view level1/modules/mc09sdc.asm @ 3277:33d539c123cf

d64: Add mb.ddisk script for making Dragon boot floppy At least it works in XRoar when running off a 80d floppy and preparing a new 40d boot floppy in the second drive. The "format" must be run manually for now since there is not enough memory to run it from inside the script...
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 07 Mar 2020 23:15:05 +0100
parents 35fb39e4b218
line wrap: on
line source

* mc09sdc - Multicomp09 SDCC Device Driver
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*          2015/08/31  NAC
* Created from 1773 driver to support "virtual 720k disk" on SD card.

         nam   mc09sdc
         ttl   Multicomp09 SDCC Device Driver

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Drivr+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $01
edition  set   1

* Configuration Settings
N.Drives equ   4              number of drives to support

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

u0000    rmb   DRVBEG+(DRVMEM*N.Drives)

lsn0cp   rmb   1              Loaded by LdSDAdrs - bytes to copy
size     equ   .


name     fcs   /mc09sd/
         fcb   edition

* [NAC HACK 2015Sep04] probably ought to have timeouts on each of the
* wait loops.

* [NAC HACK 2015Sep04] based on tech ref and rb1773 we're supposed to
* get the base address from the device data structure and then access all
* the hw registers relative to that base address. rb1773 does it once and
* for all other access it uses a define. Tsk.
* Also, the device data structure doesn't seem to match what's in the
* tech ref.

* Init
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of device descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
* Multicomp09 SDCC does not require any initialisation
* [NAC HACK 2015Sep02] futures: new card detection and re-init when
* the hardware supports it.
* BUT the tech ref xplains the other stuff we need to do.
Init     equ   *

         ldd   #$FF*256+N.Drives  'invalid' value & # of drives
         leax  DRVBEG,u       point to start of drive tables
Init1    sta   ,x             DD.TOT MSB to bogus value
         sta   <V.TRAK,x      init current track # to bogus value
         leax  <DRVMEM,x      point to next drive table
         decb                 done all drives yet?
         bne   Init1          no, init them all

* unlike rb1773 we do not need a sector buffer so we're done.

         clrb                 clear carry

* GetStat
* Entry:
*    A  = function code
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
* There are no get status calls.
* [NAC HACK 2015Sep02] futures: use it to retrieve SDcard offset of each
* drive.
GetStat  clrb                 no GetStt calls - return, no error, ignore
Return   rts

* SetStat
* Entry:
*    A  = function code
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
* There are no set status calls.
* [NAC HACK 2015Sep02] futures: use it to set SDcard offset of each
* drive, maybe mark drives as not available.
SetStat  clrb                 clear carry

* Jump table for the public routines of this module. 3 bytes per
* entry, so any bra must be padded with a NOP. Save a few bytes by
* falling through to the last entry (Term).
start    bra   Init
         bra   Read
         bra   Write
         bra   GetStat
         bra   SetStat

* FALL-THROUGH to the Term subroutine

* Term
* Entry:
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
* There is no memory allocated so nothing to do here, either. I
* almost feel bad..
Term     clrb

* Read
* Entry:
*    B  = MSB of LSN
*    X  = LSB of LSN
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
* The SDcard base block for this disk is retrieved by LdSDAdrs.
Read     bsr   LdSDAdrs       set up address in controller
         ldx   PD.BUF,y       Get physical sector buffer ptr

* If LSN0 is selected, will need to store the first few bytes
* both in the destination buffer and in the drive table.
* Calculate the drive table address in case we need it.
         lda   PD.DRV,y
         ldb   #DRVMEM
         leay  DRVBEG,u
         leay  d,y

* wait for previous command (if any) to complete
RdBiz    lda   SDCTL
         cmpa  #$80
         bne   RdBiz

* issue the read command to the sdcard controller
         sta   SDCTL

* transfer 512 bytes, waiting for each in turn. only want 256
* of them - discard the rest

         clrb             zero is like 256
RdDBiz   lda   SDCTL
         cmpa  #$e0
         bne   RdDBiz     byte not ready
         lda   SDDATA     get byte
         sta   ,x+        store in sector buffer

* do we also need to store it in the drive table?
         pshs  b          remember the count
         ldb   lsn0cp,u
         beq   nocp
         sta   ,y+        store in drive table
         dec   lsn0cp,u

nocp     puls  b
         bne   RdDBiz     next

RdDBiz2  lda   SDCTL      b is already zero (like 256)
         cmpa  #$e0
         bne   RdDBiz2    byte not ready
         lda   SDDATA     get byte (but do nothing with it)
         bne   RdDBiz2    next

         clra             carry clear => successful completion

* Write
* Entry:
*    B  = MSB of LSN
*    X  = LSB of LSN
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
* The SDcard base block for this disk is retrieved by LdSDAdrs.
         bsr   LdSDAdrs       set up address in controller
         ldx   PD.BUF,y       Get physical sector buffer ptr

* wait for previous command (if any) to complete
WrBiz    lda   SDCTL
         cmpa  #$80
         bne   WrBiz

* issue the write command to the sdcard controller
         lda   #1
         sta   SDCTL

* transfer 512 bytes, waiting for each in turn. Only have 256
* bytes so transfer them twice
         pshs  x              preserve data source
         clrb                 zero is like 256
WrDBiz   lda   SDCTL
         cmpa  #$a0
         bne   WrDBiz         space not available
         lda   ,x+            get byte from buffer
         sta   SDDATA         store to SD
         bne   WrDBiz         next

         puls  x              restore data source for 2nd copy
WrDBiz2  lda   SDCTL          b is zero (like 256)
         cmpa  #$a0
         bne   WrDBiz2        space not available
         lda   ,x+            get byte from buffer
         sta   SDDATA         store to SD
         bne   WrDBiz2        next

         clra                 clear carry => successful completion

* 1. The device descriptor holds a value that is the upper 16 bits
*    of the base block address of the disk image on the SDcard
* 2. If this value is QQQQ, add QQQQ00 to {B,XH,XL} to form the
*    value into the hardware registers.
* 3. Load lsn0cp with the number of bytes to be copied into the
*    LSN0 buffer - if {B,XH,XL} == 0, this DD.SIZ. Otherwise,
*    it is 0. Loaded for every operation, only *used* for Read.
* Entry:
*    B  = MSB of LSN
*    X  = LSB of LSN
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Can destroy A, B, X, CC
* It is a constraint that the disk image is aligned so that the
* low 8-bits of its offset are 0 (ie, it is on a 256*512 byte
* boundary). Therefore, the incoming XL value needs no manipulation
* [NAC HACK 2015Sep04] hack! the hardware addresses should be
* offsets from the base address stored in the device's data structure.
* PD.DEV,Y is the device table pointer. From this, get the
* descriptor pointer at V$DESC. From there, use the
* offsets to get to data in the device descriptor. This is
* long-winded because the value we need is outside of the area
* that gets copied into the path descriptor.
LdSDAdrs pshs  y
         ldy   PD.DEV,y       device table pointer
         ldy   V$DESC,y       descriptor pointer

         clr   lsn0cp,u       default: copy nothing
         pshs  b

         pshs  x              copy of X to pull off byte by byte
         addb  ,s+            form b+xl
         adcb  ,s+            form b+xl+xh
         bne   notlsn0        it is not LSN0. We're done.
         ldb   #DD.SIZ
         stb   lsn0cp,u       it is LSN0, need to copy this many bytes

notlsn0  tfr   x,d
         stb   SDLBA0         ls byte is done.

         ldb   IT.SOFF1,y     bits 23:16 of drive base

         adda  IT.SOFF2,y     add bits 15:8 of drive base
         sta   SDLBA1         middle byte is done

         adcb  #$00           add carry from middle byte
         addb  ,s+            add and drop stacked b
         stb   SDLBA2
         puls  y,pc

eom      equ   *