view level1/cmds/disasm.asm @ 1660:44c13c42b8f8

RBF checks error code on return from SS.VarSect and only returns error if error code is != E$UnkSvc (fixes problems with drivers which do not support SS.VarSect and return E$UnkSvc in their GetStat routines after evaluating an unknown service code.)
author boisy
date Sun, 18 Jul 2004 14:56:05 +0000
parents 090b97749dc1
children 78d882ba2751
line wrap: on
line source

* Disasm - 6809/6309 disassembler
* $Id$
* Disasm v1.5 (c) 1988 by Ron Lammardo
* 6309 additions by L. Curtis Boyle Jan. 1993
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   2      1987/03/12  Ron Lammardo
* Added code for line,address,obj display added options 'o' and 'x'.
*   3      1987/04/02  Ron Lammardo
* Added code to provide commented disassembly of device descriptors.
*   4      1987/11/16  Ron Lammardo
* Fixed restart link failure, added code to display direct page addresses.
*   5      1988/02/22  Ron Lammardo
* Added code to display dp/u offsets; added code to display fcb bytes
* preceding eom; added code for z option (hex input disassembly); 
* added code to display date/time run
*          1993/01/23  L. Curtis Boyle
* Added code to handle 6309 instruction set additions
*          2003/04/22  Rodney V. Hamilton
* Added 4-digit year output.
*          2003/07/09  Rodney V. Hamilton
* Changed output format of 6309 Bit commands.
*          2003/08/14  Rodney V. Hamilton
* Added code to output "end" line
*          2004/03/11  Rodney V. hamilton
* Updated TFM register selection
*          2004/07/15  Robert Gault
* Added code to indicate manual start and end for disassembly.

         nam   Disasm
         ttl   6809/6309 disassembler

         use   defsfile

typ      set   Prgrm+Objct
attrev   set   ReEnt+revision
revision set   $00
edtn     set   5 edition
edition  equ   $30+edtn ascii edition

         mod   eom,mname,typ,attrev,start,datend

pcrzero  equ   *-$0D module start

mname    fcs   /Disasm/
         fcb   edtn 

dfltdrv  fcc   /dd/
cr       set   C$CR
**** start of data area ****
stackhld rmb   2
ureghold rmb   2
xreghold rmb   2
xsave    rmb   2
dsave    rmb   2
startadr rmb   2
modadr   rmb   2
address  rmb   2
addrsave rmb   2
lineadr  rmb   2
objadr   rmb   2
crntadr  rmb   2
modend   rmb   2
nameadr  rmb   2
size     rmb   2
temp     rmb   2
readpos  rmb   2
readcnt  rmb   1
readclr  rmb   1
byte     rmb   1
TFMFlag  rmb   1              Flag to indicate processing TFM
bitcom   rmb   1              Flag to indicate processing bit instruction
indirct  rmb   1
hexstrng rmb   4
decstrng rmb   5
testbyte rmb   1
register rmb   1
labladr  rmb   2
highadr  rmb   2
utabend  rmb   2
pass     rmb   1
path     rmb   1
diskio   rmb   1
objcnt   rmb   1
tylghold rmb   1
atrvhold rmb   1
revshold rmb   1
m.opt    rmb   1
o.opt    rmb   1
s.opt    rmb   1            manual start & stop RG
x.opt    rmb   1
z.opt    rmb   1
u.opt    rmb   1
op.cnt   rmb   1
descript rmb   1
mgradr   rmb   2
drvadr   rmb   2
desctype rmb   1
printadr rmb   2
initsize rmb   2
counter  rmb   1
countdec rmb   2
numline  rmb   2
runtime  rmb   6
* start of output line
linenum  rmb   8
holdadr  rmb   5
holdobj  rmb   11
holdline rmb   56
* end of output line
holdname rmb   32
namehold rmb   32
hldtylg  rmb   40
hldatrv  rmb   40
hldrev   rmb   40
hldttl   rmb   40
pathlist rmb   80
readbuff rmb   20
labeltab rmb   6742
lbtblend rmb   1
         rmb   255
datend   equ   .

**   os9 call tables                   **
**   (sequence = $10,$3f,..)           **
os9f$tab equ    *
         fcc    /F$Link  /
         fcc    /F$Load  /
         fcc    /F$UnLink/
         fcc    /F$Fork  /
         fcc    /F$Wait  /
         fcc    /F$Chain /
         fcc    /F$Exit  /
         fcc    /F$Mem   /
         fcc    /F$Send  /
         fcc    /F$Icpt  /
         fcc    /F$Sleep /
         fcc    /F$SSpd  /
         fcc    /F$ID    /
         fcc    /F$SPrior/
         fcc    /F$SSWI  /
         fcc    /F$PErr  /
         fcc    /F$PrsNam/
         fcc    /F$CmpNam/
         fcc    /F$SchBit/
         fcc    /F$AllBit/
         fcc    /F$DelBit/
         fcc    /F$Time  /
         fcc    /F$STime /
         fcc    /F$CRC   /
         fcc    /F$GPrDsc/
         fcc    /F$GBlkMp/
         fcc    /F$GModDr/
         fcc    /F$CpyMem/
         fcc    /F$SUser /
         fcc    /F$UnLoad/
         fcc    /F$Alarm /
         fcc    /????????/
         fcc    /????????/
         fcc    /F$NMLink/
         fcc    /F$NMLoad/
         fcc    /????????/
         fcc    /????????/
* Rodney pointed this out as a bug
*         fcc    /????????/
         fcc    /F$TPS   /
         fcc    /F$TimAlm/
         fcc    /F$VIRQ  /
         fcc    /F$SRqMem/
         fcc    /F$SRtMem/
         fcc    /F$IRQ   /
         fcc    /F$IOQu  /
         fcc    /F$AProc /
         fcc    /F$NProc /
         fcc    /F$VModul/
         fcc    /F$Find64/
         fcc    /F$All64 /
         fcc    /F$Ret64 /
         fcc    /F$SSvc  /
         fcc    /F$IODel /
         fcc    /F$SLink /
         fcc    /F$Boot  /
         fcc    /F$BtMem /
         fcc    /F$GProcP/
         fcc    /F$Move  /
         fcc    /F$AllRAM/
         fcc    /F$AllImg/
         fcc    /F$DelImg/
         fcc    /F$SetImg/
         fcc    /F$FreeLB/
         fcc    /F$FreeHB/
         fcc    /F$AllTsk/
         fcc    /F$DelTsk/
         fcc    /F$SetTsk/
         fcc    /F$ResTsk/
         fcc    /F$RelTsk/
         fcc    /F$DATLog/
         fcc    /F$DATTmp/
         fcc    /F$LDAXY /
         fcc    /F$LDAXYP/
         fcc    /F$LDDDXY/
         fcc    /F$LDABX /
         fcc    /F$STABX /
         fcc    /F$AllPrc/
         fcc    /F$DelPrc/
         fcc    /F$ELink /
         fcc    /F$FModul/
         fcc    /F$MapBlk/
         fcc    /F$ClrBlk/
         fcc    /F$DelRAM/
         fcc    /F$GCMDir/
         fcc    /F$AlHRAM/

os9i$tab equ    *
         fcc    /I$Attach/
         fcc    /I$Detach/
         fcc    /I$Dup   /
         fcc    /I$Create/
         fcc    /I$Open  /
         fcc    /I$MakDir/
         fcc    /I$ChgDir/
         fcc    /I$Delete/
         fcc    /I$Seek  /
         fcc    /I$Read  /
         fcc    /I$Write /
         fcc    /I$ReadLn/
         fcc    /I$WritLn/
         fcc    /I$GetStt/
         fcc    /I$SetStt/
         fcc    /I$Close /
         fcc    /I$DeletX/
bados9op fcc    /????????/

* Mnemonic table: 1st byte =Opcode
*                 2nd byte =Flags to indicate mode type of opcode
*                Bytes 3-7 =Mnemonic name of opcode
**  2 byte table -                     **
**  $10 is first byte of op code       **
get10tab equ    *
         fcb    $21
         fcb    $fc
         fcc    /lbrn /
         fcb    $22
         fcb    $fc
         fcc    /lbhi /
         fcb    $23
         fcb    $fc
         fcc    /lbls /
         fcb    $24
         fcb    $fc
         fcc    /lbcc /
         fcb    $25
         fcb    $fc
         fcc    /lbcs /
         fcb    $26
         fcb    $fc
         fcc    /lbne /
         fcb    $27
         fcb    $fc
         fcc    /lbeq /
         fcb    $28
         fcb    $fc
         fcc    /lbvc /
         fcb    $29
         fcb    $fc
         fcc    /lbvs /
         fcb    $2a
         fcb    $fc
         fcc    /lbpl /
         fcb    $2b
         fcb    $fc
         fcc    /lbmi /
         fcb    $2c
         fcb    $fc
         fcc    /lbge /
         fcb    $2d
         fcb    $fc
         fcc    /lblt /
         fcb    $2e
         fcb    $fc
         fcc    /lbgt /
         fcb    $2f
         fcb    $fc
         fcc    /lble /
* Test of 6309 codes
         fcb    $30
         fcb    $fa
         fcc    /addr /
         fcb    $31
         fcb    $fa
         fcc    /adcr /
         fcb    $32
         fcb    $fa
         fcc    /subr /
         fcb    $33
         fcb    $fa
         fcc    /sbcr /
         fcb    $34
         fcb    $fa
         fcc    /andr /
         fcb    $35
         fcb    $fa
         fcc    /orr  /
         fcb    $36
         fcb    $fa
         fcc    /eorr /
         fcb    $37
         fcb    $fa
         fcc    /cmpr /
         fcb    $38
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /pshsw/
         fcb    $39
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /pulsw/
         fcb    $3a
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /pshuw/
         fcb    $3b
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /puluw/
         fcb    $40
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /negd /
         fcb    $43
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /comd /
         fcb    $44
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /lsrd /
         fcb    $46
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /rord /
         fcb    $47
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /asrd /
         fcb    $48
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /asld /
         fcb    $49
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /rold /
         fcb    $4a
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /decd /
         fcb    $4c
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /incd /
         fcb    $4d
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /tstd /
         fcb    $4f
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /clrd /
         fcb    $53
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /comw /
         fcb    $54
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /lsrw /
         fcb    $56
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /rorw /
         fcb    $59
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /rolw /
         fcb    $5a
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /decw /
         fcb    $5c
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /incw /
         fcb    $5d
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /tstw /
         fcb    $5f
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /clrw /
         fcb    $80
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /subw /
         fcb    $81
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /cmpw /
         fcb    $82
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /sbcd /
         fcb    $83
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /cmpd /
         fcb    $84
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /andd /
         fcb    $85
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /bitd /
         fcb    $86
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /ldw  /
         fcb    $88
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /eord /
         fcb    $89
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /adcd /
         fcb    $8a
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /ord  /
         fcb    $8b
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /addw /
         fcb    $8c
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /cmpy /
         fcb    $8e
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /ldy  /
         fcb    $90
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /subw /
         fcb    $91
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /cmpw /
         fcb    $92
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /sbcd /
         fcb    $93
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /cmpd /
         fcb    $94
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /andd /
         fcb    $95
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /bitd /
         fcb    $96
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /ldw  /
         fcb    $97
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /stw  /
         fcb    $98
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /eord /
         fcb    $99
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /adcd /
         fcb    $9a
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /ord  /
         fcb    $9b
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /addw /
         fcb    $9c
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /cmpy /
         fcb    $9e
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /ldy  /
         fcb    $9f
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /sty  /
         fcb    $a0
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /subw /
         fcb    $a1
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /cmpw /
         fcb    $a2
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /sbcd /
         fcb    $a3
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /cmpd /
         fcb    $a4
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /andd /
         fcb    $a5
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /bitd /
         fcb    $a6
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /ldw  /
         fcb    $a7
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /stw  /
         fcb    $a8
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /eord /
         fcb    $a9
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /adcd /
         fcb    $aa
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /ord  /
         fcb    $ab
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /addw /
         fcb    $ac
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /cmpy /
         fcb    $ae
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /ldy  /
         fcb    $af
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /sty  /
         fcb    $b0
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /subw /
         fcb    $b1
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /cmpw /
         fcb    $b2
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /sbcd /
         fcb    $b3
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /cmpd /
         fcb    $b4
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /andd /
         fcb    $b5
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /bitd /
         fcb    $b6
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /ldw  /
         fcb    $b7
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /stw  /
         fcb    $b8
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /eord /
         fcb    $b9
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /adcd /
         fcb    $ba
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /ord  /
         fcb    $bb
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /addw /
         fcb    $bc
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /cmpy /
         fcb    $be
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /ldy  /
         fcb    $bf
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /sty  /
         fcb    $ce
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /lds  /
         fcb    $dc
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /ldq  /
         fcb    $dd
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /stq  /
         fcb    $de
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /lds  /
         fcb    $df
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /sts  /
         fcb    $ec
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /ldq  /
         fcb    $ed
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /stq  /
         fcb    $ee
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /lds  /
         fcb    $ef
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /sts  /
         fcb    $fc
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /ldq  /
         fcb    $fd
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /stq  /
         fcb    $fe
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /lds  /
         fcb    $ff
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /sts  /
         fcb    $00
         fcb    $fe
         fcc    /fcb  /
**  2 byte table -                     **
**  $11 is first byte of op code       **
get11tab equ    *
         fcb    $30
         fcb    $f0
         fcc    /band /
         fcb    $31
         fcb    $f0
         fcc    /biand/
         fcb    $32
         fcb    $f0
         fcc    /bor  /
         fcb    $33
         fcb    $f0
         fcc    /bior /
         fcb    $34
         fcb    $f0
         fcc    /beor /
         fcb    $35
         fcb    $f0
         fcc    /bieor/
         fcb    $36
         fcb    $f0
         fcc    /ldbt /
         fcb    $37
         fcb    $f0
         fcc    /stbt /
         fcb    $38
         fcb    $fa
         fcc    /tfm  /
         fcb    $39
         fcb    $fa
         fcc    /tfm  /
         fcb    $3a
         fcb    $fa
         fcc    /tfm  /
         fcb    $3b
         fcb    $fa
         fcc    /tfm  /
         fcb    $3c
         fcb    $fb
         fcc    /bitmd/
         fcb    $3d
         fcb    $fb
         fcc    /ldmd /
         fcb    $3f
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /swi3 /
         fcb    $43
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /come /
         fcb    $4a
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /dece /
         fcb    $4c
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /ince /
         fcb    $4d
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /tste /
         fcb    $4f
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /clre /
         fcb    $53
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /comf /
         fcb    $5a
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /decf /
         fcb    $5c
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /incf /
         fcb    $5d
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /tstf /
         fcb    $5f
         fcb    $fd
         fcc    /clrf /
         fcb    $80
         fcb    $fb
         fcc    /sube /
         fcb    $81
         fcb    $fb
         fcc    /cmpe /
         fcb    $83
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /cmpu /
         fcb    $86
         fcb    $fb
         fcc    /lde  /
         fcb    $8b
         fcb    $fb
         fcc    /adde /
         fcb    $8c
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /cmps /
         fcb    $8d
         fcb    $fb
         fcc    /divd /
         fcb    $8e
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /divq /
         fcb    $8f
         fcb    $f3
         fcc    /muld /
         fcb    $90
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /sube /
         fcb    $91
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /cmpe /
         fcb    $93
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /cmpu /
         fcb    $96
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /lde  /
         fcb    $97
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /ste  /
         fcb    $9b
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /adde /
         fcb    $9c
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /cmps /
         fcb    $9d
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /divd /
         fcb    $9e
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /divq /
         fcb    $9f
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /muld /
         fcb    $a0
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /sube /
         fcb    $a1
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /cmpe /
         fcb    $a3
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /cmpu /
         fcb    $a6
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /lde  /
         fcb    $a7
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /ste  /
         fcb    $ab
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /adde /
         fcb    $ac
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /cmps /
         fcb    $ad
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /divd /
         fcb    $ae
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /divq /
         fcb    $af
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /muld /
         fcb    $b0
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /sube /
         fcb    $b1
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /cmpe /
         fcb    $b3
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /cmpu /
         fcb    $b6
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /lde  /
         fcb    $b7
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /ste  /
         fcb    $bb
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /adde /
         fcb    $bc
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /cmps /
         fcb    $bd
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /divd /
         fcb    $be
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /divq /
         fcb    $bf
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /muld /
         fcb    $c0
         fcb    $fb
         fcc    /subf /
         fcb    $c1
         fcb    $fb
         fcc    /cmpf /
         fcb    $c6
         fcb    $fb
         fcc    /ldf  /
         fcb    $cb
         fcb    $fb
         fcc    /addf /
         fcb    $d0
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /subf /
         fcb    $d1
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /cmpf /
         fcb    $d6
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /ldf  /
         fcb    $d7
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /stf  /
         fcb    $db
         fcb    $ff
         fcc    /addf /
         fcb    $e0
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /subf /
         fcb    $e1
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /cmpf /
         fcb    $e6
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /ldf  /
         fcb    $e7
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /stf  /
         fcb    $eb
         fcb    $f8
         fcc    /addf /
         fcb    $f0
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /subf /
         fcb    $f1
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /cmpf /
         fcb    $f6
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /ldf  /
         fcb    $f7
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /stf  /
         fcb    $fb
         fcb    $f4
         fcc    /addf /
         fcb    $00           Unknown gets FCB's
         fcb    $fe
         fcc    /fcb  /
**  1 byte op code table               **
* Position in table is opcode, byte stored there is how to interpret it
* Interpreter bytes are:
* $FF: Direct page mode (1 byte address)
* $FE: FCB (unknown single byte)
* $FD: Implied (single byte by itself)
* $FC: 2 byte relative
* $FB: 1 byte immediate
* $FA: Dual register (EXG/TFR)
* $F9: 1 byte relative
* $F8: Indexed (1 or more post bytes)
* $F7: Stack (PSH/PUL) register post-byte
* $F6: ??? (internal use?)
* $F5: SWI???
* $F4: Extended (2 byte address)
* $F3: 2 byte immediate
* $F2: 4 byte immediate
* $F1: In memory (AIM, etc.)
* $F0: Bit commands (LDBT, etc.)
optable  fcb    $00
tab0x    equ    *
         fcb    $ff   =00
         fcc    /neg  /
         fcb    $f1   =01
         fcc    /oim  /
         fcb    $f1   =02
         fcc    /aim  /
         fcb    $ff   =03
         fcc    /com  /
         fcb    $ff   =04
         fcc    /lsr  /
         fcb    $f1   =05
         fcc    /eim  /
         fcb    $ff   =06
         fcc    /ror  /
         fcb    $ff   =07
         fcc    /asr  /
         fcb    $ff   =08
         fcc    /lsl  /
         fcb    $ff   =09
         fcc    /rol  /
         fcb    $ff   =0a
         fcc    /dec  /
         fcb    $f1   =0b
         fcc    /tim  /
         fcb    $ff   =0c
         fcc    /inc  /
         fcb    $ff   =0d
         fcc    /tst  /
         fcb    $ff   =0e
         fcc    /jmp  /
         fcb    $ff   =0f
         fcc    /clr  /
tab1x    equ    *
         fcb    $fe   =10        Unused entry; pre-byte
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fe   =11        Unused entry; pre-byte
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fd   =12
         fcc    /nop  /
         fcb    $fd   =13
         fcc    /sync /
         fcb    $fd   =14
         fcc    /sexw /
         fcb    $fe   =15
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fc   =16
         fcc    /lbra /
         fcb    $fc   =17
         fcc    /lbsr /
         fcb    $fe   =18
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fd   =19
         fcc    /daa  /
         fcb    $fb   =1a
         fcc    /orcc /
         fcb    $fe   =1b
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fb   =1c
         fcc    /andcc/
         fcb    $fd   =1d
         fcc    /sex  /
         fcb    $fa   =1e
         fcc    /exg  /
         fcb    $fa   =1f
         fcc    /tfr  /
tab2x    equ    *
         fcb    $f9   =20
         fcc    /bra  /
         fcb    $f9   =21
         fcc    /brn  /
         fcb    $f9   =22
         fcc    /bhi  /
         fcb    $f9   =23
         fcc    /bls  /
         fcb    $f9   =24
         fcc    /bcc  /
         fcb    $f9   =25
         fcc    /bcs  /
         fcb    $f9   =26
         fcc    /bne  /
         fcb    $f9   =27
         fcc    /beq  /
         fcb    $f9   =28
         fcc    /bvc  /
         fcb    $f9   =29
         fcc    /bvs  /
         fcb    $f9   =2a
         fcc    /bpl  /
         fcb    $f9   =2b
         fcc    /bmi  /
         fcb    $f9   =2c
         fcc    /bge  /
         fcb    $f9   =2d
         fcc    /blt  /
         fcb    $f9   =2e
         fcc    /bgt  /
         fcb    $f9   =2f
         fcc    /ble  /
tab3x    equ    *
         fcb    $f8   =30
         fcc    /leax /
         fcb    $f8   =31
         fcc    /leay /
         fcb    $f8   =32
         fcc    /leas /
         fcb    $f8   =33
         fcc    /leau /
         fcb    $f7   =34
         fcc    /pshs /
         fcb    $f7   =35
         fcc    /puls /
         fcb    $f7   =36
         fcc    /pshu /
         fcb    $f7   =37
         fcc    /pulu /
         fcb    $fe   =38
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fd   =39
         fcc    /rts  /
         fcb    $fd   =3a
         fcc    /abx  /
         fcb    $fd   =3b
         fcc    /rti  /
         fcb    $fb   =3c
         fcc    /cwai /
         fcb    $fd   =3d
         fcc    /mul  /
         fcb    $fe   =3e
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $f5   =3f
         fcc    /swi  /
tab4x    equ    *
         fcb    $fd   =40
         fcc    /nega /
         fcb    $fe   =41
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fe   =42
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fd   =43
         fcc    /coma /
         fcb    $fd   =44
         fcc    /lsra /
         fcb    $fe   =45
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fd   =46
         fcc    /rora /
         fcb    $fd   =47
         fcc    /asra /
         fcb    $fd   =48
         fcc    /lsla /
         fcb    $fd   =49
         fcc    /rola /
         fcb    $fd   =4a
         fcc    /deca /
         fcb    $fe   =4b
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fd   =4c
         fcc    /inca /
         fcb    $fd   =4d
         fcc    /tsta /
         fcb    $fe   =4e
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fd   =4f
         fcc    /clra /
tab5x    equ    *
         fcb    $fd   =50
         fcc    /negb /
         fcb    $fe   =51
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fe   =52
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fd   =53
         fcc    /comb /
         fcb    $fd   =54
         fcc    /lsrb /
         fcb    $fe   =55
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fd   =56
         fcc    /rorb /
         fcb    $fd   =57
         fcc    /asrb /
         fcb    $fd   =58
         fcc    /lslb /
         fcb    $fd   =59
         fcc    /rolb /
         fcb    $fd   =5a
         fcc    /decb /
         fcb    $fe   =5b
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fd   =5c
         fcc    /incb /
         fcb    $fd   =5d
         fcc    /tstb /
         fcb    $fe   =5e
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fd   =5f
         fcc    /clrb /
tab6x    equ    *
         fcb    $f8   =60
         fcc    /neg  /
         fcb    $f1   =61
         fcc    /oim  /
         fcb    $f1   =62
         fcc    /aim  /
         fcb    $f8   =63
         fcc    /com  /
         fcb    $f8   =64
         fcc    /lsr  /
         fcb    $f1   =65
         fcc    /eim  /
         fcb    $f8   =66
         fcc    /ror  /
         fcb    $f8   =67
         fcc    /asr  /
         fcb    $f8   =68
         fcc    /lsl  /
         fcb    $f8   =69
         fcc    /rol  /
         fcb    $f8   =6a
         fcc    /dec  /
         fcb    $f1   =6b
         fcc    /tim  /
         fcb    $f8   =6c
         fcc    /inc  /
         fcb    $f8   =6d
         fcc    /tst  /
         fcb    $f8   =6e
         fcc    /jmp  /
         fcb    $f8   =6f
         fcc    /clr  /
tab7x    equ    *
         fcb    $f4   =70
         fcc    /neg  /
         fcb    $f1   =71
         fcc    /oim  /
         fcb    $f1   =72
         fcc    /aim  /
         fcb    $f4   =73
         fcc    /com  /
         fcb    $f4   =74
         fcc    /lsr  /
         fcb    $f1   =75
         fcc    /eim  /
         fcb    $f4   =76
         fcc    /ror  /
         fcb    $f4   =77
         fcc    /asr  /
         fcb    $f4   =78
         fcc    /lsl  /
         fcb    $f4   =79
         fcc    /rol  /
         fcb    $f4   =7a
         fcc    /dec  /
         fcb    $f1   =7b
         fcc    /tim  /
         fcb    $f4   =7c
         fcc    /inc  /
         fcb    $f4   =7d
         fcc    /tst  /
         fcb    $f4   =7e
         fcc    /jmp  /
         fcb    $f4   =7f
         fcc    /clr  /
tab8x    equ    *
         fcb    $fb   =80
         fcc    /suba /
         fcb    $fb   =81
         fcc    /cmpa /
         fcb    $fb   =82
         fcc    /sbca /
         fcb    $f3   =83
         fcc    /subd /
         fcb    $fb   =84
         fcc    /anda /
         fcb    $fb   =85
         fcc    /bita /
         fcb    $fb   =86
         fcc    /lda  /
         fcb    $fe   =87
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fb   =88
         fcc    /eora /
         fcb    $fb   =89
         fcc    /adca /
         fcb    $fb   =8a
         fcc    /ora  /
         fcb    $fb   =8b
         fcc    /adda /
         fcb    $f3   =8c
         fcc    /cmpx /
         fcb    $f9   =8d
         fcc    /bsr  /
         fcb    $f3   =8e
         fcc    /ldx  /
         fcb    $fe   =8f
         fcc    /fcb  /
tab9x    equ    *
         fcb    $ff   =90
         fcc    /suba /
         fcb    $ff   =91
         fcc    /cmpa /
         fcb    $ff   =92
         fcc    /sbca /
         fcb    $ff   =93
         fcc    /subd /
         fcb    $ff   =94
         fcc    /anda /
         fcb    $ff   =95
         fcc    /bita /
         fcb    $ff   =96
         fcc    /lda  /
         fcb    $ff   =97
         fcc    /sta  /
         fcb    $ff   =98
         fcc    /eora /
         fcb    $ff   =99
         fcc    /adca /
         fcb    $ff   =9a
         fcc    /ora  /
         fcb    $ff   =9b
         fcc    /adda /
         fcb    $ff   =9c
         fcc    /cmpx /
         fcb    $ff   =9d
         fcc    /jsr  /
         fcb    $ff   =9e
         fcc    /ldx  /
         fcb    $ff   =9f
         fcc    /stx  /
tabax    equ    *
         fcb    $f8   =a0
         fcc    /suba /
         fcb    $f8   =a1
         fcc    /cmpa /
         fcb    $f8   =a2
         fcc    /sbca /
         fcb    $f8   =a3
         fcc    /subd /
         fcb    $f8   =a4
         fcc    /anda /
         fcb    $f8   =a5
         fcc    /bita /
         fcb    $f8   =a6
         fcc    /lda  /
         fcb    $f8   =a7
         fcc    /sta  /
         fcb    $f8   =a8
         fcc    /eora /
         fcb    $f8   =a9
         fcc    /adca /
         fcb    $f8   =aa
         fcc    /ora  /
         fcb    $f8   =ab
         fcc    /adda /
         fcb    $f8   =ac
         fcc    /cmpx /
         fcb    $f8   =ad
         fcc    /jsr  /
         fcb    $f8   =ae
         fcc    /ldx  /
         fcb    $f8   =af
         fcc    /stx  /
tabbx    equ    *
         fcb    $f4   =b0
         fcc    /suba /
         fcb    $f4   =b1
         fcc    /cmpa /
         fcb    $f4   =b2
         fcc    /sbca /
         fcb    $f4   =b3
         fcc    /subd /
         fcb    $f4   =b4
         fcc    /anda /
         fcb    $f4   =b5
         fcc    /bita /
         fcb    $f4   =b6
         fcc    /lda  /
         fcb    $f4   =b7
         fcc    /sta  /
         fcb    $f4   =b8
         fcc    /eora /
         fcb    $f4   =b9
         fcc    /adca /
         fcb    $f4   =ba
         fcc    /ora  /
         fcb    $f4   =bb
         fcc    /adda /
         fcb    $f4   =bc
         fcc    /cmpx /
         fcb    $f4   =bd
         fcc    /jsr  /
         fcb    $f4   =be
         fcc    /ldx  /
         fcb    $f4   =bf
         fcc    /stx  /
tabcx    equ    *
         fcb    $fb   =c0
         fcc    /subb /
         fcb    $fb   =c1
         fcc    /cmpb /
         fcb    $fb   =c2
         fcc    /sbcb /
         fcb    $f3   =c3
         fcc    /addd /
         fcb    $fb   =c4
         fcc    /andb /
         fcb    $fb   =c5
         fcc    /bitb /
         fcb    $fb   =c6
         fcc    /ldb  /
         fcb    $fe   =c7
         fcc    /fcb  /
         fcb    $fb   =c8
         fcc    /eorb /
         fcb    $fb   =c9
         fcc    /adcb /
         fcb    $fb   =ca
         fcc    /orb  /
         fcb    $fb   =cb
         fcc    /addb /
         fcb    $f3   =cc
         fcc    /ldd  /
         fcb    $f2   =cd
         fcc    /ldq  /
         fcb    $f3   =ce
         fcc    /ldu  /
         fcb    $fe   =cf
         fcc    /fcb  /
tabdx    equ    *
         fcb    $ff   =d0
         fcc    /subb /
         fcb    $ff   =d1
         fcc    /cmpb /
         fcb    $ff   =d2
         fcc    /sbcb /
         fcb    $ff   =d3
         fcc    /addd /
         fcb    $ff   =d4
         fcc    /andb /
         fcb    $ff   =d5
         fcc    /bitb /
         fcb    $ff   =d6
         fcc    /ldb  /
         fcb    $ff   =d7
         fcc    /stb  /
         fcb    $ff   =d8
         fcc    /eorb /
         fcb    $ff   =d9
         fcc    /adcb /
         fcb    $ff   =da
         fcc    /orb  /
         fcb    $ff   =db
         fcc    /addb /
         fcb    $ff   =dc
         fcc    /ldd  /
         fcb    $ff   =dd
         fcc    /std  /
         fcb    $ff   =de
         fcc    /ldu  /
         fcb    $ff   =df
         fcc    /stu  /
tabex    equ    *
         fcb    $f8   =e0
         fcc    /subb /
         fcb    $f8   =e1
         fcc    /cmpb /
         fcb    $f8   =e2
         fcc    /sbcb /
         fcb    $f8   =e3
         fcc    /addd /
         fcb    $f8   =e4
         fcc    /andb /
         fcb    $f8   =e5
         fcc    /bitb /
         fcb    $f8   =e6
         fcc    /ldb  /
         fcb    $f8   =e7
         fcc    /stb  /
         fcb    $f8   =e8
         fcc    /eorb /
         fcb    $f8   =e9
         fcc    /adcb /
         fcb    $f8   =ea
         fcc    /orb  /
         fcb    $f8   =eb
         fcc    /addb /
         fcb    $f8   =ec
         fcc    /ldd  /
         fcb    $f8   =ed
         fcc    /std  /
         fcb    $f8   =ee
         fcc    /ldu  /
         fcb    $f8   =ef
         fcc    /stu  /
tabfx    equ    *
         fcb    $f4   =f0
         fcc    /subb /
         fcb    $f4   =f1
         fcc    /cmpb /
         fcb    $f4   =f2
         fcc    /sbcb /
         fcb    $f4   =f3
         fcc    /addd /
         fcb    $f4   =f4
         fcc    /andb /
         fcb    $f4   =f5
         fcc    /bitb /
         fcb    $f4   =f6
         fcc    /ldb  /
         fcb    $f4   =f7
         fcc    /stb  /
         fcb    $f4   =f8
         fcc    /eorb /
         fcb    $f4   =f9
         fcc    /adcb /
         fcb    $f4   =fa
         fcc    /orb  /
         fcb    $f4   =fb
         fcc    /addb /
         fcb    $f4   =fc
         fcc    /ldd  /
         fcb    $f4   =fd
         fcc    /std  /
         fcb    $f4   =fe
         fcc    /ldu  /
         fcb    $f4   =ff
         fcc    /stu  /

testing  equ   0 (0=no,1=yes)
regtab   fcc   /d x y u s pcw v a b ccdp0 0 e f /
stackreg fcc   /pcu y x dpb a cc/
timesplt fcc   '// :: '
title    equ   *
         fcc   /program module       /
         fcc   /subroutine module    /
         fcc   /multi-module         /
         fcc   /data module          /
         fcc   /os9 system module    /
         fcc   /os9 file manager     /
         fcc   /os9 device driver    /
         fcc   /os9 device descriptor/
badindx  fcc   /?????????????????????/
devtype  equ   *
         fcc   /Prgrm/
         fcc   /Sbrtn/
         fcc   /Multi/
         fcc   /Data /
         fcc   /Systm/
         fcc   /FlMgr/
         fcc   /Drivr/
         fcc   /Devic/
         fcc   /?????/
language equ   *
         fcc   /Objct   /
         fcc   /ICode   /
         fcc   /PCode   /
         fcc   /CCode   /
         fcc   /CblCode /
         fcc   /FrtnCode/
         fcc   /???????? /
reent.   fcc   /ReEnt /
modprot. fcc   /Modprot /
line010  fcc   /         ifp1/
line011  fcb   $0d
ln010sz  equ   *-line010
line020  fcc   %         use   /%
ln020sz  equ   *-line020
line025  fcc   %/defs/os9defs%
         fcb   $0d
ln025sz  equ   *-line025
line030  fcc   /         endc/
         fcb   $0d
ln030sz  equ   *-line030
line040  fcc   /                    /
         fcc   /                    /
         fcc   /                    /
         fcc   /                    /

line050  fcc   /         mod   /
         fcc   /eom,name,tylg,/
         fcc   /atrv,start,size/
         fcb   $0d
ln050sz  equ   *-line050
line060  fcc   %fcs   /%
ln060sz  equ   *-line060
line070  fcc   /u0000    rmb   /
ln070sz  equ   *-line070
line080  fcc   /<u/
line085  fcc   /<$/
line090  fcc   /fcb   $/
ln090sz  equ   *-line090
line100  fcc   /name     equ   */
ln100sz  equ   *-line100
line110  fcc   /         rmb   /
ln110sz  equ   *-line110
line120  fcc   /size     equ   ./
         fcb   $0d
ln120sz  equ   *-line120
line130  fcc   /start    equ   */
         fcb   $0d
ln130sz  equ   *-line130
line140  fcc   /swi2/
ln140sz  equ   *-line140
line150  fcc   /os9   /
ln150sz  equ   *-line150
line160  fcc   /         ttl   /
ln160sz  equ   *-line160
line170  fcc   /         emod/
         fcb   $0d
ln170sz  equ   *-line170
line180  fcc   /eom      equ   */
         fcb   $0d
ln180sz  equ   *-line180
line181  fcc   /         end/
         fcb   $0d
ln181sz  equ   *-line181
line190  fcc   /equ   */
ln190sz  equ   *-line190
line200  fcb   $0a
         fcc   /error: can't link to module/
         fcb   $0d
ln200sz  equ   *-line200
line210  fcc   /* Disassembled /
ln210sz  equ   *-line210
line215  fcc   /by Disasm v1./
         fcb   edition
         fcc   / (C) 1988 by RML/
ln215sz  equ   *-line215
line220  fcc   /,pcr/
ln220sz  equ   *-line220
line230  fcb   $0a
         fcc   /* entries in symbol table :$/
ln230sz  equ   *-line230
line240  fcb   $0a
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   /error: symbol table full/
         fdb   $070d
ln240sz  equ   *-line240
line250  fcb   $0a
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   /error: illegal option/
         fdb   $070d
ln250sz  equ   *-line250
line260  fcb   $0a
         fcc   %error: no module/path name found%
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   /use Disasm -? for help/
         fdb   $070d
ln260sz  equ   *-line260
line270  fcb   $0a
         fcc   /  Disasm v1./
         fcb   edition
         fcc   / (for 6809 & 6309 code) options:/
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   /  Disasm -m modname/
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   /    will link to module 'modname' -/
         fcc   / if not found,will load module/
         fcb   $0a
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   /  Disasm modname/
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   /    will 'read' the module from the/
         fcc   / specified path without loading/
         fcb   $0a,$0a
         fcc   /  Disasm -z {hex data}/
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   /    will disassemble the data input on the comand line/
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   /    as if it were part of a module in memory/
         fcb   $0a,$0a
         fcc   /  other options:/
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   /    o = display line number,address,object code & source code/
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   /    s = indicate disassembly start & end/
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   /        syntax   -s$ssss$eeee/
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   /    x = take modules from execution directory/
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   '    u = do not convert u/dp offsets to symbolic labels'
         fcb   $0a,$0a
         fcc   /  any combination of options is allowed (lower or upper case)/
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   /    but they must immediately follow the '-' and there must be/
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   /    no spaces separating options./
         fcb   $0a
ln270sz  equ   *-line270
line280  fcc   /         nam   /
ln280sz  equ   *-line280
line290  fcc   /tylg     set   /
ln290sz  equ   *-line290
line300  fcc   /atrv     set   /
ln300sz  equ   *-line300
line310  fcc   /rev      set   $/
ln310sz  equ   *-line310
line320  fcc   /+rev/
ln320sz  equ   *-line320
line330  fcc   /         mod   /
         fcc   /eom,name,tylg,/
         fcc   /atrv,mgrnam,drvnam/
         fcb   $0d
ln330sz  equ   *-line330

line340  fcc    /mode byte/
ln340sz  equ    *-line340
line350  fcc    /extended controller address/
ln350sz  equ    *-line350
line360  fcc    / physical controller address/
ln360sz  equ    *-line360
line370  fcc    /fdb   $/
ln370sz  equ    *-line370
line380  fcc    /fcb   initsize-*-1  initilization table size/
ln380sz  equ    *-line380
line390  fcc    /device type:0=scf,1=rbf,2=pipe,3=scf/
ln390sz  equ    *-line390
line400  fcc    /initsize equ   */
ln400sz  equ    *-line400
line410  fcc    /mgrnam   equ   */
ln410sz  equ    *-line410
line420  fcc    /drvnam   equ   */
ln420sz  equ    *-line420
line430  fcc    /fdb   name copy of descriptor name address/
ln430sz  equ    *-line430
rbfprint fcc    /1drive number/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1step rate/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1drive device type/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1media density:0=single,1=double/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /2number of cylinders (tracks)/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1number of sides/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1verify disk writes:0=on/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /2# of sectors per track/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /2# of sectors per track (track 0)/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1sector interleave factor/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1minimum size of sector allocation/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1?/
         fcb    cr

scfprint equ    *
         fcc    /1case:0=up&lower,1=upper only/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1backspace:0=bsp,1=bsp then sp & bsp/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1delete:0=bsp over line,1=return/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1echo:0=no echo/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1auto line feed:0=off/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1end of line null count/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1pause:0=no end of page pause/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1lines per page/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1backspace character/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1delete line character/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1end of record character/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1end of file character/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1reprint line character/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1duplicate last line character/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1pause character/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1interrupt character/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1quit character/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1backspace echo character/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1line overflow character (bell)/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1init value for dev ctl reg/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1baud rate/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /3/
         fcc    /1acia xon char/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1acia xoff char/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1(szx) number of columns for display/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1(szy) number of rows for display/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1window number/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1data in rest of descriptor valid/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1(sty) window type/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1(cpx) x cursor position/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1(cpy) y cursor position/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1(prn1) foreground color/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1(prn2) background color/
         fcb    cr
         fcc    /1(prn3) border color/
         fcb    cr
scfpend  fcc    /1?/
         fcb    cr
*        use    /dd/defs/usr/usrall

start    equ    *
         sts   <stackhld save the stack address for later
         stx   <xreghold
         stu   <ureghold
         cmpd  #2
         bhs   pathok
         leax  line260,pcr
         ldy   #ln260sz
         lbra  prterror
pathok   equ   *
         leax  labeltab,u
         stx   <labladr
         sta   ,x+
         sta   ,x+
         leax  -500,s
*        leax  labeltab+40,u
         stx   <utabend
         ldd   #$ffff
         std   ,x
         leax  -2,x
         stx   <highadr
         ldd   #0
         std   ,x
         clr   <pass
         clr   <diskio
         clr   <m.opt
         clr   <o.opt
         clr   <s.opt           manual start & stop RG
         clr   <x.opt
         clr   <z.opt
         clr   <u.opt
         clr   <op.cnt
         clr   <descript
         lbsr  clrline

restart  equ   *
         clr   <readcnt
         clr   <readclr
         leax  readbuff,u
         stx   <readpos
         ldd   #0
         std   <numline
         tst   <s.opt       for manual start & stop RG
         bne   sopt8
         ldx   #$ffff
         stx   <modend
sopt8    ldx   <xreghold
         tst   <pass
         lbeq  getprm
         lbsr  clrline
         tst   <s.opt
         lbne  sopt7
         leay  line280,pcr
         ldb   #ln280sz
         lbsr  mergline
         leay  holdname,u
         ldb   #$44
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         leay  hldttl,u
         ldb   #40
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         lbsr  writline
         leax  holdobj,u
         tst   <o.opt
         bne   time010 
         leax  holdline,u
         stx   <lineadr
         leay  line210,pcr
         ldb   #ln210sz
         lbsr  mergline
         leax  runtime,u
         os9   F$Time get time
         lbcs  exit
         lda   #6
         sta   <temp
         leay  timesplt,pcr
* patch to output 4-digit year
         ldb   ,x+
         addd  #1900
         pshs  x
         pshs  y
         lbsr  mergdec
         bra   time025
         ldb   ,x+
         pshs  x
         pshs  y
         leay  decstrng,u
         lbsr  getdec
         leay  decstrng+3,u
         ldb   #2
         lbsr  mergline
         puls  y
         lda   ,y+
         lbsr  movechar
         puls  x
         dec   <temp
         bne   time020
         leay  line215,pcr
         ldb   #ln215sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         lbsr  writline

         leay  line010,pcr
         ldb   #ln010sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         leay  line020,pcr
         ldb   #ln020sz
         lbsr  mergline
         leay  dfltdrv,pcr
         ldb   #2
         lbsr  mergline
         leay  line025,pcr
         ldb   #ln025sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         leay  line030,pcr
         ldb   #ln030sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         ldb   <tylghold
         bsr   movehdr
         leay  hldtylg,u
         ldb   #$50
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         ldb   <atrvhold
         bsr   movehdr
         leay  hldatrv,u
         ldb   #$50
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         ldb   <revshold
         bsr   movehdr
         leay  hldrev,u
         ldb   #$50
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         ldx   <xreghold
sopt7    tst   <diskio
         lbne  diskmod
         lbra  mem020

movehdr  equ   *
         lbsr  gethex
         leax  holdadr,u
         leay  hexstrng,u
         ldb   #4
         lbsr  merge

getprm   lda   ,x+
         cmpa  #$20
         beq   getprm
         leax  -1,x
         stx   <xreghold
         cmpa  #'-
         lbne  diskmod
         leax  1,x
getopt   equ   *
         lda   ,x+
         sta   <byte
         anda  #$df
         cmpa  #'M
         bne   gtopt010
         inc   <m.opt
         inc   <op.cnt
         bra   getopt
gtopt010 cmpa  #'O
         bne   gtopt020
         inc   <o.opt
         inc   <op.cnt
         bra   getopt
gtopt020 equ   *
         cmpa  #'X
         bne   gtopt030
         inc   <x.opt
         inc   <op.cnt
         bra   getopt

gtopt030 equ   *
         cmpa  #'Z
         bne   gtopt040
         inc   <z.opt
         inc   <op.cnt
         bra   getopt

gtopt040 equ   *
         cmpa  #'U
         bne   gtopt050
         inc   <u.opt
         inc   <op.cnt
         bra   getopt
gtoptS   lda   ,x+
         cmpa  #'$
         bne   gtoptS2
         lbsr  u$hexin
         ldd   ,x
         andcc #^1
gtoptS2  leax  4,x
         orcc  #1
gtopt050 equ   *
         cmpa  #'S               add start & stop option RG
         bne   gtopt060
         bsr   gtoptS
         bcs   badopt
         std   <startadr
         bsr   gtoptS
         bcs   badopt
         addd  #3
         std   <modend
         inc   <s.opt
         inc   <op.cnt
         bra   getopt

gtopt060 equ   *
         lda   <byte
         cmpa  #'?
         bne   chkopt
         leax  line270,pcr
         ldy   #ln270sz
         lbra  prterror
chkopt   equ   *
         tst   <z.opt
         beq   optest
         lbsr  u$hexin convert hex chars to binary
         leay  3,y
         sty   <modend
         leax  -1,x
         stx   <crntadr
         ldd   #$FFFF
         std   <address
         lda   #1
         sta   <pass
         leax  line011,pcr
         ldy   #1
         lda   #1
         os9   I$WritLn
         lbcs  exit
         lbra  readbyte go start doing it!!!
optest   tst   <op.cnt
         bne   memmod
badopt   equ   *
         leax  line250,pcr
         ldy   #ln250sz
         lbra  prterror
diskmod  equ   *
         inc   <diskio
         lda   #READ.
         tst   <x.opt
         beq   open
         ora   #EXEC.
open     os9   I$Open
         lbcs  exit
         sta   <path
         lbsr  getbyte
         bra   gotmod
memmod   equ   *
mem010   lda   ,x+
         cmpa  #$20
         beq   mem010
         leax  -1,x
         stx   <xreghold
         tst   <m.opt
         beq   diskmod

mem020   equ   *
         os9   F$Link
         bcc   gotmod
         ldx   <xreghold
         os9   F$Load
         lbcs  nolink
gotmod   equ   *
         stu   <modadr
         stu   <crntadr
         ldu   <ureghold
         ldx   #0
         stx   <address
         lbsr  getbyte
         lbsr  getbyte2
         tst   <s.opt            for manual start & stop RG
         bne   sopt1
         std   <modend
         lbsr  clrline
         lda   #$87
         lbsr  moveobj
         lda   #$cd
         lbsr  moveobj
         ldd   <modend
         lbsr  moveobj
         ldd   <modend
         tfr   b,a
         lbsr  moveobj
         leay  holdadr,u
         lda   #$30
         sta   ,y+
         sta   ,y+
         sta   ,y+
         sta   ,y+
         leay  line050,pcr
         ldb   #ln050sz
         tst   <descript
         beq   prtmod
         leay  line330,pcr
         ldb   #ln330sz
prtmod   equ   *
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
sopt1    lbsr  getbyte2
         tst   <s.opt        for manual start & stop RG
         bne   sopt2
         std   <nameadr
         leay  hldtylg,u
         lbsr  clrhld
         leay  line290,pcr
         ldb   #ln290sz
         lbsr  mergline
sopt2    lbsr  getbyte
         tst   <s.opt        for manual start & stop RG
         lbne   sopt3
         stb   <tylghold
         andb  #TypeMask
         beq   badtype
         cmpb  #$40
         bls   goodtype
         cmpb  #$c0
         bhs   goodtype
badtype  equ   *
         lbsr  mvchr005
         lbsr  merghex
         bra   chklang
goodtype equ   *
         cmpb  #$0c
         blo   type010
         subb  #$7
         cmpb  #8
         bne   type010
         inc   <descript
type010  subb  #1
         stb   <testbyte
         lda   #$5
         leay  devtype,pcr
         leay  d,y
         ldb   #5
         lbsr  mergline
chklang  equ   *
         lbsr  mvchr008
         ldb   <byte
         andb  #LangMask
         beq   badlang
         cmpb  #6
         bls   goodlang
badlang  equ   *
         lbsr  mvchr005
         lbsr  merghex
         bra   lang010
goodlang equ   *
         subb  #1
         leay  language,pcr
         lda   #8
         leay  d,y
         ldb   #8
         lbsr  mergline
lang010  equ   *
         lda   #$0d
         lbsr  movechar
chkattr  equ   *
         leay  hldttl,u
         lbsr  clrhld
         leay  line160,pcr
         ldb   #ln160sz
         lbsr  mergline
         ldb   <testbyte
         lda   #$15
         leay  title,pcr
         leay  d,y
         ldb   #$15
         lbsr  mergline
         lda   #$0d
         lbsr  movechar
         leay  hldatrv,u
         lbsr  clrhld
         leay  line300,pcr
         ldb   #ln300sz
         lbsr  mergline
sopt3    lbsr  getbyte
         tst   <s.opt        for manual start & stop RG
         bne   sopt4
         stb   <atrvhold
         andb  #AttrMask
         cmpb  #ReEnt
         beq   attr.r
         cmpb  #ModProt
         beq   attr.m
         lbsr  mvchr005
         lbsr  merghex
         bra   chkrevs
attr.r   equ   *
         leay  reent.,pcr
         ldb   #5
         bra   moveattr
attr.m   equ   *
         leay  modprot.,pcr
         ldb   #7
moveattr lbsr  mergline
chkrevs  leay  line320,pcr
         ldb   #ln320sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lda   #$0d
         lbsr  movechar
         leay  hldrev,u
         lbsr  clrhld
         leay  line310,pcr
         ldb   #ln310sz
         lbsr  mergline
         ldb   <byte
         andb  #RevsMask
         stb   revshold
         lbsr  merghex
         lda   #$0d
         lbsr  movechar
sopt4    lbsr  getbyte
         tst   <descript
         lbne  descrhdr
         lbsr  getbyte2
         tst   <s.opt        for manual start & stop RG
         bne   sopt5
         std   <startadr
sopt5    lbsr  getbyte2
         std   <size
         tst   <s.opt        for manual start & stop RG
         lbne  getstart
         ldx   <utabend
         std   ,x
         lbsr  clrline
* Next line was in code but does nothing RG
*         tst   <pass
*        lbra  findname
         ldx   <address
         stx   <addrsave
         ldx   <highadr
         tst   <u.opt
         beq   movedp
         ldx   <utabend
         leax  -2,x
         std   ,x

movedp   equ   *
         ldd   ,x++
         pshs  x
         std   <address
         lbsr  adrmove
         leay  line070,pcr
         ldb   #ln070sz
         lbsr  mergline
         leay  linenum,u
         lda   #'D
         sta   6,y
         leax  holdadr,u
         leay  25,y
         ldb   #4
         exg   x,y
         lbsr  merge
         puls  x
         ldd   ,x
         subd  -2,x
         pshs  x
         lbsr  mergdec
         lbsr  writline
         puls  x
         ldd   ,x
         cmpd  <size
         bne   movedp
         ldd   <size
         lbsr  gethex
         leay  hexstrng,u
         leax  holdadr,u
         ldb   #4
         lbsr  merge
         leay  linenum,u
         leay  6,y
         lda   #'D
         sta   ,y
         leay  line120,pcr
         ldb   #ln120sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         ldx   <addrsave
         stx   <address

findname equ   *
         lbsr  getbyte
         ldx   <nameadr
         cmpx  <address
         beq   getname
         lbsr  fcbline
         bra   findname

getname  equ   *
         lbsr  clrline
         lbsr  adrmove
         leay  line100,pcr
         ldb   #ln100sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         leay  holdname,u
         lbsr  movename
getstart lbsr  getbyte
         ldx   <address 
         cmpx  <startadr
         beq   gotstart
         tst   <s.opt        for manual start & stop RG
         bne   getstart
         lbsr  fcbline
         bra   getstart
gotstart equ   *
         tst   <s.opt        for manual start & stop RG
         bne   sopt6
         lbsr  clrline
         lbsr  adrmove
         leay  line130,pcr
         ldb   #ln130sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
sopt6    lda   <byte
         lbsr  moveobj
         bra   testop
readbyte lbsr  getbyte
* Check opcodes
testop   equ   *
         clr   <bitcom        Clear bit instruction processing flag
         lbsr  moveadr        Go bump address up?
         lda   <byte          Get next byte
         cmpa  #$10           Is it a $10?
         bne   test11         No, check for next special one
         lbsr  getbyte        Is $10, get next byte
         cmpb  #$3f           OS9 System call?
         bne   test10         No, do rest of check for $10 pre-byte
         lbsr  getbyte        Get function code
         tfr   b,a            Move to A
         ldb   #$3f           Go get proper mnemonic for System call
         lbsr  getop
         cmpa  #'?            Unknown one?
         bne   os9ok          No, print out regular system call
         leax  holdobj,u      Unknown, deal with it
         stx   <objadr
         clr   <objcnt
         lda   #$10
         lbsr  moveobj
         lda   #$3f
         lbsr  moveobj
         ldx   <objadr
         ldd   #$2020
         std   ,x
         ldx   <lineadr
         leax  -15,x
         stx   <lineadr
         leay  line140,pcr    Print SWI2 message
         ldb   #ln140sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         lda   <testbyte
         sta   <byte
         lbsr  fcbline        And FCB byte following it
         bra   readbyte

* Got recognizable OS9 System call... print it
os9ok    lbsr  writline
         bra   readbyte
* $10 Pre-byte OTHER than SWI2 (system calls)

test10   tfr   b,a            Put opcode part into A
         ldb   #$10           Go get proper mnemonic type for $10xx code
         lbsr  getop
         cmpb  #$fe           Unknown opcode?
         bne   chkreslt       No, deal with result
         lda   #$10           Unknown, convert to FCB line
         bra   tst11.1
test11   cmpa  #$11           $11 pre-byte?
         bne   onebyte        No, must be normal
         lbsr  getbyte        Get opcode part of $11xx command
         tfr   b,a            Put into A
         ldb   #$11           $11 pre-byte
         lbsr  getop          Go get proper mnemonic type for $11xxx code
         cmpb  #$fe           Unknown opcode?
         bne   chkreslt       No, deal with result
         lda   #$11           Make FCB line
tst11.1  ldb   <byte
         pshs  b
         sta   <byte
         ldx   <address
         leax  -1,x
         stx   <address
         lbsr  fcbline
         puls  b
         stb   <byte
         tfr   b,a
         lbsr  moveobj
         ldx   <address
         leax  1,x
         stx   <address
         lbra  testop

* Opcode type branch table
rslttab  fdb   chk.ff         Direct page (1 byte address)
         fdb   dofcb          FCB (Unknown type... should never get here!)
         fdb   chk.fd         Implied (single byte by itself)
         fdb   chk.fc         2 byte relative (long branches)
         fdb   chk.fb         1 byte immediate value
         fdb   chk.fa         Dual register spec (EXG/TFR)
         fdb   chk.f9         1 byte relative (short branches)
         fdb   chk.f8         Indexed (1 or more post bytes)
         fdb   chk.f7         Stack (PSH/PUL) register post-byte
         fdb   chk.f6         ???
         fdb   chk.f5         SWI
         fdb   chk.f4         Extended (2 byte address)
         fdb   chk.f3         2 byte immediate value
         fdb   chk.f2         4 byte immediate
         fdb   chk.f1         in memory (AIM, etc.)
         fdb   chk.f0         Bit commands (LDBT, etc.)
onebyte  clrb                 Clear $10/$11/Syscall flag
         lbsr  getop          Get type into B/Code in <testbyte

chkreslt cmpb  #$f0           Check legal limit of opcode type
         blo   dofcb          If <$F0, assume FCB
         comb                 Flip bits
         lslb                 2 bytes per entry
         leax  rslttab,pcr    Point to opcode type table
         ldd   b,x            Get offset to proper routine
         leax  pcrzero,pcr    Point to start of module
         jmp   d,x            Go process proper type

* Illegal opcode-FCB it
dofcb    lbsr  fcbline
         lbra  readbyte

* Direct Page Addr - 1 byte
chk.ff   leay  line080,pc
         tst   <u.opt         User wants Symbolic labels?
         beq   ff.010         Yes, do so
         leay  line085,pcr    No, use <$00xx instead
ff.010   ldb   #2             In both cases, 2 chars to merge
         lbsr  mergline       Merge onto current output line
         lbsr  getbyte        Get direct page address byte
         clra                 Make for 4 digit hex number
         lbsr  merghex2       Merge 4 digit hex result onto output line
         tst   <u.opt         Direct page currently @ 0?
         lbeq  indx046        put address in u table & write out line

* Inherent Addr - 0 bytes (also exit point when line is completed)
chk.fd   lbsr  writline       Flush line out & continue processing
         lbra  readbyte

* Relative Addr - 2 bytes
chk.fc   lbsr  getbyte2       Get 2 byte relative offset
         lbsr  reladr.2       Calculate relative address & append it
         bra   chk.fd         Write out line

* Immediate Addr - 1 byte
chk.fb   lbsr  mvchr004       Add '#' to line
         lbsr  mvchr005       Add '$' to line
         lbsr  getbyte        Get immediate value
         lbsr  merghex        Add hex version to line
         bra   chk.fd         Write it out

* Dual register field
* (used only for TFR/EXG/TFM & register to register operations)
chk.fa   lda   <testbyte      Get original opcode
         clr   <TFMFlag       Clear TFM flag
         cmpa  #$38           TFM?
         blo   normtf         No, skip ahead
         cmpa  #$3b
         bhi   normtf
         inc   <TFMFlag       Set TFM flag
normtf   lbsr  getbyte        Get register field byte
         pshs  b              Preserve
         lsrb                 Move source reg. into proper pos.
         bsr   fa.020         Add it to line
         lda   <testbyte      Get original opcode
         cmpa  #$38           Is it a TFM?
         blo   notTFM         Too low
         cmpa  #$3B
         bhs   notTFM         Too high (or is r1,r2+ and doesn't need sign)
         cmpa  #$39           TFM r1-,r2-?
         bne   Tplus1
         lbsr  mvchr009       Add '-'
         bra   notTFM
Tplus1   lbsr  mvchr008       Add '+'
notTFM   lbsr  mvchr003       Add comma to line
         puls  b              Get back field byte
         andb  #$0f           Just destination reg.         
         bsr   fa.020         Add it to line
         lda   <testbyte      Get original opcode
         cmpa  #$38           Is it a TFM?
         blo   notTFM2        Too low
         cmpa  #$3B
         bhi   notTFM2        Too high
         cmpa  #$3A           TFM r1+,r2?
         beq   notTFM2        Yes, don't need to add anything
         cmpa  #$39           TFM r1-,r2-?
         bne   Tplus2
         lbsr  mvchr009       Add '-'
         bra   notTFM2
Tplus2   lbsr  mvchr008       Add '+'
notTFM2  lbsr  writline       Write line & leave
         lbra  readbyte

fa.020   tst   <TFMFlag       Is this a TFM command?
         beq   normreg        No, allow all register names
         cmpb  #4             D,X,Y,U or S?
         bhi   badreg         No, illegal in TFM
normreg  lslb                 2 bytes/entry
         leax  regtab,pc      Point to register field table
         ldd   b,x            Get register name
         bra   movereg        Add to end of line and return
badreg   ldd   #'?*256+'?     Illegal register, use question marks         
*         bra   movereg        Add to end of line (eating spaces)
* fall thru into movereg, which immediately follows

movereg  lbsr  movechar       Add first char of reg. name to line
         cmpb  #$20           2nd char a space?
         beq   mvreg010       Yes, exit
         tfr   b,a            Move to proper reg.
         lbsr  movechar       And add 2nd char of reg. name to line
mvreg010 rts

* Relative Addr - 1 byte
chk.f9   lbsr  getbyte        Get relative offset byte
         lbsr  reladr.1       Calculate & add it to line
         lbra  chk.fd         Print line

indxregs fcb   %00000000,'x
         fcb   %00100000,'y
         fcb   %01000000,'u
         fcb   %01100000,'s
* Index table routine list for both normal & indirect modes
indxjmp  fcb   %10000100      Zero offset ($84)
         fdb   indx010
         fcb   %10001000      8 bit offset ($88)
         fdb   indx.3
         fcb   %10001001      16 bit offset ($89)
         fdb   indx.4
         fcb   %10000110      A,R ($86)
         fdb   indx.5
         fcb   %10000101      B,R ($85)
         fdb   indx.6
         fcb   %10001011      D,R ($8B)
         fdb   indx.7
         fcb   %10000111      E,R ($87)
         fdb   indx.E
         fcb   %10001010      F,R ($8a)
         fdb   indx.F
         fcb   %10001110      W,R ($8e)
         fdb   indx.W
         fcb   %10000000      ,R+ ($80)
         fdb   indx.8
         fcb   %10000001      ,R++ ($81)
         fdb   indx.9
         fcb   %10000010      ,-R ($82)
         fdb   indx.10
         fcb   %10000011      ,--R ($83)
         fdb   indx.11
         fcb   %10001100      8 bit,PC ($8C)
         fdb   indx.12
         fcb   %10001101      16 bit,PC ($8D)
         fdb   indx.13
         fcb   %10001111      Non-indirect W modes ($8f)
         fdb   indx.Wm
         fcb   0 table end    (any patterns not covered are illegal)

* indexed addr - 1 or 2 bytes
chk.f8   clr   <indirct       Clear indirect flag
         lbsr  getbyte        Get byte into B (and duplicate in <byte>)
         andb  #%10011111     Mask out register bits (mode bits for W)
         cmpb  #%10001111     W base (non-indirect)?
         beq   isw            Yes, set register name
         cmpb  #%10010000     W base (indirect)?
         beq   isw            Yes, set register name
         ldb   <byte          Get original byte back
         bra   notw           Do normal search
isw      ldb   #'w            W register is base register
         bra   streg          Store it as base register
notw     andb  #%01100000     Register mask
         leax  indxregs-2,pc  Point to register offsets -2 for loop
f8.10    leax  2,x            Point to next entry
         cmpb  ,x             This the one we want?
         bne   f8.10          No, keep looking
         ldb   1,x            Get base register name
streg    stb   <register      Preserve it
         ldb   <byte          Get back original byte
         andb  #%10011111     Mask out the base register bits
* Main indexing type check here
         cmpb  #%00100000     5 bit offset indexing (special case)?
         blo   indx.2         Yes, go do
         cmpb  #%10010000     Non-indirect?
         blo   f8.15          Yes, skip ahead
* Indirect modes start here
         lbsr  mvchr001       Add '['
         inc   <indirct       Set indirect flag
         cmpb  #%10010000     W indirect indexing mode (since it shares pattern)
         lbeq  indx.Wm        Yes, go process
         cmpb  #%10010010     Illegal?
         lbeq  indx.15        Yes, bad mode
         cmpb  #%10011111     Extended indirect?
         lbeq  indx.14        Yes, go do that
         andb  #%10001111     Mask out indirect bit for next routine
f8.15    leax  indxjmp-3,pc   Point to index jump table -3 for loop
f8.20    leax  3,x            Point to next entry
         cmpb  ,x             Bit mask we want?
         beq   f8.30          Yes, skip ahead
         tst   ,x             No, is the end of table marker?
         lbeq  indx.15        Yes, bad mode
         bra   f8.20          Otherwise, keep searching
f8.30    ldd   1,x            Get vector
         leax  pcrzero,pc     Set base address of vector
         jmp   d,x            Go to proper routine

* 5 bit offset
indx.2   andb  #$1f           Mask out upper 3 bits
         pshs  b              Preserve it
         cmpb  #$0f           Negative offset?
         bls   indx2.1        No, skip ahead
         ldb   #$20           Calculate negative offset & preserve
         subb  ,s
         stb   ,s
         lbsr  mvchr009       Add '-'
indx2.1  lbsr  mvchr005       Add '$'
         puls  a              Get offset value
         bra   indx3.1        Add it to the line in hex format

* 8 bit offset
indx.3   lbsr  getbyte        Get next byte
         lbsr  mvchr006       Add '<'
         cmpb  #$7f           Negative value?
         bls   indx3.0        No, skip ahead
         clra                 Make it a 16 bit number
         std   <temp          Store it
         ldd   #$0100         Calculate negative offset for 8 bit #
         subd  <temp
         lbsr  mvchr009       Add '-'
indx3.0  lbsr  mvchr005       Add '$'
indx3.1  lbsr  merghex        Add LSB of D as a 2 digit hex byte
         lbra  indx010

* 16 bit offset
indx.4   lbsr  mvchr007       Add '>'
         lbsr  getbyte2       Get 2 byte offset
         pshs  d              Preserve it
         cmpd  #$7fff         Is it negative?
         bls   indx4.1        No, skip ahead
         puls  d              Get back value
         std   <temp          Preserve it
         ldd   #$ffff         Calculate negative offset
         subd  <temp
         addd  #1
         pshs  d              Preserve it
         lbsr  mvchr009       Add '-'
indx4.1  lbsr  mvchr005       Add '$'
         puls  d              Get back offset value
         lbsr  merghex2       Add 16 bit number in hex format
         bra   indx010

indx.5   lda   #'a            A,R
indx5.1  lbsr  movechar
         bra   indx010

indx.6   lda   #'b            B,R
         bra   indx5.1

indx.7   lda   #'d            D,R
         bra   indx5.1

indx.E   lda   #'e            E,R
         bra   indx5.1

indx.F   lda   #'f            F,R
         bra   indx5.1

indx.W   lda   #'w            W,R
         bra   indx5.1

* ,R+
indx.8   lbsr  isub010        Add ',' & register name
indx8.1  lbsr  mvchr008       Add '+'
         bra   indx040        Continue

* ,R++
indx.9   lbsr  isub010        Add ',' & register name
         lbsr  mvchr008       Add '+'
         bra   indx8.1        Add 2nd '+' and continue

* ,-R
indx.10  lbsr  mvchr003       Add ','
indx10.1 lbsr  isub020        '-' & register name
         bra   indx040        Continue

* ,--R
indx.11  lbsr  mvchr003       Add ','
         lbsr  mvchr009       Add '-'
         bra   indx10.1       Add 2nd '-' & register name & continue

* 8 bit,pc
indx.12  lbsr  mvchr006       Add '<'
         lbsr  getbyte        Get next byte
         lbsr  reladr.1       Calculate relative address label
         bra   indx030        Add ',pcr'

* 16 bit,pc
indx.13  lbsr  mvchr007       Add '>'
         lbsr  getbyte2       Get next 2 bytes
         lbsr  reladr.2       Calculate relative address label
         bra   indx030        Add ',pcr'

* Extended indirect
indx.14  lbsr  mvchr007       Add '>'
         lbsr  mvchr005       Add '$'
         lbsr  getbyte2       Get next 2 bytes
         lbsr  merghex2       Append hex version of 16 bit #
         bra   indx040        Continue
* W modes (<register=w and <indirct flag is set)
indx.Wm  ldb   <byte          Get original byte again
         andb  #%01100000     Mask out all but W mode settings
         cmpb  #%00000000     Straight register?
         beq   indx010        Yes, do it
         cmpb  #%00100000     mmmm,W?
         lbeq  indx.4         Go do that
         cmpb  #%01000000     ,W++?
         beq   indx.9         Do that
         bra   indx.11        Must be ,--W
* Illegal indexing mode
indx.15  leay  badindx,pcr    Point to '?'
         ldb   #5             Add 5 of them
         lbsr  mergline
         bra   indx040        Continue

indx010  lbsr  isub010        Add ',R'
         bra   indx040        Continue

indx030  leay  line220,pc     Add ',pcr'
         ldb   #ln220sz
         lbsr  mergline

indx040  tst   <indirct       Is it an indirect mode?
         beq   indx041        No, skip ahead
         lbsr  mvchr002       Add ']'
indx041  lda   <register      Get register name
         cmpa  #'u            U register offset?
         bne   indx090        No, skip ahead
         tst   <u.opt         User wants uxxxx?
         bne   indx090        No, skip
         ldd   <dsave         get the offset
         cmpd  <size          is it > total data size ???
         bhi   indx090        yes..skip this stuff
         leax  holdline+15,u  start of mnemonic
* Calculating  'uxxxx' info
indx042  lda   ,x+
         cmpa  #'u            done??
         beq   indx090        yes..go send line as is
         cmpa  #'$
         bne   indx042
         lda   #'u
         sta   -1,x
         lda   2,x
         cmpa  #',
         bne   indx046
         stx   <xsave
         ldx   <lineadr
         leax  1,x
indx044  lda   ,-x
         sta   2,x
         cmpx  <xsave
         bne   indx044
         ldd   #$3030
         std   ,x
         ldx   <lineadr
         leax  2,x
         stx   <lineadr

* put the offset in u table
indx046  tst   <pass
         bne   indx090
         ldd   <dsave get the u offset
         ldx   <highadr start of u table
         leax  -2,x back off for loop increment
indx050  leax  2,x
         cmpd  ,x
         beq   indx090
         bhi   indx050 if >,go loop
         leax  -2,x this is where to insert it
         stx   <xsave
         ldx   <highadr
         leax  -2,x
         stx   <highadr
         cmpx  <labladr
         lbls  rladr2.3
indx052  ldd   2,x
         std   ,x
         leax  2,x
         cmpx  <xsave
         bne   indx052
         ldd   <dsave
         std   ,x

indx090  tst   <bitcom        We a bit operation and need to RTS?
         beq   notbit         No, write line & exit
notbit   lbsr  writline       Send the line out
         lbra  readbyte       and continue

isub010  lbsr  mvchr003       Add ','
         bra   isub025        skip ahead
isub020  lbsr  mvchr009       Add '-'
isub025  lda   <register      Get register name
         lbsr  movechar       Add it too

chk.f7   equ   *
* inherent addr - 1 byte
* (used for psh and pul only)
         lbsr  getbyte
         lda   #$80
         sta   <testbyte
         lda   #8
         leay  stackreg,pcr
f7.010   pshs  a
         ldx   ,y++
         ldb   <byte
         andb  <testbyte
         beq   f7.020
         tfr   x,d
         lbsr  movereg
         lbsr  mvchr003
f7.020   lda   <testbyte
         sta   <testbyte
         puls  a
         bne   f7.010
         ldx   <lineadr
         leax  -1,x
         stx   <lineadr
         lbra  chk.fd

chk.f6   lbsr  getbyte        Get 1 byte
         clra                 Make into D
         lbsr  merghex        Add hex value to output
         lbra  chk.fd         continue

chk.f5   lbsr  writline       Write line out
         lbsr  getbyte        Get byte
         lbsr  fcbline        Make fcb line
         lbra  readbyte       continue?

* extended addr - 2 bytes
chk.f4   lbsr  mvchr007       Add '>'
         lbsr  mvchr005       Add '$'
f4.010   lbsr  getbyte2       Get 2 bytes
         lbsr  merghex2       Print 4 digit hex value
         lbra  chk.fd         continue

* immediate addr - 2 bytes
chk.f3   lbsr  mvchr004       Add '#'
         lbsr  mvchr005       Add '$'
         bra   f4.010         Add 4 digit hex value & leave
* immediate mode - 4 bytes
chk.f2   lbsr  mvchr004       Add '#'
         lbsr  mvchr005       Add '$'
         lbsr  getbyte2       Get 2 bytes
         lbsr  merghex2       Print 4 hex digits
         bra   f4.010         Print next 4 digits & continue

* in memory mode (AIM, etc.) (opcode s/b in <testbyte)
chk.f1   lbsr  mvchr004       Add '#'
         lbsr  mvchr005       Add '$'
         lbsr  getbyte        Get the 1 byte immediate value
         lbsr  merghex        Add it to output
         lbsr  mvchr003       Add ','
         ldb   <testbyte      Get back original opcode
         andb  #%11110000     Mask out all but mode nibble
         lbeq  chk.ff         If Direct page mode, do that
         cmpb  #%01100000     Indexed?
         lbeq  chk.f8         Yes, do it
         cmpb  #%01110000     Extended?
         beq   chk.f4         yes, do it
         lbsr  mvchr010       Unknown, add '?'
         lbra  chk.fd         & exit
* Bit commands (LDBT, etc.)
chk.f0   lbsr  getbyte        Get register/bit flags
         andb  #%11000000     Mask out all but register bits
         beq   iscc           If CC, do that
         cmpb  #%01000000     A?
         bne   tryb           No, try B
         ldd   #'a*256+32     Add 'a '
         bra   gotregn
tryb     cmpb  #%10000000     B?
         bne   is.e           No, must be E
         ldd   #'b*256+32     Add 'b '
         bra   gotregn
is.e     ldd   #'e*256+32     Add 'e '
         bra   gotregn
iscc     ldd   #'c*256+'c     cc register         
gotregn  lbsr  movereg        Add register name
         lbsr  mvchr003       Add ','
         lda   <byte          Get original byte again
         bsr   getbit         Output register Bit #
         lda   <byte          Get original byte again
         lsra                 Shift to memory bit #
         bsr   getbit         Output memory bit #
         inc   <bitcom        Set bit command flag
* Dupe of direct page stuff
         leay  line080,pc     Point to '<u'
         tst   <u.opt         User wants Symbolic labels?
         beq   f0.010         Yes, do so
         leay  line085,pcr    No, use <$00xx instead
f0.010   ldb   #2             In both cases, 2 chars to merge
         lbsr  mergline       Merge onto current output line
         lbsr  getbyte        Get direct page address byte
         clra                 Make for 4 digit hex number
         lbsr  merghex2       Merge 4 digit hex result onto output line
         tst   <u.opt         Direct page currently @ 0?
         bne   nou            No, skip u stuff
         lbsr  indx046        put address in u table & write out line
nou      lbra  chk.fd         Write it out & continue

* Output ASCII bit # plus comma
getbit   anda  #%00000111     Mask to bit # 0-7
         adda  #'0            Convert to ASCII digit
         lbsr  movechar       Add it to output
         lbra  mvchr003       Add ',' and return

* 8 bit relative offset (bra)
reladr.1 lda   #'L            Add 'L'
         lbsr  movechar
         clra                 D=8 bit relative address offset
         ldb   <byte
         addd  <address       Add to current address pointer
         addd  #1             Adjust for current instruction
         pshs  a
         lda   <byte
         cmpa  #$7f           Negative offset?
         puls  a
         bls   rladr2.1       No, skip ahead
         subd  #$0100         Calculate negative offset
         bra   rladr2.1     
* 16 bit relative offset (bra)
reladr.2 pshs  a
         lda   #'L
         lbsr  movechar
         puls  a
         addd  <address
         addd  #1
rladr2.1 tst   <pass
         bne   rladr2.4
         leay  labeltab,u
rladr2.2 cmpd  ,y
         beq   rladr2.4
         leay  2,y
         cmpy  <labladr
         blo   rladr2.2
         ldx   <labladr
         std   ,x++
         stx   <labladr
         leax  2,x
         cmpx  <highadr
         blo   rladr2.4
rladr2.3 leax  line240,pcr    Error:symbol table full
         ldy   #ln240sz
         lda   #2
         os9   I$WritLn
         lbra  unlink
rladr2.4 lbsr  merghex2       Add 4 hex digits & return

endit    lds   <stackhld      restore stack 
endit010 tst   <pass
         bne   endit020
*        ldx   <highadr
*        ldd   <utabend
*        subd  <highadr
*        tfr   d,y
*        lda   #2
*        os9   I$Write
*        lbcs  exit
*        lbra  clrexit
endit015 inc   <pass
         lbsr  close
         lbra  restart
endit020 ldb   <readcnt
         beq   endit024
         inc   <readclr
         std   <temp
         ldd   <address
         subd  <temp
         std   <address
         leax  readbuff,u
endit022 ldb   ,x+
         stx   <readpos
         stb   <byte
         lbsr  fcbline
         ldd   <address
         addd  #1
         std   <address
         ldx   <readpos
         dec   <readcnt
         bne   endit022
endit024 tst   <z.opt
         lbne  clrexit
         clr   <readclr
         lbsr  clrline
         lbsr  adrmove
         ldx   #$ffff
         stx   <modend
         lbsr  getbyte
         lbsr  getbyte
         lbsr  getbyte
         leay  line170,pcr
         ldb   #ln170sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         lbsr  adrmove
         leay  line180,pcr
         ldb   #ln180sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         lbsr  moveadr
         leax  holdline,u
         lda   ,x
         cmpa  #$20
         beq   endit030
         leay  line190,pcr
         ldb   #ln190sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
endit030 lbsr  clrline
         leay  line181,pcr
         ldb   #ln181sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         bsr   close

         ifeq  testing-1
         lbsr  clrline
         lda   #$20
         lbsr  movechar
         lbsr  writline
         leay  labeltab,u
endit040 ldd   ,y++
         pshs  y
         lda   #'*
         lbsr  movechar
         lda   #$20
         lbsr  movechar
         lbsr  merghex2
         lbsr  writline
         puls  y
         cmpy  <labladr
         bls   endit040
         leay  line230,pcr
         ldb   #ln230sz
         lbsr  mergline
         ldd   <labladr
         leax  labeltab,u
         stx   <labladr
         subd  <labladr
         lbsr  merghex2
         lbsr  writline

         tst   <diskio
         lbne  clrexit
         lda   #2
         sta   <byte

unlink   ldu   <modadr
         os9   F$UnLink
         lbcs  exit
         dec   <byte
         bne   unlink
         lbra  clrexit

close    tst   <diskio
         beq   close010
         lda   <path
         os9   I$Close
         lbcs  exit
close010 rts

******************** descriptor processing ***************************
descrhdr lbsr  getbyte2
         std   <mgradr
         lbsr  getbyte2
         std   <drvadr
         lbsr  clrline
         lbsr  getbyte
         lbsr  fcbline
         leay  line340,pcr
         ldb   #ln340sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         lbsr  getbyte
         lbsr  fcbline
         leay  line350,pcr
         ldb   #ln350sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         lbsr  getbyte2
         lbsr  fdbline
         leay  line360,pcr
         ldb   #ln360sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         lbsr  getbyte
         lbsr  moveadr
         ldb   <byte
         addd  <address
         addd  #1
         std   <initsize
         leay  line380,pcr
         ldb   #ln380sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         lbsr  getbyte
         stb   <desctype
         lbsr  fcbline
         leay  line390,pcr
         ldb   #ln390sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         leax  scfprint,pcr
         stx   <printadr
         lda   <desctype
         cmpa  #1
         bne   getdescr
         leax  rbfprint,pcr
         stx   <printadr
getdescr ldx   <printadr
         lda   ,x+
         pshs  x
         cmpa  #'2
         lbeq  descr2
         cmpa  #'3
         lbeq  descr3
         lbsr  getbyte
         ldd   <address
         cmpd  <initsize
         bne   desc010
         lbsr  clrline
         lbsr  adrmove
         leay  line400,pcr
         ldb   #ln400sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
desc010  ldd   <address
         cmpd  <nameadr
         bne   desc015
         leay  line100,pcr
         ldb   #ln100sz
         leax  holdname,u
         bra   desc030
desc015  cmpd  <mgradr
         bne   desc020
         leay  line410,pcr
         ldb   #ln410sz
         leax  namehold,u
         bra   desc030
desc020  cmpd  <drvadr
         bne   desc040
         leay  line420,pcr
         ldb   #ln420sz
         leax  namehold,u
desc030  pshs  x
         pshs  b
         leax  holdobj,u
         ldd   #$2020
         std   ,x++
         std   ,x++
         std   ,x++
         std   ,x++
         puls  b
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  adrmove
         lbsr  writline
         puls  y
         lbsr  movename
         lbsr  getbyte
         puls  x
         leax  scfpend,pcr
         leax  1,x
         pshs  x
         stx   <printadr
         bra   desc010
desc040  lbsr  fcbline
         bra   mergdesc
descr2   lbsr  getbyte2
         lbsr  fdbline
         bra   mergdesc
* descriptor name copy
descr3   stx   <printadr
         lbsr  getbyte2
         lbsr  moveadr
         leay  line430,pcr
         ldb   #ln430sz
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         lbra  getdescr

mergdesc clrb
         puls  x
         pshs  x
desc050  lda   ,x+
         cmpa  #$0d
         beq   desc060
         bra   desc050
desc060  stx   <printadr
         leax  -2,x
         lda   ,x
         cmpa  #'?
         bne   desc070
         leax  -1,x
         stx   <printadr
desc070  puls  y
         lbsr  mergline
         lbsr  writline
         lbra  getdescr

* subroutines

*                                                                     *
* U$hexin - converts hex characters to binary digits                  *
*                                                                     *
* Entry: x=start address of digits to convert                         *
*                                                                     *
* Exit:  x=same as entry                                              *
*        y=# of converted bytes                                       *
*                                                                     *

u$hexin  pshs  a,b
         pshs  x
         leay  ,x move start addr for scan
hexin010 bsr   hexin030 convert bytes
         bcs   hexin020 exit if done
         stb   ,x+ move the converted byte in
         bra   hexin010 go back & get more
hexin020 tfr   x,d get current byte position
         subd  ,s subtract start position
         tfr   d,y move the length of the string
         puls  x
         puls  a,b,pc done

hexin030 ldb   ,y+ get char
         cmpb  #', was it a comma??
         bne   hexin050 no..don't skip it
hexin040 ldb   ,y+ get next char
hexin050 cmpb  #$20 was it a space
         beq   hexin040 yes...skip it & get next char
         leay  -$01,y else back up to point to the char
         bsr   hexin080 convert it
         bcs   hexin070 done....exit
         pshs  b save the byte
         bsr   hexin080 convert next byte
         bcs   hexin060 exit if done
         asl   ,s shift saved char to put in high 4 bits
         asl   ,s
         asl   ,s
         asl   ,s
         addb  ,s and move in low 4 bits
         stb   ,s save the byte
hexin060 clrb  clear the carry flag
         puls  b restore the saved flag
hexin070 rts return

hexin080 ldb   ,y get the char in
         subb  #$30 subtract bias for numbers
         cmpb  #$09 was it > 9
         bls   hexin100 no...its good
         cmpb  #$31 was it 'a'
         blo   hexin090 if less than that..skip next
         subb  #$20 else make it upper case
hexin090 subb  #$07 back off so 'A' = $0a
         cmpb  #$0F check if it was a 'F'
         bhi   hexin110 if >...error
         cmpb  #$0A was it a 'A'
         bcs   hexin110 if <...error
hexin100 andcc #$FE clear carry bit of cc
         leay  $01,y bump up pointer for next char
         rts   return
hexin110 comb set carry flag
         rts return

* convert bytes in d to hex, output to hexstrng
gethex   std   <dsave
         pshs  y
         leay  hexstrng,u
         pshs  b
         bsr   gethx010
         puls  a
         bsr   gethx010
         puls  y,pc
gethx010 pshs  a
         bsr   gethx020
         puls  a
         anda  #$0f
         bsr   gethx020
gethx020 adda  #$30
         cmpa  #$3a
         blt   gethx030
         adda  #$07
gethx030 sta   ,y+

* get decimal value of bytes in d, output in string pointed at by 'y'
getdec   pshs  x
         ldx   #10000
         bsr   getdc010
         ldx   #01000
         bsr   getdc010
         ldx   #00100
         bsr   getdc010
         ldx   #00010
         bsr   getdc010
         stb   <counter
         bsr   getdc030
         puls  x,pc
getdc010 stx   <countdec
         clr   <counter
getdc020 cmpd  <countdec
         blo   getdc030
         subd  <countdec
         inc   <counter
         bra   getdc020
getdc030 pshs  b
         ldb   <counter
         addb  #$30
         stb   ,y+
         puls  b,pc

* read next 2 bytes into 'd'
getbyte2 bsr   getbyte
         tfr   b,a
         bsr   getbyte

* merge last 2 bytes of hexstrng with output line
merghex  equ   *
         bsr   gethex
         leay  hexstrng,u
         leay  2,y
         ldb   #2
         lbsr  mergline

* merge all 4 hex chars to output line
merghex2 bsr   gethex
         leay  hexstrng,u
         ldb   #4
         lbsr  mergline

* merge significant decimal characters
mergdec  pshs  a,b
         leay  decstrng,u
         lda   #$30
         sta   ,y
         puls  a,b
         cmpd  #0
         bne   mergd010
         ldb   #1
         lbra  mergline
mergd010 bsr   getdec
         leay  decstrng,u
         ldb   #6
chkdecln decb
         lda   ,y+
         cmpa  #$30
         beq   chkdecln
         leay  -1,y
         lbra  mergline

* read 1 byte
getbyte  pshs  x,y,a
         ldx   <address
         leax  1,x
         stx   <address
         leax  3,x
         cmpx  <modend
         lbhs  endit
         tst   <diskio
         bne   getdisk
         ldx   <crntadr
         leax  1,x
         stx   <crntadr
         ldb   ,x
         stb   <byte
         bra   gotbyte
* read byte from disk
getdisk  leax  byte,u
         ldy   #1
         lda   <path
         os9   I$Read
         lbcs  endit
         ldb   <byte
gotbyte  lda   <byte
         bsr   moveobj
         ldb   <byte
         ldx   <readpos
         stb   ,x+
         stx   <readpos
         inc   <readcnt
         puls  x,y,a,pc

* convert 'a' to hex,merge with object code listing
moveobj  pshs  x,y,b
         ldb   <objcnt
         cmpb  #4
         bhs   moverts
         inc   <objcnt
         lbsr  gethex
         ldx   <objadr
         leay  hexstrng,u
         lda   ,y+
         lbsr  getupc
         sta   ,x+
         lda   ,y
         lbsr  getupc
         sta   ,x+
         stx   <objadr
moverts  puls   x,y,b,pc

* clear one of the hold strings pointed to by 'y'
clrhld   sty   <lineadr
         pshs  x,b
         tfr   y,x
         leay  line040,pcr
         ldb   #40
         bsr   merge
         ldy   <lineadr
         puls  x,b,pc
* clear all parts of the output line
clrline  pshs  x,y,a,b
         leax  holdline,u
         stx   <lineadr
         leax  holdobj,u
         stx   <objadr
         leax  linenum,u
         clr   <objcnt
         leay  line040,pcr
         ldb   #80
         bsr   merge
         puls  x,y,a,b,pc

* merge the string pointed to by 'y' with the current line
mergline ldx   <lineadr
         bsr   merge
         stx   <lineadr

* merge the sring pointed to by 'y' with the string pointed to by 'x'
merge    pshs  a
merge010 lda   ,y+
         sta   ,x+
         bne   merge010
         puls  a,pc

* write the output line to standard output path,then clear line
writline pshs  x,y
         tst   <pass
         beq   wrtln010
         ldd   <numline
         addd  #1
         std   <numline
         leay  linenum,u
         lbsr  getdec
         ldx   <lineadr
         lda   #$0d
         sta   ,x+
         tfr   x,d
         leax  linenum,u
         tst   <o.opt
         bne   wrtln005
         leax  holdline,u
wrtln005 stx   <temp
         subd  <temp
         tfr   d,y
         lbsr  send
wrtln010 bsr   clrline
         tst   <readclr
         bne   wrtln020
         leax  readbuff,u
         stx   <readpos
         clr   <readcnt
wrtln020 puls  x,y,pc
* move the current address to holdadr of output line
adrmove  pshs  x
         ldd   <address
         lbsr  gethex
         leax  hexstrng,u
         leay  holdadr,u
         ldb   #4
adrmv010 lda   ,x+
         lbsr  getupc
         sta   ,y+
         bne   adrmv010
         puls  x,pc

* move the current address if its second pass and its a referenced address
moveadr  tst   <pass
         beq   mvadr020
         bsr   adrmove
         leay  labeltab,u
         ldd   <address
mvadr010 cmpy  <labladr
         beq   mvadr020
         cmpd  ,y
         beq   mvadr030
         leay  2,y
         bra   mvadr010
mvadr020 leay  line040,pcr
         ldb   #9
         lbsr  mergline
mvadr030 lda   #'L
         bsr   movechar
         ldd   <address
         lbsr  merghex2
         leay  line040,pcr
         ldb   #4
         lbsr  mergline

* merge predefined characters with the output line
mvchr001 lda   #'[
         bra   movechar
mvchr002 lda   #']
         bra   movechar
mvchr003 lda   #',
         bra   movechar
mvchr004 lda   #'#
         bra   movechar
mvchr005 lda   #'$
         bra   movechar
mvchr006 lda   #'<
         bra   movechar
mvchr007 lda   #'>
         bra   movechar
mvchr008 lda   #'+
         bra   movechar
mvchr009 lda   #'-
         bra   movechar
mvchr010 lda   #'?
*        bra   movechar  fall thru

* merge the char in 'a' with the output line
movechar ldx   <lineadr
         sta   ,x+
         stx   <lineadr

movename pshs  y
         lbsr  clrline
         bsr   moveadr
         leay  line060,pcr
         ldb   #ln060sz
         lbsr  mergline
         ldb   <byte
         tfr   b,a
         lbsr  moveobj
         puls  y
getnm010 cmpb  #$80
         bhs   getnm020
         stb   ,y+
         tfr   b,a
         bsr   movechar
         lbsr  getbyte
         bra   getnm010
getnm020 subb  #$80
         stb   ,y+
         tfr   b,a
         bsr   movechar
         ldb   #$0d
         stb   ,y
         lda   #'/
         bsr   movechar
         lbsr  writline
* line type is fcb ...create all parts of fcb line
fcbline  lbsr  clrline
         lbsr  moveadr
         leay  line090,pcr
         ldb   #ln090sz
         lbsr  mergline
         ldb   <byte
         lbsr  merghex
         leay  hexstrng,u
         leay  2,y
         pshs  x

         ldx   <objadr
         lda   ,y+
         sta   ,x+
         lda   ,y
         sta   ,x+
         stx   <objadr
         puls  x
         lda   #$20
         lbsr  movechar
         tst   <descript
         bne   fcbl030
         lda   <byte
         cmpa  #$20
         bls   fcbl020
         cmpa  #'z
         bls   fcbl010
         suba  #$80
         cmpa  #$20
         bls   fcbl020
         cmpa  #'z
         bgt   fcbl020
fcbl010  lbsr  movechar
fcbl020  lbsr  writline
fcbl030  rts
fdbline  pshs  d
         lbsr  clrline
         ldd   <address
         pshs  d
         subd  #1
         std   <address
         lbsr  moveadr
         puls  d
         std   <address
         leay  line370,pcr
         ldb   #ln370sz
         lbsr  mergline
         puls  d
         lbsr  merghex2
         leay  hexstrng,u
         ldb   #4
         pshs  x
         ldx   <objadr
         ldd   ,y++
         std   ,x++
         ldd   ,y++
         std   ,x++
         stx   <objadr
         puls  x
         lda   #$20
         lbsr  movechar

* convert 'a' to uppper case if its a letter
getupc   cmpa  #'z
         bls   getup010
         anda  #$df
getup010 rts

* if its 2nd pass,write the line to standard output path
send     tst   <pass
         beq   send010
         lda   #1
         os9   I$WritLn
         lbcs  exit
send010  lbsr  clrline
********* get op ******************
*  entry: opcode in a / a&b for 2 ops

getop    sta   <testbyte
         bne   chkos9
         ldb   #6
         leay  optable,pcr
         leay  d,y
getrest  leay  1,y
         lda   ,y+
         tfr   a,b
         pshs  b
         ldb   #5
moveop   lda   ,y+
         lbsr  movechar
         bne   moveop
         pshs  a
         lda   #$20
         lbsr  movechar
         puls  a
         puls  b,pc

chkos9   cmpb  #$3f
         bne   chk10
         leay  line150,pcr
         ldb   #ln150sz
         lbsr  mergline
         cmpa  #$80
         bhs   i$os9
         cmpa  #$54
         bhs   bados9
         leay  os9f$tab,pcr
         bra   getos9

i$os9    cmpa  #$91
         bhs   bados9
         leay  os9i$tab,pcr
         suba  #$80
         bra   getos9
bados9   leay  bados9op,pcr
getos9   ldb   #8
         leay  d,y
         pshs  b
         ldb   #8
         bra   moveop

chk10    sta   <testbyte
         cmpb  #$10
         beq   load10
         cmpb  #$11
         beq   load11
         clr   <testbyte
load11   leay  get11tab,pcr
         bra   loop10
load10   leay  get10tab,pcr
loop10   lda   ,y
         beq   getrest
         cmpa  <testbyte
         beq   getrest
         leay  7,y
         bra   loop10

nolink   lbsr  clrline
         leay  line200,pcr
         ldb   #ln200sz
         lbsr  mergline
         ldy   <xreghold
         ldb   #$20
         lbsr  mergline
         lda   #$0d
         lbsr  movechar
         leax  holdline,u
         ldy   #$50

* error encountered - print error to standard error path
prterror lda   #2
         os9   I$WritLn
clrexit  clrb
exit     os9   F$Exit

eom      equ   *