view 3rdparty/packages/basic09/basic09.real.add.63.asm @ 1363:53c50c807d55

Major move to new NitrOS-9 project
author boisy
date Fri, 26 Sep 2003 12:26:10 +0000
parents 7a5d3fcbe2d8
line wrap: on
line source

* Add for REAL #'s - 6309 version
L3FB1    pshs  x            Preserve X
         tst   2,y          1st byte of mantissa 0 (means value is 0)?
         beq   L3FC7        Yes, eat temp var & leave other var alone
         tst   8,y          Is original # a 0?
         bne   L3FCB        No, go do actual add
L3FBB    ldq   1,y          Get Exponent & 1st 3 bytes of mantissa
         stq   7,y          Save in destination var space
         lda   5,y          Copy last byte of mantissa (sign bit) to orig var
         sta   $B,y
L3FC7    leay  6,y          Eat temp var & return
         puls  pc,x

* Real add with non-zero values starts here
* NOTE: Exponents are 2^n, with n being the SIGNED exponent byte
L3FCB    lda   7,y          Get 1st exponent
         suba  1,y          Calculate difference in exponents
         bvc   L3FD5        Didn't exceed +127 or -128, skip ahead
         bpl   L3FBB        Went too big on plus side, make temp var the answe
         bra   L3FC7        Too small, eat temp var & leave answer alone

L3FD5    bmi   L3FDD        If negative difference in exponents, skip ahead
         cmpa  #31          Difference of exponents within 0-31?
         ble   L3FE5        Yes, go deal with it
         bra   L3FC7        >2^31, out of range so eat temp var & return

L3FDD    cmpa  #-31         Difference of exponents within -1 to -31?
         blt   L3FBB        <2^-31, out of range so copy temp to answer
         ldb   1,y          ???Since negative difference, copy temp exponent
         stb   7,y             overtop destination exponent?
* As of this point, exponent in temp var no longer needed (A=difference in exp
L3FE5    ldb   $B,y         Get sign of dest. var
         andb  #$01         Keep sign bit only
         stb   ,y           Save copy over var type
         eorb  5,y          EOR with sign bit of temp var
         andb  #$01         Keep only merged sign bit
         stb   1,y          Save what resulting sign should be
*        aim   #$fe,$B,y    Force sign bit off on dest var
*        aim   #$fe,5,y     Force sign bit off on temp var
         fcb   $62,$fe,$2b
         fcb   $62,$fe,$25
         tsta               Are exponents exactly the same?
         beq   L4031        Yes, skip ahead
         bpl   L4029        Exponent difference positive, go process
* Exponent difference is a negative value
         nega               Force to positive
         leax  6,y          Point X to dest. var
         bsr   L4082        Shift mantissa to match other value (into X:D)
         tst   1,y          Result going to be positive?
         beq   L4039        Yes, skip ahead
L400B    subw  4,y          Q=Q-[2,y]
         sbcd  2,y
         bcc   L404D        No borrow required, skip ahead
         comw               Do NEGQ
         addw  #1
         adcd  #0
L4025    dec   ,y           Drop exponent by 1
         bra   L404D

* >24 bits to shift - Just use B, then clear a, tfr d to w, clrd
Shift24  beq   SkpSh24      Even byte, skip ahead
         ldb   2,x          Get MSB of # to shift
S24Lp    lsrb               Shift it down
         deca               Until done
         bne   S24Lp
         tfr   d,w          Copy to LSW
         clrb               Clear out MSW

* Exactly 24 bits
SkpSh24  ldf   2,x          Get LSB
         clre               Clear 2nd LSB
         clrb               Clear MS 24 bits (A=0 to get here)

* Exponent difference is positive value
L4029    leax  ,y           Point X to temp var
         bsr   L4082        Shift mantissa to match other value
         stq   2,y          Save shifted result
* Equal exponents come here
L4031    ldq   8,y          Get mantissa of dest var into Q
         tst   1,y          Check exponent of temp var
         bne   L400B        <>0, go do Subtract again
L4039    addw  4,y          32 bit add of Q+[2,y]
         adcd  2,y
         bcc   L404D        No overflow carry after add, skip ahead
         rord               Overflow, divide 32 bit mantissa by 2
         inc   7,y          Bump up exponent of dest var by 1
L404D    tsta               Check sign of MSb of Q
         bmi   L4060        Set, skip ahead
         andcc #^Carry      Force carry bit off (for ROLW since no LSLW)
L4050    dec   7,y          Drop exponent of dest var by 1
         bvc   L4054        Not underflowed, continue
         puls  x            Pull X back before zeroing out answer
         bra   L40DD        Underflow; answer=0

L4054    rolw               32 bit multiply by 2
         bpl   L4050        Keep doing until a set bit comes out
L4060    addw  #1           Add 1 to Q
         adcd  #0
         bcc   L4071        No carry, skip ahead
         inc   7,y
L4071    std   8,y          Save MSW of answer
         tfr   w,d          Move LSW to D
         lsrb               Eat sign bit
         orb   ,y           Put in sign of result
L407C    std   $A,y         Save LSW with sign bit
         leay  6,y          Eat temp var
         puls  pc,x         Restore X & return

* Tested:WORKS
* ENTRY: A=ABS(difference between exponents) - will never be 0?
*        Y=Ptr to var packet 1
*        X=Ptr to var packet 2
* During: Q=32 bit mantissa
*        <u0014 = ABS difference of exponents
* Exit:  Q:32 bit shifted mantissa
L4082    suba  #24          24-31 bit shift?
         bge   Shift24      Yes, go process
         adda  #8           16-23 bit shift?
         bge   Shift16      Yes, go process
         adda  #8           8-15 bit shift?
         bge   Shift8       Yes, go process
         adda  #8           Restore 1-7 bit shift count
         sta   <u0014       Save # of shifts required (1-7)
         ldq   2,x          Get # to shift
L40BD    lsrd               Shift 32 bit # (worst case is 180 cycles)
         dec   <u0014       Dec # shifts left to do
         bne   L40BD        Keep doing until done

* >15 bits to shift
Shift16  beq   SkpSh16      Even 2 bytes, go do
         ldw   2,x          Get MSW of # to shift
S16Lp    lsrw               Shift it down (worst case is 90 cycles)
         deca               Until done
         bne   S16Lp
         clrb               Clear MSW of Q (A=0 from dec loop)
* Exactly 16 bits
SkpSh16  ldw   2,x          Get LSW of Q
* >7 bits to shift - Use B:W
Shift8   beq   SkpSh8       Exactly 8, use faster method
         ldb   2,x          Get LS 24 bits
         ldw   3,x
S8Lp     lsrb               Shift it down
         bne   S8Lp

* Exactly 8 bits (A=0 to get here)
SkpSh8   ldb   2,x          Get MSW of Q
         ldw   3,x          Get LSW of Q