view level1/modules/wbug.asm @ 3277:33d539c123cf

d64: Add mb.ddisk script for making Dragon boot floppy At least it works in XRoar when running off a 80d floppy and preparing a new 40d boot floppy in the second drive. The "format" must be run manually for now since there is not enough memory to run it from inside the script...
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 07 Mar 2020 23:15:05 +0100
parents 5a5cff419c0b
line wrap: on
line source

* wbug - WireBug for 6809/6309
* $Id$
* For Level 1, wbug must be run from the command line in order for
* the debugger to be properly setup.
* For Level 2, this module is called by the kernel at boot time.
* A process can invoke the debugger by executing an os9 F$Debug instruction.
* SWI can also invoke the debugger but should be reserved for breakpoints only.
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      2005/04/03  Boisy G. Pitre
* Started.
*   2      2008/02/07  Boisy G. Pitre
* Revamped to use F$Debug for debugger entry and SWI for breakpoints.
* Confirmed working under Level 1, but under Level 2, system calls
* currently crash the CoCo 3.

               NAM       KrnP3     
               TTL       WireBug for 6809/6309

               USE       defsfile
			   USE       drivewire.d

               IFEQ      LEVEL-1
tylg           SET       Prgrm+Objct
tylg           SET       Systm+Objct
atrv           SET       ReEnt+rev
rev            SET       $00
edition        SET       2

cbsize         EQU       24

* offsets into our on-stack storage
               ORG       0
callregs       RMB       2
               IFEQ      LEVEL-1
l1exitvct      RMB       2
combuff        RMB       cbsize
size           EQU       .

L0000          MOD       eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

SvcTbl         equ       *
               fcb       F$Debug
               fdb       dbgent-*-2
			   fcb       $80

name           EQU       *
               IFEQ      LEVEL-1
               FCS       /wbug/
               FCS       /KrnP3/
               FCB       edition

nextname       FCC       /KrnP4/             next module name to link to
               FCB       C$CR
subname        FCS       /dwio/

* attach to low level module
               leax      subname,pcr
               os9       F$Link
               bcs       ex@
               IFGT      Level-1
			   sty       <D.DWSubAddr
			   sty       >D.DWSubAddr
* install F$Debug system call
               leay      SvcTbl,pcr
               os9       F$SSvc
               bcs       ex@
               leax      brkent,pcr          get pointer to breakpoint entry
			   IFEQ      LEVEL-1
               stx       >D.SWI              store in D.SWI global
               clrb			                 clear carry
ex@            os9       F$Exit		         and exit
               stx       <D.XSWI             store in D.XSWI global
* get next KrnP module going
gol2           lda       #tylg               get next module type (same as this one!)
               leax      <nextname,pcr       get address of next module name
               os9       F$Link              attempt to link to it
               bcs       ex@                 no good...skip this
               jsr       ,y                  else go execute it
ex@            rts                           return

* Breakpoint Entry
* We enter here when a process or the system executes an SWI instruction.
			   IFEQ      LEVEL-1
* In Level 1, we get called right from the SWI vector, so we need to set U to point to the registers on the stack.
               leau      ,s                  point X to regs on stack
			   leay      rtiexit,pc
* This is a breakpoint; back up PC to point at SWI
               ldd       R$PC,u
               subd      #$01                length of SWI instruction
               std       R$PC,u
               IFEQ      LEVEL-1
               bra       cmn

* Code common to both debugger and breakpoint entries
* Debugger Entry
* We enter here when a process or the system executes an os9 F$Debug instruction.
               IFEQ      LEVEL-1
			   leay      rtsexit,pc
cmn         pshs      cc
            orcc      #IntMasks
            leas      -size,s             make room on stack for temp statics
               leax      ,s                  point X to our temp statics
               exg       x,u                 exchange X and U
               stx       callregs,u          save pointer to caller regs
               IFEQ      LEVEL-1
			   sty       l1exitvct,u
               pshs      u
               IFGT      Level-1
			   ldu       <D.DWSubAddr
			   ldu       >D.DWSubAddr
			   jsr       ,u					initialize I/O
			   puls      u

               lda       #OP_WIREBUG_MODE
               IFEQ      LEVEL-1
               ldb       #$02				assume CoCo 2
               ldb       #$03				assume CoCo 3
               std       combuff,u
               IFNE      H6309
               lda       #$03				6309
               lda       #$08				6809
               sta       combuff+2,u
			   lbsr      _sendtohost
* mainloop - processes requests from the server
               leax      combuff,u           point to comm buffer
               pshs      u
               IFGT      Level-1
			   ldu       <D.DWSubAddr
			   ldu       >D.DWSubAddr
			   ldy       #24
			   ldd       #133
			   jsr       3,u				get packet
               cmpd      #$0000				no data?
			   beq       l@
			   puls      u
* bcs
               tfr       y,d				put checksum in D
               subb      23,x
			   cmpb      combuff+23,u		does it match the checksum from the packet?
               beq       processmsg         if not, send checksum error
	           bsr       _sendcsumerror
			   bra	     mainloop

* Here we have a message with a valid checksum.
* Now we evaluate the command byte.
               lda       combuff,u           get command byte
               cmpa      #OP_WIREBUG_READMEM Read Memory?
               lbeq      _readmem            branch if so
               cmpa      #OP_WIREBUG_READREGS Read Registers?
               lbeq      _readregs           branch if so
               cmpa      #OP_WIREBUG_WRITEMEM Write Memory?
               lbeq      _writemem           branch if so
               cmpa      #OP_WIREBUG_WRITEREGS Write Registers?
               lbeq      _writeregs          branch if so
               cmpa      #OP_WIREBUG_GO      Run Target?
               bne       mainloop

*               clr       combuff,u
*			   bsr       _sendtohost
               leas      size,s              recover space on stack
               IFEQ      LEVEL-1
			   jmp       [l1exitvct,u]
rtsexit        puls cc
rtiexit        puls cc

* Destroys A
				lda			#E$CRC
                sta         combuff,u
                bra         _sendtohost
* Destroys A
				lda			#16
				bra			_senderror

* This routine reads memory from the calling process' address space
* using F$Move.
               ldx       combuff+1,u         get source pointer
               ldb       combuff+3,u         get count
               cmpb      #1
			   bge       ok1@
bad1@		   bsr       _sendillnumerror
			   bra       mainloop
ok1@           cmpb      #22
			   bgt       bad1@				if > 22, its illegal count

               IFEQ      LEVEL-1
* Level 1 copy
               leay      combuff+1,u         point U to destination
l@             lda       ,x+                 get byte at Y and inc
               sta       ,y+                 save byte at X and inc
               decb                          done?
			   bne       l@                  branch if not
* Level 2 copy
               tfr       d,y                 put count in Y
               pshs      u,x                 save source pointer
               leau      combuff+1,u         point U to destination
			   ldx       D.Proc             get current process pointer
               lda       P$Task,x            get source task #
               ldb       D.SysTsk           get destination task #
               puls      x                   restore source pointer
               os9       F$Move              move 'em out!
               puls      u                   restore statics pointer
               bsr       _sendtohost
               lbra      mainloop

* This routine writes memory from the host to the calling process'
* address space using F$Move.
               leax      combuff+4,u         point X to source
               IFEQ      LEVEL-1
* Level 1 copy
               ldb       combuff+3,u         get count of packet
               ldy       combuff+1,u         get destination pointer
l@             lda       ,x+                 get byte at Y and inc
               sta       ,y+                 save byte at X and inc
               decb                          done?
	   bne       l@                  branch if not
* Level 2
               ldb       combuff+3,u         get count of packet
               tfr       d,y                 put count in Y
               pshs      u,x                 save on stack
               ldu       combuff+1,u         get destination pointer
               ldx       <D.Proc             get current process pointer
               lda       <D.SysTsk           get source task #
               ldb       P$Task,x            get destination task #
               puls      x                   restore source pointer
               os9       F$Move              move 'em out!
               puls      u                   restore our static pointer
               ldd       #$0100              assume successful write
               bsr       _sendtohost
               lbra      mainloop

* This routine sends the contents of combuff,u to the communications
* hardware.
* Also, we compute the checksum as we send the bytes out so that
* we do not have to call a separate routine.
* Entry:
*    X = address of packet to send
               leax      combuff,u
               ldb       #23				B = count of packet - 1
			   clra							A = checksum
l@             adda      ,x+				add up
               decb							until
			   bne       l@					we've reached the end
			   sta       ,x					save computed checksum
			   leax      -23,x
			   ldy       #24			   
               pshs      u
               IFGT      Level-1
			   ldu       <D.DWSubAddr
			   ldu       >D.DWSubAddr
			   jsr       6,u				write it out
			   puls      u,pc

*  Target registers:  DO NOT CHANGE!
REG_STATE       RMB     1
REG_PAGE        RMB     1
REG_SP          RMB     2
REG_U           RMB     2
REG_Y           RMB     2
REG_X           RMB     2
REG_F           RMB     1               F BEFORE E, SO W IS LEAST SIG. FIRST
REG_E           RMB     1
REG_B           RMB     1               B BEFORE A, SO D IS LEAST SIG. FIRST
REG_A           RMB     1
REG_DP          RMB     1
REG_CC          RMB     1
REG_MD          RMB     1
REG_V           RMB     2
REG_PC          RMB     2

               ldy       callregs,u          get pointer to caller's regs
			   leax      combuff+1,u
               ldb       R$DP,y
               stb       ,x+				DP
               ldb       R$CC,y
               stb       ,x+				CC
               ldd       R$D,y				D
               std       ,x++
               IFNE      H6309
               ldd       R$W,y				W
               exg       a,b
               std       ,x++
			   leax      2,x
               ldd       R$X,y				X
               exg       a,b
               std       ,x++
               ldd       R$Y,y				Y
               exg       a,b
               std       ,x++
               ldd       R$U,y				U
               exg       a,b
               std       ,x++

               IFNE      H6309
* construct MD from shadow register in NitrOS-9 globals
               lda       >D.MDREG			MD
	           sta      ,x+
               tfr       v,d
               std       ,x++				V
               leax      3,x
               ldd       R$PC,y
               std       2,x                  PC
               ldy       >D.Proc			get SP from proc desc
               ldd       P$SP,y
               std       ,x
               bsr       _sendtohost
               lbra      mainloop

               ldy       callregs,u          get caller's reg ptr
               ldd       combuff+1,u
			   std		R$DP,y
               ldd       combuff+3,u
			   std		R$D,y
			    IFNE	H6309
               ldd       combuff+5,u
			   std		R$W,y
               ldd       combuff+7,u
			   std		R$X,y
               ldd       combuff+9,u
			   std		R$Y,y
               ldd       combuff+11,u
			   std		R$U,y
               ldd       combuff+17,u
               std       R$PC,y

               ldy       >D.Proc
               std       P$SP,y

               lbra      mainloop

eom            EQU       *