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view level1/cmds/dsave.asm @ 1660:44c13c42b8f8
RBF checks error code on return from SS.VarSect and only returns error if error code is != E$UnkSvc (fixes problems with drivers which do not support SS.VarSect and return E$UnkSvc in their GetStat routines after evaluating an unknown service code.)
author | boisy |
date | Sun, 18 Jul 2004 14:56:05 +0000 |
parents | 20841f236e32 |
children | 40322608e006 |
line wrap: on
line source
******************************************************************** * dsave - Multi-file copy utility * * $Id$ * * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by * Comment * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * 1 2003/01/11 Boisy G. Pitre * Rewrote in assembly language. * * 1r1 2003/12/11 Boisy G. Pitre * Fixed -b option so that it prepends device name in front of os9boot * filename. Also fixed -b= option to work as well. nam dsave ttl Multi-file copy utility ifp1 use defsfile endc * Here are some tweakable options DOHELP set 0 1 = include help info INDENTSZ set 2 number of spaces to indent when -i is used STACKSZ set 1024 estimated stack size in bytes PARMSZ set 256 estimated parameter size in bytes * Module header definitions tylg set Prgrm+Objct atrv set ReEnt+rev rev set $01 edition set 1 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size * Your utility's static storage vars go here org 0 * These vars are used by the base template and shouldn't be removed parmptr rmb 2 pointer to our command line params bufptr rmb 2 pointer to user expandable buffer bufsiz rmb 2 size of user expandable buffer * These vars are used for this example, it will probably change for you dirlevel rmb 1 current directory level (0 = top) *doexec rmb 1 execute flag errcode rmb 1 error code storage plistcnt rmb 1 command line pathlist count doboot rmb 1 indent rmb 1 onelevel rmb 1 nomakdir rmb 1 rewrite rmb 1 cpymemsz rmb 1 doverify rmb 1 dstpath rmb 2 pointer to second (optional) pathlist on cmd line lineptr rmb 2 sopt rmb 1 ddbt rmb 3 copy of source disk's DD.BT from LSN0 * vars for pwd integrated code fildes rmb 1 srcptr rmb 2 dotdotfd rmb 3 LSN of .. dotfd rmb 3 LSN of . ddcopy rmb 3 bbuff rmb 64 -b= buffer dentry rmb DIR.SZ*2 srcpath rmb 128 buffend rmb 1 pathext rmb 256 extended part of source pathlist devname rmb 32 cleartop equ . everything up to here gets cleared at start direntbf rmb DIR.SZ * Next is a user adjustable buffer with # modifier on command line. * Some utilities won't need this flexibility, some will. * Currently set up to be larger for Level 2 than Level 1 * Note: this buffer must come just before the stack linebuff rmb 256 IFGT Level-1 bigbuff rmb 8*1024 8K default buffer for Level 2 ELSE bigbuff rmb 512 512 byte default buffer for Level 1 ENDC * Finally the stack for any PSHS/PULS/BSR/LBSRs that we might do rmb STACKSZ+PARMSZ size equ . * The utility name and edition goes here name fcs /dsave/ fcb edition * Place constant strings here IFNE DOHELP HlpMsg fcb C$LF fcb C$CR HlpMsgL equ *-HlpMsg ENDC UnkOpt fcc /unknown option: / UnkOptL equ *-UnkOpt ShlEko fcc "t" CR fcb C$CR Chd fcc "chd" fcb C$CR MakDir fcc "makdir" fcb C$CR Cmp fcc "cmp" fcb C$CR TMode fcc "tmode" fcb C$CR TPause fcc ".1 pause" fcb C$CR TNoPause fcc ".1 -pause" fcb C$CR Load fcc "load" fcb C$CR Unlink fcc "unlink" fcb C$CR Copy fcc "copy" fcb C$CR OS9Gen fcc "os9gen" fcb C$CR OS9Boot fcs "OS9Boot" DotDot fcc "." Dot fcc "." fcb C$CR * Here's how registers are set when this process is forked: * * +-----------------+ <-- Y (highest address) * ! Parameter ! * ! Area ! * +-----------------+ <-- X, SP * ! Data Area ! * +-----------------+ * ! Direct Page ! * +-----------------+ <-- U, DP (lowest address) * * D = parameter area size * PC = module entry point abs. address * CC = F=0, I=0, others undefined * The start of the program is here. * Before any command line processing is done, we clear out * our static memory from U to cleartop, then determine the * size of our data area (minus the stack). start pshs u,x save registers for later leax cleartop,u point to end of area to zero out IFNE H6309 subr u,x subtract U from X tfr x,w and put X in W clr ,-s put a zero on the stack tfm s,u+ and use TFM to clear starting at U leas 1,s clean up the stack ELSE pshs x save end pointer on stack clrnxt clr ,u+ clear out cmpu ,s done? bne clrnxt branch if not leas 2,s else clear stack ENDC puls x,u and restore our earlier saved registers leay bigbuff,u point Y to copy buffer offset in U stx <parmptr save parameter pointer sty <bufptr save pointer to buffer tfr s,d place top of stack in D IFNE H6309 subr y,d ELSE pshs y save Y on stack subd ,s++ get size of space between copybuf and X ENDC subd #STACKSZ+PARMSZ subtract out our stack/param size std <bufsiz size of our buffer * At this point we have determined our buffer space and saved pointers * for later use. Now we will parse the command line for options that * begin with a dash. * Note that X will NOT point to a space, but to either a CR (if no * parameters were passed) or the first non-space character of the * parameter. * Here we merely grab the byte at X into A and test for end of line, * exiting if so. Utilities that don't require arguments should * comment out the following three lines. lda ,x get first char cmpa #C$CR CR? lbeq ShowHelp if so, no parameters... show help and exit GetChar lda ,x+ get next character on cmd line cmpa #C$CR CR? lbeq DoDSave if so, do whatever this utility does cmpa #'- is it an option? beq GetDash if so, process it inc <plistcnt else must be a non-option argument (file) lbsr SkipNSpc move past the argument ChkDash lbsr SkipSpcs and any following spaces bra GetChar start processing again GetDash lda #C$SPAC get a space char sta -1,x and wipe out the dash from the cmd line GetDash2 ldd ,x+ load option char and char following ora #$20 make lowercase IsItB cmpa #'b is it this option? bne IsItE branch if not sta <doboot pshs x save for later cmpb #'= = follows? beq DoEqual * -b alone, copy default bootfile name to bbuff * first, get device name lda #DIR.+READ. leax dot,pcr os9 I$Open lbcs Exit leax >bbuff,u ldb #PDELIM stb ,x+ ldb #SS.DevNm os9 I$GetStt lbcs Exit os9 I$Close os9 F$PrsNam lbcs Exit lda -1,y anda #$7F wipe out hi bit sta -1,y lda #PDELIM sta ,y+ leax OS9Boot,pcr lbsr StrCpy lda #C$CR sta ,y bra IsItBEx DoEqual leax 1,x move X past '=' leay bbuff,u point to buffer lbsr ParmCpy copy parameter from X to Y lda #C$CR sta ,y lda #C$SPAC IsItBLp sta ,-x cmpx ,s bne IsItBLp clrb so FixCmdLn will not look for more opts IsItBEx puls x bra FixCmdLn IsItE equ * * cmpa #'e is it this option? * bne IsItI branch if not * sta <doexec * bra FixCmdLn IsItI cmpa #'i is it this option? bne IsItL branch if not sta <indent bra FixCmdLn IsItL cmpa #'l is it this option? bne IsItM branch if not sta <onelevel bra FixCmdLn IsItM cmpa #'m is it this option? bne IsItR branch if not sta <nomakdir bra FixCmdLn IsItR cmpa #'r is it this option? bne IsItS branch if not sta <rewrite bra FixCmdLn IsItS cmpa #'s is it this option? bne IsItV branch if not * add code to parse memsize pshs x lbsr ASC2Byte stb <sopt lda #C$SPAC SpcNext sta ,-x erase everything after -s cmpx ,s bne SpcNext puls x clrb bra FixCmdLn IsItV cmpa #'v is it this option? bne BadOpt branch if not sta <doverify FixCmdLn lda #C$SPAC get space sta -$01,x and wipe out option character cmpb #'0 lblt ChkDash start dash option processing again lbra GetDash possibly another option following? * We branch here if we encounter an unknown option character * A = bad option character BadOpt leax UnkOpt,pcr ldy #UnkOptL ldb #C$CR pshs d save bad option and CR on stack lda #$02 stderr os9 I$Write leax ,s point X at option char on stack os9 I$WritLn print option and CR puls d clean up stack lbra ShowHelp * At this point options are processed. * We load X with our parameter pointer and go down the command line * looking at each file to process (options have been wiped out with * spaces) * * Note, the following two instructions may not be needed, depending on * if your utility requires a non-option on the command line. DoDSave dec <plistcnt we should have only one path on cmdline lbne ShowHelp if not, exit with error ldx <parmptr get our parameter pointer off stack lbsr SkipSpcs skip any leading spaces stx <dstpath save dest path lbsr SkipNSpc lda #C$CR sta ,x+ * Here we have src and possibly destination pathlist. Now we can * start processing the dsave leax linebuff,u stx <lineptr reset line buffer pointer * Get entire pathlist to working directory lbsr pwd * Open source device as raw and obtain 24 bit LSN to bootfile * ldd #$400D @ + CR * pshs d save on stack * leax ,s point X to stack * lda #READ. read mode * os9 I$Open open * puls x clean stack * lbcs Exit branch if error * pshs a save path * ldx #0000 * tfr u,y * ldu #DD.BT * os9 I$Seek seek to DD.BT in LSN0 * tfr y,u * lbcs Exit * leax ddbt,u point to buffer * ldy #3 read 3 bytes at DD.BT * os9 I$Read * lbcs Exit exit of error * puls a get path on stack * os9 I$Close and close it * Do dsave "pre" commands lbsr DoEcho ldx <dstpath point to source path lbsr DoChd chd to it lbsr DoPauseOff lbsr DoLoadCopy tst <doverify beq PreRecurse lbsr DoLoadCmp * Steps in processing files: * 0. Open path to '.' * 1. Read next directory entry * 2. if directory encountered: * a. chd entry * b. bsr step 0 * c. chd .. * 3. if eof, goto step 6 * 4. copy file to dest * 5. goto 1 * 6. Close path to source dir PreRecurse leay buffend,u bsr CopyDir * Do dsave "post" commands tst <doverify beq PostRecurse lbsr DoUnlinkCmp PostRecurse lbsr DoUnlinkCopy lbsr DoPauseOn lbra ExitOk CopyDir ldx <srcptr lda #DIR.+READ. permissions as DIR. os9 I$Open open directory lbcs CopyRts branch if error ldb #PDELIM stb ,y+ pshs y pshs a save path to . pshs x,u save regs ldx #$0000 ldu #DIR.SZ*2 seek past two dir entries os9 I$Seek skip over . and .. entries of this dir puls x,u get saved regs bcs Copy2Ex branch if error FileLoop lda ,s get path to . on stack ldy #DIR.SZ get size of directory entry leax direntbf,u point to directory entry buffer os9 I$Read read directory entry bcs Copy2Ex branch if error tst ,x first byte at x... is it zero? beq FileLoop yep, empty dir entry ldy 1,s get Y on stack lbsr StrCpy lda #C$CR sta ,y ldx <srcptr lda #DIR.+READ. open as directory os9 I$Open open it bcs ItsAFile if error, it's not a dir os9 I$Close close it * Here, we know that the file we just opened and closed was a directory ItsADir tst <onelevel do we ignore dirs? bne FileLoop branch if so pshs y ldx 3,s lbsr DoMakDir makdir it bcc ItsADir2 os9 F$PErr ItsADir2 ldx 3,s lbsr DoChd bcs FileLoop if error, ignore dir inc <dirlevel puls y bsr CopyDir leax DotDot,pcr lbsr DoChd dec <dirlevel bra FileLoop * Here, we know that the file we just opened and closed was NOT a directory ItsAFile tst <dirlevel are we at root level? bne ItsAFile2 no, don't even do os9boot test ldx 1,s else get ptr to current filename lbsr BootCmp is it os9boot? bcs ItsAFile2 no, copy away! tst <doboot -b option specified? beq FileLoop nope, ignore bootfile * Here we have a file named OS9Boot in the top level directory * We must os9gen the sucker lbsr BuildOS9Gen bra FileLoop ItsAFile2 ldx 1,s lbsr BuildCopy tst <doverify verify on? beq FileLoop branch if not ldx 1,s lbsr BuildCmp bra FileLoop Copy2Ex puls a get path to . os9 I$Close close path CopyEx leas 2,s CopyRts rts ShowHelp equ * IFNE DOHELP leax >HlpMsg,pcr point to help message ldy #HlpMsgL get length lda #INDENTSZ std error os9 I$WritLn write it ENDC ExitOk clrb clear carry Exit os9 F$Exit and exit * This routine counts the number of non-whitespace characters * starting at X * * Entry: * X = ptr to string (space, comma or CR terminated) * Exit: * Y = length of string * X = ptr to byte after string StrLen pshs a ldy #$0000 StrLenLp lda ,x+ cmpa #C$SPAC beq StrLenEx cmpa #C$CR beq StrLenEx leay 1,y bra StrLenLp StrLenEx puls a,pc * This routine copies a string of text from X to Y until * a CR or hi bit char is encountered * * Entry: * X = ptr to src string * Y = ptr to dest string * Exit: * D = number of bytes copied * X = ptr to char past src string * Y = ptr to char past dest string StrCpy pshs u ldu #$0000 CopyFnLp lda ,x+ tfr a,b anda #$7F cmpa #C$CR ble CopyFnEx sta ,y+ leau 1,u tstb bpl CopyFnLp CopyFnEx tfr u,d puls u,pc * Works like StrCpy, but stops if a space is encountered ParmCpy pshs u ldu #$0000 ParmFnLp lda ,x+ tfr a,b anda #$7F cmpa #C$SPAC ble ParmFnEx sta ,y+ leau 1,u tstb bpl ParmFnLp ParmFnEx tfr u,d puls u,pc * Compare two filenames to see if they match * X = filename to compare against OS9boot BootCmp pshs y,x lbsr StrLen get length of passed filename puls x get pointer to passed filename tfr y,d leay OS9Boot,pcr os9 F$CmpNam puls y,pc MakeUp cmpa #'a blt MakeUpEx cmpa #'z bgt MakeUpEx anda #$DF make uppercase MakeUpEx rts StrHCpy pshs u ldu #$0000 HCpyFnLp lda ,x+ beq HCpyFnEx tfr a,b anda #$7F strip out possible hi bit sta ,y+ leau 1,u tstb test copy of byte in B bpl HCpyFnLp if hi bit not set, keep going * clr ,y+ add null byte at end HCpyFnEx tfr u,d puls u,pc * This routine skip over spaces * * Entry: * X = ptr to data to parse * Exit: * X = ptr to first non-whitespace char * A = non-whitespace char SkipSpcs lda ,x+ cmpa #C$SPAC beq SkipSpcs leax -1,x rts * This routine skips over everything but spaces, commas and CRs * * Entry: * X = ptr to data to parse * Exit: * X = ptr to first whitespace char * A = whitespace char SkipNSpc lda ,x+ cmpa #C$SPAC beq EatOut cmpa #C$CR bne SkipNSpc EatOut leax -1,x rts * Entry: X = directory to make DoMakDir tst <nomakdir do we do the makdir? bne Ret branch if not pshs x leax MakDir,pcr bsr CopyCmd ldx ,s bsr CopyParm bsr WriteIt puls x * tst <doexec are we executing? * beq Ret if not, just return * lda #DIR.+PREAD.+PEXEC.+EXEC.+UPDAT. * os9 I$MakDir rts * Entry: X = path to chd to DoChd pshs x leax Chd,pcr bsr CopyCmd ldx ,s bsr CopyParm bsr WriteIt puls x * tst <doexec are we executing? * beq Ret if not, just return * lda #DIR.+READ. * os9 I$ChgDir * bcc Ret * os9 F$PErr Ret rts WriteIt ldy #1024 lda #1 os9 I$WritLn Rts rts DoEcho equ * * tst <doexec are we executing? * bne Rts if so, ignore this shell command leax ShlEko,pcr else point to shell echo command bra WriteIt * Copy command into linebuff and put space after it * Entry: X = pointer to command to copy to linebuff CopyCmd leay linebuff,u and point Y to line buffer * Do level indention if specified tst <indent beq CopyCmd3 lda <dirlevel beq CopyCmd3 ldb #$02 mul lda #C$SPAC CopyCmd2 sta ,y+ decb bne CopyCmd2 CopyCmd3 lbsr StrCpy copy command lda #C$SPAC get space sta ,y+ and store it after command in buff rts DoPauseOn leax TMode,pcr bsr CopyCmd leax TPause,pcr get pause command bsr CopyParm bra WriteIt * bra ExecCmd * Copy parameters into linebuff and put CR after it, then write it out to stdout CopyParm lbsr StrCpy copy it lda #C$CR sta ,y+ and store CR after command in buff leax linebuff,u CPRts rts * Entry: X = command to execute, with parameters *ExecCmd tst <doexec * beq CPRts * lbsr SkipSpcs skip any leading spaces at X * tfr x,y transfer command ptr to Y temporarily * lbsr SkipNSpc skip command * clr ,x+ clear white space char and move X * pshs u save our statics * tfr x,u move paramter pointer to Y * tfr y,x move command ptr from Y back to X * ldy #256 * clra * os9 F$Fork * os9 F$Wait * bcc ExecRTS * os9 F$PErr *ExecRTS puls u,pc DoPauseOff leax TMode,pcr bsr CopyCmd leax TNoPause,pcr bsr CopyParm lbra WriteIt * bra ExecCmd DoLoadCmp leax Load,pcr point to load command bsr CopyCmd copy it to buffer leax Cmp,pcr point to copy command bsr CopyParm copy it to buffer lbra WriteIt * bra ExecCmd DoUnlinkCmp leax Unlink,pcr lbsr CopyCmd leax Cmp,pcr bsr CopyParm lbra WriteIt * bra ExecCmd DoLoadCopy leax Load,pcr point to load command lbsr CopyCmd copy it to buffer leax Copy,pcr point to copy command bsr CopyParm copy it to buffer lbra WriteIt * bra ExecCmd DoUnlinkCopy leax Unlink,pcr lbsr CopyCmd leax Copy,pcr lbsr CopyParm lbra WriteIt * bra ExecCmd BuildOS9Gen pshs x leax OS9Gen,pcr lbsr CopyCmd ldx <dstpath lbsr StrCpy copy to buffer * write file name, then CR lda #C$CR get space sta ,y+ and store it after command in buff leax linebuff,u lbsr WriteIt leax bbuff,u lbsr WriteIt leax CR,pc lbsr WriteIt puls x,pc BuildCmp pshs x leax Cmp,pcr lbsr CopyCmd bra BuildCopy3 BuildCopy pshs x leax Copy,pcr lbsr CopyCmd ldb <sopt -s option specified? beq BuildCopy2 lda #'# sta ,y+ lbsr Byte2ASC ldd #$4B20 K'space' std ,y++ BuildCopy2 tst <rewrite beq BuildCopy3 ldd #$2D72 -r std ,y++ lda #C$SPAC sta ,y+ BuildCopy3 ldx <srcptr get source path from statics lbsr StrCpy copy to buffer lda #C$SPAC get space sta ,y+ and store it after command in buff puls x lbsr StrCpy lda #C$CR get space sta ,y+ and store it after command in buff leax linebuff,u lbra WriteIt * lbsr ExecCmd * rts * Code to get current working directory pwd leax >buffend,u point X to buffer * lda #PDELIM get path delimiter * sta ,x store at start of buffer stx <srcptr store buffer pointer leax >dot,pcr point to '.' bsr open open directory sta <fildes save path lbsr rdtwo read '.' and '..' entries ldd <dotdotfd get 24 bit LSN of .. std <ddcopy lda <dotdotfd+2 sta <ddcopy+2 and save copy L0052 bsr AtRoot are we at root? beq L0079 branch if so leax >dotdot,pcr else point to '..' bsr chdir change directory lda <fildes get path to previous dir os9 I$Close close it lbcs Exit branch if error leax >dot,pcr point X to new current dir bsr open open it bsr rdtwo read . and .. entires of this dir bsr FindMtch search for match bsr L00E2 ldd <dotdotfd std <ddcopy lda <dotdotfd+2 sta <ddcopy+2 bra L0052 L0079 lbsr GetDevNm get device name lda <fildes get path os9 I$Close close rts chdir lda #DIR.+READ. os9 I$ChgDir rts open lda #DIR.+READ. os9 I$Open rts * Read directory entry read32 lda <fildes leax dentry,u ldy #DIR.SZ os9 I$Read rts FindMtch lda <fildes get path to current dir bsr read32 read entry lbcs pwdrts branch if error leax dentry,u point to entry buffer leax <DIR.FD,x point X to FD LSN leay ddcopy,u point Y to copy of LSN bsr attop compare the two bne FindMtch keep reading until we find match rts * Compare 3 bytes at X and Y attop ldd ,x++ cmpd ,y++ bne L00C5 lda ,x cmpa ,y L00C5 rts AtRoot leax dotdotfd,u point X at .. entry leay dotfd,u point Y at . entry bsr attop check if we're at the top pwdrts rts rdtwo bsr read32 * read "." from directory ldd <dentry+DIR.FD std <dotfd lda <dentry+DIR.FD+2 sta <dotfd+2 bsr read32 * read ".." from directory ldd <dentry+DIR.FD std <dotdotfd lda <dentry+DIR.FD+2 sta <dotdotfd+2 rts * Get name from directory entry L00E2 leax dentry,u prsnam os9 F$PrsNam lbcs pwdrts ldx <srcptr L00EB lda ,-y anda #$7F mask hi bit sta ,-x save decb bne L00EB lda #PDELIM sta ,-x stx <srcptr rts GetDevNm lda <fildes ldb #SS.DevNm leax >devname,u os9 I$GetStt bsr prsnam rts * Entry: X = ptr to ASCII number * Exit: B = byte value of ASCII number ASC2Byte clrb clear B ASC2BLp lda ,x+ get byte from X cmpa #'0 blt ASC2BEx suba #'0 make 8 bit integer cmpa #$09 compare against 9 bhi ASC2BEx branch if greater pshs a else save A lda #10 multiply by 10 mul do it addb ,s+ add on stack bcc ASC2BLp if overflow clear, do it again ASC2BEx * leax -1,x load byte rts return * Entry: Y = address to store number * B = number to convert Byte2ASC lda #$2F start A out just below $30 (0) Hundreds inca inc it subb #100 subtract 100 bcc Hundreds if result >= 0, continue cmpa #'0 zero? beq Tens if so, don't add to buffer sta ,y+ else save at U and inc. Tens lda #$3A start A out just above $39 (9) TensLoop deca dec it addb #10 add 10 bcc TensLoop if carry clear, continue sta ,y+ save 10's digit addb #'0 stb ,y+ and 1's digit rts emod eom equ * end