls pc,y,x,a Restore & return * Search (SSn) string parse L24E3 lda -2,x suba #$31 Convert ASCII numeral (1 based) to bin (0 base) cmpa #3 Within range of 0-3? bhi L2541 No, exit ldb #$40 Size of each entry=64 bytes mul Point to appropriate entry ldy #u121C Point to main buffer leay d,y Point to entry within buffer ldb #$40 Max size to copy L24F6 lda ,x+ Get char decb drop count beq ForceCR If done max count, force CR on end cmpa #C$CR Is it a CR? beq L2504 Yes, save it and stop sta ,y+ Save char bra L24F6 Keep copying ForceCR lda #C$CR Done, force last char to CR L2504 sta ,y Save last char puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return * Send string parse (SSn) - does CTRL (\) conversions L2508 lda -$02,x suba #$31 cmpa #$03 bhi L2541 ldb #$40 mul ldy #u111C Point to send string buffer leay d,y lda #$01 sta <u0C82 pshs x ldx #u111C stx >u139C puls x ldb #$40 Get max size of Send string L252D lda ,x+ Copy until CR or 64 chars is hit cmpa #C$CR beq L253E cmpa #'\ Control code? beq L2544 Yes, process for that L2537 sta ,y+ decb bne L252D puls pc,y,x,d L253E clrb stb ,y L2541 puls pc,y,x,d L2544 lda ,x+ Get code suba #$40 Knock down to <CTRL> equivalent bra L2537 Save & continue * Entry: X=Ptr to converted text buffer? L254A pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldb <u0C89 Get size of converted text buffer ldy >u139C Get ptr to ??? L2555 lda ,x+ Get char anda #$7F Strip high bit decb Drop count in buffer clr <u0071 Clear flag L255D cmpa ,y Same as first char in search string buffer? beq L258A Yes, skip ahead lda <u0C82 Get reply string # deca bump to 0 base (0-3) pshs b ldb #$40 Size of search strings mul ldy #u111C Point to search strings leay d,y Point to one we want sty >u139C Save ptr puls b Restore count tst <u0071 bne L2582 inc <u0071 bra L255D L2582 clr <u0071 tstb bne L2555 puls pc,y,x,d L258A leay 1,y sty >u139C tst ,y bne L2582 lda <u0C82 Get SSn # (0-3) inc <u0C82 Inc copy of it inc >u0C83 ldb #$40 mul ldy #u111C Point to search strings buffer leay d,y Point to entry within buffer sty >u139C Save new SSn string ptr to check puls pc,y,x,d * Deal with RSn buffer strings L25B1 pshs y,x,d clr >u0C83 lda <u0C82 suba #$02 ldb #$40 mul ldx #u121C Point to RSn reply string buffer leax d,x Point to entry within buffer pshs x Preserve ptr clrb * Calc size of reply string L25C9 lda ,x+ Get char from buffer incb cmpb #$40 Done whole buffer? bhi L25D4 Yes, skip ahead cmpa #C$CR Done to end of string? bne L25C9 No, keep looking L25D4 decb Adjust size back down puls x Get ptr to beginning of string again tstb Was there anything in the string? beq L25E8 No, exit * This write/convert loop could be optomized L25DB lda ,x+ Yes, get char decb Dec counter cmpa #'\ Special char? beq L25F6 Yes, go process lbsr L1A76 No, write char to modem L25E5 tstb Done whole string? bne L25DB No, continue until done L25E8 puls pc,y,x,d L25EA pshs x Preserve X ldx #30 Sleep for 30 ticks (1/2 sec) lbsr L0F56 Go sleep (and update timer if needed) puls x Restore X bra L25E5 * \ (control letter) processor for RSn strings? L25F6 lda ,x+ Get byte from reply string decb Drop count cmpa #'^ Caret (ESC)? beq L260C Yes, send <ESC> cmpa #'* 1/2 second pause? beq L25EA Yes, go do cmpa #'\ Double '\\'? beq L2607 Yes, go send '\' suba #$40 Any others drop by $40 (ctrl chars) L2607 lbsr L1A76 Send to modem bra L25E5 Continue until RSn string is done L260C lda #C$EOF Send escape code bra L2607 * Copy main DWSet sequence into buffer L2620 leax >L0469,pc Point to main DWSet ldy #u13A9 Point to buffer ldb #$0C 12 bytes to copy lbra L2D1E Go copy them & return from there * <ALT>-<Z> conference mode toggle L2610 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs L2612 tst <u0040 Conference mode on? lbne L26EE Yes, go shut it off inc <u0040 Set it to on bsr L2620 Go set up buffer for DWSet * First, redo main window to leave 3 lines at bottom L262E ldx #u13A9 Point X to DWSet buffer ldd <u0090 Get X&Y sizes of main window subb #$03 Bump Y down by 3 (allow room for conference) std 7,x Save as new sizes in DWSet string lda #$FF Set to current displayed screen sta 4,x ldd <u0087 Get fore/background colors of window std 9,x Save them lda #$01 Redo main window to smaller size ldy #$000B os9 I$Write lda #WRITE. Now, open path to /W (next avail. window) leax >L0467,pc os9 I$Open bcs L2612 Error, shut conference mode off & exit sta <u003F Save path to conference mode window ldx #u13A9+2 Point to buffer+2 (past DWEnd) clr 2,x Set to process' current screen lda <u0091 Get Y size of main window suba #2 Bump down by 2 (3 since base 0) sta 4,x Start Y coord @ end of screen -2 lda #3 Y size=3 sta 6,x lda <u0089 Get ??? color sta 7,x Save as foreground color for conference mode lda <u0088 Get main window background color sta 8,x Save as background color for confence window lda <u003F Get path to conference window ldy #$0009 Create the conference mode window os9 I$Write L268D lda <u0087 Get FColor of main window ldx #u009C Point to Fcolor string sta 2,x Save color ldy #$0003 Set foreground color for conference window lda <u003F os9 I$Write ldx #u13A9 ldd #'-*256+80 Put 80 '-' in buffer L26A9 sta ,x+ decb bne L26A9 ldx #u13A9 lda <u003F ldy #80 os9 I$Write Write out conference mode line ldx #u009C Point to FColor string lda <u0089 Get ?? color sta 2,x Set Fcolor of conference window ldy #$0003 lda <u003F os9 I$Write leax >L09EF,pc Change working area to use only 2 lines ldy #$0006 (to keep '---'... line on screen) os9 I$Write lbsr L284E Do Inv On/Space/Inv Off/Bsp (WHY???) leax >L09E8,pc Point to 'Conf' lda <u003E Send to Status window ldy #$0007 os9 I$Write L26EC puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return * Shut Conference mode off L26EE clr <u0040 Flag conference mode off leax >L0475,pc DWEnd the conference window lda <u003F ldy #$0002 os9 I$Write lda <u003F Close path to conference window os9 I$Close lbsr L2620 Copy DWEnd/DWSet for main window string ldx #u13A9 Point to it ldd <u0090 Get X/Y size of main window std 7,x Save in string lda #$FF Current displayed screen sta 4,x ldd <u0087 Fore/Background colors of main window std 9,x lda #$01 Std Out ldy #$000B os9 I$Write Change main window back to it's normal size leax >L09E1,pc CurXY @ 0,0 & print 4 spaces lda <u003E Send that to the Status window (erase 'Conf') ldy #$0007 os9 I$Write puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return * Keyboard read called from conference mode L273D clra Std In ldy #$0001 ldx #u060E os9 I$Read Read 1 byte ldx <u0066 Get ptr to current char in Conf. kybrd buffer lda >u060E Get key read cmpa #$8C Higher than <ALT>-<Up Arrow> ? lbhi L157B Yes, go check for special (keysense) keys cmpa #$7F Alt Arrows, etc. ($80-$8c)? lbhi L0C5E Yes, return to main loop cmpa #$18 <CTRL>-<X> (SHIFT-BSP)? bne L2765 No, check next lda #$7F Yes, replace with real DEL/RUBOUT key bra L27A1 Go save in buffer @ X L2765 cmpa #$1A <CTRL>-<Z>/<SHIFT>-<DOWN>? lbeq L157B Yes, go check key-sense bytes cmpa #$1C <SHIFT>-<UP>? lbeq L157B Yes, go check keysense bytes cmpa #$0A <DOWN> / LF? lbeq L0C5E Yes, return to main loop cmpa #$0C <UP> / Clear screen? lbeq L0C5E Yes, return to main loop cmpa #$09 <RIGHT> / Up 1 line? lbeq L0C5E Yes, return to main loop cmpa #$08 <LEFT> / BSP? bne L2796 No, skip ahead * Backspace ldb <u0068 Get # keys in Conf. keyboard buffer beq L27B2 If none, skip ahead leax -1,x Bump ptr to current char in kybrd buffer back stx <u0066 Save new ptr dec <u0068 Dec # keys in Conf. keyboard buffer bra L27AD CHECK:REDUNDANT TO CHECK FOR CR THEN BSP AGAIN L2796 ldb <u0068 Get # keys in conference buffer cmpb #253 Within max. range? blo L27A1 Yes, go save it in buffer cmpa #C$CR About to overflow, was key CR? bne L27B2 No, beep so user knows we're full L27A1 sta ,x+ Save keypress in conference mode kybrd buffer stx <u0066 Save new current char ptr for buffer inc <u0068 Bump up count of # keys in conf. mode kybrd buff. cmpa #C$CR Was char a CR? beq L27C6 Yes, skip ahead L27AD bsr L27FD NO, CHECK FOR CR & BSP AGAIN ?!? lbra L0C5E Go back to main loop * Conference mode keyboard buffer overflow L27B2 lda #$07 <CTRL>-<G> beep ldx #u13A9 Write it out sta ,x lda #$01 ldy #$0001 os9 I$Write lbra L0C5E Go back to main loop L27C6 lda #C$LF Append LF sta ,x+ ldb <u0068 Get # keys in buffer tst >u0CA9 beq L27D4 incb Bump up count by 1 L27D4 clra tfr d,y Move count to Y lda <u002B Get path to modem ldx #u050F Point to buffer os9 I$Write Send to modem clr <u0068 Set # keys in conf. kybrd buffer to 0 ldx #u050F Point to conf buffer again stx <u0066 Save as current char ptr for conf buffer lda #C$CR Stick CR in start of normal keyboard buffer sta >u060E bsr L27FD Process CR lda #C$LF Stick LF in start of normal keyboard buffer sta >u060E bsr L27FD Process LF lbra L0C5E Return to main loop L27FD lda >u060E Get last key read cmpa #C$CR CR (send line)? bne L281C No, skip ahead ldd #$200D Space & CR ldx #u13A9 Save in temp buffer std ,x lda <u003F Get path to conference window ldy #$0002 Write out space & CR os9 I$Write rts return L281C cmpa #C$BSP Was key backspace? bne L2835 No, go print key to conf. window ldd #$2008 Space & Backspace ldx #u13A9 std ,x lda <u003F Send to conf. window ldy #$0002 os9 I$Write L2835 ldx #u060E Send key pressed to conf. window ldy #$0001 lda <u003F os9 I$Write lda >u060E Get key pressed cmpa #C$CR Is it CR? bne L284E Yes, skip ahead rts Otherwise return L284E lda <u003F Send Inv On/Space/Inv Off/Bsp to conf. window leax >L0493,pc ldy #$0006 os9 I$Write rts * Filename parse for Batch Receive??? * YModem Batch (WXModem) header as follows: * Block # (1 byte) * Compliment of block # (1 byte) * Some sort of filename parse: allows upper/lower case, numbers * Unknown chars are forced to be Underscores (_) L2860 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldx #u00DF+3 Point 3 bytes into input buffer from modem pshs x Save ptr to start of list L2868 lda ,x+ Hunt for 1st 0 byte @ u00E2 bne L2868 leax -1,x pshs x Save ptr to 1st 0 byte clr <u009A Clear flag? * Found 1st NUL in modem buffer past u00DF+3, now parse it L2874 lda ,-x Now, go backwards getting chars as we go cmpx 2,s At beginning again? blo L28AA Yes, skip ahead cmpa #'A Check if alphabetic char (case ignored) blo L2890 Below alphabetic, go try #'s, etc. cmpa #'Z bls L2874 If A-Z, its fine cmpa #'a If [\]^_' then check if \ to /, else _ blo L28A6 S/B L28A6 & BELOW SHOULD BE L28A0 cmpa #'z bhi L28A0 If {|}~ or $7F, force to underscore sta <u009A Save char if lowercase bra L2874 Keep going * Char below 'A' L2890 cmpa #'9 bhi L28A0 If :;<=>?@ then change to underscore _ cmpa #'0 bhs L2874 If 0-9, its fine cmpa #'. If period, it's fine beq L2874 cmpa #'/ Path separator? beq L28AA Special check L28A0 lda #'_ Force to be underscore sta ,x Replace original char in buffer bra L2874 Continue checking * USELESS, CAN ONLY GET CALLED IF CHAR IS CHR$($7B-$7F), AND BACKSLASH IS $5C * COULD BE USED TO CHANGE PATH SEPARATORS (EX. MS-DOS) TO NORMAL ONES L28A6 cmpa #'\ Backslash? bne L28A0 No, force to underscore * Backslash handler L28AA leax 1,x Point to char again lda ,x Get it beq L28C2 If NUL skip ahead cmpa #C$CR End of line? beq L28C2 Yes skip ahead cmpa #'A Char below alpha? blo L28BC Yes, skip ahead cmpa #'_ Underscore? bne L28C2 No, skip ahead * Underscore or below A go here - these get replace by 'x' L28BC leax -1,x Bump ptr back lda #'x Force char to be 'x' sta ,x L28C2 stx 2,s Save ptr as beginning ptr tst <u009A Did we have lowercase char? bne L28DE Yes, skip ahead L28CA lda ,x+ No, get char cmpx ,s Are we within buffer @ u00E1? bhi L28DE Yes, skip ahead cmpa #'A Uppercase char? blo L28CA No, keep going forward cmpa #'Z bhi L28CA ora #$20 Uppercase, force to lowercase sta -1,x bra L28CA L28DE ldy #u009F ldx 2,s ldd ,s++ subd ,s++ cmpb #29 Small enough to be filename? bls L28EE ldb #29 L28EE lbsr L2D1E lda #C$CR sta ,y leax 1,x bsr L2968 leax >L056B,pc Print 'Recv:' lbsr L1B03 ldx #u009F lda ,x beq L2938 cmpa #C$CR beq L2938 lda #$01 Std Out ldy #$0020 os9 I$WritLn leax >L048F,pc Cursor OFF lbsr L1B03 ldd <u005B+2 Get LSW of file size bne L2944 There is one, skip ahead ldd <u005B Get MSW of file size bne L2944 L2926 ldx #u009F ldd #$WRITE.*256+UPDAT. Write mode, Read & Write attributes os9 I$Create bcs L2938 sta <u0042 Save path # to download file puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return L2938 lda #$FF sta <u0042 Set download path # to invalid lda #$0A sta <u0052 puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return * Have file size, print it L2944 leax >L0577,pc Print 'Size:' lbsr L1B03 ldx #u13AA ldy #$0007 L2953 lda ,x cmpa #'0 bne L2961 leax 1,x leay -1,y beq L2926 Go create the download file bra L2953 L2961 lda #$01 Write to Std Out os9 I$Write bra L2926 L2968 pshs y,x,d ldd #$0000 Init file size to 0 bytes std <u005B std <u005B+2 ldb #$08 Max count=8 chars L2975 lda ,x+ Get char beq L2983 If NUL, skip ahead cmpa #C$SPAC Space? beq L2983 Yes, skip ahead decb Dec count bne L2975 Keep going until all 8 done puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return L2983 ldy #u13B0 leax -1,x Point back to space or NUL ldb #$08 Max distance backwards L298B lda ,-x beq L2996 sta ,-y decb cmpb #1 bne L298B L2996 lda #'0 L2998 sta ,-y decb cmpb #1 bne L2998 ldy #u13A9 leax >L09F5,pc Point to table for decimal conversion clrb Start at highest level (1,000,000) * B=Current position to convert (0=1,000,000 1=100,000 etc.) * X=Ptr to 4 byte integer conversion table * Y= L29A8 pshs b,x Preserve digit field # & table ptr lda #$04 4 bytes / entry (for Long Ints) mul leax d,x Point to proper entry ldb ,s Get which digit we are on lda b,y suba #'0 tfr a,b beq L29E9 L29C2 lda 3,x Add 4 byte table to 4 byte longint variable adda <u005B+3 sta <u005B+3 lda 2,x adca <u005B+2 sta <u005B+2 lda 1,x adca <u005B+1 sta <u005B+1 lda ,x adca <u005B sta <u005B decb bne L29C2 L29E9 puls b,x incb Next level lower cmpb #8 Done all of them? bne L29A8 No, keep converting puls pc,y,x,d * Check if <CTRL>-<E> / <BREAK> was pressed by user * Entry: None * Exit: Carry clear if no <BREAK> in keyboard buffer * Carry set if one was pressed * All regs preserved L29EB pshs y,x,d Preserve regs lbsr L13C2 Go check if any data waiting in keyboard buffer bcs L2A0F No, skip ahead clra Yes, put # bytes waiting into Y tfr d,y ldx #u060E Point to keyboard buffer clra Std In os9 I$Read Go read it in bcs L2A0F Error, skip ahead tfr y,d ldx #u060E Point to beginning of buffer again L2A06 lda ,x+ Get keypress cmpa #$05 <CTRL>-<E> / <BREAK>? beq L2A12 Yes, exit with carry set decb Check whole keyboard buffer for it bne L2A06 L2A0F clrb No break key, exit with carry clear puls pc,y,x,d L2A12 comb <BREAK> key found, exit with carry set puls pc,y,x,d L2A15 pshs y,x,b Preserve regs lbsr L3BBC Go update seconds (via VRN if present else CLOCK) L2A1A bsr L29EB Check if <BREAK> was pressed by user bcs L2A4C Yes, restore regs & return lda <u002B Get path to modem ldb #SS.Ready Check if any data ready os9 I$GetStt * NOTE: MAY WANT TO CHANGE L2A31 BELOW TO DO LDA <u002B,u FIRST SO BCC HERE * CAN SKIP IT & GO STRAIGHT TO LDY bcc L2A31 Maybe, go check it out lbsr L3BDA No data on modem, go update on-screen timer cmpa #'; Key pressed a Semi-colon or lower? blo L2A1A Yes, eat it & try again comb Set carry to indicate key-press? L2A4C puls pc,y,x,b Restore & return L2A31 ldy #$0001 Get 1 byte from modem lda <u002B Go get path to modem ldx #u04EF os9 I$Read Read 1 byte from modem bcs L2A4F If error, make char=NUL lda >u04EF Get key pressed clr >u04EF Clear out the buffer L2A49 clrb No error & return with char in A puls pc,y,x,b Restore & return L2A4F clra Clear char to NUL? bra L2A49 Exit with carry clear? L2A52 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs leax >L048B,pc Turn cursor ON lbsr L1B03 clrb 1st 32 bytes of screen ldx #u070D Point to screen output buffer L2A60 pshs x,b Preserve bsr L2A81 Print 'File:' & filename puls x,b Restore ptrs lda >u060E Get 1st char of filename cmpa #C$CR Was it CR? beq L2A78 Yes, go turn cursor back on tst <u0021 bne L2A78 incb Inc which filename counter??? cmpb #$20 32 allowed??? bne L2A60 L2A78 leax >L048F,pc Turn cursor ON & return lbsr L1B03 puls pc,y,x,d * Entry: X=Ptr to screen output buffer * B=??? L2A81 lda #$20 Each B represents 32 bytes mul leax d,x Point that far into screen buffer pshs x Preserve it leax L055F,pc point to 'File:' lbsr L1B03 print it ldb #30 lbsr L1B61 Get input string locally (?) puls x Restore pointer ldy #u060E Point to where filename is ldb #32 get length lbra L2D26 Copy 32 bytes from Y to X (filename into scrn bffr) L2AA0 pshs y,x,d ldb <u006A lda #$20 mul ldx #u070D Point to output screen buffer leax d,x ldy #u009F Point to old filename for downloads ldb #$20 lbsr L2D1E inc <u006A puls pc,y,x,d L2ABC pshs y,x,b lda #$01 sta <u0029 bra L2ACA * Check if key waiting L2AC5 pshs y,x,b clr <u0029 L2ACA lbsr L13C2 Any data ready in keyboard buffer? bcc L2AD7 Yes, skip ahead ldx #$0003 lbsr L0F56 Check for timer update bra L2ACA Loop * If key waiting, get & convert to uppercase L2AD7 tstb Any chars waiting in keyboard buffer? beq L2ACA No, go back to loop ldx #u001B Point to buffer to hold keypress ldy #$0001 clra Std In os9 I$Read Read the key lda ,x tst <u0029 bne L2AF3 cmpa #$60 Under apostrophe? blo L2AF3 Yes, leave alone (upper case) suba #$20 Convert lower to upper case L2AF3 puls pc,y,x,b Restore & return * Hangup the modem from Driver call L2AF5 clr <u001A Clear 1 byte buffer lda <u002B Get path to modem ldb #SS.HngUp Hangup the modem os9 I$SetStt bcs L2B07 If error, skip ahead inc <u001A ??? Set flag rts * No SS.HngUp call (probably ACIAPAK) - manually diddle with 6551 hardware L2B07 ldx #u0C2E point to path option packet from modem ldd $1B,x get device table address addd #V$DESC point to descriptor address std <u0013 save pointer lda #$01 get system process descriptor ldx #u070D Point to buffer to hold process dsc. os9 F$GPrDsc leax P$DATImg,x point to DAT image stx >u0C84 Save ptr tfr x,d Move to D ldx <u0013 get descriptor address ldy #$0002 get # bytes needed ldu #u13A9 Point to buffer os9 F$CpyMem get actual address of descriptor ldx >u13A9 get the descriptor address leax IT.DLO,x Point to Delete line offset ldd >u0C84 Get ptr to DAT image ldy #$0002 Get DELETE line & echo settings ldu #u0011 Where to put copies of them os9 F$CpyMem * NOTE: Should be able to remove this LDU entirely ldu #$0000 Reset U to normal rts L2B50 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldx #u13A9 Point to temp buffer ldd #$0253 CurXY to 51,1 std ,x lda #$20 sta $02,x ldy #$0003 lda <u003E Position cursor in status window os9 I$Write ldx #u002D Point to name of terminal port clrb L2B6D lda ,x+ Print name (up to 1st 5 chars) of port in status incb window cmpa #$21 blo L2B78 cmpb #$05 blo L2B6D L2B78 ldx #u002D clra tfr d,y lda <u003E os9 I$Write puls pc,y,x,d L2B86 leay >L0481,pc Foreground/background color sets & clear scrn ldx #u13A9 Buffer to hold pshs x ldb #$07 Copy all 3 commands into buffer lbsr L2D26 puls x lda <u0086 Get ??? color sta $05,x Save as background color lda <u0087 Get Fcolor of main window sta $02,x Save as foreground color lda <u003E Clear out status window with these colors ldy #$0007 os9 I$Write tst <u0040 Is conference mode on? beq L2BC0 No, skip ahead lda <u003E Print 'Conf' in status window leax >L09E8,pc ldy #$0007 os9 I$Write L2BC0 leay >L00EB,pc Copy 'Supercomm' header into buffer ldx #u13A9 ldb #$1E lbsr L2D26 ldx #u13A9 Modify colors lda <u008C sta $07,x lda <u0087 Get Fcolor sta <$19,x tst <u0019 Special version flag set? beq L2BE8 No, skip ahead lda #$61 Yes, add 'a' to name sta <$16,x L2BE8 lda <u003E Print status window so far lbsr L1B05 lbsr L2B50 Print port name in status window lbsr L237E Set/Print Capture buffer open status to OFF tst <u002B Do we have path to serial port? beq L2BFC No, skip ahead lbsr L118F Yes, update baud rate/word len, parity, stp bits L2BFC lda <u0072 VRN on? beq L2C13 No, skip exit tst <u0075 Timer on? lbeq L0F20 No, send out black timer string ldx #u0077 Point to timer string buffer ldy #$000B Send to status window with active colors lda <u003E os9 I$Write L2C13 rts L2C18 tst <u0040 Conference mode on? beq L2C71 No, exit leax >L09EF,pc Point to CWArea 0,1 to 80,3 string ldy #u13A9 Point to buffer ldb #$06 lbsr L2D1E Copy it ldx #u13A9 Point to buffer again clra sta 3,x Change so CWArea 0,0 to 80,2 lda #3 sta 5,x ldy #$0006 lda <u003F Send to conference window os9 I$Write leay >L0481,pc Clear out the conference window ldx #u13A9 pshs x ldb #$07 lbsr L2D26 puls x ldd <u0088 Get Bcolor of main window/Fcolor of conf. window sta $05,x Save them stb $02,x lda <u003F Send to conference window ldy #$0007 os9 I$Write leax >L09EF,pc Point to CWArea again (from 0,1 to 80,3) ldy #$0006 Change to new working area os9 I$Write L2C71 rts * Error with size of file, so set internal vars to indicate size=0 bytes L2C8D ldd #$0000 Save size as 0 bytes std <u005B std <u005B+2 puls pc,y,x,d Restore regs & return * NOTE: WHEN ALL U REFERENCES GONE, CAN ELIMINATE PSHS/PULS U L2C72 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs lda <u0042 Get path to download file ldb #SS.Size Get size of file os9 I$GetStt tfr u,y Move LSW of size to Y bcs L2C8D Error getting size, set to 0 stx <u005B Save 4 byte size sty <u005B+2 L2C98 ldx 2,s Get original X back leay >L09F5,pc Point to decimal conversion table pshs x Preserve ptr to buffer for ASCII # ldd #$3007 Fill buffer with 7 '0's L2CA4 sta ,x+ decb bne L2CA4 puls x Point to beginnning again clrb Digit 0 (1,000,000) is where we start L2CAC pshs y,x,d Preserve regs again bsr L2CDB Convert the digit puls y,x,d Restore regs incb Point to next ASCII converted digit cmpb #8 Done all of them? bne L2CAC No, continue pshs x Save ptr to ASCII string leax >L0577,pc Print 'Size:' lbsr L1B03 puls x Get ptr to ASCII string ldy #$0007 Size of # L2CC6 lda ,x Get char cmpa #'0 Is it a 0? bne L2CD4 No, can print rest of string leax 1,x Point to next char in ASCII string leay -1,y Bump # bytes to print down bne L2CC6 Still some left, see if they are 0's puls pc,y,x,d If 0, just exit L2CD4 lda #$01 Write the size to Std Out os9 I$Write puls pc,y,x,d * Entry: Y=Ptr to decimal conversion table * X=Ptr to 7 byte buffer for ASCII # (up to 9,999,999) * B=which ASCII # (0-6) (from million to 1) we are currently doing * Does one digit, adjusting file size in mem down with repeated subtracts L2CDB leax b,x Point to appropriate table entry in ASC # bffr clra Calculate which 4 byte longint to try in table lslb rola lslb rola leay d,y Point to it L2CE2 ldd ,y Get MSW of table entry cmpd <u005B Is it higher than MSW of file size? bhi L2D1D Yes, skip ahead blo L2CF4 If lower, skip ahead ldd 2,y Get LSW of table entry cmpd <u005B+2 Is it higher than LSW of file size? bhi L2D1D No, skip ahead L2CF4 ldd <u005B Get MSW of file size bne L2CFE If file >64K, skip ahead ldd <u005B+2 <64K, get size beq L2D1D If 0, return L2CFE inc ,x Inc. ASCII # ldd <u005B+2 Get LSW of file size subd 2,y Subtract LSW of table entry std <u005B+2 Save result bhs L2D13 Didn't wrap, continue ldd <u005B Get MSW of file size subd #$0001 Bump down by 1 std <u005B Save result L2D13 ldd <u005B Get MSW of file size subd ,y Subtract MSW of table entry std <u005B Save it bra L2CE2 Continue through until this digit is done * Move data from X to Y * Entry: B=Count * X=Pointer to source * Y=Pointer to destination L2D1E lda ,x+ sta ,y+ decb bne L2D1E L2D1D rts * Move data from Y to X * Entry: B=Count * X=Pointer to destination * Y=Pointer to source L2D26 lda ,y+ sta ,x+ decb bne L2D26 rts L2D2E pshs x,a tst <u001A beq L2D41 lda <u002B Get path to modem ldb #SS.ComSt Get current parity & baud rate os9 I$GetStt tfr b,a Move possible error code to A bra L2D46 L2D41 ldx <u0011 Get ??? lda 1,x L2D46 anda #$20 beq L2D4D clrb L2D4B puls pc,x,a L2D4D comb puls pc,x,a L2D50 pshs x,d Preserve regs ldx #$0003 Sleep 3 ticks (or until signal) os9 F$Sleep ldb #SS.Ready Any data ready on modem? lda <u002B Get path # to modem os9 I$GetStt bcs L2D7E No, exit ldx #$0015 Go sleep for up to 21 ticks lbsr L0F56 * NOTE: IT DOESN'T CHECK IF THERE ACTUALLY IS DATA THERE THIS TIME lda <u002B Any data ready on modem this time? ldb #SS.Ready os9 I$GetStt clra tfr d,y # bytes ready into Y ldx #u13A9 Buffer to put modem data in * NOTE: SHOULD BE ABLE TO REMOVE MOST OF THESE DOUBLE LDA'S OF PATH # lda <u002B Get path # to modem again os9 I$Read Read from modem clrb L2D7E puls pc,x,d Restore & return * Entry: B=Count * X=Ptr L2D82 lda ,x+ Get byte decb Done all bytes? bne L2D8B No, skip ahead ldb #$01 bra L2DC7 L2D8B cmpa #'0 If not a number, eat char & try next blo L2D82 cmpa #'9 bhi L2D82 tfr x,y Found numeric digit, move ptr to it to Y leay -1,y Bump back by 1 L2D97 lda ,x+ Now, search for next non-digit from here cmpa #'0 blo L2DA3 cmpa #'9 bls L2D97 L2DA3 leax -1,x Bump ptr back to 1st non-digit past digit ldd #$2020 Store 2 spaces here std ,x lda #$A0 ??? sta 4,y leax >L0652,pc Point to baud rate table clrb * NOTE: ELIMINATE F$CMPNAM WITH LOCAL VERSION!!! L2DB3 pshs y,x,b Preserve regs ldb #$05 Size to compare os9 F$CmpNam Check if they match puls y,x,b Restore regs bcc L2DC7 They match, skip ahead leax 5,x Point to next baud rate to check incb Inc baud rate counter cmpb #8 Done all 8 possible baud rates bne L2DB3 No, try next rts Yes, return * Found baud rate match L2DC7 lda >u0CA5 Get baud/stop bits/word len anda #%11111000 Keep all but baud sta >u0CA5 Save result orb >u0CA5 Merge in baud rate stb >u0CA5 Save with new baud rate lbra L118F Go update the status line & return * NOTE FIX CMPNAM BELOW TO NOT USE SYSTEM CALL!!! L2DDD pshs y,x,d Preserve regs lbsr L2D50 Check for data ready on modem bcs L2E1B Nope, Exit with carry set sty <u0C88 Save # bytes waiting (into size of conv. txt bfr) ldx #u13A9 Point to temp buffer ldb <u0C89 Get LSB of modem buffer size subb #7 Bump down by 7 (to fit word 'CONNECT') L2DF3 pshs x,b Preserve regs leay <L02D1,pc Point to 'CONNECT' ldb #$07 Check if connect string found os9 F$CmpNam puls x,b Restore regs bcc L2E09 Found, skip ahead leax 1,x Bump source ptr up by 1 decb Dec # bytes left in read buffer to check bne L2DF3 Keep checking whole buffer L2E1B comb Not found, exit with carry set puls pc,y,x,d L2E09 ldb <u0C89 Get LSB of buffer size ldx #u13A9 Point to temp buffer ldy #u00DF Point to modem buffer lbsr L2D1E Copy temp buffer to modem buffer clrb No error & exit L2E19 puls pc,y,x,d L02D1 fcs 'CONNECT' L02D8 fcs 'BUSY' * NOTE FIX CMPNAM BELOW TO NOT USE SYSTEM CALL!!! L2E1E pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldx #u13A9 Point to temp buffer ldb #$0E (Only checks 1st 14 bytes) L2E26 pshs x,b leay <L02D8,pc Point to 'BUSY' ldb #$04 os9 F$CmpNam See if we found it puls x,b bcc L2E3C Yes, skip ahead leax 1,x Go forward through buffer looking for 'BUSY' decb Keep checking until done bne L2E26 L2E3C puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return * Re-Calculate module CRC and re-save module L2E3E pshs d,x,y,u preserve regs leax name-$d,pc point to start of module ldy M$Size,x get module size stx <u0015 save pointer to start of module leay -3,y take off size of CRC sty <u0017 save module size tfr x,u calculate CRC tfr y,d leau d,u ldd #$FFFF std ,u sta 2,u os9 F$CRC com ,u com 1,u com 2,u puls d,x,y,u restore regs lda #EXEC.+UPDAT. open supercomm in current execution DIR leax name,pc point to module name os9 I$Open open it bcs L2E82 error, return ldx <u0015 get pointer to module header ldy <u0017 get module size leay 3,y add CRC os9 I$Write write it os9 I$Close close file L2E82 rts return L2E83 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs leax >L0A24,pc Point to default option settings ldy #u0CA5 Point to current option settings ldb #$4D Copy current options, dial directory & lbsr L2D26 Default dir into code (for init) ldd #$1603 Set overlay window size to 22x3 std >u0C91 Save ldd #$1D04 Start coords @ 29,4 std >u0C8F lbsr L1C81 Pop up the overlay window leax >L048F,pc Cursor OFF lbsr L1B03 leax >L08B6,pc Print 'Saving SuperComm' lbsr L1B03 bsr L2E3E Re-Calc CRC for supercomm & save it leax >L048B,pc Turn Cursor ON lbsr L1B03 lbsr L1CDE Remove overlay windows puls pc,y,x,d Restore regs & return L2EBF pshs y,x,d tst <u0072 Is there a path to VRN? beq L2ED8 No, skip ahead clr <u0075 Force timer to OFF leax >L0366,pc Point to default timer string ldy #u0077 Point to buffer for ASCII timer string ldb #$0B Copy default into current lbsr L2D1E lbsr L0F20 Update the timer on-screen L2ED8 lbsr L43CA ??? Do something with receive buffer? tst <u0040 Conference mode on? beq L2EE3 No, skip ahead lbsr L2610 Yes, draw it on screen L2EE3 ldd #$0000 std <u0009 ldx #u16B9 Point to start of ASCII receive buffer stx <u0093 Save ptr clr <u0064 ??? lbsr L1EDC Clear the screen ldd #$0503 Overlay window from 5,3 to 73,19 std >u0C8F ldd #$4411 std >u0C91 lbsr L1C81 Go put it on screen lda #$81 leax >L0A31,pc point to path to dial directory os9 I$Open bcs L2F9A sta <u003D Save path # to dialing directory name * NOTE: CAN REMOVE PSHS/PULS U LATER pshs u ldx #$0000 skip past '.' & '..' ldu #$0040 os9 I$Seek puls u bcs L2F9A L2F26 lda <u003D Get path # to directory ldy #$0020 Size of 1 dir entry ldx #u13A9 Point to temp buffer os9 I$Read Read filename bcc L2F3C Got filename, skip ahead cmpb #E$EOF End of directory? bne L2F9A No, exit with error bra L2F4C Skip ahead L2F3C lbsr L3118 Go check filename bcs L2F43 bsr L2FA5 L2F43 lda <u0064 cmpa #$1D bls L2F26 L2F4C lda <u0064 sta >u0C98 lda <u003D Close path to dir os9 I$Close lbsr L3038 tst <u0092 beq L2F79 lbsr L1BC7 ldd #$0000 std >u131C lbsr L1EDC leax >L048F,pc lbsr L1B03 lbsr L314B L2F79 lbsr L1CDE lbsr L1BDF lbsr L1C57 lbsr L1EDC leax >L048B,pc lbsr L1B03 puls y,x,d Restore regs ldx #u00DF Get ptr to modem buffer ldy <u0C88 Get # bytes read on modem lbra L0FD2 Go process L2F9A os9 F$PErr Print error ldx #$0078 Sleep for up to $78 ticks??? lbsr L0F56 bra L2F79 L2FA5 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldx #u13A9 Point to filename buffer ldy <u0093 ldb #$1E L2FB2 lda ,x+ Get char from filename buffer decb Dec count tsta Hi bit set (end of filename)? bpl L2FC3 No, copy char & keep going suba #$80 Bump down to normal char sta ,y+ Save normal version ldd #$0A0D Add LF & CR std ,y bra L2FC8 L2FC3 sta ,y+ Save char tstb Done maximum chars yet? bne L2FB2 No, continue copying/checking L2FC8 inc <u0064 bsr L300E bsr L2FDE ldy <u0093 leay <$20,y sty <u0093 puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return L2FDE pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldx <u0093 ??? ldy #u13A9 Point to temp buffer ldb #$1E L2FEA lda ,x+ decb cmpa #'_ bne L2FF3 lda #C$SPAC L2FF3 cmpa #'. bne L2FFA lda #C$CR clrb L2FFA sta ,y+ tstb bne L2FEA lda #$01 ldy #$001E ldx #u13A9 os9 I$WritLn puls pc,y,x,d L300E pshs y,x,d ldx #u13A9 ldb <u0064 cmpb #$0F bhi L301F lda #$24 bra L3023 L301F lda #$45 subb #$0F L3023 sta $01,x lda #$02 sta ,x addb #$20 stb $02,x ldy #$0003 lda #$01 os9 I$Write puls pc,y,x,d L3038 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs leax >L048F,pc Cursor OFF lbsr L1B03 lda #$01 sta <u0092 L3047 ldx #u13A9 cmpa >u0C98 bls L3059 lda >u0C98 sta <u0092 L3059 cmpa #$0F bhi L3061 adda #$20 bra L3063 L3061 adda #$11 L3063 sta $02,x lda <u0092 cmpa #$0F bhi L3071 lda #$21 bra L3073 L3071 lda #$42 L3073 sta 1,x lda #$02 sta ,x bsr L3107 Go blank out previous '==>' lda #$01 ldy #$0003 os9 I$Write leax >L0693,pc Print '==>' ldy #$0003 os9 I$Write L3090 lbsr L2AC5 cmpa #$08 bne L30A7 L3097 lda <u0092 cmpa #$0F bhi L30A3 adda #$0F L3100 sta <u0092 bra L3047 L30A3 suba #$0F bra L3100 L30A7 cmpa #$09 beq L3097 L30AD cmpa #$0C bne L30CB lda <u0092 cmpa #$01 beq L30C1 suba #$01 sta <u0092 bra L3100 L30C1 lda >u0C98 sta <u0092 bra L3100 L30CB cmpa #$0A bne L30E9 lda <u0092 cmpa >u0C98 beq L30E1 adda #$01 sta <u0092 bra L3100 L30E1 lda #$01 sta <u0092 bra L3100 L30E9 cmpa #$0D bne L30F6 L30ED leax >L048B,pc lbsr L1B03 puls pc,y,x,d L30F6 cmpa #$05 bne L3090 clr <u0092 bra L30ED L3107 pshs y,x,a Clear out '==>' from previous menu selection lda #$01 leax >L0682,pc Write out 3 BSP/SPC's to Std Out ldy #$0006 os9 I$Write puls pc,y,x,a L3118 pshs y,x,d ldx #u13A9 lda ,x beq L3148 ldb #$1B L3124 lda ,x+ decb cmpa #'. beq L3130 L312B tstb bne L3124 L3148 comb puls pc,y,x,d L3130 lda ,x+ decb cmpa #'a bne L312B lda ,x+ decb cmpa #'d bne L312B lda ,x+ decb cmpa #$E6 bne L312B clrb L3146 puls pc,y,x,d L314B pshs y,x,d lda <u0092 deca ldb #$20 32 bytes/entry mul ldx #u16B9 Point to ASCII receive buffer leax d,x Point to proper entry stx <u0093 Save ptr ldx #u13A9 leay >L0A31,pc Point to '/dd/sys/dial' L3169 lda ,y+ Copy path to buffer bmi L3171 Do until high bit set (terminates string) sta ,x+ bra L3169 L3171 suba #$80 Bump down to normal char ldb #'/ Append slash to allow for filename std ,x++ Save in buffer tfr x,y ldx <u0093 Get ptr back ldb #$20 Up to 32 bytes max L317D lda ,x+ sta ,y+ bmi L318A If hi bit, that was last one decb Hit max size yet? bne L317D No, continue moving L318A ldx #u13A9 Point to name of file to open lda #READ. os9 I$Open Open it bcs L31CF Couldn't, print error message & exit sta <u003D Save path to .ADF file lbsr L24D1 Go clear out Search & Reply strings lda #$01 sta >u0D19 lda #$1E sta >u0D1A L31A7 lda <u003D Get path to ADF file again ldx #u13A9 Point to buffer ldy #$0050 Get up to an 80 char line os9 I$ReadLn bcc L31BD Got it, go parse (?) cmpb #E$EOF End of file error? bne L31CF No, print error & exit L31C1 lda <u003D EOF, get path os9 I$Close Close the file lbsr L118F Go update the status line lbra L33E0 L31BD bsr L31D4 bra L31A7 L31CF os9 F$PErr Print error, & exit L31CD puls pc,y,x,d * Parse a line from ADF file L31D4 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs clra Current keyword being checked=0 leay >L06D1,pc Point to keyword list L31DB ldx #u13A9 Point to buffer ldb #$03 Size of keyword=3 inca On keyword 1 os9 F$CmpNam leay 3,y Point to next keyword bcc L31ED Found match, skip ahead cmpa #32 Done all 32 keywords? blo L31DB No, keep checking L31ED cmpa #31 Is it 32? bhi L326F Yes, exit leax 3,x Point past keyword ldb ,x+ Get next char cmpb #'= Is it an '='? bne L326F No, exit * Change to use DECA instead of repeated CMPA's cmpa #$01 ADS (Auto Dial String)? beq L3271 cmpa #$02 BPS (Bits per second (Baud))? lbeq L328A cmpa #$03 ECH (Keyboard echo)? lbeq L32A3 cmpa #$04 HEK (Host Echo)? lbeq L32B1 cmpa #$05 TRM (Terminal Type) lbeq L32BF cmpa #$06 LNF (Line Feeds on in & outgoing text) lbeq L32CE cmpa #$07 XON (XON char) lbeq L32E0 cmpa #$08 XOF (XOFF char) lbeq L32E9 cmpa #$09 RTR (# of retries) lbeq L32F3 cmpa #$0A RPS (Time each entry lasts) lbeq L32FD cmpa #$0B PAR (Parity) lbeq L3307 cmpa #$0C CLK (Keyclick) lbeq L3311 cmpa #$0D WRD (Word Length) lbeq L3320 cmpa #$0E STP (Stop bits) lbeq L3338 cmpa #$16 KM1-8 (Keyboard macros) lbls L3358 Go handle all of them cmpa #$17 CNS (String to send on Connect) lbeq L337E cmpa #$1B SS1-4 (Search string for auto-login) lbls L2508 Go handle them cmpa #$1F RS1-4 (Reply strings for SSn's) lbls L24E3 cmpa #$20 RLF (Line feeds added to received text) lbeq L3392 cmpa #$21 TLF (Line feeds added to xmitted text) lbeq L33A1 L326F puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return L3271 ldy #u0CF2 ldb #$20 Max size=32 bytes L3277 lda ,x+ Get char sta ,y+ Copy it cmpa #C$CR End of line? beq L3284 Yes, skip ahead decb Hit max size? bne L3277 No, keep copying puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return L3284 clr ,y+ Append NUL puls pc,y,x,d Restore & return L328A lbsr L33B0 andb #%00000111 Just keep baud rate lda >u0CA5 Get baud/word len/stop bits anda #%11111000 Keep all but baud sta >u0CA5 Save it orb >u0CA5 Merge with B stb >u0CA5 Save new baud rate puls pc,y,x,d L32A3 lbsr L33B0 tstb beq L32AB ldb #$01 L32AB stb >u0CA7 Save echo type puls pc,y,x,d L32B1 lbsr L33B0 tstb beq L32B9 ldb #$01 L32B9 stb >u0CB1 puls pc,y,x,d L32BF lbsr L33B0 cmpb #$03 blo L32C8 ldb #$02 L32C8 stb >u0CA6 puls pc,y,x,d L32CE lbsr L33B0 tstb beq L32D6 ldb #$01 L32D6 stb >u0CA8 stb >u0CA9 puls pc,y,x,d L32E0 lbsr L33B0 stb >u0CAF Pause off character code puls pc,y,x,d L32E9 lbsr L33B0 stb >u0CB0 Pause on character code puls pc,y,x,d L32F3 lbsr L33B0 stb >u0D19 puls pc,y,x,d L32FD lbsr L33B0 stb >u0D1A puls pc,y,x,d L3307 lbsr L33B0 stb >u0CAC Save parity puls pc,y,x,d L3311 lbsr L33B0 tstb beq L3319 ldb #$01 L3319 stb >u0CAA puls pc,y,x,d L3320 bsr L33B0 lda >u0CA5 anda #%01001111 Keep baud rate sta >u0CA5 Save it orb >u0CA5 Mask in Word Len/Stop bits stb >u0CA5 Save new result puls pc,y,x,d L3338 bsr L33B0 tstb beq L3344 cmpb #$80 beq L3344 puls pc,y,x,d L3344 lda >u0CA5 anda #%01111111 Keep all but Stop bits sta >u0CA5 orb >u0CA5 Merge in stop bit setting stb >u0CA5 puls pc,y,x,d L3358 lda -2,x Get macro # suba #$31 Convert ASCII 1-8 to binary 0-7 cmpa #7 Make sure only 0-7 bhi L337B Not, exit ldb #$80 128 bytes reserved per key mul ldy #u0D1C Point to start of programmable keys buffer leay d,y Point to appropriate key in table ldb #$80 Max size allowed=128 bytes L336B lda ,x+ Get char cmpa #C$CR Hit end of line? beq L3378 Yes, flag end with NUL & exit sta ,y+ Save char decb Past max size? bne L336B No, keep copying puls pc,y,x,d L3378 clrb Append NUL byte std ,y Save CR & NUL L337B puls pc,y,x,d Return L337E ldy #u131C ldb #$80 L3384 lda ,x+ cmpa #C$CR Hit end? beq L3378 Yes, append NUL & exit sta ,y+ decb bne L3384 puls pc,y,x,d L3392 bsr L33B0 tstb beq L339A ldb #$01 L339A stb >u0CA9 puls pc,y,x,d L33A1 bsr L33B0 tstb beq L33A9 ldb #$01 L33A9 stb >u0CA8 puls pc,y,x,d L33B0 lda 1,x cmpa #$21 blo L33D2 Space or control char, skip ahead lda ,x suba #$30 Convert to Binary # cmpa #10 Possibly legit digit? blo L33C0 suba #$07 L33C0 ldb #$10 mul lda 1,x suba #$30 Convert to Binary # cmpa #10 Possibly legit digit blo L33CD Decimal digit, skip ahead suba #$07 L33CD sta 1,x addb 1,x rts L33D2 lda ,x suba #$30 cmpa #10 blo L33DC suba #$07 L33DC tfr a,b rts L33E0 tst >u0D19 bne L33ED clr >u131C lbra L3533 L33ED lbsr L1CDE ldd #$1403 std >u0C8F ldd #$2808 std >u0C91 lbsr L1C81 leax >L04B1,pc Print to 'Count', 'Seconds', etc. lbsr L1B03 lbsr L23D0 Center text leax >L04DB,pc Print 'Dialing' lbsr L1B03 lbsr L2FDE leax >L04E5,pc CurXY @ 23,3 lbsr L1B03 ldb #$01 stb >u139F lbsr L354B ldx #u0CF2 clrb L342A lda ,x+ incb cmpb #$20 bhi L3434 tsta bne L342A L3434 decb bne L343E clr >u131C lbra L3533 L343E clra tfr d,y sty >u0CA1 L3446 leax >L02DC,pc Write out 'ATH <CR>' to modem ldy #$0004 lda <u002B os9 I$Write ldx #$005A lbsr L0F56 lda <u002B Check if data waiting at modem ldb #SS.Ready os9 I$GetStt bcc L346E lbsr L2D2E bcs L346E clr <u0022 bra L3473 L346E lda #$01 sta <u0022 L3473 lbsr L2D50 ldy >u0CA1 ldx #u0CF2 lda <u002B os9 I$Write lbsr L2D50 ldb #$FF stb >u0CA4 L348E lbsr L1B4E sta >u0CA3 L3495 tst <u0022 beq L34A6 lbsr L2DDD bcc L3509 lbsr L2E1E bcs L34AB bra L34DC L34A6 lbsr L2D2E bcs L3509 L34AB ldd #SS.KySns Get keysense byte from StdIn os9 I$GetStt cmpa #$80 bne L34BC clr >u131C bra L3533 L34BC lbsr L1B4E cmpa >u0CA3 beq L3495 inc >u0CA4 leax >L04EA,pc lbsr L1B03 ldb >u0CA4 bsr L354B cmpb >u0D1A blo L348E L34DC inc >u139F leax >L04E5,pc lbsr L1B03 ldb >u139F bsr L354B ldb >u0D19 cmpb #$FF lbeq L3446 ldb >u139F cmpb >u0D19 lblo L3446 clr >u131C bra L3533 L3509 ldd #1*256+SS.Tone Send Tone to Std Out ldx #$3F06 ldy #$0D00 os9 I$SetStt ldy #$0E00 os9 I$SetStt Send another one (higher frequency) ldy #$0F00 os9 I$SetStt Send another one (still higher frequency) tst <u0072 beq L3533 inc <u0075 lda <u0073 sta <u0074 L3533 lbsr L1BAD lda <u003D Close disk file os9 I$Close tst >u131C beq L3545 lbsr L1A19 L3545 lbsr L12B5 puls pc,y,x,d L354B pshs x,d ldx #u13A9 clra L3552 cmpb #$64 blo L355B subb #$64 inca bra L3552 L355B adda #$30 sta ,x+ clra L3560 cmpb #10 blo L3569 subb #$0A inca bra L3560 L3569 adda #$30 sta ,x+ addb #$30 stb ,x+ ldx #u13A9 ldy #$0003 lda #$01 Write 3 bytes to Std Out os9 I$Write puls pc,x,d * Download a file processing (PgDn from command state) L3580 leax >L048F,pc turn off cursor inc >u0CA0 lbsr L1B03 ldd #$1C05 get start co-ordinates of overlay std >u0C8F ldd #$1907 get size of overlay std >u0C91 lbsr L1C81 place overlay leax >L0734,pc print available protocols lbsr L1B03 lda #$04 get max # protocols sta >u139E save it ldb <u004B get last selected protocol lbsr L1DB8 let user choose new protocol lbsr L1CDE get rid of overlay window leax >L048B,pc turn cursor back on lbsr L1B03 clr <u0046 clear ymodem batch flag ldb >u0C84 get selected type beq L35D6 ASCII, skip ahead cmpb #$03 within max? lbhi L0C5E no, go back to main loop stb <u004B update last selected protocol cmpb #$02 ZModem? lbhi L1793 yes, do it blo L3648 X/Ymodem, go do it inc <u0046 flag Ymodem batch * X/Ymodem (batch) file receive L3648 pshs d,x,y Store regs lbra L36F4 Go do X/Ymodem (w or w/o batch) L35D6 stb <u004B update last selected protocol lbra L4233 go do ASCII Xfer * Upload a file (PdUp in main command state) L35DF leax >L048F,pc point to CurOff clr >u0CA0 lbsr L1B03 turn cursor off ldd #$1C05 std >u0C8F ldd #$1908 std >u0C91 lbsr L1C81 leax >L07A5,pc Point to file send menu lbsr L1B03 Print it lda #$05 sta >u139E ldb <u004A lbsr L1DB8 lbsr L1CDE leax >L048B,pc Cursor On lbsr L1B03 clr <u0046 clr <u0045 ldb >u0C84 beq L363F cmpb #$04 lbhi L0C5E stb <u004A cmpb #$02 blo L3648 inc <u0045 cmpb #$03 blo L3648 lbhi L1859 inc <u0046 bra L3648 L363F stb <u004A lbra L4233 * Setup Serial path options & data for file Xfer's L364D ldd #$FF00 sta <u0042 stb <u0069 stb <u005F stb <u004C stb <u006A stb <u0062 stb <u0052 stb <u009B ldx #u13A9 lda <u002B get path to modem ldb #SS.Opt Get path options pshs d os9 I$GetStt get current settings ldx #u13A9 point to buffer lda PD.BAU-PD.OPT,x anda #$0F sta PD.BAU-PD.OPT,x lda PD.PAR-PD.OPT,x anda #$03 sta PD.PAR-PD.OPT,x clra clrb std PD.XON-PD.OPT,x std PD.EKO-PD.OPT,x puls d restore path & option os9 I$SetStt set new path options lda >u0CB0 ldb >u0CAF pshs d clra sta >u0CAF sta >u0CB0 lbsr L43CA puls d sta >u0CB0 stb >u0CAF ldd #0 std <u0009 ldd #$1504 get start co-ordinates of xfer overlay std >u0C8F ldd #$2509 get size std >u0C91 lbra L1C81 place xfer overlay window L36CD pshs y,x,d L36CF lbsr L3BBC L36D2 lda <u002B Check if data ready on modem ldb #SS.Ready os9 I$GetStt bcc L36E5 Maybe, go check it out lbsr L3BDA cmpa #$02 blo L36D2 puls pc,y,x,d L36E5 clra tfr d,y # bytes received to Y lda <u002B Get path to modem ldx #u13A9 Point to modem receive buffer os9 I$Read Read in the data bra L36CF * X/Ymodem (batch) file receive L36F4 lbsr L364D setup path options to modem for download leax >L04EF,pc point to 'Xmodem file Xfer...' lbsr L1B03 print it tst <u0046 ymodem batch? beq L370A no, skip ahead leax >L0511,pc point to 'Y' lbsr L1B03 print it L370A leax >L052F,pc point to '<Break> aborts' lbsr L1B03 print it tst <u0046 ymodem batch? beq L371F no, skip ahead leax >L048F,pc turn cursor off lbsr L1B03 bra L376A skip to * Get filename for X/Ymodem receive L371F leax L055F,pc point to 'File:' lbsr L1B03 print it lbsr L455D scan for old filename tst <u009B filename already present? beq L3742 no, skip ahead ldx #u009F point to name ldy #$0020 get length lda #$01 print it os9 I$WritLn ldd #$0704 position cursor back to start of input prompt lbsr L2294 L3742 ldb #$1E get max length of name lbsr L1B61 get it from user tst <u0021 lbne L3954 leax L045E,pc clear the screen lbsr L1B03 leax L04EF,pc point to 'Xmodem file transer system' lbsr L1B03 print it tst <u0046 ymodem batch? beq L3772 no, skip ahead leax L0511,pc point to 'Y' lbsr L1B03 print it bra L3772 skip ahead L376A tst >u0CA0 Up/Download? lbeq L3F08 * NOTE: SHOULD CHANGE TO USE BILL'S SS.FILL CALL TO ALLOW EDITING OF 'GUESSED' * FILENAME L3772 ldy #u060E point to user entered filename ldx #u009F point to old filename buffer lda ,y get the first character cmpa #C$CR user just hit enter? bne L378A no, skip ahead tst <u009B was there a old filename? lbeq L3954 no, skip ahead bra L378F L378A ldb #$20 get length of name lbsr L2D26 move it to old filename buffer L378F tst >u0CA0 Upload? lbeq L3F08 Yes, go do tst <u0046 Download; Batch? bne L37C9 yes, have to get filename from sender leax L056B,pc point to 'Recv:' lbsr L1B03 print it lda #$01 print the filename ldx #u009F ldy #$0020 os9 I$WritLn leax L048F,pc turn off cursor lbsr L1B03 lda #WRITE. get file mode ldb #$03 get attributes ldx #u009F Point to filename os9 I$Create create file lbcs L3965 sta <u0042 save path # L37C9 ldd <u0004 Get Start address of receive buffer std <u0006 Make it ptr to end of receive buffer too leax L0593,pc point to 'Block # ... Error #' lbsr L1B03 print it leax L05B7,pc point to 'Last Error:' lbsr L1B03 print it leax L052F,pc point to '<Break> aborts' lbsr L1B03 print it lbsr L3E83 print '0000' for lbsr L3E9B print '0000' for tst <u0046 Batch? beq L37F8 no, skip ahead L37ED lbsr L3E83 print '0000' for lbsr L3E9B print '0000' for ldd #$0000 Set current block # to 0 (for batch name block) bra L37FE skip ahead * Main X/Ymodem transfer loop L37F8 lbsr L3EDD print ??? ldd #1 Set current block # to 1 L37FE std <u0053 Save current block # leax L06C7,pc CurXY @ 16,1 & print 5 spaces lbsr L1B03 print it ldd #$0D07 get cursor coords for error messages lbsr L2294 move there leax L05C7,pc Point to table of error messages for download lda #$01 To Std Out ldy #$0014 All error messages are 20 bytes (default=20 spaces os9 I$Write inc <u005A ldb #$04 get # attempts for CRC mode stb <u0059 save it as a counter * Try 4 attempts to recieve using CRC L3823 lbsr L3E73 send 'C' to host dec <u0059 decrement attempt count lbsr L3BBC update timeout time L382C lda <u002B get path to modem ldb #SS.Ready os9 I$GetStt any data? bcc L38A3 yes, skip ahead lbsr L29EB No, go check if user hit <BREAK> to abort lbcs L3992 Yes, abort transfer lbsr L3BDA get # seconds cmpa #$03 timeout? blo L382C no, try again tst <u0059 any attempts left? bne L3823 yes, try again clr <u005A ??? L384C lbsr L3E7F Send NAK code to modem lbsr L3BBC Update timer stuff * Try 10 attempts to initiate CheckSum L3852 lda <u002B get path to modem ldb #SS.Ready os9 I$GetStt Any data waiting? bcc L38A3 Yes, skip ahead lbsr L29EB No, go check if user hit <BREAK> to abort lbcs L3992 Yes, go abort transfer lbsr L3BDA get # seconds waiting cmpa #10 timeout? blo L3852 no, try again inc <u0052 Inc # attempts at checksum lbsr L3EC5 ??? Update some counter lbsr L1CF7 ??? (resets default colors to terminal type) lda <u0052 Get current # attempts @ checksum cmpa #10 Done 10 of them? blo L384C No, keep trying lbra L3992 Yes, abort transfer L387D ldd <u0053 Get current block # of xfer bne L388E There is one, skip ahead lbsr L3E7B Send ACK to modem lbsr L3E73 Send 'C' (for CRC mode) to modem bra L3891 L388E lbsr L3E7B Send ACK to modem L3891 ldd <u0053 Bump block # up 1 addd #$0001 std <u0053 lbsr L3EDD Update block # on screen clr <u0052 Clear Checksum attempt count lbsr L3EB3 Print '0000' (for block #'s?) * Data waiting on modem comes here L38A3 lbsr L29EB check for keyboard data lbcs L3992 got something, abort xfer clr <u00E2 Clear 4th byte of modem buffer lbsr L39F1 Go do the download (?) pshs cc Save error status ldd <u0053 Get current block # bne L38C7 Not header block, skip ahead tst <u00E2 Check 4th byte in buffer bne L38CD puls cc Restore error from download lbra L3992 Abort xfer L38CD puls cc Restore error from download bcc L387D None, go send ACK/'C' to modem lda #C$CR Error, reset previous dload filename to CR sta <u009F lbra L3992 Abort xfer L38C7 puls cc bcs L38EC L38DA tst <u005F bne L38FD tst <u0062 beq L387D clr <u0062 lbsr L3E7B bra L38A3 Go check keyboard/modem again L38EC lda <u0052 Get current # attempts @ checksum cmpa #$09 Already have more than 9? lbhi L3992 Too many errors, abort xfer lbsr L36CD lbsr L3E7F Send NAK to modem bra L38A3 * Current file xfer is done L38FD tst <u0046 Batch mode on? beq L3941 No, skip ahead * Batch mode xfer done lbsr L3E7F Send NAK to modem lbsr L39F1 Go read block (for filename) clr <u005F tst <u004C bne L392D ldd <u005B Get MSW of file size bne L391C Definately not 0 length, go resize ldd <u005B+2 Get LSW of file size beq L392D 0 byte file, don't pre-extend L391C lda <u0042 Get path to download file ldb #SS.Size Re-size file to exact size from Batch header ldx <u005B ldy <u005B+2 tfr y,u os9 I$SetStt L392D lda <u0042 Close the download file (???) os9 I$Close lda #C$CR Reset old filename to CR sta <u009F lbsr L3E7B Send ACK to modem lbra L37ED Reprint Block & Error #'s to '0000' * Non-batch mode goes here L3941 clr <u005F lbsr L3E7B Send ACK to modem L3947 clr >u0CA0 ??? Set xmit/recv flag to xmit??? lbsr L1D09 Go sound a tone lda <u0042 Get path to dload file os9 I$Close Close it L3954 lbsr L118F Go update the status line lbsr L1CDE Remove overlay windows clr <u0046 Clear Batch mode flag puls y,x,d Restore regs lbra L0C5E Go back to main (no file xfer) loop L3965 lda #$07 lbsr L1F0B pshs b ldd #$0D02 lbsr L2294 lda #$03 lbsr L1F0B leax >L048F,pc Cursor OFF lbsr L1B03 puls b os9 F$PErr Print Error ldx #$003C lbsr L0F56 leax >L048B,pc Cursor ON lbsr L1B03 bra L3954 Go remove windows & exit xfer * Cancel file receive (comes here if key pressed) L3992 lda <u009F get first char of filename cmpa #C$CR anything? beq L39AA no, skip delete lda <u0042 get path to file os9 I$Close close it * NOTE: MAY WANT TO ADD USER OPTION TO KEEP WHATEVER WAS RECEIVED IN ABORTED * XFER ldx #u009F point to filename os9 I$Delete delete it lbsr L36CD purge any remaining data from modem * Cancel file transfer L39AA ldx #u13A9 point to temp buffer ldd #$1804 CANcel code- 4 times L39B2 sta ,x+ place in buffer decb done? bne L39B2 no keep going ldd #$0304 Also add 4 <CTRL>-<C>'s L39BB sta ,x+ place in buffer decb done? bne L39BB no, keep going lda <u002B get path to modem ldy #8 get # chars ldx #u13A9 point to CAN string os9 I$Write send it to host bra L3947 Go close down xfer cleanly L39D1 lda #$04 Error # 4 (Time Out) sta <u004F lbra L3B83 L39D9 lda #$03 Error # 3 (Block check failed) sta <u004F lbra L3B83 L39E1 lda #$02 Error # 2 (Wrong Block #) sta <u004F lbra L3B83 L39E9 lda #$01 Error # 1 (Transfer aborted) sta <u004F lbra L3B83 * Read a block?? L39F1 pshs y,x Preserve regs ldd #$0000 std <u004D Clear byte counter for dload std <u0048 reset running CRC sta <u0062 sta <u004F Reset error # for xfer sta <u005F lbsr L3BBC ??? Something with timer (timeout check?) L3A08 ldx #u00DF point to modem receive buffer L3A0C lbsr L3BDA update timeout time cmpa #10 timeout? bhi L39D1 yes, skip ahead lda <u002B get path to modem ldb #SS.Ready any data? os9 I$GetStt bcs L3A0C no, wait for it ldy #1 get # bytes needed * NOTE: Attempted to eliminate lda <u002B (redundant from GetStt above) os9 I$Read read the block header byte bcs L3A0C error, try again tfr y,d move # bytes to D std <u004D save it abx add LSB of it to buffer pointer lda <u00DF get the header byte * NOTE: Change to use DECA to speed up X&Ymodem header checks? cmpa #$02 ymodem header? beq L3A57 yes, get block size cmpa #$01 xmodem header? beq L3A52 yes, get block size cmpa #$04 batch file header? lbeq L3BAC yes, increment file count & process cmpa #$18 CAN? lbeq L3BB4 yes, cancel xfer cmpa #$03 OS-9 CAN? lbeq L3BB4 yes, cancel xfer bra L3A08 garbage data, try again * Get XModem data block size L3A52 ldd #$0080 128 bytes per block (Xmodem) bra L3A5A * Get YModem data block size L3A57 ldd #$0400 1024 bytes per block (Ymodem) L3A5A std <u0057 save block size ldy #u00E2 Get ptr to where data block will be (past header) leay d,y Calculate end of block ptr sty <u0050 Save it orb #$04 add 4 to block size for header & checksum tst <u005A CRC mode active? beq L3A70 No, we have block size orb #$01 add 1 to block size (for 2nd CRC byte) L3A70 std <u0055 save true block size lbsr L3BBC update timeout time bra L3A81 Start getting blocks? L3A78 lbsr L3BDA Go update X/YModem timer cmpa #2 Too long? lbhi L39D1 Yes, TimeOut Error L3A81 lda <u002B Any data ready on modem? ldb #SS.Ready os9 I$GetStt bcs L3A78 No, do again cmpb #$02 At least 2 chars? blo L3A78 No, too small to bother, do again ldy #$0002 Read 2 chars from modem os9 I$Read Read in 2 chars tfr y,d Move size read to D abx Bump buffer ptr up past new data addd <u004D Add to total # bytes gotten for this block std <u004D Save updated counter ldd <u0053 Get current block # cmpb <u00DF+1 Compare with block # for X/Ymodem block bne L3AB6 Error, skip ahead L3AAC comb Compliment block # cmpb <u00DF+2 Match compliment in block header? beq L3AC2 Yes, header info is fine, skip ahead lbra L39E1 Wrong Block # error * Block # error L3AB6 decb Bump current block # down to previous one cmpb <u00DF+1 Is that the one in the block header? lbne L39E1 No, wrong block # error inc <u0062 ??? bra L3AAC Check compliment of block # too * Block # & it's compliment match in X/YModem block L3AC2 lbsr L3BBC Do timing update L3AC5 lbsr L3BDA Do timing sleep * MAY WANT TO INCREASE THIS cmpa #2 2 second difference? lbhi L39D1 If more than 2 second wait, timeout error L3ACE lda <u002B Any data ready on modem? ldb #SS.Ready os9 I$GetStt bcs L3AC5 No, do again clra tfr d,y # bytes received into Y lda <u002B Read in data from modem os9 I$Read bcs L3AC5 Error reading, try again tfr y,d # bytes read to D lbsr L3BBC Do timing update tst <u005A CRC mode? bne L3AF2 Yes, go update CRC lbsr L3E3D Go update checksum bra L3AF5 L3AF2 lbsr L3E0F update CRC L3AF5 abx Add # bytes read to read ptr addd <u004D Add # bytes in this I$Read to total #bytes so far std <u004D for this block cmpd <u0055 Got all the data we need for this block? blo L3ACE No, keep reading data ldx <u0050 ldd <u0048 tst <u005A beq L3B16 cmpd ,x L3B10 beq L3B1A lbra L39D9 L3B16 cmpa ,x bra L3B10 L3B1A tst <u0062 bne L3B7F ldd <u0053 bne L3B2F lbsr L2860 bcs L3B83 puls pc,y,x L3B2F ldx #u00E2 cmpd #$0001 bne L3B79 ldd <u0057 lbsr L4206 tst <u004C beq L3B79 pshs y,x,a ldx #u009C lda <u0089 sta 2,x ldy #$0003 lda #$01 os9 I$Write leax >L06BF,pc Print 'ASCII' ldy #$0008 os9 I$Write lda <u0087 ldx #u009C sta $02,x ldy #$0003 lda #$01 os9 I$Write puls y,x,a L3B79 ldd <u0057 lbsr L4191 L3B7F clrb L3B80 puls pc,y,x L3B83 inc <u0052 lbsr L3EC5 lbsr L1CF7 ldd #$0D07 lbsr L2294 ldb #$14 Size of each error message lda <u004F Get error # beq L3BA9 0=none? mul Calculate offset to proper error leax >L05C7,pc Point to Download error list leax d,x Point to specific error we want lda #$01 Print it to the user ldy #$0014 os9 I$Write L3BA9 comb puls pc,y,x L3BAC inc <u005F lbsr L41EC puls pc,y,x L3BB4 lda #$0A sta <u0052 lbra L39E9 L3BBC tst <u0072 Is VRN running? beq L3BCC No, use F$Time call pshs d Preserve reg used clra ldb <u0073 Get # seconds from VRN timer std <u0060 Save it puls pc,d Restore D & return L3BCC pshs x,d Preserve regs ldx #u0C99 Point to place to hold time packet os9 F$Time Get current time lda 5,x Get seconds sta <u0060 Save it puls pc,x,d Restore regs & return L3BDA pshs x,b Preserve regs tst <u0072 Is VRN present? beq L3BF3 No, use Clock lda #$01 ldb <u0073 Get VRN seconds counter subd <u0060 Subtract last # seconds from VRN tfr b,a A=# seconds between the 2 ldx #$0001 1 tick to sleep lbsr L0F56 Go check for/update onscreen timer & sleep 1 tick puls pc,x,b Restore regs & return L3BF3 ldx #u0C99 Point to buffer for time packet os9 F$Time Get current system time lda 5,x Get # seconds ldx #$0001 Sleep for 1 tick os9 F$Sleep adda #60 Add 60 to seconds suba <u0060 Subtract # seconds from last check cmpa #60 Hit 60 yet? blo L3C0D No, restore regs & exit suba #60 Yes, bump back down to real seconds L3C0D puls pc,x,b Restore regs & return * Update running 16 bit CRC * Entry: D=# bytes in block? * X=Ptr to current position in read buffer? L3E0F pshs d,x Preserve regs leau d,x Point U to where end of block would be stu <Temp Save in temp var cmpx <u0050 We hit end of read buffer? bhs L3E39 Yes, exit leau <L3C0F,pc Point to CRC table L3E24 ldb <u0048 Get 1st byte of current 16 bit CRC clra Preload A for 16 bit # eorb ,x+ EOR with byte from buffer lslb Calculate offset to get CRC word from rola ldd d,u Get CRC word eora <u0049 Update CRC std <u0048 cmpx <u0050 Hit end of read buffer yet? beq L3E39 Yes, exit cmpx <Temp Hit end of block yet? blo L3E24 No, continue calculating CRC with next byte L3E39 puls d,x,pc Restore regs & return * 16 bit CRC table L3C0F fdb $0000,$1021,$2042,$3063,$4084,$50A5,$60C6,$70E7 fdb $8108,$9129,$A14A,$B16B,$C18C,$D1AD,$E1CE,$F1EF fdb $1231,$0210,$3273,$2252,$52B5,$4294,$72F7,$62D6 fdb $9339,$8318,$B37B,$A35A,$D3BD,$C39C,$F3FF,$E3DE fdb $2462,$3443,$0420,$1401,$64E6,$74C7,$44A4,$5485 fdb $A56A,$B54B,$8528,$9509,$E5EE,$F5CF,$C5AC,$D58D fdb $3653,$2672,$1611,$0630,$76D7,$66F6,$5695,$46B4 fdb $B75B,$A77A,$9719,$8738,$F7DF,$E7FE,$D79D,$C7BC fdb $48C4,$58E5,$6886,$78A7,$0840,$1861,$2802,$3823 fdb $C9CC,$D9ED,$E98E,$F9AF,$8948,$9969,$A90A,$B92B fdb $5AF5,$4AD4,$7AB7,$6A96,$1A71,$0A50,$3A33,$2A12 fdb $DBFD,$CBDC,$FBBF,$EB9E,$9B79,$8B58,$BB3B,$AB1A fdb $6CA6,$7C87,$4CE4,$5CC5,$2C22,$3C03,$0C60,$1C41 fdb $EDAE,$FD8F,$CDEC,$DDCD,$AD2A,$BD0B,$8D68,$9D49 fdb $7E97,$6EB6,$5ED5,$4EF4,$3E13,$2E32,$1E51,$0E70 fdb $FF9F,$EFBE,$DFDD,$CFFC,$BF1B,$AF3A,$9F59,$8F78 fdb $9188,$81A9,$B1CA,$A1EB,$D10C,$C12D,$F14E,$E16F fdb $1080,$00A1,$30C2,$20E3,$5004,$4025,$7046,$6067 fdb $83B9,$9398,$A3FB,$B3DA,$C33D,$D31C,$E37F,$F35E fdb $02B1,$1290,$22F3,$32D2,$4235,$5214,$6277,$7256 fdb $B5EA,$A5CB,$95A8,$8589,$F56E,$E54F,$D52C,$C50D fdb $34E2,$24C3,$14A0,$0481,$7466,$6447,$5424,$4405 fdb $A7DB,$B7FA,$8799,$97B8,$E75F,$F77E,$C71D,$D73C fdb $26D3,$36F2,$0691,$16B0,$6657,$7676,$4615,$5634 fdb $D94C,$C96D,$F90E,$E92F,$99C8,$89E9,$B98A,$A9AB fdb $5844,$4865,$7806,$6827,$18C0,$08E1,$3882,$28A3 fdb $CB7D,$DB5C,$EB3F,$FB1E,$8BF9,$9BD8,$ABBB,$BB9A fdb $4A75,$5A54,$6A37,$7A16,$0AF1,$1AD0,$2AB3,$3A92 fdb $FD2E,$ED0F,$DD6C,$CD4D,$BDAA,$AD8B,$9DE8,$8DC9 fdb $7C26,$6C07,$5C64,$4C45,$3CA2,$2C83,$1CE0,$0CC1 fdb $EF1F,$FF3E,$CF5D,$DF7C,$AF9B,$BFBA,$8FD9,$9FF8 fdb $6E17,$7E36,$4E55,$5E74,$2E93,$3EB2,$0ED1,$1EF0 * Calculate Checksum? * Entry: D=# bytes in block? * X=Ptr to current position in read buffer? * Y= L3E3D pshs x,d Preserve regs leau d,x Point U to where end of block would be stu <Temp Save in temp var cmpx <u0050 Hit end of read buffer? beq L3E56 Yes, exit lda <u0048 Get current Checksum L3E4B adda ,x+ Add next byte cmpx <u0050 Hit end of buffer? beq L3E56 Yes, exit cmpx <Temp Hit end of block? blo L3E4B No, keep calculating Checksum L3E56 sta <u0048 Save new checksum puls pc,x,d Restore & return * Send ACK code for properly received packet L3E7B lda #$06 get ACK code * Send single byte to modem * Entry: A=Character to send L3E6E sta <u0044 Save code to write * Send block response code (ex. ACK) L3E5D pshs a,x,y preserve regs ldx #u0044 point to 1 byte buffer for block responses lda <u002B get path to modem ldy #1 get length os9 I$Write send it puls a,x,y,pc restore & return L3E73 lda #'C get code for CRC mode bra L3E6E send it to host L3E77 lda #$04 get end of transmission code bra L3E6E send it to modem L3E7F lda #$15 get NAK code bra L3E6E send it to modem L3E83 pshs d,x,y leax >L062B,pc Point to '0000' packet # text with CurXY @ 8,5 ldy #u1449 ldb #$09 lbsr L2D1E ldx #u1449 lbsr L1B03 puls d,x,y,pc L3E9B pshs y,x,d leax >L0634,pc Point to '0000' packet # text with CurXY @ 32,5 ldy #u1439 ldb #$09 lbsr L2D1E ldx #u1439 lbsr L1B03 puls pc,y,x,d L3EB3 pshs y,x,d ldx #u1439 ldd #$3030 '00' std $05,x std $07,x lbsr L1B03 puls pc,y,x,d L3EC5 pshs y,x,a ldx #u1439 bsr L3EEA lbsr L1B03 puls pc,y,x,a * ??? NEVER CALLED? * pshs y,x,a * leax >u1449,u * lbsr L1B03 * puls pc,y,x,a L3EDD pshs y,x,a ldx #u1449 bsr L3EEA lbsr L1B03 puls pc,y,x,a L3EEA pshs b ldb #$08 L3EEE bsr L3EF9 cmpa #$30 bne L3EF7 decb bcc L3EEE L3EF7 puls pc,b L3EF9 lda b,x inca cmpa #$39 Higher than ASCII '9'? bhi L3F03 sta b,x rts L3F03 lda #$30 Force to ASCII '0' sta b,x rts L3F08 tst <u0046 Check for YModem batch? beq L3F1A lbsr L2A52 tst <u0021 lbne L3954 L3F17 lbsr L2AA0 L3F1A leax >L0583,pc lbsr L1B03 ldx #u009F lda #$01 ldy #$0020 os9 I$WritLn leax >L048F,pc Cursor OFF lbsr L1B03 leax >L06C7,pc lbsr L1B03 lda #$01 ldx #u009F os9 I$Open bcc L3F53 L3F47 tst <u0046 lbeq L3954 inc <u0069 bra L3F71 L3F53 sta <u0042 Save path # to download file ldx #u00DF Read 127 bytes into buffer ldy #$007F os9 I$Read bcs L3F47 Error, deal with it tfr y,d lbsr L4206 lda <u0042 Get path # to download file ldx #$0000 os9 I$Seek L3F71 leax >L0593,pc lbsr L1B03 leax >L052F,pc lbsr L1B03 lbsr L3E83 lbsr L3E9B tst <u004C beq L3FB9 ldx #u009C lda <u0089 sta $02,x ldy #$0003 lda #$01 os9 I$Write leax >L06BF,pc ldy #$0008 os9 I$Write ldx #u009C ldb <u0087 stb $02,x ldy #$0003 os9 I$Write L3FB9 clr <u005A Clear block check type to Checksum ldd #$0080 128 bytes per block std <u0057 Save X/YModem block size addd #$0004 Add 4 bytes for header/trailer bytes std <u0055 Save 'real' block size tst <u0046 Batch mode? lbne L40EA Yes, skip ahead ldx #u13A9 lbsr L2C72 tst <u0045 beq L3FE7 ldd #$0400 Set block size to 1024 std <u0057 addd #$0004 Add 4 for header/trailer bytes std <u0055 L3FE7 ldd #$0001 Set current block # to 1 std <u0053 lbsr L3EDD lbsr L3EB3 lbsr L36CD lbsr L2408 tst <u0046 Batch mode? beq L4007 No, skip ahead ldd <u0053 Get block # cmpd #$0001 Block #1 (info block)? beq L4017 Yes, skip ahead L4007 lbsr L2A15 lbcs L39AA cmpa #$43 beq L4017 lbsr L249F bra L4031 L4017 lda #$01 Set to CRC checking sta <u005A lbsr L249F ldd <u0057 Get block size addd #$0005 Add 5 for header/trailer (CRC) std <u0055 Save as 'real' block size bra L4041 L402A lbsr L2A15 lbcs L39AA L4031 cmpa #$15 NAK (bad block)? beq L4041 Yes, bump up retry ctr & see if time to quit cmpa #$06 ACK (good block)? beq L4070 Yes, skip ahead cmpa #$18 <CTRL>-<X> to abort Xfer? lbeq L39AA Yes, go abort bra L4007 * Send X/Ymodem block & retry counter routine L4041 inc <u0052 Bump up # attempts @ checksum lda <u0052 Get it cmpa #$09 Past 10? lbhi L39AA Yes, forget it cmpa #$01 1st try? bne L405A No, skip ahead ldd <u0053 Get current block # cmpd #$0001 First block? beq L4060 Yes, skip ahead L405A lbsr L3EC5 ??? Update retry count lbsr L1CF7 Send out a tone L4060 ldy <u0055 Get true block size lda <u002B Get path to modem ldx #u00DF Get ptr to modem buffer os9 I$Write Send out the block bra L402A * Good block sent goes here L4070 clr <u0052 Clear out retry attempts to 0 lbsr L3EB3 Go update block # on screen tst <u005F bne L40BE ldd <u0053 Get current block # addd #$0001 Add 1 to it std <u0053 Save mew block # tst <u0045 beq L409F ldd #$0400 Set block size to 1024 std <u0057 * SHOULD BE ABLE TO CHANGE TO ADD #4, THEN DO CHECK AND ADD 1 MORE IF CRC tst <u005A CRC? beq L4099 No, skip ahead addd #$0005 'Real' block size is 1029 bra L409C L4099 addd #$0004 'Real' block size is 1028 for checksum L409C std <u0055 Save real block size L409F lbsr L3EDD lbsr L2408 tst <u005F bne L40BE lbsr L249F lda <u002B Get path # to modem ldx #u00DF Point to xmit buffer ldy <u0055 Get size of buffer os9 I$Write Send next block to modem lbra L402A L40BE lda <u0042 Get path # to upload file os9 I$Close Close it clr <u005F tst <u0046 Batch xfer? beq L40D8 No, we're done lbsr L3E77 lbsr L2A15 lbcs L39AA lbra L3F17 L40D8 lbsr L3E77 lbsr L2A15 lbcs L39AA cmpa #$06 bne L40D8 lbra L3947 L40EA lbsr L2A15 lbcs L39AA cmpa #'C CRC mode requested? bne L40EA No, go back inc <u005A Set mode to CRC ldd <u0057 Get block size addd #$0005 'Real' block size std <u0055 Save 'Raw' block size ldd #$0000 Set current block # to 0 std <u0053 lbsr L2408 lbsr L249F ldx #u00DF ldy #u13A9 ldb #$86 lbsr L2D1E tst <u0069 bne L412F ldd #$0001 Set block # to 1 std <u0053 ldd #$0400 Set block size to 1024 std <u0057 lbsr L2408 lbsr L249F L412F lda <u002B Get path # to modem ldx #u13A9 ldy <u0055 Get 'raw' block size os9 I$Write L413D lbsr L2A15 lbcs L39AA cmpa #$06 beq L415C cmpa #$15 bne L413D inc <u0052 Update retry counter lda <u0052 cmpa #$09 lbhi L39AA lbsr L3EC5 lbsr L1CF7 bra L412F L415C tst <u0069 lbne L3954 ldd #$0001 Set block # to 1 std <u0053 lbsr L3EDD ldd <u0057 Get block size addd #$0005 New size for CRC header/trailer std <u0055 Save 'raw' block size lbsr L2A15 lbcs L39AA cmpa #'C CRC mode requested? bne L415C lda <u002B Get path to modem ldx #u00DF ldy <u0055 Get raw block size os9 I$Write Send to modem lbra L402A L4191 pshs y,d ldd <u0002 Get ptr to max address of receive buffer allowed subd ,s cmpd <u0006 Compare with end of current receive buffer bhs L419E bsr L41EC L419E ldy <u0006 tst <u004C bne L41BC L41A6 ldd ,x++ std ,y++ ldd ,s subd #$0002 std ,s bhi L41A6 beq L41B7 leay -1,y L41B7 sty <u0006 puls pc,y,d L41BC ldd ,x++ cmpa #$1F bhi L41CA cmpa #$0A beq L41CC cmpa #$1A beq L41CC L41CA sta ,y+ L41CC cmpb #$1F bhi L41D8 cmpb #$0A beq L41DA cmpb #$1A beq L41DA L41D8 stb ,y+ L41DA ldd ,s subd #$0002 std ,s bhi L41BC beq L41E7 leay -1,y L41E7 sty <u0006 puls pc,y,d L41EC pshs x ldx <u0004 Get ptr to start address of receive buffer ldd <u0006 Get ptr to current end of receive buffer subd <u0004 Calculate current size of receive buffer tfr d,y Keep copy in Y lda <u0042 Get path to download file cmpa #$FF If none, skip ahead beq L4200 os9 I$Write Otherwise, write buffer to disk L4200 ldd <u0004 Reset end of current buffer ptr to beginning std <u0006 puls pc,x L4206 pshs x,d tst >u0CAD beq L422E inc <u004C andb #$7F L4213 lda ,x+ bmi L422E beq L4229 cmpa #$1F bhi L4229 cmpa #$0D beq L4229 cmpa #$0A beq L4229 cmpa #$09 bne L422E L4229 decb bne L4213 puls pc,x,d L422E clr <u004C puls pc,x,d * ASCII file download L4233 ldd #$1504 std >u0C8F ldd #$2507 std >u0C91 lbsr L1C81 leax >L048F,pc Cursor OFF lbsr L1B03 tst >u0CA0 lbeq L444C leax >L08CF,pc 'File Capture System' lbsr L1B03 leax >L051C,pc 'Break aborts' lbsr L1B03 leax >L048B,pc Cursor ON lbsr L1B03 tst <u0025 Does an ASCII receive file exist? beq L42BE No, continue leax >L0925,pc Print a double quote lbsr L1B03 ldx #u00BF lda #$01 ldy <u001E leay -1,y os9 I$Write Write filename leax >L08E8,pc 'is already open' lbsr L1B03 * Loop for response to file already open L428A lbsr L2AC5 cmpa #'Y beq L42A3 cmpa #'N lbeq L4332 cmpa #$05 <CTRL>-<E>? lbeq L4332 cmpa #C$CR bne L428A Illegal responses; ignore & try again L42A3 lbsr L43CA lbsr L44E1 lda <u002A Get path to file os9 I$Close Close it bcs L433B clr <u0025 Clear flag that a receive file is open clr <u0026 Clear flag that receive buffer is open lbsr L237E bra L4332 L42BE tst <u0020 bne L42E7 leax >L055F,pc 'File:' lbsr L1B03 ldb #$1E Max file size allowed? lbsr L1B61 Go get filename from user tst <u0021 bne L4332 ldd <u001C std <u001E ldx #u060E ldy #u00BF ldb #$20 lbsr L2D1E L42E7 ldx #u00BF lda ,x cmpa #$0D Carriage return? beq L4332 ldd #WRITE.*256+UPDAT. Access mode=Write, attributes=Read & Write os9 I$Create Create the file bcc L4318 cmpb #E$CEF File aready exists error? bne L433B leax >L092B,pc Append or overwrite message lbsr L1B03 L4305 lbsr L2AC5 cmpa #'A Append? beq L4363 cmpa #'O Overwrite? beq L438A cmpa #C$CR CR? beq L4332 bra L4305 L4318 sta <u002A Save path # to receive file L431B inc <u0025 Flag that receive file exists tst <u0024 bne L4332 inc <u0026 Flag that receive buffer is open lbsr L237E lda <u0002 Get MSB of max address for receive buffer suba <u0006 Calc size to end of buffer (in 256 byte blocks) sta <u0008 Save it lbsr L44FF L4332 clr <u0024 lbsr L1CDE lbra L0C5E L433B lda #$07 lbsr L1F0B pshs b ldd #$0D02 lbsr L2294 leax >L048F,pc Cursor OFF lbsr L1B03 puls b os9 F$PErr Print error message ldx #$003C lbsr L0F56 leax >L048B,pc Cursor ON lbsr L1B03 bra L4332 L4363 ldx #u00BF lda #UPDAT. os9 I$Open bcc L4379 os9 F$PErr ldx #$003C lbsr L0F56 bra L433B L4379 sta <u002A Save path # to receive file * NOTE: TOOK OUT PSHS U ldb #SS.Size Get size of file to append to os9 I$GetStt os9 I$Seek Seek to end of file * NOTE: TOOK OUT PULS U bra L431B L438A ldx #u00BF Delete file (to overwrite) os9 I$Delete lbra L42E7 L4394 pshs y,x,d ldx #u070D ldb <u0C89 Get LSB of size converted output text buffer ldy <u0006 Get ptr to end of current receive buffer L43A4 lda ,x+ cmpa #$0A beq L43AF sta ,y+ sty <u0006 L43AF decb cmpy <u0002 bcs L43BA bsr L43CA ldy <u0006 L43BA tstb bne L43A4 lda <u0002 suba <u0006 cmpa <u0008 beq L43C8 lbsr L44FF L43C8 puls pc,y,x,d L43CA pshs y,x,d ldd <u0006 std <u0009 tst <u0025 beq L43FD lda >u0CB0 Get pause on char beq L43E1 None, wing it & hope we don't overflow sta <u0044 Save it & send to modem lbsr L3E5D L43E1 ldd <u0006 subd <u0004 tfr d,y ldx #u16B9 lda <u002A Get path # to receive buffer file os9 I$Write Save lda >u0CAF Get pause off char beq L43FD None, skip ahead sta <u0044 Save & send to host lbsr L3E5D L43FD ldd <u0004 Reset end of receive buffer ptr to start std <u0006 puls pc,y,x,d * Parameter parsing? L4403 pshs y,x,d clr <u0024 ldx ,u L440A lda ,x+ cmpa #C$CR beq L4447 cmpa #'f beq L4418 cmpa #'F bne L440A L4418 lda -$02,x cmpa #C$SPAC beq L4425 cmpa #'- bne L440A inc <u0024 L4425 lda ,x+ cmpa #'= bne L440A ldy #u00BF clrb L4430 lda ,x+ sta ,y+ incb cmpa #C$CR beq L443D cmpb #C$SPAC blo L4430 L443D clra std <u001E inc <u0020 lbsr L4233 L4447 clr <u0020 puls pc,y,x,d L444C leax >L0910,pc 'Send ASCII file' lbsr L1B03 leax >L048B,pc Cursor ON lbsr L1B03 leax >L055F,pc 'File:' lbsr L1B03 ldb #$1E lbsr L1B61 tst <u0021 bne L44CF ldx #u060E ldy #u13A9 ldb #$20 lbsr L2D1E ldx #u13A9 lda ,x cmpa #C$CR beq L44CF lda #READ. os9 I$Open bcs L44CF sta <u002C Save path # to file xmit in ASCII lda #$01 sta <u0023 lbsr L1CDE L4494 lda <u002C Get path # to send file ldx #u13A9 Point to send buffer ldy #255 Max 255 bytes/read os9 I$ReadLn Get block from file bcs L44C3 lda <u002B Get path # to modem ldx #u13A9 Send data to modem os9 I$WritLn lbsr L13C2 bcc L44D4 lbra L0C5E L44B6 ldx #$0004 lbsr L0F56 lda <u002B Get path to modem ldb #SS.Ready os9 I$GetStt Any data ready on the modem? lbcc L0C5E Possibly, return to main read loop bra L4494 No, go get more data from disk file L44C3 lda <u002C Close send file os9 I$Close clr <u0023 Clear 'Sending ASCII file' flag lbra L0C5E L44CF lbsr L1CDE lbra L0C5E L44D4 lbsr L2AC5 cmpa #$03 beq L44C3 cmpa #$05 beq L44C3 lbra L0C5E L44E1 pshs y,x,d ldx #u13A9 ldd #$026A CurXY @ 74,0 std ,x ldd #$2020 +3 spaces std $02,x std $04,x lda <u003E Get path # to status window ldy #$0006 os9 I$Write puls pc,y,x,d L44FF pshs y,x,d sta <u0008 lsra lsra inca ldx #u13A9 clrb L450B cmpa #10 blo L4514 suba #$0A incb bra L450B L4514 addb #$30 Convert to ASCII numeric adda #$30 cmpb #$30 bne L451E ldb #C$SPAC L451E stb $03,x sta $04,x ldd #$026A CurXY @ 74,0 std ,x lda #$20 sta $02,x lda #$4B sta $05,x lda <u003E ldy #$0006 os9 I$Write puls pc,y,x,d L453B pshs y,x,d ldx #u070D ldb <u0C89 Get # bytes in modem buffer ldy <u000F L4548 lda ,x+ sta ,y+ decb cmpy <u000B blo L4555 ldy <u000D L4555 tstb bne L4548 sty <u000F puls pc,y,x,d * Scan filename memory for filename (used by file xfer's) L455D pshs d,x,y ldx <u000F get pointer to ??? L4561 lda ,-x get a byte cmpa #$2E period? beq L4577 yes, skip ahead L4567 cmpx <u000D end of buffer? bne L456D no, check ldx <u000B L456D cmpx <u000F bne L4561 clr <u009B Clear filename present flag puls d,x,y,pc * L4577 lda 1,x get character again cmpa #'. blo L4567 lda -1,x cmpa #'. blo L4567 L4583 lda ,-x cmpa #'0 blo L458F cmpx <u000F beq L456D bra L4583 L458F lda 1,x cmpa #'A blo L456D ldb #$1F leax 1,x ldy #u009F L459D lda ,x+ L459F cmpa #'. blo L45B8 sta ,y+ decb beq L45B8 cmpx <u000B beq L45B2 cmpx <u000F ??? Hit end of name buffer? bne L459D No, keep going L45B8 lda #C$CR Change to CR sta ,y inc <u009B Inc size of filename counter puls d,x,y,pc Restore & return L45B2 lda ,x ldx <u000D bra L459F emod eom equ * end