Mercurial > hg > Members > kono > nitros9-code
view level1/cmds/shellplus.asm @ 1660:44c13c42b8f8
RBF checks error code on return from SS.VarSect and only returns error if error code is != E$UnkSvc (fixes problems with drivers which do not support SS.VarSect and return E$UnkSvc in their GetStat routines after evaluating an unknown service code.)
author | boisy |
date | Sun, 18 Jul 2004 14:56:05 +0000 |
parents | 5d726c0e6238 |
children | 79c544b33a09 |
line wrap: on
line source
******************************************************************** * Shellplus - Enhanced shell for NitrOS-9 * * Modified by L. Curtis Boyle from original 2.2 disassembly * * $Id$ * * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by * Comment * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * 21 ????/??/?? * Original Tandy/Microware version. * * 22/2 ????/??/?? * History and numerous features added. nam Shell ttl Enhanced shell for NitrOS-9 * Disassembled 93/04/15 14:58:18 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML * Signals: Signals 2 & 3 are assigned new keys to handle forward/backward * command history. Signal $B (11) is the signal sent out on a key being ready * for normal command processing ifp1 use defsfile endc tylg set Prgrm+Objct atrv set ReEnt+rev rev set $02 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size u0000 rmb 1 Path # for standard input u0001 rmb 1 Path # for standard output u0002 rmb 1 Path # for standard error u0003 rmb 1 # of 256 byte pages of data mem for frked module u0004 rmb 2 Temp ptr (current parse ptr, mem module ptr,etc) u0006 rmb 2 Size of current group u0008 rmb 2 Pointer to start of current group (past '(') u000A rmb 2 u000C rmb 1 Current char. being processed in command parser u000D rmb 1 # of command groups [ '()' groupings ] u000E rmb 1 unprocessed signal # (0=none waiting) u000F rmb 1 ??? Flag of some sort u0010 rmb 2 ??? (ptr to some module name) u0012 rmb 1 Current working DIR path # u0013 rmb 1 Flag to kill parent process (1=Kill parent) u0014 rmb 1 Flag: If set, a result must not be 0 ??? u0015 rmb 1 u0016 rmb 1 u0017 rmb 1 u0018 rmb 1 Immortal shell (0=NO) * A clearing routine only does u0000 to u0018 u0019 rmb 1 u001A rmb 2 u001C rmb 1 Shell logging on flag (0=OFF) u001D rmb 1 Shell prompting (0=ON) u001E rmb 1 Echo input (0=OFF) u001F rmb 1 Variable expansion (0=ON) u0020 rmb 1 Kill shell on error (0=OFF) u0021 rmb 1 Process # to set priority on u0022 rmb 1 Priority to set (0=don't change) (ours or fork) u0023 rmb 2 u0025 rmb 2 End of data mem ptr (top of stack) u0027 rmb 1 u0028 rmb 1 u0029 rmb 1 u002A rmb 2 u002C rmb 2 u002E rmb 1 u002F rmb 1 u0030 rmb 1 u0031 rmb 1 u0032 rmb 2 u0034 rmb 3 u0037 rmb 1 Flag: 0=Data dir .PWD invalid, 1=valid u0038 rmb 1 Flag: 0=Exec dir .PXD invalid, 1=valid u0039 rmb 1 u003A rmb 1 u003B rmb 2 u003D rmb 1 u003E rmb 2 u0040 rmb 2 Ptr to start of filename (vs. pathname) ('/') * Shell prompt flag u0042 rmb 1 Current working dir path already done flag u0043 rmb 1 u0044 rmb 1 u0045 rmb 1 ??? <>0 means looking for GOTO label? u0046 rmb 1 Flag: 1=GOTO label found? u0047 rmb 1 Error code from ReadLn or signal u0048 rmb 2 Ptr to 1st char after redirection symbols u004A rmb 2 Ptr to text message u004C rmb 2 Size of text message u004E rmb 1 u004F rmb 1 0=no pathname in parm line, else IS pathname u0050 rmb 2 u0052 rmb 2 Current expanded buffer size (max=2048) u0054 rmb 2 Ptr to current char in wildcard filename we are * checking u0056 rmb 2 Ptr to current pos in expanded buffer u0058 rmb 2 Pointer to end of GOTO label name u005A rmb 2 User ID # from F$ID call u005C rmb 1 u005D rmb 1 u005E rmb 1 Device type: 0=SCF (keyboard),1=RBF (Scriptfile) u005F rmb 1 u0060 rmb 1 Data module linked flag: 1= Yes u0061 rmb 2 Ptr to data module name u0063 rmb 2 Ptr to intercept routines data mem u0065 rmb 2 Execution address of linked module u0067 rmb 2 Start address of module u0069 rmb 2 u006B rmb 1 Flag: 0=No module to unlink, <>0 module to unlink u006C rmb 1 u006D rmb 1 Start of device name buffer (start with '/') u006E rmb 71 Actual device name u00B5 rmb 20 Start of another device name buffer ('/') u00C9 rmb 13 u00D6 rmb 13 Standard module header info (M$ID-M$Mem) u00E3 rmb 5 Module name string (reserves 64 chars) u00E8 rmb 3 u00EB rmb 4 u00EF rmb 10 Temp buffer (many uses) u00F9 rmb 6 u00FF rmb 37 Place to point SP when CHAINing u0124 rmb 81 Temporary buffer (used for several things) u0175 rmb 119 Part of temp buffer for ReadLn (200 chars total) u01EC rmb 2 Least sig. 2 digits of process # (ASCII format) u01EE rmb 1 u01EF rmb 2 Holding area for 2 digit ASCII conversions * Shell prompt parsing flags u01F1 rmb 1 Process ID # already done flag u01F2 rmb 1 Standard output device name already done flag u01F3 rmb 1 Quoting on flag in shell prompt string parsing u01F4 rmb 1 Date already done flag u01F5 rmb 1 Time already done flag u01F6 rmb 1 Date OR time already done flag u01F7 rmb 2 Size of expanded shell prompt u01F9 rmb 25 Current shell prompt string u0212 rmb 1 Lead in Line feed for expanded shell prompt u0213 rmb 199 Expanded shell prompt u02DA rmb 6 Date/time packet u02E0 rmb 8 Date string u02E8 rmb 1 Space separating date & time (for shell init) u02E9 rmb 9 Time string (and CR) u02F2 rmb 131 u0375 rmb 131 u03F8 rmb 29 u0415 rmb 2 u0417 rmb 1 u0418 rmb 400 Intercept routines memory area (not used) u05A8 rmb 810 Shell variables (user?) u08D2 rmb 810 Shell variables (shell sub?) u0BFC rmb 80 u0C4C rmb 81 Copy of GOTO label name u0C9D rmb 32 DIR Entry buffer u0CBD rmb 32 Shell logging filename (append mode '+') u0CDD rmb 400 PATH=Buffer (each entry CR terminated) u0E6D rmb 2048 Fully expanded filenames buffer (for wildcards) * Actually,this next block appears to be generic buffers for various functions u166D rmb 80 Process descriptor copies go here (512 bytes) u16BD rmb 1 u16BE rmb 80 u170E rmb 238 u17FC rmb 10 u1806 rmb 2 ??? Ptr to end of shell history buffers u1808 rmb 2 Ptr to where next history entry will go u180A rmb 2 Ptr to start of shell history buffers u180C rmb 1 # of lines in history buffer (1-(u180C)) u180D rmb 1 Current line # in history buffer u180E rmb 1 Original keyboard terminate char u180F rmb 1 Original keyboard interrupt char u1810 rmb 1 u1811 rmb 1 Original end of line NUL count u1812 rmb 1 Flag to indicate if we have to restore PD.OPT u1813 rmb 2 u1815 rmb 808 Shell history copies start here u1B3D rmb 963 Local stack space, etc. size equ . name equ * L000D fcs /Shell/ fcb $16 L0013 fcb Prgrm+PCode fcs 'PascalS' fcb Sbrtn+CblCode fcs 'RunC' fcb Sbrtn+ICode L0021 fcs 'RunB' fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 L002E fcb C$LF fcc 'Shell+ v2.2a ' L003C fcb $00 L003D fcc '{@|#}$: ' L0055 fcc '+++START+++' fcb C$CR L0061 fcc '+++END+++' fcb C$CR * Intercept routine L006B stb <u000E Save signal code & return rti start leas -5,s Make 5 byte buffer on stack pshs y,x,d Save Top/bottom of param area, and size of area leax >u1815,u Pointer to start of history buffer area stx >u1808,u Save ptr to where next history entry goes stx >u180A,u Save ptr to start of history buffers leax >$0328,x Setup up another pointer (end of history area?) stx >u1806,u Save it clr >u1812,u Clear flag that we have to restore PD.OPT clr >u180D,u Current line # of history buffer=0 clr >u180C,u # lines in history buffer=0 ldx 2,s Get back top of data area ptr ldb #$FF 255 bytes to clear lbsr L0412 Go clear direct page sts <u0025 Save current stack ptr stu <u0027 Save Data mem ptr (0) leax >u0418,u Point to intercept routines memory area stx <u0063 Save a copy of it leax <L006B,pc Point to intercept routine os9 F$Icpt Setup the intercept routine lbsr L16A6 Get user #, and make 2 digit ASCII ver. @ 1EC lbsr L1674 Make shell logging pathname @ CBD leax <L003D,pc Point to default shell prompt string lbsr L0A14 Go create shell prompt string & prompt itself leax >u05A8,u Point to start of shell variables ldd #C$CR*256+20 Carriage return (blank entries) & all 20 of them L009C sta ,x Mark shell variable as blank leax <81,x Point to next entry (81 bytes/entry) decb Do until all 20 are done (user & shell sub) bne L009C sta >u0CDD,u Init 1st 2 entries of PATH= buffer to CR's sta >u0CDD+1,u puls x,d Get parameter ptr & parameter size std <u0006 Save size of parameter area beq L00BF If no parameters, skip ahead lbsr L041B Pre-Parse parameters passed to this shell lbcs L01FA Error, go handle it tst <u000C Any char being processed in parser? lbne L01F9 Yes, skip ahead L00BF lbsr L0225 Release any keyboard/mouse signals & get PD.OPT inc <u006C ??? Set flag lds ,s++ Since parameters parsed, point SP to top of mem sts <u0025 Save end of data mem ptr (top of stack) stu <u0027 Save start of data mem ptr L00CC leax >L002E,pc Point to Shellplus v2.2 message tst <u001D Shell prompting turned on? bne L00EA No, skip ahead ldy #$000E Length of message lda #$01 Standard out os9 I$Write Write it lbcs L0200 If error writing, terminate Shellplus bsr L00FB Go create date & time strings lbsr L021B Write out date & time lbcs L0200 If error writing, terminate Shellplus L00EA clra sta <u005C leax >L0055,pc Point to '+++START+++' for shell logging lbsr L07E7 Go deal with logging if necessary tst <u001D Shell prompting turn on? bne L0120 No, skip ahead bra L010D Yes, do something else first L00FB clr >u01F6,u Clear date or time done flag lbsr L0B3B Create current date & time strings lda #C$SPAC Put in a space to separate date & time sta >u02E8,u leax >u02E0,u Point to start of date buffer rts * Shell just booted goes here L010D lbsr L09F7 Update expanded shell prompt if needed leax >u0212,u Point to expanded shell prompt ldy >u01F7,u Get size of expanded shell prompt L0119 tst <u001D Shell prompting on? bne L0120 No, continue on lbsr L021F Print shell prompt to standard error * Shell already booted goes here L0120 clra leax >u0124,u Point to an input line of some sort tst <u006B Any module linked? beq L015B No, continue on ldy <u0065 Yes, get Execution address of linked module cmpy <u0069 ??? lbhs L01F0 ldb #200 LDW #200/PSHS X/TFM Y+,X+ pshs x Copy temporary buffer to [<u0065] L0137 lda ,y+ sta ,x+ decb beq L014E Whole buffer copied, skip ahead cmpy <u0069 But don't go past here bhs L0147 cmpa #C$CR Also, stop on carriage return bne L0137 L0147 sty <u0065 Save new start address puls x Restore ptr to u0124 bra L01B9 Skip ahead L014E lda ,y+ cmpy <u0069 bhs L0147 cmpa #C$CR bne L014E bra L0147 L015B tst <u005E We reading from script file? bne L017F Yes, skip ahead ldd #SS.Relea Std input path/release keyboard+mouse signals os9 I$SetStt Release any keyboard signals lbsr L18DB Go modify signals 2&3 to use up/down arrows, * set up to re-enable Kybd signals L016A clr <u000E Clear out last signal received os9 I$SetStt Re-set up SS.SSig * NOTE: This BRA L0177 is required for type-ahead to work bra L0177 Go check for history-related signals * DOESN'T SEEM TO GET BACK TO HERE WHEN ABORT BUG APPEARS L0171 ldx #$0000 Sleep until signal is received os9 F$Sleep L0177 lbra L191C Go check for history signals (PD.QUT & PD.INT) * Signal received is not PD.QUT or PD.INT goes here L017B cmpb #$0B Key pressed signal? bne L0171 No, ignore signal & go to sleep again * Keyboard input received signal goes here L017F leax >u0124,u Point to temp buffer to hold line clra Std Input ldy #200 Maximum 200 char. input lbra L193E Go read the rest of line as ReadLn * Comes here after line or signal received & processed * NOTE: IF LINE RECEIVED, PD.QUT & PD.INT ARE BACK TO NORMAL VALUES L018B bcc L01B9 If no errors, skip ahead cmpb #E$EOF <ESC> key in ReadLn? beq L01F0 Yes, skip ahead L0191 lds <u0025 Get top of stack ptr ldu <u0027 Get back ptr to DP stb <u0047 Save error code tst <u0046 GOTO label active? bne L01A4 Yes, go print error message tst <u0018 Is this shell immortal? bne L01A4 Yes, go print error message tst <u0020 Kill shell on error? bne L01FA Yes, go do that L01A4 os9 F$PErr Print the error message tst <u0046 GOTO label active? lbeq L010D No, go print shell prompt/process next line clr <u0046 Clear GOTO label flag leax >u0C4C,u Point to copy of GOTO label name lbsr L0FD0 Go process GOTO line lbra L010D Go print shell prompt/process next line * No error received on line L01B9 cmpy #$0001 Just 1 char read (just a CR)? bhi L01CE No, go parse parameters lbsr L09F7 Go update date/time & expanded shell prompt leax >u0213,u Point to expanded shell prompt ldy >u01F7,u Get size of expanded shell prompt lbra L0119 Go print shell prompt & get next line from user * No errors-got input line, and there is something in it L01CE lbsr L041B Go parse parameters? pshs cc Save flags tst <u0045 bne L01D9 clr <u0047 Clear error/signal code from ReadLn L01D9 puls cc Restore flags lbcc L010D If no error from parse, do prompts & read again tstb If a 0 error, do prompts & read again lbeq L010D tst <u0045 ??? Do we care about errors? bne L0191 No, go handle error stb <u0047 Save error/signal code bra L0191 Go handle error L01EC fcc 'eof' fcb $0d * <ESC> received L01F0 tst <u001D Shell prompting on? L01F2 bne L01F9 No, skip printing 'eof' to screen leax <L01EC,pc Point to 'eof' string bsr L021B Write it out to std error L01F9 clrb No error flag * Possible shell error - Process L01FA lda <u0018 Is this shell immortal? lbne L0BDA Yes, go close or dupe paths * Shell not immortal, exit routine in here L0200 pshs u,b,cc Preserve regs tst <u006B Shellsub module to unlink? beq L020B No, skip ahead ldu <u0067 Yes, get ptr to module os9 F$UnLink Unlink it L020B puls u,b,cc Restore U, error # & flags * EX with no module name (or non-existant one) go here L020D pshs b,cc Save error # & flags leax >L0061,pc Point to '+++END+++' string lbsr L07E7 Close log file if one is open, restore ID # puls b,cc Restore error # & flags os9 F$Exit Terminate shellplus L021B ldy #80 Write up to 80 chars or CR L021F lda #$02 Std error path os9 I$WritLn Write message out & return rts L0225 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs ldd #SS.Relea Std In & Release keyboard & mouse signals os9 I$SetStt bcc L0233 No error, continue lda #$01 Couldn't release keyboard/mouse signals flag bra L0241 L0233 leax >u0124,u Point to buffer for current path options clra clrb CHANGE TO CLRB os9 I$GetStt Get std input path options lda >u0124,u Get Device type (0 (SCF) usually) L0241 sta <u005E Save device type (1=SS.Relea failed) puls pc,y,x,d Restore regs & return * R= command (redirect specific paths) L0245 lda ,x Get char from input line cmpa #'< Is it input path? beq L0251 Yes, skip ahead cmpa #'> Is it an output/error path? lbne L0BCF No, print 'WHAT?' L0251 pshs x Preserve ptr to 1st redirection symbol leay >L03CF,pc Point to modifier symbol table lbsr L092A Go to command line parser lbcs L0BCF Error, print 'WHAT?' ldd ,y Get table offset jsr d,y Call appropriate subroutine stx <u0048 Save ptr to source after redirection symbols puls x Restore ptr to redirection symbols lbcs L0B96 If error in subroutine, close paths & return L026A lda ,x+ Get 1st char again cmpa #'< Input path? beq L026A Yes, skip to next cmpa #'> Output or Error path? beq L026A Yes, skip to next cmpa #'- Overwrite old file? beq L026A Yes, skip to next cmpa #'+ Append to old file? beq L026A Yes, skip to next leax -1,x Point to non-redirect char bsr L02A3 Make name buffer, release signals,parse modifiers clrb Start path # 0 L0281 pshs b Save on stack lda b,u Get special path # beq L028A None, skip ahead os9 I$Close Close the path L028A puls b Get path # back clr b,u Clear out entry incb Next path # cmpb #$03 Done the 3 standard paths yet? blo L0281 No, keep doing until all done ldx <u0048 Get ptr to redirected dev/file name & return rts * Z= command (immortal shell setting, but kill parent process) L0296 inc <u0013 Flag we want to kill parent * I= command (immortal shell setting) L0298 lbsr L0CD2 lbcs L0B96 bsr L02A3 bra L02D4 * Create device name buffer @ u006D, Write NUL to std out, parse special * chars: # @ @+hibit $ ( ), Release any keyboard/mouse signals L02A3 pshs x Prsrve ptr to file/dev name we're redirecting to ldb #SS.DevNm Get device name call code leax <u006D,u Point to buffer for path names lda #'/ Preload '/' for device names sta ,x+ clra Standard input path os9 I$GetStt Get the current device name puls x Get back ptr to file/dev name for redirection lbcs L0B96 Error on GetStt, shut down paths & exit ldy #$0001 One char to write pshs x Prsrve ptr to file/dev name we're redirecting to leax >L003C,pc Point to a NUL lda #1 Std out os9 I$Write Write the NUL out puls x Restore Devname ptr lbcs L0B96 Error on Write, shut down paths & exit lbsr L0A04 Do normal parsing - includes #,@,$e0,$,(,) lbsr L0225 Release signals rts L02D4 inc <u0018 Set 'immortal shell' flag inc <u0019 ??? (flag used by L0B96 routine) lbsr L0B96 clr <u0019 tst <u0013 Do we want to kill the parent process? beq L02FC IFEQ Level-1 ldx <D.Proc ELSE os9 F$ID Get our process ID # into A pshs x Preserve X leax >u166D,u Point to process descriptor buffer os9 F$GPrDsc Get our process descriptor ENDC lda P$PID,x Get our parents process # IFGT Level-1 puls x Restore X ENDC beq L02A3 If parent's process # is 0 (system), skip back clrb S$Kill signal code os9 F$Send Send it to parent lbcs L0191 If error sending signal, go to error routine L02FC clrb No error stb <u0013 Clear 'kill parent' flag rts * Command list L0300 fdb L0B87-L0300 $0887 fcs '*' L0303 fdb L12D1-L0303 $0fce fcs 'W' L0306 fdb L09BD-L0306 $06b7 fcs 'CHD' L030B fdb L09B5-L030B $06aa fcs 'CHX' L0310 fdb L09BD-L0310 $06ad fcs 'CD' L0314 fdb L09B5-L0314 $06a1 fcs 'CX' L0318 fdb L0987-L0318 $066f fcs 'EX' L031C fdb L16DD-L031C $13c1 fcs 'KILL' L0322 fdb L09EF-L0322 $06cd fcs 'X' L0325 fdb L09F3-L0325 $06ce fcs '-X' L0329 fdb L0A14-L0329 $06eb fcs 'P=' L032D fdb L09D7-L032D $06aa fcs 'P' L0330 fdb L09DA-L0330 $06aa fcs '-P' L0334 fdb L09DF-L0334 $06ab fcs 'T' L0337 fdb L09E3-L0337 $06ac fcs '-T' L033B fdb L170D-L033B $13d2 fcs 'SETPR' L0342 fdb L0298-L0342 $ff56 fcs 'I=' L0346 fdb L0245-L0346 $feff fcs 'R=' L034A fdb L0296-L034A $ff4c fcs 'Z=' L034E fdb L0927-L034E $05d9 fcs ';' L0351 fdb L176B-L0351 $141a fcs '.PWD' L0357 fdb L177D-L0357 $1426 fcs '.PXD' L035D fdb L1029-L035D $0ccc fcs 'M=' L0361 fdb L105A-L0361 $0cf9 fcs 'VAR.' L0367 fdb L09E7-L0367 $0680 fcs 'V' L036A fdb L09EA-L036A $0680 fcs '-V' L036E fdb L1209-L036E $0e9b fcs 'PATH=' L0375 fdb L11CF-L0375 $0e5a fcs 'PAUSE' L037C fdb L1126-L037C $0daa fcs 'INC.' L0382 fdb L1131-L0382 $0daf fcs 'DEC.' L0388 fdb L0D62-L0388 $09da fcs 'IF' L038C fdb L0E0B-L038C $0a7f fcs 'THEN' L0392 fdb L0F8C-L0392 $0bfa fcs 'ELSE' L0398 fdb L0E0B-L0398 $0a73 fcs 'FI' L039C fdb L0E0B-L039C $0a6f fcs 'ENDIF' L03A3 fdb L0F3F-L03A3 $0b9c fcs 'CLRIF' L03AA fdb L0FD0-L03AA $0c26 L03AC fcs 'GOTO' L03B0 fdb L0F93-L03B0 $0be3 fcs 'ONERR' L03B7 fdb L09CF-L03B7 $0618 fcs 'L' L03BA fdb L09D3-L03BA $0619 fcs '-L' L03BE fdb L0969-L03BE $05ab fcs 'S.T.A.R.T.U.P' fdb $0000 L03CF fdb L1634-L03CF $1265 fcs '!' L03D2 fdb L1634-L03D2 $1262 fcs '|' L03D5 fdb L12A0-L03D5 $0ecb fcs ';' L03D8 fdb L12C3-L03D8 $0eeb fcs '&' L03DB fdb L1299-L03DB $0ebe fcb $8d CR L03DE fdb L0CCE-L03DE $08f0 fcs '<>>>' L03E4 fdb L0CE5-L03E4 $0901 fcs '<>>' L03E9 fdb L0CD7-L03E9 $08ee fcs '<>' L03ED fdb L0CF3-L03ED $0906 fcs '>>>' L03F2 fdb L0C01-L03F2 $080f fcs '>>' L03F6 fdb L0BFA-L03F6 $0804 fcs '<' L03F9 fdb L0C08-L03F9 $080f fcs '>' L03FC fdb L1277-L03FC $0e7b fcs '#' L03FF fdb L1265-L03FF $0e66 fcs '^' fdb $0000 End of table marker L0404 fcb $0d fcc '()' fcb $ff L0408 fcb $0d fcc '!#&;<>^|' fcb $ff * Subroutine: Clears B bytes of memory to NUL's starting @ U L0412 pshs u Clear memory L0414 clr ,u+ decb L0417 bne L0414 L0419 puls pc,u * Pre-Parse parameters passed to this shell. Will copy from parm area to * buffer area at u0166D, checking for raw mode access allowability if needed * Will also * Entry: X=ptr to parm area L041B ldb #$18 # of bytes to clear in DP L041D bsr L0412 Go clear from <u0000 to <u0018 (immortal off) tst <u006C ??? (If shell is initing, it's 0) lbeq L04CE Shell just initializing, skip ahead leay >u17FC,u Point to end of buffer marker pshs y Save ptr on stack leay >u166D,u Point to buffer for process descriptor L042F bsr L0486 Copy next char (check for '@', possibly eat) cmpa #C$CR CR? beq L04A8 Yes, force CR into ,y & process line from start cmpy ,s At end of buffer? beq L04A8 Yes, force CR, process line from start tst <u001F Variable expansion on? bne L042F No, check next char cmpa #'% Is it a '%' (shell variable)? bne L042F No, do next character leay -1,y Back up destination ptr to where '%' is pshs x Save current position in parms lda ,x Get 1st char of shell variable nam cmpa #'* Shell variable for last error code received? beq L049D Yes,replace shell var with contents of shell var leax >u05A8,u Point to user shell variable contents table cmpa #'% 2nd '%'= shellsub variable bne L0460 No, just user, go process puls x Get back parm ptr leax 1,x Skip over 2nd '%' lda ,x Get shellsub variable # pshs x Save parm ptr leax >u08D2,u Point to shellsub variable contents table * Entry: A=ASCII 0-9 for either shell or shellsub variable # L0460 cmpa #'9 ASCII numeric? bhi L0470 No, skip ahead cmpa #'0 blo L0470 suba #$30 Yes, bump down to binary equivalent ldb #81 Point to proper variable entry within var table mul leax d,x incb ??? Used in TSTB below L0470 bsr L0486 Copy char from var table to pre-parse buffer cmpy 2,s Hit end of pre-parse buffer? beq L04A6 Yes, force CR at end of it, do full parse cmpa #C$CR End of variable? bne L0470 No, keep copying characters leay -1,y Knock ptr back one (to where CR is) puls x Get current parm ptr back tstb ??? flag to skip a byte in parm or not beq L042F Don't skip L0482 leax 1,x Skip to next byte in parm line bra L042F Continue pre-parse * Copy char from parm area to command line buffer - if '@', eat if user is * not super-user (#0) * Entry: X=ptr to current pos. in original parm buffer * Y=ptr to current pos. in new, pre-parsed buffer L0486 lda ,x+ Get char from parms cmpa #'@ Raw mode request? bne L049A Skip ahead if not (SHOULD BE BNE) L048C pshs y,a Preserve regs os9 F$ID Get user ID # cmpy #$0000 Is it 0 (superuser)? (should be leay ,y) puls y,a Restore regs beq L049A Yes, allow char thru rts Otherwise eat it L049A sta ,y+ Save char & return rts * Shell variable '%* (for last error code) requested * Put contents of shell var. into pre-parsed command line buffer L049D puls x Get back parm ptr lbsr L168A Put error code into preparse buffer leay 3,y Skip over error code space we just added bra L0482 Skip over shell varname, continue preparse L04A6 leas 2,s Eat stack L04A8 lda #C$CR Force CR as last char in buffer sta ,y puls y leax >u166D,u Point to start of pre-parse buffer again L04B2 bra L04CE Start real parse L04B4 fcb C$LF fcc 'Expanded line too long' fcb C$CR L04CC fcc '.' L04CD fcb C$CR * Parse command line buffer - already pre-parsed (user 0 RAW mode checks & * shell/shellsub variable expansion is already done) * Entry: X=Ptr to pre-parsed command line buffer L04CE lda ,x Get 1st char from parameter area cmpa #'* Is it a comment? beq L04DE Yes, skip ahead cmpa #': Is it a wildcard on/off? bne L04DA No, skip ahead leax 1,x Bump ptr past it L04DA cmpa #': Is it a wildcard off? * FOLLOWING LINE: BEQ means wildcarding default off, BNE = on beq L04F0 No, go process wildcarding * No wildcard processing L04DE leay >u0E6D,u Point Y to expanded buffer lbsr L1320 Copy param area to buffer area until 1st CR leax >u0E6D,u Point X to expanded (wildcard) buffer ldy #$0800 Max. size of expanded buffer (2048 bytes) lbra L079B Process line without wildcards * Wild carding processor * Entry: X=ptr to current position in pre-parsed parm line * 1st, set up error msg for if buffer gets full L04F0 leay >L04B4,pc Point to 'Expanded line too long' sty <u004A Save it ldy #$0018 Get size of text sty <u004C Save it too leay >L04CD,pc Point to CR sty <u0048 Save ptr sts <u0050 Save stack ptr leay >u0E6D,u Point to fully expanded buffer (2k max) sty <u0056 Save it clra clrb sta <u0012 No current working DIR path sta <u004F Flag no pathname in parm area std <u0052 Expanded buffer size=0 bytes bra L0520 Enter main loop for wildcards L051D lbsr L06FB Special shell chars handling L0520 lbsr L0746 Check for special chars (wildcard or shell) bcc L051D Special shell char process * Wildcard char found pshs x Save current pre-parsed parm ptr bsr L0549 Check from that point for '/' or special char ldx ,s Get previous parm ptr back bcc L0557 No '/' found, open current dir '.' * Found '/' (part of path) - keep looking for last '/' for filename (not * pathname) portion L052D bsr L0549 Check for special char or '/' again bcc L0535 No '/', skip ahead stx <u0040 Save latest ptr to '/' in parm line found so far bra L052D See if any more sub-paths * Found one or more '/' path dividers in current parm line. * Entry: <u0040 - contains the last '/' found L0535 inc <u004F Flag that their IS a pathname from parm line L0538 ldx <u0040 Get last level of path ptr puls y Get original parm ptr sty <u0040 Save it pshs x Save filename ptr on stack lda #C$SPAC Save space over '/' after pathname sta -1,x (before filename) tfr y,x Move original parm ptr to X bra L055E Open dir path * Parse from current position in pre-parsed parm line until shell special * char, or '/' found (path) * Entry: X=ptr to current pos in pre-parsed parm line * Exit: Carry clear if special shell char found * Carry set if '/' found * X=ptr to found char+1 L0549 clrb lda ,x+ Get next char lbsr L05D3 See if shell special char beq L0556 Yes, return cmpa #'/ No, is it a slash (path start)? bne L0549 No, Keep checking for / or special char comb L0556 rts * No '/' found in parm line at all L0557 clr <u004F Flag no pathname from parm line leax >L04CC,pc Point to '.' * Entry: X=ptr to pathname to directory * 0-1,s = Ptr to filename spec we are looking for in this directory L055E lda #DIR.+READ. Open directory in READ mode os9 I$Open lbcs L0776 Error, skip ahead sta <u0012 Save current DIR path puls x Get back ptr to filename (not pathname) lbsr L0746 Check for special shell char or wildcard lbcc L06E3 Special shell char found, ?????? L0572 lda ,x+ Get next char from filename cmpa #C$CR End of user specified filename (CR)? lbeq L0789 Yes, close DIR and proceed cmpa #', Comma? beq L0572 Yes, skip it cmpa #C$SPAC Space? beq L0572 Yes, skip it leax -1,x Other char, point to it. stx <u0054 Save ptr to it lda <u0012 Get DIR path # pshs u Preserve u ldx #$0000 Skip '.' and '..' dir entries ldu #$0040 os9 I$Seek lbcs L0776 Error, skip ahead puls u Restore u L0599 leax >u0C9D,u Point to dir entry buffer pshs x Save ptr lda <u0012 Get Current dir path # ldy #$0020 Read 1 file entry os9 I$Read lbcs L06BD Error, skip ahead puls y Restore pointer to dir filename buffer lda ,y Get 1st char of entry tsta Is it a deleted file? beq L0599 Yes, skip it ldx <u0054 Get ptr to current char in expanded filename bfr bsr L05EF Check wildcard spec against this filename bcs L0599 No match, skip to next file in DIR tst <u004F Was a pathname specified? beq L05CA No, skip ahead ldx <u0040 Yes,get ptr to end of pathname/start of filename lbsr L06FB Check for wildcard stuff there ldx <u0056 Get current pos in expanded buffer lda #'/ Save '/' there (to separate path & filename) sta -1,x L05CA leax >u0C9D,u Point to start of matched DIR entry filename lbsr L06FB Copy filename over, handling quoted chars, etc. bra L0599 On to next DIR entry * Check if shell 'special' char. (except wildcards & shell var) * non-wildcard char in current byte of pre-parsed parm buffer * Entry: X=ptr to next char in parms buffer * A=current char in parms buffer * Exit: BEQ if shell special char found, BNE if just regular char * A=char we were checking L05D3 pshs x Save parms buffer ptr cmpa #'( Group start char? beq L05ED Yes, skip ahead cmpa #') Group end char? beq L05ED Yes, skip ahead cmpa #C$SPAC Space? beq L05ED Yes, skip ahead cmpa #', Comma? beq L05ED Yes, skip ahead leax >L0408,pc Table of other special chars L05E9 cmpa ,x+ Found match or end of table? bhi L05E9 No, keep checking (or fall through if not found) L05ED puls pc,x Exit with BEQ/BNE flag set * IF wildcards were detected in preparsing, filename compares happen here * Entry: X=ptr to current char in user's pre-parse parm line * Y=ptr to start of current DIR entry filename * Exit: Carry set if no match * Carry clear if match L05EF ldd ,x+ Get 2 chars (NOTE: PTR UP BY ONLY 1!) L05F1 cmpa #'* 1st char a * (multi-char wildcard)? beq L064C Yes, go handle it cmpa #'? Question mark (single char wildcard)? beq L0638 Yes, go handle it cmpa #'[ Start of ranged wildcard? lbeq L068B Yes, go handle it bsr L05D3 Not wildcard, check for special shell chars beq L062B It is a special shell char, skip ahead bsr L0631 Just regular char, force uppercase pshs a Save char bsr L062D Force uppercase on DIR filename char eora ,s+ Same char as last parm char? bne L062B No, exit with carry set L060D lda ,y+ Re-get char from DIR filename bpl L05EF Not on last char yet, check next char from parm ldd ,x At end of DIR filename, grab 2 chars from parm bsr L05D3 Check 1st char against special shell chars beq L0621 Found one, skip ahead cmpa #'* Multi-char wildcard char? bne L062B No, no match, exit with carry set tfr b,a 1st char from parm is '*', check 2nd char for bsr L05D3 special shell chars bne L062B None found, no match, exit with carry set L0621 lda -1,y Special char, get last char from DIR filename L0623 anda #$7F Strip 'end of filename' bit flag ldb #C$SPAC Space char std -1,y Save 'fixed' last char & space clrb Flag match rts L062B comb Flag no match rts * Force char to uppercase L062D lda ,y Get char anda #$7F Strip hi-bit L0631 cmpa #'A Need to force uppercase? blo L0637 No, exit anda #$DF Yes, force to uppercase L0637 rts * '?' single char wildcard found L0638 cmpb #'* Is next char a multi-char wildcard? beq L060D Yes, process as if just '*' cmpb #', 2nd char '-' or greater? bhi L060D Yes, process normally lda ,y+ Get next char from DIR filename bpl L062B Not end of filename, Flag no match bra L0623 Save hibit stripped char & space, flag match L0646 lda ,y+ Get next char from DIR filename bpl L0646 Hunt for end of DIR filename bra L0623 Found it, fix hibit and add space to DIR entry * '*' multi-char wildcard found L064C lda ,x+ Get next char after '*' from parm buffer bsr L05D3 Check for shell special char beq L0646 Found one, check if end of DIR filename cmpa #'? Single char wildcard next? beq L067F Yes, Process cmpa #'[ Start of Ranged wildcard next? beq L067F Yes, process bsr L0631 Force char to uppercase pshs a Save it L065E bsr L062D Get next char from DIR filename, force uppercase eora ,s+ Same char? beq L066E Yes, possible resync after '*' L0664 leas -1,s Make room on stack lda ,y+ Re-get un-modified char from DIR filename bpl L065E Not end of filename, try next char leas 1,s Found end of filename, eat temp stack bra L062B Flag no match * Above loop @ L0664/L065E uses sneaky stack stuff * Found possible resync char match after '*' L066E leas -1,s Make room on stack pshs y,x Preserve both DIR & parm ptrs bsr L060D Attempt normal matching using this resync puls y,x Restore ptrs leas 1,s Eat temp stack bcs L0664 No, resync did not work, look for next resync rts worked, exit with carry clear L067B lda ,y+ Get next char in DIR bmi L062B Last char, flag no match * '?' found after '*' in parm buffer L067F pshs y,x Preserve both DIR and parm buffer ptrs ldd -1,x Get previous & current parm chars lbsr L05F1 Do normal sub-parsing from here puls y,x Restore ptrs bcs L067B No match, go to next char in DIR and attemp resync rts Matched, exit with match * Ranged wildcard here * Entry: X=ptr to 1st char in parm buffer AFTER '[' L068B ldd ,x+ Get 1st 2 chars of range sub-string from parm bfr bsr L0631 Force uppercase on 1st char exg b,a Force uppercase on 2nd char bsr L0631 exg b,a cmpa #'] Is 1st char a close range check char? beq L062B Yes, flag no match for '[]' cmpa #'- Range separator char? beq L06A7 Yes, need to get end of range * Special case for [x] - acts as if just normal char (no range or wildcard) sta <u00EF No, save start of range char bsr L062D Get char from DIR filename, force uppercase eora <u00EF Match only range char? beq L06B4 Yes, skip to next char now * Special case for [xyz] - one of these chars must match bra L068B No, see if more single chars to try matching * Actual range - need to get end of range char * Entry: B=high char of range * <u00EF - current char (within range) we are checking against L06A7 inc <u00EF Bump up start char's ascii value cmpb <u00EF Hit end of range yet? beq L068B Yes, try next char lbsr L062D Force char in A to uppercase eora <u00EF equal to current range check char? bne L06A7 No, try next char in range L06B4 ldd ,x+ Get next 2 chars from pathname cmpa #'] End of range? bne L06B4 No, check next char lbra L060D End of range specifier, process normally * Error reading from current DIR L06BD cmpb #E$EOF End of file error? lbne L0776 No, fatal error, leave ldx <u0054 Get ptr to current char in wildcard filename lda -1,x Get last char processed bsr L0714 Add it to new expanded buffer L06C9 lda ,x+ Get next char, inc ptr stx <u0054 Save updated pointer cmpa #C$CR CR? lbeq L0789 Yes, append CR to expanded buffer, we are done lbsr L05D3 See if special shell char bne L06C9 Just regular char, go to next one pshs x Save current ptr to wildcard filename ldx <u0056 Get current ptr in expanded buffer sta -1,x Save that char overtop last char written puls x Get wildcard ptr back bra L06EA Close dir path, go back into loop * If special shell char found right after OPEN of DIR path * Entry: X=ptr to filename (not pathname) - but with special char L06E3 bsr L06FB Process special shell char copying bsr L072F Close DIR path lbra L051D More processing L06EA bsr L072F Close DIR path lbra L0520 Go back to main wildcard processing loop * This chunk (6EF-6F9) is for copying '\x' when x is NOT a wildcard char L06EF lda ,x+ Get quoted char bsr L0739 Check if it is [, * or ? beq L06F9 Yes, add that char to expanded buffer by itself leax -2,x No, bump ptr back to '\' lda ,x+ Get '\' char L06F9 bsr L0714 Append that to output buffer * Special shell chars found goes here * This part copies filename from [,x] to expanded buffer, handling quoted * wildcard chars, and ending on CR or special shell char L06FB lda ,x+ Get char cmpa #'\ Backslash (for quoted char)? beq L06EF Yes, go get quoted char cmpa #C$CR Is it the end of the filename? beq L0789 Yes, append CR to expanded line, we are done bsr L073D Is it '?' or '*' beq L0714 Yes, add that char to expanded buffer lbsr L05D3 Check if shell special char beq L0714 Yes, add to expanded buffer, return from there bsr L0714 No, add to expanded buffer, stay in this loop bra L06FB * Add char to expanded line buffer * Entry: A=char to append to expanded line buffer * <u0056=Current position in expanded line buffer * <u0052=Current size of expanded line buffer * Exit: <u0056 & <u0052 updated L0714 pshs x,a Preserve regs ldx <u0056 Get current pos in expanded buffer sta ,x+ Save char stx <u0056 Save updated expanded buffer ptr ldd <u0052 Get expanded buffer size addd #$0001 Increase by 1 cmpd #2048 Is it full yet? bhi L0773 Yes, exit with expanded line too long error std <u0052 No, save new size puls pc,x,a Restore regs & return * Close DIR path L072F lda <u0012 Get DIR path # beq L0738 If none, exit os9 I$Close Close the path clr <u0012 Clear DIR path # to none L0738 rts * Wildcard checks * Entry: A=char to check * Exit: BEQ if any of the 3 wildcard chars, or BNE if not L0739 cmpa #'[ Range wildcard? beq L0745 L073D cmpa #'? Single char wildcard? beq L0745 cmpa #'* Multi-char wildcard? beq L0745 L0745 rts * Parse for next wildcard or special shell char in pre-parsed parm line * Entry: X=current pos in pre-parse parm line * Exit: X=Same as entry * IF WILDCARD CHAR FOUND: * B=# chars to next wildcard/special char * A=special char found * Carry bit set * IF SPECIAL SHELL CHAR FOUND * B=0 * Carry bit clear * A=special char found: CR ( ) , space ! # & ; < > ^ | L0746 pshs x Save current parm ptr bra L0752 Parse for wildcard or special shell chars L074A lda ,x+ Get char from parms bsr L0739 Do wildcard char check beq L0752 If wildcard char, skip over it & continue leax -1,x not wildcard char, bump back to char after \ L0752 lda ,x+ Get char from parms cmpa #'\ Wildcard quote char (do not expand next)? beq L074A Yes, handle it lbsr L05D3 No, check for other special shell chars beq L0770 Found one, skip ahead bsr L0739 Check for wildcard char bne L0752 None, skip to next char * One of the 3 wildcard chars found, process pshs a Save char tfr x,d Move parm ptr to D subd 1,s Calc distance since last wildcard/special char subd #$0001 -1 puls a B=distance between wild/special chars orcc #Carry Set Carry Flag puls pc,x Exit with original parm ptr in X * Exit with B=0, Carry clear and A=special char found (which ends current * 'chunk' being checked... can included CR) L0770 clrb Clear carry, exit puls pc,x * Expanded buffer full error L0773 comb ldb #E$BufSiz L0776 pshs b,cc Preserve error code bsr L072F Close DIR path (if we had one) ldx <u004A Print text message (usually error msg) ldy <u004C lda #$02 os9 I$WritLn puls b,cc lbra L0191 Exit with error L0789 lda #C$CR Append CR to expanded filenames buffer bsr L0714 ldy <u0052 Get expanded buffer size leax >u0E6D,u Point to start of expanded buffer bsr L072F Close DIR path lds <u0050 Get back original stack ptr * At this point, expanded buffer is complete and ready to go (either through * wildcard routine, or by simply copying the original parm buffer from user) * Main entry point for non-wildcard filename search/match * Entry: X=Ptr to start of expanded buffer L079B tst <u001E Echo required? beq L07A2 No, skip ahead lbsr L021F Print out user entered parm line to std err L07A2 tst <u0043 2=FALSE,0=TRUE, 1=??? (check current IF status, beq L07B0 if any. If TRUE flag set, skip ahead) lbsr L0F69 Do checks for IF type statements tsta Find match? lbpl L0F1D Yes, process IF type statement L07AE clrb No error & return rts * If current IF type statement has result TRUE L07B0 tst <u0045 ??? (Are we looking for a label for GOTO?) beq L07E3 No, skip ahead lda ,x+ Get char from buffer cmpa #'* Comment line? bne L07AE No, exit without error lbsr L091F Yes, get ptr to first non-space char into X leay >u0124,u Point to temp buffer lbsr L100B Copy label from X to Y lda ,x Get 1st char of label cmpa #'\ '*\'? (Which means cancel impending GOTO) beq L07DB Yes, cancel GOTO leax >u0BFC,u No, point to 80 byte buffer (GOTO label holder?) clra default char to check against=NUL L07CF cmpa #C$CR End of label? beq L07DB Yes, cancel GOTO search lda ,x+ Get next char from buffer cmpa ,y+ Is it the label we are looking for? beq L07CF Keep checking till done bra L07AE No match, clear carry & return * Cancelling GOTO search L07DB clr <u0045 Flag we are NOT looking for label for GOTO clrb leas 2,s Eat stack lbra L010D Reprint shell prompt, process from scratch L07E3 bsr L07E7 bra L083A L07E7 pshs x tst <u006C beq L0832 tst <u005C bne L07F5 tst <u001C beq L0832 L07F5 lda ,x cmpa #'* beq L0832 IFGT Level-1 ldy #$0000 Force temporarily to super-user os9 F$SUser ENDC leax >u0CBD,u ldd #$0203 lbsr L0C79 bcs L0832 lbsr L00FB lda #$20 sta <$11,x ldy #$0012 lda <u0012 os9 I$Write bcs L082D ldx ,s ldy #$0800 lda <u0012 os9 I$WritLn L082D lda <u0012 os9 I$Close L0832 IFGT Level-1 ldy <u005A Get original user # back os9 F$SUser Change user # to original ENDC puls pc,x * Parse input line * Entry : X=Ptr to current char in line buffer L083A clra sta <u0022 Flag we don't change priority for forked process sta <u0003 Clear out # pages of data mem for forked process sta <u000E Clear out signal code leay >L0300,pc Point to main command list lbsr L08D1 Parse keywords from list bcs L08A0 Keyword found but generated error, done line cmpa #C$CR Is 1st non-keyword char a carriage return? beq L08A0 Yes, done line sta <u000C Save non-keyword char cmpa #'( Is it a 'start command group' char? bne L087B No, try next leay >L000D,pc Point to 'Shell' sty <u0004 Save pointer to program to fork? leax 1,x Bump ptr past '(' stx <u0008 Save updated ptr L0860 inc <u000D Bump up # of command groups L0862 leay >L0404,pc Point to command group symbols to parse lbsr L08E9 Hunt down EOL, or '(' or ')' (skip quoted text) cmpa #'( Another group start? beq L0860 Yes, bump up # of command groups & continue cmpa #') Group end? bne L0898 No, skip ahead (to print WHAT?) dec <u000D Bump down # of command groups bne L0862 Still more groups, continue parsing for them lda #C$CR Append CR at end of command line sta -1,x bra L087F Check for modifiers L087B bsr L08A3 Check for valid path, do '<>', '#', '^' if needed bcs L08A0 No valid path found, skip ahead * Found valid pathname L087F leay >L0408,pc Point to modifiers table bsr L08E9 Go parse for them tfr x,d Move ')' ptr to D for SUB subd <u0008 Calculate size from 1st '(' to ')' std <u0006 Save size of group (could also be pathname-modifier) leax -1,x leay >L03CF,pc Point to modifier branch table bsr L08D1 Go execute modifier routine bcs L08A0 If error in modifier routine, exit ldy <u0004 Get ptr to first char we started at L0898 lbne L0BCF Not proper, print 'WHAT?' cmpa #C$CR Last char a carriage return? bne L083A No, start parsing again at current position L08A0 lbra L0B96 Done processing line, continue * Entry: X=Ptr to text to check for valid device name (including '.' & '..') * Exit: Carry set if not a valid device name * Carry clear if there was * <u0004 = Ptr to first char where we started at * <u0008 = Ptr to end of redirection/mem size/priority setting chars (if found) L08A3 stx <u0004 Save ptr to current char in input line bsr L08B6 Check for valid device name bcs L08B5 None found, return * Found valid device name L08A9 bsr L08B6 Eat rest of valid pathlist bcc L08A9 Keep going until we are done pathlist leay >L03DE,pc Point to Command list starting at '<>>>' bsr L08D1 Call any redirection, mem size or priority routines stx <u0008 Save ptr to where we are now (end of current set) L08B5 rts L08B6 os9 F$PrsNam Valid OS9 device name? bcc L08C7 Yes, point X to it & return lda ,x+ Not valid, get first char cmpa #'. Is it a period? bne L08CB No, bad path name cmpa ,x+ Is it a double period? beq L08C9 Yes, leave src ptr pointing to name after '..' leay -1,x If single, bump ptr to name after '.' L08C7 leax ,y Point X to pathname in source L08C9 clra No error & return rts L08CB comb Error flag leax -1,x Bump source ptr back ldb #E$BPNam Bad Path Name error & return rts * Entry: Y=ptr to command list (L0300) L08D1 bsr L0907 Go find 1st non-space char pshs y Save command list ptr bsr L092A Parse for keyword or special char bcs L08E2 If no keyword found, skip ahead ldd ,y Keyword found, get offset jsr d,y Go execute routine for command found puls y Restore command list ptr bcc L08D1 No error, continue parsing for keywords rts Subroutine had error, return with it L08E2 clra No error lda ,x Get character (not in command list) puls pc,y Restore command list ptr & return * Start searching at beginning of current command list * For looking for single character modifiers L08E7 puls y L08E9 pshs y Preserve command list ptr lda ,x+ Get next char from command line L08ED tst ,y Check current char in command list bmi L08E7 If done list, start over at beginning cmpa #'" Is it quotes? bne L0901 No, skip ahead L08F5 lda ,x+ Get next char from command line cmpa #C$CR EOL? beq L0905 Yes, exit with A being CR cmpa #'" Is it another set of quotes? bne L08F5 No, keep looking for it (or EOL) lda ,x+ Get char after 2nd quotes L0901 cmpa ,y+ Is it the current command char we are checking? bne L08ED No, try next L0905 puls pc,y Yes, exit with A containing it * Entry: Y=ptr to command list L0907 pshs x Preserve X lda ,x+ Get char from line entered by user cmpa #C$SPAC Is it a space? beq L091D Yes, skip ahead cmpa #', Is it a comma? beq L091D Yes, skip ahead leax >L0408,pc Point to single character modifiers L0917 cmpa ,x+ Found a match? bhi L0917 No, try next until list is done puls pc,x Found it, restore X to point to it & return L091D leas 2,s Eat X off the stack L091F lda #C$SPAC Get space character L0921 cmpa ,x+ Keep searching until non-space char is found beq L0921 leax -1,x Point to 1st non-space char * ; (1st pass) comes here L0927 andcc #^Carry No carry & return rts * Command line parser L092A pshs y,x Preserve command table ptr & input line ptr leay 2,y Skip first offset L092E ldx ,s Get input line ptr L0930 lda ,x+ Get char from input line lbsr L0F0C Convert char to uppercase if lowercases eora ,y+ Check for a match lsla bne L0951 No match, skip to next keyword in table bcc L0930 Keep checking until end of keyword (high bit set) lda -$01,y Get command table char again cmpa #'|+$80 '|' (with high bit set)? beq L094E Yes, exit with carry clear cmpa #'^+$80 '^' (with high bit set)? beq L094E Yes, exit with carry clear cmpa #'A+$80 Any of the other special modifiers with high bit? blo L094E Yes, exit with carry clear bsr L0907 Eat spaces until first non-space char bcs L0951 If special char (!|#,etc.), skip ahead L094E clra puls pc,y,d L0951 leay -1,y Bump search ptr back L0953 lda ,y+ Get char again bpl L0953 Keep getting them until end of keyword sty 2,s Save ptr to next offset on stack ldd ,y++ Get offset bne L092E If not at end of table, keep searching comb End of table, command not found error puls pc,y,x L0961 fcc 'startup' fcb C$CR * Create child shell to run 'startup' file L0969 pshs u,y,x Preserve regs leax L000D,pc Point to 'shell' (module name) leau L0961,pc Point to 'startup' (parameter for 'shell') ldy #$0008 Size of 'startup<CR>' IFGT Level-1 ldd #$111F Program+Objct / 7.5K data area ELSE ldd #$1102 Program+Objct / 512 byte data area ENDC os9 F$Fork Fork a shell to run the startup file bcs L0983 Couldn't fork, exit os9 F$Wait Wait until 'startup' is done L0983 puls u,y,x Restore regs clrb No error & return rts * EX command L0987 lbsr L08A3 Go check for valid device name (module) bcs L09AB If none, exit clra Std in path bsr L09B0 Go close it bsr L09AF Go close Std out bsr L09AF Go close Std Err lbsr L0B87 Go find the end of the input line leax 1,x Bump ptr to 1 past CR tfr x,d Move ptr to D subd <u0008 Calculate size of current command group std <u0006 Save it lbsr L130A Point to module to chain&get its parm size, etc. leas >u00FF,u Point stack to end of DP os9 F$Chain Chain to the new program lbra L01FA Couldn't, go here L09AB clrb No error lbra L020D Close logging file (if any) and exit ShellPlus L09AF inca Inc path # L09B0 pshs a Save path # lbra L0BBC close path if it is open * CHX & CX commands L09B5 clr <u0038 lda #DIR.+EXEC. os9 I$ChgDir rts * CHD & CD commands L09BD lda #DIR.+READ. (bug fix, originally opened in UPDATE) os9 I$ChgDir Change the directory bcs L09CE Error, exit with it clr <u0037 Flag .pwd entry as invalid tst <u0042 WAS ,U beq L09CE bsr L0A04 Go update shell expanded prompt if needed L09CE rts * L command - Logging ON L09CF lda #$01 bra L09D4 * -L command - Logging OFF L09D3 clra L09D4 sta <u001C rts * P command - Prompting ON L09D7 clra bra L09DC * -P command - Prompting OFF L09DA lda #$01 L09DC sta <u001D rts * T command - Echo input ON L09DF lda #$01 bra L09E4 * -T command - Echo input OFF L09E3 clra L09E4 sta <u001E rts * V command - Turn variable expansion ON L09E7 clra bra L09EC * -V command - Turn variable expansion OFF L09EA lda #$01 L09EC sta <u001F rts * X command - Kill Shell when error occurs ON L09EF lda #$01 bra L09F4 * -X command - Kill Shell when error occurs OFF L09F3 clra L09F4 sta <u0020 rts L09F7 tst >u01F4,u Date already done? bne L0A04 Yes, skip ahead tst >u01F5,u Time already done? bne L0A04 Yes, skip ahead rts If neither, we don't need to change prompt? L0A04 pshs y,x Preserve regs bra L0A64 Go update shell expanded prompt if needed * Make shell prompt string the default one L0A08 puls y Restore Y pshs x Preserve X leax >L003D,pc Point to default prompt string bsr L0A14 Put that into working shell prompt string puls pc,x Restore X & return * P= (prompt set) command * Make shell prompt string (default or user-specified) * Entry: X=ptr to source of new shell prompt string L0A14 pshs y Preserve Y leay >u01F9,u Point to working prompt text buffer ldd #C$LF*256+22 Line feed & max count for prompt string+1 sta ,y+ Save LF as first char bsr L0A25 Go copy prompt string (& parse quotes) bra L0A5E Go see if we need to override with default L0A25 clr >u01F3,u Clear quotes in progress flag L0A29 lda ,x+ Get char from default shell prompt cmpa #'" Is it a quotes? bne L0A3F No, skip ahead leax 1,x Yes, bump ptr up 2 past quotes tst >u01F3,u We processing quotes already? bne L0A59 Yes, we are done then inc >u01F3,u Set processing quotes flag leax -1,x Set ptr back to char just after quotes bra L0A29 Check next char L0A3F cmpa #C$CR Carriage return? beq L0A59 Yes, we are done then cmpa #C$SPAC Space? beq L0A4B Yes, skip ahead cmpa #'; Semi-colon? bne L0A51 No, skip ahead * Semi-colon or space found L0A4B tst >u01F3,u We quoting at the moment? beq L0A59 No, we are done L0A51 tstb Char count down to 0? beq L0A29 Yes, continue parsing (but eating them) decb Dec max char counter sta ,y+ Save literal char into current copy bra L0A29 continue parsing L0A59 clr ,y Append NUL to indicate end of string leax -1,x Bump source ptr back to last char & return rts L0A5E cmpb #22 Did the user do a no-length prompt? beq L0A08 Yes, go override with default prompt pshs x Preserve ptr to last char of source prompt * Create expanded shell prompt from shell prompt string L0A64 leay >u01F9,u Point to shell prompt string leax >u0212,u Point to expanded prompt buffer pshs x Preserve it a moment clr >u01F2,u Output device name done already = OFF clr >u01F1,u Process ID # done already = OFF clr >u01F4,u Date done already = OFF clr >u01F5,u Time done already = OFF clr >u01F6,u Date OR time already done once = OFF clr >u0042,u Current working dir name done already = OFF L0A86 lda ,y+ Get char from shell prompt string lbeq L0B29 If end of string, exit cmpa #'# Process ID # wanted? bne L0AA2 No, try next * Process ID # tst >u01F1,u Done it already? bne L0A86 Yes, skip doing it again inc >u01F1,u No, flag it as being done now ldd >u01EC,u Get process # (01-99) std ,x++ Save in expanded prompt buffer bra L0A86 Continue parsing L0AA2 cmpa #'@ Standard output path device name wanted? beq L0AAA Yes, go do it cmpa #$E0 High bit version? bne L0AC7 No, try next * Standard output path device name L0AAA tst >u01F2,u Done it already? bne L0A86 Yes, skip doing it again ldd #$01*256+SS.DevNm Standard out/get device name os9 I$GetStt Get the device name bcs L0A86 Error, skip doing device name inc >u01F2,u Flag it as being done now L0ABD lda ,x+ Get char from device name bpl L0ABD Keep looking until last char (high bit set) anda #$7F Mask out high bit sta -1,x Save the normal char bra L0A86 Continue parsing L0AC7 cmpa #'$ Current working directory wanted? bne L0AF2 No, check next * Current working directory tst <u0042 Done it already? (WAS ,U) bne L0A86 Yes, skip doing it again inc <u0042 Flag it as being done now (WAS ,U) lda #$01 sta <u003D lbsr L176D Go figure out current working directory tstb bne L0AF2 pshs y Save prompt string ptr ldy <u002A Get pointer to current working directory * Copy string: Y=source string ptr, X=prompt buffer ptr L0AE4 lda ,y+ Get char sta ,x+ Save as part of shell prompt text cmpa #C$CR Was it the end? bne L0AE4 No, keep copying leax -1,x Bump ptr back CR puls y Restore source string ptr bra L0A86 Continue parsing L0AF2 cmpa #'( Current Date wanted? bne L0B0A No, check next * Current date tst >u01F4,u Done it already? bne L0A86 Yes, skip doing it again inc >u01F4,u Flag as being done now bsr L0B3B Go get date & time pshs y Save shell prompt string ptr leay >u02E0,u Point to date text bra L0AE4 Copy into expanded prompt L0B0A cmpa #') Current Time wanted? bne L0B24 No, just store the raw ASCII char * Current time tst >u01F5,u Done Time already? lbne L0A86 Yes, skip doing it again inc >u01F5,u Flag as being done now bsr L0B3B Go get date & time pshs y Save shell prompt string ptr leay >u02E9,u Point to time text bra L0AE4 Copy into expanded prompt L0B24 sta ,x+ Save raw character lbra L0A86 Continue parsing L0B29 sta ,x Save NUL to mark end of prompt tfr x,d Move End of prompt ptr to D for subtract subd ,s++ Subtract start of prompt ptr std >u01F7,u Save size of expanded shell prompt puls pc,y,x Restore regs & return * Separator table for date & time strings L0B35 fcc '//' fcb $0d fcc '::' fcb $0d * Get current date (2E0-2E8) & time (2E9-2EF) L0B3B pshs y,x Preserve shell prompt string & shell prompt ptrs tst >u01F6,u Have we already been here before? bne L0B75 Yes, both date & time strings already done inc >u01F6,u Flag we have been here now leax >u02DA,u Point to date/time packet buffer os9 F$Time Get the date/time packet leay >u02E0,u Point to where date string goes clrb Offset into separator table to first '/' L0B54 lda ,x+ Get byte from time packet bsr L0B77 Convert to ASCII pshs b Preserve offset into separator table ldd >u01EF,u Get ASCII version of byte std ,y++ Save into date/string buffers puls b Restore offset into separator table pshs y Preserve date/string buffer ptr leay >L0B35,pc Point to separator's table lda b,y Get current separator puls y Restore date/string buffer ptr sta ,y+ Save separator into date/string buffer incb Point to next separator cmpb #6 On last one? bne L0B54 No, continue converting L0B75 puls pc,y,x Restore prompt & buffer ptrs & return L0B77 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs leay >L0B80,pc Point to routine to copy ASCII digits lbra L16B9 Go convert byte to ASCII equivalent L0B80 ldd $04,s Copy 2 digit ASCII # to 1EF std >u01EF,u rts * Searches for CR in string pointed to by X * '*' Comment lines come here L0B87 lda #C$CR We want to find the CR L0B89 cmpa ,x+ Found it yet? bne L0B89 No, keep looking cmpa ,-x Set up flags & return rts L0B90 pshs d,cc Preserve regs lda #$01 Only do std in & out (not error) bra L0B9A * Any errors from any of the L0300 subroutines go here * If child process had error/status code it goes here (u005D cleared,B=Status * code) L0B96 pshs d,cc Preserve error code, flags & A lda #$02 # of paths to do L0B9A sta <u001A Save it clra Start at path 0 L0B9D bsr L0BA8 Go close (possibly dupe) paths inca Next path # cmpa <u001A Done up to last one yet? bls L0B9D No, do next one * POSSIBLY COULD BE PULS PC,D,CC ror ,s+ Eat CC but shift Carry bit into Carry puls pc,d Restore error code & A & return L0BA8 pshs a Save path # tst <u0019 bmi L0BC4 If high bit set, close path bne L0BBC If 0<u0019<128, get changed path # & close tst a,u Check 'real' path # from DP beq L0BC7 If 0, return os9 I$Close Otherwise, close current path # lda a,u Get 'real' path # os9 I$Dup Dupe it * Close path # on stack, if it is open L0BBC ldb ,s Get path # from stack lda b,u Get real path # from DP beq L0BC7 If none, exit clr b,u Clear out path # L0BC4 os9 I$Close Close the path L0BC7 puls pc,a Exit L0BC9 fcc 'WHAT?' fcb C$CR L0BCF bsr L0B96 Close 3 std paths (possibly dupe) leax <L0BC9,pc Point to 'WHAT?' lbsr L021B Write it out std err clrb coma rts L0BDA inc <u0019 ??? bsr L0B96 Do path closings (possibly dupings) lda #$FF Set flag to just close raw paths sta <u0019 bsr L0B90 Go close std in & std err leax <u006D,u Point to device name buffer lbsr L0CDB lbcs L0200 lda #$02 bsr L0BA8 lbsr L0CFF clr <u0019 lbra L00CC * < processing L0BFA ldd #$0001 orb <u000F bra L0C1A * >> processing L0C01 ldd #$020D stb -$02,x bra L0C0A * > processing L0C08 lda #$01 L0C0A ldb #$02 bra L0C1A * if from z= or i=, A=0, B=3 L0C0E tst a,u Test duped path? bne L0BCF There is one, print 'WHAT' & close paths & return pshs d Save path # & B tst <u0019 bmi L0C34 bra L0C24 L0C1A tst a,u bne L0BCF pshs d ldb #C$CR stb -$01,x L0C24 os9 I$Dup Create duplicate of the standard path lbcs L0CBE Couldn't create dupe, ldb ,s sta b,u lda ,s os9 I$Close L0C34 lda 1,s Get B bmi L0C40 ldb ,s lbsr L0D05 tsta bpl L0C47 L0C40 anda #$0F os9 I$Dup bra L0CBE L0C47 ldb #$0B bita #$02 bne L0C7B pshs a ldd ,x andb #$5F cmpd #$2F57 Is it '/W' puls a bne L0C74 ora #$02 os9 I$Open bcs L0CBE pshs x leax >L003C,pc ldy #$0001 clra os9 I$Write puls x bra L0CBE L0C74 os9 I$Open bra L0CBE L0C79 pshs d L0C7B stb <u004E ldb ,x cmpb #$2B bne L0C96 leax $01,x os9 I$Open bcs L0CB1 pshs u,x ldb #SS.Size os9 I$GetStt os9 I$Seek bra L0CA8 L0C96 cmpb #'- bne L0CB9 leax 1,x os9 I$Open bcs L0CB1 Error opening pshs u,x ldx #$0000 tfr x,u L0CA8 ldb #SS.Size Init size of file to 0 bytes os9 I$SetStt puls u,x bra L0CBE L0CB1 cmpb #E$PNNF Error 216 (path name not found)? beq L0CB9 Yes, create the file orcc #Carry Otherwise, set error flag bra L0CBE L0CB9 ldb <u004E Get file attributes os9 I$Create L0CBE sta <u0012 Save path # (or one we tried to duplicate?) stb 1,s Save possible error code? lda #$00 DO NOT CHANGE-NEED TO PRESERVE CARRY sta <u000F puls pc,d Restore regs & return L0CC8 ldd #$0003 Std in & ??? lbra L0C0E * <>>> processing L0CCE lda #C$CR sta -$04,x * i= & z= both come here right off the bat L0CD2 bsr L0CDB bcc L0CFF L0CD6 rts * <> processing L0CD7 lda #C$CR sta -$02,x L0CDB bsr L0CC8 bcs L0CD6 ldd #$0180 lbra L0C0E * <>> processing L0CE5 lda #C$CR sta -$03,x bsr L0CC8 bcs L0CD6 ldd #$0280 lbra L0C0E * >>> processing L0CF3 lda #C$CR sta -$03,x ldd #$0102 lbsr L0C0E bcs L0CD6 L0CFF ldd #$0281 lbra L0C0E L0D05 pshs x,d ldd ,x++ cmpd #$2F30 bcs L0D2F cmpd #$2F32 bhi L0D2F pshs x,d lbsr L0907 puls x,d bcs L0D2F andb #$03 cmpb 1,s bne L0D31 ldb b,u L0D26 orb #$80 stb ,s puls d leas 2,s rts L0D2F puls pc,x,d L0D31 tst $01,s bne L0D26 pshs x tfr b,a leax >u00B5,u Point to buffer for device name ldb #'/ Put a slash in it stb ,x+ ldb #SS.DevNm Get the device name os9 I$GetStt bcs L0D4F Error, skip ahead leax -1,x Reset ptr to include '/' lda #UPDAT. os9 I$Open L0D4F puls x Restore ptr to beginning (including '/') leas 6,s Eat stack lbra L0CBE L0D56 fcc 'TRUE ' L0D5B fcb $0d L0D5C fcc 'FALSE' fcb $0d L0D62 lda ,x+ cmpa #'[ bne L0D6B lbsr L0E15 L0D6B cmpa #'- lbne L0E3E ldb ,x+ lbsr L0E15 leax -$01,x tfr b,a lbsr L0F0C Convert char to uppercase if lower cmpa #'Y bne L0DBB L0D81 pshs x Preserve X leax >u0124,u Point to buffer ldy #$0001 Read 1 byte from error path??? lda #$02 os9 I$Read lbcs L0F17 lda ,x Get the character read puls x lbsr L0F0C Convert char to uppercase if lower cmpa #'Y Unless char is Y or N, re-read it beq L0DA3 cmpa #'N bne L0D81 L0DA3 pshs a Preserve char on stack leax >L0D5B,pc Point to a Carriage return lda #$02 Print it to std out ldy #$0001 os9 I$WritLn puls a Restore char clrb cmpa #'Y beq L0DF8 Print 'true' if it is a Y bra L0DEE Print 'false' if it is a N L0DBB clrb cmpa #'F beq L0DE0 cmpa #'E bne L0DC8 orb #%00000100 bra L0DE0 L0DC8 cmpa #'R bne L0DD0 orb #%00000001 bra L0DE0 L0DD0 cmpa #'W bne L0DD8 orb #%00000010 bra L0DE0 L0DD8 cmpa #'D lbne L0F17 orb #%10000000 L0DE0 tfr b,a os9 I$Open bcs L0DEE os9 I$Close bra L0DF8 L0DEE lda #$02 sta <u0043 leax >L0D5C,pc Point to 'FALSE' bra L0DFE L0DF8 clr <u0043 leax >L0D56,pc Point to 'TRUE' L0DFE tst <u001E Command echo on? beq L0E0B No, skip ahead ldy #$0006 Print result of IF to std error lda #$02 os9 I$WritLn L0E0B leax >u0124,u lda #C$CR sta ,x clrb rts L0E15 lda ,x+ cmpa #C$SPAC beq L0E15 rts L0E1C cmpa #$3D bne L0E26 lda <u005F ora #$01 bra L0E38 L0E26 cmpa #'< bne L0E30 lda <u005F ora #$02 bra L0E38 L0E30 cmpa #'> bne L0E3C * X command - Kill Shell when error occurs ON lda <u005F ora #$04 L0E38 sta <u005F clra rts L0E3C coma rts L0E3E cmpa #'+ bne L0E46 inc <u0015 bra L0E48 L0E46 leax -1,x L0E48 clr <u005F pshs u leau >u0124,u ldb #180 Clear out 180 bytes @ u0124 lbsr L0412 puls u leay >u0124,u ldb #81 L0E5D lda ,x+ Copy buffer up to CR or 81 chars lbsr L0F0C Convert char to uppercase if lower sta ,y+ cmpa #C$CR lbeq L0F17 bsr L0E1C bcc L0E74 decb bne L0E5D lbra L0F17 L0E74 negb addb #81 stb <u0016 clra sta -$01,y lda ,x bsr L0E1C bcs L0E84 leax $01,x L0E84 leay >u0175,u ldb #81 L0E8A lda ,x+ bsr L0F0C Convert char to uppercase if lower sta ,y+ cmpa #C$CR beq L0E99 decb bne L0E8A bra L0F17 L0E99 negb addb #$51 stb <u0017 clra sta -$01,y tst <u0015 beq L0EE0 leax >u166D,u ldd #$30b4 Store 180 ASCII 0's into buffer L0EAD sta ,x+ decb bne L0EAD leax >u0124,u ldb <u0016 leax b,x leay >u16BD,u bsr L0ED8 leax >u0175,u ldb <u0017 leax b,x leay >u170E,u bsr L0ED8 leax >u166D,u leay >u16BE,u bra L0EE8 L0ED8 lda ,-x sta ,-y decb bne L0ED8 rts L0EE0 leax >u0124,u leay >u0175,u L0EE8 ldb #80 L0EEA lda ,x+ cmpa ,y+ blo L0EFB bhi L0F01 decb bne L0EEA lda <u005F bita #$01 bra L0F05 L0EFB lda <u005F bita #$02 bra L0F05 L0F01 lda <u005F bita #$04 L0F05 lbne L0DF8 lbra L0DEE * Convert char to uppercase if it is a letter L0F0C cmpa #'a Lower case letter? blo L0F16 No, return cmpa #'z Check high range bhi L0F16 No, return suba #$20 Yes, convert to uppercase L0F16 rts L0F17 comb ldb #$01 lbra L0191 L0F1D cmpa #$03 beq L0F3F cmpa #$02 bne L0F2B dec <u0044 blt L0F3F bra L0F43 L0F2B cmpa #$01 bne L0F3B lda <u0043 cmpa #$02 bne L0F43 tst <u0044 beq L0F3F bra L0F43 L0F3B inc <u0044 bra L0F43 L0F3F clr <u0043 clr <u0044 L0F43 clrb rts * Table: 7 bytes/entry: * 1st 5 bytes is name, high bit set & NUL padded * Byte 6 is # bytes actually used L0F45 fcs 'IF' fcb 0,0,0,2,0 fcs 'ELSE' fcb 0,4,1 fcs 'ENDIF' fcb 5,2 fcs 'FI' fcb 0,0,0,2,2 fcs 'CLRIF' fcb 5,3 fcb $ff L0F69 leay <L0F45,pc Point to conditionals table L0F6D ldb 5,y Get actual length of string we are checking os9 F$CmpNam Compare with string pointed to by X bcs L0F80 If they don't match, skip ahead lda 6,y Get conditional token(?) number ldb b,x Get char past end of matching string cmpb #C$CR Is it a CR? beq L0F8B Yes, return cmpb #C$SPAC Is it a space? beq L0F8B Yes, return L0F80 leay 7,y Point to next command in table lda ,y Get 1st char from this entry cmpa #$FF End of table marker? beq L0F8B Yes, return * NOTE: THIS INCA SEEMS TO BE USELESS, AS F$CMPNAM DOESN'T USE A inca No, ??? bra L0F6D Process this one L0F8C lda #$01 sta <u0043 lbra L0E0B L0F93 lbsr L0907 Go find 1st non-space char or single char modifier bne L0F9B clr <u0046 L0F8B rts L0F9B leay >L03AC,pc Point to 'GOTO' ldb #4 4 chars to compare os9 F$CmpNam Does it match? lbcs L0BCF No, print 'WHAT?' leax 4,x Yes, skip X past 'GOTO' lbsr L091F Go find 1st non-space char past 'GOTO' leay >u0C4C,u Point to some sort of buffer lda ,x Get char from GOTO label cmpa #'+ Is label after current pos. in script file? bne L0FBB No, skip ahead sta ,y+ Save '+' in buffer leax 1,x Bump up source ptr past '+' L0FBB bsr L100B Go copy label name into buffer inc <u0046 Set flag that a GOTO was found L0FBF lda ,x+ Get 1st char from user's label again leay >L0408,pc Point to single char modifiers table L0FC5 cmpa ,y+ Illegal modifier char in label name? bhi L0FC5 Not yet, check other modifiers blo L0FBF This char ok, check rest of label name leax -1,x Point to last char (terminator) of label name stx <u0058 Save it & return rts L0FD0 lda ,x cmpa #'+ bne L0FDA leax 1,x bra L0FFB L0FDA tst <u006B beq L0FEA ldy <u0067 ldd $09,y leay d,y sty <u0065 bra L0FFB L0FEA pshs u,x clra ldx #$0000 Seek to beginning tfr x,u os9 I$Seek puls u,x lbcs L0191 L0FFB lbsr L091F leay >u0BFC,u bsr L100B lda #C$CR sta ,x inc <u0045 rts * Copy label from X to buffer @ Y, terminate at 1st illegal char with CR * Exit: X=ptr to start of label name from user's buffer * Y=ptr to start of buffer entry copy of label name L100B pshs y,x Preserve buffer & source ptrs ldb #79 (78 bytes to check) L100F decb Dec # chars left to check beq L1022 If done max, skip ahead lda ,x+ Get char for label sta ,y+ Save in buffer cmpa #'A Is it a letter or higher? bhs L100F Yes, continue copying cmpa #'0 Is it lower than a #? blo L1022 Yes, not allowed, force end of label name cmpa #'9 Is it a #? bls L100F Yes, that is fine L1022 lda #C$CR All others illegal, force CR in buffer copy sta -1,y Save it clrb No error puls pc,y,x Restore regs & return * M= command (???) L1029 ldb #C$CR stb -$01,x tst <u006B bne L1057 tst <u006C bne L1057 lda #Data Data module type pshs u,y,x os9 F$Link bcs L1055 stu <u0067 Save start address of module sty <u0065 Save execution address of module ldd 2,u addd <u0067 subd #$0003 std <u0069 inc <u006B puls u,y,x leax -$01,x lbra L0907 L1055 puls u,y,x L1057 lbra L0BCF * VAR. command L105A leay >u05A8,u lda ,x+ cmpa #'? beq L10C9 cmpa #'= beq L1096 cmpa #C$SPAC beq L1085 cmpa #'; beq L1085 cmpa #'9 bhi L1085 cmpa #'0 bcs L1085 suba #$30 ldb #$51 Multiply by 81 (size of each VAR entry) mul leay d,y lda ,x+ cmpa #'= beq L1096 L1085 leax -$01,x pshs x tfr y,x ldy #$0051 lda #$02 os9 I$ReadLn puls pc,x L1096 ldb #80 lbsr L0A25 lda #C$CR sta ,y rts L10A0 fcb C$LF fcc 'User Variables :' fcb C$CR L10B2 fcb C$LF fcc 'Shell Sub Variables :' fcb C$CR L10C9 pshs x clrb leax >L10A0,pc bsr L10DF leay >u08D2,u clrb leax >L10B2,pc bsr L10DF puls pc,x L10DF pshs y,b lbsr L021B puls y,b L10E6 pshs y,b lda #$51 mul leay d,y leax >u0124,u ldd #'V*256+'A std ,x++ ldd #'R*256+'. std ,x++ lda ,s L10FD adda #$30 ldb #'= std ,x++ L1103 lda ,y+ sta ,x+ cmpa #C$CR bne L1103 leax >u0124,u ldy #$0057 lda #$01 os9 I$WritLn puls y,b bcs L1122 incb cmpb #C$LF bcs L10E6 rts L1122 puls y puls pc,x * INC. command (increment shell variable by 1) L1126 bsr L1144 lbcs L0191 addd #$0001 bra L113A * DEC. command (decrement shell variable by 1) L1131 bsr L1144 lbcs L0191 subd #$0001 L113A bsr L11A7 lda #C$CR sta $05,y ldx <u0048 clrb rts L1144 inc <u0014 leay >u05A8,u lda ,x+ stx <u0048 cmpa #'0 bcs L1161 cmpa #'9 bhi L1161 suba #$30 ldb #81 mul leay d,y tfr y,x bra L1166 L1161 leas 2,s lbra L0BCF L1166 pshs y leas -$05,s tfr s,y clr $03,y clr $04,y L1170 clr $02,y lda ,x+ suba #$30 cmpa #$09 bhi L1195 pshs a lda #10 ldb $03,y mul std ,y lda $04,y ldb #10 mul addd $01,y std $01,y clra puls b addd $01,y std $03,y bra L1170 L1195 ldd 3,y leas 5,s puls pc,y * 2 byte ASCII conversion table L119B fdb 10000 fdb 1000 fdb 100 fdb 10 fdb 1 fdb 0 L11A7 pshs y,x,d pshs b leax >L119B,pc L11AF pshs d ldb #'/ stb 2,s puls d L11B7 inc ,s subd ,x bcc L11B7 addd ,x++ pshs d ldb $02,s stb ,y+ lda $01,x puls d bne L11AF puls b puls pc,y,x,d * PAUSE command - may display text message, and then waits for key press or * mouse button L11CF ldy #394 Write up to 394 chars of pause string lda #$02 To standard error os9 I$WritLn lbcs L0191 tfr y,d Tfr # chars written to D leax d,x Point X to next char after ones written leax -1,x Point to last char written pshs x Save ptr ldd #$02*256+SS.SSig Std Err/Send signal when key pressed ldx #$000A Signal $A is the one to send os9 I$SetStt lbcs L0191 Error, use main shell error handler IFGT Level-1 ldb #SS.MsSig Send signal on mouse button press os9 I$SetStt lbcs L0191 ENDC ldx #$0000 Go to sleep until one of the 2 is received os9 F$Sleep ldb #SS.Relea Signal gotten, release all signals os9 I$SetStt clrb No error & return puls pc,x * Parse PATH=, add paths to PATH buffer list L1209 pshs x Preserve ptr to string after 'PATH=' lda ,x Get 1st char cmpa #'? User requesting current paths? beq L1245 Yes, go do that pshs u Preserve U leau >u0CDD,u Point to PATH= buffer L1217 lda ,x+ Get char from user-requested path cmpa #C$SPAC Space? beq L1217 Yes, eat spaces until 1st real char found sta ,u+ No, save char L121F leay >L0408,pc Point to command modifier list L1223 cmpa ,y+ Match char? bhi L1223 No, our char is higher, check next modifier beq L1237 Found match, skip ahead lda ,x+ No modifier found, get next char sta ,u+ Save in PATH buffer cmpa #C$SPAC Was it a space? bne L121F No, check this char vs. modifier list lda #C$CR Yes, change to CR sta -1,u Save CR instead (terminate 1 path entry) bra L1217 Do whole list * NOTE: ANY modifier (not just CR, but ! # & ; < > ^ |) stops PATH=parsing L1237 leax -1,x Bump ptr back to last char from user stx 2,s Save ptr on stack over original X lda #C$CR Get CR sta -1,u Save CR as current path end sta ,u And 1 extra for parse routines puls u Get U back puls pc,x Restore new X & return L1245 leax >u0CDD,u Point to start of PATH=buffer L1249 ldy #400 Write up to 400 chars to standard out lda #$01 os9 I$WritLn Print text of one path lbcs L0191 Error, go process shell error tfr y,d Tfr # bytes written to D leax d,x Offset X to end of what was printed lda ,x Get char from there cmpa #C$CR CR (end of path list)? bne L1249 No, go write next path out puls x Restore ptr to next set of PATH= leax 1,x Bump ptr up by 1 & return rts * ^ (set priority on the fly) command L1265 ldb #C$CR Plop a CR onto the end stb -$01,x ldb <u0022 Any priority already set? lbne L0BCF Yes, print 'WHAT?' lbsr L16EB Go calculate binary priority into B stb <u0022 Save priority to fork module with lbra L0907 Continue processing for modifiers * # (set data memory size) command L1277 ldb #C$CR stb -1,x ldb <u0003 Already have a data mem size set? lbne L0BCF Yes, print 'WHAT?' lbsr L16EB eora #'K anda #$DF Force uppercase bne L1294 No 'K', just save # of 256 byte pages leax 1,x lda #4 Multiply # of K by 4 to get # pages mul tsta lbne L0BCF Ended up too big, print 'WHAT?' L1294 stb <u0003 Save data mem size to use lbra L0907 Continue processing command line * Carriage return processing L1299 leax -1,x lbsr L145D bra L12A3 * ; (separator) command (also called by others) L12A0 lbsr L1459 L12A3 bcs L12BA lbsr L0B96 Go do the path stuff tst <u005D Is there a module that is unlinking? bne L12AE Yes bsr L12D2 Go wait for child process to die (A=process #) L12AE bcs L12BA If child exited with status/signal code,skip lbsr L0907 Go parse for modifiers cmpa #C$CR Was the next non-space/comma char a CR? bne L12B9 No, skip ahead leas 4,s Yes, eat stack L12B9 clrb No error * Child process had a signal/status code L12BA pshs cc Preserve error status clr <u005D ??? puls cc Restore carry lbra L0B96 ??? Go close some paths & return? * & (background operation) command L12C3 lbsr L1459 bcs L12BA bsr L12BA ldb #$26 lbsr L16B3 bra L12AE * W command - Wait for a child to die L12D1 clra Clear process ID # * Entered here if commands are separated with ';' (or '()' groups) L12D2 pshs a Save ID # of process? L12D4 os9 F$Wait Wait for child to die or until signal received tst <u000E Signal received (which would be in SHELL)? beq L12EC No, child was exited (or got signal), go process * Shell was interrupted by signal while Waiting ldb <u000E Get signal that we received cmpb #S$Abort Was it a PD.QUT (<CTRL>-<E>) (quit 'W'aiting?) bne L1304 No, skip ahead lda ,s Get process # beq L1304 None, exit os9 F$Send Send the signal to the child as well clr ,s Clear process # bra L12D4 Go Wait again (until child dies) * Child F$Exited or was aborted - eat should go here * Entry: A=ID # of deceased child * B=Exit (error) code from child L12EC lbcs L1308 If F$Wait exited with error, return with it cmpa ,s Same process # as one we were waiting for? beq L1304 Yes, exit tst ,s No, was there a specific process # we wanted? beq L12F9 No, skip ahead * Child died, but not the one we were waiting for tstb Was there an error status? beq L12D4 No, ignore dead child and wait for one we wanted * Child died with error on exit L12F9 pshs b Preserve child's exit status code bsr L12BA ??? Go close & re-dupe paths? ldb #'- Get a '-' (for a '-003' process finished msg) lbsr L16B3 Print that out puls b Get back exit status code L1304 tstb is there an Error/signal code? beq L1308 No, exit cmpb #S$Intrpt Yes, is it a keyboard interrupt signal? beq eatchar Yes, eat the key cmpb #S$Abort Keyboard abort signal? bne errexit No, exit with unknown error/signal code * At this point, child died from signal 2 or 3 (CTRL-C or CTRL-E). The corres- * ponding key is also sitting in this devices PD.BUF as the 1st char. We musts * 1) Disable keyboard signal & eat the key from the buffer * 2) Exit from here with Carry set & signal (2 or 3) in B eatchar pshs b,x,y Preserve signal code & regs used ldd #SS.Ready Std in, check for data ready on device os9 I$GetStt Check it bcs NotSCF No chars waiting on device, exit with signal lda <u0018 Is the shell immortal? beq NotSCF No, don't try to eat the char eat clra Standard in path leas -PD.OPT,s Make 32 byte buffer for OPT's leax ,s Point X to it clrb SS.Opt call os9 I$GetStt Get current path options lda ,x Get device type beq Eatkey SCF (not script file) so go eat key NoChar leas PD.OPT,s Eat temp buffer bra NotSCF Exit with signal code (script file got signal) * Have to eat key: Shut echo off 1st Eatkey clr 4,x PD.EKO flag off os9 I$SetStt Shut echo off ldd #SS.Relea Std In, Release keyboard/mouse signals os9 I$SetStt Shut signals off so we don't get stuck leax ,-s Make 1 byte buffer on stack ldy #1 1 byte to read os9 I$Read Eat the char leas 1,s eat buffer ldd #SS.SSig Std In, send signal on key ready ldx #$B Signal to send os9 I$SetStt Turn keyboard signal on again leax ,s Point to temp buffer again inc 4,x PD.EKO flag on clra Std In clrb Set Options os9 I$SetStt Turn echo back on leas PD.OPT,s Deallocate temp buffer ldb u180D,u Get current history line # cmpb #1 First one? bhi Previous No, B=previous one ldb u180C,u Was on first, so get last incb Adjust for dec Previous decb Point to previous one lbsr L19D3 Go get ptr to history lda ,y Get 1st char from previous line in history sta ,x Save char there ldd #SS.Fill Fill keyboard buffer call to Std In ldy #$8001 1 char long, don't append CR os9 I$SetStt Stick that key into the keyboard buffer NotSCF puls b,x,y Restore regs (and exit status byte in B) errexit coma Yes, set carry & exit L1308 puls pc,a * Level 2: If data area <4.25K, force up to 7.5K * Exit: A=Type/language * X=Current source line parsing ptr (module name to chain) * Y=Size of parameter area * U=Ptr to parameter area * B=Size of data area L130A lda #Prgrm+Objct Module type/language ldb <u0003 Get # pages of data mem needed for forked module IFGT Level-1 cmpb #$11 Is it at least 17? bhs L1316 Yes, skip ahead ldb #$1F Otherwise, force to 7.5K minimum stb <u0003 Save it ENDC L1316 andcc #^Carry Clear carry ldx <u0004 Get mem module ptr ldy <u0006 Get size of current command group ldu <u0008 Get ptr to start of current command group rts * Copy string from X to Y until CR is hit L1320 lda ,x+ Get char sta ,y+ Save it cmpa #C$CR Carriage return? bne L1320 No, keep copying rts Done, return * Attempt load in module to execute (it's not in memory) * Entry: X=Ptr to module name L1329 lda #EXEC. 1st, attempt to get it from current Exec DIR os9 I$Open Attempt to open it bcc L1362 Found it, continue * Possible search thru PATH= settings inc <u000F ??? Set flag to indicate using PATH= leax >u0CDD,u Point to start of PATH= list L1336 clrb lda ,x Get 1st char from next PATH= line cmpa #C$CR End of list? lbeq L1564 Yes, ??? leay >u0124,u No, point to temp buffer bsr L1320 Copy path to temp buffer until CR pshs x Preserve ptr to next possible path lda #'/ Add slash since we want file from this path sta -1,y Save at end of path in temp buffer ldx <u0004 Get ptr to module/script name we are looking for bsr L1320 Copy it into temp buffer up to CR leax >u0124,u Point to start of full path list lda #READ. Attempt to open file os9 I$Open puls x Restore ptr to next possible path bcs L1336 Didn't find file there, try next path leax >u0124,u Point to full pathlist again stx <u0004 Replace ptr to module with full pathlist ptr L1362 leax >u00D6,u Point to buffer to hold beginning of file ldy #77 77 bytes to read os9 I$Read Read it in bcc L1373 No error, skip ahead cmpb #E$EOF Just EOF error? bne L13CE No, something more serious, skip ahead L1373 tst <u000F bne L137B ldb #$04 stb <u000F L137B pshs a Save path # a sec ldd M$ID,x Get possible module header bytes cmpd #M$ID12 Legit module header? puls a Restore path # beq L1396 OS9 module, skip ahead * Not module...possible shell script? os9 I$Close Not OS9 module, close file clrb dec <u000F Dec flag lbeq L1564 If 0, skip ahead inc <u000F If not, inc & skip ahead lbra L1564 * Seems to be OS9 module L1396 clr <u000F Clear flag ldy M$Name,x Get offset to module name leax >u00E3,u Point X to offset $E in module cmpy #$000D Does the name start at offset $D? beq L13C0 Yes, skip ahead pshs u Preserve U tfr y,u Move name offset to U ldx #$0000 MSW of file pos=0 os9 I$Seek Go seek to that spot in file puls u Restore U bcs L13CE Error seeking, go handle ldy #64 Go read up to 64 char filename leax >u00E3,u Point to spot to hold filename os9 I$Read Read it in bcs L13CE Error reading, go handle L13C0 pshs a Save path # os9 F$PrsNam Parse module name puls a Restore path # bcs L13CE cmpb #$40 bhi L1422 clrb L13CE pshs b,cc Preserve error status os9 I$Close Close file puls b,cc Restore error status lbcs L162B If error, exit with it (S/B L162C) leax >u00D6,u Point to buffer holding 77 bytes of file lda $06,x ldy $0B,x cmpa #$40 bne L1407 bsr L13EF lbcs L162B lbra L14AF L13EF leax >u00E3,u IFGT Level-1 os9 F$NMLink ELSE pshs u os9 F$Link puls u ENDC bcc L1400 ldx <u0004 IFGT Level-1 os9 F$NMLoad ELSE pshs u os9 F$Load puls u ENDC bcc L1400 rts L1400 leax >u00E3,u stx <u0004 rts L1407 cmpa #$51 bne L1413 bsr L13EF lbcs L162B bra L1427 L1413 cmpa #$11 lbne L14D7 leax >u00E3,u stx <u0010 lbra L15D7 L1422 lbsr L08CB bra L13CE * Call a shellsub module L1427 clra Type/language byte to wildcard:any will match ldx <u0004 Get ptr to module name pshs u Preserve U os9 F$Link Attempt to link it in puls u Restore U lbcs L162B If we couldn't link, Exit with error ldx <u0004 Get ptr to module name again IFGT Level-1 os9 F$UnLoad Unlink it ELSE pshs a,b,x,y,u os9 F$Link os9 F$Unlink os9 F$Unlink puls a,b,x,y,u ENDC lbcs L162B If we couldn't unlink exit with error ldx <u0008 Get ptr to current group (param ptr for shellsub) ldd <u0006 Get size of param area for shellsub leau >u08D2,u Point to shellsub variable area jsr ,y Execute shellsub module pshs b,a,cc Preserve error status & A clra clrb std <u0010 ? (originally pointing to E3 if type $11 module) ldx <u0004 Get shellsub module ptr IFGT Level-1 os9 F$UnLoad Unlink it ELSE pshs a,b,x,y,u os9 F$Link os9 F$Unlink os9 F$Unlink puls a,b,x,y,u ENDC std <u0004 Clear shellsub module ptr inc <u005D Set flag that we should wait for module to exit? puls pc,u,y,x,d,cc restore regs & return L1459 lda #C$CR sta -1,x L145D clr <u0060 pshs u,y,x ldx <u0004 Get ptr to name ldd ,x Get 2 chars of name andb #$5F Force 2nd one to uppercase cmpd #$2F57 Is it a /W? bne L1473 No, check for shellsub comb Yes, exit with bad mode error ldb #E$BMode lbra L162B L1473 clra Wildcard NMLink IFGT Level-1 os9 F$NMLink Link to module ELSE pshs u os9 F$Link Link to module puls u ENDC lbcs L1329 Error, do something cmpa #ShellSub+Objct ShellSub module? beq L1427 Yes, go set up for it ldx <u0004 Get ptr to name back IFGT Level-1 os9 F$UnLoad Drop the link count back down ELSE pshs a,b,x,y,u os9 F$Link os9 F$Unlink os9 F$Unlink puls a,b,x,y,u ENDC pshs y Save data area size ldx <u0004 Get ptr to module name again leay >L000D,pc Point to 'Shell' ldb #$05 Size of 'Shell' os9 F$CmpNam Is the module requested Shell? puls y Restore data area size bcs L14A3 Not shell, skip ahead ldb 5,x Get char right after 'shell' cmpb #C$CR Is 'shell' the only thing on the line? lbeq L158D Yes, skip ahead cmpb #C$SPAC Is it a space? lbeq L158D Yes, skip ahead * Not Shell or Shellsub module L14A3 cmpa #Prgrm+Objct ML program? lbeq L15D7 Yes, skip ahead cmpa #Data Is it a data module? bne L14D7 No, skip ahead inc <u0060 Set flag - data module L14AF inc <u0060 Bump it up ldx <u0004 Get ptr to module name os9 F$PrsNam Parse the name ldy <u0063 Get ptr to Intercept routines data mem ($418) leay $0A,y Bump up to $422 sty <u0008 Save ptr to start of current group sty <u0061 ??? Ptr to data modules name? ldx #60 Max size of group stx <u0006 Save it ldx <u0004 Get ptr to module name L14C8 lda ,x+ Copy it to buffer @ $422 sta ,y+ decb bne L14C8 lda #C$CR Append a CR to it sta ,y+ clrb lbra L1564 * Not 6809 object code or data module either L14D7 sty <u000A Save data area size leax >L0013,pc Point to alternate languages table L14DE tst ,x Is this entry active? lbeq L1629 No, exit with non-existing module error cmpa ,x+ Same module type as we want? beq L14EE Yes, skip ahead L14E8 tst ,x+ No, eat module name bpl L14E8 bra L14DE Try next module * Found run-time language match L14EE ldd <u0008 Get ptr to start of current command group subd <u0004 Calculate size of whole group addd <u0006 Don't include size of current group std <u0006 Save remainder size ldd <u0004 Get ptr to start of sub-module std <u0008 Save it pshs y,x Preserve data area size & primary module ptr leax >L0021,pc Point to 'RUNB' cmpx ,s Is that the run-time module we want? bne L1546 No, skip ahead * RUNB needed - have to () & quote/commas between params ldx <u0008 Yes, get sub-module ptr? leay >u0418,u Point to before sub-module bsr L154B Copy buffer up to next param (or end of line) beq L1535 If it was end of line, add CR & continue ldd ,x Get 2 param chars cmpd #$2822 Is it '("' (RUNB variables ahead?) beq L1546 Yes, skip ahead (we won't have to add them) lda #C$SPAC No, add ' ("' sta ,y+ ldd #$2822 std ,y++ L151F bsr L154B Copy buffer up to next param (or end of line) beq L152E If end of line, add '")' (close params) ldd #$222C Add '","' (Basic09 param separators std ,y++ lda #$22 2nd quote of above sta ,y+ bra L151F Keep doing for all parameters L152E ldd #$2229 Add '")' to end parameter list std ,y++ lda #C$CR Add CR L1535 sta ,y+ tfr y,d Move end of param ptr to D leay >u0418,u Point to start of param sty <u0008 Save as start ptr subd <u0008 Calculate param size std <u0006 Save it L1546 puls y,x Restore data area size & primary module ptr lbra L15D5 * Copy from X to Y until either a CR or a space char is hit * If it finds a space, it will eat them until the next non-space char is found L154B lda ,x+ Get char cmpa #C$SPAC Is it a space? * Was L155B beq L1559 yes, skip ahead cmpa #C$CR Is it the end of the line? beq L155F Yes, bump ptr back to CR & exit sta ,y+ Save the char bra L154B Keep doing it L1559 lda ,x+ Get char L155B cmpa #C$SPAC Is it another space? beq L1559 Yes, keep eating spaces L155F leax -$01,x Bump ptr back to either non-space or CR cmpa #C$CR Is it a CR? & return rts * THIS CMPB / LBEQ SEEMS TO BE USELESS, AS B IS ALWAYS CLEAR COMING INTO THIS * ROUTINE L1564 cmpb #E$BMode lbeq L162B ldx <u0006 Get size of current group leax 5,x Bump it up by 5??? stx <u0006 Save new size tst <u0060 Data module linked? bne L1592 Yes, skip ahead ldx <u0004 Get module name ptr ldu 4,s lbsr L0BFA Set up paths lbcs L162B If error, exit with it bra L1592 Start up shell with '-P X PATH=(current)' * L1581 is for sub-shells (?), L1586 for normal shells L1581 fcc '-P X ' Prompting off/exit on error L1586 fcc 'PATH= ' For inheriting parent shell's paths fcb C$CR L158D leax <L1586,pc Point to 'path=' bra L1595 Skip ahead L1592 leax <L1581,pc Point to '-p x ' L1595 leay >u166D,u Point to about-to-be merged buffer lbsr L1320 Copy up until CR leay -1,y Point to CR leax >u0CDD,u Point to copy of current path= * Copy all paths to buffer, changing <CR> separated ones with Spaces L15A2 lda ,x Get char cmpa #C$CR CR? beq L15B1 Yes, don't copy this buffer lbsr L1320 Copy up until CR lda #C$SPAC Replace CR with Space sta -1,y bra L15A2 Continue copying CR marked blocks until done L15B1 lda #'; Replace final CR with ; (command separator) sta -1,y tst <u0060 beq L15BE ldd #'M*256+'= If flag set, append 'M=' std ,y++ L15BE ldx <u0008 Get ptr to start of current group lbsr L1320 Copy up until CR leax >u166D,u Point to merged buffer again stx <u0008 Make it the new current group start tfr y,d Move end buffer ptr to D pshs x Push merged buffer ptr for SUBD subd ,s++ Calculate size of merged buffer std <u0006 Save merged buffer size leax >L000D,pc Point to 'shell' L15D5 stx <u0004 Save ptr to module name to fork L15D7 ldx <u0004 Get ptr to module name to fork lda #Prgrm+Objct IFGT Level-1 os9 F$NMLink Get memory requirement stuff from it ELSE pshs u os9 F$Link Get memory requirement stuff from it tfr u,y puls u ENDC bcc L15E5 Got it, continue IFGT Level-1 os9 F$NMLoad Couldn't get, try loading it ELSE pshs u os9 F$Load Couldn't get, try loading it tfr u,y puls u ENDC bcs L162B Still couldn't get, can't fork L15E5 IFEQ Level-1 ldy M$Mem,y ENDC tst <u0003 Memory size specified? bne L15F2 Yes, skip ahead tfr y,d No, tfr modules mem size to D addd <u000A ??? Add to something addd #$00FF Round up to nearest page sta <u0003 Save # of pages need for data mem L15F2 clr ,-s Clear byte on stack to store original priority ldb <u0022 Get priority we want to set new program at beq DnePrior 0=Use inherited priority, skip ahead IFEQ Level-1 ldx <D.Proc ELSE leax >u166D,u Point to place to hold Process descriptor os9 F$ID Get our process # os9 F$GPrDsc Get our process descriptor ENDC ldb P$Prior,x Get our priority stb ,s Save it ldb <u0022 Get priority for new process os9 F$SPrior Set our priority so child will inherit it DnePrior lbsr L130A Go setup Fork entry registers os9 F$Fork Create the new process pshs d,cc Preserve error (if any) & new process # ldb 3,s Get original priority back beq L1609 Priority didn't change, ignore it os9 F$ID Get our process # into A os9 F$SPrior Reset our priority back to normal L1609 lda #Prgrm+Objct Std 6809 module ldx <u0010 Get ptr to some other module name (?) bne L1611 There is one, unlink it instead ldx <u0004 Get ptr to command name L1611 IFGT Level-1 os9 F$UnLoad Bump link count down back to normal? ELSE pshs a,b,x,y,u os9 F$Link os9 F$Unlink os9 F$Unlink puls a,b,x,y,u ENDC clra clrb std <u0010 Zero out other module name ptr std <u0004 Clear out ptr to main command name lda <u0060 Check if data module needs to be unlinked too cmpa #$01 Just 1 link to it? bne L1627 No, skip ahead lda #Data Data module ldx <u0061 Get ptr to name of data module IFGT Level-1 os9 F$UnLoad Bump link count down back to normal ELSE pshs a,b,x,y,u os9 F$Link os9 F$Unlink os9 F$Unlink puls a,b,x,y,u ENDC L1627 puls cc,d Get back F$FORK error/process # leas 1,s Eat priority byte puls pc,u,y,x Restore regs & return L1629 ldb #E$NEMod Non-existing module error L162B coma puls pc,u,y,x L162E fcc '/pipe' fcb C$CR L1634 pshs x leax <L162E,pc Point to '/pipe' ldd #$0103 lbsr L0C0E puls x bcs L169E lbsr L1459 bcs L169E lda ,u bne L1653 os9 I$Dup bcs L169E sta ,u L1653 clra os9 I$Close lda #$01 os9 I$Dup lda #$01 lbsr L0BA8 lda #$02 lbra L0BA8 * Filename for shell log-append mode because of leading '+' L1666 fcc '+/dd/log/uxxx' fcb $0d * Make shell logging filename @ u0CBD,u L1674 leax <L1666,pc Point to log name string (append mode) leay >u0CBD,u Point to buffer to hold shell log name lbsr L1320 Copy name to buffer leay -4,y Point to where 1st digit will go lda <u005A+1 Get LSB of user #? pshs y,x,d Preserve regs leay <L1693,pc Point to routine bra L16B9 Go convert digits & append to logname L168A lda <u0047 pshs y,x,d leay <L1693,pc bra L16B9 L1693 ldy $0B,s Get ptr to where shell log # goes ldd $03,s Get 1st 2 digits of # std ,y++ Save in shell log pathname lda $05,s Get last digit sta ,y Save it too L169E rts L169F ldd 4,s Get last 2 digits of process # (ASCII) std >u01EC,u Save it & return rts L16A6 pshs y,x,d Preserve End of parm ctr & others os9 F$ID Get user's ID # sty <u005A Save it leay <L169F,pc Point to routine bra L16B9 * Set up to write out process # when forked? L16B3 pshs y,x,d leay >L021B,pc * Entry: A=Process ID # * Exit: L01EC=2 lower digits of process # in ASCII format L16B9 pshs y,x,b Preserve regs leax 1,s Point X to X value on stack ldb #$2F Init B to start @ '0' in loop L16BF incb Bump ASCII # up suba #100 Start with 100's digit bhs L16BF More left, keep going stb ,x+ Save digit ldb #$3A Init so loop starts @ ASCII '9' L16C8 decb Bump ASCII # down adda #10 Do 10's digit bhs L16C8 Still more, keep going stb ,x+ Save 10's digit adda #$30 Bump 1's digit up to ASCII equivalent ldb #C$CR Add carriage return std ,x Save overtop Y on the stack leax ,s Point X to B on stack jsr ,y leas 5,s Eat stack puls pc,y,x,d Restore other regs & return * KILL command L16DD bsr L16EB Go get process # to kill cmpb #2 Trying to kill the system process or 1st shell? bls L170A Yes, print 'WHAT?' & ignore it tfr b,a Move process # to proper reg L16E5 clrb S$Kill signal os9 F$Send Send it to the process & return rts * Set priority - subroutine to calculate binary version of # * (used for both process # & priority values) L16EB clrb Initialize # for loop L16EC lda ,x+ This loop will calculate the binary version suba #$30 Of the ASCII # pointed to by X cmpa #9 bhi L16FD pshs a lda #10 mul addb ,s+ bcc L16EC Keep going until overflows past 255 L16FD lda ,-x Get last char done bcs L1708 If #>255, eat RTS & exit with error tst <u0014 If flag is set, return bne L169E tstb Otherwise, check if # is 0 bne L169E No, return L1708 leas 2,s Yes, eat RTS address & exit with error L170A lbra L0BCF Print 'WHAT?' * SETPR routine L170D bsr L16EB Go calculate process # stb <u0021 Save it lbsr L0907 Find next field (after commas/spaces) bsr L16EB Go calculate priority (into B) lda <u0021 Get process # os9 F$SPrior Set it's priority & return rts L171C fcc 'pwd: bad name in path' fcb C$CR L1732 fcc '.......................................' L1759 fcc '.' fcb C$CR L175B fcc 'pwd: read error' fcb C$CR L176B clr <u003D L176D pshs y,x leay >u02F2,u lda #$81 tst <u0037 beq L178F ldx <u0039 bra L17F7 * .PXD command L177D clr <u003D pshs y,x leay >u0375,u lda #$85 tst <u0038 beq L178F ldx <u003B bra L17F7 L178F sta <u0029 sty <u003E L1794 leax >$0080,y lda #$0D sta ,x stx <u002A leax <L1759,pc stx <u0040 bsr L1801 lbsr L183C L17A9 ldd <u002C std <u0032 lda <u002E sta <u0034 bsr L1828 beq L17D3 lda <u0012 os9 I$Close lbcs L188C ldx <u0040 leax -$01,x stx <u0040 bsr L1801 bsr L183C bsr L1817 leax >u03F8,u lbsr L1859 bra L17A9 L17D3 lda <u0012 ldb #SS.DevNm leax >u00B5,u os9 I$GetStt Get device name bsr L1859 L17E0 lda <u0012 os9 I$Close ldx <u002A lda <u0029 bita #$04 bne L17F3 inc <u0037 stx <u0039 bra L17F7 L17F3 inc <u0038 stx <u003B L17F7 ldy #$0083 lda #$01 clrb lbra L18A0 L1801 lda <u0029 os9 I$Open sta <u0012 rts L1809 lda <u0012 leax >u03F8,u ldy #$0020 os9 I$Read rts L1817 bsr L1809 bcs L1896 leax >u0415,u leay >u0032,u bsr L1830 bne L1817 rts L1828 leax >u002C,u leay >u002F,u L1830 ldd ,x++ cmpd ,y++ bne L183B lda ,x cmpa ,y L183B rts L183C bsr L1809 ldd >u0415,u std <u002F lda >u0417,u sta <u0031 bsr L1809 ldd >u0415,u std <u002C lda >u0417,u sta <u002E rts L1859 os9 F$PrsNam bcs L1890 ldx <u002A pshs b incb clra std <u0032 tfr x,d subd <u0032 cmpd <u003E bls L1881 puls b L1871 lda ,-y anda #$7F sta ,-x decb bne L1871 lda #$2F sta ,-x stx <u002A rts L1881 lda #'* sta ,-x stx <u002A leas 3,s lbra L17E0 L188C pshs b,cc bra L18AB L1890 leax >L171C,pc bra L189A L1896 leax >L175B,pc L189A leas $02,s ldd #$02FF L18A0 stx <u002A pshs b,cc tst <u003D bne L18AB os9 I$WritLn L18AB puls b,cc puls y,x,pc L18DB leax >u0124,u Point to PD.OPT work copy area clrb Change to CLRB os9 I$GetStt Get current PD.OPT settings tst ,x Check device type bne L1914 If not SCF, don't bother changing stuff inc >u1812,u Set flag that we are changing key defs ldd <$10,x Get PD.INT & PD.QUT chars (<CTRL>-<C> & <E>) sta >u180F,u Save copy of PD.INT stb >u180E,u Save copy of PD.QUT ldd #$0A0C Reload with up & down arrows std <$10,x Save 'em lda $06,x Get PD.NUL count (normally 0) sta >u1811,u Save copy lda #$05 Replace with 5 sta $06,x clra clrb Reset path options to new settings os9 I$SetStt Do SS.OPT Setstat * Non-SCF devices go here (ex. a script file would be RBF) L1914 ldb #SS.SSig Send signal on data ready ldx #$000B Signal code to send is $B rts Do SetStt, clear <E signal copy, and go to L191C * X still is $B from L1914 * Called when F$Sleep @ L0171 is interrupted by keyboard/mouse signal L191C ldb <u000E Get Signal code clr <u000E Clear memory copy of signal code cmpb #S$Abort Keyboard abort signal (<CTRL>-<E>)? bne L1928 No, check next bsr L1932 Write CR out if no history yet bra L1967 Go backwards in history L1928 cmpb #S$Intrpt Keyboard interrupt signal (<CTRL>-<C>)? lbne L017B No check for $B signal (ignore rest) bsr L1932 Write CR out if no history yet bra L1991 Go forwards in history * Keyboard abort or Keyboard interrupt signal L1932 tst >u180D,u Any history entries yet? bne L193D Yes, exit bsr L1959 Otherwise, put CR into the buffer os9 I$WritLn Write it out to standard out L193D rts L193E os9 I$ReadLn Read in line bcc L194E No error, skip ahead * NOTE: WHEN THE ABORT A SUB-FORKED PROGRAM BUG OCCURS, THE ABOVE READLN * EXITS WITH CARRY SET & B=0 (ERROR 0) cmpb #$02 Go backward in history buffer signal? beq L1967 Yes, go process cmpb #$03 Go forward in history buffer signal? beq L1991 Yes, go process lbra L1AAA Go to parse routine with unknown error in B L194E cmpy #$0001 Just 1 char. read? lbeq L1AA3 Yes, go do normal parsing (no error) lbra L1A37 Otherwise, change chars <$0D to spaces * Change A to be standard output??? L1959 lda #C$CR Carriage return leax >u0124,u ??? Point to a buffer sta ,x Save CR there clra Prepare to write the CR out to standard input ldy #$0001 rts * PD.QUT (redefined to be go back 1 in history buffer) L1967 tst >u180C,u Any lines in history buffer? bne L1972 Yes, go move between them bsr L1959 Otherwise, put CR into buffer lbra L1AA3 Go to normal command parse routine (no error) L1972 ldb >u180D,u Get 'current' history buffer entry # cmpb #$01 On the first one? bls L1987 Yes, go wrap to end cmpb >u180C,u Somehow point past last one? bhi L1987 Yes, bump back to last one decb Bump to previous one stb >u180D,u Save it as 'current' history entry # bra L19B3 L1987 ldb >u180C,u Get highest history entry # stb >u180D,u Make it the current bra L19B3 * PD.INT (redefined to be go forward 1 in history buffer) L1991 tst >u180C,u Any lines in history buffer? bne L199C Yes, go move between them bsr L1959 Otherwise, put CR into buffer lbra L1AA3 Go to normal command parse routine (no error) L199C ldb >u180D,u Get current history entry # cmpb >u180C,u Higher or same as last one? bhs L19AD Yes, wrap to beginning incb Bump to next one stb >u180D,u Save it as 'current' history entry # bra L19B3 L19AD ldb #$01 Set history entry # to 1st one stb >u180D,u Save as 'current' entry # L19B3 bsr L19D3 Go get ptr to history entry buffer we want sty >u1813,u Save 'current' history buffer ptr leax >u0213,u Point to expanded shell prompt ldy >u01F7,u Get size of expanded shell prompt lda #$02 Std Err os9 I$WritLn Write out shell prompt bsr L19EA Go Pre-load Read buffer with history entry bcc L1A0E No error, continue lbra L1AAA Normal parse with error * Find history entry # we want * Entry: B=history entry # (1-xx) * Exit: Y=Ptr to history buffer entry we wanted L19D3 ldy >u180A,u Get ptr to start of history buffers L19D8 decb Bump down counter to find entry we want beq L19E9 Found it, skip ahead L19DB tst ,y+ Wrong one, search for end of one we are checking beq L19E4 Found it, skip ahead lbsr L1A97 Wrap buffer ptr if we hit end of all history bra L19DB Keep searching for end of current entry L19E4 lbsr L1A97 Wrap buffer ptr if we hit end of all history bra L19D8 Go into next entry in history buffers L19E9 rts Found it, leave L19EA leax >u0124,u Point to temp buffer ldy >u1813,u Get ptr to current history buffer clrb Set counter to 0 (size of buffer) L19F4 lda ,y+ Get char from history buffer beq L1A00 Found end, continue sta ,x+ Put it in temp buffer incb Bump up size counter lbsr L1A97 Wrap buffer ptr if we hit end of all history bra L19F4 Continue copying into temp buffer L1A00 clra D=Size of history buffer decb tfr d,y Move to proper register leax >u0124,u Point to buffer history copy ldb #SS.Fill Fill it with current selected history command os9 I$SetStt rts * Successfull SS.Fill of history buffer goes here L1A0E lda #$01 Write copy of history buffer to std out os9 I$Write leax >u0124,u Point to current history buffer again tfr y,d Transfer # bytes written to D lda #C$BSP Backspace char L1A1B sta ,x+ Fill buffer with backspaces decb bne L1A1B leax >u0124,u Write them to reset cursor to start of line lda #$01 os9 I$Write ldd #SS.Relea Eat keyboard signal (SS.Fill cleared it out of os9 I$SetStt the read buffer already) ldb #SS.SSig Setup for re-enabling it ldx #$000B Signal Code to send on keypress=$B lbra L016A Go re-enable signal send on keyboard/mouse input * Put new entry into history buffers, adjusting # used, etc.) * Entry: Y=# bytes read in ReadLn <>1 L1A37 pshs y Preserve # bytes read tfr y,d Move to D reg ldy >u1808,u Get ptr to where next history entry will go leax >u0124,u Point to line entered by user L1A44 lda ,x+ Get char cmpa #C$CR Control char <$0d? bhs L1A4C No, save the character lda #C$SPAC Replace with space char if it is L1A4C sta ,y+ Save char into history buffer bsr L1A97 Wrap to beginning if we hit end cmpy >u180A,u Point to entry #1? bne L1A59 No, continue bsr L1A7B Yes, make new #1 entry & drop # of entries L1A59 decb Drop # bytes left in new entry bne L1A44 Not done, continue clr ,y+ mark end with NUL bsr L1A97 Wrap to beginning if at end cmpy >u180A,u Pointing to entry #1? bne L1A69 No, skip ahead bsr L1A7B Yes, make new #1 entry & drop # of entries L1A69 inc >u180C,u Increase # of entries sty >u1808,u Save ptr to where next history entry will go puls y Restore # bytes read clra Point to temp buffer again leax >u0124,u bra L1AA3 Normal parse, no error * Reset ptr to new 1st entry in history buffer L1A7B pshs y Preserve current location in history buffer ldy >u180A,u Point to start of 1st entry L1A82 tst ,y+ End of current entry? beq L1A8A Yes, skip ahead bsr L1A97 No, wrap if we need to bra L1A82 Keep going until we find end L1A8A bsr L1A97 Wrap if we need to dec >u180C,u Dec # lines in history buffer sty >u180A,u Save new 'start of history' ptr puls pc,y Restore current location & return * If we are at end of history buffers, wrap to beginning (raw, has nothing to * do with entry #'s) L1A97 cmpy >u1806,u Are we at end of buffer for history entries? bne L1AA2 No, continue on leay >u1815,u Yes, reset to beginning of history buffers L1AA2 rts L1AA3 bsr L1AB1 Reset std paths to normal <CTRL>-<E>/<C> settings andcc #^Carry No error lbra L018B Normal command processing L1AAA bsr L1AB1 Reset std paths to normal <CTRL>-<E>/<C> settings orcc #Carry Error lbra L018B Normal command processing * Reset all 3 standard paths' NUL counts/Keyboard Interrupt/Terminate settings L1AB1 pshs x,d Preserve regs tst >u1812,u Check flag beq L1AD6 If 0 skip ahead leas <-PD.OPT,s Make 32 byte buffer on stack leax ,s Point X to buffer clrb CHANGE TO CLRB clra Standard input path bsr L1AD8 Restore NUL counts, Keyboard Intrpt/Terminate lda #$01 Do same for Standard output path bsr L1AD8 lda #$02 Do same for Standard Error path bsr L1AD8 leas <PD.OPT,s Eat stack buffer clr >u1812,u Reset PD.OPT flags to 0 clr >u180D,u L1AD6 puls pc,x,d Restore regs & return * Restore path options to preserved Keyboard terminate/interrupt & end of * line NUL counts L1AD8 pshs a Preserve path # os9 I$GetStt Get current PD.OPT settings lda >u180E,u Get copy of Keyboard terminate char sta <PD.QUT-PD.OPT,x Save into buffered copy lda >u180F,u Get copy of Keyboard interrupt char sta <PD.INT-PD.OPT,x Save into buffered copy lda >u1811,u Get copy of end of line NUL count sta $6,x Save into buffered copy puls a Get path # back os9 I$SetStt Reset path options with restored values & return rts emod eom equ * end