Mercurial > hg > Members > kono > nitros9-code
view level1/cmds/xmode.asm @ 1660:44c13c42b8f8
RBF checks error code on return from SS.VarSect and only returns error if error code is != E$UnkSvc (fixes problems with drivers which do not support SS.VarSect and return E$UnkSvc in their GetStat routines after evaluating an unknown service code.)
author | boisy |
date | Sun, 18 Jul 2004 14:56:05 +0000 |
parents | 22c82cfcb1f5 |
children | 40322608e006 |
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******************************************************************** * XMode - Extended SCF device descriptor utility * * $Id$ * * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by * Comment * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * 1 1989/06/21 Bruce Isted * Released to public domain. nam XMode ttl Extended SCF device descriptor utility DOHELP set 0 ifp1 use defsfile endc BuffSize equ 10 max. CHAR string length Edtn equ 1 MaxSize equ $80 maximum module size NameSize equ 4 maximum module name length rev equ 0 org 0 Count rmb 1 number of option bytes DataPtr rmb 2 current option ptr HexIn rmb 2 2 byte hex number ModAddr rmb 2 module address ModSize rmb 2 module size OptEnd rmb 2 option table end offset ParmPtr rmb 2 next name DataPtr PathNmbr rmb 1 file path TxtPtr rmb 2 option name ptr Buffer rmb BuffSize miscellaneous output buffer ModBuff rmb MaxSize module work copy buffer stack rmb $0200 stack and parameter space MemSize equ . mod Size,Name,Prgrm+Objct,ReEnt+rev,Entry,MemSize Name fcs "XMode" fcb Edtn edition number OptTable fcc " nam" option name fcb Sign+M$Name,NameSize offset to string offset & max. byte count to change fcc " mgr" fcb Sign+M$FMgr,0 offset to string offset & no changes allowed fcc " ddr" fcb Sign+M$PDev,0 fcc " hpn" fcb M$Port,1 option offset & byte count fcc " hpa" fcb M$Port+1,2 fcc " upc" fcb IT.UPC,1 fcc " bso" fcb IT.BSO,1 fcc " dlo" fcb IT.DLO,1 fcc " eko" fcb IT.EKO,1 fcc " alf" fcb IT.ALF,1 fcc " nul" fcb IT.NUL,1 fcc " pau" fcb IT.PAU,1 fcc " pag" fcb IT.PAG,1 fcc " bsp" fcb IT.BSP,1 fcc " del" fcb IT.DEL,1 fcc " eor" fcb IT.EOR,1 fcc " eof" fcb IT.EOF,1 fcc " rpr" fcb IT.RPR,1 fcc " dup" fcb IT.DUP,1 fcc " psc" fcb IT.PSC,1 fcc " int" fcb IT.INT,1 fcc " qut" fcb IT.QUT,1 fcc " bse" fcb IT.BSE,1 fcc " ovf" fcb IT.OVF,1 fcc " par" fcb IT.PAR,1 fcc " bau" fcb IT.BAU,1 fcc " xon" fcb IT.XON,1 fcc " xof" fcb IT.XOFF,1 fcc " col" fcb IT.COL,1 fcc " row" fcb IT.ROW,1 IFGT Level-1 fcc " xtp" fcb IT.XTYP,1 fcc " wnd" fcb IT.WND,1 fcc " val" fcb IT.VAL,1 fcc " sty" fcb IT.STY,1 fcc " cpx" fcb IT.CPX,1 fcc " cpy" fcb IT.CPY,1 fcc " fgc" fcb IT.FGC,1 fcc " bgc" fcb IT.BGC,1 fcc " bdc" fcb IT.BDC,1 ENDC TablOpts equ (*-OptTable)/6 number of table entries fcb $80 end of option table IFNE DOHELP UseMsg fcb C$LF fcc "Usage: EXMode [/<device> || -<pathlist> || -?] [option] [option] [...]" fcb C$LF,C$LF fcc "Purpose: To report or alter current option settings of SCF device" fcb C$LF fcc " descriptors in memory or on disk in single module files." fcb C$LF,C$LF fcc "Options: nam, mgr, ddr, hpn, hpa, upc, bso, dlo, eko, alf, nul, pau," fcb C$LF fcc " pag, bsp, del, eor, eof, rpr, dup, psc, int, qut, bse, ovf," fcb C$LF fcc " par, bau, xon, xof, col, row, xtp, wnd, val, sty, cpx, cpy," fcb C$LF fcc " fgc, bgc, bdc" fcb C$LF,C$LF fcc "Examples: exmode /t2" fcb C$LF fcc " Prints the current option settings of the /T2 descriptor" fcb C$LF fcc " in memory." fcb C$LF fcc " exmode -modules/t4.dd nam=T2 bau=6 hpa=ff6c eof=1B" fcb C$LF fcc " Changes the module name in the MODULES/T4.dd file to T2," fcb C$LF fcc " sets the baud rate code to 6, the hardware port address" fcb C$LF fcc " to $FF6C, and the end of file character to $1B." fcb C$LF fcc " exmode -?" fcb C$LF fcc " Prints more complete information on all of the options." fcb C$CR UseLen equ *-UseMsg HelpMsg fcb C$LF fcc "The NAM option accepts only a legal OS-9 module name with a maximum of" fcb C$LF fcc "4 characters. It is up to the user to ensure that there is adequate" fcb C$LF fcc "room for the module name, and if required to rename the disk file to" fcb C$LF fcc "suit the new module name. The MGR and DDR options can't be changed." fcb C$LF fcc "All other options require hexadecimal numbers (0 through FFFF). XTP is" fcb C$LF fcc "for certain ACIA descriptors only. WND, VAL, STY, CPX, CPY, FGC, BGC," fcb C$LF fcc "and BDC are for window descriptors only." fcb C$LF,C$LF fcc "nam Device Name mgr File Manager Name ddr Device Driver Name" fcb C$LF fcc "hpn H'ware Page Number hpa H'ware Port Address upc Case Lock Flag" fcb C$LF fcc "bso Backspace Method dlo Delete Line Method eko Screen Echo Flag" fcb C$LF fcc "alf Auto Linefeed Flag nul End Of Line Nulls pau Page Pause Flag" fcb C$LF fcc "pag Page Length bsp Backspace Character del Delete Line Char" fcb C$LF fcc "eor End Of Record Char eof End Of File Char rpr Reprint Line Char" fcb C$LF fcc "dup Duplicate Line Char psc Pause Character int Interrupt Character" fcb C$LF fcc "qut Quit Character bse Backspace Echo Char ovf Overflow Character" fcb C$LF fcc "par Type (Parity) Code bau Baud Rate Code xon XON Character" fcb C$LF fcc "xof XOFF Character col Display Columns row Display Rows" fcb C$LF fcc "xtp Extended Type Code wnd Window Number val Valid Window Flag" fcb C$LF fcc "sty Window Screen Type cpx X Corner Position cpy Y Corner Position" fcb C$LF fcc "fgc Foreground Colour bgc Background Colour bdc Border Colour" fcb C$CR HelpLen equ *-HelpMsg ENDC Equal fcc "=" TypeMsg fcb C$LF fcc "Not an SCF descriptor!" CR fcb C$CR TypeLen equ *-TypeMsg Sizemsg fcb C$LF fcc "Module size out of range!" fcb C$CR Sizelen equ *-Sizemsg SynMsg fcb C$LF fcc "Syntax error: " SynLen equ *-SynMsg **************** * miscellaneous error and help routines IFNE DOHELP MuchHelp leax HelpMsg,pc ldy #HelpLen bra Helpprnt ENDC BadSize leax Sizemsg,pc ldy #Sizelen bra AddHelp BadType leax TypeMsg,pc ldy #TypeLen AddHelp IFNE DOHelp lda #2 os9 I$WritLn ENDC Help IFNE DOHelp leax UseMsg,pc ldy #UseLen Helpprnt lda #2 os9 I$WritLn ENDC lbra OkayEnd2 **************** Entry ldd #0 std <ModAddr zero mod flag sta <PathNmbr zero file flag ldd ,x+ check for device name cmpa #'- file option? bne Link IFNE DOHELP cmpb #'? help option? beq MuchHelp ENDC * Use Filename to Get Desc: lda #UPDAT. open path to module file os9 I$Open bcs Help stx <ParmPtr sta <PathNmbr save path number ldy #MaxSize max size leax ModBuff,u module buff os9 I$Read get it lbcs Error ldb M$Opt,x clra [D] = option table size addd #M$DTyp add options start offset std <OptEnd save options end offset ldd M$Size,x get module size cmpd #MaxSize module size OK? bhi BadSize no, go return error... std <ModSize bra GotIt Link cmpa #'/ else must be /<devicename> bne Help pshs u lda #Devic os9 F$Link link to module bcs Help stx <ParmPtr update after name tfr u,x puls u stx <ModAddr ldb M$Opt,x clra [D] = option table size addd #M$DTyp add options start offset std <OptEnd save options end offset ldd M$Size,x get module size cmpd #MaxSize module size OK? lbhi BadSize no, go report error... std <ModSize tfr d,y copy module size... pshs u save data area pointer leau ModBuff,u GetModLp lda ,x+ sta ,u+ leay -1,y bne GetModLp puls u recover data area pointer GotIt ldd <OptEnd get option table end offset cmpd <ModSize is option table size OK? lbhs BadSize no, go report error... leax ModBuff,u lda M$DTyp,x get device type lbne BadType SCF = $00 ldx <ParmPtr point to input parms lbsr SkipSpac go skip leading spaces... cmpa #C$CR no options? lbeq Info ..yes, give info leax -1,x **************** * X=ParmPtr * Find and Set Options: FindLp10 lbsr SkipSpac get next input param stx <ParmPtr save for syntax error use cmpa #C$CR end? lbeq Verify ..yes, update module CRC leay OptTable-6,pc ready option table ptr pshs u ldu ,x++ get next two chars ora #$20 convert 1st param char to lower case exg d,u move [U] where we can convert param chars ora #$20 convert 2nd param char... orb #$20 convert 3rd... exg d,u move back again FindLp20 leay 6,y next option entry tst ,y last entry? bmi Syntax ..yes, bad option cmpa 1,y bne FindLp20 same name? cmpu 2,y bne FindLp20, loop * Found Option puls u sty <TxtPtr ldd ,x+ must be followed by "=", leave [X] pointing at char after "=" cmpa #'= bne Syntax cmpb #C$CR rest of option missing? beq Syntax yes, go report error cmpb #C$SPAC rest of option missing? beq Syntax yes, go report error ldb 5,y get # of bytes beq Syntax 0 bytes, not allowed to change this option stb <Count ldb 4,y get option offset or offset to option offset bpl NumOpt option offset, go set hexadecimal option * Get CHAR input and set option: andb #^Sign clear sign bit of offset to string offset clra [D] = offset to string offset within module cmpd <ModSize is it OK? bhs Syntax no, go report error... leay ModBuff,u point to module ldd b,y get offset to string cmpd <ModSize is it OK? bhs Syntax no, go report error... leay d,y point to option pshs y save option pointer os9 F$PrsNam valid OS-9 name? puls y recover option pointer (end of name pointer lost) bcs Syntax no, go report error cmpa #C$SPAC space delimiter char? beq ChkLen yes, go check name length... cmpa #C$CR <CR> delimiter char? bne Syntax no, go report error ChkLen cmpb <Count name length OK? bhi Syntax no, go report error... SetChrLp lda ,x+ get character sta ,y+ save it to module copy decb done yet? bne SetChrLp no, go copy another char... lda -1,y get last char ora #Sign set sign bit sta -1,y save last char lbra FindLp10 go do next... * Syntax Error: Syntax leax SynMsg,pc ldy #SynLen lda #2 os9 I$Write ldx <ParmPtr leax -1,x pshs x ldy #0 CntLoop leay 1,y lda ,x+ cmpa #C$CR beq SynSay cmpa #C$SPAC bne CntLoop SynSay puls x lda #2 os9 I$Write output err lbra OkayEnd * Get Hex Input and Set Option: NumOpt clra [D] = option offset within module cmpd <OptEnd is it OK? bhs Syntax no, go report error... clr <HexIn zero hex input bytes clr <HexIn+1 SetNumLp lda ,x+ get next # cmpa #C$SPAC end of number? beq SetNum2 ..yes, set option cmpa #C$CR end of line? beq SetNum1 ..yes, set option * Convert ASCII Hex-->Byte: suba #$30 make number from ASCII bmi Syntax cmpa #10 is it number? bcs Num anda #$5F make uppercase suba #$11-$0A make hex $A-$F cmpa #$0A bcs Syntax cmpa #$10 not hex char? bcc Syntax Num ldb #16 fancy asl *4 mul pshs b save top 4 bits ldd <HexIn rol ,s rolb rola rol ,s rolb rola rol ,s rolb rola rol ,s rolb rola std <HexIn puls b drop temp bra SetNumLp ..loop SetNum1 leax -1,x reset so can find <CR> SetNum2 ldb 4,y get option offset leay ModBuff,u point to module leay b,y point to option ldd <HexIn pick up hex input dec <Count beq SetOne std ,y set two byte option lbra FindLp10 SetOne tsta lbne Syntax stb ,y set one byte option SetNDone lbra FindLp10 * -------------- * Skip Spaces: SkipSpac lda ,x+ cmpa #C$SPAC beq SkipSpac rts * -------------- * Update Module CRC: Verify pshs u save data ptr leau ModBuff,u tfr u,x X is mod address ldy M$Size,x Y is mod size leay -3,y beginning of chksum tfr y,d Y is byte count leau d,u set U to chksum lda #$FF init chksum sta ,u sta 1,u sta 2,u pshs u os9 F$CRC calc new crc puls u com ,u+ fix it up right com ,u+ com ,u lda <PathNmbr was it file? beq MemMod, in memory ldx #0 tfr x,u os9 I$Seek go back to file begin bcs Error puls u leax ModBuff,u ldy <ModSize os9 I$Write update module file bra OkayEnd MemMod ldu ,s get data area pointer leax ModBuff,u ldy <ModSize ldu <ModAddr PutModLp lda ,x+ sta ,u+ leay -1,y bne PutModLp puls u recover data area pointer bra OkayEnd2 OkayEnd bsr OutCR OkayEnd2 clrb okay Error pshs b,cc ldu <ModAddr beq Bye os9 F$UnLink Bye puls b,cc os9 F$Exit we're done... * -------------- * Print a <CR>: OutCR leax CR,pc ldy #1 lda #1 os9 I$WritLn rts **************** * Output Current Desc Info: Info bsr OutCR do a <CR> ldb #TablOpts number of table entries pshs b save counter leax OptTable,pc point to text table stx <TxtPtr InfoLoop ldx <TxtPtr ldy #4 lbsr OutPut print option name leax Equal,pc ldy #1 lbsr OutPut print = ldx <TxtPtr ldb 4,x get offset to HEX option; if minus, offset to option offset bpl PrintHex go do simple offset to HEX option andb #^Sign clear sign bit clra [D] = offset to string offset within module cmpd <ModSize is it OK? bhs MovePtr no, skip this option... leay ModBuff,u point [Y] to module work copy ldd b,y get string offset within module cmpd <ModSize is string offset OK? bhs MovePtr no, skip this option... leay d,y point [Y] to CHAR string lda #BuffSize get max. chars to print leax Buffer,u point [X] to CHAR string buffer clr <Count init counter CharCopy ldb ,y+ get char bpl NotLast sign bit clear so not last, go on... andb #^Sign clear sign bit lda #1 set up as last char NotLast stb ,x+ inc <Count count chars in string deca done yet? bne CharCopy no, go do another char... ldb <Count get chars in string ([A]=0, so [D]=char count) tfr d,y module name length into [Y] leax Buffer,u point [X] to CHAR string copy bsr OutPut print CHAR string bra MovePtr skip HEX output routine * Print Hex Option Values: PrintHex ldx <TxtPtr ldb 5,x get # of digits stb <Count ldb 4,x get option offset in module clra [D] = option offset within module cmpd <OptEnd is option offset OK? bhs MovePtr no, skip this option... leax ModBuff,u point [X] to module work copy abx point [X] to option stx <DataPtr * Print One Byte: NumLoop ldx <DataPtr lda ,x+ stx <DataPtr pshs a lsra lsra lsra lsra bsr OutOne puls a anda #$0F bsr OutOne dec <Count bne NumLoop MovePtr ldx <TxtPtr leax 6,x stx <TxtPtr dec ,s lbeq OkayEnd done... ldb ,s bitb #$07 # of options remaining evenly divisible by eight? lbne InfoLoop no, go print next option on same line lbsr OutCR <CR> after every 8th option lbra InfoLoop ..loop * -------------- * Print 1/2 Byte Hex Char: OutOne cmpa #10 bcs Number adda #$11-10 make alpha Number adda #$30 make ASCII sta <Buffer leax Buffer,u ldy #1 OutPut lda #1 std out os9 I$Write lbcs Error rts emod Size equ * end