view level1/cmds/help.asm @ 1660:44c13c42b8f8

RBF checks error code on return from SS.VarSect and only returns error if error code is != E$UnkSvc (fixes problems with drivers which do not support SS.VarSect and return E$UnkSvc in their GetStat routines after evaluating an unknown service code.)
author boisy
date Sun, 18 Jul 2004 14:56:05 +0000
parents 04b3b0436d6b
line wrap: on
line source

* Help - Show help
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   6      2003/01/21  Boisy G. Pitre
*   7      2003/05/30  Rodney V. Hamilton
* Fixed showlist partial line bug, do auto list.

        nam     Help
        ttl     Show help

        use     defsfile

COLWIDTH set    10

tylg    set     Prgrm+Objct
atrv    set     ReEnt+rev
rev     set     $00
edition set     7

        mod     eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

name    fcs     /Help/
        fcb     edition

        org     0
exitvec rmb     2
ncols   rmb     1
colcopy rmb     1
bufptr  rmb     2
path    rmb     1
same    rmb     1
prmptr  rmb     2
prmend  rmb     2
length  rmb     2
colbuff rmb     128
userbuf rmb     128
parbuff rmb     256
filbuff rmb     256
stack   rmb     350
size    equ     .

* Ask user for subjects
askuser leax    askusr2,pcr
        stx     <exitvec
        leax    prompt1,pcr
        lda     #1
        ldy     #128
        os9     I$WritLn
* Show topics (if user enters nothing at prompt)
showlist lda    #1
        leax    >avail,pcr
        ldy     #128
        os9     I$WritLn
        lbsr    seek0		rewind the file
        bra     resetcl

doeol   sty     <bufptr
        lda     #C$CR
        sta     ,y
        leax    colbuff,u
        lda     #1
        ldy     #128
        os9     I$WritLn
resetcl lda     <ncols
        sta     <colcopy
        leax    colbuff,u
        stx     <bufptr
readlp  lbsr    readlin
        bcc     readlp2
        lda     <colcopy	check for partial line
        cmpa    <ncols
        blt     doeol		and print it
askusr2 leax    prompt2,pcr
        lda     #1
        ldy     #prompt2l
        os9     I$Write
        ldy     #127
        leax    userbuf,u
        os9     I$ReadLn
        lbcs    exiteof
        lda     ,x
        cmpa    #C$CR
        beq     showlist
        lbsr    seek0		rewind the file
        lbra    entrya

readlp2 leax    filbuff,u
        lda     ,x+
        cmpa    #'@
        bne     readlp
        ldy     <bufptr
strcpy  clra
        pshs    d
strc0   lda     ,x+
        cmpa    #C$SPAC
        ble     strc1
        sta     ,y+
        ldd     ,s
        addd    #$0001
        std     ,s
        bra     strc0		do again
strc1   puls    d
        dec     <colcopy
        beq     doeol
        cmpb    #COLWIDTH
        bge     onesp
        pshs    b
        ldb     #COLWIDTH
        subb    ,s+
        fcb     $8C
onesp   ldb     #1
        lda     #C$SPAC
spacelp sta     ,y+
        bne     spacelp
        sty     <bufptr
        bra     readlp

start   pshs    d,x,y
        lda     #8
        sta     <ncols		assume 8 columns
        lda     #1
        ldb     #SS.ScSiz
        os9     I$GetStt
        bcs     start2
        cmpx    #9
        ble     start1		A = 1 here
        tfr     x,d
* Divide screen X by COLWIDTH to determine number of columns
Div10   subb    #COLWIDTH
        bcs     start1
        bra     Div10
start1  sta     <ncols
start2  leax    exit,pcr
        stx     <exitvec
        puls    d,x,y
        tfr     d,y		length of parameters
open    pshs    x
        leax    helpfile,pcr	point to file name
        lda     #READ.		read mode
        os9     I$Open
        puls    x
        bcs     exit
        sta     <path		store path number
        cmpy    #$0001		no parameters?
        lbeq    askuser
entrya  pshs    u
        leau    parbuff,u	point to buffer
entry0  lda     ,x+
        cmpa    #C$SPAC		is it a space (between parameters?)
        beq     entry1
        cmpa    #C$CR
        bne     nocr
entry1  clra    		yes, null it
nocr    sta     ,u+		store in buffer
        leay    -1,y		decrement length counter
        bne     entry0
        clr     ,u
        tfr     u,y
        puls    u
        sty     <prmend		store end of all parameters
        leax    parbuff,u	load address of parbuff into X
        stx     <prmptr		save parameter pointer
entry2  lda     ,x
        bne     strlen
        leax    1,x
        bra     rered2
strlen  pshs    x
        ldy     #0		initialise count
strl0   lda     ,x+		is it a char > null
        cmpa    #C$SPAC
        ble     strl1		nope, exit
        leay    1,y		yep, increment count
        bra     strl0		do again
strl1   puls    x
        sty     <length		store it

reread  bsr     readlin		read line from helpfile file
        bcc     rered0
        cmpb    #E$EOF		did we find end-of-file?
        lbeq    unknown		yep, tell user we don't know his command
rered0  bsr     compare		compare user number with 1st 3 chars of line
        beq     reread		compare returns 0 if failed
        bsr     print		else go print the helpfile line
        bcc     rered1		exit if I$WritLn problem
        cmpb    #E$EOF
        bcs     exit
rered1  ldd     <length		get length
        ldx     prmptr		get parameter pointer
        leax    d,x		add length to it
        leax    1,x		increment past null byte
rered2  clrb
        cmpx    <prmend
        blt     rered25
        jmp     [exitvec,u]
rered25 stx     <prmptr		store it
rered3  lbsr    seek0		rewind the file
        bra     entry2		loop around again

exiteof cmpb    #E$EOF
        bne     exit
exitok  clrb
exit    os9     F$Exit

readlin pshs    x,y
        lda     <path		get file path number
        ldy     #256		read max 256 bytes
        leax    filbuff,u	into memory pointed to by filbuff
        os9     I$ReadLn
        puls    x,y,pc

print   pshs    x,y,a
print2  bsr     readlin
        bcs     printout
print3  lda     ,x
        cmpa    #'@
        beq     printout
        lda     #1		STDOUT
        leax    filbuff,u	into memory pointed to by filbuff
        ldy     #256		max of 256 chars
        os9     I$WritLn
        bra     print2
printout lda    #1
        leax    return,pcr
        ldy     #256		max of 256 chars
        os9     I$WritLn
        puls    x,y,a,pc

compare pshs    x,y
        clr     <same		comparison indicator
        leay    filbuff,u	point to file buffer
        lda     ,y+		get first char
        cmpa    #'@		@ sign?
        bne     comp2		branch if not
        ldx     prmptr		get address of next cmd line param
comp0   lda     ,x+		get char from cmd line
        beq     comp1		is it null (end of param)
        ldb     ,y+
        anda    #$DF
        andb    #$DF
        pshs    a
        cmpb    ,s+
        bne     comp2		not same, exit
        inc     <same		yep, in comparison counter
        bra     comp0		'round again
comp1   lda     ,y
        cmpa    #C$CR		was it end of string in helpfile file?
        bne     comp2
        tst     <same		test indicator
        puls    x,y,pc
comp2   clr     <same		clear the counter
        puls    x,y,pc

unknown ldx     prmptr		put pointer into parameter buffer in X
        lda     #1		STDOUT
        ldy     <length		get length of user's param
        os9     I$Write
        bcs     exit
        leax    unkmsg,pcr	point to message
        ldy     #unkmsgl	num of chars to print
        lda     #1		to STDOUT
        os9     I$WritLn
        lbcs    exit		exit if problem with I$Write
        ldx     prmptr		put point into parameter buffer in X
        ldd     <length		get length of user's param
        leax    d,x		add to X
        leax    1,x		increment past null byte
        cmpx    prmend
        blt     unk2
        jmp     [exitvec,u]
unk2    stx     <prmptr		store X
        bsr     seek0		rewind file
        lbra    entry2

seek0   pshs    x,u
        lda     <path
        ldx     #0
        ldu     #0
        os9     I$Seek
        puls    x,u,pc

helpfile fcc    "/DD/SYS/helpmsg"
        fcb     0
unkmsg  fcc     /: no help available/
return  fcb     C$CR
unkmsgl equ     *-unkmsg
prompt1 fcc     /Hit [ESC] to exit/
        fcb     C$CR
prompt2 fcc     /What Subject(s)? /
prompt2l equ    *-prompt2
avail   fcc     /Help available on:/
        fcb     C$CR

eom     equ     *