view 3rdparty/packages/basic09/basic09.real.mul.63.asm @ 1363:53c50c807d55

Major move to new NitrOS-9 project
author boisy
date Fri, 26 Sep 2003 12:26:10 +0000
parents 7a5d3fcbe2d8
line wrap: on
line source

* Main routine for REAL multiply - 6309 version
* 08/07/95 - Change L40DD to use CLRD/CLRW/STQ (Saves 1 cycle)
*          - Changed entire routine as per Chris Dekker's RunB
* 08/08/95 - Took out PSHS/PULS X
L40D3    lda   2,y          Get 1st byte of mantissa
         bpl   L40DD        If mantissa is in lower range, force result to 0
         lda   8,y          Get 1st byte of mantissa from 2nd number
         bmi   L40E9        If in upper range, go do multiply
L40DD    clrd               Force REAL result to 0
         stq   7,y          Save 0 as result
         sta   $B,y
         leay  6,y          Eat temp var & return

* Check for possible over/underflows before doing multiply
L40E9    lda   1,y          Get exponent from temp var
         adda  7,y          Add to exponent from 1st var
         bvc   L40F6        If within 8 bit range, go do multiply
L40EF    bpl   L40DD        If resulting exponent is too small, result=0
         comb               Resulting exponent too big, exit with
         ldb   #$32         Floating overflow error

* Exponent possibly in range, process
L40F6    sta   7,y          Save resultant exponent overtop 1st vars
         ldb   $B,y         Get sign bit of 2nd #
         eorb  5,y          EOR with sign bit of 1st #
         andb  #$01         Only keep resulting sign bit
         stb   ,y           Save what sign of result will be
         lda   $B,y         Now, for actual multiply, force to positive
         anda  #$FE
         sta   $B,y
         ldb   5,y          Force both mantissa's to positive
         andb  #$FE
         stb   5,y
* Possible 32x32 bit multiply routine?
         mul                Multiply LSB's together
         clr   <u0014       Clear out 3rd byte to keep track of
         tfr   a,f          Save MSB into middle byte
         lda   $B,y         LSB * 2nd LSB
         ldb   4,y
         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
         bcc   L4120        No carry required, skip ahead
         inc   <u0014
L4120    lda   $A,y         2nd LSB * LSB
         ldb   5,y
         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
         bcc   L412D
         inc   <u0014
L412D    tfr   e,f
         lde   <u0014
         clr   <u0014
         lda   $B,y
         ldb   3,y
         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
         bcc   L4142
         inc   <u0014
L4142    lda   $A,y
         ldb   4,y
         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
         bcc   L414F
         inc   <u0014
L414F    lda   9,y
         ldb   5,y
         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
         bcc   L415C
         inc   <u0014
L415C    tfr   e,f
         lde   <u0014
         clr   <u0014
         lda   $B,y
         ldb   2,y
         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
         bcc   L4171
         inc   <u0014
L4171    lda   $A,y
         ldb   $3,y
         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
         bcc   L417E
         inc   <u0014
L417E    lda   9,y
         ldb   4,y
         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
         bcc   L418B
         inc   <u0014
L418B    lda   8,y
         ldb   5,y
         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
         bcc   L4198
         inc   <u0014
L4198    stf   $B,y
         tfr   e,f
         lde   <u0014
         clr   <u0014
         lda   $A,y
         ldb   2,y
         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
         bcc   L41AF
         inc   <u0014
L41AF    lda   9,y
         ldb   3,y
         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
         bcc   L41BC
         inc   <u0014
L41BC    lda   8,y
         ldb   4,y
         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
         bcc   L41C9
         inc   <u0014
L41C9    stf   $A,y
         tfr   e,f
         lde   <u0014
         clr   <u0014
         lda   9,y
         ldb   2,y
         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
         bcc   L41E0
         inc   <u0014
L41E0    lda   8,y
         ldb   3,y
         addr  d,w          Add to previous #
         bcc   L41ED
         inc   <u0014
L41ED    lda   8,y
         ldb   2,y
         tfr   w,u
         tfr   e,f
         lde   <u0014
         exg   d,u
         addr  u,w
         bmi   L4202
         asl   $B,y
         rol   $A,y
         dec   7,y
         bvs   L421B

L4202    tfr   b,a
         ldb   $A,y
         exg   d,w
         addw  #1
         adcd  #0
         bne   L421B
         inc   7,y
L421B    exg   d,w
         lsrb               Clear sign bit
         orb   ,y           Merge resultant sign bit
         std   $A,y
         stw   8,y
         leay  6,y
         clrb               No error, restore & return