view level2/modules/snddrv.asm @ 230:3d2fa54fe8fb

Source changes
author boisy
date Tue, 16 Jul 2002 03:01:51 +0000
parents 6641a883d6b0
line wrap: on
line source

* SndDrv - Sound Driver for CoCo 3
* $Id$
* Should be fully compatible with old SS.Tone.
* (needs cleaning up for space)
* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*        First working version                          KKD 88/08/24
*        Bell version for critics <grin>                KKD 88/11/14
* 6      Upgrade to edition 3 from Monk-o-Ware          BGP 98/09/26

         nam   SndDrv
         ttl   Sound Driver for CoCo 3

         use   defsfile


rev      set   1
edition  set   3

         mod   sndlen,sndnam,systm+objct,reent+rev,entry,0

sndnam   fcs   "SndDrv"
         fcb   edition

entry    lbra  init       init codriver
         lbra  getstt
         lbra  setstt     ss.tone
         lbra  term       terminate

* INIT: set bell vector for F$Alarm

init     leax  Bell,pcr
         stx   >WGlobal+G.BelVec save bell vector
okend    clrb  

* SETSTT: do SS.Tone ($98) calls
* SS.Tone 98
* regs: X=vol,duration, Y=tone
* Y=path desc

setstt   ldx   PD.RGS,y   get user regs
         ldd   #$1000     check for 1-4095 range
         subd  R$Y,x      on passed Y
         lble  BadArgs    ..okay if less
         cmpd  #$1000     ..else err on $1000 
         lbge  BadArgs    ..
         tfr   d,y        set tone to D

         ldd   R$X,x      get vol, duration
         stb   >WGlobal+G.TnCnt save duration
         ldb   #1         fake cycles
         anda  #$3F       make volume ok
         bra   BellTone it

BadArgs  comb  
         ldb   #E$IllArg

* Bell ($07):
* can destroy D,Y

Bell     inc   >WGlobal+G.BelTnF set bell flag
* lda #230/4 start value
* ldb #230/2-18 cycle repeats
* ldd #60*256+96
         ldd   #$3E60
         ldy   #$0060     bell freq

* A=volume byte (0-63)
* B=cycle repeats (1 means use G.TnCnt as countdown)
* Y=freq

BellTone lsla             set A for PIA D/A bits
         lbeq  okend      okay end if just setting it
         ora   #2         add printer port bit
         pshs  a,b,x
         ldx   #PIA0Base  save current PIA setting
         lda   1,x
         ldb   3,x
         pshs  a,b

         anda  #$F7       set for sound
         andb  #$F7
         sta   1,x
         stb   3,x
         leax  $20,x      save PIA2 setting
         lda   3,x
         pshs  A
         ora   #8         and set it too
         sta   3,x
         bra   ToneLoop   ..enter main play loop

BellLoop lda   3,s        only bell does this countdown
         sta   3,s
         anda  #$F7
         ora   #$02
         bra   Loop2
ToneLoop ldd   3,s        get D/A byte, repeat cnt
Loop2    bsr   SendByte   send it (Y=tone delay)
         lda   #2         go back to zero
         bsr   SendByte   send it
         decb             count-1 (SS.Tone always=0!)
         bne   BellLoop   ..loop if bell cycles only <<

         ldb   >WGlobal+G.BelTnF is it bell?
         bne   ToneExit   ..yes, end
         ldb   >WGlobal+G.TnCnt else get ticks left
         bne   ToneLoop   and do again if any, else...

* Note: G.TnCnt is counted down by cc3io at 60hz.

ToneExit clr   >WGlobal+G.BelTnF clear bell flag
         puls  A          reset PIA's as before:
         sta   3,x
         leax  -$20,x
         puls  a,b
         sta   1,x
         stb   3,x
         clrb             okay
         puls  a,b,x,pc   end tone/bell.

SendByte pshs  y          save delay
         sta   ,x         store D/A byte
SendDely leay  -1,y       delay
         bne   SendDely   for tone
         puls  y,pc       retn.

sndlen   equ   *