view 3rdparty/packages/subsim/sub1.asm @ 2996:3d6a48f9cf5f

level3 makefiles: Add BOOTFILE_DW module lists
author Gene Heskett <>
date Sun, 26 Oct 2014 11:28:41 +0100
parents 0de024ea86cd
line wrap: on
line source

* sub1 - Sub1 Sub Battle Simulator subroutine
* $Id$
* There is a lot of extraneous and unneccessary instructions throughout
* the code. But since we use the jump table at module enter be careful
* when removing any thing and adjust it accordingly.
* No explicit edition byte in source.
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   0      2003/03/29  Paul W. Zibaila
* Disassembly of original distribution.

      nam sub1
      ttl Sub1 Sub Battle Simulator subroutine

      use defsfile

* I/O path definitions
StdIn    equ   0
StdOut   equ   1
StdErr   equ   2

*  defines for 5 bit zero offset instructions
Zldb_u   equ  $E640
Zldb_x   equ  $E600
Zsta_x   equ  $A700
Zclr_u   equ  $6F40
Zclr_x   equ  $6F00

*   misc defines for SUB
SinTblSz equ $0169
CntrlSz  equ $1666

SinDat   equ $0126
CntrlDat equ $1E25

* class D external label equates

D0001    equ $0001
D0002    equ $0002
D0003    equ $0003
D0004    equ $0004
D0005    equ $0005
D0006    equ $0006
D0007    equ $0007
D0009    equ $0009
D000D    equ $000D
D000E    equ $000E
D0010    equ $0010
D0012    equ $0012
D0013    equ $0013
D0015    equ $0015
D0030    equ $0030

* class X external label equates

X0107    equ $0107     address of subroutine module entry point
X0291    equ $0291
X0295    equ $0295
X0296    equ $0296
X0297    equ $0297
X0298    equ $0298
X029A    equ $029A
X029C    equ $029C
X02A3    equ $02A3    side FF = german 23 = American
X0355    equ $0355
X04F0    equ $04F0
X04F2    equ $04F2
X04F4    equ $04F4
X04F5    equ $04F5
X04F7    equ $04F7
X04F8    equ $04F8
X04F9    equ $04F9
X04FA    equ $04FA
X04FB    equ $04FB
X04FC    equ $04FC
X04FD    equ $04FD
X04FE    equ $04FE
X04FF    equ $04FF
X0500    equ $0500
X05CE    equ $05CE
X1D3F    equ $1D3F
X1D41    equ $1D41
X1D44    equ $1D44
X1D46    equ $1D46
X1D47    equ $1D47
X1D49    equ $1D49      IT.EKO original value (echo)
X1D4A    equ $1D4A      IT.PAU original value (end of page pause)
X1D6D    equ $1D6D
X1D76    equ $1D76
X1D88    equ $1D88
X1D89    equ $1D89
X1D8B    equ $1D8B
X1D8F    equ $1D8F
X1D91    equ $1D91
X1D93    equ $1D93
X1D95    equ $1D95
X1DA5    equ $1DA5
X1DA7    equ $1DA7
X1DAD    equ $1DAD
X1DAF    equ $1DAF
X1DB9    equ $1DB9
X1DD9    equ $1DD9     temp storage for path num
X1DDA    equ $1DDA
X1DF6    equ $1DF6
X1DF9    equ $1DF9
X1E13    equ $1E13
X1E16    equ $1E16     year value
X1E17    equ $1E17
X1E1D    equ $1E1D
X1E1E    equ $1E1E
X1E20    equ $1E20
X1E22    equ $1E22
X1E23    equ $1E23
X1E24    equ $1E24
X4265    equ $4265
X4C75    equ $4C75    side      0=German 1=US
X4C76    equ $4C76    game type
X4C77    equ $4C77    game level
X4C78    equ $4C78
X4C7A    equ $4C7A
X4C80    equ $4C80
X4C81    equ $4C81
X4C82    equ $4C82
X4C83    equ $4C83
X4C84    equ $4C84
X4C85    equ $4C85
X4C87    equ $4C87
X4C88    equ $4C88
X4C90    equ $4C90
X4CA0    equ $4CA0
X4CA1    equ $4CA1
X4CA4    equ $4CA4
X4CA6    equ $4CA6
X4CA8    equ $4CA8
X4CA9    equ $4CA9
X4CAA    equ $4CAA
X4CAB    equ $4CAB
X4CAC    equ $4CAC
X4CB1    equ $4CB1
X4CB2    equ $4CB2
X4CB3    equ $4CB3
X4CB4    equ $4CB4
X4CBD    equ $4CBD
X4CCC    equ $4CCC
X4CCD    equ $4CCD
X4CCE    equ $4CCE
X4CCF    equ $4CCF
X4CE0    equ $4CE0
X4CEE    equ $4CEE
X4CEF    equ $4CEF
X4CF1    equ $4CF1
X4CF3    equ $4CF3
X4CF5    equ $4CF5
X4CF7    equ $4CF7
X4CF9    equ $4CF9
X4CFB    equ $4CFB
X4CFD    equ $4CFD
X4CFF    equ $4CFF
X4D00    equ $4D00
X4D01    equ $4D01
X4D02    equ $4D02
X4D03    equ $4D03
X4D04    equ $4D04
X4D11    equ $4D11
X4D12    equ $4D12
X4D13    equ $4D13
X4D1B    equ $4D1B
X4D1D    equ $4D1D
X4D1F    equ $4D1F
X4D21    equ $4D21
X4D22    equ $4D22
X4D27    equ $4D27
X4D28    equ $4D28
X4D29    equ $4D29
X4D2B    equ $4D2B
X4D2E    equ $4D2E    radio status
X4D3B    equ $4D3B
X4D3C    equ $4D3C    new side value
X4D3D    equ $4D3D
X4D3E    equ $4D3E
X71B1    equ $71B1

* subroutines in sub6 that get loaded into the data area
X72C3    equ $72C3
X72F3    equ $72F3   seems to proceed character strings
X7304    equ $7304   calcs an integer based on input in d
X735B    equ $735B   Change palette routine
X7477    equ $7477   some sort of copy routine accepts acsii between $20-$5F ???
X74CC    equ $74CC
X74D9    equ $74D9
X7691    equ $7691
X76A4    equ $76A4
X76B9    equ $76B9
X7747    equ $7747
X77E5    equ $77E5
X782E    equ $782E   2 place formatted integer output based on input in b
X7843    equ $7843
X7866    equ $7866
X7BF4    equ $7BF4

tylg    set   SbRtn+Objct   
atrv    set   ReEnt+rev
rev     set   $01
*edition set  $01
        mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

* OS9 data area definitions
size    equ .

name    fcs "sub1"
*       fcb  edition                           no edition byte included in orig code

* b contains an offset passed by call to smap
start   leax  >JumpTbl,pcr
        ldd   b,x                index to subroutine offset
        ldx   X0107              holds the address of start from smap call
        jmp   d,x                nuttin' to it but to jump to it

L001C   fdb   GoOpts-start        $0023
        fdb   GameSetup-start     $0FC5
        fdb   Read_mission-start  $0A05
        fdb   MakeFile-start      $0880
        fdb   ReadNewFile-start   $08BC
        fdb   L0479-start         $0468
        fdb   Read_mission2-start $0B42
        fdb   SetParms2-start     $0547
        fdb   XmtSOS-start        $0DF1
        fdb   Return2Sea-start    $1243
        fdb   TransferTorp-start  $145C
        fdb   XmtPOS-start        $0E3C
GoOpts  lbsr  GetOPts

        ldd   #$0073
        std   X1DAF
        ldd   #$00F4
        std   X1DAD

* Open Path - Opens a path to the an existing file or device
*             as specified by the path list
* entry:
*       a -> access mode (D S PE PW PR E W R) 
*       x -> address of the path list 
* exit:
*       a -> path number 
*       x -> address of the last btye of the path list + 1 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)
        lda   #READ.
        leax  >SinTbl,pcr
        os9   I$Open
        pshs  a                   save that path number

* Read  - Reads n bytes from the specified path
* entry:
*       a -> path number
*       x -> address in which to store the data
*       y -> is the number of bytes to read
* exit:
*       y -> number of bytes read 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

        ldx   #SinDat
        ldy   #SinTblSz
        os9   I$Read             load it in data 
        puls  a                  clean up stack
* Close Path - Terminates I/O path
*              (performs an impledd I$Detach call)
* entry:
*       a -> path number
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)
        os9   I$Close

        lda   #READ.
        leax  >Font,pcr
        os9   I$Open
        pshs  a             No need for this here

* Seek  - Repositions a file pointer
* entry:
*       a -> path number
*       x -> MS 16 bits of the desired file position
*       u -> LS 16 bits of the desired file position
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)
        ldx   #0
        ldy   #0            No need for this here  
        ldu   #$0103        file position
        os9   I$Seek
        ldx   #$4D3F        save address
        ldy   #$0308        num of bytes to read
        lda   ,s            get the path ?? should still be set
        os9   I$Read
        puls  a             get that same path number no need
        os9   I$Close       close the file        
        inc   X4C75         increment side ?
        lbsr  GetMisDat
        lbsr  GetSubStat
        lbsr  GetShipmap
        lbsr  GetMap
        lbsr  GetConvoy
        lbsr  SetParams
        lbsr  SetMorePars
        lda   #2
        sta   X05CE
        ldd   #$0004
        std   X1D44
        ldd   #$1234
        std   X1D3F
        std   X1D41
        lbra  GetControl1
        os9   F$Exit

L00B8   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        lda   #READ.
        tst   X4C75           test the side value 0=German 1=US
        bne   MapUS
        leax  >Germap,pcr
        ldy   #$0A9D          number of bytes to read when the file is open
        bra   LoadMap

L00CB   leax  >USAmap,pcr
        ldy   #$094E          number of bytes to read when the file is open

L00D3   pshs  y               number of bytes to read when the file is open
        os9   I$Open          open it
        ldy   ,s              once again number of bytes to read when the file is open
        pshs  a               save the path
        ldx   #CntrlDat       Set the addr to store the info
        lda   ,s              get the path ???
        os9   I$Read          do the read 
        puls  a               pull the path
        os9   I$Close         close the path

* decode and put it in memory
        puls  y               get that number of bytes to read when the file is open
        leay  -$01,y          drop it by one
        ldx   #CntrlDat       address where stored (from addr)
        ldu   #$05CF          destination address
        lbsr  Decode_copy
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L00F9   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        lbsr  Set_75
        clr   X4D27
        lda   #READ.
        leax  >Mis_dat,pcr
        os9   I$Open
        sta   X1DD9           stow path number
        lbsr  L019A
        ldb   X02A3           load the Side value
        lda   #$33
        tfr   d,u             LS 16 bits of file position
        ldx   #0              MS 16 bits of file position
        lda   X1DD9           get our path number 
        os9   I$Seek          reset the file pointer
        ldx   #$4C8A          address to store the data
        ldy   #$0033          number of bytes to read
        lda   X1DD9           get the path number   (not needed)
        os9   I$Read          read the data from the file
        lda   X1DD9           get the path number again (not needed)
        os9   I$Close         close the file
        ldb   X4CA8
        leax  >ByteTbl4,pcr
        ldd   b,x
        addb  X4CA9
        adca  #0
        std   X1E17
        ldb   X4CAA
        stb   X1E16            year value
        ldb   X4CAB
        tst   X4C76            test game type value once
        bne   L015A            not target practice
        lbsr  L021B            was target practice
        ldb   #$10             on return load b
L015A   stb   X4D22            always stow b either from X4CAB or a fixed value of $10

        tst   X4C76            test that game type value again
        beq   Ext_MD           if zero we're done

        ldb   X4CA0
        lbmi  Ext_MD2          if negative were done
        lda   #$09             otherwise multiply by 9
        leax  >ByteTbl3,pcr    load pointer to bytetable
        leax  d,x              index into it and use that as copy from addr
        ldy   #$4C63           set destination address to copy to
        bsr   Copy_9           copy 9 bytes
        ldb   X4CA1
        bmi   Ext_MD2          if negative we're done
        lda   #$09             same as above for 9 more bytes 
        leax  >ByteTbl3,pcr
        leax  d,x
        ldy   #$4C6C
        bsr   Copy_9
L018C   puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L018E   lda   #$09             for the use only twice I would have inlined this snippet 

L0190   ldb   ,x+
        stb   ,y+
        bne   Loop_9   

L0198   puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L019A   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        ldb   X4C76            check that game type value again
        cmpb  #$02             is it a 2 War Time Command ?       
        lbeq  inc2             if so head for inc & inc
        tst   X4C76            check that game type value again
        bne   L01B9            not target practice branch
        ldb   #$24             set some men loactaions with $
        stb   X02A3            the side value
        stb   X4D3B
        lda   #$01             US
        sta   X4C75            set side value
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L01B9   ldb   X1E16            year value
        cmpb  X4D3D            new year value
        bne   L01D7            not equal branch to next sub
        ldb   X4C75            side value 
        cmpb  X4D3C            new side value
        bne   L01D7            not equal branch to next sub
        ldb   X02A3            Side value
        incb                   bump it
        cmpb  X4D3B            compare to mate
        beq   L01D7            if equal branch to next sub
        stb   X02A3            if not stow b at side value
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L01D7   ldb   X4C75            side value
        stb   X4D3C            new side value
        ldb   X1E16            year value
        stb   X4D3D            new year value
        subb  #39              start year german b used as index below
        lda   X4C75            side value
        cmpa  #0               German ?
        bne   Loadtb
        leax  >ByteTblA,pcr    German
        bra   Gotta
Loadtb  leax  >ByteTblB,pcr    American
Gotta   lda   b,x  
        sta   X02A3            side value
        incb                   bump b by one
        lda   b,x              index into x again
        sta   X4D3B            stow that
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

inc2    inc   X02A3            side value
        inc   X4D3B
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L020B   fcb   $00,$02,$09,$0F,$15,$1B,$21,$24

L0213   fcb   $00,$00,$00,$24,$2E,$32,$39,$3C

L021B   pshs  a,b,x,y,u

        ldb   #$FF             set b to $FF
        ldx   #$4C8A           start address to set bytes
Loop25  stb   ,x+              set byte and bump pointer
        cmpx  #$4CA4           have we moved 25 bytes?
        blo   Loop25           nope loop again
        ldd   #0000            I'm sure there is a reason these
        std   X4CA4            jump all over the place
        std   X4CA6            but it sure isn't self evident
        clr   X4C90
        ldb   #$05
        stb   X4CB1
        ldb   #$10
        stb   X4CAB
        clr   X4CB3
        clr   X4CB4
        ldx   #$0579
        ldb   #$06
        stb   $01,x
        lda   #$60
        sta   $02,x
        sta   X1DF6
        ldd   #$0064
        std   $03,x
        lda   #$7F
        sta   $05,x
        sta   X1DF9
        ldd   #$3FFF
        std   $06,x

        clr   $12,x            this gets overwritten below
        clr   $08,x
*                              $09.x is not manipulated 
        leax  $0A,x            so now x is pointed to $0583

        ldd   #$0108           this is cute a=$01 b=$08
Set8    sta   ,x+              set 8 bytes to 1
        decb                   dec the counter
        bne   Set8
*                              so when we're finished here starting $0580 we have  
*                               0580     $06,$60,$00,$64,$7F,$3F,$FF,$00
*                               0588      ??,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01
*                               0590     $01,$01

        clr   X0296
        ldd   #$0320
        std   X1D6D
        lbsr  L0479            branch down and set some more based at $0579
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc
L0281   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        lda   #$FF
        sta   X0295
        lda   #READ.
        leax  >SubStat,pcr
        os9   I$Open
        sta   X1DD9            stow the path num
        lda   X4CB1            First read of sub stats        
        ldb   #$22
        ldx   #0               MS 16 bits of file position
        tfr   d,u              LS 16 bits of file position
        lda   X1DD9            get the path num
        os9   I$Seek           reset file pointer to the head of the file  
        ldx   #$4CCC           destination address
        ldy   #$0022           number of bytes to read
        lda   X1DD9            get that pesky path number (not needed)
        os9   I$Read           read the data
        lda   X4CB2            second read of sub stats
        ldb   #$0D
        addd  #$00CC
        ldx   #0               MS 16 bits of file position
        tfr   d,u              LS 16 bits of file position
        lda   X1DD9            get path num
        os9   I$Seek           position the file pointer
        ldx   #$4CBD           destination address
        ldy   #$000D           number of bytes to read
        lda   X1DD9            get the path num (not needed)
        os9   I$Read           read the data
        lda   X4C75            test side value  
        cmpa  #0               is it zero?  German
        beq   Geroff           if so branch to get next file pos
        ldu   #$0134           LS 16 bits of file position
        bra   SetMS1           go get the MS word
Geroff  ldu   #$01AC           LS 16 bits of file position
SetMS1  ldx   #$0000           MS 16 bits of file position
        lda   X1DD9            get path num
        os9   I$Seek           position the file pointer
        ldx   #$0501           destination addr
        ldy   #$0078           number bytes to read
        lda   X1DD9            get path num
        os9   I$Read           read the data
        lda   X4C75            test side for next read value
        cmpa  #0               German ?
        beq   Geroff2          set up next seek 
        ldu   #$0224           LS word of pos
        bra   SetMS2           go set MS word
Geroff2 ldu   #$02A2           LS word of pos
SetMS2  ldx   #$0000           MS word of pos
        lda   X1DD9            get the path num
        os9   I$Seek           set the file pointer
        ldx   #$02B7           destination address
        ldy   #$007E           number of bytes to read 
        lda   X1DD9            get the path num  (not needed)
        os9   I$Read           fetch the data
        lda   X1DD9            get the path num (not needed)
        os9   I$Close          close the file
        ldx   #$4A80           load base addr for offset index addressing
        ldu   #$02B7           load base addr for offset index addressing
        ldb   #$06
        pshs  b

L032D   fdb   Zclr_x           clr 0,x  
        lda   $01,u
        sta   $03,x           
        ldd   $02,u
        std   $04,x           
        lda   $04,u
        sta   $06,x           
        ldd   $05,u
        std   $07,x           
        ldd   #0               set up to clr word
        std   $01,x           
        std   $09,x           
        leax  $15,x            bump pointer by 21
        leau  $15,u
        dec   ,s               dec the counter
        bne   Transtat         gone 6 times ? nope loop again
        puls  b                clean up stack
        lda   #$05
        lbsr  SetByte
        ldb   X1E16           load year value
        tst   X4C75           test side value 0=German 1=US
        lbne  tst2A           test value not zero skip to compare b $2A
        cmpb  #$27            is it 39 ?
        bne   tst28           nope goto next test
        lda   #2
        lbsr  SetByte
        lda   #3
        lbsr  SetByte
        lda   #4
        lbsr  SetByte
        lbra  ExtSubStat
tst28   cmpb  #$28            is it 40 ?
        bne   tst29           nope go to next test
        lda   #2
        lbsr  SetByte
        ldd   X1E17
        cmpd  #$005A
        lbgt  ExtSubStat
        lda   #3
        lbsr  SetByte
        lbra  ExtSubStat
tst29   cmpb  #$29            is it 41 ?
        bne   tst2a
        lbra  ExtSubStat
tst2a   cmpb  #$2A            is it 42 ?
        bne   tst2b
        lbra  ExtSubStat
tst2b   cmpb  #$2B            is it 43 ?
        bne   tst2c
        tst   X4C75           test side value
        beq   ExtSubStat      german ?
        lda   #4
        lbsr  SetByte
        lbra  ExtSubStat
tst2c   cmpb  #$2C            is it 44 ?
        bne   tstlst
        tst   X4C75
        lbne  ExtSubStat
        ldd   X1E17
        cmpd  #$0099
        lbls  ExtSubStat
L03C8   lda   #2
        lbsr  SetByte
        lda   #4
        lbsr  SetByte
        lda   #3
        lbsr  SetByte
        lbra  ExtSubStat
tstlst  tst   X4C75
        beq   L03C8
        lda   #5
        ldb   #$15
        ldx   #$4A80
        leax  d,x
        fdb   Zclr_x          clr 0,x

L03EB   puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

*  a is passed by caller
*  Calcs an offset from base addr and sets it to FF
L03ED   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        ldb   #$15
        ldx   #$4A80
        leax  d,x
        lda   #$FF
        fdb   Zsta_x
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L03FD   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        lda   X4C76           check the game type byte
        bne   ReadConvoy      not target practice
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L0406   leax  >Convoys,pcr
        lda   #READ.
        os9   I$Open
        sta   X1DD9           save that path num
        ldx   #$4C90          set up destination addr
        ldy   #$0579          addr for inner loop RCLop2
        ldb   #4              loop counter
        pshs  b               push on the stack
RCloop  ldb   ,x+             get the first byte at 4C90 and bump the pointer
        lbmi  RCLend          go to loop end        
        lda   #$16            calc the seek position
        tfr   d,u             LS Word file pos
        pshs  x,y             save destination and bytes to read 
        ldx   #0              MS Word file pos
        lda   X1DD9           path num
        os9   I$Seek          reset the file pointer
        ldx   $02,s           get the val off the stack
        ldy   #$0016          bytes to read 
        lda   X1DD9           path num
        os9   I$Read          fetch the data 
        puls  x,y             grab the old x and y
        ldb   #3              set up an inner loop 

RCLop2  pshs  b               push the counter on the stack
        ldb   $02,y           get the third byte at y
        addb  #$3B            add to it
        tst   X4C75           test side value 
        beq   RCx1            if zero (german) stow it and get new thing to work on
        addb  #$15            otherwise add some more to it then 
RCx1    stb   $02,y           stow it back
        ldb   $05,y           get the next one to work with
        addb  #$27            add to it
        tst   X4C75           check that side value
        beq   RCx2            if zero (german) stow that and cycle the loop
        addb  #$0B            otherwise add some more then
RCx2    stb   $05,y           stow it back
        leay  $01,y           bump pointer +1
        puls  b               pull the loop counter
        decb                  decrement it
        bne   RCLop2          loop if we haven't gone 3 times
        leay  -$03,y          after 3 loops move y back to start of inner loop value
RCLend  leay  $16,y           set y up for the next $16 byte read        
        dec   ,s              dec the outer loop counter
        bne   RCloop          not gone four times ? loop again
        puls  b               otherwise clean up stack
        lda   X1DD9           get that good old path number
        os9   I$Close         and close the file
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc    return

*  what do I do in the great scheme of things???        
L0479   pshs  a,b,x,y,u       our generic save all

        ldb   X0296
        lda   #$16
        mul                   calc an offset
        ldx   #$0579          get the base address
        leax  d,x             set the pointer to base + offset
        lda   $04,x        
        bpl   PosVal          is it positive ? branch
        lda   $02,x           otherwise shift a couple bytes
        sta   $04,x           first then go on
        lda   $05,x
        sta   $07,x

PosVal  lda   #$01
        sta   $08,x
        ldb   X0296
        lbsr  L04AF
        lda   #$07            outer loop counter
        leau  $0A,x           load u with x+10

Outloop ldb   a,u             load b with u+counter (inner counter)
        beq   Decout          is it zero branch out
In_loop lbsr  L04DA           not zero  
        decb                  dec inner counter
        bne   In_loop
Decout  deca  
        bpl   Outloop
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

*       value passed in b from caller
L04AF   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        ldu   #$4A02          set base offset
        lda   #$15            compute offset
        leau  d,u             set base + offset
        fdb   Zclr_u          clear the byte at u
        clr   $10,u
        ldd   X1DF6
        std   $03,u
        ldd   X1DF9
        std   $06,u
        ldd   X1D6D
        std   $09,u
        ldb   1,x             could have pulled x off the stack 
        clra                  instead of mucking around with u
        std   $01,u
        stx   $12,u
        stu   X71B1           stow $4a02 at 71b1
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L04DA   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        ldb   #$41
        stb   X1E13
        ldu   #$42B5          set base address
L04E4   fdb   Zldb_u          ldb ,u
        bpl   L053D
        pshs  x               we've pushed it once
        leax  >ByteTblF,pcr
        lda   a,x
        sta   $12,u
        puls  x
        fdb   Zclr_u          clr ,u
        clr   $10,u
        ldd   X1DF6
        std   $03,u
        ldd   #$1FFF
        jsr   X76A4
        addd  $04,u
        std   $04,u
        ldd   X1DF9
        std   $06,u
        ldd   #$1FFD
        jsr   X76A4
        addd  $07,u
        std   $07,u
        ldd   X1D6D
        std   $09,u
        ldb   $01,x
        std   $01,u
        ldd   X71B1
        std   $13,u
        pshs  u
        leay  $03,u
        ldu   #$4C84
        jsr   X74D9
        tfr   u,y
        puls  u
        sty   $0E,u
        sta   $0D,u
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc
L053D   leau  $15,u
        dec   X1E13
        lbne  L04E4
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

*     reads a byte from std in not explicitly called
N0549   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        ldx   #$1DDA
        ldy   #1
        os9   I$Read
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L0558   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        lda   X4C80
        cmpa  #3
        beq   ExtSP2          if three were done
        inca                  bump a
        sta   X4C80           and save it back
        ldx   #$4CA4          set up index
        tst   a,x             test 
        bne   SetP2       

        lda   #$FF
        sta   X4C80
        bra   ExtSP2

SetP2   lda   #4
        sta   X4C81
L0578   puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

* Not labeled by the disassembler
N057A   pshs  y,u
        ldy   #$1E0D
        ldu   #$4C84
        jsr   X74D9
        puls  y,u,pc

L058A   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        ldd   #0             zero (clear) these words
        std   X4C78
        std   X4C7A
        ldb   #$FF           set these bytes
        stb   X4D2B
        stb   X4C80
        lda   #$FF           switching from accb to acca makes no sense
        sta   X4D28
        clr   X4D11          clear these bytes
        clr   X4D29
        clr   X4C82
        clr   X0500
        clrb                 now we clear an acc 
        stb   X4CEE          and store the val at these
        stb   X0355
        stb   X0298
        lbsr  SetParms2      call a sub to set some others
        lda   #$0A
        sta   X1D47
        lda   #1
        sta   X1D46
        lda   #$3C
        sta   X1D76
        ldb   #$63
        stb   X4D12
        stb   X4D13
        ldd   #$6300
        std   X4D1F
        std   X4D1B
        std   X4D1D
        lda   X4CE0
        sta   X4D21
        ldb   X4CCF
        stb   X4D00
        ldb   X4CCE
        stb   X4CFF
        addb  X4CCF
        cmpb  X4CAC
        bls   Setpar2
        ldb   X4CCD
        stb   X4D00
        lda   X4CAC
        suba  X4CCD
        sta   X4CFF

Setpar2 lda   X4CCC
        sta   X4D01
        lda   X4CCD
        sta   X4D02
        clr   X4D03
        clr   X4D04
        ldd   #1
        std   X1E1E
        std   X1E20
        stb   X1E22
        clr   X1E1D
        ldy   #0
SPLoop  clr   $4D2D,y
        leay  1,y
        cmpy  #$000E
        bcs   SPLoop

        clr   X4CEE
        tst   X4C76          test game type value
        bne   Setpar3        not target practice
        clr   X4C81

        lda   #$5F
        sta   X4C84

        lda   #$7F
        sta   X4C87

        ldd   #$E678
        std   X4C85

        ldd   #$4E20
        std   X4C88

        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L065B   ldb   X4CB3
        lda   #$15
        ldx   #$02B7
        leax  d,x            calc an index
        fdb   Zldb_x         to calc an index
        lda   #$04
        std   X4CFB          stow that value
        std   X4CF3
        std   X4CFD
        std   X4CF5
        ldb   $01,x          get bytes at the pointer
        stb   X4C84          and save them elsewhere
        ldd   $02,x
        std   X4C85
        ldb   $04,x
        stb   X4C87
        ldd   $05,x
        std   X4C88
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L068D   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        ldx   #$4A56
        lda   #$FF
        fdb   Zsta_x
        leax  $15,x
        fdb   Zsta_x
        lda   X4C77          game level
        leax  >ByteTblC,pcr
        ldb   a,x
        stb   X1E23
        leax  >Gstring,pcr
        ldb   a,x
        stb   X1E24          always a G
        ldd   X4CBD
        ldu   #3
        jsr   X76B9
        std   X1DDA
        ldb   X4C77          game level
        clra                 zero ms byte
        tfr   d,y            transfer game level to y
        ldd   X4CBD
        cmpy  #$0003         Expert level ?
        beq   ExtSMP
        addd  X1DDA
        cmpy  #$0002         Advanced level ?
        beq   ExtSMP1
        addd  X1DDA
        cmpy  #$0001         Intermediate level ?
        beq   ExtSMP1
        addd  X1DDA          must be Novice

ExtSMP1 std   X4CBD

L06E3   puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L06E5   fcb   $14,$19,$1E,$2D

L06E9   fcc  "GGGG"          all bytes $47

L06ED   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        lda   #READ.
        leax  >Shipmap,pcr
        os9   I$Open
        sta   X1DD9          stow the path num
        ldx   #$5041         destination address
        ldy   #$0050         number of bytes to read
        os9   I$Read         fetch the data

        pshs  a,x,u          why ??
        ldx   #0             MS Word of file pos
        ldu   #$0C9D         LS Word of file pos
        lda   X1DD9          path num
        os9   I$Seek         reset file pointer
        puls  a,x,u          pull what we just saved and then over write it
        ldx   #$5091         destination address
        ldy   #$1135         bytes to read
        lda   X1DD9          get the path num
        os9   I$Read         fetch the data
        tst   X4C75          test side value
        bne   Shpmap2        Not German 
        pshs  a,x,u          duh
        ldx   #0             MS Word of file pos
        ldu   #$0080         LS Word of file pos
        lda   X1DD9          load the same path num
        os9   I$Seek         reset the file pointer
        puls  a,x,u          pull em and overwrite em ??
        ldx   #$61C6         destination
        ldy   #$0C1D         number of bytes to read
        lda   X1DD9          path num
        os9   I$Read         fetch the data
        pshs  a,x,u          duh
        ldx   #0             MS Word of file pos
        ldu   #$2A9C         LS Word of file pos
        lda   X1DD9          get that path num 
        os9   I$Seek         reset the file pointer
        puls  a,x,u          pull em and over write them duh
        ldx   #$6DE3         destination addr
        ldy   #$0230         number of byets to read
        lda   X1DD9          same path num again
        os9   I$Read         fetch the data
        bra   Shpmap3
Shpmap2 pshs  a,x,u
        ldx   #0             MW Word of file pos
        ldu   #$0050         LS Word of file pos
        lda   X1DD9          path num
        os9   I$Seek         reset the file pointer
        puls  a,x,u          waste of time
        ldx   #$5061         destination addr
        ldy   #$0030         number of byets to read
        lda   X1DD9          path num
        os9   I$Read
        pshs  a,x,u          waste of time
        ldx   #0             MW Word of file pos
        ldu   #$1DD2         LS Word of file pos
        lda   X1DD9          path num
        os9   I$Seek         reset the file pointer
        puls  a,x,u          waste of time
        ldx   #$61C6         destination addr
        ldy   #$0CCA         number of byets to read
        lda   X1DD9          path num
        os9   I$Read
        pshs  a,x,u          waste of time
        ldx   #0             MW Word of file pos
        ldu   #$2CCC         LS Word of file pos
        lda   X1DD9          path num
        os9   I$Seek         reset the file pointer
        puls  a,x,u          waste of time
        ldx   #$6E90         destination addr
        ldy   #$02CA         number of byets to read
        lda   X1DD9          path num
        os9   I$Read

Shpmap3 lda   X1DD9          its the same stinking path num all along ...
        os9   I$Close
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

GetFile pshs  a
        ldd   #0000
        jsr   X77E5
        jsr   X7747
        ldd   #$0039
        std   X1DA7
        ldd   #$0050
        std   X1DA5
        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc  "Enter Filename: "
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcb   $CC
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcb   $45
        std   X1DA7
        ldd   #$0056
        std   X1DA5
        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc  "->"
        fcb   C$NULL
        clr   X4265
        lbsr  GetKBinp
        puls  a,pc

L0807   pshs  a,x,y,u
        ldx   #$4265         base addr to store data
        jsr   X74CC

        leax  -$01,x
ReadKey lbsr  L087F

        clra                 set path stdin   
        pshs  x              address to store data ($4264) 
        ldy   #$01           get one byte
        os9   I$Read         fetch the byte
        puls  x              no need for this
        ldb   ,x             load b with the keyboard value
        cmpb  #C$BSP         is it a back space ? (ctrl-h)
        lbeq  IsBSP
        cmpb  #C$EOF         is it an ESC (ctrl-break)
        lbeq  IsEOF
        cmpb  #C$QUIT        is it ENQ (ctrl-e)
        lbeq  IsEOF
        tst   X029C
        lbne  IsEOF
        cmpb  #C$CR          carriage return
        lbeq  EndKey
*                            argument passed in b to this routine        
        jsr   X7477          some sort of copy routine ??
        cmpx  #$4275         so we read 16 bytes ?
        blo   NextKey        bump x and read again
        ldy   X1DA5
        leay  -$08,y
        sty   X1DA5        
        lbra  ReadKey
NextKey leax  $01,x          bump x by one
        lbra  ReadKey        read the next key press
IsBSP   cmpx  #$4265  
        lbeq  ReadKey
        leax  -$01,x
        ldb   #C$SPAC
*                            argument passed in b to this routine        
        jsr   X7477          some sort of copy routine ??
        ldy   X1DA5
        leay  -16,y
        sty   X1DA5
        lbra  ReadKey

EndKey  clr   X029C
        puls  a,x,y,u,pc

IsEOF   ldb   #C$EOF
        bra   EndKey

L087F   pshs  a,b
        ldb   #'_            $5F
*                            argument passed in b to this routine
        jsr   X7477          some sort of copy routine ??

        ldd   X1DA5
        subd  #$08
        std   X1DA5

        puls  a,b,pc

*   Not explicitly called not labeled by disasm
N0891   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        lbsr  GetFile
        cmpb  #C$EOF
        lbeq  DontMake

* Delete File - Deletes a specified disk file
* entry:
*       x -> address of the path list 
* exit:
*       x -> address of the last btye of the path list + 1 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)
        ldx   #$4265         pointer to file name string
        os9   I$Delete       delete file if exsits

* Create File - Creates and opens a disk file
* entry:
*       a -> access mode (write (2) or update (3))
*       b -> file attributes
*            Bit   Definition
*             0    Read
*             1    Write
*             2    Execute
*             3    Public Read
*             4    Public Write
*             5    Public Execute
*             6    Shareable file
*       x -> address of the path list 
* exit:
*       a -> path number
*       x -> address of the last btye of the path list + 1 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)
        ldx   #$4265         pointer to file name string           
        ldd   #(WRITE.*$100)+READ.+WRITE.+PREAD.+PWRIT.+SHARE. $025B
        os9   I$Create       create the file
        bcs   CallErr        if error occured call error handler
        sta   X1DD9          store the path number

* Write - Writes to a file or device
* entry:
*       a -> path number
*       x -> starting address of the data to write 
*       y -> number of bytes to write
* exit:
*       y -> number of bytes written 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)
*                            path still set from create call        
        ldx   #$0109         starting address of data 
        ldy   #$7E04         number of bytes to write
        os9   I$Write        move the data
        bcs   CallErr        if error occured call error handler
        lbra  NoError
CallErr lbsr  ErrMsg
NoError lda   X1DD9          load the path number
        os9   I$Close        close the file

L08C8   inc   X0297      
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

N08CD   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        lbsr  GetFile
        cmpb  #C$EOF
        lbeq  NoFile
        ldu   X1D8B          we overwrite this below
        pshs  u              so we save it now
        ldx   #$4265         address of path list
        lda   #READ.         access mode
        os9   I$Open         open the filr
        bcs   CallEr2        if error occured call error handler
        sta   X1DD9          stow the path number
* Get status  - Returns the status of a file or device
*               Wildcard call exit status differs based on cal code
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
*       b -> function code 2 (SS.Size)
* exit:
*       x -> MS 16 bits of the current file size 
*       u -> LS 16 bits of the current file size 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)
        ldb   #SS.Size       get the curent file size
        os9   I$GetStt       make the call
        tfr   u,x            move u to x but why ??
        cmpu  #$7E04         check the file size
        beq   Readfile       if it's the right size go read it
        ldb   #E$Btyp        otherwise wrong type error
        lbra  CallEr2

L08FC   lda   X1DD9          load the path num
        ldx   #$0109         addr to stow data
        ldy   #$7E04         bytes to read
        os9   I$Read         make the call
        bcs   CallEr2
        lbra  NoErr
CallEr2 lbsr  ErrMsg

NoErr   puls  u              get our old value
        stu   X1D8B          and return it
        ldx   #$1E25
        stx   X1D89
        lda   X1DD9      l   Looks like this gets overwriten too?
*                            $0109 + $7E04 = $7F0D  
        os9   I$Close        close the file
NoFile  inc   X0297
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

* b contains error code from calling routine
ErrMsg  pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        ldx   #$0050
        stx   X1DA5
        ldx   #$0039
        leax  16,x
        stx   X1DA7
        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc   "ERROR #"
        fcb   C$NULL
        pshs  b
        jsr   X7304          calcs a integer based on input in d
        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc   " : "
        fcb   C$NULL
        puls  b
        cmpb  #E$Btyp        bad type ??
        bne   ChkBPth
        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc   "WRONG FILE TYPE"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcb   C$CLSALL       flag to skip # of bytes after next null
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcb   $54  
ChkBPth cmpb  #E$BPNam       bad path name
        bne   ChkPNF
        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc   "BAD PATHNAME"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcb   C$CLSALL       flag to skip # of bytes after next null
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcb   $3D

ChkPNF  cmpb  #E$PNNF        path not found
        bne   ChkDrv
        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc  "FILE NOT FOUND"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcb   C$CLSALL       flag to skip # of bytes after next null
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcb   $24
ChkDrv  cmpb  #E$Unit        Illegal drive num
        blt   SomERR         none of the above and less than E$Unit
*                            E$Unit and greater yields disk error of some kind        
        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc  "DISK ERROR"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcb   $20
        fcb   $10            this will skip over SomERR msg string
SomERR  jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc  "SYSTEM ERROR"
        fcb   C$NULL
        ldx   X1DA7
        leax  16,x
        stx   X1DA7
        ldx   #$0060
        stx   X1DA5
        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc  "Press any key to continue"
        fcb   C$NULL

*       after a string write byte after second null sends to here
        clra                 set stdin  
        ldx   #$1DDA         addr to save byte
        ldy   #$01           only need one          
        os9   I$Read         get the input
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc   we're done here return to caller

L09F9   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        ldx   #$1E25         clears $2440 bytes
        ldd   #$0000
ClrLoop std   ,x++
        cmpx  #$4265
        blt   ClrLoop
        ldd   #$0008
        std   X1DA5
        ldd   #$0002
        std   X1DA7
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L0A16   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        lbsr  Zero_txt_area  clear mission text area
        leax  >Mis_txt,pcr   get the name of the file to open
        lda   #READ.         in read only mode
        os9   I$Open         open the file
        sta   X1DD9          path number
        ldu   #$4CB5         base addr
        ldb   X0298          get value stored
        lslb                 multiply by 2
        tst   X4C76          check that game type byte 
        bne   L0A35          not target practice use this byte as offset
        ldb   #$06           is target practice use a +6 offset       
L0A35   ldu   b,u            LS Word of file seek
        ldx   #$0000         MS Word of file seek
        lda   X1DD9          get the path number which should still be in a
        os9   I$Seek         repostion file pointer
        ldx   X1D8B
        pshs  x
        ldx   #$1E25
        stx   X1D8B

L0A4B   ldx   #$4265         addr to stow the data
        ldy   #$01           number of bytes to read
        lda   X1DD9          load the path number
        os9   I$Read         read one byte
        ldb   X4265          put that byte in b
        cmpb  #'@            is it an @  $40            
        lbeq  L0A8D
        cmpb  #'%            is it a %   $25
        lbeq  L0A8D
        cmpb  #C$CR          is it a carriage return ?
        beq   L0A74
        cmpb  #C$LF          is it a line feed
        beq   L0A7D

*                            argument passed in b to this routine        
        jsr   X7477          nope then some sort of copy routine ??
        bra   L0A4B          loop again
L0A74   ldd   #$0008
        std   X1DA5
        lbra  L0A4B
L0A7D   ldx   X1DA7
        leax  $08,x
        cmpx  #$006B
        bge   L0A74
        stx   X1DA7
        lbra  L0A4B
L0A8D   lda   X1DD9          get the path num and
        os9   I$Close        close the file
        puls  x
        stx   X1D8B
        bsr   SetandSwap
        lbsr  MVMissn
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L0A9F   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        lda   #$FF
        sta   X0297
        lda   #$03
        sta   X1D88
        ldd   X1D8B
        pshs  d
        ldd   #$1E25
        std   X1D8B
        ldd   X1DAD
        pshs  d
        ldd   #$013F
        std   X1DAD
        ldd   #$0000
        std   X1D8F
        std   X1D91
        std   X1D95
        ldd   #$013F
        std   X1D93
        jsr   X7BF4
        std   X1D93
        ldd   #$0000
        std   X1D8F
        ldd   #$0073
        std   X1D91
        std   X1D95
        jsr   X7BF4
        ldd   #$0000
        std   X1D8F
        std   X1D91
        std   X1D93
        ldd   #$0073
        std   X1D95
        jsr   X7BF4
        std   X1D95
        ldd   #$013F
        std   X1D8F
        std   X1D93
        ldd   #$0000
        std   X1D91
        jsr   X7BF4
        puls  d,x
        std   X1DAD
        stx   X1D8B

        ldx   #$1E25         address 1
        ldu   X1D8B          address 2
        ldy   #$2440         number of bytes to swap
L0B27   ldb   ,x             get a byte from each
        lda   ,u
        stb   ,u+            swap them and bump pointers
        sta   ,x+
        leay  -$01,y         decrement the counter
        bne   L0B27          loop till we are finished
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

MVMissn pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        clra                 stdin path
        ldx   #$4265         address to save data
        ldy   #$01           bytes to read
        os9   I$Read         read byte
        ldu   X1D8B          get save address
        ldx   #$1E25         get from address      
MVLoop  ldd   ,x++           load a word from x and bump by a word
        std   ,u++           stow that word at u and bump by a word
        cmpx  #$4265         have we gotten to the end ??
        blt   MVLoop         nope loop again
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

*   Not explicitly called not labeled by disasm
*   similar to Read_mission at L0A16
N0B53   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        lda   #$FF
        sta   X0297
        clr   X4D3E
        ldx   #$1E25         clear the bytes between $1E25 - $4265 
        ldd   #$0000
L0B63   std   ,x++
        cmpx  #$4265
        blt   L0B63
        lbsr  SetandSwap     so now we swap the cleared bytes
        ldd   #$0008
        std   X1DA5
        ldd   #$0002
        std   X1DA7
        leax  >Mis_txt,pcr
        lda   #READ.
        os9   I$Open
        sta   X1DD9          save path num
        ldu   #$4CB5         base address
        ldb   X0298          get stored value
        lslb                 multiply by two
        tst   X4C76          check that game type byte
        bne   L0B93          not target practice use this value
        ldb   #$06           otherwise is target practice use a +6 offset
L0B93   ldu   b,u            LS word of file position to seek
        ldx   #$0000         MS word of file positioin to seek
        lda   X1DD9          get the path num that is still in a
        os9   I$Seek         reset the file pointer
L0B9E   ldx   #$4265         addr to stow data
        ldy   #$01           get one byte
        lda   X1DD9          get that path numm that's already there
        os9   I$Read         read a byte
        ldb   X4265          load it in b
        cmpb  #'@            is it an @ $40
        lbeq  ClsMisTx
        cmpb  #'%            is it a %  $25
        lbeq  ClsMisTx
        cmpb  #C$CR
        beq   L0BD5
        cmpb  #C$LF
        beq   L0BDE
        tst   X4D3E
        bne   L0BD0
        lbsr  InpReady
        sta   X4D3E
        lbsr  MCode

*                            argument passed in b to this routine
L0BD0   jsr   X7477          some sort of copy routine ??
        bra   L0B9E          loop again
L0BD5   ldd   #$0008
        std   X1DA5
        lbra  L0B9E          loop again
L0BDE   ldx   X1DA7
        leax  $08,x
        cmpx  #$006B
        bge   L0BD5
        stx   X1DA7
        lbra  L0B9E          loop again

L0BEE   lda   X1DD9
        os9   I$Close
        lbsr  MVMissn
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L0BF9   pshs  b,x,y
        clra                 set path stdin
        ldb   #SS.Ready      test if data available
        os9   I$GetStt       make the call
        bcc   ReadKey2       if ready go read it
        clra                 not read clear a again
        puls  b,x,y,pc       pull b back over any error code

L0C06   clra                 set path stdin
        ldx   #$1DDA         set address to hold data
        ldy   #$01           read one byte       
        os9   I$Read         make the call
        lda   X1DDA          load the data in a
        cmpa  #C$INTR        is it a key board interrupt (ctrl-C)
        beq   EndKey2
        cmpa  #C$QUIT        is it a keyboard abort (ctrl-E)
        beq   EndKey2
        tst   X029C
        bne   EndKey2
        puls  b,x,y,pc

L0C23   clr   X029C
        lda   #C$EOF
        puls  b,x,y,pc

L0C2A   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        ldy   #$0075         number of bytes to set
        ldx   #$42B5         base address
        lda   #$FF           value to set them to
Loop75  fdb   Zsta_x         sta ,x
        leax  $15,x          bump x by $15
        leay  -$01,y         decrement the counter
        lbne  Loop75         are we done ? nope loop again
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L0C42   pshs  a,b,x,y,u

        lda   #READ.
        leax  >Control1,pcr
        os9   I$Open
        ldx   #CntrlDat      address to store
        ldy   #CntrlSz       bytes to read
        os9   I$Read
        os9   I$Close        close the file
        ldx   #CntrlDat
        ldy   #CntrlSz
        ldu   X1D8B
        lbsr  Decode_copy
        ldd   #$0109         PRN,CTN
        jsr   X735B          call Change palette 
        ldd   #$0236         PRN,CTN
        jsr   X735B          call Change palette
        lda   #$03
        sta   X1D88
        ldx   X1D8B
        stx   X1D89
        clra                 make a zero
GCloop  pshs  a              push it on the stack for a counter
        ldx   #$0020         huh ?
        leax  -$0C,x
        stx   X1DA5          stow that
        leax  >ByteTbl1,pcr
        ldb   a,x              
        clra                 make a zero again  (still)
        addd  #$04           add four to value loaded from ByteTbl1
        std   X1DA7
        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc  "000"
        fcb   C$NULL
        puls  a              pull our counter
        inca                 bump it
        cmpa  #Tbl1sz        made 4 loops ??
        bne   GCloop         nope go again
        clra                 clear a
        leax  >ByteTbl1,pcr
        ldy   #$02A7

GClop2  pshs  a
        ldb   #C$SPAC
        stb   $08,y          save it once
        stb   ,y+            save it twice
        ldb   ,x+            get the ByteTbl1 byte and bump pointer
        subb  #$14           subtract $14
        stb   $08,y
        stb   ,y+
        puls  a
        cmpa  #Tbl1sz
        bne   GClop2
        ldd   #$0000
        std   X4CFD
        std   X4CF9
        std   X4CFB
        std   X4CF7
        std   X4CF5
        std   X4CF1
        std   X4CF3
        std   X4CEF
        lbsr  SetandJsr1
        lbsr  SetandJsr2
        lbsr  SetandJsr3
        lbsr  SetandJsr4

        jsr   X7843

        jsr   X7866
        lda   #$FF
        sta   X4D28
        lda   #READ.
        leax  >Diesel,pcr
        os9   I$Open
        sta   X1DD9          stow the path number
        ldx   #$0000         MS 16 bits of file pos
        ldu   #$0072         LS 16 bits of file pos
        os9   I$Seek         move file pointer
        ldd   X1D8B          start with some value
        addd  #$2D63         add a big offset to it
        tfr   d,x            move it to x in  prep for the read
        ldb   #$08           Loop counter
DRloop  pshs  b,x            push em

        lda   X1DD9          get the path num
        ldy   #$000C         read 12 bytes
        os9   I$Read         copy the bytes
        puls  b,x            get the counter and orig destination addr
        leax  $50,x          bump it by 80
        decb                 dec the counter
        bne   DRloop         go again if not zero

        lda   X1DD9          get the path num
        os9   I$Close        close the file

        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L0D31   fcc  "sub/diesel.dat"
        fcb   C$NULL

L0D40   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        ldd   #$0092
        std   X1DA7
        ldd   #$00C8
        std   X1DA5
        ldb   X4D11
        jsr   X782E          2 place formatted output
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc
L0D56   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        ldd   #$00A2
        std   X1DA7
        ldd   #$00C8
        std   X1DA5
        ldb   X4D12
        jsr   X782E          2 place formatted output
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc
* Decodes ??? and copies data
*  x -> from address
*  u -> to address      
L0D6C   pshs  a,b,x,y,u

Decotr  lda   ,x+
        bpl   Declp2
        anda  #$7F
        leay  -1,y
        ldb   ,x+
Declp1  stb   ,u+
        bne   Declp1
        bra   Dectr1

Declp2  ldb   ,x+
        stb   ,u+
        leay  -1,y
        bne   Declp2
Dectr1  leay  -1,y
        bne   Decotr
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L0D8E   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        ldd   #$00B2
        std   X1DA7
        ldd   #$00C8
        std   X1DA5
        ldb   X4D13
        jsr   X782E          2 place formatted output
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L0DA4   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        ldd   #$0092
        std   X1DA7
        ldd   #$0112
        std   X1DA5
        ldb   X1E1D
        leax  >ByteTblE,pcr
        ldb   b,x
        jsr   X782E          2 place formatted output
        ldx   #$0128
        stx   X1DA5
        leax  >ByteTblD,pcr
        ldb   X1E1D
        ldb   b,x
*                            argument passed in b to this routine
        jsr   X7477          some sort of copy routine ??
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L0DD3   fcb  $53,$53,$53,$4D,$48         SSSMH 

L0DD8   fcb  $01,$05,$1E,$0A,$04

* Get Status - Returns the status of a file or device
* entry:
*       a -> path number
*       b -> SS.Opt (function code 00) 
*            Reads the option section of the path descriptor,
*            copies it to the 32 byte area pointed to by x
*       x -> address to receive data packet
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

L0DDD   pshs a,b,x,y
        ldd   #(StdOut*$100)+SS.Opt
        ldx   #$4265
        pshs  x              unneeded
        os9   I$GetStt
        puls  x              unneeded
        lda   $04,x          IT.EKO
        sta   X1D49          save orig
        clr   $04,x          set it to NO echo
        lda   $07,x          IT.PAU
        sta   X1D4A          save orig value
        clr   $07,x          set it to NO pause
        ldd   #(StdOut*$100)+SS.Opt
        os9   I$SetStt       reset them            
        puls  a,b,x,y,pc

N0E02   tst   X4D2E
        beq   SendSOS
        jsr   X72C3
        fcc  "The radio is out, Sir"
        fcb   C$NULL

L0E21   jsr   X72C3
        fcc  "Sending S.O.S., Sir"
        fcb   C$NULL
        ldb   #'S
        lbsr  MCode
        ldb   #'O
        lbsr  MCode
        ldb   #'S
        lbsr  MCode
        ldb   #$FF
        stb   X4C83

N0E4D   tst   X4D2E
        beq   SendPOS
        jsr   X72C3
        fcc  "The radio is out, Sir"
        fcb   C$NULL

L0E6C   jsr   X72C3
        fcc  "Radioing position, Sir"
        fcb   C$NULL
        ldb   X4C84
        jsr   X7691
        lbsr  MCode
        jsr   X7691
        lbsr  MCode
        jsr   X7691
        lbsr  MCode
        ldb   X4C87
        jsr   X7691
        lbsr  MCode
        jsr   X7691
        lbsr  MCode
        jsr   X7691
        lbsr  MCode
        ldb   #'E            cute litte Easter Egg :-)
        lbsr  MCode
        ldb   #'P
        lbsr  MCode
        ldb   #'Y
        lbsr  MCode
        ldb   #'X
        lbsr  MCode

        ldb   #$FF
        stb   X4C83

* Set Status - Sets the status of a file or device
* entry:
*       a -> path number
*       b -> SS.Tone (function code 98) Sound through termional output device          
*       x -> duration and amplitude of the tone
*            LSB duration in ticks (60 sec) in the range of 0-255
*            MSB amplitude of the tone in the range of 0-63
*       y -> relative frequency counter (0 = low, 4095 = high)
* exit:
*       Same as entry
* error:
*       There are no error conditions set
*  Therefore duration and amplitude passed in accd
*                           freq is passed in y

L0ECA   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        tfr   d,x
        ldd   #(StdOut*$100)+SS.Tone
        os9   I$SetStt
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

* Looks like a morse code generator based on character input        
L0ED6   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        cmpb  #C$SPAC
        bne   L0EED          not a space process more
        lbsr  TimeDly1       otherwise appropriate dead time
        lbsr  TimeDly1
        lbsr  TimeDly1
        lbsr  TimeDly1
        lbsr  TimeDly1
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L0EED   cmpb  #''            is it a tick $27
        blt   ExtMcode
        cmpb  #'a
        blt   L0EF7          whats wrong with this logic?
        subb  #$20           make upper case
L0EF7   cmpb  #'z            this should have been Uppercase Z
*                            can't be less than a but greater than z
        bgt   ExtMCode
        subb  #$27           now we subtract the position of the '
*                            to be zero based in the table        
        leax  >ByteTbl2,pcr
        ldb   b,x
        lda   #$08

L0F05   deca  
        bcc   L0F05

Sndloop lslb  
        bcc   L0F20
        pshs  a,b
        ldd   #$3F04         setup sound amplitude/duration 
        tfr   d,x            move it to x where it should have been
        ldy   #$0FD7         load the freq value
        lbsr  SoundGen       make the noise 
        bsr   TimeDly1
        puls  a,b
        bra   Sndcntr
L0F20   pshs  a,b
        ldd   #$3F0C        setup sound amplitude/duration
        tfr   d,x           move that to x where it should have been in the first place
        ldy   #$0FD7        load with freq value
        lbsr  SoundGen      make the noise
        bsr   TimeDly1
        puls  a,b

Sndcntr deca  
        bne   Sndloop
        bsr   TimeDly1
        bsr   TimeDly1
        bsr   TimeDly1
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L0F3D   pshs  x
        ldx   #$2710
TD1loop leax  -1,x
        bne   TD1Loop
        puls  x

* caller passes a pointer to string data in x
L0F49   pshs  a,y,u
        ldd   #$0000
        std   X1DB9
        jsr   X77E5
        ldu   X1D8B
        pshs  u
        ldu   #$1E25
        stu   X1D8B
        stu   X1D89
        ldy   #$0006
        sty   X1DA7
        ldy   #$0030
        sty   X1DA5
        ldb   ,x+
        pshs  b
        pshs  b
        jsr   X74CC
        lbsr  L0FC3
        lbsr  L0FC3
L0F81   jsr   X74CC
        lbsr  L0FC3
        dec   ,s
        bne   L0F81
        puls  a,b,u
        stu   X1D8B
        ldu   #$1E25
        stu   X1D89
        jsr   X7747
        addb  #$30
        pshs  b
ChkInp  lbsr  InpReady
        tsta                 not ready a = 0
        beq   ChkInp         loop till we get an input
        tfr   a,b            move the returned value to b
        cmpb  #C$CR
        beq   L0FBA
        cmpb  #C$EOF
        beq   L0FBD
        cmpb  #'1            Looking for input 1 - 7 max depending on menu
        blt   ChkInp          less than 1 loop again
        cmpb  ,s
        bgt   ChkInp
        subb  #'1            subtract "one" ($31) from it so we are now zero based 
        bra   L0FBF
L0FBA   clrb  
        bra   L0FBF
L0FBD   ldb   #$FF
L0FBF   leas  $01,s
        puls  a,y,u,pc

L0FC3   ldy   #$0030
        sty   X1DA5
        ldy   X1DA7
        leay  $0C,y
        sty   X1DA7

N0FD6   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        lda   X4C75          current side
        sta   X4D3C          new side value
        lda   X1E16          current year value
        sta   X4D3D          new year value
        ldd   #$0000         make room for 4 items
        pshs  d
        pshs  d
        leax  >GameType,pcr
        lbsr  MenuSelect
        lbmi  Ex_GS          minus value returned were outa here
        cmpb  #$00           1 was selected (target practice)
        lbeq  CaptName       go prompt for capt name
        stb   ,s             push value on the stack
        leax  >GameLev,pcr
        lbsr  MenuSelect
        lbmi  Ex_GS          minus value returned were outa here 
        stb   $03,s          push that value on the stack
        leax  >SideChoose,pcr
        lbsr  MenuSelect
        lbmi  Ex_GS          minus value returned were outa here
        stb   $01,s          push that on the stack
        lda   ,s             get the game type from stack
        cmpa  #$02           3 selected War time command ?
        beq   WTCmnd
        cmpb  #$01           check side American ?
        beq   USAin
        leax  >YearChoose,pcr 
        bra   YrSel
USAin   leax  >YearChoose2,pcr
YrSel   lbsr  MenuSelect
        lbmi  Ex_GS          minus value returned were outa here
        stb   $02,s          push on stack
        bra   CaptName

L103B   clr   $02,s           clear the year value
        pshs  a               push game type
        cmpb  #$01            check side American ?
        beq   Ameri
        lda   #$FF            German
        sta   X02A3           side vlaue
        bra   L104F
Ameri   lda   #$23            American
        sta   X02A3           side value
L104F   puls  a

L1051   ldd   #$0000
        jsr   X77E5
        jsr   X7747
        ldd   #$0039
        std   X1DA7
        ldd   #$0050
        std   X1DA5
        jsr   X72F3           this writes the strings?
        fcc  "Enter Captain's Name: "
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcb   $CC
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcb   $45
        std   X1DA7
        ldd   #$0056
        std   X1DA5
        jsr   X72F3           this writes the strings?
        fcc   "->"
        fcb   C$NULL
*       copies in the current captains name          
        ldx   #$4265          destination address
        ldy   #$0335          source address
        lda   #$19            bytes to read
L109B   ldb   ,y+             get the byte
        beq   L10A4           if we find a zero exit loop
        stb   ,x+             not zero move the data
        deca                  decrement the loop counter
        bne   L109B           loop till done

L10A4   clr   ,x              clear the byte at x
        lbsr  GetKBinp        get keyboard input
        cmpb  #C$EOF
        lbeq  Ex_GS
        lda   X4265           base address of keyboard input  
        cmpa  #C$CR           a carriage return ?
        bne   HaveNam         anything else must be a name
        leax  >Nameless,pcr   was a CR no name chosen
        bra   CopyNam
HaveNam ldx   #$4265          set base address for name string
CopyNam lda   #$19            max bytes to copy   
        ldy   #$0335          captains name storage
Cpy2Nam ldb   ,x+             get byte
        cmpb  #C$CR           is it a carriage return?
        beq   NMDone          if so were done         
        stb   ,y+             otherwise move the byte
        deca                  dec the counter
        bne   Cpy2Nam
NMDone  clr   ,y
        puls  a,b
        sta   X4C76          game type
        stb   X4C75          side
        puls  a              year
        cmpb  #$00           test side German ?
        beq   GRyear
USyear  adda  #42            US first year          
        bra   SavYear
GRyear  adda  #39            German first year
SavYear sta   X1E16          save the year value

        puls  a        
        sta   X4C77          game level
        lda   #$03
        sta   X05CE
        ldd   #$0000
        std   X04F0
        std   X04F2
        std   X04F4
        std   X04F5
        std   X029A
        clr   X04F7
        clr   X04F8
        clr   X04F9
        clr   X04FA
        clr   X04FB
        clr   X04FC
        clr   X04FD
        clr   X04FE
        clr   X04FF
        lbsr  GetMisDat
        lbsr  GetSubStat
        lbsr  GetShipmap
        lbsr  GetMap 
        lbsr  GetConvoy
        lbsr  SetParams
        lbsr  GetControl1
        lbsr  SetMorePars
        lda   X4C76          test the game type value
        cmpa  #$02           is it war time command ?
        lbne  GetMission     no then get your mission
        ldd   #$0000
        jsr   X77E5
        ldu   X1D8B
        pshs  u
        ldu   #$1E25
        stu   X1D8B
        ldy   #$0029
        sty   X1DA7
        ldy   #$0010
        sty   X1DA5
        tst   X4C75          test side value 0 = German 1 = US
        bne   ImUSA
        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc  "It is the year 1939, and"
        fcb   C$NULL

        ldy   #$0032
        sty   X1DA7

        ldy   #$0010
        sty   X1DA5

        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc  "Germany has started"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcb   C$CLSALL       flag to skip # of bytes after next null
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcb   $4D            bytes to skip (US opening message)

ImUSA   jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc  "It is the year 1942, and the"
        fcb   C$NULL
        ldy   #$0032
        sty   X1DA7
        ldy   #$0010
        sty   X1DA5
        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc  "United States has entered"
        fcb   C$NULL
*                            ends up here at the null after germay started string

        ldy   #$003A
        sty   X1DA7
        ldy   #$0010
        sty   X1DA5
        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc  "World War II."
        fcb   C$NULL
        ldx   #$0063
        stx   X1DA7
        ldx   #$0048
        stx   X1DA5
        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc  "Press any key"
        fcb   C$NULL
        puls  u
        stu   X1D8B
        jsr   X7747

        clra                 set path to StdIn 
        ldx   #$1DDA         place to store input
        ldy   #1             get one byte
        os9   I$Read         go fetch it

L124B   lbsr  Read_Mission
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L1250   leas  $04,s          clean up the stack
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

N1254   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        ldd   #$0000
        std   X029A
        clr   X04FA
        clr   X04FB
        clr   X04FC
        clr   X04FD
        clr   X04FE
        clr   X04FF
        lda   #$03
        sta   X05CE
        ldx   X1E17
        ldb   X1E16          year value 
        pshs  b,x
        lbsr  GetMisDat
        lbsr  GetSubStat
        lbsr  GetShipmap
        lbsr  GetMap
        lbsr  GetConvoy
        lbsr  SetParams
        lbsr  GetControl1
        lbsr  SetMorePars
        lbsr  Zero_txt_area
        ldx   #$0029
        stx   X1DA7
        ldx   #$0038
        stx   X1DA5
        ldy   X1D8B
        ldu   #$1E25
        stu   X1D8B
        ldx   X1E17
        ldb   X1E16          year value
        cmpb  ,s+
        beq   L12BA
        leax  365,x
L12BA   tfr   x,d
        subd  ,s++
        cmpd  #1
        bge   L12C7
        ldd   #1

L12C7   jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc   "After a leave of "
        fcb   C$NULL

        jsr   X7304          calcs a integer based on input passed in d 

        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc   " days,"
        fcb   C$NULL
        ldx   X1DA7
        leax  9,x
        stx   X1DA7
        ldd   #$0038
        std   X1DA5
        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc   "you get a new mission."
        fcb   C$NULL
        ldx   #$0063
        stx   X1DA7
        ldx   #$0068
        stx   X1DA5
        jsr   X72F3          this writes the strings?
        fcc   "Press any key"
        fcb   C$NULL
        sty   X1D8B
        lbsr  SetandSwap
        lbsr  MVMissn
        lbsr  Read_Mission
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L133D   fcb   $03            seems to flag number of choices
        fcc   " SELECT GAME TYPE"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "1. Target practice"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "2. Single mission"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "3. Wartime command"
        fcb   C$NULL

L1388   fcb   $04            seems to flag number of choices
        fcc   " SELECT GAME LEVEL"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "1. Novice"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "2. Intermediate"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "3. Advanced"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "4. Expert"
        fcb   C$NULL

L13CC   fcb   $02            seems to flag number of choices
        fcc   "  CHOOSE A SIDE"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "1. German"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "2. American"
        fcb   C$NULL

L13F3   fcb   $07            seems to flag number of choices
        fcc   "  CHOOSE A YEAR"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "1. 1939"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "2. 1940"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "3. 1941"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "4. 1942"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "5. 1943"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "6. 1944"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "7. 1945"
        fcb   C$NULL

L143C   fcb   $04            seems to flag number of choices
        fcc   "  CHOOSE A YEAR"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "1. 1942"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "2. 1943"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "3. 1944"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "4. 1945"
        fcb   C$NULL

N146D   pshs  a,b,x,y,u
        leax  >TorpTrans,pcr
        lbsr  MenuSelect
        stb   X0291
        inc   X0297
        puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

L147E   fcb   $02            seems to flag number of choices
        fcc   "  TRANSFER A TORPEDO"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "1. Forward to Aft"
        fcb   C$NULL
        fcc   "2. Aft to Forward"
        fcb   C$NULL

L14B8   fcb   $04,$05,$06,$07,$00,$01
        fcb   $02,$03

L14C0   fcc  "sub/convoys.dat"
        fcb   C$CR

L14D0   fcc  "sub/missions.dat"
        fcb   C$CR

L14E1   fcc  "sub/mission.txt"
        fcb   C$CR

L14F1   fcc  "sub/substats.dat"
        fcb   C$CR

L1502   fcc  "sub/fonts.dat"
        fcb   C$CR

L1510   fcc  "sub/shipmap2.dat"
        fcb   C$CR

        fcc  "sub/invert.pic" had no disasm generated label
        fcb   C$CR

L1530   fcc  "sub/control1.cmp"
        fcb   C$CR

L1541   fcc  "sub/germap.cmp"
        fcb   C$CR

L1550   fcc  "sub/usamap.cmp"
        fcb   C$CR

L155F   fcb   $18,$49,$78,$A8
Tbl1sz  equ   *-ByteTbl1

L1563   fcb   $61,$52,$52,$73,$73,$4C
        fcb   $5E,$6A,$2D,$20,$30,$38
        fcb   $3C,$3E,$3F,$2F,$27,$23
        fcb   $21,$47,$55,$73,$73,$73
        fcb   $73,$73,$06,$17,$15,$0B
        fcb   $03,$1D,$09,$1F,$07,$18
        fcb   $0A,$1B,$04,$05,$08,$19
        fcb   $12,$0D,$0F,$02,$0E,$1E
        fcb   $0C,$16,$14,$13

L1597   fcb   $01,$72,$40,$00,$45,$FD
        fcb   $E8,$00,$14,$00,$7E,$00
        fcb   $00,$37,$40,$00,$FF,$14
        fcb   $00,$75,$00,$00,$73,$00
        fcb   $00,$FF,$1E,$00,$75,$00
        fcb   $00,$73,$00,$00,$FF,$24
        fcb   $00,$77,$17,$B4,$56,$2F
        fcb   $68,$FF,$24,$00,$77,$F5
        fcb   $CB,$56,$18,$92,$FF,$28
        fcb   $00,$5F,$00,$00,$55,$00
        fcb   $00,$FF,$18,$00,$60,$00
        fcb   $00,$55,$00,$00,$FF,$1E

L15DF   fcb   $00,$00,$00,$1F,$00,$3B
        fcb   $00,$5A,$00,$78,$00,$97
        fcb   $00,$B5,$00,$D4,$00,$F3
        fcb   $01,$11,$01,$30,$01,$4E
        fcb   $01,$6D

L15F9   fcc  "Nameless"
        fcb   C$CR

L1602   fcc  "sub/sintbl.dat"
        fcb   C$CR

L1614   equ *