view level1/cmds/irqs.asm @ 1660:44c13c42b8f8

RBF checks error code on return from SS.VarSect and only returns error if error code is != E$UnkSvc (fixes problems with drivers which do not support SS.VarSect and return E$UnkSvc in their GetStat routines after evaluating an unknown service code.)
author boisy
date Sun, 18 Jul 2004 14:56:05 +0000
parents 84ea83668304
line wrap: on
line source

* irqs - Show interrupt polling table
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      ????/??/??  Kevin Darling
* Created.
*   2      ????/??/??  Gene Heskett
* Modified.
*   3      2003/01/07  Boisy G. Pitre
* Streamlined and fixed problems.

         nam   irqs
         ttl   Show interrupt polling table

         use   defsfile

rev      set   $00
edition  set   3

MaxDEnts set   32	max device entries we will display
MaxPEnts set   32	max polling entries we will display

         mod   emod,name,prgrm+objct,reent+rev,start,endmem

         org   0
usaver   rmb   2
narrow   rmb   1
polcount rmb   1	number of polling entries in polling table
devcount rmb   1	number of device entries in device table
datptr   rmb   2	pointer to DAT image in system proc descriptor
notuse   rmb   2
outptr   rmb   2	points to next available char in buffer
counter  rmb   1
devptr   rmb   2
tblptr   rmb   2
dpvars   rmb   9
rptbuf   rmb   80
ddevtbl  rmb   2	copy of D.DevTbl in globals
dpoltbl  rmb   2	copy of D.PolTbl in globals
         IFGT  Level-1
poltable rmb   32*POLSIZ
devtable rmb   32*DEVSIZ
modulep  rmb   256
syspdesc rmb   P$Size
sstack   rmb   200
endmem   equ   .

name     fcs   "irqs"
         fcb   edition

PollHdr  fcc   "Polling Table at: "
PollHdrL equ   *-PollHdr
Device   fcc   " Device Table at: "
DeviceL  equ   *-Device
NTopline fcc   " Device    Drvr   IRQ   Flip"
         fcb   C$CR
NToplineL equ   *-NTopline
NLine2   fcc   "Port Mem   Name   Vect  Mask Pr"
         fcb   C$CR
NLine2L  equ   *-NLine2
NLine3   fcc   "---- ----  -----------  ---- --"
         fcb   C$CR
NLine3L  equ   *-NLine3
Topline  fcc   " Device    Driver  IRQ   Flip     "
         fcb   C$CR
ToplineL equ   *-Topline
Line2    fcc   "Port Mem   Name  Vector  &Mask Pty"
         fcb   C$CR
Line2L   equ   *-Line2
Line3    fcc   "---- ----  ------------  ----- ---"
crtn     fcb   C$CR
Line3L   equ   *-Line3
Init     fcs   /Init/

start    stu   <usaver    at 0000 in direct page
* First things first: get Polling Table and Device Table counts in the
* Init module
         lda   #MaxDEnts	get max dev ents
         sta   <devcount
         lda   #MaxPEnts	get max poll ents
         sta   <polcount
         clra			module type/lang byte
         leax  Init,pcr		point to name
         os9   F$Link		link to it
         bcs   errexit		branch if error
         ldd   PollCnt,u	get poll count in A, dev count in B
         os9   F$UnLink		unlink it
         ldu   <usaver
         cmpa  <polcount	is actual size greater or equal than our max?
         bge   chkdev           branch if so
         sta   <polcount
chkdev   cmpb  <devcount	is actual size greater or equal than our max?
         bge   cont		branch if so
         stb   <devcount
cont     clr   <narrow
         lda   #$01
         ldb   #SS.ScSiz
         os9   I$GetStt
         bcs   cont2
         cmpx  #Line3L+1
         bge   cont2
         sta   <narrow		we're narrow
cont2    leax  >crtn,pcr
         ldy   #$0001
         os9   I$WritLn		write a carriage return
         bcs   errexit
         leax  >PollHdr,pc
         ldy   #PollHdrL
         os9   I$Write		write polling table header
         bcs   errexit
         IFGT  Level-1
         lda   #$01		process ID #1 - system process
         leax  syspdesc,u	point to buffer
         os9   F$GPrDsc		get a copy of it
         bcs   errexit
         leax  P$DatImg,x	point to DAT image
         stx   <datptr		save off pointer for later
         bra   z00C5
okexit   clrb  
errexit  os9   F$Exit
z00C5    leay  rptbuf,u
         sty   <outptr
         IFGT  Level-1
         leau  ddevtbl,u
         ldd   <datptr		get ptr P$datimg
         ldx   #D.DevTbl
         ldy   #$0004		include D.Poltbl 4 bytes to copy
         os9   F$CpyMem		get the two globals
         bcs   errexit
         ldu   <usaver		restore u
         ldd   >D.DevTbl
         std   <ddevtbl  
         ldd   >D.PolTbl
         std   <dpoltbl  
         ldd   <dpoltbl
         lbsr  OutHex		cnvrt 4 dgts of poll tbl addr
         lbsr  z01B1		output poll tbl address in ASCII
* troubleshooting printout
         leax  >Device,pcr
         ldy   #DeviceL
         lda   #1
         os9   I$Write
         leax  rptbuf,u
         stx   <outptr
         ldd   <ddevtbl
         lbsr  OutHex
         lbsr  z01B1
* to here
         lda   #1
         leax  >crtn,pcr	stick another \n on it
         ldy   #$0001
         os9   I$WritLn
         bcs   errexit
         leax  >Topline,pcr
         ldy   #ToplineL
         tst   <narrow
         beq   branch1
         leax  >NTopline,pcr
         ldy   #NToplineL 
branch1  os9   I$WritLn
         bcs   errexit
         leax  >Line2,pcr
         ldy   #Line2L
         tst   <narrow
         beq   branch2
         leax  >NLine2,pcr
         ldy   #NLine2L
branch2  os9   I$WritLn
         bcs   errexit
         leax  >Line3,pcr
         ldy   #Line3L
         tst   <narrow
         beq   branch3
         leax  >NLine3,pcr
         ldy   #NLine3L
branch3  os9   I$WritLn
         lbcs  errexit
         IFGT  Level-1
* Copy polling table
         lda   <polcount
         ldb   #POLSIZ
         tfr   d,y
         ldx   <dpoltbl
         ldd   <datptr
         leau  poltable,u
         os9   F$CpyMem
         ldu   <usaver
         lbcs  errexit
* Copy device table
         lda   <devcount
         ldb   #DEVSIZ
         tfr   d,y
         ldx   <ddevtbl
         ldd   <datptr
         leau  devtable,u
         os9   F$CpyMem
         ldu   <usaver
         lbcs  errexit

* Go through IRQ polling table until we find a non-empty slot or the end
         ldb   <polcount	get polling count
         stb   <counter		save off in our counter variable
         IFGT  Level-1
         leax  poltable,u	point X to polling table we copied
         ldx   <dpoltbl
z0165    ldd   Q$STAT,x		get static pointer
         beq   z016B		branch if empty
         bsr   ShowIRQ		else process it
z016B    dec   <counter		decrement couunter
         lbeq  okexit		exit if end
         leax  POLSIZ,x		else advance X
         bra   z0165		and get some more

* Here we process the IRQ polling entry at X
ShowIRQ  leay  rptbuf,u
         sty   <outptr		reset output buffer pointer
         ldd   Q$POLL,x
         lbsr  OutHex		convert 2 bytes port addr->ascii
         ldd   Q$STAT,x
         lbsr  OutHex		convert 2 bytes memsiz->ascii
         lbsr  OutSpace		extra space in line
         bsr   z01CA		now do name
         ldd   Q$SERV,x		get irq vector
         lbsr  OutHex		convert it to ascii
         lbsr  OutSpace		extra space
         lda   Q$FLIP,x		get flip
         lbsr  z0247		convert 1 byte
         tst   <narrow
         bne   branch4
         lbsr  OutSpace		space
branch4  lda   Q$MASK,x		get mask
         lbsr  z0241		convert 1 byte + space
         tst   <narrow
         bne   branch5
         lbsr  OutSpace		extra space
branch5  lda   Q$PRTY,x		get priority byte
         lbsr  z0247		convert 1 byte
z01B1    pshs  x
         ldx   <outptr
         lda   #C$CR		terminate this line
         sta   ,x
         leax  rptbuf,u		ptr to outbuff
         ldy   #80		max 80 chars
         lda   #$01		stdout
         os9   I$WritLn
         lbcs  errexit
         puls  x,pc

z01CA    pshs  x
         IFGT  Level-1
         leax  poltable,u
         ldx   <dpoltbl
         ldb   <devcount
         pshs  b
* now we make an assumption that data
* areas for the same driver will be
* in the same page of memory, so compare
* only the high bytes of the address
         ldb   Q$STAT,x		get irq dat addr
         IFGT  Level-1
         leax  devtable,u	devtbl buffer
         ldx   <ddevtbl
z01D6    cmpb  V$STAT,x
         beq   Match		if match, found device
         leax  DEVSIZ,x		else inc to next tbl entry
         dec   ,s		and decrement coounter
         bne   z01D6		continue if more
         leas  $01,s		get rid of stack data
         ldy   <outptr
         leay  8,y        this leaves name visible
         sty   <outptr    until new one found
         puls  x,pc

z01E9    ldy   <outptr
         ldb   #08
         lda   #C$SPAC    a space 
z01EA    sta   ,y+
         bne   z01EA
         sty   <outptr

Match    puls  b		fix stack
         ldx   V$DRIV,x		get driver module pointer
         beq   z01E9		branch if none
         IFGT  Level-1
         pshs  u
         leau  modulep,u
         ldd   <datptr
* hopefully the driver name is in the 1st 256 bytes
         ldy   #256
         os9   F$CpyMem
         puls  u
         lbcs  errexit
         leax  modulep,u
         ldd   M$Name,x
         leax  d,x
         lda   #8
         tst   <narrow
         beq   storeit
         lda   #7
storeit  sta   <counter
         bra   z0220
z021D    bsr   z025B
z0220    incb  
         cmpb  <counter
         bcc   z0232
         lda   ,x+
         bpl   z021D
         anda  #$7F
         bsr   z025B
         cmpb  <counter
         bcc   z023A
z0232    bsr   OutSpace
         cmpb  <counter
         bcs   z0232
z023A    puls  x,pc

* HexCvt
* Entry:
*   D = number to convert to hex
*   X = pointer to buffer where hex string is stored
* Exit
OutHex   pshs  b          convert to ascii
         bsr   z0247      make 2 digits
         puls  a
z0241    bsr   z0247      make 2 more
OutSpace lda   #C$SPAC
         bra   z025B
z0247    tfr   a,b
         bsr   z0251
         tfr   b,a
z0251    anda  #$0F
         cmpa  #$0A
         bcs   z0259
         adda  #$07
z0259    adda  #$30
z025B    pshs  x
         ldx   <outptr    get outbuf ptr
         sta   ,x+
         stx   <outptr
         puls  pc,x

emod     equ   *