view 3rdparty/packages/pacos9/main90.a @ 2320:3584407fea59

Fixed term_scdwt.dt to have $FF00 as address
author boisy
date Tue, 05 Jan 2010 21:20:06 +0000
parents f351932fa6cd
line wrap: on
line source

         NAM    MAIN
         TTL    Main pacman routine

*     Program segment to be compiled using Level II RMA
*           This is the mainline program segment
*                 Written by Larry Olson

*         use    /dd/defs/os9defs.a

TYPE     EQU    $11          Prgrm($10)+Objct($01)
ATTR     EQU    $80          REEntrent
REVS     EQU    $01          Revision level
EDITION  EQU    2            EDITION #2
STACK    EQU    500
UPDAT    EQU    3



*    Local and global variables

SIGCODE  RMB    1         Intercept signal RMB
PATH:    RMB    1         Screen path number
PATH2:   RMB    1         Second screen path number
WINDOW:  RMB    1         Holds 0 or 2 to keep track
*                          of which window is being used
PROCID:  RMB    1         Holds process id
RESPON:  RMB    2         Holds response bytes

PORT:    RMB    2         Joystick port (0=right,1=left)
BUTTON:  RMB    1         Joystick button status
JOYSTX:  RMB    2         Joystick X value
JOYSTY:  RMB    2         Joystick Y value

PLAYRS:  RMB    1         Holds 0 or 1 (for 1 or 2 players)

PACMN1:  RMB    1         Holds number of pacmen left(player1)
PACMN2:  RMB    1         Holds number of pacmen left(player2)
PLCRNT:  RMB    1         Holds current player number(1 or 2)
PACMAN:  RMB    1         Holds current number of men left
*                         this will be either PACMN1 or PACMN2 

PXNEW:   RMB    2         New pacman X position
PYNEW:   RMB    2         New pacman Y position
POFSET:  RMB    2         Pacman offset from start of array
BUFF:    RMB    1         Holds current pacman buffer #

CYCLE:   RMB    1         Used to cycle between buffers

HITFLG:  RMB    1         A 1 here = pacman caught
GHTHIT:  RMB    1         Ghost hit flag
POWFLG:  RMB    1         When pacman eats a power pill then
*                         this location holds a timer value

BONFLG:  RMB    1         Bonus on screen flag
BONTIM:  RMB    1         Bonus timer
BONBUF:  RMB    1         Current bonus buffer
BONUSX:  RMB    2         Bonus X location at bottom of scrn
BONUSY:  RMB    2         Bonus Y location at bottom of scrn
BONCNT:  RMB    1         Bonus counter
BONTAB:  RMB    10        Bonus item table

BONTMP:  RMB    2         Temporary storage 
BTEMP:   RMB    15        Used to hold BONUSX,BONUSY,BONCNT
*                          and BONTAB  for 2 player mode
SNDPR1:  RMB    2
SNDPR2:  RMB    2

*     Ghost tables, One 20 byte table for each ghost

G1OFST:  RMB    2         Ghost position offset from start of array
G1XNEW:  RMB    2         Screen X location of ghost
G1YNEW:  RMB    2         Screen Y location of ghost
G1XOLD:  RMB    2         Pseudo scrn X location of ghost
G1YOLD:  RMB    2         Pseudo scrn Y location of ghost
G1STAT:  RMB    1         Status flag for ghost
*                          -2 = Eyes are caged,timer not run out
*                          -1 = Ghost caged,timer not run out
*                           0 = Ghost still in cage but moving out
*                           1 = Ghost is free of cage,can move around
*                           2 = Ghost has been turned into eyes
G1BUFF:  RMB    1         Holds current buffer # for ghost
G1TIME:  RMB    1         Ghost time out counter
TIMVAL:  RMB    1         Ghost initial time out value
G1DIR:   RMB    1         Ghost dir. (0=up,1=lf,2=rt,3=dn)
DIROFF:  RMB    1         Direction offset (-69,-1,1,69)
G1UPDT:  RMB    1         Holds update value to be count down
UPDATE:  RMB    1         Initial update value
         RMB    2         Extra bytes

G2OFST:  RMB    20        Table for ghost #2

G3OFST:  RMB    20        Table for ghost #3

G4OFST:  RMB    20        Table for ghost #4

GCOUNT:  RMB    1         Holds num (0,20,40,60) of current ghost

SCRPOS:  RMB    3         Player 1 score xy print position
SCRASC:  RMB    6         Score ascii characters put here
SCRBCD:  RMB    3         Contains score in BCD
POINTS:  RMB    3         Points that will be added to score
SHCNT:   RMB    1         Temporary loop counter

***********  These are used in 2 player mode  ***********

SCRPO2:  RMB    3         Player 2 score xy print position 
SCRAS2:  RMB    6         Score ascii characters put here
SCRBC2:  RMB    3         Contains score in BCD

DOTTOT:  RMB    2         Dot eaten total, used to show when
*                          screen has been cleared
SCNTOT:  RMB    2         Total number of dots for
*                           The current screen
BRDNUM:  RMB    1         Holds # of current board(starts at 1)
SCNFLG:  RMB    1         Screen flag, starts at 2, is decremented
*                          when a scrn is cleared. When 0 a new
DOTTMP:  RMB    2         Holds dot eaten total in 2 player mode
SCTOT2:  RMB    2         Holds scrn dot total in 2 player mode
*                          screen is issued.
BRDTMP:  RMB    1         Holds board # in 2 player mode
SCFTMP:  RMB    1         Holds screen flag in 2 player mode

DOTCNT:  RMB    2         Dot counter in transfer routine

RANNUM   RMB    1         Random number variable
ADDEND   RMB    1         Used in random number generator
SAVEX    RMB    2         Save X reg. in random routine

RSFLAG:  RMB    1         Restart game flag

PUTPACM: RMB    2         $1b,$2d will be put here
PCGBN:   RMB    1         Group buff#, Process ID put here
PCBFN:   RMB    1         Buffer number
PCXLOC:  RMB    2         Putpacm X location
PCYLOC:  RMB    2         Putpacm Y location

PUTCODE: RMB    2         $1b,$2d will be put here
PGBN:    RMB    1         Group buff#, Process ID put here
PBFN:    RMB    1         Buffer number
PXLOC:   RMB    2         Putblk X location
PYLOC:   RMB    2         Putblk Y location

PUTGHS:  RMB    2         $1b,$2d will be put here
PGGBN:   RMB    1         Group buff#, Process ID +1 put here 
PGBFN:   RMB    1         Buffer number
PGXLOC:  RMB    2         PUTGHS X location
PGYLOC:  RMB    2         PUTGHS Y location

DOTCODE: RMB    2         $1b,$2d will be put here
PDGBN:   RMB    1         Group buff#, Process ID put here
PDBFN:   RMB    1         Buffer number
PDXLOC:  RMB    2         Putdot X location
PDYLOC:  RMB    2         Putdot Y location

XSAVE:   RMB    2         Temp. storage for X reg.

STRLGH:  RMB    1         Length of palette set string to send
STRING:  RMB    16        Build palette set string here  

PALBT1:  RMB    4
PALBT2:  RMB    4

HISPOS:  RMB    3         High score screen print position
HSCASC:  RMB    6         High score ascii characters

KILBUF:  RMB    4         $1b,$2a,procid,0 will be put here
KILBF2:  RMB    4         $1b,$2a,procid +1,0 will be put here

MOVFLG:  RMB    1         Delay flag used in movpac

EXTPAC:  RMB    1         Extra pacman match number

EXTPC2:  RMB    1         Holds match number in 2 player mode

*   32 byte area for SS.Mouse packet
*   only used for Pt.Valid info
MOUSE:   RMB    1         Pt. Valid
         RMB    31        not used

GHTABL:  RMB    80        Duplicate ghost data table

TABLE1:  RMB    612       Used to save screen info for
*                          player 1 in 2 player mode
TABLE2:  RMB    612       Used to save screen info for
*                          player 2 in 2 player mode.
SCNNUM:  RMB    12        Screen number

         RMB    150

ARRAY:   RMB    3726
         RMB    150

         RMB    STACK


PTHLST   FCS    "/W"
DWSET    FCB    $1B,$20,08,00,00,40,24,01,02,02
DWEND    FCB    $1B,$24
SELECT:  FCB    $1b,$21
CLEAR:   FCB    $0C
CLREND:  FCB    $0b
CUROFF   FCB    $05,$20
BOLDSW:  FCB    $1b,$3d,1
BELCOD:  FCB    $07
PLLST1:  FCB    $1b,$31,7,7,$1b,$33,7,$1b,$34,7
PLLST2:  FCB    $1b,$31,6,25,$1b,$31,14,25
SCNRST:  FCB    $1b,$25,0,0,40,24
POPWIN:  FCB    $07,$1b,$25,7,8,24,9,$1b,$22
         FCB    1,0,0,22,7,2,0,$0c

POPEND:  FCB    $07,$1b,$23,$1b,$25,8,9,22,7
         FCB    $1b,$32,1,$1b,$33,0

BOTWIN:  FCB    $1b,$25,0,0,40,24,$07
         FCB    $1b,$22,1,5,15,28,8,0,2,$0c
         FCB    $1b,$25,1,1,27,7,$1b,$33,2,$0c
         FCB    $1b,$25,0,0,27,7,$1b,$33,4,$0c
         FCB    $1b,$25,1,1,25,5,$1b,$33,0,$0c

BOTEND:  FCB    7,$1b,$23,$1b,$25,8,9,23,8
         FCB    $1b,$32,1,$1b,$33,0

TITLE:   FCB    $1b,$33,2,$1b,$25,13,1,11,5
         FCB    $0c,$1b,$33,1,$1b,$25,12,0,11
         FCB    5,$0c,$1b,$32,2,$1b,$33,0,$1b
         FCB    $25,13,1,9,3,$0c,2,33,33,80
         FCB    65,67,45,79,83,57

SCRBOX:  FCB    $1b,$33,2,$1b,$25,7,8,25,10,$0c
         FCB    $1b,$33,1,$1b,$25,6,7,25,10,$0c
         FCB    $1b,$32,2,$1b,$33,0,$1b,$25,7,8
         FCB    23,8,$0c,$1b,$25,8,9,22,7

*    Select Start Screen # ?
STRSCN   FCB    2,35,36,83,116,97,114,116,32
         FCB    83,99,114,101,101,110,32,35
         FCB    32,63,2,50,36
*    Select Joystick Port
*     (L)eft or (R)ight --> ?
SELJOY   FCB    2,33,33,83,101,108,101,99,116,32
         FCB    74,111,121,115,116,105,99,107,32
         FCB    80,111,114,116,2,34,35,66,121,32
         FCB    80,114,101,115,115,105,110,103,32
         FCB    66,117,116,116,111,110

*    LEFT
LFTSTR   FCB    $1b,$32,4,2,34,37,76,69,70,84,32
         FCB    80,79,82,84,32
*    RIGHT
RGTSTR   FCB    $1b,$32,4,2,34,37,82,73,71,72,84
         FCB    32,80,79,82,84
SLCTED   FCB    $1b,$32,2,2,44,37,83,101
         FCB    108,101,99,116,101,100

*    Number of players
*      (1 or 2) ?   
PLYSTR   FCB    2,34,33,78,117,109,98,101,114,32
         FCB    111,102,32,80,108,97,121,101,114,115
         FCB    $1b,$32,3,2,33,34,40,106,111,121,115
         FCB    116,105,99,107,32,77,111,118,101,115
         FCB    32,66,111,120,41,$1b,$32,4,2,38,36
         FCB    49,2,47,36,50,$1b,$32,1,2,34,38,83
         FCB    101,108,101,99,116,32,87,105,116
         FCB    104,32,66,117,116,116,111,110

CURXY    FCB    2,62,54

CURXY1   FCB    2,61,54

CURXY2   FCB    2,47,50

CURXY3   FCB    2,37,23

CURXY4   FCB    2,60,55

CURXY5   FCB    2,38,52
*    Player #1
PL1:     FCB    $1b,$32,4,2,47,50,80,76,65,89,69,82,32,35,49
*    Player #2
PL2:     FCB    $1b,$32,4,2,47,50,80,76,65,89,69,82,32,35,50
*   ** Pause **
PAUSE    FCB    $1b,$22,1,14,23,13,1,0,10,32
         FCB    42,42,32,80,65,85,83,69,32,42,42
*    Close pause overlay or Hiscore overlay
PAUEND:  FCB    $1b,$23
*    Get Ready
GETRDY:  FCB    2,39,36,71,69,84,32,82,69,65,68,89
*    Get Ready Player 1
GETRD1:  FCB    2,39,34,$1b,$32,1,80,108,97,121,101
         FCB    114,32,49,$1b,$32,2,2,39,36,71,69
         FCB    84,32,82,69,65,68,89
*    Get ready Player 2
GETRD2:  FCB    2,39,34,$1b,$32,1,80,108,97,121,101
         FCB    114,32,50,$1b,$32,2,2,39,36,71,69
         FCB    84,32,82,69,65,68,89
*    Game Over
GMOVER   FCB    $1b,$22,1,13,8,14,5,10,2,$0c,2,34
         FCB    34,71,65,77,69,32,32,79,86,69,82
*    Play Again (y/n) ?
PLYAGN   FCB    $1b,$32,4,2,35,34,80,76,65,89,32,65
         FCB    71,65,73,78,32,40,89,47,78,41,32,63
         FCB    2,52,34
BRKKEY:  FCB    $1b,$32,10,$1b,$22,1,8,9,24,3
         FCB    10,2,2,34,33,81,85,73,84,32
         FCB    80,82,79,71,82,65,77,32
         FCB    40,89,47,78,41,32,63
*    Close 
*  break overlay
BRKEND:  FCB    $1b,$23
*    1000  POINTS
SCNBON:  FCB    $1b,$32,10,$1b,$22,1,12,9,16,4,10
         FCB    2,2,34,33,83,67,82,69,69,78,32
         FCB    66,79,78,85,83,2,34,34,49,48
         FCB    48,48,32,32,80,79,73,78,84,83
*    Close Screen bonus overlay
SCBEND:  FCB    $1b,$23
*    100   High   Score   0
HSTRING  FCB    $1b,$32,10
HSTRG2   FCB    2,34,32,32,32,49,48,48,48
SCOR1    FCB    $1b,$32,10
         FCB    2,43,32,72,73,71,72,2,55,32
         FCB    83,67,79,82,69,2,69,32,48
*    0  Player #1   <-UP    Player #2       0
SCOR2    FCB    $1b,$32,10,2,32,32,32,32,32
         FCB    32,32,48,32,80,76,65,89,69
         FCB    82,32,35,49,32,$1b,$32,12,60
         FCB    45,$1b,$32,9,85,80,32,32,32
         FCB    $1b,$32,10,80,76,65,89,69,82
         FCB    32,35,50,32,32,32,32,32,32,48
*      This will print  <-UP
SCR1:    FCB    $1b,$32,12,2,49,32,60,45,$1b
         FCB    $32,9,85,80,32,32,$1b,$32,10
*      This will print    UP->
SCR2:    FCB    $1b,$32,9,2,49,32,32,32,85,80
         FCB    $1b,$32,12,45,62,$1b,$32,10

*    Open window #1
PAC      lda    #UPDAT      Set for OPEN with UPDATE
         leax   PTHLST,pcr  Point to addr of Path list
         os9    I$Open      Open path to window
         lbcs   ERR2
         sta    PATH        Save path number
         leax   DWSET,pcr   Point to DWSET code
         ldy    #10         Output 10 bytes
         lda    PATH        Get path number
         os9    I$Write     Output DWSET code
         lbcs   ERR2

*    Open window #2

         lda    #UPDAT      Set for OPEN with UPDATE
         leax   PTHLST,pcr  Point to addr of Path list
         os9    I$Open      Open path to window
         lbcs   ERR2        Branch if any errors
         sta    PATH2       Save path number 2
         leax   DWSET,pcr   Point to DWSET code
         ldy    #10         Output 10 bytes
         lda    PATH2       Get path number
         os9    I$Write     Output DWSET code
         lbcs   ERR2        Branch if any errors
*    Setup window #2
         leax   BOLDSW,pcr
         ldy    #3
         lbsr   OUTST2
         leax   CUROFF,pcr  Point to cursor OFF code
         ldy    #2          Output 2 bytes
         lbsr   OUTST2      Output cursor off string
         leax   PLLST1,pcr  Set grey background
         ldy    #10
         lbsr   OUTST2
         leax   CLEAR,pcr   Point to clear screen code
         ldy    #1          Output 1 byte
         lbsr   OUTST2      Output clear screen string
*   Select Window #2
         lda    PATH2       Get path number
         leax   SELECT,pcr  Point to SELECT code
         ldy    #2          Output 2 bytes
         os9    I$Write     Output select code
         lbcs   ERR1
         lda    #2
         sta    WINDOW      Selecting window #2

         leax   TITLE,pcr   Put title on screen
         ldy    #43
         lbsr   OUTST2

         leax   SCNRST,pcr  Reset screen to 40,24
         ldy    #6
         lbsr   OUTST2

*    Setup window #1
         leax   BOLDSW,pcr
         ldy    #3
         lbsr   OUTSTR
         leax   CUROFF,pcr  Point to cursor OFF code
         ldy    #2          Output 2 bytes
         lbsr   OUTSTR      Output cursor off string
         leax   CLEAR,pcr   Point to clear screen code
         ldy    #1          Output 1 byte
         lbsr   OUTSTR      Output clear screen code

GETID    os9    F$ID        Get process ID
         sta    PROCID      Will be used for GBN

*    Get system time and use the seconds value to
*        seed the random number generator.
*    The 2 bytes for the seconds will be put in
*             RANNUM and ADDEND 

SEEDER   leax   PALBT2,U    Put time bytes here
         os9    F$Time      Go get time bytes
         lbcs   ERR1        Branch if any errors

***   Set trap for BREAK key   ***

KEYTRAP: leax   TRAP,pcr
         os9    F$Icpt
         lbcs   ERR1
         bra    FILSTR

TRAP     stb    SIGCODE,U
         rti    Return from interrupt

*    Preload Dotcode, Putcode and Getcode strings

FILSTR   ldd    #$1b2d      Code for PUTBLK
         std    PUTPACM
         std    PUTGHS
         std    PUTCODE     Put it in Putblk string
         std    DOTCODE     Put it in Putblk string
         lda    PROCID      Get Process I.D.
         sta    PCGBN
         sta    PGBN        Set Group Buffer #
         sta    PDGBN       Set Group Buffer #
         sta    PGGBN       Set Group Buffer #

         leax   KILBUF,U    Point to KILBUF string
         ldd    #$1b2a      Kill buffer code 
         std    ,X++
         lda    PROCID      Get process I.D.
         sta    ,X+
         lda    #$00
         sta    ,X 
         ldd    #$1b31
         std    PALBT1,U
         std    PALBT2,U

         leax   HSTRG2,pcr
         leay   HISPOS,U
         ldb    #9
HSLOOP   lda    ,X+
         sta    ,Y+
         bne    HSLOOP

         clr    RSFLAG
         clr    SIGCODE
         clr    BUTTON

         lbsr   SBEGIN      Read & display high scores

RESTART  nop                Come here to restart game

*    Setupb will fill all object buffers
*         For testing
*   To see all the objects that are put
*   into the buffers, remove the REM's
*   at locations #1, #2 and change the
*   PATH2 to PATH at location #3

*         leax   SELECT,pcr      #1
*         ldy    #$0002          #1
*         lbsr   OUTSTR          #1
*         clr    WINDOW          #1

SETBUF    lda    #1         Set board # to 1
          sta    BRDNUM
          sta    BRDTMP

SKPCL2   lda    #2         Set screen count flag to 2
         sta    SCNFLG
         sta    SCFTMP

         tst    RSFLAG     Check restart flag
         bne    SETBF2     If no restart then
         lbsr   SETUPB      go draw objects

SETBF2   lbsr   SETUPC          

         ldd    SCNTOT     Get screen dot total
         std    SCTOT2     Copy to temporary

*         lda    PATH            #2
*         leax   RESPON,U        #2
*         ldy    #1              #2
*         os9    I$Read          #2
*         lbcs   ERR1            #2
CLSCRN   leax   CLEAR,pcr   Point to clear screen code
         ldy    #1          Output 1 char.
         lbsr   OUTSTR      Go output clear screen code

         lda    RSFLAG      Check restart flag
         lbne   SETVR1      Branch if restarting

         leax   SELJOY,pcr  Point to joystick select
         ldy    #44         Output 44 bytes
         lbsr   POPUP       Do popup and output SELJOY

JYLOOP   lda    PATH2,U
         ldb    #$13
         ldx    #0
         os9    I$GetStt
         lbcs   ERR1
         ldb    #0
         cmpa   #0
         bne    PUTPRT
         lda    PATH2,U
         ldb    #$13
         ldx    #1
         os9    I$GetStt
         lbcs   ERR1
         ldb    #1
         cmpa   #0
         beq    JYLOOP

PUTPRT   clra
         std    PORT,U      Put value in PORT 
         leax   LFTSTR,pcr
         ldy    #16
         cmpd   #0
         bne    PTDSPL
         leax   RGTSTR,pcr
PTDSPL   lbsr   OUTST2
         leax   SLCTED,pcr
         ldy    #14
         lbsr   OUTST2

         ldx    #100
         lbsr   WAIT        Pause for 50 ticks

         leax   PAUEND,pcr
         ldy    #2
         lbsr   OUTST2

         ldx    #75
         lbsr   WAIT

         leax   PLYSTR,pcr  Point to players string
         ldy    #81         Output 81 bytes
         lbsr   POPUP       Do popup and output PLYSTR

*   Put square
PUTSQR   ldd    #$1b32
         std    STRING,U
         lda    #1
         sta    STRING+2,U
         ldd    #$1b40
         std    STRING+3,U
         ldd    #168
         std    STRING+5,U
         ldd    #100
         std    STRING+7,U
         ldd    #$1b48
         std    STRING+9,U
         ldd    #208
         std    STRING+11,U
         ldd    #143
         std    STRING+13,U
         leax   STRING,U
         ldy    #15
         lbsr   OUTST2

         lda    #0          Default = 1 player
         sta    JOYSTY

NUMLOP   lda    PATH2
         ldb    #$13
         ldx    PORT,U
         os9    I$GetStt
         lbcs   ERR1
         stx    JOYSTX
         sta    BUTTON
         bne    GOTBUT
         tfr    X,D
         lda    #1
         cmpb   #42
         bge    PUTNUM
         lda    #0

         lda    #0
         sta    STRING+2,U
         leax   STRING,U
         ldy    #15
         lbsr   OUTST2

         lda    JOYSTY
         cmpa   #0
         bne    PUTLFT
         ldd    #168
         std    STRING+5,U
         ldd    #208
         std    STRING+11,U
         bra    DRWSQR
PUTLFT   ldd    #432
         std    STRING+5,U
         ldd    #472
         std    STRING+11,U
DRWSQR   lda    #1
         sta    STRING+2,U
         leax   STRING,U
         ldy    #15
         lbsr   OUTST2
         bra    NUMLOP

         sta    PLAYRS

         ldx    #100
         lbsr   WAIT

         leax   PAUEND,pcr
         ldy    #2
         lbsr   OUTST2

SETVR1   ldd    #308
         std    PXNEW       Pacman starting X location
         std    PCXLOC
         ldd    #94
         std    PYNEW       Pacman starting Y location
         std    PCYLOC
         ldd    #1966       Set initial pacman array offset
         std    POFSET
         lda    #3
         sta    CYCLE       Set cycle to 3
         lda    #28
         sta    BUFF        Set starting pacman buffer
         lda    #80         Setup ghost counter value
         sta    GCOUNT
         clr    HITFLG      Pacman hit flag
         clr    POWFLG      Power pill flag
         lda    #3
         sta    PACMN1      Set # of players to 3
         sta    PACMN2      Set # of players to 3
         sta    PACMAN      Set current pacman to 3
         lda    #1
         sta    PLCRNT      Set current player to #1
         sta    EXTPAC,U    Extra pacman goal byte
         sta    EXTPC2,U    Goal for player 2
         ldd    #0
         std    DOTTOT      Dot and pill total
         std    DOTTMP      Dot & pill total, player2

         lda    #69
         sta    BONBUF
         clr    BONFLG
         lda    #150
         sta    BONTIM
         leax   BTEMP,U
         ldd    #8
         std    BONUSX      Set X starting location
         std    ,X++
         ldd    #181
         std    BONUSY      Set Y starting location
         std    ,X++
         clr    BONCNT      Clear bonus counter
         clr    ,X

         lda    PLAYRS      Check flag
         beq    GRDY        If 0 then only 1 player
         lbsr   BELL
         leax   GETRD1,pcr
         ldy    #29
         lbsr   POPUP
         bra    DRWBRD
GRDY     lbsr   BELL
         leax   GETRDY,pcr   Print GET READY
         ldy    #12
         lbsr   POPUP       Do popup and output GETRDY

*    Now draw board and place objects


*    Select approprite header for 1 or 2 player mode

HEADER   lda    PLAYRS      Check for 1 or 2 players
         bne    HEADR2
         leax   SCOR1,pcr   Point to 1 player header
         ldy    #22         Output 22 bytes
         lbsr   OUTSTR
         leax   HSTRING,pcr Position curser
         ldy    #3          Output 3 bytes
         lbsr   OUTSTR
         leax   HISPOS,U    Point to HIGH score
         ldy    #9          output 9 bytes
         lbsr   OUTSTR
         bra    SELSCN
HEADR2   leax   SCRPOS,U    Point to score string
         lda    #32
         sta    1,X         Set curser X location
         leax   SCOR2,pcr   Point to 2 player header
         ldy    #55         Output 55 bytes
         lbsr   OUTSTR

*    Now select playing screen

SELSCN   lbsr   BELL

         leax   SELECT,pcr  Point to select code
         ldy    #2          Output 2 bytes
         lbsr   OUTSTR      Go to output routine
         clr    WINDOW      Flag for window 0

         leax   POPEND,pcr
         ldy    #15
         lbsr   OUTST2

*     Main program loop
MAIN:    lbra   CHECKS      Go check & move ghosts
MAIN1:   lbsr   MVPAC       Go move pacman 

*     Check for signals (break key)

         ldb    SIGCODE,U
         cmpb   #2          Was it the break key ?
         bne    NOBRK
         leax   BRKKEY,pcr  Point to string
         ldy    #35         Output 35 bytes
         lbsr   OUTSTR
         clr    RESPON,U

         lbsr   READ        Flush input buffer

         lbsr   READ        Go get input

         leax   BRKEND,pcr  Erase BRKKEY prompt
         ldy    #2          Output 2 bytes
         lbsr   OUTSTR
         clr    SIGCODE,U   Clear signal flag

         lda    RESPON,U    Check input
         cmpa   #89         Was it a Y ?
         beq    YESBRK
         cmpa   #121        Was it a y ?
         bne    NOBRK

YESBRK   leax   SELECT,pcr
         ldy    #2
         lbsr   OUTST2

         lbsr   SCEND
         ldx    #50
         lbsr   WAIT        Sleep for 50 ticks
         lbra   EXIT        Quit program

NOBRK    ldd    DOTTOT      Get dot total
         cmpd   SCNTOT      Cleared the screen yet?
         lbne   CHKBUT

         ldx    #80
         lbsr   WAIT        Pause for 80 ticks
*   Display SCREEN BONUS
         leax   SCNBON,pcr
         ldy    #42  
         lbsr   OUTSTR
*   Make noise
         ldx    #$3f06
         ldy    #3000
         lbsr   SND
         ldy    #2000
         lbsr   SND
         ldy    #3000
         lbsr   SND
         ldy    #2000
         lbsr   SND
*   Pause a few more seconds
         ldx    #150
         lbsr   WAIT
*   Close SCREEN BONUS overlay
         leax   SCBEND,pcr
         ldy    #2
         lbsr   OUTSTR
*   Add 1000 points to score for clearing screen
         lda    #16
         sta    POINTS+1
         clr    POINTS+2
         lbsr   ADDUP
         clr    POINTS+1
*   Pause some more
         ldx    #150
         lbsr   WAIT
*   Add up bonus items at bottom of screen

         lbsr   CNTBON

*   Select comment window

         leax   SELECT,pcr
         ldy    #2
         lbsr   OUTST2

         ldx    #300
         lbsr   WAIT

         ldb    PLAYRS      Get # of players(1=0,2=1)
         beq    GTRDY       Only one player
         lbsr   BELL
         leax   GETRD1,pcr  Point player 1 string
         ldy    #29         Output 29 bytes
         ldb    PLCRNT      Get current pacman number
         cmpb   #2          Is it player #2 ?
         beq    PLNUM2
         bra    PLOUT

PLNUM2   leax   GETRD2,pcr  Point to player #2 string
PLOUT    lbsr   POPUP       Go output string
         bra    DOREST
GTRDY    lbsr   BELL

         leax   GETRDY,pcr  Point to GET READY string
         ldy    #12         Output 12 bytes
         lbsr   POPUP       Do popup and output GETRDY

*   Reset screen 


         ldx    #150
         lbsr   WAIT

         lbsr   BELL

*   Select game window

         leax   SELECT,pcr
         ldy    #2
         lbsr   OUTSTR

         leax   POPEND,pcr
         ldy    #15
         lbsr   OUTST2

*    The following routines are run once
*    for every three times pacman moves
*    First check to see if pacman screen is the
*        screen currently being displayed.
*         If not, then sleep for 2 ticks.

CHKBUT   lda    CYCLE       Check for CYCLE=2
         cmpa   #2
         lbne   MAIN

*    Update Mouse packet

CHKBT1   lda    PATH
         ldb    #$89
         leax   MOUSE,U
         ldy    #0
         os9    I$GetStt    Do a SS.MOUSE call
         lbcs   ERR1
         lda    MOUSE       Get Pt.Valid byte
         bne    CHKBT2
         ldx    #2
         lbsr   WAIT        Sleep for 2 ticks
         bra    CHKBT1      Loop till valid

CHKBT2   lda    BUTTON      Check for button
         lbeq   MAIN        Loop till button is pushed
         leax   PAUSE,pcr   Point to pause string
         ldy    #21         Output 21 bytes
         lbsr   OUTSTR

PAUBUT   ldx    #6          Sleep for 6 ticks
         lbsr   WAIT
*    Get joystick data using SS.JOY
         lda    PATH
         ldb    #$13
         ldx    PORT,U
         os9    I$GetStt
         lbcs   ERR1
         sta    BUTTON 

         ldb    BUTTON      Check button
         beq    PAUBUT
         clr    BUTTON

         leax   PAUEND,pcr  Point to pause end
         ldy    #2
         lbsr   OUTSTR

         lbra   MAIN

WAIT4    lbsr   READ        Go wait for keypress

*****  Game over  *****
*   Used for 1 player mode and for
*   player 2 in two player mode
*   Ask player if they want to play again 

GAMOVR:  leax   GMOVER,pcr  Point to GAME OVER string
         ldy    #23         Output 23 bytes
         lbsr   OUTSTR

         ldx    #100
         lbsr   WAIT        Sleep for 100 ticks
         leax   PAUEND,pcr
         ldy    #2
         lbsr   OUTSTR

         leax   SELECT,pcr
         ldy    #2
         lbsr   OUTST2

         lbsr   SCEND       Display high scores

         leax   BOTWIN,pcr
         ldy    #47
         lbsr   OUTST2

         leax   PLYAGN,pcr  Point to PLAY AGAIN
         ldy    #27         Output 27 bytes
         lbsr   OUTST2      Go output string

         lbsr   READ2       Go get response

         clrb               Clear reset flag
         lda    RESPON
         cmpa   #89         Was it a Y ?
         bne    CKLOW
         incb               Set flag
CKLOW    cmpa   #121        Was it a y ?
         bne    CKFLAG
         incb               Set flag
CKFLAG   cmpb   #0          Is flag clear ?
         bne    NOEX
         leax   BOTEND,pcr
         ldy    #15
         lbsr   OUTST2
         ldb    #0
         lbra   EXIT

NOEX     leax   BOTEND,pcr
         ldy    #15
         lbsr   OUTST2

         leax   CLEAR,pcr   Clear board screen
         ldy    #1
         lbsr   OUTSTR

*   Compare Players score to High score 

COMHGH   ldb    #7          Set loop counter to 7
         leay   HSCASC,U    Point to High ascii
         leax   SCRASC-1,U  Point to Player ascii -1
CMLOOP   decb               Decrement loop counter
         beq    COMEND      Exit loop
         lda    ,Y+
         leax   1,X
         cmpa   ,X
         beq    CMLOOP
         bhi    COMEND

         ldb    #6          Set new loop counter
         leax   HSCASC,U
         leay   SCRASC,U
C2LOOP   lda    ,Y+
         sta    ,X+
         bne    C2LOOP

COMEND   ldb    #1          Set restart flag
         stb    RSFLAG
         lbra   RESTART     Go restart

GAMOV2:  leax   GMOVER,pcr  Point to GAME OVER string
         ldy    #23         Output 23 bytes
         lbsr   OUTSTR

         ldx    #150
         lbsr   WAIT        Sleep for 100 ticks
         leax   PAUEND,pcr  Kill overlay window
         ldy    #2
         lbsr   OUTSTR

         leax   SELECT,pcr
         ldy    #2
         lbsr   OUTST2

         lbsr   SCEND       Display high scores


EXIT     nop
         leax   KILBUF,U
         ldy    #4          Output 4 bytes 
         lbsr   OUTSTR      Go kill buffers
         leax   DWEND,pcr
         ldy    #2
         bsr    OUTSTR      End the game screen
         ldb    #0
QUIT     os9    F$Exit      Exit program

*    Do READ from PATH 
READ:    lda    PATH
         leax   RESPON,U    Put read char. here
         ldy    #1          Get 1 char.
         os9    I$Read      Go do read
         lbcs   ERR1

*    Do READ from PATH2
READ2:   lda    PATH2
         leax   RESPON,U
         ldy    #1          Get 1 char.
         os9    I$Read      Go do read
         lbcs   ERR1

OUTSTR:  lda    PATH        Get path number
         os9    I$Write     Output string till CR
         lbcs   ERR1
OTDONE   rts

POPUP:   pshs   X
         pshs   Y
         leax   POPWIN,pcr
         ldy    #17
         bsr    OUTST2
         puls   Y
         puls   X
OUTST2:  lda    PATH2
         os9    I$Write
         lbcs   ERR1

*     This routine is used to sleep for
*     a while. On entry the X reg. holds
*     the number of ticks to sleep

WAIT:    os9    F$Sleep
         lbcs   ERR1

PUTBLK:  pshs   X,Y
         leax   PUTCODE,U   Point to putblk code rmb's
         ldy    #8          Output 8 bytes
         lda    PATH        Set output path
         os9    I$Write     Output putblk code bytes
         lbcs   ERR1        Branch if any errors
         puls   X,Y
         rts                Return to calling routine

PUTGHT:  leax   PUTGHS,U    Point to putghs code rmb's
         ldy    #8          Output 8 bytes
         lda    PATH        Set output path
         os9    I$Write     Output putghs code bytes
         lbcs   ERR1        Branch if any errors
         rts                Return to calling routine

*   Sound routines
*    On entry X & Y regs. are already 
*    loaded with sound data

SND:     lda    PATH
         ldb    #$98
         os9    I$SetStt

*   Random number routine
*    Will return random number in A reg.

RANDNM:  stx    SAVEX       Save X reg.
         leax   RANNUM,U    Point to random number
         lda    ,X
         eora   ,X
         inc    1,X
         adda   1,X
         bvc    RDSKIP
         inc    1,X
RDSKIP   sta    ,X
         ldx    SAVEX       Restore X reg.
         rts                Return, A reg. holds number

*   Ring the bell
BELL:    leax   BELCOD,pcr
         ldy    #1
         lbsr   OUTST2

ERR1:    lbra   EXIT        Do select and dwend
ERR2     lbra   QUIT        Dont do select or dwend
