view level1/modules/kernel/krn.asm @ 3277:33d539c123cf

d64: Add mb.ddisk script for making Dragon boot floppy At least it works in XRoar when running off a 80d floppy and preparing a new 40d boot floppy in the second drive. The "format" must be run manually for now since there is not enough memory to run it from inside the script...
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 07 Mar 2020 23:15:05 +0100
parents 185c31229f22
line wrap: on
line source

* Krn - NitrOS-9 Level 1 Kernel
* $Id$
* This is how the memory map looks after the kernel has initialized:
*     $0000----> ================================== 
*               |                                  |
*               |                                  |
*  $0020-$0111  |  System Globals (D.FMBM-D.XNMI)  |
*               |                                  |
*               |                                  |
*     $0200---->|==================================|
*               |        Free Memory Bitmap        |
*  $0200-$021F  |     (1 bit = 256 byte page)      |
*               |----------------------------------|
*  $0220-$0221  |      IOMan I/O Call Pointer      |
*               |----------------------------------|
*               |      System Dispatch Table       |
*  $0222-$0291  |     (Room for 56 addresses)      |
*               |----------------------------------|
*  $0292-$02FF  |       User Dispatch Table        |
*               |     (Room for 56 addresses)      |
*     $0300---->|==================================|
*               |                                  |
*               |                                  |
*  $0300-$03FF  |     Module Directory Entries     |
*               |      (Room for 64 entries)       |
*               |                                  |
*     $0400---->|==================================|
*               |                                  |
*  $0400-$04FF  |           System Stack           |
*               |                                  |
*     $0500---->|==================================|
*               |                                  |
*               |                                  |
*               |                                  |
*  $0500-$08FF  |    Screen Memory (Atari Only)    |
*               |                                  |
*               |                                  |
*               |                                  |
*     $0900---->|==================================|
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*  14      1985/??/??
* From Tandy OS-9 Level One VR 02.00.00
*  15      2002/07/21  Boisy G. Pitre
* Module validation consists only of module header parity check.
* CRC check is not done unless D.CRC is set to 1, which is NOT the
* default case.  By default, D.CRC is set to 0, thus there is no
* CRC checking.  Speeds up module loads quite a bit. The Init module
* has a bit in a compatibility byte that can turn on/off CRC checking
*  15r1    2003/12/09  Boisy G. Pitre
* Kernel no longer scans for modules in I/O space.  Also, F$PrsNam now
* allows _ and 0-9 as first chars of a filename.
*  15r1    2004/05/23  Boisy G. Pitre
* Renamed to 'krn'
*  16      2004/05/23  Boisy G. Pitre
* Added changes for Atari port

         nam   krn
         ttl   NitrOS-9 Level 1 Kernel

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Systm+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $00
edition  set   16

ModTop   mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,OS9Cold,size

size     equ   .

name     fcs   /Krn/
         fcb   edition

* OS-9 Genesis!

OS9Cold  equ   *
* clear out system globals from $0000-$0400
*         ldx   #D.FMBM
         ldx   #$0000
         IFNE  H6309
*         ldw   #$400-D.FMBM
         ldw   #$400
         leay  Zoro,pc
         tfm   y,x+
*         ldy   #$400-D.FMBM
         ldy   #$400
L007F    std   ,x++
         leay  -2,y
         bne   L007F

* set up system globals
         IFNE  H6309
         ldd   #$200
         inca                          D = $200
         std   <D.FMBM                 $200 = start of free memory bitmap
         addb  #$20
         std   <D.FMBM+2               $220 = end of free memory bitmap
         addb  #$02
         std   <D.SysDis               $222 = addr of sys dispatch tbl
         addb  #$70
         std   <D.UsrDis               $292 = addr of usr dispatch tbl
         inca                          D = $300
         std   <D.ModDir               $300 = mod dir start
         stx   <D.ModDir+2             X = $400 = mod dir end
         leas  >$0100,x                S = $500 (system stack?)

* NOTE: This routine checks for RAM by writing a pattern at an address
* then reading it back for validation.  On the CoCo, we pretty much know
* that we are in all-RAM mode at this point, and the same goes for the
* other supported platforms.  So I am taking this code out for the time being.

* Check for valid RAM starting at $400
ChkRAM   leay  ,x
         ldd   ,y                      store org contents in D
         ldx   #$00FF
         stx   ,y                      write pattern to ,Y
         cmpx  ,y                      same as what we wrote?
         bne   L00C2                   nope, not RAM here!
         ldx   #$FF00                  try different pattern
         stx   ,y                      write it to ,Y
         cmpx  ,y                      same as what we wrote?
         bne   L00C2                   nope, not RAM here!
         std   ,y                      else restore org contents
         leax  >$0100,y                check top of next 256 block
         cmpx  #Bt.Start               stop short of boot track mem
         bcs   ChkRAM
         leay  ,x
* Here, Y = end of RAM
L00C2    leax  ,y                      X = end of RAM
         ldx 	#Bt.Start
         stx   <D.MLIM                 save off memory limit

* Copy vector code over to address $100
         pshs  x
         IFNE  H6309
         leax  >VectCode,pcr
         ldy   #D.XSWI3
         ldw   #VectCSz
         tfm   x+,y+
         leax  >VectCode,pcr
         ldy   #D.XSWI3
         ldb   #VectCSz
L00D2    lda   ,x+
         sta   ,y+
         bne   L00D2
         puls  x

* Atari has bootfile already in memory
         IFNE  atari
* flag that we've booted and that Boot Low starts appropriately
         ldy   #$D000           Atari: I/O is at $D000-$D7FF
         inc   <D.Boot
         stx   <D.BTLO
         ldx   #$FFFF
         stx   <D.BTHI
         IFNE	corsham
         ldx	#Bt.Start
         ldy	#Bt.Start+Bt.Size-1
* CoCo
         ldy	#Bt.Start+Bt.Size

         lbsr	ValMods

* Atari: look for more modules at $D800-$F3FF
         IFNE  atari
         ldx   #$D800				
         ldy   #$F400
         lbsr  ValMods
* Copy vectors to system globals
L00EE    leay  >Vectors,pcr
         leax  >ModTop,pcr
         pshs  x
         ldx   #D.SWI3
L00FB    ldd   ,y++
         addd  ,s
         std   ,x++
         cmpx  #D.NMI
         bls   L00FB
         leas  2,s                     restore stack

* fill in more system globals
         leax  >URtoSs,pcr
         stx   <D.URtoSs
         leax  >UsrIRQ,pcr
         stx   <D.UsrIRQ
         leax  >UsrSvc,pcr
         stx   <D.UsrSvc
         leax  >SysIRQ,pcr
         stx   <D.SysIRQ
         stx   <D.SvcIRQ
         leax  >SysSvc,pcr
         stx   <D.SysSvc
         stx   <D.SWI2
         leax  >Poll,pcr          point to default poll routine
         stx   <D.Poll            and save it 
         leax  >Clock,pcr         get default clock routine
         stx   <D.Clock           and save it to the vector
         stx   <D.AltIRQ          and in the alternate IRQ vector

* install system calls
         leay  >SysTbl,pcr
         lbsr  InstSSvc

* link to init module
         lda   #Systm+0
         leax  >InitNam,pcr
         os9   F$Link
         lbcs  OS9Cold
         stu   <D.Init
         lda   Feature1,u		get feature byte 1
         bita  #CRCOn			CRC on?
         beq   GetMem			branch if not (already cleared earlier)
         inc   <D.CRC			else turn on CRC checking
*GetMem   ldd   MaxMem+1,u		I don't think this exists for Level1 RG
*         clrb
*         cmpd  <D.MLIM			starts as $EE00
*         bcc   L0158
*         std   <D.MLIM
GetMem   equ   *			Initially I tried GetMem clra
*                                       that is redundant. See last line. RG
L0158    ldx   <D.FMBM
* Free-memory bitmap. Bit7 of 0,x corresponds to page 0, bit6 to page 1 etc.
* Bit7 of 1,x corresponds to page 8, bit6 to page 9 etc, etc.

         IFNE  atari
* Atari needs $0000-$08FF and $D000-$D7FF reserved
         ldb   #%11111111
         stb   ,x                       mark $0000-$07FF as allocated
         stb   $1A,x                    mark $D000-$D7FF I/O area as allocated
         ldb   #%10000000
         stb   1,x                      mark $0800-$08FF as allocated
         IFNE  corsham
* Corsham needs $0000-$04FF and $E000-$EFFF reserved
         ldb   #%11111000
         stb   ,x                       mark $0000-$04FF as allocated
         ldb   #%11111111
         stb   $1C,x                    mark $E000-$E7FF I/O area as allocated
         stb   $1D,x                    mark $E800-$EFFF I/O area as allocated
* CoCo needs $0000-$04FF reserved
         ldb   #%11111000
         stb   ,x                       mark $0000-$04FF as allocated

* For all platforms exclude high memory as defined (earlier) by D.MLIM
         ldb   <D.MLIM
         tfr   d,y
         lbsr  L065A                    in included fallbit.asm

* jump into krnp2 here
         leax  >P2Nam,pcr
         lda   #Systm+Objct
         os9   F$Link
         lbcs  OS9Cold
         jmp   ,y

SWI3     pshs  pc,x,b
         ldb   #P$SWI3
         bra   L018C
SWI2     pshs  pc,x,b
         ldb   #P$SWI2
         bra   L018C
SVCNMI   jmp	[>D.NMI]
DUMMY	 rti
SVCIRQ   jmp   [>D.SvcIRQ]
SWI      pshs  pc,x,b
         ldb   #P$SWI
L018C    ldx   >D.Proc
         ldx   b,x                     get SWI entry
         stx   3,s                     put in PC on stack
         puls  pc,x,b

UsrIRQ   leay  <DoIRQPoll,pcr
* transition from user to system state
URtoSs   clra
         tfr   a,dp                    clear direct page
         ldx   <D.Proc                 get current process desc
* Note that we are putting the system state service routine address into
* the D.SWI2 vector.  If a system call is made while we are in system state,
* D.SWI2 will be vectored to the system state service routine vector.
         ldd   <D.SysSvc               get system state system call vector
         std   <D.SWI2                 store in D.SWI2
* The same comment above applies to the IRQ service vector.
         ldd   <D.SysIRQ               get system IRQ vector
         std   <D.SvcIRQ               store in D.SvcIRQ
         leau  ,s                      point U to S
         stu   P$SP,x                  and save in process P$SP
         lda   P$State,x               get state field in proc desc
         ora   #SysState               mark process to be in system state
         sta   P$State,x               store it
         jmp   ,y                      jump to ,y

         jsr   [>D.Poll]               call vectored polling routine
         bcc   L01BD                   branch if carry clear
         ldb   ,s                      get the CC on the stack
         orb   #IRQMask                mask IRQs
         stb   ,s                      and save it back
L01BD    lbra  ActivateProc

SysIRQ   clra
         tfr   a,dp                    make DP be 0
         jsr   [>D.Poll]               call the vectored IRQ polling routine
         bcc   L01CF                   branch if carry is clear
         ldb   ,s                      get the CC on the stack
         orb   #IRQMask                mask IRQs
         stb   ,s                      and save it back
L01CF    rti

Poll     comb

* Default clock routine - executed 60 times/sec
Clock    ldx   <D.SProcQ               get pointer to sleeping proc queue
         beq   L01FD                   branch if no process sleeping
         lda   P$State,x               get state of that process
         bita  #TimSleep               timed sleep?
         beq   L01FD                   branch if clear
         ldu   P$SP,x                  else get process stack pointer
         ldd   R$X,u                   get the value of the process X reg
         subd  #$0001                  subtract one from it
         std   R$X,u                   and store it back
         bne   L01FD                   branch if not zero (still will sleep)
L01E7    ldu   P$Queue,x               get process current queue pointer
         bsr   L021A 
         leax  ,u
         beq   L01FB
         lda   P$State,x               get process state byte
         bita  #TimSleep               bit set?
         beq   L01FB                   branch if not
         ldu   P$SP,x                  get process stack pointer
         ldd   R$X,u                   then get process X register
         beq   L01E7                   branch if zero
L01FB    stx   <D.SProcQ
L01FD    dec   <D.Slice                decrement slice
         bne   ClockRTI                if not 0, exit ISR
         lda   <D.TSlice               else get default time slice
         sta   <D.Slice                and save it as slice
         ldx   <D.Proc                 get proc desc of current proc
         beq   ClockRTI                if none, exit ISR
         lda   P$State,x               get process state
         ora   #TimOut                 set timeout bit
         sta   P$State,x               and store back
         bpl   L0212                   branch if not system state
ClockRTI rti

L0212    leay  >ActivateProc,pcr
         bra   URtoSs

*FAProc   ldx   R$X,u        Get ptr to process to activate
*L0D11    clrb  
*         pshs  cc,b,x,y,u
*         lda   P$Prior,x    Get process priority
*         sta   P$Age,x      Save it as age (How long it's been around)
*         orcc  #IntMasks    Shut down IRQ's
*         ldu   #(D.AProcQ-P$Queue)  Get ptr to active process queue
*         bra   L0D29        Go through the chain
** Update active process queue
**  X=Process to activate
**  U=Current process in queue links
*L0D1F    inc   P$Age,u      update current process age
*         bne   L0D25        wrap?
*         dec   P$Age,u      yes, reset it to max.
*L0D25    cmpa  P$Age,u      match process ages??
*         bhi   L0D2B        no, skip update
*L0D29    leay  ,u           point Y to current process
*L0D2B    ldu   P$Queue,u    get pointer to next process in chain
*         bne   L0D1F        Still more in chain, keep going
*         ldd   P$Queue,y    
*         stx   P$Queue,y    save new process to chain
*         std   P$Queue,x
*         puls  cc,b,x,y,u,pc

         use    faproc.asm
* User-State system call entry point
* All system calls made from user-state will go through this code.
UsrSvc   leay  <MakeSysCall,pcr
         orcc  #IntMasks
         lbra  URtoSs

         andcc #^IntMasks              unmask IRQ/FIRQ
         ldy   <D.UsrDis               get pointer to user syscall dispatch table
         bsr   DoSysCall               go do the system call
         ldx   <D.Proc                 get current proc desc
         beq   FNProc                  branch to FNProc if none
         orcc  #IntMasks               mask interrupts
         ldb   P$State,x               get state value in proc desc
         andb  #^SysState              turn off system state flag
         stb   P$State,x               save state value
         bitb  #TimOut                 timeout bit set?
         beq   L02D1                   branch if not
         andb  #^TimOut                else turn off bit
         stb   P$State,x               in state value
         bsr   L021A
         bra   FNProc

* System-State system call entry point
SysSvc   clra
         tfr   a,dp                    set direct page to 0
         leau  ,s                      point U to SP
         ldy   <D.SysDis               get system state dispatch table ptr
         bsr   DoSysCall

* Entry: Y = Dispatch table (user or system)
         pshs  u
         ldx   R$PC,u                  point X to PC
         ldb   ,x+                     get func code at X
         stx   R$PC,u                  restore updated PC
         lslb                          high bit set?
         bcc   L0288                   branch if not (non I/O call)
         rorb                          else restore B (its an I/O call)
         ldx   -2,y                    grab IOMan vector
* Note: should check if X is zero in case IOMan was not installed.
         bra   L0290
L0288    cmpb  #$37*2
         bcc   L02A7
         ldx   b,y                     X = addr of system call
         beq   L02A7
L0290    jsr   ,x                      jsr into system call
L0292    puls  u
         tfr   cc,a
         bcc   FixCC                   branch if no error
         stb   R$B,u                   store error code
FixCC    ldb   R$CC,u                  get caller's CC
         andb  #^(Negative+Zero+TwosOvfl+Carry)
         stb   R$CC,u
         anda  #Negative+Zero+TwosOvfl+Carry
         ora   R$CC,u
         sta   R$CC,u
L02A7    comb
         ldb   #E$UnkSvc
         bra   L0292

* no signal handler, exit with signal value as exit code
L02AC    ldb   P$State,x
         orb   #SysState
         stb   P$State,x
         ldb   <P$Signal,x
         andcc #^(IntMasks)
         os9   F$Exit

FNProc   clra
         std   <D.Proc
         bra   L02C2
* execution goes here when there are no active processes
L02C0    cwai  #^(IntMasks)
L02C2    orcc  #IntMasks
         ldx   <D.AProcQ               get next active process
         beq   L02C0                   CWAI if none
         ldd   P$Queue,x               get queue ptr
         std   <D.AProcQ               store in Active Q
         stx   <D.Proc                 store in current process
         lds   P$SP,x                  get process' stack ptr
L02D1    ldb   P$State,x               get state
         bmi   L0308                   branch if system state
         bitb  #Condem                 process condemned?
         bne   L02AC                   branch if so...
         ldb   <P$Signal,x             get signal no
         beq   L02FF                   branch if none
         decb                          decrement
         beq   L02FC                   branch if wake up
         ldu   <P$SigVec,x             get signal handler addr
         beq   L02AC                   branch if none
         ldy   <P$SigDat,x             get data addr
         ldd   R$Y,s
* set up new return stack for RTI
         pshs  u,y,d            new PC (sigvec), new U (sigdat), same Y
         ldu   6+R$X,s          old X via U
         lda   <P$Signal,x      signal ...
         ldb   6+R$DP,s         and old DP ...
         IFEQ  H6309
         tfr   d,y              via Y
         ldd   6+R$CC,s         old CC and A via D
         pshs  u,y,d            same X, same DP / new B (signal), same A / CC
         pshs  u,b              same X, same DP
         pshsw                  same W
         pshs  a                new B (signal)
         ldd   6+6+R$CC,s
         pshs  d                same A / CC
L02FC    stb   <P$Signal,x
L02FF    ldd   <P$SWI2,x
         std   <D.SWI2
         ldd   <D.UsrIRQ
         std   <D.SvcIRQ
L0308    rti

FLink    pshs  u                       save caller regs
         ldd   R$A,u
         ldx   R$X,u
         lbsr  L0443
         bcc   FLinkOK
         ldb   #E$MNF
         bra   L033D
* U = module dir entry
FLinkOK  ldy   ,u                      get module ptr
         ldb   M$Revs,y
         bitb  #ReEnt                  reentrant?
         bne   L032A                   branch if so
         tst   $02,u                   link count zero?
         beq   L032A                   yep, ok to link to nonreent
         comb                          else module is busy
         ldb   #E$ModBsy
         bra   L033D
L032A    inc   $02,u                   increment link count
         ldu   ,s                      get caller regs from stack
         stx   R$X,u
         sty   R$U,u
         ldd   M$Type,y
         std   R$D,u
         ldd   M$IDSize,y
         leax  d,y
         stx   R$Y,u
L033D    puls  pc,u

FVModul  pshs  u
         ldx   R$X,u
         bsr   ValMod
         puls  y
         stu   R$U,y

* X = address of module to validate
ValMod   bsr   ChkMHCRC
         bcs   ValModEx
         lda   M$Type,x
         pshs  x,a
         ldd   M$Name,x
         leax  d,x                     X = addr of name in mod
         IFNE  atari
* jsr [>$FFE8]
* lda	#$20
* jsr [>$FFE4]
         puls  a
         lbsr  L0443
         puls  x
         bcs   ValLea
         ldb   #E$KwnMod
         cmpx  ,u
         beq   errex@
         lda   M$Revs,x
         anda  #RevsMask
         pshs  a
         ldy   ,u
         lda   M$Revs,y
         anda  #RevsMask
         cmpa  ,s+                     same revision as other mod?
         bcc   errex@
         pshs  y,x
         ldb   M$Size,u
         bne   ValPul
         ldx   ,u
         cmpx  <D.BTLO
         bcc   ValPul
         ldd   $02,x
         addd  #$00FF
         tfr   a,b
         tfr   d,y
         ldb   ,u
         ldx   <D.FMBM
         os9   F$DelBit
         clr   $02,u
ValPul   puls  y,x
ValSto   stx   ,u
ValModEx rts
ValLea   leay  ,u
         bne   ValSto
         ldb   #E$DirFul
errex@   coma

* check module header and CRC
* X = address of potential module
ChkMHCRC ldd   ,x
         cmpd  #M$ID12                 sync bytes?
         bne   ChkMHEx                nope, not a module here
         leay  M$Parity,x
         bsr   ChkMHPar                check header parity
         bcc   Chk4CRC                 branch if ok
ChkMHEx  comb
         ldb   #E$BMID

* Following 4 lines added to support no CRC checks - 2002/07/21
         lda   <D.CRC			is CRC checking on?
         bne   DoCRCCk			branch if so

DoCRCCk  pshs  x
         ldy   M$Size,x
         bsr   ChkMCRC                 checkm module CRC
         puls  pc,x
* check module header parity
* Y = pointer to parity byte
ChkMHPar pshs  y,x
ChkM010  eora  ,x+
         cmpx  2,s                     compare to addr of M$Parity
         bls   ChkM010
         cmpa  #$FF
         puls  pc,y,x
* X = address of potential module
* Y = size of module
ChkMCRC  ldd   #$FFFF
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  b,a
         leau  1,s
L03D4    lda   ,x+
         bsr   CRCAlgo
         leay  -1,y                    dec Y (size of module)
         bne   L03D4                   continue
         clr   -1,u
         lda   ,u
         cmpa  #CRCCon1
         bne   L03EC
         ldd   1,u
         cmpd  #CRCCon23
         beq   L03EF
L03EC    comb
         ldb   #E$BMCRC
L03EF    puls  pc,y,x

         use   fcrc.asm

         ldu   #$0000
         tfr   a,b
         anda  #TypeMask
         andb  #LangMask
         pshs  u,y,x,b,a
         bsr   EatSpace
         cmpa  #PDELIM                 pathlist char?
         beq   L049C                   branch if so
         lbsr  ParseNam                parse name
         bcs   L049D                   return if error
         ldu   <D.ModDir
L045B    pshs  u,y,b
         ldu   ,u
         beq   L048B
         ldd   $04,u
         leay  d,u
         ldb   ,s
         lbsr  L07AB
         bcs   L0493
         lda   $05,s
         beq   L0476
         eora  $06,u
         anda  #$F0
         bne   L0493
L0476    lda   $06,s
         beq   L0480
         eora  $06,u
         anda  #$0F
         bne   L0493
L0480    puls  u,x,b
         stu   $06,s
         bsr   EatSpace
         stx   $02,s
         bra   L049D
L048B    ldd   $0B,s
         bne   L0493
         ldd   $03,s
         std   $0B,s
L0493    puls  u,y,b
         leau  $04,u
         cmpu  <D.ModDir+2
         bcs   L045B
L049C    comb
L049D    puls  pc,u,y,x,b,a

EatSpace lda   #C$SPAC
EatSpc10 cmpa  ,x+
         beq   EatSpc10
         lda   ,-x

FFork    ldx   <D.PrcDBT
         os9   F$All64
         bcs   L0517
         ldx   <D.Proc
         pshs  x                       save calling proc desc on stack
         ldd   P$User,x
         std   P$User,y
         lda   P$Prior,x
         std   P$Prior,y
         ldb   #SysState
         stb   P$State,y
         sty   <D.Proc
         ldd   <P$NIO,x
         std   <P$NIO,y
         ldd   <P$NIO+2,x
         std   <P$NIO+2,y
         leax  <P$DIO,x
         leay  <P$DIO,y
         ldb   #DefIOSiz
* copy I/O stuff from parent to child
L04D7    lda   ,x+
         sta   ,y+
         bne   L04D7
* X/Y = address of path table in respective proc desc
* Dup stdin/stdout/stderr
         ldb   #$03
L04E0    lda   ,x+
         os9   I$Dup
         bcc   L04E8
L04E8    sta   ,y+
         bne   L04E0
         bsr   L0553
         bcs   L050C
         puls  y                       get parent proc desc
         sty   <D.Proc
         lda   P$ID,x                  get ID of new process
         sta   R$A,u                   store in caller's A
         ldb   P$CID,y                 get child id of parent
         sta   P$CID,y                 store new proc in parent's CID
         lda   P$ID,y                  get ID of parent
         std   P$PID,x                 store in child proc desc
         ldb   P$State,x               update state of child
         andb  #^SysState
         stb   P$State,x
         os9   F$AProc                 insert child in active Q
L050C    pshs  b
         os9   F$Exit
         puls  x,b
         stx   <D.Proc
L0517    comb
         ldb   #E$PrcFul

FChain   bsr   L0543
         bcs   L0531
         orcc  #IntMasks
         ldb   $0D,x
         andb  #$7F
         stb   $0D,x
L0527    os9   F$AProc
         os9   F$NProc

SFChain  bsr   L0543
         bcc   L0527
L0531    pshs  b
         stb   <P$Signal,x
         ldb   P$State,x
         orb   #Condem
         stb   P$State,x
         ldb   #$FF
         stb   P$Prior,x
         puls  pc,b
L0543    pshs  u
         ldx   <D.Proc
         ldu   <P$PModul,x
         os9   F$UnLink
         ldu   ,s
         bsr   L0553
         puls  pc,u
L0553    ldx   <D.Proc
         pshs  u,x
         ldd   <D.UsrSvc
         std   <P$SWI,x
         std   <P$SWI2,x
         std   <P$SWI3,x
         sta   <P$Signal,x
         std   <P$SigVec,x
         lda   R$A,u
         ldx   R$X,u
         os9   F$Link
         bcc   L0578
         os9   F$Load
         bcs   L05E7
L0578    ldy   <D.Proc
         stu   <P$PModul,y
         cmpa  #Prgrm+Objct
         beq   L058B
         cmpa  #Systm+Objct
         beq   L058B
         ldb   #E$NEMod
         bra   L05E7
L058B    leay  ,u                      Y = addr of module
         ldu   2,s                     get U off stack (caller regs)
         stx   R$X,u
         lda   R$B,u
         cmpd  M$Mem,y                 compare passed mem to module's
         bcc   L059B                   branch if less than
         ldd   M$Mem,y
L059B    addd  #$0000
         bne   L05A0
L05A0    os9   F$Mem
         bcs   L05E7
         subd  #R$Size                 subtract registers
         subd  R$Y,u                   subtract parameter area
         bcs   L05E5
         ldx   R$U,u                   get parameter area
         ldd   R$Y,u                   get parameter size
         pshs  b,a
         beq   L05BE
         leax  d,x                     point to end of param area
L05B6    lda   ,-x                     get byte, dec X
         sta   ,-y                     save byte in data area, dec X
         cmpx  R$U,u                   at top of param area?
         bhi   L05B6
* set up registers for return of F$Fork/F$Chain
L05BE    ldx   <D.Proc
         sty   -R$Size+R$X,y           put in X on caller stack
         leay  -R$Size,y               back up register size
         sty   P$SP,x
         lda   P$ADDR,x
         std   R$U,y                   lowest address
         sta   R$DP,y                  set direct page
         adda  P$PagCnt,x
         std   R$Y,y
         puls  b,a
         std   R$D,y                   size of param area
         ldb   #Entire
         stb   R$CC,y
         ldu   <P$PModul,x             get addr of prim. mod
         ldd   M$Exec,u
         leau  d,u
         stu   R$PC,y                  put in PC on caller reg
L05E5    ldb   #E$IForkP
L05E7    puls  pc,u,x

		use   fsrqmem.asm
		use   fallbit.asm
		use   fprsnam.asm

		use   fcmpnam.asm

		use   fssvc.asm

* Validate modules subroutine
* Entry: X = address to start searching
*	    Y = address to stop (actually stops at Y-1)
ValMods	pshs	y
valloop@	lbsr	ValMod
		bcs	valerr
		ldd	M$Size,x
		leax	d,x                     go past module
		bra	valcheck
valerr	cmpb	#E$KwnMod
		beq	valret
		leax	1,x
valcheck	cmpx	,s
		bcs	valloop@
valret	puls  y,pc

VectCode bra   SWI3Jmp		$0100
         bra   SWI2Jmp		$0103
         bra   SWIJmp		$0106
         bra   NMIJmp		$0109
         bra   IRQJmp		$010C
         bra   FIRQJmp		$010F

SWI3Jmp  jmp   [>D.SWI3]
SWI2Jmp  jmp   [>D.SWI2]
SWIJmp   jmp   [>D.SWI]
NMIJmp   jmp   [>D.NMI]
IRQJmp   jmp   [>D.IRQ]
FIRQJmp  jmp   [>D.FIRQ]
VectCSz  equ   *-VectCode

SysTbl   fcb   F$Link
         fdb   FLink-*-2
         fcb   F$Fork
         fdb   FFork-*-2
         fcb   F$Chain
         fdb   FChain-*-2
         fcb   F$Chain+SysState
         fdb   SFChain-*-2
         fcb   F$PrsNam
         fdb   FPrsNam-*-2
         fcb   F$CmpNam
         fdb   FCmpNam-*-2
         fcb   F$SchBit
         fdb   FSchBit-*-2
         fcb   F$AllBit
         fdb   FAllBit-*-2
         fcb   F$DelBit
         fdb   FDelBit-*-2
         fcb   F$CRC
         fdb   FCRC-*-2
         fcb   F$SRqMem+SysState
         fdb   FSRqMem-*-2
         fcb   F$SRtMem+SysState
         fdb   FSRtMem-*-2
         fcb   F$AProc+SysState
         fdb   FAProc-*-2
         fcb   F$NProc+SysState
         fdb   FNProc-*-2
         fcb   F$VModul+SysState
         fdb   FVModul-*-2
         fcb   F$SSvc
         fdb   FSSvc-*-2
         fcb   $80

         IFNE  H6309
Zoro     fcb   $00

InitNam  fcs   /Init/

P2Nam    fcs   /krnp2/


                IFEQ    corsham
eom      		equ	*

		IFNE 	atari
		fdb	$F3FE-(*-OS9Cold)

Vectors		fdb	SWI3		SWI3
		fdb	SWI2		SWI2
		fdb	SWI		SWI

                IFNE    corsham
eom      		equ	*
EOMSize		equ	*-EOMTop
